Milverton Sun, 17 Dec 1914, p. 3

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Makes Delicious Candy = so many of fun! An excell - 2,5, 10 and 20-Ib. tins MADE IN CANADA Sold by All Grocera - Send for the Edwardsburg Free Recipe Book - Manufacturers of the Famous Edwardsburg Brands Cardinal Fort William Montreal Brantford oF Crown Brand Corn Syrup Caramels, Fudge, Butter Scotch—ever One small tin makes heaps of taffy, and anyone who has ever tried it knows that taffy-making is heaps lent table syrup too! And it makes delightful pudding sauces, THE CANADA STARCH CO. LIMITED AMMUNITION TS. RUNNING New Instructions Staff to Artillerymen A despatch from Paris says: A « copy of instructions issued by the German general staff for artillery fire, found in @ village near the night, owing to the ing. “he rotors in cha firing 2 zed to and captive Plaine for observation bet ayoid arrosage, me isne in a poam which was ab mn such wid epres dispensable,” the limits and ‘avoid w tion. | Strong posit tirtuctions are neces because the lessons of the war wire not agree ough the ins nebe Hon given in peace ‘: because working at ite Pfovide the army wi ith munitions in definitely The artillery th is recomme nae to fire onl; ig worth while and not to ret ai Rerasllowing bode & ready fo be Set after SHORT © Issued by the German General] impossibility of arge of artiller use aeroplanes ons thoroughly fore firing and to ann 40.5 ‘wa n thi ecoaant asting jons should b a bom wo hours, "tollo w the bor » believed now to nstructions ‘SS AWARDED. EDISON VICTORIA CRO Valovous Decds Done by British fale ’ World's Soldiers on Battlefteld, ere Ripe ‘A despatch trom fad ° London says ae oria Crosse British soldions ier valor on the field of battle. One of them was conferred on Drummer the Lan A despatch from New Jersey, says virtually the enti nésday night, ~ | mated at nearly 3 commander, struck down, took comn scans apd succeeded in hokting the posi tio previous occasions the drummer distinguished himself by t 3 | of work duce the $5,000,000. about three thou loss to It i because of Laboratory troyed Following Explosion. the Edison Company i sing damage ext 7,000,000, with in- dara that it is expected will re- PL LANT BURNED. Orange, destroyed main plant of here on ¥V Pir men ie be temporarily thrown out the fire. In all a up ammunition under shell a file fire, and under | about seven wir persons were Ps @puilae ‘oad bringing into | emt ployed at the plant, but as the caver some wig te men, faye the ntorede battery. ‘building across the official account of the awardin) Eo reat; from the main plant was the ten er ‘re ipieats ed with other buildings nearby, the tion is Lance forporal| possible to keep some hayannos “brought into [Plo Ithough ai on two ocoasions while under | Sixty-seven 8 + heavy ne wounded men lying ex-| #l over poe to-morrow, posed in the open.’ 1 y offi. | Extice out tosh ight, but I work to reconstruct cers have been appointed Compan- » ~ ons of the Distinguished Service Ar at for gallantry in action Tam mor of will go r than age, Vl s ort id Mr, “Tam pretty well burned right ito the plant,’? —st+ * . SEVENTY-PIVE } NURSES. ¥ Body of General Beyors Found. sh attbeke iin ol A despatch’ from Pretoria sayp:| They Will Be Added. to the Staff of the hedy af Gen Christian Beyers, the pinta le ls he rebel leader, who was, drowned A despatch from taws recently while attempting to escape Seventy-five more Guiaddinntngrses hi ote to be ment troops, has . Vliege Krall; not far from the the, st chosen as an addi Staff wt the stationary hospital oe formed part of the first tale ition <a hore®Gen,” Beyers was Her toa tink. Me" official announcement! sen front G.000 eppleece ae ea says thab there is with| probably be sént over regard to the identification. second contingent goes RAIDS ON DOVER HARBOR - Two German Submarines Alleged to Haye Been ah ‘ Sunk, But is Not Confirmed by Admiralty which refu was fired acre sel then fetired, ©, A despatch from Dover says: Tk is repor erman éubmar- umpted a raid on Dover and ines ai cae eon were sunk. There were | to ha ips in the harbor at the| marines, oa @ single submari re fired by = vemntet pier yeh during rae - tions. ners Jee to have a&) up made search-| same difficult. Fortunately | ts were put on. the ag 4 o’clock in the morning oe le appearance o} harl of an unidentified steainer flotilla put to ter. (aneear and: “the avuillery fire, By manpeinnictott wo ae to; ston until ss her bow. & sce | This ves. jour later, it is rine was sight- in the direc- time a a tenpede- boat destroyer | of Speen Oe near La Mere ‘Hens, all the coun crowds gathered on ale wa-| were. repaleee the “ rning,| ly eahestiins BETWEEN ONTARIO AND BRI TISH COLUMBIA, —_ {tems From Provinece ee Man) Mages Boys and se Ji school Silden are andon is to ‘be oe centre of jgPrens training for The Edmonton Exhibition Asso- ciation had a surplus of 8052 after this year’s fair An investigation car servic 3 been ord of Winnipeg's rdered after the part of citizens he town of Eyebrow, Sask., suf- fered between $75,000 a) loss in a iSkin i oe vrhiich start- ed in a livery 5 Louis Willette: was. serterised to ‘three years in the penitentiary and |.Jacob W. Purdy to one year in jail, at tes aaisoD) for ste. e Jaw expects a three-cor- aah “hat for its pistoeeh the candidates proposed Bi Pascoe, Ald. Dorrell Pa ald, J. ‘Simpson. James - Argue, former member for Avondale, in the Manitoba Legisla. ture, has been appointed chief pro- vineial license inspector to succeed ‘M. ohnstone. Jack Beattie, a C.P.R. engineer, is in a dangerous eae a ae ‘bullet hole in hi: eel tow workmen were toyin gun seven miles north of Mesinibote, when it exploded. obert a Simpson, for years f Rosser, Man., drop- d dead at ‘his home. Machray nosition in the Ma House, has proposed the establish eclinies cn uaagked Tend for Epes sloyed men, The Moose Jaw College Board has requested the city council for a five tension of time to build the college, owing to financial conditions, The Regina Trades and Labo - epee and ministerial assoc’ ations e waging a controversy i ther ‘Sunday panics in the aa shall or shall not he stopped. The city of Winnipeg is spending 400 on oad exhibition ieee ee th nih ble for troops training Mrs Sharles v. Nobbs, 167 Mer- Mathab p efaetneatyldaiared Gi the mother endeavored ta | the smouldering embers of a pouring gasoline f which exploded. out o: C. ALLING ON WIVES. TO WORK. Response to ag alry Made by Br g Des- tish Post-0ifice ale er Jen y > ai as aid during e peat few weeks, and it looked at one time as 2th ough Oe would Post Office, w prepaned to replace who. had gone o the oes the es with the official ter being asked whether the: agree to, return to work in emergen This pe waution has been gener- ally 9 as a matter of form, and Grastienliy every clerk has as sented Ser these womon are be- they will return to the 269 fulfill their promises, Neoglless, to say, there has sea e by ¥ women is Tee onerous than that performed by the clerks, but, ng up their old dutie importance than their present du tie ae LE i ORDER FOR SUELIS he ai to be Let in sens for 100,000 for the (Britis lespateh from Mestre say 86 successful were the adi manufac turers in satistyin; Wi he Var Office with the quality of 200,000 shrapnel shells ordered several such orders, who is chairman of the Shell Comittee, nape that prior to he war no attempt een, mn. Can- ada to make mae shel a eens PRINCH’IS PROMOTHD. He Becomes Teutenant in the Grenadier Guards. despatch from Lon ays: in heen promoted to a full Lieu- ne; fonda | in the list of army promotions the rabeine of many complaints on el nd_ $100,000 | Pate and, engineers This’ announcement, is) N. dmiral Von Spec’s Flexship, the Scharmhorst, Was the First } 3te-Go Down —— vspatdh “from, Londen- cays: «the ere was also suak. The pursuit of the Dresden continues:”? This brief mesage to the Admiralty from Vice-Admiral Sir Sturdee, commander of the British:| ex South Amarioge fleet, se Ke the the high seas of Germa} 5 oricegl is proceeding with ee : the} engagement, one of Greatest that has ever. b Bthaenhoret end h the Gneisenau followed Admiral von Spee’s flagship to the oe tom two hours later, The fight- anaining boats, cS) Be. 4 the eaiod. and by half Ps ngerous units of thie German scusdron had been dic of: tan afterncen of lay fe for the h light cruis 8s to chase the Tribals, the Nuria tere, end the Dresden, The fate of the Leipzig was 800: tek and she sain Sturdée he speedy continued their pursuit cf the re and evidently over too! hours. The D: ed” later. Thu teft alone in the Atlantic, believed to be in hiding: That the ing began at half-past seven Dreeden Win able’. Wo escape un- cathed i8 most unlikely YOUTHFUL AVIATOR’S CALLANTRY Dropped Bombs on German arene and a Few Hours Later on a Squadron of Cavalry A despatch from Paris says: A{ 7 fae Convoy and a detachment € y have suffered consider. able ee at the hands of a 20. ear-old Belgian,. who? only eae ago volunteered for fying work, The hero of this daring © ploit has been promoted to the ek of lieutenant and will probably be decorated ecently, though a stiff wind was blowing, he set ett in the direction of Ostend, but sub quently turned south o sight of a German column in mo- tion. With the rec! ess of in experience and youth, h low aa the enem that nti) he dropped his first bomb that the Germans grasp- od that this was hot one of ¢ they the saimpiak. the mischief was done. Three mo- tor trucks were destroyed, and the lew very) trol wire 's lines, so low! just manage whole transport column, which was avryioe to the front, was thrown into conte ion. Having. made his |j cape by rising to age Bye) Niod cacti -toeby ite aaege e | direction of Broges, So erin tas town, he observed a detachment of | cavalry Pa cover behind a’clus- | ter of farm houses. The first bomb he dropped went wide, but the sec: | cad fell into the midst of the squad- | airman was not able to rately the amount of i Germans opened fire with an anti-aerop! lane tin, (aad @oelsoks Severed “Hikiooy ne anit he ‘mond volplane to safety, but he lande =A in the flooded area area near Ramscapellé, directly in the line of fire from both — sides, joweyer, ble wade ashore and get to his own lin Even the ipo too was ultimately brought in PRICES OF FARR PRODUCTS | frrorts rzom Trm wrap? "RADE cruters or aMEmica Breadstufs. Roranto, Deo. 16. —Flow— Manitohe, Grit patents 0, in Jute ate tiirio e pong bt tke! wisi tio ws} at t rh ot y to 680, -onte: Tec to Bi, otitsido, MoE No. 2 Pous--No, 2 aGoted swt "81.60. to 81.70, owt fo. $ new American, 10 3-4o;" all 15 to, Téo, outside. Bran, $25 a ton, and lots, per bag of 90 Ibs. . $3 to $3.15, Country Produce : airy, 22 to sountter leots, doken, 35 to 38; 12 1-26 por Ip, for strained $2, 1 dozen; No, 2, $2.25. pouitry--Ob lesb dreaneds. 8 ta, Guens, dressed, b., 15, £0, 10; fowl, ) cH $e; Beese, dey turkey) 16 16 to 161-40; twins, $2.75 to $2.00; je0)tine, owt ‘ot New, Brane: ow, lan bushel, Balod Hay and Straw. Dealons ere paying my folows, tor car lok, doliveries on track here: quoted: ot, $7.60 to 88a tou, hore ey ‘et is, 1 Hay oy ua, shed gg: H6/e0 to 817 « mH ines No. 2 et 914.60, 40, $18, and ‘No. 3 at Mi to 9) Bacon ib. Lone, ior a bese ot Beka, Bi to. Bae: | aan car ket dull at 14g to tac ie. Compound, 9 1-4 to- 9 1-20, Winnipeg ¢ Grain. 1 Winsiper, Cash :—Whoat-No, a dertee Noo 2 Noniherm €1.15; Ae Nevins 4, 1,06 6, 900, Onte- iW. twa No.1 fe We No, No, 1 1-4, s. Montreal imerican, No. 2 yellow, 8 0 He. Oats, Canadian ern, No. ee mtr Xo i food, 88 1-20+ No ip oval’ white, S80; No.3 Jaca Hehe, anal mition a0 eo; malting, 76 whet patente, At on n Wi mente, choice, 86; ara 1% wo te ae te otstiahy £0 “an $25.‘ Shorte ‘Qo. 836. Tiny, $20. Cheese, Nidaiinnes io "Moi bo fives eavorne. “i sas 9 le Minneapolis. D $1.18; No.1 is wea Nts | Rete: nthern. to $1.15; oe Der, S112 7 5 yellow, (55 issued on Wednesday night, No. GiteNo. 3 white, 45 40°45 1.26) Rone and bran unchanged. Hurled Daily to cent operations at th rts ring in tion of the ei apaicoe: ae kept it this” incident relating” to the situa: tion in Alsace: ‘To the north-west ter-attacks of ion tlockhoas less gt cong feet Caier tant Loaves of Bread Gonpalaihg, Tee Meet and Cans.of Water miles || -A despatch from Paris says; The emy. out in the saat ‘ho channel) | French semi-official Geter te of re- commen four men who haye taken 3 thts postions in this blockho it Kept stpnled a ih food the inaves ot nt “head are lermax Tt is at this pane af etn cr lhe coe aoe times indie vover coaghgs walla ‘into the from the trenches of the en-blockhouse. ‘|ARE FED WITH PROJECTILES :: aad 's Lines The French sergeant Use by thei main iol wed pare projectiles are ro 0, On eit patente, “quoted ain b ‘ diplomatic Duiuth: . r No, 1 butcher 60, anid bnien ult Aud Ur Hows stondy fed and watored, ood heat ant: sn VON BU ELOW GORs bi 10 ITALY. Wi fy Former Gern Chancellor Liked at Court ot Bing Victor The Haid 3e0-BNG ow, cellor of ¢ Ambassador to. Ttaly y the Kaiser, Tt almost certain- ly scaring x iain ity of Italy inthe wi Prince et Boslow first went te e can be rvice in. the poe sian r, in whieh he had aie. tinguis! Nad. iinet His father was | tt he Secretar; by Cabinet 1 Bismarc aiptoraatl ie abi fe reco nied audote: tae’ pale she Secte: ary of Legation at Rome, But at et | chine es for te, | though of| retary in St. Prince Von Buelow, io| the Puritanical Berlin count . his a brilliant career were it to be entirely ruined when he fell in love—and dl publicly avowed it—with ‘the young wife of Count Doenhuff of Rome, a beautiful wo- ae tepfather was the former Prime Minister of Italy, Minghetti, one of est statesmen of his coun: try. Prince von Buelow and Countess Doenhoff with- out the least. attempt at secrecy, which forced Count Doenhoff to di- yorce his wifo, = whe Buelow immediately married her, His fa- ther made a ssanvols: fight for him, and the old Se pga Apart my, who had wanted as a young the: throne to make praerer pean love himself, becaine Bue- Popular in Ttaly. After service as Eat Bee: St. Petersburg, “Vienna. and Paris, he retuned re Rone in. 1893 as German Ambassador, The [own talians never gave sie foreign fi cigs x ra | sure chest, : !dolia and Bessarabia, ave suffering. 5 GOVERNMENT Interest Ist April and October These debentures are g: entire Province of Ont Investment Union Bank Bu PROVINCE OF ONTARIO Denomination of $1,000 sta as 26h free from succession duties, Provincial and munici- At no period in recent times has it been pameele for the investcr to make parc! Ontario securities on such favorable rey Price, par and accrued Intorast to yield 8%, Orders may be telegraphed at our expense. A. E. AMES & CO. % DEBENTURES Due Int October, 1919 Beet obligation of the oe of ilding, Toronto #*akiishea SERVIANS’ GREAT VICTORY Despatch Declared That 20,000 Prisoners, Fifty Cannon and Much Material Taken A despatch from Rome ays she ervian Legation makes public a report from Servian headquarters to the effect that the Servian army bias.won a complete victory, result- ing in the recapture of th owns of Valjevo and Usbitza, in Servia, and yer rout of two Au orps. The the Peacoat aban- . Siot their trea ins took 20,- 000 prisoners, 50 cannon and large quantities of rifles, machine gunt rians, Sa ni ey ae Sy ase of every description. vas Agency despatch from > Nish s “Nhe. Yeni offensive _move- ment of the ariel army has been eee along the entire front. The ferhchy are retiring in the rate disorder, losing a large number of sei be and war mate’ alone the BAtviaik ook s 2,000 pri- soners, and the band and ne fag af the 22nd Regimen: diplomat a more cordial Melita He became one of them, ead on fe- count of Princess von Buelow’s in- fluential Ralsis cal connections court he had a powerful directing aiaire at Rome in nainy’s. favor e left Rome a 1897 to become Chancellor in Be lin, but upon his hye (Roi office in 1900 he and Princess von Buelow hag immediately back to Rome to They sant the Villa Malta, ne rgherita’s pal Queen onged to King Toni of Bavaria. and witeh both are extremely musical. seldom seen without the other. , In Beriity ie iailinils dey i qiite won over the Kaiser and Kaiserin to beginning of the ro- mance, the first marriage of Princess y being in rents the ger sin, in which she was the junoc aber nit | Valuable Mother-in-Law, Her mother, Mme. Minghetti, the} widow of the’ former Italian states: | man, is still alive and very active | at her audvitncod pe a place where histor and where members of 1 Cabinet often discuss que state, She is an ally of invaluable par ANoe to nor Son In-law, Prince von Buelow, i campaign he will now direct for Genmany as Ambassador at Dion He succeeds Herr PA Bie of no spe netic > was sppointel a p abaine time ago bic n He a gow became Minister pe iercieh Affairs in Berlin, DEST TUT n Over 2,000,000 Ni ave c From Polwnd, A despatch from New York. oays: Approximately 2,000,000 Jews have been driven from thei homes in Driven of the J ish Colonization ‘Aseoain= rer made public here on Wednes- y the American Jewish Retief i The mess eee Polan | part of the pan in cr ro! Rovio, ‘Vilna, Grodno, Vulyni, Pe- <| taneously, the is f dap in the active} 4 2 a Warsaw ont. |The number of refugees arid dest te Approximates 2,000,000. F <hstress ue prevail among wn provinces joscupied by the Rus Br aniies: 1,100 Turks Captured. despatch from London say nk he Indian Office reports that 1 ‘Turkish “prisoners, exe usive woth wounded, and bine giins, were cap- tured ap Kur on the Persian aay which ony occupied, on De-| Bx. FOUR ARMIES FACE WARSAW Czar’s Enemies Adopt a Fan Por= ouetion, with the Capital as Handle. ch. from Posvoat dt onys A an military expert analyzes and Soteratns » the German attempt Varna, ap. fellows, Nithor me Ve several n before of oe vastnes! of the-Thushidu ib ita he i ea to myst al proceeding southward tirongh Mlawa, now tech the right (tempt with the th and. Drgay ht a on in an d Dhaba PES eSnceions of giving t 1 fortress of Nowo-Georgiawak a wide bert th ‘The Bicemean thus hope to ottiiank pe t wing and str rk north German while continues ae st ine Hf Sure aw “tr oe cys “Macken Thorn me wa army from an offensive on the nn ‘imine Hr W ama thn ithe riher part of Kiold. Mar- Sua Bintaetaneg a bius te vs pag tonite engaged Lody an! trokow, making every eff <n march ‘through Skietniewio to and from the eouth- ihe Austrians ean the West, and southwest < Rusding eft ch wie ing white the other: ‘pat of the Aes vian army en the novt) hy, Wihish is in contact With the ext man right, istrying — to ing ments take ‘the form of ated fan, with Wagsaay the \ ane CHOLERA IN GERMANY, Tn AustriasHongary the Disease Is Soroading. ae Letitia abe: poneuies mi anys? erlin % ih Austr’ by he cholera is Bight Ainidredt and forty-four cases, Were reported during the firet week of November, z pki si Uae there .were 1 were 90 deaths: in Tn Hungary during the RE hae there were 532 cases of choler TROOPS STORM TRENCHES ») The Indians Fought Hand-to-hand With Gebmans in the Dark A despatch from London says>|no troops in the world: could ise Arthur W. Leech telegraphs to the) the Gurkhas at that kind of Daily News from Northern France :| fre. ° The: kuksi ‘a mich site " ‘oc, but the wounded “Very early, bub very surely, the read eye shoe adding to their ilitary achievements. urs of Monday morn- ing, when it was ‘considered the effect of a bombardment which had) ¢ ing nM baited eg prey, then suddenly they opened an ttl hullabaloo aul tie, esc 8 in proven back ie the] British lines re- ee! the “butt ‘ends of rifles were also “While the first line. of trenches were being. sto! h grim sue- book eels, They didn’t stop” until pe came under the effective support, of their own artillery. “As a result ‘o their sortie the Todians gained some aalieee posi- tions in the direotion of Lil he ‘| Indian: casualties ‘

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