— 3.) ea fe - Cash on hand ae ae to THE ROYAL BANK ISSUES IT'$ STRONGEST STATE MENT. Profts tor the eens of aoageient nid reaches receey asa aR a jing resul trade oi tye! Nos. care which ‘has been be and 109, a a Ad er annum su a ar by “tho larger transferred to Offic Dekh OF Canta talsaalaedtiters chem-| auacerred. to; OMmeere fi strongest’ possible po-| written off Bank sition, and in this way being able.to|” Promises Account... ag ~ developments: that Contribution to Patri. 0 inthe country, 16 striking-| “otic Funds bai insta Oy ‘the showing made i Depreciation in Invest Bank’ of iC in Sts an-| ments, vi iu bea desde bint Ratentent “en ty fiscal vane end:/Balance of Profit’ and ing i Nov 30th, Loss carried forward. nm unpreceden| New Record of Cash on Hand. mal Mu of Contraction in With the fall ness in the co , foreign and en, ‘i in r e" general state- vb hii tt a Los aga Some Tempting Bites Inder the conditions it Been Refuse nk to a prominent] 7). aroused when the ited si néral statement re nibeteee | betray their country ; HEcbof Bia was brow While hi tar the late Sir Henry day "| offering £1, in ret > | slight service,’ which i not describe. ‘ ir Henry took no notice of the communication. But ‘ext, a notable sheik, ong uae a ight of steps. ome years o50.8 a o as despatched Beco to a littl rants north-west frontier of ling off in ee, ‘bus fas it is to-day, at ware * sill More numerous. he was goyernor of Gibral- "1)886,142,67 $2,901,2 Approprinted as. follows: + $1,387,200,00 100,000.00 250,000.00 50,000.00 500,000.00 614,062.25 a, °$2,901,202.25, fle ent /H. §. HOLT, PDSON Le PEASE, eye’ consideration to- Prestde: lan. bank ‘strong both | Montreal, 18th December, 1314 rd fimmrealate Hquld assets,| ‘The annual meeting of th dered:advisable | nolders. will be held {n Montreal, on al conditions Thursday, January 14, next, and’ the in Canada “by the out-|resume of the president, olt, fs ean war, In order |iooked forward to with considerable it fen OD: est in financial and business ——— TRAPS FOR OFFICERS, Th at Have Rup elo Magica interest is always indies men who hold high’ tank. to| © and | before ight to such Attempts} 7 Smith one received a auysterious letter “q| Cleaner lor a etter did Wazir Ma- RRR eth i At balled and offered £3,- rket value, $1,158,568; | 000, ae for the favor nicipal securities and| mentioned. colontal public Rist abruptly ae bed seat the than Canadian governor, pt nful man, c took the eh ai Rbk. shoulders, catty onic him round, ran him to the r, and sent him sprawling down. ptain Grant dip have naturally shown a plight conttac:| there wag an attempt upon his tHe tion, these amounting ¢ 585,972,! but Grant managed to convey: the ph den hi Mh a bi aha the | idea to the native ruler, who knew current lonus-and discounts elsewhere | 2° ‘lew ac fear, that there was than in Canada, srpoha.see, as com-|@M extensive British force in the pared we $15,561,5! background. Growth trip Afterwards he was visited by a Even under 82 $101,900,790. $126,051) amounting to ne 000, 000, ad allowing for this, the ordinary deposits res showe ‘the profit au Pease of Soaronteatery “repaid Loy Hebaett fib the Al- © the except ott the unprecedented’ con. in accoi wie hee Snell creased to selected | him sau Me total deposits i ler. 208, Sir Ro Robert Hart, Hie ministrator, when will be remembered, ring ‘the year the Co, during an increase mounts Writt i Tose account Indlentes ate | a mandari ditions. the Mt advisable to tive polley In ments, and speetal Teserval to p88, 142, was transferred to officers’ this year has made a ieuled Castors Ga Sir Rober “hi Dupdled't the shale (ee treatment follow a very rgonse rer Its valuation of invest- ‘tion on this account of for the year amounted Hiivalent to 16.30% on 00 bo $500,000, Wh. who offered the equivalent of £500 if Riga would settle ithe matter in cordance with the ruler’s in- 1,500 in money, the best righ ty in the district, and five wives y the young officer Grant did not accept the famous ad- without any ba aug nary tore by the orders of hs ‘wanted meg ee doomed the shape ‘of em: Crain an an- lot back. was me allowed for deprectation in Invest: nen the bape dai the ments, ‘This or Gena to be carried | Situation, the: se ¢ man and forward to d loss account at pummelled chedl apmaxcitgice Bar- the end of tha yong, $614,062. ratt was lor Cryet but The state Assets and Lia-| the charge was di bilities and the EEE and Loss ac-| ately when ‘aon Taienatiate Haar ‘the | count, ere as follows pa Assets. Current coin... +8 1a9ps A Wk: Know. om, notes | it | (1 know that this day’ will- never $25,689,855 eit again, Theretore I will make } Ww Liquid ‘pt Real estate Bank premisi Other assets . Toll assets. “To the’ public: — reulation Total pub, deg mht 7 $164 319,272 harehol ms in all loans out Cath \d deposits 2,000,000. the Pee hewla and it, pet rl ond sare new I have and’ thateas soon ns: aes $179,404,054 ; I_ know tT ile i it I ofempe and I the greater: ie i oan to do m iat all tihes is always in rtome, T T be; ‘hun: out-D ave’ ity “Alwoy I know that apy ned stjabnies, work pes as I follow it. I know 191 m young if 1 live youth; I 8 12.800 fs bred om that Tam hay py eT live hap- am_ worth lish that over do is id under every pha pin hy it Mat- thew Adams. the 4 Paidsup capital ...csecs $ 11 560,000 WAR bany “EE Reserve 12'560,000 : s Prey, balance 614,062 Two deacons once disputin, Divs., inc. and pay ... $50,719 | about & proposed new burying $170, 404,054 ground, remarked: ‘I'll never be Profit-and Loss Accoun bu ite in that Re: as long as T alsin ‘ot Frost ian iy hak an are man | is Account, n ar November, 1913 ...... s1016.41960| 6 ay epi 10 | do so, ‘the parity NEW METHODS IN sunuERt TREATMENT OF WOU xn dD THE PRESENT WAR. © Yewer Amputations and Hospttal Gangrene Is Almost Unknown, The great European war has seer ed wounds. The percentage of,re- coveries has been sunprisingly high, and relatively few limbs have been amputated. The methods empget in the treatment of the wounded are new within the last few a, and they represent the greatest ad» vance in operative and clinical eur gery since Lister discovere, reveal mrnGiee of sepsis. | Even so short a tine ago as dut- ing the Spanish-American war, it was customary to wash wounds with soap. and water before apply: ng a dressing. anti- the United States public health ser- vice; in the Youth's Companion, They do nob wash wounds at all. Deck the -military doctor ‘picks of sterilized -absorbent cotton Pore his forceps, dips it into a bottle that contains a mixture of iodine und benzine, Reay it over the ‘Jacerated part. Probing is avoided. i ; as it evaporates it takes the grease off the skin. To ‘finish the sori and leave the moti in a m free condition, ready for the aplication of the ‘erilized ead ing, the surgeon uses a mixture of one-third iodine and two-thirds al- cohol. Tospital Gangrene. In the present conflict, nothing is heard’ of ‘“‘hospital ‘gangrene. Happily. this worst horror of war as now ‘been done away with, oA few years ago aie gangrene was a mystéry ; no one kn whenee it camé or’ sine. it was com- municated. To-day we know that the malady is attnibutable to a spe- cifie germ, and that in former times when igno’ rance régarding it~ pre- hospitals, as they went from’ pa- tient to patie dressing the wounds ble jone with instruments, If the wou is a out; foreeps_ with serrated for grasping is ayed, after the wound has ‘been Aer raw the lipa together. Then Pers ogether with a needle tine ae ‘sia sterilized in boiliag ree that the leg ‘bone has been broken by a fragment of a shell. ities ans a eae happen- ed in the Spanish war, the,surgeon, after sey shaving the. leg, washed it- with soap and water. Now the military surgeon merely disinfects the wound with an iodine mixture in the manner already de- ribed. removes any frag: ments of bone or foreign matter, sets the leg, in order that the brok- en parts: may unite, applies a ster- ilized dressing and leaves the rest to nature. The operation is much quicker and the results incompar- ably auicker tary surgeon i ines is ex- fa uctant -amputate. surgeon does nob cater un: less teh is absolutely compelled ean ‘be saved, it i Faecal inasmuch as ing. well worth it.can ld ome! The soldier's leg may be Sabhttally injured, yet the sur- geon will not cut it off except as A oe Resort, Rather than do so, he will leave it alone for a while to take care of itself, after applying, of course, the necessary ieedteehe with anti- eae Harned and suitable dress- His object tifie methods of treatment now un- derstood, is certainly more than tiwice as aoe as it used to be. er of men wounded in the battles on the present war’ ts enormous, but the percentage of deaths to remarkably small. That, of ¢ aes ia largely owing to the improved. methods of surgical treatment ‘and also to the NOW | fact that Seps'e rifle bullets infliet mich smaller and cleaner wounds than the bullet of former days: aman. It does very Met tearing, and so makes.a wound wit! clean edges, which is pa legs in ly to catch and hold In the present . err aise a vast amount of suffering, for Jay wont: is prevented the wi eabivnae especially phere opera: si dl e to, pita ‘ort sped: Tt is ely that Ger- ie in thelr field and aus ae als are using, Nee gee a on ave to Faas A ir adeners as novoca lamine, itch are injected ‘into, the spin do. not leave’ a ipless for many hours after They are utilized, man he however, only. in een where oper- w and simple y to| Fell o1 ative. Simateaa nt ‘is deglied ia parts of the tbody ys Below. iy Chest, * : We. will take: it: ubed “in the tréatment of the eee dn. this war. For example, the greatest living suneeon of they day, Mexis Carrel, is now.in charge-ohy ofie the Beene division arena i he © prevention! df ie a tt knowih ad’ ‘cathy a as i formerly pce ch armies, will s lives, during ite pr fe wear «ination against typhi Mane rab complish much; »but ater, TiS in Sof doc- tora will Ber to ‘that: on the-march will not refrain on casions from agains water wher- everdihey happen to find it; hen ‘the value of einai ion. Boiled drinking water is likewise a “grape preventive ot chol- that disease on ace a My paiees raw fruil bles must’ be ayoiled. ‘Typhins ies esi ts called camp teyer, one’ of the great destroyers of arniés in form- v3, is spread, as was recently discovered, by. the body louse. THE BEST. MEDICINE by’s: Own Tablets aré the best medicine for oe ones. They. guaranteed government. ana lyst to be shapely safe and never fa il to cure constipation, colic, colds le fevers by regulating the stomach, and bowels. Concerning them’ Mrs, 8. Shannon,-Urney, N. writes: ‘Ihave u Baby’s Own, Tablets for my) two. children pat Heh they are just what, little es 28 on High Point into a Water Tank. a Spar at of dhot, describ- ed by Mr. Horn, ia and Rirost Peace a high tower, &, perforated « p: Pan a tank of wet, on naemerreds lead, made by dropping molten ma bigh point ie ee earth. lead forms into glob ze, and we haye ails ee Shieh may be called shot ue of ive, is malted and mixed with a, ‘‘tem- per’ that Con: nsists Bite ok tin, and then. poured :into a perforated pan or sieve; he pe Sepa vary mn. tothe size of shot to be suicides ts as the globules form when the led fall used, it w tt the globules may have plenty ip time to form, lead must fall a long Heaence and Beek ‘are built ne. towers e made as high as two, hun- | dred ol Bey even more, but mod- ern towers are Joist over one hun- dred and fifty fee’ ‘The per! forated Dan into which the mplten — is pout is at top of the tower, Bards ion Blobules ot lead fall. thtough the wenn better as is) the {te a + |ton's Pills which go direct to’ the seat time itis obvious that Ahiteey men i FOR R LITTLE ONES | the Ol coats for them n the making of het, se are lead | wr temper ig mixed with the lead |™ When a Woman Salfers With Chronic Backache} There is Trouble Ahead. Constantly on their feet, attending to the wants of a large and exacting family, women often break down with nervollg exhaustion, Mm the stores, factories, and .o) - ths are weak, alling women, dragned with tortu me bar ckacho and teat down Such suffering int natural, but it's a serous, becatsé due to ‘eeases eys. ‘he’ dizziness, inSomnia; “deranged of the trouble. To give vitality and power to the idneys, to lend aa to the bladder and liver, to free the: blood joldons, robably’ there’ $s io remedy so suc cessful as Hamilton's Pills, For all women’s irregularities thelr merit nee is well Known. Because of their mild, soothing, and healing effect, Dr. Hamilton's hy are @ recommendeé girls and women of all ages, a ante se ANY su stitute for Dr. Hamiiton’ 8 ‘Pills of Man. drake and Butternu GERMAN PRAISES | FOR ALLIES. British Are the Toughest and Bravest Foe TI jave Met, Evidei officers and nce of the reaction of German soldiers fighting) at the e' tendency to’ belittle enemy soldferly qualities of their opponents; several hundred wounded with whom the correspondent of a Associated Press has talked in his vi French and Belgian mn English ih and military. skill, Distinctions ure drat, it is true, ones'need.. I 'would not be without lihe British being generally reckoned them.” ‘The Tablets, axe. sold by |as.the toughtst opponents on the west medicine dealers or ey mail at 25 front, gents a box from The Dr. Williams’ | . ‘The Germans had.a high opinion Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. of the fighting qualities of the French E soldfer before this war began. ‘The E fighting which occured on the march HOW SHOT IS MADE. from the clean, frontler to the ed arte is, tended to lesson Molten Lead Is Dropped’ From aj their respect ior rouahaess of French moral fibre, but the last two months anged that bert in, and diers’ letters reflect increased, respect The recent, fighting of the ts, to the British, fleld post letters continue ou! from a German expert as bust fighting ‘qualities. latest Arson jetters, printed in the| wette, contain the follo statement hayo ravest foe we meet. Hvery pualvidualy res keeps on shooting ‘codlly s he {snot taken prisoner, sat stot tr oe of. ‘hurrah,’ but tenaciously to their entrenchments, to the Daas: acnsseiiiase? eA cisaioe military publication of Austria, pays a high tribute to the Servian, Belglan aud Russian troops, @. 'Servians into ae of water at the bottom of the t s them, au ‘aaa prevents them tow flat- tening fa or, would if they 80) ‘abe arsine the per- are separated from the iy 1 perfect. by means of ghass tables in- clined enough so that the shot, when poured on sh one end of the nies ‘will roll to. mito carry them beyond the first en The pa A sind shot roll easily) ands when they reach: the foot it The | ma ble, they jump ly across t first gutter and land in the seco; nd. After separation, the, perfect shot. are polished by rolling in nplumaa, and pete then Beis them in ba; for thipment, or \| yo" begin livin’ heah. ick them cdareck fe Woman to the Rescue. “Are you a native of this place 1” residen See ‘i what??? was the pu rep! Hy say are you a native here?” While the man was still hesitat- ing over his answer, his wife came to the door, “Ain't you got no sense, Bill” she exelaimed, “The qenl' man means Was yo' livin’ heah when. yo was ‘born, or was yo’ born before Now answer led nl’man, MURDERED Pat right out of busines ily of corns by Putnam's ‘Cor BatAAL aH? which cures corna ri tet ay one ay No pain or ow “putna: is Refuge 7 ete vey 2e, per polite Bt the ger er to the cantridge- to be loaded ‘ho ah oa ' mee Re iia: Size. not possible that we who have al ventured far from our A scien tist, lecturing recently in London, stated rty Of coientists who Journeyed to Torres Straits, canreng out investigations: diseoy- ered that measurement, or cranial He esata of eee weal? was, fae f the e mage ‘Universi undergraduate ‘n the interior ef Borneo ion) in houses a ‘hundred yards ean raised on twenty-feet poles, ; ei be: af for each family, Pais a = r for a st thie jor joint tenants, these latter dwellings shows that the natives hav: sense of the cial intercourse acc he m Me spirib of broths thootk toate Pat, “I should ba oad to give youa sate, Re the empty ‘ones are all full.’” Minard’s Liniment cures ane in Cows. When Ethel! was a ie years old she went to echool for the first time. “How do you like your Ethel?” toked her mother. L mamma, n't think the. teacher knows very a .”. “Why not, my dear?!’ Wh: she keeps askag questions all the time {” Minard'’s Liniment Cures Colds, Ete, Teacher—A train leavesLondon | {! travelling thirty miles an hour. Tt is fol towed chirty minutes later by a train travelling sixty miles) na hour. At what’ point, will the second train run into the first? Boy —At the hind end of the rear car: ~| Und ey ®| So four and twenty hours I git fo make de Allies run ii Und put me éafe into mein blace— it "| Because you Gott, called: brave, jut ration fi 1 away. thi made that gestion— make you well just as it dl Beapalten, Credit 1s given the Bel: Mr saniuel St Johns, of Stamford, glans for standing with Bngland and! who yayy:—“In. running to eateh. Franco “when they must haye renlized| train last. woek J became. much ovor- that their in cause Wi eom=lheated.. I put up, thé train window ably lost.” ey ae. {g oritized for/and rode that way in order to: g ita, attacks om the Russlans,. saylng j coated off hour my side was so they areTbrave dnd: capa Hof pai ing. bu asked - traveller in Alabama of @) apie . THE Katgis Lanes Gott, Pa dear hear Your ‘eres ba det 8 ey Uud thas a word or tw: ese sour mean he all oul lors now Sond Alister eile For vat I say See me much, man, ot attendant Meinself und Shern You a ile Gott, I yas your frie: Und from ‘noin hour of birth quietly let you Und ven & toldt mi OF byegone battle a I gladly split de glo id half gave you on praise. In every way I tried to prove Mein heart. to you vas true, claimed mein honest WHY WORRY | Choose your variety and ask your ar for , “Clark’s"’ FARMS FOR SALE. ihe sdoeds dat wi Th sky, or land or sea, You could not haf a Centar friendt ip YOU WANT TO BUY wate B. WD “0! HW. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Strost, Toron' Fruit, Btock, eal Dairy Farm, rult, rain oF Dalry . Brampton, 4 9 Col De Lord of Shel So vat I say, dear Gott, 4s dis, Dat ve should still bo friendta, Und ye should help to send my Dan Kaiser Vivhelm number toro, ermany. To ae deir bitter ends, Tf you, dear Gott vill, oe me do rl nothing ask ay aga: Und-you and Y will bardners be For eyermore, Amen ! But oa Gott, it must be mighty ‘ick Won isle here send, De middle of de Sun If you do dis, I'll do a) bart: T’ll tell de vorld dot fact, But if you don’t, oe T must tink ings) ete. al twelve inches Toronto, H.W. STi Colborne St, te Di Bo.."Llmitod, Collingwood. Ont, Machinery For Sal Ene, sbatting, belting, pulley’ retin large factory tor ae: Wivcetooke engine, 18 by 42, Serine with cylinder frame, fly wheel): be in ‘good Sansa 8 rom one inch to three inches, ‘pulleys thirty inches to fifty inches, to peste six inches 1 sell entire: or in par Frank Wilson & Sons, 73 Agaaide Street West, Tatonta, It is an hostile a Den var at once I vill declare, Und in mein-anger rise Und sous mein Zepp'lin ships to A faht. He in de skies. Dis ultimatum now, dear Gott, 's von of many more, Mine mind is settled up to clean De_whole vorld off de vas mein floor bardner, @ chance is giffen au ce, or oe I’ il be De 1 mperor of Heffen Todd —Van De | Magazine. in Canadian \ BEGINS THIS WA’ Speediest Cure is Nerviline, Tt der certain Ae! from. a got abate which abound Bai he La Do Long Breaths Hurt? ts and experience DANGEROUS PLEURISY on tobe how far the ‘aeroplane’ will serve a protection against submazines Seeing Under Water, is undoubtedly true that, nclitio ord it ds Po: eb- ata cone depth bolow the surface, but ith: im, clear waiter, rorable light. In the’ che i m e slipstream from. { propeller reravink dl in fronty add~l wo the high speed of travel, 6. use 25 5 2 =e m no doubt will, be Grace one int alone com vow Minard's Liniment Cures RBhtaioia: Ouch, that stablike pain in the std is lik er “a hot Fo aang ta che ribs! | Charles aays T grow more bent ton fast—now. there is’ congestion, te every time he geesame,’? ‘1 |Hghtness, such sore you can’t] that’s the came you ought to make es long breat him eall twiee a day,’’ came nis. is the testing of Pleurlsy. | reply, y ips pp thate is. 0 serious to neglect ja single Ins a | Quickest. relied. will cone ctra i, eet raat a a % ma | yagoraus mun with Nepviline, This in Shinn willfix you up n= himself; coplelnethd Qranulare Waal Press uring May aieecan es Chleags Some peoples are Seabed to take almost any old thing-exéupt a hint Minara’s Lintment) Cures Diétemper, An Irishman, Heating oft friend a stone oy mde for “Faith, that's do ure, an’ a stone Goffin will ast. man a lifetime," and I quick ly got relief. from a ous illness,” Any sort of a cold can be quickly broken up with Nerviline which is ® Out in Norton the supérintendent, was examining the «choo “Who wrote Hamlet?” he asked. A very frightened little boy. rose and sai “Please, sir, 7 didn’ t.”’ atter- The superintendent was the wand relating the ined yas iit members of the school boa: My pee oe 46h law. haw,’ bet the little raseal” did, “all the TAKE NOTICE Fe SA oh simple, gtnaight, testimon- iat eae axes’ Interviews, from now tn wie Sas ‘7 o rsuyA rigs in si ct Howschold Rearedies, “MINARDS LINTMENT / The THUACyIE A custom commonly obsarvea yy oy newly-married couples s among tlie ancient tons Was drinking. a wee made on nonce during ie first thipty days after marriage, hav tigance in ter, Al- ter, Hehough Fel custom a) drinking to's Pee ind oh Mesh) was long ‘ago ‘abandoned, the word hopey- moon. has gr ae in a differe sense. no period. after SPATTIA WHAT 1S. YOUR Y il can't have a Paice complexion 3 Vaseline ie COLD CREAM ler smooth, clear, srabeoga fa ba — CHESEBROUGH MFG. CO. os (Coosolidnted). = 5 7 1880 CHABOT AVE. MONTREAL MIRROR'S STORY? |}. {