1 » # - —I tis _quite possible-that the crown a’ Beautiful home, garage and stable, aria ating Fe ound “Not Guilty” By Mayor C: PECULIAR DECISION IN FACE OF, ' STRONG EVIDENCE, HAS GIVEN _Oce. N FOR MUCH TALK. Charged with the thert on Satur- day of fifteen dollars from the till of Messrs. llar & Mitchell in the Ford garage, Oswald Sproule, whose parents are respected and prominent! - residents of. Elma township, appear- ed in gourt at supper time Monday, and though guilty of having taken the. money, asthe evidenee. clearly in- dicated, was acquitted- by Campbell, who présided in the ab- ssence of Magistrate Terhune because of illness. The judgment of. the mayor, who apparently acted according to person- al inclination, rather than basing his decision on the evidence, has given oceasion for much talk and unfor- tunately won't have a tendency to -elevate the court In public respect. at- torney, who has taken an intérest in remedying: the laxity in law nforce-| ment here, will direct a re-trial. = The evidence indteGted that the acr cused was probably intoxicated when he took the money and a further cage for breach of the temperance laws, may implicate a local from whom Sproule claimed to have se- cured his liquid refreshment on pre- scription. - Mayor! ? The yoting man stated that me had several drinks of whiskey that night ; and admitted “feeling pretty good” when he went into the garage. Me- Kellar and Mitchell also testified that he had been drinking and Constable Wilson was emphatic in declaring that the young fellow was intoxicated. ere was n6-question about it, he id. ‘Asked by Mayor Campbell what) ‘kind of -whiskey it was, the accu ‘replied: =“I_don’t*know.. I got_it,on on, It was itkely rye . The theft of the money was : ported to Constable Wilson Saturday Lege by McKellar, who stated th good. reason to 5 Bproutes A ten and a five ata had been taken and he felt confident <% could. recognize the fornrer, for it was a new bank of MontreaMbill, fold- once across the centre. Shortly afterwards if was learned that young Sproule had tendered a “ten dollar bill at Livingstone's, anal was found to be_the one taken from the till at the garage. He was accost- ed by Constable Wilson just as he was about to step into a car and on being accused of the theft is report- ed to have remarked: “If I have any money belonging to anyone else don't know it.” However he turned over $15 to the constable, whe al- lowed hinr to proceed. Though not coming from the. ac- cused, there was a suggestion ad- vanced that he opened the till to make ae S <a | ‘s C| EVERYBODY'S COLUMN . Ten Cents a line for first insertion. Subsequent inser- tions Five Cents. Minimum charge Twenty-Five Cents. tT | ate. SHINGLES AND CEMENT Car of XXX Shingles and car of cement to hand. ‘R.T. Kemp. tfnp FOR SALE Three nice chunks of pigs. Apply box 569 or at Howard McKenzie’s farm. Itnp “change for-a twenty dollar bill, but ‘| Constable Wilson got no track of a the evidence didn’t bear this out. bill of that denomination. It was brought out that before teking the money, the accused, while in the office, accepted payment wf a bill from Councillor Watsoh, amount- ing to $1.50, and on being tendered a five dollar bill, made the change from his own pocket. He told Mit- chell of this and gotehis own money back. “The $3.50"? he was asked. “I don't know how much. I got my money back,"’ he replied: . , Before dismissing the-cxese—Mayor Campbell inquired of McKellar and Mitchell if they thought young "PROPERTY FOR SALE Solid brick house on south Royal street, with three building lots. Phone 163, ring 3.-- FOR. Number of young cows and some ‘sows in pig. John Morem an, route 2, Sargule,: =who was in their employ months ago, “IntentionaHy,"’ and received a reply in the negative. In. declaring_ the young man not guilty, Mayor Campbell told him that he had a narrow escape, that whiskey was alright in its place but that young men could come to town and Listowel. 2tup | WANTED TO RENT | , At once, house with five or atx | rooms and preferably modern con-: veniences. Apply at The Banner. tf LOST Silver gray fox muff, corner Elma and Main St., April 14. Finder please leave at this office, and get reward. 7 TYPEWRITER WANTED Preferably Remington or Under- wood make. Must be in good con- dition. Apply at this office. tfinp ’ ROLLED OATS for sale in ninety-pound sacks, at $5.50, for the next few days. Mc- Donald's flour and feed stére. FOR SALE 1% acres land, all the conveniences: also corner lot, good building site. Box 327, Listowel. {np | «. AUCTION SALE | Of four heifers. Perchern gelding and three good milch cows, Saturday April 24. J. R. Richards, near high, school. ltnp! SHINGLES ke Book your order for Shingles while they ast. [ XXXXX at $2.85 per bunch XXX at $2. 40 per bunch. - ‘| Robert Oliver, Limited. 2tnp | FOR PRIVATE SALE =| Mr. G. H. McGee, who recently sola] his place to Mr. Cyrus Hacking, and is moving to Palmerston, has the fol- lowing for disposal by private sale: chofce yearling heifer, part Jersey; | coal oil stove ,wickless, Detroit vapor, | nearly new, with oven; sewing ma-' chine, Raymond make; eee | springs and matress; stand; 3 Al \) mantle lamps and hanging lamp; cet | “sad irons; collapsible rubber bath tub; 15 gallon coal oil can, with | pump. . DANCING © ES : LASS: In the event of a sufficient class of pupils signing up, Mrs. Gray of St. a.very efficient dancing teach- er, who has conducted classes in 23rd of April next, a course of eight lessons, which cost in all, four dol lars, 50c a lesson; and two separate classes; will be bad each Friday night and two on eo aime fternoon for -eight weeks, wishing to join offiee have a good time without loading up with it. It was the mayor's first case. . = * * * * * * LJ > MAY BUST UP THE GANG “Honey” Kaufman, “Soper” Tremain and “King” Kemp left Listowel following dis- closures recently made by a < EGE? E ell - WN took the money] REV. STEP noXD was -INENT MINISTER ~ Rev. Stephen Bond, a 1 Methodist minister- and one who superannuated following his torate at Atwood,-died Wi after a brief illness. With reference to his Ont., in 1837, and entered odist ministry in 1856, and was” dained: four years later, He.’ when he retired after over half century of effective toil. He a eh preacher, a careful + ise administrator, and his bre teaatee hits to 08 small tall eee of rdistrict, was selected to <= Conference, and in 1897 was president of the London fest Be 32: his theology or his adm methods; but he was withal one the kindliest of men, and he me betrayed a trust.- vative, it was yet surprising to his mind was open to new and he was desirous of dea ly with any new claims. and systematically, and he left regret -his--passing, —bw vice of the Lord Jesus Christ. survived by his widow; three so: George S., of Schreiber, Allan Ss. Winnipeg, and R. B., of Toronto; two daughters—Mrs. 8. Red Deer, Alta. The bereaved fam many friends. Barn Fires Start From Smoke House rate {2 2 2e WITH THE“ WATER IN GOOD’ AND DEPARTMENT. WAS» TIME. Fire, originating from a smo Smith, about half past four this ternoon, caused the destruction levelled a small barn, belonging Mr. S. 8S. Good, which adjoined it. A hor were ta too gredt headway. barrow, there was little of value the building of Mr. Good eeoev ea eae provincial detective. Tremain's destination was Galt, but the other two chaps got off at Guelph where ne were “run in’ as vagrants. Local author- ities were got in touch with .and before the paige were re- leased they are reported to have divulged some informa- tion that may have sométhing to do with breaking up the operations of the gang here. *| *| : * * s * o * s . * ° . . LJ * * . * oe 8 P88 8 be: * * s LI] La ~~ ° o * » * eereeeeeeas foelenfeefontecfectectecfysfenteedeefesfes * HIGH SCHOOL NOTES + rm ots otal eaten” sfesterterls Reports of the Easter term. The following have obtained the necessary percentages in the exam-. inations held during the term. Form V. Honors, Wm. Hyndman, M. Cla Pike. pass. A. Gray Isabel Nichol Form IV lesfocfenTosfoofenfoofootonfoafestecteeteofesferte: pre V. J. Rennie, C. Tanner, V. Dierlam, C. Faulkner, 0. Nickel, C. Stewart, O. Cowan, K. McIntyre. Fo Ill. ; Honors: L. Hammond, M. Wilson. Pass: B. Dierlam, M. Halliday, L. Wenzel, F. Nicol, J. Nicol, D. Philp,! O. Fallis, R. Jacobs. Form il. Honore: H. Seaman,- A. Dick, D. | Wenzel, Pass P. Gischler, D. Kidd, A. Spence, D. igi icpred C. Wagner, L. Brownson, E. Davidso ‘orm Honors: M. McDonald, a Orr. Pass: P. Kilgore, G. McDonald, J. Rennie, L. Sovereign, L. Zoeger, J. Rae, M. Johnson, R. Savage, M. Park- er, 8. McQuarrie, M. Pirie, J. Ander- son, A. Moore, M. Hymers, R. Vine, C. Kinkead. Commercial Class, Honors—C. Fritz, M. Al- Junfor., Pass—M. Morris, T. Kil- gore, W. Nickel. Several have ernie — or et " Senior. ently not as high as it other The fire department. bl towel, When the whistle sound “l Mr. Donagan was working with the town “team on Main street and did take long in switching ‘to the fire wagon. Carl Gray did the comedy stunt by chasing up with the one-horse reel, without any hose on. board. Considering Outside Man For Constable COMMITTEE APPOINTED WITH MENT. PROVINCIAL At a special meeting of the counell ke,| Wednesday night, a committee con- pte of Mayor Campbell, Councllor atson and Councillor Malcolm was x appointed to take up with the provin- Honors: J. Brock. Pass: H. Clarke, | cial department, the matter of procur- ing through them an outside man taxe over the duties of constable Listowel, the intention being day and. night. Councillor Male criticism of Const taining a conviction in the case Im made the young man up Monday charged but the constable made the statement -in explanation :that he didn't happen to be the magis- with theft, trate who heard the case: The special meeting-'was -called to settle a matter between the to and Mr. Brennan, contractor, regard: ing the balance of account owing for paving, but in the absence.of Reeve Hacking, definite action was delayed Mr. H. B. nee ee M. P., was home from Ottawa today. ieamurte Of Boast Mrs. J. a Ht espa has been ma re) the combined 0 office of . ere ee Beet ; : time} was president of the Londot conference, | ‘his pas-' ‘ednesday, April 7th.,-at his home in: Dorokig: death the; Christian _Guardjan_has the; follow-| ng: Bro. Bond was bora age tinted in the active work til 1 8. There were no loose ends in either inistration, and he was very impatient of slipshod never Naturally conser- to find how, even within the past few years, Wherever | he toiled, the toiled conscientiously} charges the better for his labors. We t-we rejoice over a long life well spent-in the ser- He of Calgary, and Mrs. D. G. Horney. ily have the NR i ad of their house on the premises of Mr. Henry the greater part of his barn and also ie, cows, pigs and some grain n out before the blaze got With the exception of a wheel- responded; promptly and had a stream on the aze in almost record time for Lib- BY COUNCIL TO TAKE UP MATTER DEPART- re~ tain the services of the present cen- stable and have a man on the job some le Wilson for not lieved. pov 41 ore] eaniaton a been Foo cart and 5 terest .s wn Was most e Other caeaais chosen were: to: permit or- €@ ladies’ department] splendia ere and in- couraging. About torty ig fotaed. the newly organized ‘Vice-president—Mrs. George Har- al date Secretary-——Mrs, Ed: Shearer. Directors—Mrs. Warren Hay, Miss a longer this line, identified ed of his of ke- af- of to it ed, n't ed the MOTHER OF LISTOWEL CHANT BROUGHT HERE FOR “HER 88RD nty bey e Hargreaves, president of the Listowel Farmer's club, was in the chai ‘ Mr. Reynold Likely ~ To Stay In Town BOARD RE-ENGAGED HIM MON- DAY NIGHT AT AN INCREASE IN SALARY. Mr. W. R. Reynolds, who had plan- “ned to leave for Kincardine, was re- engaged as superintendent for the Listowel Public Utilities commission }at a meeting of the board Monday night and will in a probability re- main in town. The commission Senmatly advertised for a successor to Mr. Reynolds and received upwards of thirty applica- tions, but after referring the matter to a committee, accepted the appli- cation of Mr. Reynolds, which calls for an increase in salary. It was ener “. an toe tenders Stolen Goods Returncd— | “Ir Jickling, Mrs. Ralph Jackson, Mrs. Thomas Jackson, Mrs. de} and Mrs. James-C! da. Mrs, Thomas Cleland was dppoint- R. M. Gray} th 7. thew eter in k gets below a certain fixed peint, “it cOMmences to pump and when !t gets within a certain distance from the top, automatically shuts off. A box of moccasins, valued at $25, missing.since last summer, was re- turned the other day to the shoe- merchant. tions of a provincial detective are thought to have made the guilty party uneasy Mrs. Jacob Walter r. Kibler, nt opera- Dies At Hepworth BURIAL WAS IN YEAR, MER- Mrs. Jacob Walter, mother of Mr. J. P. Walter, merchant of Listowel, and a former resident of this town “land Wallace township, died Monday to in of i rit ee Sete ss ade ee o> ae s0n. in her eighty-third year, at Hepworth, where she has been making her home with a daughter, Mrs. S. Stockfish. The remains were brought to Lis- towel on Tuesday and the funeral was held the day following to Fairview “cemetery, from the residence of the Rev. E. M. Gischler, pastor of the Evangelical church, was in ¢harge of the services. Mrs. Walter is survived by four Mr. sons and five daughters: Mr. Adam Waiter of Kitchener, WwW Walter of Ladner, B, C.; ‘Walter of Spokane, Washington; Mrs. Nieholas Krotz of Calexico, Califor- nia; Miss Emma Walter of Calexico, Mrs. Stockfish of Hepworth, Adam Wenzel of Wallace and Mrs. William Grosz of Kitchener. {lliam Mr. George Mrs. Mr. Adam Arnold of Listowel js a brother. The ladies are making arrange- { * La * * e * * * * A PRACTICAL KINDNESS Mr. James Rogers, the tail- or, whose shop was recently burglarized of goods to the ful to the citizens who gener- ously contributed several hun- dred dollars. to- help compen- sate for the serlous Tos#;-and \ « value of $2,000, is very grate-— ments for the collection. of paper, old rags and rubbers next month. and had bee recovery. cemetery, of Rey. Among ¥ For_a co siderable pore ort of ‘this. time he was in hartiware busi lo- cated on Main street, and later, for- the time of his sickness, he surance company. Mr. Bricker is one of Listowel’s Prominest aus tie ph | residents. o the Dominion Life Company, who pith! efficient Sraeuseltatires Thou Bricker" 8 death did not come as a sur- prise to the many frien ily, for there was little hope for his the result of injuries hs his spine in an automobile acciden He is survi formerly Ada the late.Mr. John Campbell, one of the town’s pioneers, and a brother, Mr, M. Bricker. of Port. Elgin. The funeral was held this after- noon from his beautiful and well ap- pointed home at the corner of Main and Victoria streets, Christ church, of which Mr. Bricker was a member. Mr. H. B. J. M. Schinbein, Mr. John Scott, Mr. John Livingstone, J. W. Bernie and Reeve J. A. Hacking. are a neice, husband from Bram Mrs. W. Armitage-o Mr. Hilliard of the Dominion Life, Kitchener. period, on Wallace street. It is several years since he gave up| enue, and that is from tracks..~ and more recently, up till has been with the Dominion Life As- ul business man nm giving splendid service aS a capable’ and hastened oy: the stroke, Mr: of the fam- His fatal sickness was om Mrs, Bricker, ampbell, daughter of to Fairview the service being in charge Dunbar, pastor of Pallbearers were: Morphy, K.C., M.P., Mr: those here for the funeral Mrs. Graham and her pion. Mr. and Toronto, and jel. ONDON time. the price the belief the mines duced. If weeks ago. Ontario. quently a or. - Says Coal Will Be $2 A Ton Cheaper’: CONSUMERS HIGH PRICES. (London Advertiser) Coal will be at least.$2 a ton cheap- er this summer, in the opinion of the coal dealers of this city. big dealers stated yesterday that it was only the great demand ‘t Was keeping the price up at t esent If the people would ta: easier and stop buying for a while, A big convention of all the largest coal dealers in this province and in the United States was held in Toronto a week-ago, he said. Practically every coal man who was present expressed getting their next winter's supply; and refused to pay the high price being asked for.coal, it would not be long before the price of coal would drop considerably. The insistent demand that is be-| ing put on the local dealers forces| them to keep after the operators at the retail dealers could refuse to buy the coal at the price being asked, and therefore the price at the mines would have to be lowered. other commodities, is controlled en- tiely by the supply and demand. Local dealers say that the demand at the present time is as great, if not greater than at any time in the his- tory of the business. seem almost in a panic to secure their next winter's supply of fuel. dealers stopped taking orders three} DEALER BLAMES THE FOR. PRESENT é One of the ihings would certainly drop. that if the people delayed gambling on®race trac Fence Bh lar all the different branches of the — = and to buy all that is pro-| there was no local demand, Coal, as with The people Many of the switchmen | throughout the United States and the | tight embargoes put ont all’ points; of entry as a result ay crossing the border, te absolutely | cut off the coal supply from Western | aigst freight No coal has come to thi? city for;almost a week, and conse- | great number of the deal- ers have no‘coal in their yards. Many cars are Teported to be-tied up at the| WwW. C. invitation Do nbt forget the Figen post and be given *~ the Women's Hospital| |} pril i16th., fours te puincat aie een chloe. Kidd, is extended to and tea, to street. & hearty ali. House Cl from Mr. quaeee om . hanges Hands— Mr. Roy Cleland has purchased the residence at the corner of Queen: and York theses formerly owned by Fred Bender, the grocer, SR AC Ro-;. | pickles; Mrs. R. R. Hay, clothes haim- 5 to get the — Some. people have tela “the government ae Hs ot” to mention to-day, we are goln allow it to a on this FOR ar are going to j tracks $5,000 & day, and ‘the tracks -$10,000°a day, That bring in ‘Increased revenue to amount. of three-quarters of a, Hon dollars.” At present the race tracks are es = ment, he said, had bee itionists and cohesionists, Hon. Mr. Smith he “absolutely re ed and refused to be called ‘Unio ist.’ cid .? “I feel we are here simply on trial,” he declared. “In the vety near, fu=— ture there may be any number of changes in the cabinet. Some of us) in the cabinet to-day may measure up” to the required efficiency and others may not... So far as the prime” minister is concerned, he has measur-_ ed up to what we expected of him: much more." - It was not the actions: of the late government which result- It hes been some. Job, 3 . added, smilingly, “to “grasp in t short time we have been in 0: partment. this House my ipa not claim to be a poss r of extraordinary ability—just_ “common sense." - SAAAAAAAA Aa aaaaaeeae HOSPITAL DONATIONS ae Seeder WIN roa ei | The .llowing further donations th : Listowel Memorial Hospital. have 1 been received: 8. 8S, No. allace, — $40.00; Donegal Women's Patfiot 4 League, $32.00; Wm. Ellison, wheel-— barrow; A. J. ¥andrick, 6 lamps; Mrs. Geo. Kennedy, $5.00; Miss Suth-\ erland and Miss Fields, pair of pil- lows; F. O. Clark, 3 sets cream and © sugars, egg -cups and: tea pars * A. E. Malcolm, strawberries for | * and patients; Mrs. Jickling,-1 w blanket, 1 jar of fruit; Mrs. Cavell 2 jars of fruit; Mrs. Stewart, 1 = eggs, 1 jar of fruit and 1 of pickles; — ; Mrs. Gray, ice cream and oranges for staff; Mrs: Youn, 2 jars of fruit; Mrs. Ww. Gray, 2 jars of fruit and f of) I am going to plead ft = ue per; Molesworth Women's Institute, quilt; Fred Bender, groceries to ae value of $20,380. MICKIE SAYS OuRN BEAT FUR Popycansy/ eed STH THE GREEN “INO Don't ADVERTISE. ON ‘FENCES — Cows DONT bse i