Pt | 7 Ca. “He reports’ enorm fae i s Mr. Grimth McDonald is visiting at ‘Toronto. vy Mise; Bana Schell waa In Waterloo Ou: “Monday. —>— ev: J. M: Nicol and Jim are visit- “ing in Toronto. —— Mr. Dave Savage is spending a few days at Toronto --j}— Mr. Cecil Sprung visited friends in Galt this week. —o-— Miss Myrtle Chamney is visiting friends in Toronto. —_—)}— Mrs. Fleming and family have re- turned from Oliphant. —o— Mr. and Mrs. H. Hemsworth s t the week-end in Toronto. —o— ; “Mrs. F. J. Sharpe is in Toronto at- tending the exhibition. . -—-o— Miss Beatrice Wright spent the week-end with friends in Drayton. ‘ —o— Mr, and Mrs. George Harron are’on a motor trip to Toronto and Buffalo. —— Mr, Charlie Tatham of Rod and Gun, Woodstock, was home Tuesday. , Messrs, Eldon Bender and Lloyd Mayburry were in Fergus on Sunday. —i-— Miss Alberta Bartley of Brantford| ’ general hospital, is home on vaca- ‘tion. “ - —3o— Mr. and Mrs. J. Riehm are spend- ing a few days with friends in To- ronto, ~ --0O— Miss Clara McKenzie left today to visit over Labor Day with friends at Guelph. —o— Mr. Lester Davey left on Monday for London where he has accepted a position. 2 ee Mr. John McDonald and Ralph are in Toronto a few days, taking in the exhibition. —)}— Lawrence McCrae, a Trowbridge boy. is home from Walkerville on two weeks’ vacation. —{j— Messrs. E. D. Bolton and Fred Johnston are in Kincardine on busi- ness this week. ip _Mr. S. R. Ash is leaving on Friday for=three tonths’ visit with friends in Edrans, Man. — Mr. Robert Jickling is home from Montana on a yisit to hif mother, Mrs. Janet Jickling. —pj—— Mr. and Mrs. A. McLennan of Mill-| bank spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Lockhart. ———— Mrs. W. J. Moody and family of, Toronto are visiting at the home of. Mr. and Mrs: Joe Lockhart. —j = The Misses Hazel and Lizzie Bell and Mr.: Archie McArthur motored to Chesley over the week-end. —o— Mré.‘Noah Filsinger ls visiting at Mr. Adam Wenzel’s and with other friends on‘the sixth of Wallace. —o— "MitcHell Advocate—Mr,. Thos. Bur- nett, of Listowel, was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Rankin last week. —— Messrs. Leroy and Nelson Bender of Mildmay visited Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bender. —{j}—= Mrs. Atkinson and two daughters ,from Streetsville, are visiting with the former's father, Mr. Henry Goddard. oe Mr. W. E. Binning was in London on Monddy‘iund Tuesday, attending a meeting of the Ontario Architects’ as- sociation. ‘ sage “Walkétton 'Times—Mrs. H. Leslie and her nieces, Misses Mary and Katié Ross_of Listowel, are visit- . ¥ag in Toronto and Hamilton. ws Oo Kincardine Reporter —Mr. and Mrs. ‘D. Yeager, of Listowel, are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs: C. Yeager, Princess street, —_—o;— The Misses Maida Hern and Erma Coward returned Tuesday to their home in Norwich, after spending their vacation with Mrs. W. T. Alexander. . ‘ —O— Mrs. D. Domm went to Welland on Saturday to visit with her sister, Mrs. Adam Gabel. Mr. Domm joined her on wey and both went on to To- ronto —o— Bev, ‘and, Mrs. H..H. Letbold and family, and Mrs. Ponder and baby or) Stratford. were in Listowel on Wed- naadayr enroute to their home in Port Bigin Mr. Haney Garland and Mrs. Gar- land and daughter Jennie, “also Miss| Ge of Guelph, ‘spent the ended with Mr. and Mrs. J. R, Mo- Kentte. - * : : Mr. J. W.. Sangster, “the sweet clover - king, returned ‘Tnesday. from Preston and and Galt. 1. hiss > aaa ts holldaying at Bruce Beach ; iy ‘ it mar Ross Hermiston has arrived home I from eg gr a er _Ivan-Brothers-has- ede Mens osha th week in Toronto. £ oe # Mr. P. Heinbecker is home from Montreal on vacation. ~ —_—o— Mr. ian Mrs.-R. O» Hube were in St. Catharines this week. — 7 — - License Sacentit F, E. Elliott of Stratford was in Listowel Wednesday. Miss Olive Robb left on Saturday tor Rainy River, where she will teach school. 0 ewan Messrs. Howard and Lloyd McLach- lan are home from Toronto on Va- cation. —o— Mrs. J. P. Walter and Margaret re- turned Wednesday from Grimsby Beach. i ‘ Mr. H. Sinden of Otterville, a for- mer Listowel barber, is.renewing ac- quaintances in town. , —o— Miss Alice Hammond of Atwood spent Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Keith. —}—— . Mr. A. W. Wright returned to To- ronto Tuesday after a several weeks’ visit with Mr..and Mrs. A. Hodg- kinson. —_——— Miss Mabel Raines returned Wed- nesday after being in Toronto for three weeks, attending the millinery openings. —o—- ston and Mrs. S. L. McLaughlin of Listowel, spent.a couple of days re- cently at Mr. J. G. Hamilton's. —)}— Rev. and Mrs. J. M. Nicol and fam- Uy returned Fridvy from White Cloud Island and on Sunday Mr. Nicol took the services morning and evening. —a— Mitchell Recorder—Miss Jessie An- deraon, of Kincardine and Miss Mabel Kincade, of Listowel. were guests at the Methodist parsonage during the week. —o— Rev. and Mrs. Dr. G. N. Hazen re- turned Saturday fror Sarnia, accom- panied by his mother, Mrs. Emily Hazen of Strathroy, who will spend some time here. —t— Mrs. W. G. Reading and Miss Jean Reading have returned to their home in Toronto after spending a few days with Mr. Herb Jackson and friends in town and vicinity. —) — Mr. A. W. Wright and Mr, A. G. Hodgkinson returned Sunday even- ing from a motor trip to Mason City, Iowa. Altogether they covered about two thousand miles. —fj— Mr. M. R. Dowd, druggist, war home from Hamilton for the week- end. His sister, Miss Winnifred Dowd, returned with him on Monday and will teach in the Memorial school. that city. —-oO— The engagement is announced of Miss Mabel Belle Gordon, daughter of the late Campbell Gordon, to Mr. Macolm Hugh Cameron of Minnedosa, Man. The marriage will take place early in September. . —j — Miss Melinda Weiderhold of De- troit, formerly of Gowanstown, was} united in marriage at the Stratford Evangelical parsonage on August 25th., by Rev. F. A. Lawson, to Mr. George A. Robb of Fairview, Ont. —o— Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Geoghegan, Elma, announce the engagement of their younger daughter, ‘Elizabeth M., to Mr. Harold A. Twamley, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Twamley, the wedding to take place this month. —o— Mr. Scott Cowan, one of Palmer-| ‘s enterprising citizens, was in Listpbwel today. Lone handed, he recently “pulled off” a great musical tournament in the neighboring town, that despite unfavorable weather, was a big success. —i} — Mrs. Percy Raines and twa -chil- dren, who have been visiting with Mrs. ‘Raines’ parents, Rév. and Mrs, N. A. Bourne, at Penatang, have joined Mr. Rainés in Listowel at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Raines. —y— Mr. W. McCormick returned Tues- day after spending a week at Kin- cardine with Mrs. McCormick and their three sons, Rev. R. J. McCor- Milverton Sun—Mrs. Wm. John-> ped h is vacation pied the Byes: morning and averting ia” the odist church. Case ‘Diedies— We are delaying ‘till next week, report of a case Tu night a- gainst a local citizen, ch with eae ae a public nuisance, an: dismissed by Magistrate Hamilton. 63 Bags Of Catalogucese— ~~ - Mitchell Advocate — Catalogues from.a mail order house were sent to Mitchell for distribution on Tues- day. It required sixty-three mail bags to carry the mail to the after-] noon train and eight cents in postage was necessary for each catalogue. Mayor Fined $1,000 and Cost Dr, W. F. Parke, mayor of “Am- herstburg, was found guilty of viola- tion of the Ontario Temperance Act by storing a hundred and fifteen cases of Hquor in his barn, and was fined $1,000 and costs by Magistrate Meirs of Windsor. .. Short Weight Coal— Joseph A. Shannon, coal dealer of London, was fined for short weight- ing a customer. The coal was con- signed to a-local. hotel and when weighed by the inspector, was found to be 40 pounds to the ton short. “Five dollars and costs, and you had better be more careful in the future. Coal is high enough without getting short weight,” stated Acting Magis- trate Bartlett. Flower Show— The Horticultural society holds its annual flower show on Saturday, Sep- tember 4th., in Mr. Gourley Darroch's store. The citizens of the town and surrounding country are os i+ vited to see the exhibits durihg the afternoon. All flowers intended for compétition should be in by. ten o'clock in the morning-so that the judges can begin their work ‘at one o'clock. ~ tmp The Child Driver— Carleton Plade Central Canadian—-| Anyone who handed a fifteen-year-old girl a loaded revolver and told her to wave it in a crowd would be re- garded. as viciously and criminally reckless of human life. Yet parents 7 permit a boy or girl to drive motor car upon a public highway aad think nothing of the fact. that they are risking Hves-right and left and, incidentally, violating a law de- signed to afford protection to users of the public streets. Swanic — Hawaiian Blue Bird Can't You Hear Me Calling Carolina? Pretty es pea New Music from - New York Big Elephant Scribblers 5c The biggest for the money Just opened up, 200 Novelties in Hand Painted China White and Gold China Teapots $1.00 TRADE AT The Bazaar Sa a Coats from $20.00 upwards. . Made of ity velour, : beautifully stitched, a smart coat in every way. in brown, navy and black, closely pric- ed at $70.00. ‘~ a extra fine qual- silk lined, Lantic Sugar Special for Saturday Do not let four fruit go to waste when you can buy sugar at less than wholesale price. J.M.SCHINBEIN & SON LISTOWEL No. 5202, made of a nice all wool velour, mercer lined, beautifully made, in brown, navy, taupe and black. very smart coat at $35.00. A = ———r) Dr. 8. D. Chown, general su- saree dent of the Methodist church of Canada, is planning to leave To- ronto on September 15 for the Orient, where he will visit the mission’ fields of China and Japan in order to ac- quaint himself with the missionswork in these countries at first hand. Dr. Chowan will attend the World's Sun- day School conference, which is»to be held at Tokio in October, and has been asked to take part in the’ pro- ceedings. Anti-Glare Law Not Effective— London Advertiser—Many inquir- ies are being made at the office of London Motor Club regarding the date of enforcement of the new anti- glare motor headlight law. Informa- tion received from Toronto by Secre- tary C. BE. Bernard is that the new law will not become effective until a Mist of approved lenses has been is- sued by the department of highways. The lenses are now being tested by experts in the departmnt. The Lawlessness of Harvesters— Renfrew Mercury Every year it is the same story. The excursidnista who go west to help in the harvest fields leave a trial of violence and rowdyism behind them at nearly all the places at which their traing stop. Only the other day an excursion train from Quebec came to a halt at a small town in that Province to give the passengers a chance to secure some fresh water. A store in the- town was looted, goods to the value of over $2,000 being taken, and the.mer-| chant finds himself facing ruin, Such lawless acts should not be permitted to continue, acts that would bring new disgrace even to Soviet Russia and which are equalled only by. the soldiers of the Bolshevist army as they pursué their headlong and amur- derous career. .This lawléssness year after year follows in-the wake of the excursion trains and it is cer- tainly time something-was done to The government should interest itself in preserving the fair fame of Canada. mick of Blyth, W. Hof Detroit and Wesley of Toronto. Mesxrs. R. J. and W. H McCormick recenfly bought a cottage at Kincardine. — —I— Mr. F. Wiles and daughter, Chic- ago; and Mrs. Hood and Mrs. b Noecker of Drayton, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. James Rogers. Mr. Wiles and Mrs. Hood are a brother and sister to Mrs. Rogers: Mr. and Mrs. Rogers and Mr. and Mrs. H, Gee attended the family gathering at Drayton. . - 3 —— Miss Edmunds, who fecently sold her home tasthe Hew manager of the bank Hatmilton, is leaving on Sat- urday, for Smith Falls, t6 reside for a time with | her sister, ° oir. Epworth League mevts every Monday evening at tight o'clock, in the Moth- odist church. First Monday in the month, De- ee Sale On! All White Foot- wear to be cleared — out r at wholesale prices and less. See lines on $1.00, $1.49, $1.75 and $1.98 Child’s Shoes to clear at 50c, $1.00 and $1.25 pe Men’s Heavy Shoes to clear at $4.75, $5.00, $5.85 Ladies’ $10.00 Black » Kid Pumps on sale ‘ $7.50 Special Bargains at $3.50 _ in Men's and Boys’ Odd Pants and Overalls. Onl Walters’ mand on thé town council for in- creased them had Forty Years Ago— in the “40 years ago column” of the Amherstburg Echo it is noticed that the school teache a de- Corsetiere? Fifty yeare ago getting a pair of “Stays” wae quite a business. To-day the infinite var- iety of sizes an that may be had in ae coreetry a fine art— one that we are pleased to at any time. ’ y are used in C/C a la Grace Coreets. In particular the steels won‘t break or rust. We indie you lo olsll our Corset Dopl. aa fittings Au Corsets rate to our patrons reliable materials rE ipeenienee oe ore JOHN McDONALD The store with the reputation. Zs Listowel se eete U. mesting of the W. c. T. U. was held at the home of. Mrs. Warren. Hay, on Tuesday salary. One of e audacity to ask for $112, while an- tat kan ing di aegis co 2 Poste ig har 508 8 oe te. ladies’ were t. The program nsisted of devotional exercises, in- strumen os and readings, The women of the U. F. 0. were invited . Meeting— « most enjoyable and profitable) to the meeting. Mrs. James Cleland gave a short address on the work of their organization and stated that the temperance cause was one of their first interests. A sumptuous lunch #~- waa served. This is the day of op- portunity and we wish the women of our to beconie members of the “W. C, TU.