_ thousand Servian prisoners PUBLIC REVENUE FALLING The Big Decrease Is mourid pina te the Becetpts’ From vs ‘ A despatch from Ottawa says: The Dominion revenue continues to fall far below the record of Ja: year. Thig is the case in practical- ly every department where there is & revenue account, the heaviest de- crease of course being shown in the Customs receipts. Inland revenue returns have also declined consid- The amount oF ay bak on goods enter fo! - sumption in October was $5, 165%, 1871 as compared with $9,198,657 for ‘the onth. It i i ceitaben figure nt peal show cline nearly as months of the hte ees the “pial per collected fell from per shed 983 1913 to $48,514,957, a dec pyolaithataly nineteén millions and a quarter. The controlling fac or in the trade disturbance to Customs pee these sectace are due is, of course, the e same factor is eh necessitating m veneers and increasing xpenditure on lines not in contem- plation when the lans for the financial estimates compute: Expenditures on thinga othe than war mobili eet By ere pe defence works, possible iciailed) ey if any, net w public works having been wnder- takeH; but the situation is never- theless a difficult one and one which Parliament when it meets early in the new year will have to Minister’s ar- rangement with: the Bask of Eng. land for loan adva: War pose ee by a ieemincie ye funded war ak Le to jon’s war expen diture, but the Myer reyenue af. fects ‘ie areas of the Government n the ordinary programme ae Balpeat developmen THE SURPLUS CANADIAN OFFICERS Two Hundred Are Returning to Join the Second Contingent A desp: atch from London says: for Canada under Col. Macpherson Canadian It is understoed that they will join who | the second contingent, Which ‘ap w nitty for| pare Bs $ hortage of officers from’ Otta ay An “Kich sank saya: ola? that they commissions. in.the separation Canadian return to their eminent Dianne will Ys ‘ane ada, Arrangements been made at metab ery Plain for a body of about » hundred surplus officers to sail "ot this ntep {hwo way Yeflecty upon. the officers who are returning, all being able men, Col Grant, Morden is paying a visit to John i hs a Be wialiaiveerisNoe Chee Brane Pivate Runey, of the Rk Grenadiers, Toronto (w hich ment.is now part of the Third Bat- talion), while driving a team, was run into by a motor, and sustained @ seyere neussion of thesbrain. His condition is serious. OVER 5,000 JEWS IN ARMY, Rabbi Adler of London Goes with Second Contingent. A devpatch from London. says: The ‘Times says, regarding the, en- listments of Jews British British: Jewry -is justifiably y its about wd aye in the regular army. Michael Adler, Jewish plain © hier Taree is in i gr en \ren of the ver five thou- fife of his “flock, vapd Sa other for the large umber of Jews whove alien birth debars them from ser- viee, the total aie bdo Tewty should supply is about 3 Rab- bi Adler goes to the front with the y. 8 Chaplain accompanied. , troops the field. AUR Will Not Attack Servians. A despatch from London says The Bulgarian Government ey issued an official denial to the re- ports that troops were being mass- in the frontier districts of Strumnitz and Kostendil on the borders of Servia. The report prob: julgaria might take advantage of the present plight of Servia to get revenge for the humiliation she SNe? after the sccon Balkan Mmperor F Muaivis has bestow Cross _o! Leopold jen, Liborius von Frank for dis- tinguished service in vay field. Gen, Frank commanded the forces yniek occupied Nine! en since Austrians be- gar the present offensive move- ment, acco! report from eat eae German meaetce hat Servis? '§ casual- es mics the beginning of the war will ret about 100,000, or vir- oe peoly qjcoe tad of her entire APPALLI RMAN LOSSE Two-thirds of Their Army in Poland Put Out of Actio A pores fro, ERS 5 Ne here are Means to ints ous egibattiery ac counts, derived from wounded sol- diers, of the recent fighting in Po- land. The general impression from all sides is that the Vistula-Warthe fighting has incomparably more ‘e vere than anything before any The front durin; this y war. jermans early i in the conflict sietataaa it_the ‘‘Imper- tle, for the; n im- pressed by highest authority that upon their success sepanced the whole future of ae rads ia as a reward for their su hey were promised that they ould be dis- banded to thelr homes the con- clusion the campaign, the fighting ‘has rime palled thore trina ts rely on the: manhood instead of pha machin ey oa per: ir jon aeninat voeit one Their losses Medea thte de experts estimate that the Germans have lost two-thirds of ‘thai army in. Poland. There were several critical moments during the fight- ing north of oz. One Russian division held its ground against two German army compe Re finally rove them been stated, but for the tardiness a the orps Lo we ago. vietory for the Russians a of the ng got out of the trap, and faboetuane fighting has been curious tactical s] strips covering a considerable area of the Polish battiefed, The Ger- mans have alternated furious at- tacks with vetteasa): eee Tanned Plainly Evident. Mrs. Lovewett (at 2 a.m.)— Where have’ you been? br phat Ge fell in wiz an ol’ pats my d Mrs. Tovassee—Bell in, eh! I be- lieve you, You're soal ked. ma. General. Christian de W of the rebellion in the South Africa, has been according to a Pretoria official a ‘spate! - Christian ee: awe rose to fame ‘eommander-i of the Orange Tree Si eroamigche Baath ‘Atri. can “War. Sti euroige asa brah in the peed comman later | sm as ibe? co! ni oo at wit aid yas pnt to relieve Laaye... id Gen. ©: avesoona tn When Aca Cronje “turrendored De made lander-in- Gen, de Wet at the outbreak of present war offered a corps of an scouts to Lord Kit- ve of the Bea a fighting the Germans,,and e field against the British DE WET HAS BEEN CAPTURED _ The Reb:I Leader [ade Prisoner by Union Forces in South Africa Gen. de Wet has several times Klien reported as meeting with re- ae and once as having been unded. One of his sons was filled in the fighting and two sons surrendered under the Govern- year were made and the | in i experi: | cific THE GOSSAGK 1S A TERROR ONLY Ferocious in War, They Are Tillers of the Soil in Dimes: of Pea By repute. the cks among the most bel 4 war I of |B guns cates but Cossacks are opel st iby the terror of their reputation. if cities tremble when they face that these furious) horsemen are on the move, itis quite as much in dread of their proverbially fero: Boston Globe “Par riders’ have been and far rid still. Hordes of them, for the pre: sent business of war, have come the southern frontier of Rus- sia, and the most recent despatches ks always he Cossac Jers they are tell of their riding within twenty miles of Cracow, and of a civilian sopulation ordered to decamp. hey are reported to have acceler ated, ‘by their activi he reti ment of the Germans from Warsi and Ivangorod from seven miles a day to twenty miles The Cossacks. millions of them rampart of the flung out in a long E ik ) nfuri own d by a Militar hosen by their own people. ‘The; powerful enough to cause the of Muscovy, to quake g government for its supremacy. Fu: urious raged between the two with va ing fortunes until the © suas rtly by force, partly by alls ned, a cunning stroke of t, the Muscovy Tsars man- to unite their foes peace- with Holy Russia and turn oeuy ably their ding ashi valor to the esate ers. Erma piotate te propitiate iva the terible, offe as a present to of ihe Russia the enormous continent of Siberia, which he had in the year 1580 invaded at the head of his kate and had captured from Mongols Tartars. aoe too, was something of a ‘‘fa 5,000 miles. The spot is still ees nh where, by tradition, Ermal his horse into the surf of the Pa- It may be questioned whether ever before or since so immeasur: able_a territory has fallen to 80 small a party of military invaders. Ermak’ s present to Ivan the. Ter rible is larger than the whole of Europe 300,000 Fighting Men. So Russia obtained, at the price of some subsequent fighting, to be sure, not only a continent, but an army which has remained loyal. The Cossacks receive special privileges in return for an exceptional term of lasting from the to thirty-eight. They now mumer more than 300,000 military. service they have better pons: education thari is enjoyed by other Russians. Contrary ae the isenalas supposi tion, the Cos ot an unmiti- gated Pe bata dourdins to the testimony offered Stevens, W. Barnes them ia iby ocords dinavians. It is war, apparently, neal liber- ates their ‘ferocity, in Ww haps, they are not unlike ‘then ir horsemanship is pro- babs unsurpassed anywhere in the sy now this thunder of hoofs re- sounds on the German frontier, No wonder heat ey cry e against the ‘Slav peri Fired. A well-known jinage pea Bina bis judicial wisdom a ° hesitated a g unwilling, after much persistent questioning, to tell what he knew, the judge ae: to him: e. . Gunn, don’t hang fire.’ tee ‘the examination re clos- ed the bar was convulsed the judge adding: “Mr. Gunn, you can go off; you are discharge Tonehing k—I've ned” so mu ment’s amnesty despatch London Bt “ale aie heard tally pipe istian ua. Waa die a a ieader, arrived at Johannes! , guarded soldiers yith viet hravonets He was taken pi 3, Which were ined with tbe Pops e traitor cannot yet be peated: That, same factions beh ‘this, how- ay behind the scenes’’ who stimulated and other tebels to Laity m' hese co-traitors, it is added, foul be brought to the Stee of the gallows. oney. ue my reel meat Tam i tebe pepe ce me pa the finishing touch. the 13 semi-re puiblio an out to A. despatch from North-€ ern France says: "4 ienee fighting is tak. CROSSES YSER ON RAFTS rif Plot Was D’scovered by Allies and Scarcely one of the Germans Returned muddy waters, but before dawn came the plot iscovered and , ybreal hisy ved the artilay ing pla of the ‘Spattle. nas Gerkabe entioipae the mp forward movement all making spirited aia Sigasbditess The al Ww jot taken by! surp: Naver ieee in army more ready, to defend itself, In ‘the Pele hours of the morning a’ large force of Ger- ser. by means of bi The venture was aes set out on it fesperate one, cious revenges, when victorious, as r not ® man of their military prowess, says the| could have been ignorant, of th fact that death was certainly await ing him. he rafts were punted silence, and in utter darkness, Each carried about fifty or sixty men and some inibraillevane, iu preparation or tl A further fleet of rafts draw motor boats was waiting on the German side of the mans crossed the flvod- wafers of the | plan through the shallow waters in dead | attac! ys the allies met the advancing G inams with devastating effect, Th spite of their aera these Germans, brave even to madness, still essayed the crossing. They were tee cove ered by a heavy ¢annonade y their field artillery, and’ unti coaldiag the German still persisted Le tdpih Several rafts were u midstream by’ the fire guns. = a great n mans were drowned as well as shot. bind liga the Yser claimed its heavy toll, once coerce blood stain ite eventually poet rata the Germans nadlis rh a immense loss- pages ai ee, ailleuses, but the arUare kept ae a determined gmbaroninny of the allied position, meetin, Vigorous, well- aaa’ reply. with PRICES. GF FARR PRODUCTS crports cap SHADE cENTEES oF AMERICA whe obtelde, and at 0; Western Can- No. 8 at 86¢. Rolled gate Car lots, per bag of 90 Ibs., $3:to 83. intry Produce Butter—Choice dairy, 22 to Bie; inferior, 20 creamery prints, 29 10 29 1-20} Go, golds, ‘tt 12 to Eexe—New laid, eolecte, dosen, 3 to 30) etorage, 28 Honey—I2 to iP 1-20 por 2b, for wiradned No. No. 1 banercomb, $2115, por deen; keys, dress few, late, 36 to 16 140; $2.75 to $2.80; hag, ont of New Bran veces ica, 100. per store, sito 60, In-car Tope, wieks, car lots, 70 to Tbe per bag y and Stra alone are ae aa talon for car Jot den on track her eeee fa quoted at $7.50 to. 88m ton, r lote, on track here. ew hay ie quoted at $16.50 ie oe: track here, No. Z-at $14:00 vo $18 No, 3 at $11 to $12, Bacon Tong ce By “ee 4.42 tois80\per Tb. in ease lots, jum, 12 £2 to. 180; do.. ney, 16 1. 16 1-20} rolly, 141.2 to ie; renktaws bed 12 to 19¢; backs, 21 1 to der, Donele jens backs, B40, bon Lard—Market ie easy at 12'to 12 1-4 for trees and at ie 12,0 32 Ste for. paila, Compcund, 91-2 to Winnipeg Crain. * Winnipeg, Deo. 8. conde, $6.% drone Bakers’) $6; Winter patentg, choieo, nited 3 tes at dev ipneanats ec. ir No hard, $1.19 34; Nov, North $1. Bit 'sd) No, of Joriuiesn: oy rh wo, a1. 1% af emo 81 to feoNon dy while, 18 He t2o. Sigur nd’ brat Upchana. Dulu mise oa erie Tinueed, #1.40°14; ‘becembor, a1:47 1 bo, BI | Aacstooes tr ch ‘at bulle oe acta welch par pall ted brought Lay to wife Wile holce we mre ae high, 7.2%. Larger | f bute rie atrae ght 87.60 to 87; rie athe it foe ed 9 medium, 85.60 80. ouinna 25 to eee fo for beet r medium, Common and mm Seen ; ites Se to Hi Oagh > Whe N ethene Sit PA ne Ag déspatal rey London rats 8: sii 0, 3 Norihern, ; No. 4.|'The total male population of E fs EN ‘putea Kort fed Ae ise! Dae land and Wales avai ailable (oe mill ey unquoted. Flax—No, ;| tary purposes is estimated at 5,600,- abil a Be 000 in the atnial report of the Registrass General of births, deaths Montreal, Di neilrides rriages. ee istrar’s yellow, 75 to Tho a Canadian weet Rkeileson gives the He apne fig- rh NO, ; iia lo Rock dosal white ures: Age 20-24, 1,502,652 ; “al white, Fg aay Hd Man. 31/29, 1,455,783; age 30-34, 1.376.878; atin, ais | age 35-39, 1,261,432. $6; straight, well Jers, $.50 t io., bags, Hi to 0 $2.75. Rolled ‘onte, batrele, ee; ee . Shorts * A ee ait ida}ings. io. atin sf to 56. A ‘young doctor whose practice ta, 1818). 0 was not very great sat in his study hecwe, finest 12 to 16 5:80; ‘ cals Ft to is utter: sd away a lazy afternoon in choiwest creamery, nee conde, early summer, is man servant to 2% 1-20; fresh, '48 to ved, S20; Ho, "t stock, 286.280: No. 2 Patock 28 to Bt. apeared at the door. . Potatoes, per bag, car lots, 62 1 “Doctor, them boys is .stealin’ your green ie again. Shall I with |- George Jy oe y General Man ee GPR. System eercndooun fomberh —+4—_—_ KILLED. SIX M Wind by Lyddite Explosion. A despatch from Bradford, land, says; A large stock of Lyd- dite enrnepn with a roar on Wed- nesday a chemical works near this city. Sig shen’ were Killed ‘and many others injured. Hundreds of window and. nearby villeges were broken. The ea were in great, alarm, some of them believing that the noise. was the roar of guns of an invading German army. ee ees POTENTIAL, STRENGTH. ee and bib Have 5,600,000 and 40 Years, An Eye to Business. chase them away ! The doctor looked thoughtful for a moment, then levelled his eyes at the servant, “No,” he said. —————— Out Of It. Bobby had been seneht to remem- be all his relatives when he said rs. One night, as he knelt at his mother’s etek he did. not psniicn, the a favorite ants Why, Bobbie,’”’ ‘vou did not say ‘ Beatrice and make APD “Well, mother,” Beatin the pide boy, “1 "don’t have more. Aunt Beatrice is Saori pac etc Drowning No Bother To Them. Old Gentleman (who had just fin- ished bi nde an account of a ship- | wreck w pass and mM Sande ati | T am sorry ne the poor sailors that were drown Old Lady—Sailors! It i ha "tthe eed the am sorry ‘The sailors nal used to ae ape mother, Hasta unt Contingent From Newfoundland. A despatch from: Salisbury, Eng- land, says: The Newfoundland contingent have been assigned to t rge, Scotland, for garrison duty. Two "hundred horses have 01 ma stolen from the remount de- from ted di says: It their oah ie and strike th Germene on ‘the J i ‘May Land a New Army at Ostend|f flank. mii by ae: have been in- rugge and at Zeebrug aaron bn ee Had a ace England of ugge gubaeaies to be assembled at that y the British fl gether a port. It is said that pe ther report that Ostend is being shelled, Ronit cra submarines from the bens indicate that the allies are rdment the pepe shi planning to land new army of| they took measures ie Belgian coast| rest b: ie saad iene in the ws in Bradford Were Broken c just arrived Stetatad Homer ttada CROWN BRAN He oye! tar #6 as treat indeed, CROWN BRAND CORN SY For candy-makin, Manufacturers of the Famous Ed- wardsburg Brands. | — ESTAS SD Made in Canada. Sold by All Grocers. and) piping tt But eve RUP. you can't beat And it makes excellont pudding sauces, THE CANADA STARCH COMPANY, LIMITED. fal mn 0 {Oona ea ifehehetaa ia Liki Biscults — and D CORN SYRUP So light they melt in the ‘so much better served with CROWN BRAND CORN SYRUP, Montreal, Cardinal, Brantford, Fort William, Send» for the Ed- wardsburg Free Re- cipe Book. A despatch from Petrograd says: Ine of the Don Cossacks, who has: here wounded, and who received a commission for his daring work, .relates how three score-of them captured three hun- dred German cavalrymen, killed a niimber: of Aphers’ and! togndy ops much of interest for their co manders, in a night raid wv Czenstochowa. The Ge Siro ae een in occupation of Cre at ba which they seized i structions to ane out what ing on in Czenstochowa. was (f0- Riding Seized and Drove Ott Ov Over 300 German Soldiers Forty of Whom Were Women quietly bo yy ev a mile ot mes tow ptioy: ided ne wad anc % oneentreted’ movement, dash into sleeping Czenstochawo simul- taneously from all sides. ey killed a considerable number of startled Germans who knew nob where hide i eran panio throughout the he Co in the centre of Cxzenstochowa and « e off before them to their own lines three hun- When to be examined forty were found 8} be ponte dressed in soktier's wni- these came to dred prisoners, forn All this, says the Dor jee ‘happened’ only a ted days ago. BUYS 50,000 GASOL TAN They Will Be Used in Constructing Pontoon Bridges, A despatch from New York peek The ea ogi ? Government has ere 50,000 55-gallon piccat proxi structing pontoon bridges in their military operations, according to a statement eee by the fhanatbe: fanks are of steel and are cpiindeal in shape The ment ne ward next Saturday, it was The entire lot, under the terms of the contract, must be shipped no! later than January a TO BUY 6,000 MOU Sir Adam Beck and Committee Con- for with Minister of Militia, nabate of two hundred, and ‘ie mi Gk Ma about 6, mou They will be’ purchased Uhrougho t the outers Hy the same system was followed when pee variety horses were A ae prcreny to be fully equal to the re- quirements. ated Ao meoees Only One op A despatch from Lo: sailor named Nielsen, ery eale' sure yivor ee seven fee ago in © g a from London says: News reaches here that the Ameri- ital at Munich already has ix. thousand pa iy it can ‘The "OL wounded sur- yet stream of passe: le. MORE ARMY CONTRACDS. Comforters, Underwear and Socks Among Articles Needed, A. despatch from Montreal Laid Cacedion, manufacturers benefit further by orders for eae ‘Imperial Govern- Frederick Stobart, tho purchasing representative, stating that he had received requi- sitions foe oad the value of which he estim: ont a million and a half ullaen, “the Breslin Tquivelaceande teae saunter ton underdrawers, Rosiien paling drawers, socks and eat knives. TED RIPLES. RAISE mov Montreal Will Supply 1,500 More en for Overseas Service, tch from Montreal says: Ay ee teh frot ys: rigteneone have received halal nhibrant ea Deshetus ta) from Ottawa by Col. B. W. Wilson, Pea aby Sir Adam , is here | O.C., of the fourth military boeat conferring with the inher of Mili-| to raise @ poaltnen of mn tia in regard to providing bases, apron st ik : squ a and raf id ittalion: infantry, his means eer tre tet oqven wteel that Montreal will supply abunt a8 1,500 more Ptah teers Ce over service; and t art of is Ww & par! Ne quota from this city “tward ea n Canada is to kee manny Bais training. PUBLICATION OF DEATIS. Militia will Withhold News 1 Relatives Have Been Notified. A. despatch from Otta ayn: nh arrangement announced will be oil nati- or] fea of pannel before they a i The D saSTA Gu aurouEh often evs nels ees NaN privately. “Tami very glad to see you,” re- marked Jones to his ena meeting him on his return from hi ion, ‘Sei hie? Mrs hai “And all the little fnithereens . pursned the questioner, anxious! A despatch from Paris says: The wn by! minh ve bia ij our army. Aty |Britain’s Mastership of Sea ated his own hour and on his ow Temps says of the visit of acd despite the wind blowing a te 4 George ;; “The King’s voy the King of England traverses the es us by the serene peaeay ity. asi sea with a securit hich disdains which it was Great} even to conceal Britain, with a fine peer affirms| scorns any traitorous Sack her mastership of the Because | the eo might st to th German submarines have succeeded ‘8 visit will in gliding eyen to the coasts 1 to our enemies, and to France and Ireland, Res nayal | peoples who know. their | power is a tot tees y more than | tence per es he issue BN the Bombs Taube can di-] war, as a fre: ion o} acd