Milverton Sun, 31 Dec 1914, p. 2

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| . ‘ . " oe e ¢ The Milverton Sun qin repentance reallaed that the quent repentance reali att] anger of Jehovah was upon them. see Are Vou Insured) nine les Overcoat Talk — Be PRS Bae CANADIAN ORDER OF who saved them.—-A remnant of the| * Y . EVERY toaadid Nlosene teetlon for fe and fay 8 reer is always left. among Ss The Latest Styles at Moderate Prices in Ladies! io} tilulmum cost. Invest ows i wap ; ath Sun Printing Oftice Napman€hs a etiawewaanbh, fl when thers was ttal'and absoluve (EO Every. Man Has God Given the High oPavilege Me le : . Mist Stréet,--. = | Milverton, Out oa rica ete: 9 sel aed sisi! of Moral Fre:dom Our stock is complete if all branches for fall and winter and Wwe assure suascripyion RATES strong in religious conviction you of the best selection ever shown here at the most moderate prices. ‘ insight, and capable rally the 2 9 Le aaa backslidden people to the standard} “When ye spread forth’ your ele toward ‘‘the infinite sea of We Invite You to Inspect our Stook of the HP sc be i whe Eres hands, I Tet 2 mine eyes from] t: But in the last analysis the fee # v work: of hey You; yea, wher ye make many pray- Poa of -choice-is ours, and ours adies' | len’s Buiteraiakers ! peedre atonieel times, “Rey lore, Epall soripans oe hanes we | ele ae Tesponsibility for re. | tater |B. Mi. Fleischhauer | re sayed them because they could | full of blood?" “Isaiah i., 15. sults, Not.even to lift us to the hee bring Spee os eh ae in God,|'If'any one thing is clear, amid] best of to spare us from the worst Bight cents per line for first insertion and || | “THI DAIRY COMMISSIONER OF &, wotehip ol the Se ta and terror of the pre-| will God intervene, for to. do #0 TRUE eR eee — 7 tien sil bee Pebaterd tor al trondedt water. OtenWa slicrests the folio forms stupa thelr armsto strike’ the sent hour, it is that humanity is it-| would-be to transform us into mere R ty. | fF the printing of Butter Wrapper yf self responsible for the overwhelm-|automatoms and thus rob us a bs earke ahigsene' rae weitere MW And Yet they hi poaayy ned -noty ing cataclysm’ of disaster: in which| manhoo |] Sta srs snd be’ atm’ da : Buy a Victrola for Christmas \ 2 bid AY TE SR = REEF CHOICE DAIRY BUTTER | || oul arise and be a strong taiotor | it's now involved, ‘The immoral Just here is the the ot God fa for y a ; bein the office by noon Monday, in bringing the people together, {ties of international relatidnships, | the b own an , but/as soon ae the dauger Wee wher (the evuieal reliance:upon force's | How ldoes-He. ween ab the follies of attention ta dt t vers 2 2 o sree MALCOUM MACHRTH MRS. “TON DOE back again into the évil practices (the sole security of nations, ‘the|our lives: how does He pour out The easiest way to make things pleasant for all the folks Tublisher and Proprietoy “Rose Bank Farm” would the pee go. Before the|*irdid struggle for political supre-| His Spirit upon us that we may feel and to furnish entertainment they will thoroughly enjoy. DORVILLE, INTARIO rise of Deborah there were a num-|Macy, the brutal lusts of commer: |and yield to its saving influences, if ber of minor judges, who are _only | cial eet the threats of mili-|and how, when the worst appears, a Ae and we will play your favorite milsi¢ for you and i r not named the tyranny of autocracies,|does He turn away- His face from explain our easy’ terme. CHOICE DAIRY BUTTER | |/at all. ‘This was the beginning of | the pride Ny ‘kings—above all, .the|the erimes with which we ~defame Madé front Sep is Chem the pened of the judges, when it|disregard or defiance of all those! His holy name! At this very mo: or. BusinessCards DRM C-TINDALE,L.D.S. ety nk wh a was more difficult for any leader to| gentle precepts of forbearance, ment, for example, when, as in the Victrolas from d. E. WEIR . Sila abemice tiga aepaich MRS. JOHN DOE impress tly aad Bally bon. the |meres, good will, self-abnegation, |days of Isaiah, our $20 to $100 MILVERTON C0 aud Bridge Work | “Rose Bank Farm’’ minds o! ne, ee na ey mut! whieh « constitute the Ly oF bi ee Peele \HHomwoevitune #7 < “ovrakio be true to God if they would be | pracy in pba ec A) Hands Are Full of Blood, OMtce: Over Metropolitan Bask, Mitverton | : «-.||| safe from their enemies. But be- ae ealyaual Bsa eel Ltt ee I believe God hides His eyes from — —___—____ - Medican — “| cause these judges are only inciden- | 2 ee her ‘ging ‘which | 16: andawhen we pray. wilichotthent “ havé brought owr present. misery ~~ xe —— = | tally named or not named at: all, Beceeo the words we speak. ‘The Very hor : F. PARKER, M.D. Le tYB, AD, we must not conclude. that, they} "POR Ws thie Sime as ¢f ror of our condition, the very depth nd - nade: ory, ito: which Bh flesh” 18] oF bry: the perféct blackiress : prs. PARKER & TYE. |SHADOW. TEST)" geet iis EG ge ea be tr li on com Sein Renato ‘ slindneas veiltuliters “Eleon soles i 4 a. 3 CFFICE : PUBLIC DRUG STORE, MILVERTON ==" = sete ee ely eave ee ness are the cause of all his woe. ing the wos, : ae anak a = Hours-10 to ere ana2 04 engi nor forsake you.” A steady streamr We Are Responsible, DFOCR AEG wavonaMee cot icte villa rn ther: Re sat bs ‘inning of And yet there are those who-hold foo His, WHOLESALE and RETAIL 2 = TE ee y the end of Revelation | Gog ‘responsible:for the horrors of| If blame must fall; let it be ‘pon DRA. race M-D: paar coven obebhe aay eine Re [our day and seem to find an exult- [ourselves and not. upon’ God, WE HANDLE: Pbj i vy, ysidian and Surgeon Ms ant joy in proclaiming that ‘they | faith must: falter, let it be faith in MONKTON; has never raised up a man for any ec 5 . . } |canno longer have faith in a Deity! men pi notin the Most High. God aT. ” “<p a particular iS ae a left him % who ean decree, of : hree Stars” and upity ONTARIO his own resource ie leaders in of even permit, | wills, He has ever willed, * the Oftive “a ee yore from 1 to lie the world’s history have heen great |8uch things best ‘God waits, as H ny Two of the best on the market L Neat aes TS NU becanse God’ has heen- with them, | ‘Toall' such let:me commend the | waited, to help us, 1 ) 7 When. ‘they? turned’ from God’ dr | Words of the prophet which have|best may come inte 7 . DR. F; ART. HUR PARKER Iiwish the people of Milverton and| when other influences “dominated | been taken for our text. To each} the condition of onr sash ance is BREAD Wholosaio gachor EGGS Me Neopathie av bysician inity to. know that Lhave adopt-| them, their greatness began’ to|one of us He has granted the power the same to-day as it was y r and Retail Trade for Dd Aicclenehar ee ‘ah ‘the new and. wonderful “Shad- wane, and finally pe te of choosing between good and evil “Wash you, make you cléan, put| = won tinea chad aC olnt troubles," ea Bible ed mot evesight tst,|. 19. But it came to pass, when the | Every influence of His grace moves|away the evil of your doings from | A HAYES Baker mathicas heats ine ea! reais by Mr. Graham, eyesight specialist. ba ard dealt ore sortapl Sen us toward the ehoion of Rood e mine eyes; cea Ps Gp. 8) il; = 9 diy, free. a e and away from the how of the arn to Pel e - = Grand -Contegh statat: Saucchion ve Wednesday | By this method it is_almost frgsenthie ars fathers.—The perversity of the |evil, We have only $0: yield oie , Acta a aaceanga inn dic Rh eee S ¥u.mtoi p.m. Will viditresidences Ifpreterrad | to make an error a all work is done by| Israelites is stron, gly shown hére. |eelves to the currents of His Holy | father Perch sonanee es “pga ine Jaco. the eyes thereby locating m trey retrogration or backsliding| Spirit to find ourselves borne inne, | Kev, Joke Parnes Hetnes yoke ee J Houstt : Hy, Wa, lefect right at its source, jas’ woree’ And“ {further thad the = = New York Opsbaimla ‘and Avral tent Weik muscles strengthened, headaches preceding one, == = = = tate, Clin, Assiatant, Ear, Nose. and | CUred, cross-eyes in many cases straigh- tales of devotion and heroism that] above was thrown ope I the bat ened! ig > ‘ i 0 ‘own open, and the ba sonata Golden. ‘Square, sand | ened ros Me tte Wa MA oe Karbinowea PAGLES. ee pute ah piveribe. setae tered eagles, with the tattered tri y 7 Accurately examined witiour eakiag an — 008,” as the hem, were Bog, Ofieg : 63 Waterloo St.. opposite | Accurately exa BAY! How He ‘ Put; Them On|diere nicknamed them with affec to see. ‘They Knox Chureh, sane Phone 267, a 3 pecs 4 i euch Every Regimental Flag. tionate familiarity, Yet the of tapers that the Kowa Rees auarantoe Napoleon, great in conduest, (eermeeme ees eal Ne apa Cae “Mthig stige than to bo W i Attisei” 5 not great in soul, He deli vied Th , sli Nothing gives a a man more restige than to be We ire: i A B, MORPHY, K.C. P.H. BASTENDORFF the picturesque details of warfare, |Pattle fag. projecting through the and held spite illuminate them, nan more pl pai eo lsh a 4 : are) Ng Notary Public, - Conveyancer | Eyesight Specialist - - MILVERTON, ONT. glory and empiye Often with the P rv Beigh window 0! Eppes oloné! ; HAs : : Ae hon vevoaitortr hat of nto che mat NA aptitude of a stage manager, he de.| Perey; the messenger from Water. | ored at homie and abroad; but the | Wouvnanthave Lb, MILVE ATWOOD alread: shear tae heightened | 10% that gave the first inkling of] imperial eagles vanished ‘with the | Othices Poe n> shag THE SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON Finted GiDSADe whi hevblonibaienct a peniere final defeat ito the Lon- | empire and its blondy slories | this done at THERE has just been plac- ones to Lowa don’ crow he people followed, ———s pee ees ot e! spread-eagle orator, and reported ete ini R. BLEWETT,. K.C Huaresais, satis badanionteae ot pod eettieres payee the windows) | Dyspepsia and pessimism havea the talgine) ed on the shelves a splea- aa thie: efiectivencss, “and-:-sometinien(©: house where he delivered: his| lot in cominon. cost at. This : ; ie ; Solicitor for the Bank of Toronto INTERNATIONAL LESSON with a 1 the exaggeration rot gal Deree ape the Pane fesent. | “A womans club is somatbing she Shop did line of Scotch Tweeds of D , U resently a window on the balcony] holds over a man’s hea ie hk bikie i Goridn Bice SUARY * journalist. x a SCRATFORD, ip = ONRARO JANUARY 8. Tw the “War Dita jot ‘the Ba- eee ate aie bane 2 - a new pattern for fall and win a gles," Mr. ward Fraser has “i wed the hi eae one of his most ; v | ter wear, that will make and tra. Lesson I. God's Patience with Is-| successful ideas. When,.the com- | ued, : } I, Call and see our raecl. Judges 2. 7-19. Golden mittee that. was considering a suit- C WV. ft ef F. Sehgal ican bic gilda able emblem for the newly. estab- Pea ACC: fi re Mos. 14. lished empire: suggested the. tradi stock, We guarantee youa fir, th sf rved | tional Gallie cock, Napoleon’ would Jehovah a all ihe apes at and |not hear of it. ‘Bah!’ he cried, We will pay the Highest Market pis for Cream all the days of the elders that out- | contemptuons!, pene cock belongs delivered’ at the facto: lived Joshua, who had seen all the| to the farmyard. 's far'too feeble CANS SUPPLIED FREE pe ant sic ot ncaa great works of Jehovah, that he had Aor fags be Oo at in él ahve e 7 | > = hie i + se wrought for Israel.—Joshua| choice, which was a lion couchan' ours. ora iiverton j 4 Uncka i f fore Pal, ry i ren a os sirong a servant of Jehovall thatehe | he aubsUtuted the eagle, || si" Pearl Creamery, onino” | 3 QO, DUE =p I EL The Up-to-date Tailor, he lied, E, Weie's Block. iting ray not only kept’ the people of Israel| ‘‘It, affirms the impetial dignit ' Monkton, + Ontario Megimarewelome: Ry WM; teile-tolvahevah Gaver his own life, |he explained, “and recalls: Charle- W. 4. Zoogers Seoy. but so influenced the elders” who | magne. - - —— me were associated with him that they| It is doubtful if it would haya re- : io. So, “alter, Star | too kept Israel true to their God. ential Pharlomanne rwithion a good > ‘erton | This mark of Joshua’s leadership| deal of promptin the public s eae meta very Friday Sy egy netics ett germs a tga ar a ROE Your New Suit— ‘ ; het hull Ham ih Ki F Sitom bhi eh m tobe ‘noted that Joshua. and his|¢onquering eagles of the Roman Le tome. §. Spencer, N, G., W. As at, elders had seen°the great works of| legions; and this association Napo- ¥, N. A, Zimmernia Jehovah ‘that he had wrought» for|leon emphasized by putting an "s 4 y i Sted 9 i ane Because they served’ Jeho- | eagle, Roman. fashion, on the ‘staff 3, ri J anil I - they, were able to see’ what|of every “regimental flag. 'Dhese Before placing your order, come in let us show Ye ehoval ‘was doing; their eyes were | eagles, he decreed, rather than the you our new lines of suitings, We guarantee to jf. k open. People in A against| perishable tricolor that~ streamed 3 H if} See our New and Attractive 4) God or. indifferen God have| below them, should be regarded, please you in both fit and price. Dawpeeizy abe eyes closed ad are not able bos Big eee ‘as the een ae s of the army. The artist Isa- | fh Parlor, Den ont tn the border of Rie inheritance | bey designed them, they were made | “ph J oy re ~~~ |in Timnath-heres, in the hill‘coun- | of Sopney and gilded, weighed three/f &) AQ, SMIT . Bhe HEsvepnvvres NY ONT | Dining and ites Monigtony “No: 5 of Ephraim, on the aah: $f the | pounds and a half, and were eight|\ ‘ON, . Bedroom: Cae Vicon, rp mountain of Gaash,—Timnath-heres Freheke in ‘height, and nine Anehes ws ‘ eat ia the Timmath-serah of Josh. 19. | trom. wing tip to wing ip. They - $$ Furniture i; tev Wicleh’ farfin for im 50; 24. 30. ‘This ‘city of Joshua has| were eeasived only. fromthe, bands lA pao ueitle ede | been. pl: at Kefr Haris, nine| of the emperor; to lose one was to A We tilao haved nice, Cnewoas A Hotoln. miles south-easterly from Shechem. | incur aitneoe that could be wiped ‘ ‘ i : HAND CENTRAL HOTEL, Mii.| 10 Another generation a knew] out only by the capture of an age | sortment of verton sas accommodation for | Not. Jehovah.—The succeeding gen-| enemy’s i nay i in battle; no lost eagle | snc Teale and ‘others, Three | ration atte Josue aid his cldete might be replaced min by by special F j 8 RUGS and LINOLEUMS large. sai NE: the Good were less and less true to the reli- permission’ of the Ms P Heat brands tran brand a Baer ion ‘of Jehovah, and so it was in-| ‘The «Presentation ot the: Bable$s" athe fideds collection of Rubber Footwear ever ashembicl fortaily Lo evitable that a time pour éome | when Nay palsa crowned and scep- ‘in men’s, women’s and children’s. oe a QUEEN'S OFA Milverton, ont, | When the Israelites had entirely re-|tred, and attended by the Empress We Sell The Gerhard Heintzman Pino v modation for commercial | ceded from the, religion ii their | Josephine, the court, and the mar- 4 \ ere and ro sample Deine Aa GE SE shale of Frasca, bestowed the new Recruits Wanted ‘ ines, Li- jer: aalim.—Baalim | 91 js on the regiments on the . ‘ Soe Coligeanh ike bes Godd'warm | in the plural tf ey ae means Ghar de Mars, eek one ot tite To join the army who wear our Rubbers that stand b M M Pimniture Des Ve er Mtables. “Georxe ¥, Pauli, Proprietor, | more than one god ‘or lord. "There | most, magnificent pageants: that. the (6) it. c ane, Bvertom Oat THE- AMERICAN [OUSE, Berlin | #¢ many evidences that Israel cer world has known The Siege 3 HOUSE, Berlin e Sieg pays, spe atte) mmeroin) farollies itt Ay wt si ihe) rend “Soldiers | Behold your stand: . ‘ trade, Splendid) angler lr Best | than one hea nie anda ithe emperor declaimed, with Of hard wear and tear. ae I ttt a tae wines and liquors ‘served atthe bar | 73 8. 33; ar 6, ae weeping gesture. ‘These eagles : Rates $1.50 per day. Wat, Wrrr, Prop,|_ 12. The God of their irate who shall ever be to you the een A Long March brought them out: of the land oflipoiit.’ Wherever you ero 3 . | Baypt. The histofical writers shall deem it heedful for the ates Can be'made in comfort with our rubbers, Try them on $|, $ The Gold Weather will. soon he with us er permit of the throne an People, there’ ghal our daily march: + ph edt g PUBLIC NOTICE ! the penple of ets slaye,/ not ido they Be seen. You 8 ch to eacti- iy & . perms Nsweeinoasin ciswoodies ey permit us, forge a ice your lives in thelr defense, to i Py aie 4 i F, Mie ae a oaeat ga to the early Israelites in| maintain 4 tem bs aur courage Competition Hastily Retreats WE! HAVE. Ade NAULIN EAE miber, Lath, Shin re ever in theepath of vietory1. You I Before our prices. i ape ia ieee the he veliee aal means owner or lord, arid} swear it!’ ‘There was a moment's PS madi abachen “A ed of both gods ai aE ieery breathless ede then.a chundlesitig i Ra nges an d Hi € ate : however, was more particularly the psy amid the flash of raised sa-|) 9 The Fesgenenteee god of Go yn Asbanath is |rea!="We smear N. ROSS, scan Monkton OF ALL KINDS IN STOCK r > ; =| the plaral of Ashtoreth, who. was! Often, indeed, theee who sirore nu thy | De the zpepcpee goddess of the Zidon: kept their oath, and many are the : . | 7 ae ian ates 4 y gi call before buying elsewhere.” W. isfled that Yy FISH &CO 14) And the pri of Jehovah pee ery aren aracaee Aare Sra: - - =| Kindly give us a call before buy ng elsewhere, We are satste ‘ oe ° was bilan “i rg delivered , : we can save you some money, a them . e Be 80 a er, ’ t : LINWOOD thet thss baie a ay ‘Tones Churns, Washing Machines, Roofing, Glas X- ite Saws, Axe | stand before their enemies—This is HAVE You SEEN OUR LARGE ‘stock oF a picturesque description of the seo Dealer to *,.<0 writer, Of feta het the Israel- : F ites became weakened through re-| Coal, Cement and, Lime ligious corruption, they were not ae ible doy longer to ‘rithstand -their | Motar Stain; Etc. ciedien’ andaa Jehovah wouuite We are having of Onenkawarh: | this week at. ‘Greatly. Reduced Prices _ COME IN AND SECURE A BARGAIN WHILE THEY LAST, . ‘eat . fl them, the; L, $f 7 Ki Gtaing Flour and Feed ¢ ore rsing their’ ows «tree eal ; 4 and Furniture inst: him, it was natural that J. G. SEIP, - Lin ay x tley should -be beaten by r SS ne! Above Goods Constantly Kept on Hand could no longer fight for their 4 | der: stand that the Pati of Israel a er ee ee ee ee Shelf ee: Aluminumware and Royal Rarile Stock Food

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