MONKTON’S POPULAR STORE Our ‘Toyland”’ Santa's Headquarters as Usual ng Christmas: Novelties and countries, we bought our The assortment is. a8 pvercome gl ara ulties of secw war in foreign hem stored to order. To sed by goods ahead anabadt good as former years. A GREA DRY GOODS, MEN'S FURNISHINGS AND CHINA ‘The high price of Sugar has not effected the prices of our Christmas Sweets—QUALITY THE BEST—PRIORS THE LOWEST. T DISPLAY OF CHRISTMAS WE WERE FORTUNATE IN SECURING THE AGENCY FOR ‘Sunkist’? Brand Fruits WEBER & abd Mie: ——— ee CT Christmas— Will Soon be Here 1, wnice assortment of Pictures at popular prices. Just arriv See ne line * Rockersand Couches, suitable for Christmas gifts or weddin, nt our pean King,” box spring and unexcelled ‘or & a comfort Bed, see Met rteprontt ron: They ar Our Brass Bed at $11,50 is a beauty, Vhen you wi Ite e dnd hap in the home that is useful and will pleas ev h buy « H.K. Kitchen Cabinet, made by The H.B, Fur You can’t beat them, We have sleighs for the boys and girls Hye =Mb on. all sizes and prices, Rugs and Linoleums—the finest assortment we have ever shown ‘e have @ beautiful Gerhard Heintzman Piano, mahogany case ‘on ou Hobe which we Sg sell at a Knock Down Price, as we need the room for Christmas goods. Robert McMane Milverton ery Si triraie Furniture Dealer ee Change of Business T wish to inform the people of Milverton and vicinity that | have purchased the ‘| hardware business formerly owned by B. Kriesel and would kindly ask you to give me the support you have given him. Square Dealing is my Motto We will endeavor to make our business transactions pleasant. A. C. CLEMENS, MILVERTON, ONT. : Soneaar B. Kriesel. The British Mortgage Loan Co. ~-of Ontario -- Established 1878. DEPOSITORS, 33% Money deposited with the Company will yield You 8% ‘per cent, interest on daily balances, compounded hait-yearly, aRVES TORS: 4%, and. 5% wat ge cents falfyearly for. terms of 5 “Trustees are legally in ie the wwential id this Som any gives ra u absolute security, as torehe Company. are i a fa Bet The ‘Company "bas 6 loan on mortgages and real es Po ateusreat . dA in parson, Manager > JOHN BROWN, President BUTTER caine MONKTON BRIEFS Short Stories Retold HIS WORST es BAR REALIZED Mies Seas Donaldson. of Atwood. of the oleverest bits of sles is visitin J, Brokkine this i , oM Mas, Teel Sariokee and fonpering sindinehs) mae sAby fad Px Waughter Ida. spent the | ene wl een forbidden ape week-end with Mr. SFP, ae, [rue theclectors, Hd enlled a mect- That the Time for unnett.—Mrs, Harris is home. from bee eine nag pockets fy the West. Mr, Harris will follow lat- a ve ito, tatonm. you: usta Xmas Shopping the Wast, Mr. Hirsis will follow Int |tedatemens” he bean. “thas there is is at han the house recently purchased here.—| {pe jue DEibeay to fee a during — A rather seedy looking individual paid che ee eee one Rants e Bad oe Bet) rae ga penny. piece. (Uneasy silence) But ryi—Our fasting tink foun am afraid there are some dr RS | being Pecscoisaaed Grbenct ppeainathie, cont hanaet bas ead 4 ¥. will on the table a wil be a as.usual,, Meas take. 500>sovereigns out! of my poo Ninos bee ets." The next few minutes he spen upon the table. THE COBBLER'S WAY NG HI HOCKEY SHO q The favorite of amateur and professional s-| Players, because they have the stand-up Cline to go through the roughest games. Several of the styles have steel box toes siete in the nf “shoes. They make hard toe caps, which will resist the blows of sticks and pucks, ‘They are Wats with an inner canvas. an strap that fastens up ees ee Wall Ptthanater-General itchoook, 6 by a strap ‘‘hitch’’ like ‘lightning.’ “holds the ankle firmly e bereaved his cites fr ope. said he| and yet gives the ies and. ball fe Pu athe eyelets are large 'so Barnhardt. a res that the ie may be laced in a ‘ . Chalmers this week,—Ou tion of oe postoftice res Just the necessary and right thing for a Christmas present, ill remain open ev “This work,” he a Chiristmas. Do your, au etea oare tally a | = = Sey. vine carly and get first choice of the| You can't establish postal savings| = nd stocks,—Mr. bokika aa the. cobbler of cay ative ills, y ET.THE AN" PROEESEIOHAT for the London Life. Insurance Go. Amherst repaired clocks, A visit to! | ii’ LFS ‘ \ wisited oar, bure last Friday, the cobbler’s shop imoticed one day | ITS! NS), Ramsay of Toronto. ably bance! half full of tiny brass | the Knox church Dainitl ‘ast Sunday josie ‘Why’ he said. rbat are “att Pt C} Gill's tor r Christmas ‘ait ‘Go kno} answered s. Select stoc! ck, iL ores these Sobble th a careless a \ ‘ t n on thei Christmas ate si u a of Atwood. is spending § + A STRIKING DIFFERENCE rl in Lower Canada. during amas toys an 1 ( “A J. White and daughter Ollie spent the week-end in Stra = Little aaam a) noliari ‘Down ‘ool nm wiews of “A trip and ita! “niall colored pictures re is. Vast De en’s Patriotic Society hav avded their second bale to Boaiua ctor at Toronto consisting ot the following uurtidles : doz, night shirts, . ae q socks. pair wristlet f. dozen List socks. 2 dosen e The r of the Methodist ohareb addit: a moment." sai “One® a time, Mr, "Bushe. mateetie thened by the eal new. voices. Ags f has * ie NS mn, was in \stratfora. “last arene an Poenation on one berg his eyes for cat- aract. MeCnVough. of the engage: daug Hi Siise Mabel Blizabeth to Mx, David L anne with distance fr fer 'T be; ee Bushe. sk you vour last wordst There is such Mr. and Mrs. Robt. echo about here I did mot quite cat West Monkton: Rocoied MAN WANTS BUT LITTLE, “Plehse. mum” a tram you be so “kind i to let n le and thread?” i housewife Pair last week to prizes although the was keener. competition never : “Yes, Address and Presentation “Thamkee very much mum. It's Toa little different color from my suit, A few friends met home of a ree . mam you cow Chas. Francis on Mon- yout husband's day evening last to bid yaad to Sota ely os a pate il match. cy Til, sie hy an i beat “id eatly dane land, Later im the evening | mv mat . a tre Munk “geonle of Bethesda Bible | sait. Class paid a surprise, visit, and ores) | "ihankee sented Mr. a fine gold ghain end the totowing address ; Cobb. lv pebby i oan fill i oat" “the member: QUITE TRV ISIBL A Yankee ‘doing’ Ircland Was boast and the welfare of op en- | ine of ie land tire Sunday School As a ght ‘America. taken of this appreciation res to accept this amall git trusting chat) ‘ with ent over stuart and fi any, up to their haa ia t mewhy, chen! said Pat. iroscigeal course of -onttlerl ving ‘you of them in a ok into the fiel the mornin! without one at all’ 0 always eae and guards His own will ever protect you. and sae cong Huntly you will out your twat ti to-ni. Signe: Your bi) Chass. eh. get | abut». cuntufont ob mat clock | end.” re were tw i ni ar, Tocashin’ ‘8 pardon. ” said repeat onn let you have that.’ and Mra, Stewart eh metre mation | as Grafton and also by spare old a clever.! reception was held for the ‘Se a alt Taree mum but it ‘you'l ‘in! Leap to the quare meal. uld , 6utD) o field hore a Sry bein’ able iN Ps Get Them Now The >, Rink is Ready T. P. ROE, “The - Shoeman” Milverton, Ont. a world of good, Both y the Situation and had be > nated tineaty- what blessed e ers they wou have been. not too late to use Cuety Foot “ttles Ph iV on heh think Mig titude as cove; ina w alory. of white feathors,, Had ited States t n her place in inet presi hae, ov of List baly, » resignation of Rev 0 been teld sec! Perth County Temperance | D) Little im thi mettre U jon, Rev. John and BeDutnsta of esent Pe ote nobee. | ¢, Re if] who re \i n Eaieupandl |before the meeting of Mr. @tewxt which wo with at onee, The sual ey Were put by the mod jerator’and a wr, | fact tonily anni red, ahs induction sermon was preuched | Rey. | Wiolation of the Hague cony Now she will be obliged to prepare for own aattnost the British Empire in case. but in ent war going again: h (of course that is outa 2 iret should it wha of the American " * soho t to ask t rrister presently had a mond chance va retort. When O'Grady wa’ bahia the jary pe ass agail Ne m to bray baa ime ah a courtr st the British the auestion.) 7. J. Robinson. MA, of | t then? Just get on who based his remarks on Milver ‘ton. \ srs an ch |mavy to fight the © show from fA. of Ktwwood Spaniards? Ca fie. Pres of gut: rior to the blowing up of Aun) Addressed! theca Moffat, B.A.. of Salbank itn D vemarks to the congregation Before |the ‘tain anything pointing to n Us ing Rev. Mr, MdDonald, of Peter- | nay. an the teacher answer lege of eonveyine pees with any kind of atlsfaction iby np. me | are boro Pre sae rtly before the battle ja and never returned? wrote at anoretntion and regard i ere hold by. their the Presbyte with which they had ust severed *thelx enna KEES t Ww sare: di those train loads of Rameaetay come frome yaeae are questions often aske ut nDhe o! | the splendid choi I | assisted by Miss "Vera, ROD of rendered two alos. a old| and his wife ¥ ies of the congregation had | bo cintitul sepuse to. whils full aie is is done. FINES COME IN BUNCHES in| Dho Colombus Oil Company. of Col-| © S 5 ae é = =e | Peace Lid is thee. 2) ‘Male wi the Ana’ bone esas bey #| lear that the beginning to tall world a Are we not Thy paae Father. man made why a n Thy rene Why ther stri rry ns 5 M it. to his con- ¥ = Se Millie as sar a couple ots days | fi . . F é | % a ‘These are the fluest of the! land and our custome n buy them at with her Bob. in Linwot tituents as his chief recommerds-| North Mornington Induction Attitude of the United States) TO OUR GHRMAN FELLOW-couN. their support The sub- | UN the sam as lower ity fruits. Get our Hrices. on these Dr. Tye. was a bi a4 P z J “eachcunl ae Se 3 fruits and Aen) mruality With others. wisito: If in necd tance of his speech was. “I'm a self- 3 Rove New tbat Wil) | Y MEN, Vornitare b. "Nothing more {made man! You know me. tm al Rev. A, ©, Stewart Installed in | Revs Newton, wi ae of x Or Ff : Self-made 1% Charge in Presence vf Large | ‘ollow=/\ (This je a copy in part of a let “Ss kist’’ suitabl ent The other candidate had not yet cs-) “3 ‘2 the n= Nic aGermun, aeldleye. with, kormes unkist ea Anniver | tablished a reputation bie enough to gregation c* | a die lean on. not aftend hon 8 ag nas bod lll pre ach | ¥e: v, Alexander ¢ f of Bel-! VALENCIES RAISINS SEEDED RAISIN! t 1 preach eats in pergom, a0 he sent @ eub pores |e Heart.— Veena 3 - a little Brene | (ai SEEDLESS RAISINS DRY CLEANE! 4 OURRANTS : | did not speak very good English, “| the — od ee gs You oe Cheaewaainl ete got up after the first candidate bad Ghorch took pl : barstn in ce down and tl CITRO SEL aC spdken and addressed the meeting. abe Pee war: Pehink of all the 48. “te when’ “wi Bpworth League at Mogleton | fon Sun-| Spake ire oder haps atl auspicious cor thout hips #5)" 6 Aer i SHELLED WALNUTS cas LED ALMONDS Boworth Leng 3 eticads | Tas is what he said: “I'm sorry. my Ni sgeran daa Rey nett elated ‘ona ot olay eye | were betrothed, and I think of all our mhursday evening Fae re RIAs BER HON eG nereiless han eae sayeth ! Ludwig. be- The Above are all NEW Goods theac™ mectings toed Ae, man. P ailets date eke fermen iltitudes, and. multie)| Poet BEM, wpuls wie ebiauld: Hepple Monkton Methodist ‘Chatting nei ri are ‘my fri ny, where Suttenmost by | tades of tho alain. Would. ati that Goa. wonla + T cannot i ge- ASK FOR ONE OF OUR CALENDARS. Eee Raabe dss esa yore is. joat-as much difference» be ser ang? as votd bee ero i iA re lbh gtomec nt 5 ots. Ce bering at Guaharpse | ere me en, $8/aeh. I between ze) ¢4 demonstrate the Wwaittach ode hel selfish, in the extreme oa of ead hean our prayer, Christmas concert at Bethesda Tues- |" age welloome to their mew pastor and hi ast de y _ DNC oaE ee Apike ey nea aval diti . ife. The mee! f he resby te: Air oe S arm of slaughter dav eveni In_ addition ife, ‘The meeting of t Presbytery their beat oppor ‘Like Thine Own. O Lord. alone, aes be with thee, German brother, orn and cradled in our land; any brother- pray thee, this our hand, i! we seriove with theo phe sorrow ing me. we okt Why sould such a Bede coca! belcl We ask thee gently esis M cause ‘dgient ley ‘Martin, grinding to the ground? pee Oe not fly from Pe an ia ry of the ¢ open yh near To our eral liberty Now. we fight to hold it, broth ‘or ourselves and thee and all, God Al we mever ot beneath the irom thrall. GRANT BALFOUR. ore War Too much xr olianee 7 not to be plac- tage Germany is ced xo a bepelens war eoomes every ¢ moral ‘tw Lue! The jadgment has been rubbed down h in various parts of has =i 8 ot the country - bri ieee points and oedinne them to} gaa, Tat -Mharsday the company odstock to nppvar on| of of |* Austrian war eat jon cap- wale containing gasoline; the gaso- was confiscated by Inspector Orr, ment. the Servian— DIDN'T KNOW IT Was WAR Zomba, headquarters of RAND TRU Christmas the Nyasaland. Fares cleared for dd ton, E FAR! —Dec 24-25th, good for | gan was fired, and missed: again| *'N@hrahimet pe Sonn ao’ fc missed. and yet again. a oa 5. xalid for re- turn wntil Jay dnd. | oune: hen Germ: ‘HIRD — Dec. 22-23- habe 9 A eur taee raat! Ne for Reger until Dec. 28 5 9 and New Year Rngland’s motto would yreva country exist according to} ot hin the dea wor Had ee of a fourth or ieee iat the able- tion. PHOTOGRAPHS nt AS XMAS PRESENTS— Nothing it more Sea by your Hea por- trait of peter or fam volts ya sare Daily (Tuesdi = The Bedford Studio Ww 4 license of $1 company has had im and bs e “hoon o See and even — independence. th they might have without striking a blow or firing not if they showed that they ; [5 Loyalty to the Government of. the|how to behave themselves r at LUTHERAN LOBURDEL LOYAL From the Berlin Kreuz Zeitung \qpproached and shook his fist tatrtte good for ret Deo. 28 > /Suendolen and shouted: yap ake et 80 ee ea elt rpet arte couney 1s wenlah yeu reside le one of| pach’ other and the rest oh thewonad iS you mean, you —— e ines press e aath= e might say this is too bi ry fire again you vill hit the ship.’ | Above reduced farce, apply Boer eran Char mder unto God the | jgb°you have out ont for the U.S; “He was inform war had stations Woltand Port Huron, Mich {things that are God's and unto ealaes Anv job is too big for a coward but been Pal raion He was amaze Bumtalo, Black pe oad Ringer "Falls |¢he things that are Caesar's.” is the|q Deave, man on soubtrydow' as useless, The ship iguapens!oe attitude adopted by the Lutherans to- | in size. Plack kes was ‘Gismantlea" stickets on sule at GT-R, ticket offices. wae abe ve Ho i a sate J ererdtbing some the brave Aneta Wa urer, the Pre avange TH RMAN SPIRIT J.C. CUNNINGHAM, (Phone 1), Local Agent | joai Luthera ¢ Central Ci Sohal inebes fo an open letter publlahed in the! "HARD nou last issue e d | “Speaking frankly and as true Ger- mans. we would see every monument every stone that tells the history of re. it A Merry Ici aba id bo hindered. by rid should be hindered by even so . Mach as one hour's delay. Theworld'| (fy ean be revitalized. society -\ ennobled ristmas | and heckigel i theo a Ger: ‘ man spirit. mast for its il Be salvation be Beran to all. “pene IDLE. FLEET,” J Arthur News 4 ‘The hh fleet is thingexcept saving Britain from in- ‘ ‘i tecting British commerce the world over. keeping the — Ger- ‘man ‘navy bottled up sheep the N. ROSS Bae h ¢ to wit a few batt: seeahonally Preity aGer- NEATLY PRINTED At The Sun Office SS The bul joa fighting Ke mars arm! and the Allies ‘and’ ENROL NOW = atthe — LISTOWEL BUSINESS COLLEGE —ooSS Thorough Cournes enujehe by Corte jt Tanchers, Por nett address EDWIN G. MATTHEWS, Principal CENTRAL STRATFORD, ONT. lp Ontario's Be Sch Ben and es cach Ett depart ah had? and Telegra hs and ree now id Saran Targe, free catalogue. Write for it at once, D. A. McLACHLAN, ~ = Principal thick they li wer CHRISTMAS SATLINGS | w ik last year, the Christmas , Mond millions ith ¥ In connection with Mubkenis iwrrite M. G. Murphy District Passen- ger Agent, Toronto. or VEhoee little things |eom: omfort. ae in war. can navi ilings “iti ag the 4) Mann en-! Gibeestis! and Allen 14 tana comes pe MAlway cdmatrdotious wd WINTER ‘TOURS nk ieee ANY from tt St, | in respect (ht reab iy ad speculations, prove. Braltio PRaitway eae eee a ‘do'the fortunes of the farmers of Sunshine: Pe pert) Days ‘special train composed of first and, Ontario, the lot of the nea wi THE “CANADIAN” second class equipment and lunch nd pales a a st appeal, which will, ps ase counter oar leaving T a mae we are sure be liberally answere Fake aes londav December 14th. E aR HAR HICAGO eot to steamships side. Particulars whe for the faithfal women, many a Full particulars from om anv O.P.R. ticket agent. rane raat eel eateere SoM FL, CRAWFORD. — Local Agent : : : ¢ . ) : . | ‘ i . |