Mid- cant Skirts. Ten days’ sale of Middies, Voile ead Pamica Cloth Smocks na write ¥ Wash Matsey that save you mgney: Be sare to vst the store while the ile is om oN F » ee ae s ei ott - oi He a * zis aa ES . * x ee PYRRTT Wir) pen. 8S 7: % Mates ha be es , ms MIDDIES White Middies, made of a good quality — twill, with navy flannel detachable collar, button trimmed pockets, etc., sizes 3 42, regular $3.60, duriig our sale White twill Middies, with navy flannel de- tachable collar, pockets button trimmed, reg- ular $4,00, sale price White Middies, good quality French repp, white sailor collar with navy trimming and. tie, sizes 14, 16 to 20 years, regular price $4.00, sale price . Assorted lines of Middies of good quality twill and repp, some with plain white collars, others in colors and plaids with or without belt, button or lace V front collar. Note some~ of the prices: Regular $1.20, sale price .........5..4. . .96¢ Regular $1.35, sale price ............ $1.08 Regular $1.40, sale price ........... 1.12 Regular $1.60, sale pricé ........... 1.28 Regular $1.75, sale price ............ 1.40 Regular $1.85, sale price petals Ks 1.48 Regular $1.90, sale price ............ 1.52 Regular $2.20, sale price ........... 1.76 Regular $2.25, sale price ............ 1.80 Regular $2.40, sale price ........... 1.92 Regular $2.50, sale price ........... 2.00 Regular $2.75, sale price ............ 2.20 Regular $3.40, sale price ........... 2.72 Regular $3.50, sale price ........... 2.80 EXTRA SPECIAL ! Billie Burke Ladies’ Sleepers, in rose shade, only made of a good quality material, assort- ed sizes. Regular $3.90, sdie price ....$8.00 LADIES’. WHITE WASH SKIRTS. French .repp Skirts with belt, pockeis, but+ ton trimming fastened at the side, assorted ‘sizes. Regular $2.25, Bale price .....« $1.80 Regular. $2.40, gale TICE. sc cuscee ...- $1.92 neaee $2.75, sale price ....... aa -92.00 White gabardine Skirts, pockets, belt, pearl biitton trimming, good quality gabardine. Reg- ular $3.50, sale price ............- » 82.80 Regular $4.90,°sdle price ........... $3.92 Regular $2.90, sale price ............ $2.32 White wash Skirts, slash pockets, belt, pearl buttons. Regular price $2.75, sale price $2.20 Regular $2.00, sale price White pique wash Skirts, different styles , and quality material, with pockets, belt, etc. Regular price $3.50, sale price Regular $3.40, sale price Natural color Pamica Cloth, wash Skirts, with pockets, belt, pearl buttons, etc. You will find these a very serviceable skirt. Regular price $2.00, sale price $1.60 ee VOILE SMOCKS Voile Smocks. Of these we have but a lim- ited number left, and now are’ offering them at 20% less than regular price. We have them in assorted colors as sand, navy, yellow, white, copen, pink, green, etc., either short or long sleeves, with or without belt, fancy embroid- ered, etc. Look-em-over. ~, - SRT TE aad Highest prices paid for all farm nee. | ROBT. “THOMPSON: WALLACE STREET TELEPHONE 71- ade: han.| of which pot viol ‘AH the. conveniences h a — “ys Mr. St. Clair Davidson has return- from Toronto after spending -« some time with friends there. -and Mrs. Hugh Wright: left Monday for Sask., where they intend spending a couple of weeks with friends, Mr. J: D. Hanley of Palmerston — the week-end at his home here. , s Grace, Mildred and Violet atracte ‘ee Carthage spent last with friends on our line. Miss Ellen Tunney of Dorking vis- ited Sunday with-Miss B. O’Grady. .Miss Gertrude Rierdon of Kitchen- er returned to her home after spend- ing a couple of weeks with friends. "Mr. Arthur Dupont of Galt was a recent caller'on our line. shOWBRIDGE oy | Pring mm of Watford, August 10th., 1920. Well here we dre, having a good time, right in the midst of plenty, with lots of fine weather, fine show- ers. Harvest is well on the way and threshing is the order of the day; It is Said by those who know, that such beautiful cropg have ‘never. béen known before. Hay was a little hard to save but that ig being made up in the abundance of pasture. Our ministers are all away having a-good time, renewing their strength and vigor, but we are having union services and our pulpits are being well supplied, so that we want for nothing, unless it is cheap sugar, and sugar is not so scarce here either. A few days ago some boys were pass- ing through a small piece of bush, and they found a-part of-a car load, six 100 lb, bags of sugar. The authorities were notified and tHe six bags of sugar is now’ in. the up awaiting the rightful owner. a alot abont the high cost 3 ing. Think of it, $7.00 per day “for harvest hands: We remember the day when we swung the grain cradle thirteen hours per day for $1.00 and saved money. We may never see that n, but we will.see 20 Ibs. of sugar k ae money. ado’ make Aa of mon ‘short time. cultivation of soil, the rotation of pecans and the m m and one other things necessary to the successful op- eration of the aig is” value to t t be estimated and the city, it is necessary for the farm- ée.to try and replace him by some mi w. who is inexperienced, which! ults in a Joss of e; production Quit offer such action is a detriment to the young man as well as to the farmer] For when he gets to the city he finds that things “are not just as hé hadithem pictured. He is required. to start in on a job at the bottom and oftentimes before he has worked his way up to a re- Sponsible position, -he becomes dis- eouraged and settles down to.a very ordinary life of meager means with- out the possibilities of the independ-} ent life which were afforded him had he remained on the farm Now the thing which has in most cases taken the farm boy to the city is the promise of more pleasure, more comfort and more convenience in his living conditon as well as the prom- ise of more pay and better advance ment. Where conveniences of elec- tric light and power, of running se er, a modern bath-room and labo ipfal devices of all kinds have ranted advance. Ned on the farm it is found that e boys are much more content to stay and carry on the work for which their early training has fitted them. A great many farmers, heads of fam- ilies in which there are several boys, have realized this and have given their farms these modern conven- fences. They have been repaid by having their boys stay with them in- y oF Tip: to: thie dips hapa Abend ni: a life on the farm. He has learned the} c he farmer can oftentimes. should ‘tho lad depart for against Beck's name is @we. with which - word graft has never been and can fever be connected.” : Though Sir Adam ‘Beck ignores the Joynt charge so flatly levelled inst him, . Joyat Saturday” proffered an explanation to the news- papers, saying: “‘I have no notes of my speech, but so far as this refer- ~ ence is con ed I want to m an apology, and you cannot maké it Rs too strong. My idea was that the ~ radial from Toronto to Bowman-— ville would be a . proposition mat, would be detrimental to the country, » and that we would have to finance ~~ it, and it would be a losing game in view of the other three roads. ; “It was the last thing in my mind, - however, that Sir Adam Beck was going to get anything out of it. He is just as liable to err in judgment am « anybody, and I have a right to ex- press my opinion that it would not pay. I think he is a man above that, but I do not think he knows every- thing in the yprid, and I just took the ground that, it was not wise for him to push this project.” A further allegation attributed to Mr. Joynt in his address on Thurs- day is in part a declaration of his. policy on radials: “I say that it is &_ steal and a scandal that roads should ~*~ be built to parallel three existing ~ lines. We want no Hydro radials except where they are badly needed, such.as along the shore of Lake Huron, but not like the Ontario ‘west shore The loca@fon chosen by Mr. Joynt for a needed Hydro radial is through or scheme in which the farmers of the stead of going to the-city. JSistrict were heavy losers. If Service Counts | Phone93 sdf Your order will be given our best : “attention and prompt delivery We are prepared to serve you, and we solicit a share of your | patronage. With new goods arriving daily our stock is fresh and © é Sai up to date. -: ; res ' — ee tt bg We invite your inspection of our’ goods and comparison of ~ prices. PROMPT ‘delivery of all orders to town customers. _ * Eggs! Attention Poultry Keepers It will pay you to market your eggs through the U. F. O. store on the quality payment plan, Eggs! Ge® in on our cash premium. Eggs! : We Stock Poultry Feeds, Oyster Shell and Grit ef 2. The . United Farmers Co-operative Co. 7 PHONE 93. Ll teitenl LISTOWEL e of Rev. Se eu : * . y an $1.00, and potatoes 75 cents per bes . - ag. E * C. Cosens. Ls ; eine S774 fe 1 : I eS . lo. ATWOOD | CANADIAN || : i 7. \ ie 5 Miss Yeuaio Ballantyne, of Strat- E WE BEG TO ANNOUNCE THAT TI ford, spent a few days last week with . . ; f Mrs. A, Jolly f NA ONAL pag hier’ Dickson, of Saskatoon, e = The $a is ‘visiting Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Dick- fe EXHIBITION Born—aAt New Liskeard, on Sun- Bie. . | H e d O il © . = August Ist, 1920, to Mr. and fe | | I: ngin ‘ 8. ham, a son. ee - stowe = vi € TORONTO ae Stanley Young, of Brantford, é ; : (pronounced Veed) A 28 Ss 1 1 visiting his sister, Mrs. J. P. Green- Be . RE “JEP. iiss Hilda McMillan, of Ingersoll, ag - oe <7 week with her aunt, Mrs. cs _ J. Wynn. aaa WILL AT AN EARLY DATE. BE “The Greatest Annual Event Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Ahgus, Ewart Ff) , . on Earth’ and Melyyn angie: of Stratford, vis- Ec MANUFACTURED BY US IN THE ited refatives here for a feh days last E Where the Nation shows its best finished — : te. Mrs. Wm. Peter “ holidaying in. ! TOWN OF LISTOWEL othe ne, Fieri Foret. || samilion snd Winon & 44 ciler: “thee, lit | Mr. Alvin Mitchell, nee Windsor, is bes ae wee spending his holidays at his home. ea P } Miss Jean McKenzie, of Stratford, ¥ . is visiting Mrs. J. T. Peebles. s . Pageantry ona Massive Two rinks of bowlers from the At- BS? Scale. wood club went to Mitchell on Mon- ie ; - ble M > Sy last week and Mr. Lochhead’s es . . 2 ‘ usic r succeeded in winning the fourth eB Canadian Farm Power. and } Prize at the tournament. Be : Fine Arts, Applied and ;Graphic Arts . D. McRae is acting bank i . ; . , . ¥ Lee @ tenia in the absence of Mr. A. M. F 5 M ac hine ry C oO. Lim ited Internationa! Photagragtie Aaley. ‘| Rebinson, who, with his wife and e d ’ ot daily 1 Ruth, is enjoying holidays. aoe Demonstratioris y. Dr. R. E. Robertson, Mrs. Robert- ‘ Northwest Mounted. Police son and two children are spending} } a - their vacation with Atwood and i Two days of sensational automobile Monkton friends. . - G comes racing. Mile-s-minute motor boats and Mr. W. Eric McBain is spending water sports, tric show. his holidays in the village. : Le m. ¥ dt hild . “America’s beet Liye Stock Poultry, are visiting ‘her "meotieny, rs. . W.A.B TION wo League ‘Tractor‘and Farm Machinery Display Brown. ’ Enbatn “ Government Exteibits ead Mr: McDougall and Miss Edna Mc- er meets every Monday evening at Demonstrations. Dougall, of Mitchell, spent Sunday Director . Zit 7 . LJ . ~ = with Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Hodge. { seakiitan eight o'clock, in the Meth- And a score of other Special Mr. John Roger was in Toronto Graduate odist church. . Attractions for a few days last week. Embalming School . . Mrs. flan, of New Liskeard, bones: = - 42nd —— year-1,291,008 é. and Ne ae Miss Una Knox, of To- Store 90. Residence 224. at, i ‘Visitors in 1919. ronto, Dr. and Mrs. McMane and Mr. . First Monday in the month, De- Frank Kerr, of Toronto, wére recent H.E. Jermyn votional, with roll call. JOHN. G. KENT, 5 visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. * ‘Phone 225 : Second, Missionary. ~ General Manager. + ao a . F d . Rev. Wm. and Mrs. Harvey, of Hes- Motor or aoe ain ea P- Third, social and literary. poet o. OW at the home of Mr. ment. No extra charge for ter W. Harvey. motors. Fourth, Citisenship. Miss Kate Holden and Mrs. S: ory “s : Potatoes of Toronto, are visiting Mr. and, Day and Night Calls . Pork .. Wm. Campbell. Promptly Attended to, Beef «. 0+... seen ye Mr. and Mrs..E. G. Coghiin and a | Weed eee weer eee eee ee family are. visiting Rev. (Dr.) and ae bar 7 | Chickens ©... 4. 0e++2- suey N Husser, at Wardsville. i + MAREETS TOBE. Ci seb ewe Ce eth Ce CRA REE Rey. Ira W: and Mrs. hae Saree a a Vere ge fag i Pe = no McDonald) .| Butter sessed incense; $8.25-98.60) $E$E| tn _ Fall Term Western University | — — P | London, Arts and Sciences. |. Medicine tees INFORMATION AND CALENDAR “he PLR NEVILLE, Rerrinvas, - oe Ontario Opens October 4ch si WRITE.