Milverton Sun, 10 Dec 1914, p. 5

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MONKTON BRIEFS sea MILLBANK NEWS |. .u0sm-ss 0. «..| LNWOOD TOPICS 5 si aapner ae concert given MONKTON’S POPULAR STORE on Friday night under ‘Thos, Keelant $1 0. Philip Rey. Dr. Ramsay of Toronto wan! Carta 3 Jobn Curtin $5 and wit Aes Seeley <ot Milverton, Spent the “thse Kreg He cman Inet Renn 0. a r acre , member the, Christe Tree Gear ne bunOUE ok noe cburohi next | een. enn v BU0.. ‘The last named jx, the vast week. with her sister. See oe ie eae ae es eat pte" Ceotalimaehh be Bs held in the Dr esby= ‘ I speal ing vut on .the Indian list in Norty| Hugh Frecborn Rea | ez . y the future of the Presbyterian chureh | Be rth and South Perth and was told) Mrs. Roy Moloahy and: Master Roy Crocs Pasar ne bcd a ay fa mere. Rennie, MeMinn, Williams 4 é | by the magistrate that if he ever, spent a day last aot with friends in} wioncolend memtaeh oF he [nstitat, {224 Pierce. of Listowel. spent Sunday a That the Time for The cent in Harvey's school Jast! dggpe up belore him 1 @ain he would Stratton. igor thécwdebose Crathe oUr eee eee bo Gan Bary Xmas Shopping Eriday evening was a decided success 'be given the fall extent of the law-| and Mrs. August Hoffimever at-| success of the evening. ts. Gerdes dt eigen vapec MANGA : f The proceeds amounted to over $23. |The costs in each couse were $3, Monk-, fended tub tunsral ot the late Ty Hot ‘ last. week with a friend here. si is at hand. eee dng ates # in Toron-| tom i focal option, and the meyer at Sebringville last week. be Miss! "Mr. James Collins, of Sunktcheean —_— ‘o last Saturda ¢ funer- | : i o Weats 1s ‘ t lay attending the funcr- hat id. been, consumed Mr. Alex. Reid. from the West. is!“Qhite a number from, tls locality paaineds algae, ied ae fe o was brotsht into the vile} pista his grandparents. Mr, “and tt ng the Fat Stook tne winter months with his parents , the hospital there. jugs or bottles, Of hy fines, Mrs, Jas, Reid and-aister, Miss Alive | ar att eee iz tonk ahow.\at Sih’ e f Remin er= Mr, M. E, Bettger has moved into} eoliected bythe magistrate. $70 goes! Re cid. ; Wand yah beet tepenl ate, Conraa a Aenean d ; . : . : eccived that Dr. his fine new house which has just! te, a shell tres ry |. Miss Ada McCormick. of Oak Ri Hugh Hart. of Alberta, son of MMr,| With his: sons 2 Berlin, been completed. Ib ndds to the beauty of Maitland , Merete Miss) Melville, of Walla Miss Violet Smith. of Holland. spent MoCorm'ck’ of our “red brik’ villag ensiiGoultéx)) were Vis a haa) tow a ri Mrs. H. ©, Barlett. oT " Quite © number. trom our village's taf Aewy Poe Ronee eveneel the past [allated ‘with, the second” Canadian} afm ant Meg Pom Weunle, O€ Lise Our oyland tended the Sun slay Scheot convention|” te Hagold Hammond. of ores 2 Mee. Heb ete ery Listowel and eegpraya pF Cee gic aig acre 2 ow spent sider cvith, thele. macher in Atwood last Wednesday, field, “spent.a few days daet Bay wich, Mrs. Bailie. ork ta. few hac ra) ar ee nc Ok | Alex, Ren) Santa's Headquarters as Usual (Mr. Alex. He: onc a happy man his parents ot the 14th ¢ ‘days with their s. Mr, and Mrs. ‘ lowing item. of Interest ar as ‘McDonald. of Newton. spent ; days, It a a-gith ryiandes sattivan Monday D, MoCloy this vast w sip pecule St tbls waliltr xapesrenny with her sister, Mrs, D- To overcome the difficulties of securing ‘Christmas Novelties and Peatsiot pong. oe for hia hocae: th, Brabizo aflerapenditig |; Mick Alex. Bole sana 8 AF RPE eked pr Nae Mah ange a iam: Toys, caused by the great, wa foreign countries, we bought our tae skine's 4 week with friends aeonad Maitland faid up with whoo; ough B, Patohael. of Monkton, spent goods ahead pacing them stored to order, The assortment is as ail and distributed materia All| Miss Mae Daily and Mr, A. Harron.| ‘The evening aie via ys of Inst week with — Mr. good as former years. Peeggt supplies must be r be-| of Listowel. spent’ Thursday evening Newton which b ec fobert White, pe week in vont at the home of Mr,S. B. Hiles. 12th eae months arrives again aah ¢ Miss Edith Glebe. of hinge eed iREAT $P y OF OC 7. ; . ., Fergusson oon. im® which is a souree of much satis spent Sunday at her home on the 9t A GREAT DISPLAY OF CHRISTMAS eabytery meeting in Stratford | “itis E, M. Hilea. of the 21th ‘con! faction to our aren. or | line. tt Wednesday last with friends in a Wesley Coulter was a business ofat! ating. The groom's itt to the bride ‘We are sorry Bt sp es Mr. Charles x at Toronto last wee! ig ‘iend, Soret pen! DRY GOODS, MEN’S FURNISHINGS ine oly of Atwood. is visiting at Tiatowel. ber b The question has arisen sim ev. Fish. of Owen Sound. will give eae ieovare ta Rittor's hal n Deo. Bist Rant. Minky fathers wittere wand Te AND CHINA innate week a it wag omitted | pol pent volice court ease at Mitehel aint see that the total collections. at $70 of the fines is to be devoted to- on ngval schools cota mar. |acdeonie ch ew sth at ogra 2 rw irs ages = Py Jers 8 Chicas last. rire warde rin ther amouncement next | Only brother ‘at Winnipeg an |. Br, ate in ich. oe skeen The high price of Sugar has not effected the any church » benutiCul oak, cabinet of pearl hand-|t3° or, ok. oe totes Bir. R. Gale spent the week-end at Jed silverware from the National Drag bere gl vale otore ot ving tere land. Aes Shris ie Tye amounting (oinliaset ices of our Christmas Sweets —QUALIDY Bo the ime to So mous Chiat." DEE! Chesevent te nnd’ Cheinical Go. of Regina. where, PuOmes Eo THE BEST— PRICES THE LOWES! a shopping. Our stores have, all devoted towards the upkeey of an-| Olrs. Geo, Cophlin spent the opt the groom is hota! weoountane), The Linwood, hockey olub held their | nas woods 4 had ther just because the magistrate dis- week with Mr, and Mrs, E, G. Cogh-| volume coup ve taken apartments imecting: for séoraanlzation on ‘Thea Mevand Wes W. K. Barnet eoat oe one > li a at -Atwood, |on Halifax street. oN ENE ithe eeed attendance: Or. WE WERE FORTUNATE IN SECURING THE AGENCY FOR " 2 at North Moralngton. : K, Crookshanks entertained a! "Miss Dorothy. Stewart searenreniedl were, ‘lected > Hon. KG. Gil. J. MoKenaie and indignity of t of friends to a dinner on ton, bY her friend Misa Kink fon-, a nme gehen br | erenitent. Joba Belnt resident. J. \. e aoe Adait made a business t to law 8 otis. “EhE of ig r date 8 meee) tng Woy friends in Mil “S ry! ‘ rue Ysa eee, RRC ORS cRbp held iat ite chureh on! sf . ° unkist’’ Brand Fruits Bialne ybo-ter «aye ee en peates ee vob Hitathn o¢ the d it was decided 2 aie ia SA echanrs See are on Mat gece Ti et Miller. of Milvert HhdiaGhststmas entertainment in the G. Fiteger eh ain could make ve. per use . e be y Pita the finest of the Iand and our enstomers ca them at Kamei 7. MS, waa Vg ma 70 thi now finds a place in were Visitors at) Mr. Jas, Crookshanks church on Monday evening. Deo outive, W. J, prices as lower quality fruits. Get our prices on these of last k presented’ the Mite! AL coffer on ati Ja | . Seip W. 0. B andy, b, A, Hoim- fruits aud compare tjuAlite with others, ira an address by. the eacorbors and" Qtr, and Mrs. David Lemon moved resting and also in-) CARTHAGE - Jos. Ament: ‘Nelean Merrick. (8 ‘ hfe oo y. to Mitchell last week where they will ateastire iugtrated ute was given : in ger Rooters’ Club, 1. Hein 6c e ry yr iy ua aday for! veside in future a teva ta ken up by Baird. “ot Mitchell, Lines spent a day last Fal Nt Neem Sunkist teCool. Ne io. accompanied by their abode in: theshotise Belonging i the or in the Methodist | week with friends in Stratfor | M ast Wiltria 2p ee G. lod od ar, Wm. Dennison on St, An ar sharch ‘herd on Thursdey aight ate Quite se aber sa bere tended} The new House. ot ot Represent yew fans nelling why will aid him in ‘Wm. Danbrook. of a ewood week the monthly fair in Listowel on Fri-! in the United Sta’ ol VALENCIES "a AISINS SEEDED regs | takin out timber, * Salt 'bevsra throughout Elma and | Rev. Walter, Moffat occupied the day, | 233 Demoerats. z » SEEDLESS RAISIN: JLEANED CURRANTS ie A large number of tickets hay who has been ill for some time was’ alvit of No ria Mornington aka Mr. C, Hamilton. of Listowel, made! progressives, 1 Soci we . LEMON Solis ORANGE PEEL j sold at this Station for the Gue! Ip last week taken ty ithe Sanitarium at om Su day y las business trip to our village one day! panient, Four States, Colorado Ore= CITRON PEEL FIGS Bikini ted a Guelph for treat stat I basane. was held (by: Peat wb a rte «80% ting | £2; Washinton and Arizona, passed $ dob aT ahe " . Holler” has rented a Geo.) ‘The Elna T snip 8 Sot 1 ‘a Ladies’ A nox ch ice Burnett. of ine lawa by popular vote, and Sener 20. anit, SHELLED ALMONDS new. Bouse adj 9 the|| Aspdolatian beth, tte andaal convene’ Briday’ last i Button hall, Proceeds B Lan Spent Sunday with her friend | peobibitory twa BY papular Wat e en=) Kr Nevada aud Montana. voted to will move my rake able sum o! Aski {extend bey ii Hee to women. of Grafton. who ve Paint Mr. and Mrs. Robt tin ta 085 village Hien apprentice The Above are all NEW Goods ek and i me tt McRoberts, oe Milverton. | az purchased ‘Mir, Jesse “Ro ah on Th at the Ca: ga- ASK FOR ONE OF OUR CALENDARS. o thet he. pur- tthews. Sa ean. Mr. 3. ‘Wir. oe PHOTOGRAPHS i "AS XMAS PRESENTS— | ‘ir, Foxse Rowlund's sale of ing ‘possession of hi il m ess ‘egation Rev. paper lorni vied farM} «The Teacher’ all Qu ‘ications 8 dt ave | Ita, stock and implements lot 16, con, in NE oh son Vi rever=! spring pening is more appreciated Dre she cae Deo. Lith. : address on e Teac) a! end gen Rtipioad | Mrs, Geo. Lines is spending ist. w by your friends than a por- f ‘las SURE tee tia bits and Attitude Towards Tie Sch Hen con ntulations are éx-| anys in Stratford with her brother, r family, oats last week when three or four | iar a ua tase ob py aoe M. Yo Mr. W. Campbell whois seriously trait of yourself. y eacher’s Ai theme gave oe, and di Mr By FUVCCT CN ; ie se for iia tended to ang: and bride ised te ree to PRE e grist ‘a ‘ Lee neta ailtbend frie | Sime of the sports of Cai SITTINGS UNTIL SATISFIED. $ Mtr. Open Daily (Thursday Bxcepted) 4, Hammond. 0 ™ The Bedford Studio {PEE 2 orate saat At- | don who is a largely interested in Dath School - Bervice eacoh T Kae work of the Su mon bad ee 8. ope and opportunities, At a ava Follows and Byers. paca. the, fineral of rE m Monday, : pan. {Bur your. toys at Gill's tor Chiat | tsion ey. W. A. Argos to re ani Ve cae ean . f e" cese 5 e e Sunday School and| Rev. F. K. a e ris mas= ee aap Gprekee se factory — closed) the Missionary Problem,” Rey. A. D.|. “There will BY. a social evening Aaa riaikect A P <Medars.) Wilson Little: and Henry | ischler. of Milverton. gave « very in-| the elie held DV. ia el mh bd. Kerr pene Misses Olive and Alice : ENROL NOW Ronnenbere wete at stratford last | {F ; the work done at) hall on Monday next at § o'clock. Sil ke Mr. Perey. Barnett, of Doneual:| ¢ = ae thes! Will Soon be Her. attending the county sounoil ax| the tecent Provineinl! Convention held | ver collection at door, E wnd Miss Vera Robertson. of Listo-| # LISTOWEL BUSINESS COLLEGE 0) e at London. Rev, A, Lacas thon same, @ MOTUWEL BUSINESS UULLEUE ; # ips. ie out th coonection with Ove with «most hetpfat and inter- gL uEA MiBhe -Servicen ahgodibegotion. Wwith-tbe feate " mys otion w: A ; rou Cowuragy taught by Com Just arrived, a nice assortment of Pictures at popular prices. the patriotic Sowtton fee bites me geome aA} La HAWKESVILLE te hela mA Rev, oh gageeewat is : ip Goursen tra! : .. Hs Hammond returned again to ; ; our line of Rockers and Couchesysuitable for Chr! i iakbaaed president Mr, Thames “Hamtamcd and = Sunday at| Thursday December 10th, he eeniee ie bol ; ‘ockers and hes, suitable for Christmas gifts ee jeabettia’, i factory i Ns ne mecretary Mx. Likes Diane. aes oak John Zinger spent Sunday a us Cacthiens beaiolate Amuilasiei ne H For a cowfartable Bed, see our “Gold % home vicinity at Maitland. ta-cleoted: for/anothor| year 7 Tt) swaal asses, H, Ceiling: and W. of | Ce) WDE, -wrUsNaia roan seule ie Se e oa led ont friends xe on le novos arcoufortable Bed, see our “Golden King," box spring. and a “youn (decided to hold the next baits secobs rahi monthly mesting at the bome of Mra, Jand are knitting for 5 It. n on. 4 ——-—__—_ Our Brass Bed at $11,50 is a beauty, 7. E ee i hl Sra acess Bisson trene rien “tals Soares erg a vot at a Pace hens: wool i¢ work which is i spel arg Wh Ads pe put, something j in the Matern is useful and dong gratis, Others esi aa if as fovember. | “" iss Mary Bamien. ‘at ‘Guelph, is vis hy Save CENTRAL a ry housekeeper just. buy a HE. Kitchen tabi t,made Wl aletlon In: ela pervice for iralieaee Meal marks 50 iting at her hom WARTBURG Neh be BB, Ruralis Gos Milverton, Sou can't bor visti taenonh! the bateiotieeh ene got ieee V=I. Shine 854. W. MfeDon-| “MF "had tre ‘wit cBorwetl ea s gbters Annie and Jennie. of Ber-| _ nw We have sleighs for the boys and girls—all sizes and prices. og ey aa "Bt a Sr, IV—J._ Remnick 394, deat rein soathe™™ former's brother | ay wes dant ta buy, orvating HRY CACEE TE Cat oni Rugs and Linoleuins—the finest assortment we have ever shown ff] 8tret, Toronto. of Hires 2 Yaa 8, Bh Leppard 245, 1,| ere Om Sade and Oawald xs the sit of the day, y . b 0, as " re ree pets oO Fe) at Mrs, Me havea bewutifal Gerhard Heintzman Piano, mahogany case ff] been renewing waintances~ in a recs, newt sauden spent Sunday FO i 1m Henry is contined to her on ¢ hich we will soll at a Knock Down Price, as we need the ff|the village andy *G. Ghttbam ae. a Hazuond Drs: George Dorsoh. of | Bambord | with a severe attack of bronchitis, perl room: tor Christinas goods. Mesers. D. a k Son and Mr, oe Ww. any Ne ATE | ose a few days with her parents | viet a enry is sive ind ie ae Gene p, Debourade leit leat week with } t 7 tauaber of thir Tamworth and’Ohes- waite 165, Adie 458 aati John Walter, of Rerlin, visited /eseing much to the t partnients, ;Netenggtear tery ter White hogs for the Winter Pair| ©» g. Goliahiy, Yn seh McDonald 34) Ve nis home here over Sunday: See hoeke of the Ine ot HBB cuter at any ume, Write for our targe oO ert Cc ane and Fat Stock Show at Guelph. Theso| H+ MeDenala Sr Henan MO. iy Rawurd Martin hae finished his ae . Ps f ; Seca inact tha Tene aceon 5, Penang HSB erly wall driiog, “ businen vie Mr. od re, Henry Harlot re-|[f| B.A: McLACHLAN, ~~ Princival Dealer i Fr 1 Director have added. to the fame of Logan eae “ ‘ Mr. anheteey turned to their home in the Classic Milverton and Embaimer the home of Sclebrated sinak breeders Melita Waber Pi rache Non tories Pigteen on falaett TAP te on Sutton after” Viale.) WHE} getter eeteraaele tectum SAREE OEE GEES sore aS sinned their hows for breeding pur-/ ME White 905. . Merryfield 803,. H.| sont sunday in the village, epee ae ore Monty spent = a — $ all over Ontario and the Can-/ Gerth 280. M: Hammond 221. 7 fete ohn. Walter, and Stan-) ganday. with triende, in Milve ade 278, I. er 274, J. ent Frida |*aian ea Dac Soe of | 264.3. Walker 263..D. Iblings 3 yok Ottipann 1s visiting Her ponte few “tay at era ¥ lease . delivered a very interesting |S. Golightly 248, M. Leppard. 240. Ml daughter at Waterloo. Weoture in the Methodist churol on Engler 105. The death occurred here at 9 o'clock ‘ “PEFFERS Chang ge of Bus a {ibrase Britain aba Leland sooo SMe arnt: Prnin phe iniretrtes lect Ave WINTER TOURS Great Britain aba: Teniae acahoncagere yon who for ¢ * jie | | Hs) GedGsawtoed, of he 5. -Weat To the Land of ied by lime light views. (Mr. Donn is otlass eae ‘8 been operating, the _ wool i ‘ a dae to a paralytic | visited his aunt, Srs, Geo. Hurst for le wee pecaacd with the, address, cc] Names in order of merit es cueaed ts survived by four} a few day Sunshine & Summer Days Bpbeh pease. ule atiee re Shah Ades Bi whines, PL choy namely: ire] Ocas A: "Hoblnbon’ bt Lisgowel and THE “CANADIAN’ r kot SLs (Mr, Evan Robinson, of jew ik “ . Rite enti Bho ae Gil tere taal FG aii H “Mlabsball U “hem pe oH wero the guests of Mornington friends "mown IPAS tE'vo want rape. that gives the Top Tok, Shine. Near, J. Goo] Mary kell ta Sits ron | ilies Haden oe ote has return Paigrdibure Oo Pee u I wish to inform the people of Milverton ree eed ia devoted: to the Tater: MERELY, Le iMurabnll “Aida. Jer] iaalo We owed took’ je Pits ORAWPORD. — Todar Agent wot ah 1. Me |. I, Hammond, and vicinity that I have purchased the sate of the community subsaribe for 1 Birainee ee x Nichol |/Sueden was sixty-six pop ie i of Barus calid 0, The Monkton Times. No other paper! Holaies. Absent i. s++—--— 5 hardware business formerly owned by B. covers the territory halt go well. | S0% H. Ws "Rosa ‘ LISTOWEL bis slater. Miss Te Mart Thurs — Kriesel and would kindly ask you to give gir Sets Sal ea ee moving Gr, I—K, Sofineider. M, Rennick .M, patty oy wlohaid Sat patting a bade] RANDT RAILWA\ ~ {toa farm ne Gatanbirs “M, MeDonald, B. Ger€0.1 Quits a number. from here visited | iy sprained knee at presen AN Senta me the support you have given him. On Sunday morning. ae 6th t the Winter Fair at Gueloh this week erates | Monkton tat one at ure luca rogi- oer Opa rate = be a ear | Messrs, Geo, B. Bamford DONEGAL DOUBLE TRACK ALL THE WAY . . dents in the perso Gill ire C, Weber, ae ‘land S. Kem: sD repeanaiil Listowel a 4 S | wh dled: at the ey oa dae at, a1) Botteor, ME’ Montsoaibry, © the ennoel meeting of the OFLA.» at tT oronto- Chica [\) all batt ‘ visited his hed De ae Motto Al cetiecekl pee ons eae ae laden a “i, Bor, D. la Pong east cou Ste John fees waek, T to-Mont . : ‘P| dev 2 oan asdencae tol aarti Pfarshall, 1 Han ee Ry iene ae Jim Refamd and Alex, oronto-/Viontrea We will endeavor to make our business this country about 60 years ago and Julia P. Bisler. ‘Teacher ae ee etter Maliae Go hed the mid fut na spent the week-end on F in Zorna, i : : transactions pleasant, steer ese bees ber "ROSTOCK octane, fo lone tint Meee eres aray | "(Miss Hasmnah Sontt ia visiting with ALLO Sf hae : some years ago and family moved t aa een ornate ihity on | friends near Listow . ‘ork is\ progressi Sey Te]. (A. number shone tihe ‘box social - Monkton where they have lived ne We are very sorry a report that Fe mere knitting factory in town. The Friday night at (Mrs, Cuthbert- Successor since. ‘Deceased always took am act-! Mrs, John Keana has a very , severe open weather “has been dite an 180 aw ros ng atte, atti rian WINTER TOURS to A. C. CLEM ENS, ere Oa acs Meng ts epi Retiree Mer pO LB gg eee ope tee ge to the bricklayer: Nae logy paste oa ; CALIFORNIA, FLORIDA B. Kries the welfare commanity and)" Mr. and Mrs. Henry ‘Baumbach | “Wr e’nae hold last Friday was very d 4 SUNNY SOUTH od Rape was a good crop th's year. In MILVERTON, ONT. eee ay reins cake anes Tom Srl EX: BESSERASPEEE: CeO TaugsensFul ad bronetcont=as MERCH A eye Pe eate oa tete Hislaea ik ‘Phe Grand Trunk Raliway ie the inost Je have not as yet- finished it ane pene from all ints Bast through was largely attended Rev's. J. D.| Baby Vistor Druar is improving al q oe represented in the| the catt! t Hounreundustha haere ric Giacaee to tint x tise wi ouxades ie reed are waxing tat on ite Ut the | Canada. via Chicago, Detroit or Buffalo, =~ ithe ~ oon eee |v iMrs, Fred. Mauer returned home} tg anes Progest are bright for Ee veNtll sees the re My etre FAST dbptheecticles aanotne e deceased. namely-| after visiting friends in Waterloo, t a a os. Tohiviand Geo: | the Christmas enlertainment of the vee ig, Hime DavyeInsbe moronesy moer| Mble;momeys- ex otherwise they Wodld | Ose a cele a be ue She is ee iB A SESS rch will be held ae r. and Mrs. H. Cavell, of Gf cary, J: G CUNNINGHAM, (Phone 1), Loeal Agent he British Mortgage Loan Company ares us aor with th second contig | F 4 ‘Clari i> fae eon rejects OF ONTARIO it iends have! the teat for tee Iting as fol- brother of Drs. Jus. Ar Y Tr bled? Established 1878. ) 9)" Office: 27 Downie St., Stratford |] pathy of the community in their) aad ae President. Daniel Sohlotzbaucr : ae PE Sere 3 Tails e You on - his : necond opntingent, A a Pray night of last weed asa Batis Gorajecuavidh the second. epetinesnts | Biliousness aoe Ween ot the country was one ‘aay ya Secretary” Hibel Se patie Rett ‘be held im Listowel on ja sie ir ‘ ed vrogress in E Igtshauery Hreasuner. John neste): } ; yi pe q y Deposits 5% ans Company pay Debentures 4% and 5% ot a full of noe: alee | Choriste: Misa Retblings Organist t ae) Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery een anism : : chi ne compor any. Iesue Debentures from 1, 4,8, to tthe in brarlins: Heber Hedy wih UE cme cy me sinalar to yours. f25,0ver, forty, years had iy, desi $1.00 | Haat pein and i or ena i wit eee auditors Mati ‘Mr. Newton Alllingham ft BUM, pe wears gi 0? (tos F7%.) Setma, Cale, writer suet cases as, this, whmerén ate nasepta bs the Compahs. “| APS oer aEse ce le haleyearly. the street a Schle eit, woe Kneohtel ae rales his cousin. Soran. Hackett Ragen, Fuente ich neuer to bebe poses pe ne Tay ‘The Company's funds are all invested in Real Estate securi S rs - jon trl ote 4 Ss Is) So pt enuceius featmbolals 5 E. solute security to the Depositor and to the Investor in Ronee ar ioe Commune ae Ook REPORT. \ siete ey eke Kel ee se Tic roe. Ab pease OF Teurveen Iwas eeoubier q ni : JOHN BROWN, Prosident ¥ J. A, DAVIDSON, Manager Mr. aga hake ep is ‘af lure b ‘ sanction im ty Ty tine Cig. Warren Reid pao is serloualy IN. Th Jr. son, Murie! The -guplls ‘of the “Mucton separate eee lo, Wilfri dire cil Watson. school intend Soin their et ns ‘Git tied oT Ward. B- Ward, T. bess Sr. Ti-Neltie Dowd. See aa Deer ita kook iB ide ion as Bast bis peat ana’ bel y Ham-) “Sr. sie aR ae Rei ics Rte Mead- Seentie is riser seared All wel i cing no ows, er Reid. Alvin, ler, limited erp eens i seanvinn Geen ee ele sae eae zs ake ber the patriotic convert to, ‘program. is be bela in the False oreo er—Harold™ - * fined », 3 = At The Sun Office costs atte oder Seach coed, as : ae orl gp pp tang 1. m3 hs P ip : =

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