New Issue $5 ee Ames Holden Rubber Boot Company, Limited: i Tp, 20-Year Ist Mortgage Sinking Fund» Gold Bonds * Guaranteed Unconditionally Principal and Interest by Endorsement by Ames Holden McCready Limited The Largest Manufacturers and Distributors of Boots and Shoes in Canada Dated July ist, 1920. Due July ist, 1940 Principal and half-yearly interest (July ist and January ist) payable in Gold at the Wank of Nova Scotia, Montreal. Toronto and at the agency of the Bank of Nova Scotia, New York City. Coupon Bonds. cipal may be registered. Denom- inations: $100, $500 and $1,000. ~ Redeemable as a whole or in part July ist, 1922, or on any interest date thereafter on three months’ notice at.105 and accrued interest: Trustee. The Eastern Trust Company, Montreal. Subject to legal opinion of 8. J. LeHuray, Montreal, and of Sims, Bray & McIntosh, Kitchener, Ont. CAPITALIZATION - AUTHORIZED _ ISSUED Ist Mortgage 7 p. c. Bonds $2,000,000 $1,000,000 Preferred Stock : : 800,000 800,000 Common Stock : : 2,200,000 2,200,000 1. Ames Holden McCready Limited, which guarantees payment of the principal and interest of these bonds, has net assets (exclusive of good-will) after provision for all of its own bonds and debentures applicable to the guarantee, of $3,314,564.35, ‘or over three times the amount of this issue). Included in the above assets are 15,000 shares of Common Stock of Ames Holden Tire Company, Limited, at a nom- inal valuation. The Company has also acquired the controlling interest in Ames Holden Felt Company, Limited, and hold.3,750 shares of its capital stock not in- cluded in the above assets. The Company has guaranteed | the principal and interest. 3 ot issues of bonds of the Tire and Felt Conipanies. 2 The average net earnings of Ames Holden McCready Limited, from opera- @P tions, after maintenance. renewals, depreciation and interest on its present outstand- ing bonds. for the seven years ending April 30th, 1919, amounted to ......$172,000 {or about. 2% times the bohd interest on this issue). For three vears ending April 30th, 1919 ......... 20... ce eee eee eae. - $283,239 tor 4 times the bond interest on this issue). For the vear ending April 20th. 1919 2.2... ce eee eee $323,321 ‘(or over 4% times the bond interest on this issue} For EIGHT months ending Dec. 3lst, 1919 ©... 0.0... eee ee eee $307.400 (or over 6 timps the bond interest on this issue} 3. The estimated net earnings of the Ames Holden Rubber Boot Co., Limited, are: — - for the year ending December, 3ist, 1921 ......... 2... cc eee eee eee $150,000 for the year ending December, 31st, 1922 ......... 0. cece eee wens $200,000 for the year ending December, 31st, 1923 ............... 2-224 -026- $250,000 * 4. The marketing of the product will be dhandled by the Ames Holden McCready -Bales organization, which extends from coast to coast, and is organized to give the product distribution throughout the Dominion. 5. The manufacturing profit to the Ames Holden Rubber Boot Company Limit- ed, by virtue of the contract with Ames Holden McCready Limited, is conservatively estimated at upward of one dollar per pair of Rubber Boots and the Company plans at the start to make one thousand pairs of Rubber Boots and-Lumbermans per day. The plant will be tocated at King and Wilmot streets, Kitchener, and will be so designed that its output can be increased to 10,000 pairs per day with minimum ex- penditure as its business grows. 6. Sinking Fund commencing July 1st, 1922, provides sufficient funds to retire the whole issue by maturity. Having sold a large part of the above issue, [ offer the unsald portion for sab4 scription. ; Price 100 and accrued interest, carrying a 25 per cent. bonus of common stock. Payable as follows: 10 per cent. oh application, 15 per cent. on allotment; and the balance in five installments of 15 per cent. each on the ist day of each month following allotment. The right is reserved to allot a portion only of the amount applied for; in this event the balance of the deposit will be applied towards payment of amount due on allotment. Interest will be adjusted upon completion of payment. Interim Bond Certificates will be issued by The Eastern Trust Company pend- ing delivery of Definitive Bonds. Common Stock bonus will be adjusted to even shares by purchase or sale of a fractional share at the rate of $25.00 per share. # Transfer Agents: The Easterrf TrusfCo., Montreal, P. Q. Cumulative Preferred Stock __~ Dividends will be cumulative from the first of July, 1920, at the rate of 8 p.c. on the amount paid up, and are payable quarterly on the first days of, January, April, July and October. . The Preferred Shares are preferred as to assets and div- idends accrued. . Capitalization ~ Authorized Issued First Mortgage 7 p. c. Bonds .......-......... $2,000,000 $1,000,000 Preferred Stock once ee en ewe we Oy we Tie ee 800,000 800,000 Common Stock 2... 00. es 2,200,000 2,200,000 : ' Profits The estimated net earnings of the Ames Holden Tire Co., Limited: For the year ending December Sist, 1920 ........0....+..... $170,000 For the year ending December 31st, 1921 ....... Gas te SOR 300,000 For the year ending December Sst, 1922 .........02....... 500,000 a « o Distribution The entire product of the Ames Holden Tire Co., Limited for the next twenty years will be marketed by Ames Holden McCready Limited at current prices from time to time through their sales organization which extends from coast to coast and which is organized to distribute the product throughout the Dominion. Ames Holden McCready Limited will be allowed, as compensation for the distribution and sale of the pro- duct of Ames Holden Tire Co., Limited, the usual commission or discount allowed distributors or jobbers for purchases of like quantities. Having sold a large part of the above issue, | offer the un- sold portion for subscription. Price $100 per share, carrying a 25 per cent. bonus of common stock. Payable as follows: ‘10 per cent. on application, 15 per cent. on allotment, and the balance in five equal instal- -ments of 15 per cent. each on the first days of each ~ month following allotment. The right is reserved to allot a portion of the amount applied for; in this event the balance of the deposit will be applied towards payment of amount due on allotment. Common Stock Bonus will be adjusted to even shares by purchase or sale of a fractional share at the rate of $40.00 per ghare. Solicitors: S. J. LeHuray, Montreal, and Sims, Bray & McIntosh, Kitchener, Ont. Send to either of my offices for complete prospectus and subscription blank. Orders may be telegraphed or telephoned at my expense. . T. H. RIED or 521 King St. west, ‘Kitchener, ‘Ont. 1221 Mount Royal Ave. East, Montreal, 4 j sninininilianteaieniianiin : ate Me , ne