Listowel Banner, 1 Jul 1920, p. 5

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rere te re > sa DELCO-LIGHT | Used Here importance, N considering the installation of a farm electric .plant, more must mere price. There are other things of greater You want to be sure you receive tong years of dependable service at low an cost, and be sure the plant you install mest ‘a the = which are clai co-Light is not an ‘experiment. It has gone taken into account then operatin: upkeep - Drayton, Clifford, Wroxeter, Palmerston, Elora, Torgnto, Lon-] don. and Detroit lodges. Past Grand Geo. Hyland acted as marshal, Captain Holtom” performed the Chaplain’s services, ear’ Noble shares MacFarlane had charge of the cer monies, ™ At the high school a beautiful bronze tablet was_unveiled in mem- ory. of the studex(is aha ex-students who, made the supreme sacrifice, The chair was occupied by James McMur- chie. Addresses were given by Rev. T. D. McCullough and Capt. Paulin: Little Miss Dorothy Powes unfurled the Union Jack covering the tablet, after which the “Last. Post”. was sounded by Bugler Harry Richards.” In the evening after special church services a band concert was rendered in the park. To-day music was rendered by the Palmerston Band. Visitors register- -ed in the Council Chamber under the supervision of the Daughters of the Empire. The opening of the base- ball tournament, a lacrosse match be- tween Durham and Harriston, a band concert, and a concert in the Town Hall in the evening filled out the day. ta esley, Listow ai Mount. Foteuts Wedne ne sday 5 July 7th * frecatatioi for the coming” ‘Referendum ~. Dr. A. S. Grant, B. ASS . Will Be The Speaker _ Morning Session Will Begin at 10.15. All Are Welcome. Good Program, ant DR. COPELAND, President, Ist, Vice-President, Listowel. St. Marys. 8. L. ADOLPH, Secretary, Listowel. Pile: the refining influence of years of actual 5 ~ —* : farm usage. Today there are more than 85,000 | | 4 plants in daily use. Nearly everywhere you. will | BRITTON SCHOOL REPORT | find Delew-L igh plants providing complete a | N | hed a °,°@ hd \ ependable electric service. There is a satisfi ~— + ti ee et is position Is open . _ Think _ ——- Lg you. It means that To Sr. IV.—Ellen Hammond 86%, you need not depend entirely upon your own judg- honors; Gwendoline Gray 85%, hon- ment when buying an electric light and power plant. ors; Agnes Keith 75%, honors; Har- f You can talk to an actual userand learn from him old Kithead 65%. ° or ou now peor inw Delco-Light will do for you the things. To Jr. 1V.—Eddie Alexander 84%, Tt of ae east s av . . . honors; Lorne Newbigging 74%. ers you good ciean y neetdalewor mak- Perhaps your neighbor has Delco-Light? If not, To Sr. II].—Carrie Rae 88%, hon- ing overalls and gloves) in sunny, attractive write for name of nearest user and catalog. ors; Cora Kinkead 86%, honors; surroundings, in the company of refined and Bertha Smith and Edith Johnston ‘ agreeable young women. We are willing to H. Gourley Darroch ry Ten aoa fanaa Sor ] pay good wages even while you ate learning. Delco-Light Dealer. McNichol 74%, Bell Keith 67%, Gor- The job is steady—8 hours a day, with a half . LISTOWEL - ONTARIO don McLellan 65%, Ethel McNichol holiday on Saturday. We provide a cheerful; ae i”. ' man 4 cosy, rest room; well-cooked and appetizing ? ore. gg Pra cee cen | meals at cost, and a chance to earn big wages 5, - ro ’ Jessie Preston 79%, honors; Arthur as you advance. Our welfare department will Alexander 72%, Graham Vance 59% also undertake to secure for you good board Hisie McWilliams 51%, Margaret Me-| in a private home at a moderate price. Write Williams 41 % or apply personally to Mr. Fell who will be P fate ee — Douglas B. Lgwry.; glad to show you over the place and answer or exander an oe. 3. Btsaeaee. teacher. y questions you may care to ask. . 3! HAMILTON CARHARTT COTTON MILLS Limited ‘ . ! } urery of Overalls and Work Gloves r - ———— = | | S. S. No. 6, WALLACE | 535 EAST QUEEN STREET ‘ | e—— “| | S41 EAST KING STREET } TORONTO \* “« % at eal, Winnipeg and Vancouver. 7 i MOLESWORTH <gtaumel promotionexaminations: < . ; — (oe . J Jr. IV to Sr. IV. Pass 528, honors MI =, | 600—Vfolet Schaefer 731, Mildred |= Or eel nd Miss M. Scott] Schaefer 681. Saloma Schneider 651.) 7 | a ae =n ois weak ummeéf; Margaret Walter 629, Olene Schneid- ““ ” i ‘i gine ‘le f er 557, Edna Yungblut 554, Morley en aaiguborheod attaaied the ‘sles Traviss 631, Clayton Wolfe 530, Ilene a » sata fc oon "wens ST DS TOWEL AUTO SERVICE urday afternoon. The day was idé@Al, “Ir. Il. to Sr. IJ. Pass 372, honors Hine wae emeet 1nG @ very enjoyable) 459—-Clayton Bender 506, Ralph = Some sixty or ee of the Young Se Lt Re ee ee eater FIRST-CLASS CARS COMPETENT DRIVERS People attended a P..8. social at 322 Gordon SIhneider 312. be P ; ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ . the home of Mr. [a Doig on Il to Jr. WI. Pass 350—Bessie > ; / i There is a genuine satisfaction in being able to Monday evening. Gybnelier 29%, Gordon rou 367 Rates Reasonable ‘ 80d, offer hosiery that you know will piease— Crown | Miss Aggie Bell of Avonton visited! George Yungblut 277. . . . , | at the manse last week. To Il.—Roy Walter, honors. Brand, Circle Bar, Princess Rib, Rock Rib and | Mr. and Mrs. Middleton, Gertie and} po ~ Haze! Sohaefer, honors; Telephone 87, or call at our’ garage on Mill Street - , ; . : | Jack have returned from a ten days’ , . ; a , : : Leader—which require no introduction and | snoter teip to Hamilton, Braatterd posing ban ia see cae whi ffer with perfect confidence. | and other places. . : dy, : ch we can 0 P we sll tat wk trom air paneer Tae ASS EET HF ISTOWET AUTO SERVICE Rave’ ani = re “a tae Bree alcen & tw & , Earl Elliott, a former school teacher. , M. McIntyre oye and girls fine ribbed bose, Circle Bar » 8205 9 Ww OD. ' Mr. Elliott has resigned-as Master i Price 30¢ to 45¢ per pair in Upper Canada College, Toronto, | » + F.C, Kelly J: A. McDonald C. Gabel Princess Ribb boys’ and gir!s' hose, made to fil. and fit to wear, i o—— oar ucen for ~ past rad | . in black and white, sizes 6%-to 10 frices ranging from years: e has accepted a position, | U. 8. S. N. 8, WALLACE | Be te The & pair with the Steel Company of Canada,| ; | Hamilton. We wish him success in} 4 | Leader Ribb Hose. these are a bes +r prare, a gocd one for ihe | his new work. o . | boys, sizes 5 to 9M. Prictr ..2 to 4%: a par Six pupils from our schogl are writ- The following is the a : the 5 ; | SEMIS ‘ ing on the entrance examination ‘n| mid-summer exams at U. N mee a *) Rock Ribb Hose, the strong kir sires §& he, 11 Frices rang- ! Brussels this week. Wallace. KURTZVILLE . | : W. ‘A. BRIT TON ing from 45c to Tic a pa: Se Ill: to Jr. IV. Total 780, pass; } col ~ + +) 468, hb 540.—Myrtle Carson 681,; * i Em une Crown Brand Ribb Hose, in brown ot tbe lad:es’, son cr daughter, ly Edna pened 642. Alda McCluskie i balmer and F ral eizes 5 to 10. Prices 2§c, 28 , G20, B5c, 37 Ue to 60C , re Se as bel Camp_| .<2tis® Irene Fry has returned home) Director ‘ aw 28 . #20, 850, 37% | TOWN LINE, EAST 641, Verna Carson 621, Isabel Camp-! after spending a week in Caled a pair a bell 556. Blast. Graduate Canadian Artificia) Silk Hose in black, hatter’ ¢ at $1.25 a pair “grey, jpear!, sky, tan and navy, with cne seam, soft e€oubls secles high Ladies’ full fashioned Hose in. browr, kit: finish combed yarn. spliced b+¢! are spliced, sizes 9,9% to 10, &5 at Bot @ fa.t. tees Circle Bar Hose, 58c a pair ance hCc and » and good appear- sizes 8%, 9. 9% ard 10 Frices 38c, These have unusei)] c ivat “it \ Crown Brand pure silk Hose in; -*v, ¢moke, trunse, beaver, cor- dovan, beize, palm beach, vale ad trown, in sizes 9, 9% and 10. Prices $1.50, $1.7 $1. 90 $2 69 fo $3.50 a pair. Niagara Maid silk Hose, a very fine qvea silk in black_only, ladies’ sizes at $2.90 a pair Crown Brand ladies’ white silk Hse et $1.20 a par caamrert at s§ half Hose in sizes 4 to 7, asecried coloms, and stripes Bc, 40c, 44c and 60¢ a pair al eO8 Children's Lawire half Hose, seain)ees, sizes 2-to 6. Prices 5@c, 5 “re champagne and sky, 55c and 60c a-pair. Clearance sale of remnants of floral and plain Voiles, Muslins, Marguesette, Princess Tissue, Foulards, Curtain Scrims and Nets. Some real bargains, all new goods. Come in and look ‘em over. . Ladies’ Panama Hats, assorted forms. Prices $2.00, $2.40, $2.50 and $2.90. Highest prices paid for all farm produce. ROBERT THOMPSON Wallace Street Telephone 71 Rein » e-—— + The following is the ot of th ‘Peery exams in U. §. 8. No. 1, Elma and Wallace. fo Jr. IV. Class. Maximum 720, | honors 640, pass 432—-Jean Haddow 686, Roy Johnson 654, Tom Everitt | 636, Jean Forman 592. To Sr. Ill Class. Maximum 720, | honors 540, pass 432.—Bob Gibson 563, Harry McClory 518. To Jr. lil Class. Maximum 700, | honors 525, pass 420—David Hay | 611, Graham Forman 441, To Sr. Il Class. Maximum 600, ‘honors 450, pass 366—Jim Johnston 670, Gordon Snelling 552, Earl John- ‘son 546, Margery,Johnson 540, El- verne McClory 3 Sr. Ist Class. Exams in Spelling and Arithmetic. Neen-Bartley 100, George Landerkin 99, Lulu Coghlin 99, Margaret Johnston $9. | Primer Class (in order of merit.) | Murray Forman, Roy Landerkin, | Ethel Snelling. Gladys V. Hamilton, teacher. SIXTH LINE WALLACE $e Miss A. J. Clarke, teacher at S. S. No. 7, hag returned to her hom@ in '| Harriston and is giving up the local experience pre- ra, but has had a a & but fls. Three -also find their entrance examination at Listowel week. aa et There are some who will do with- out a home, but they simply must taxied a i Jr. UI. to Sr. III]. Total 780, pass 468, honors 540.—C. A. MeCluskie 691. Sr. Hl. to Jr. II. Total 600, pass | 3606, honors 450—Marian Campbell) | 567, Elsie Schade 533, Agnes Mece- George 504, Leslie Carson 479, Eva Smith 467 Sr. I. to Jr. I1.—Lloyd MeCluskie. honors. Pr. to Jr. 1.—Harvey Schade, hon- rs; Gordon Beyer, pass. H. MacQuarrie, teacher. ‘2 ao%e ‘. } . | | 8. 5S./NO. 7, WALLAGE | | 3 | : —} P i ions Those etarraid passed with honors. Sr. IV. Total 880, pass 528— *Greer Alma 765, Heinmthiller Edna 650, Walter Leslie 663. Sr. IV. Total 780, pass 468.— Berlett Morley 547, *Heinmiller Esth- er 597, Kroft Edith 580, *McKnight Vivian 615, *Walter Wesley 587, *Walter Salina 625. Sr. Ill. Total 700, pass 420.— *Bender Cecilia 54f, Beswitherick Coletta 515, Kroft Isabel 380, * Wal- ter Marjorie 563, Walter Clara 5 Walter Nellie #94, *Schmidt Virdella §25 Jr. Ill. . Total 680, pass 408— Greer Péeréy 503, Heuckeroth «Willie 489, *Heinmiller Henrietta 620. Miss J. A. Clarke, teacher. wf The doctor girls against wearing tight shoes. He ey affect the brain. But the ‘issues a warning .tot te hl ge ‘Packet. inquires: “Do gir who have soe wear tight shoes?" ieee CES ARO eR Mee wedding of a friend and also played! aed wedding march. While ‘there she attended a; Embalming School A large number from around here | Store 90. attended the camp meeting in mua may on Sunday. H.E. Jermyn coo oe is laid up with| Phone 225 a renstsreed 2 : The Miases. Myrtle and Maggie| Jacques are spending a week in Har-! ment. No extra charge for riston. motor. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Doersam and | Miss Dora motored to Waterloo on) f/ Day and Night Calls Sunday returning the same day, ac- companied by Mr. Doersam, sr., has his son and daughter. The carpenters are busy this week shingling Mr. Alex McCabe's-barn. Miss Hazel Schaefer left on Mon- day to spend a month at the lake. Weddings are the fashion days, ; on Tuesday, and Miss Emma Runge on Wednesday. Mr..and Mrs. John Schaefer, ac- companied by Mrs. Atchison and Mr. and Mrs! Adam Schinbein, sixth line motored to Kitchener on Saturday and spent Sunday with friends. a Mr. and Mrs. John Ruppe!l motored to Ki same day. The many friends of Mrs. Charlie Buhrow were very much shocked to hear their ly. Factory Shut Down— Following | stock-taking, colm day, week. who been spending some time with | Promptly Attended to. ones: Residence 224. Motor or horse drawn equip- Tearful Parishioner weil to departing minister): these Mr. Ed. Kaufman was married gone, Dr. Blank.” Minister: than I am.” Tearful (saying fare- “IT don’t know what we will do when you are “Oh, the church will soon get a better man ; Parishioner: “That's what they all say, but they keep getting worse and worse.””— ife. tchéner on Sunday, returning the MARKETS of her sudden death and extend sympathy to the scrrowing fam- ee ee ee ee a the Mal- factory has béen closed for Tues- Wednesday and ogeda of this ee a oe eens

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