+ ‘Steen Rate B00 Year Advan Otro #8. Gast Crowd At Listowel Sai This Year—List Of Prize Awards EXHIBITS OF LIVE STOCK NOT UP TO THE AVERAGE—RACES A FEATURE. + Though from the standpoint of at- tendance the Listowel fair this year was a big success and the showing of inside exhibits creditable, the ex- hibit of cattle, horses and other live Stock, was not up to the mark in point of mumberg, as can be seen by the list of prize awards. According to Sec ¥ vonZuben, it was the poor- est in years. . The day was bright and brought out the crowd, but a cold strong wind made it unpleasant for many, and the large tent, containing a number of side shows, was‘blown down and not put up again. 4 --__ 2. + The races were 4 feature of. the af- ternoon progres. contested and er lows: ‘ Running—-1 B. H. Nesbitt, 2 H. ; Cummings, 3 Irwin Peters, 2.18 Class—1 Sol. Weber, Fleet, 3 D. Welch 2.30 Classa—1 I. B, Walters, 2 D. Welch, 3 T. Moore. Farmers’ Pace—1 Elgin Smith, ! C. Johnston, 3 W. §&. Zimmerman, 4 Cliff Hliiett. Farmers’ Trot—1 H. McNichol, 3. L. Vines, 3 F. Schaefer, 4 F. John ston. The contest for the best ‘bay driver was a tie between two sisters, Mra J. P. Davidson and Mrs. William Dav- idson, and the prize money was div- ided. The Bank of Montreal trophy for 2 W. EVERYBODY'S COLUMN Ten cents a line for first in- sertion, with minimum charge | of 50c. Subsequent insertions five cents a line with minimum charge 25c. - } the best team of heavy. draught horses, went t@ Dixon Bros. of Elma and the Watson trophy for the best single roadster to Mr. J. A, Bayne, Listowel, who gets permanent pos- session through having won it three) years im succedsion. The second. prige in the single roadster c “went J. P. Davidson and the third to J, W. Boyd. FOR SALE ’ First class cook stove. Apply J. P. alter 2tnp 4 FOR SALE W.R 00. FOR SALE Happy Thought range, in good or- der. Appty George Melrose. tinp OUR PRICES and Land Tile, will interest you. R. T. Kemp and Son. LIBERAL REWARD For return of purse contain sum of money, lost on Thursda Listowel fair. Finder kindly léave St this office: 1 so | FOR QUICK SALE Six rgom house on Elma str cently remodelled and decorated ie Vacuum cleaner, good as new, $35.-! ous On Lath, Shingles, Cement, Sewer! tfap! * i a Splendid music was furnished by 4 ‘ the Listowel band. The gate receipts werd $500. The concert In the evening by the and Alice Dunbar, comedian, Scotch songs and clever dancing, was enjoyed immensely by a full house. The receipts totalled $175. The awards DAIRY CATTLE J - | ersey Cow, any age—1 Bert McIntyre, 2 \ J H. Bender. peter. 2 years—1 and 2 J. P. Dav- @son. ! Heifer, 1 year—-l and 2 J. P. Dav- éalt. under 1 year—-1 and 2 J. P. Davidson. his of Holsteins—1 di. -. David-| PIGS Yor Boar, undér 1 year—1 and 2 A. Stevenson: Sow, under 1 year—i A. Stevenson. side and out; electric lights, town * water, large lot. A. E. Pelton. tfop . Best pair under 6 months—1 andj 7 ; 2 Stevenson _. 4 Chester White } GIVING UP BUSINESS Boar. under 1 year—1 W. Strutb- Have some good watches and spec-| ers. tacles for sale cheap. Watch glasses and main springs put in at old price. Up stairs over Adolph's Hardware, store. 8. M. Smit ne FOR SALE Eight horse power Magnet gasoline engine at $325 and five horse power Lister gasoline engine at $200; both in splendid shape. Apply J. W. Sang-| ster, telephone No. 14, Listowel tfop., AUCTION SALE F i On Tuesday, Oct. 5th., 1920, at 2) p.m.. of west lot 6. concession 3, township of Maryborough, county of Wellington; 50 acres good clay loam; good barn, old dwelling, well, fine, cistern. Reserved bid. Also lum-' ber, nails etc. Apply to James Dezel, Albert Rid- | dolls, Arthur Wells, executors of es- tate, Maryborough township. J. Cecil Hamilton. George Dizon. Barrister Auctioneer. Bene Listowel. Moorefield, R. R. No. IMPORTANT Can supply Dominion, Provincia! or Municipal Bonds, with ettractive| rates of interest, paid promptly half-) yearly. No better security can be; found for any one having money to. invest. Call and talk the matter over and we will explain just how well and seoure, We can invest your money. We make no charge, merely procure such Bonds as we know are first class i Corn, white—t Geo. Cleland, 2 R.| ager Macgregor of the Ford Motor bara! vw. Cowing. Co. of Canada, stated at noon he et two alt FIELD ROOTS that oo had been made ip Turnip, Swede—1 Wilbert Strath- the price of Ford cars. Cara of the Wie bone ‘and barn, good Of-| ors 2 EF. Gildner. runabout type have reduced s chard, well fenced and pertly under- ala Greystone—1 Jas Hamil-| hundred to $616; touring and all if high state of cul- to $675 and tractors reduced in price rura) mail, Perkion; any other varie —i RM. do . These changes are to mile aaa ‘ 7 take effect tods: lowin: Ma » Yéellow—1 Geo. Mayberry. fall wheat) 2 bert Struthers. given Jan. Ist. ee nn Tet 5. B. Rinierde| Mebee, Seareetete-- ap the Mc- son. Extensive . Ss 3 1 J. R. Richards! made McDosaid, 16,1 and son, 2 ton. { om page 6) of 2 new Sow, under 1 year—1 W. Struth- ers Sow, under L year— 1 W. Struth- ers. FRUIT St. Lawrence—1 J. H. Bender. Alezander apple—1 Jas. Hamilton. Maidens Blush—1 Bar! Shearer, 2 E. Gildner Gravenstein—1 W C. Hewitt. Snow—1!1 R Cowing, 2 Earl Shearer. Wealthy—1 E. Gildner, 2 Wm Hewitt and son. They were keenly e were some ex-/ citing heats. The results were as fol- Ionie Male Quartet, Brampton; Miss} / e Munro children, London, with their}. Holstein i we any age—1 ana 2J.P David- The Harvest Was Good on the Old Windsor Homestead This Vey. Reduce Ford Prise’ By Nearly A Third WAR I9 OVER AND I IT’S TIME WAR PRICE WERE OVER, SAYS HENRY. Detroit, Mich., Sept. 21.—The Ford Motor Company to-day an- nounced a reduction in the price of its cars “to the pre-war level." In making the announcement (| Henry Ford stated that “the w it Tati war prices ware over. 3) cut is about 14 per cent. on truéka and 31 per cent. on cars. “There is no sense or wisdom in trying to maintain an artificial stand- ard of values,"’ said Heory Ford in a statement issued. “For the best interests of all, it is time that a real practical effort waa made to bring the business of the country and the life of the country down to normal. “Inflated prices always retard progress. We had to stand it during the war, although it waa not right, so the Ford Motor Company will make the prices of its products the Same as they were. before the war, Mrs. Fallis Gets Word Of Son’s Death In West WIRE RECEIVED TODAY BUT NO Listowel Man Low _ In Regina Hospital JOSIAH AIKEN HAS SKULL FRAC- “tember INFORMATION IS GIVEN AS TO CAUSE, TURED AND ARM BROKEN IN essage by wire through Mr. James Fallis, town line east, came to Mrs. Ellen Fallis of Listowel, this morn- ing, informing her of-the death of her son, Mr. John Milton Falis, at Bentley, Alberta, on Wed eoda ¥, Sep- 9 No information has been received ag tO the cause. He leaves a widow and three| daughters, the eldest being married. | His mother in Listowel is in her| eight-first year. With her is a sister, | Miss Jennie Fallis. Mr. Fallis was born 4n~ Wallace) township and has been in the west! eleven years. He first located at La-| 2ted September 19th. and contain- combe but of recent years has beeo ing the following paragraph. principal of the school at Bentley. “IT got word last evening of a man Besides his mother and family, he| !¥ing in the Grey Nuns’ hospital here. is survived by four brothers and two! With a fractured skull and a broken sisters: Harry of the Mail and Em-| 2°m™. He was brought in from some, pire staff, Toronto; Rev. George V.| Small neighboring town nine days! Fallis of Seattle; Rey. of Schoolcraft, Mich; James Fallis, | dition. His name ts J. Aiken, 1 be- Getting word‘on a Sate ‘day that her husband, who wen ‘bagust 18th on the harvbetets! Pobeid “had on with a serious accident and was lying in a hospital at Regina, critically in- jured, Mra.Joslah Aiken: ay Listowel, Teftt Wednesday for that -étt The message came by letter from the people with whom Mr. Aiken was Staying, but gave few particulars. Further information has come to the family here through Rev. Dr. | Hazen, who has received a communi- | cation from Rev. John Lewis, pastor of Wesley Methodist church, Regina, and this in face of the fact that we have unfilled orders for ifmmediate delivery of 146,065 cara and tractors. | “We must take a temporary loss| because of the stock of material on! hand bought at inflated prices, and| until we use that stock up we will) Colverts—1 T. E. Gibson. Fall apples, any other kind—1 Wm. Hewitt and son, 2 Wilbert Struthers. Northern Sey? A. Ringler, 2 Wil- bert Struthe Baldwin—! W. C. Hewitt, Shearer. Golden Russet—1 Wm. Hewitt and aon, 2 gobs Cleland. R. Greening—1 Mrs. A. Schin- bein, : Barl Shearer. Talman Sweet—1 W c Hewitt, 2 |B. Gildner. King of Tompkins—1 Wm. Hewitt ' and son, 2 W. C. Hewitt. Mann—-1 Wm. Hewitt and son. Winter apple, any other kind—41 Earl Shearer. Coll. for shipping—1 W. C. Hewitt Coll. for cooking—1 W C. Hewitt, 2 Mrs. A. Schinbein - Coll. for dessert—1 Wm. Hewitt and son, 2 W.C. Hewitt. Crab apple, red—1 Geo. Cleland. Crab apple, yellow—1 A. Ringler. Plums, Lombard—1i1 R. M. Cowing, 2 Fred Chalmers. Burbank—1 E. Gildner. Impérial Gage—1 Geo. Mayberry. German Prune—1 R. M. Cowing, 2 H. Goddard Coll. of Plums—2 Geo. Mayberry. Pears, Clapps Favorite—1 A. Ring- ler, 2 E. Gildner rre 0’ Anjou—1 A. Ringler, R. M. Cor Bartletts—1 H. Ellis, 2A. wiaeiee Coll. of pears—1 R. M. Cow » r) Earl Corn, yellow—1 Geo. Cleland, 2 Wm. Hewitt and son have to submit to a loss, but we take: it willingly in order to bring gbout| a going etate of business throughout, the country. Few pieces of financial news re- ceived greater attention than the an- nouncement of a cut in the price of Ford automobiles, the reduction a- mounting to $142. The position of the automobile industry has been un- der scrutiny for some time, and this there might perhaps, be‘a correspond- ing reduction in the price of other automobiles. Wires from Detroit as- serted that the Ford Company has 146.000 unfilled orders. Considering th® capacity of the plants this would mean only a little over a month's production, since output is about 4,000 cars daily. If the other automobile companies are in a similar position the big surplus of busimess, that was with- holding delivery in some cases for months, would appear to have dwindled to small proportions. If future business has gone in this wise, whether throfigh cancellation or a decrease in the volume of orders, it might be assumed that the industry would before long be forced to cur- tail operatio Of Ford In Canada Already Down Windsor, Sept. 22—General Man- M latest news was taken to mean that! ‘tification for such a price? Please re- 1 town line east; Mrs. J. A. Watson and, lieve, and he came west a little while Miss Jennie Fauis, Listowel. | ago from Listowel. ‘He was evident- The only other member of the fam-| !¥ Working with a threshing gang and ily, Mrs. William Gregory, died here| ¥8S found back of the machine in three years agowlast December | the condition he now {[s, and no one | seems to know how the accident hap- ‘pened. There iS a strong possibility that he may not recover and I am writing you in the hope that if his | friends have not been communicated | wate, you can locate them. He te getting every attention at the hos- { pital and I will visit him as frequent- ! ly as I can and give him what spirit- ual help and cheer I can. I will also try and interview his doctor and keep in touch with him. so that the man will get every care.” ts. Aiken resides across from the P. R. station and a son, Mr. John . Aiken, lives in the vicinity of the ies school. Just a week ago the son returned from Brandon after being away five weeks. The father is a man about sixty Selling In Toronto At $16. 75) ' GUELPH COUNCIL M MAKES INQUIR- IES AFTER HEARING LOCAL DEALER CHARGED $24.50. (Guelph Mercury) Ald. Burgess at last meeting, that he had been informe by a resident that a local dealer waa’ charging $24.50 a ton for coal, Mayor Westoby, this morning, sent the fol-| lowing telegram to the Chairman of, the Board of Commerce at Ottawa: | “Complaint was made at Council} Ye@°s of age and when leaving ‘On the méeting last night that local. coal) harvesters’ excursion, his objéctive was Denn, Sask. dealer is charging $24.50 a ton for; anthracite coal. Is there any jus- Teronto Twelfth On Roll Of Cities ply." Mayor Westoby also wired the Mayors of London, Peterboro, St ACCIDENT yee THRESHING. | W. B. Fallig| 280 and lies in a semi-consclous con-| A t sucess the fifty and more young pec on Monday, Tuesday and Wedne paints. and at a matinee the | presented it, the play, “Isle df Love,” direction of Mr. Louis George N of Kitchener, formerly of ‘New } and of this at least $350 will. the Listowel Memorial Hospital the befefit of which the enté ments were given. ‘ Those taking part acquitted” selves wonderfully well and the’ the very considerable talent in midst, which only required theo able direction of one such ag. NeVille, to bring it out to 4 ge. So exceptionally well was the pla put on, that the audiances, ap) ing the great amount of work ed, marvelled that its prepara Was accomplished within two w time. Undoubtedly the star of the caste was Miss Jean Schorten, daughter of the Lutheran mintster, whose grac of movement, charming manner ai sweet singing, captivated the audie! and easily placed her on a par 1 the professional class of ente: up remarkably well and their. clev work was a delight to the ef who aren't through talking about | yet. The caste was composed of resi Kelly as Sherlocko Holmes, Jean Me- Intyre as Ysobel, Frank Osborne as Buddy. Mrs. Adam Hamilton as Do! Jean Schorten as Marigold, Staffos Pelton as Ciay, Purcell as die, Lulu May as Weenadvand A Al Lyons as Indian ¢ Mrs. Hamilton, as Detty, x took her lines well, but delighted audience with her singing. She a splendid, well trained voice charming manner. F As Indian chief, Albert Lyons ove of the best of the cas -ed the apo article and took part with credit Frank Kelly, impersonating Sher- locko Holmes, had one of the heavier roles and got away with it in good style. His popularity—among the boys—was attested Tuesday night, when he was singled out as the re- cipient for a boquet of flowers Mall kind with the big yellow petals that some people raise for chicken feed, a 3 In choosing Miss Purcell as Berdié, an Irish servant girl, the director didn't err in judgment. It was @ part that suitéd her admirably and aside from Mr. har ile himself, who was good as a Hebrew, her acting | produced the most laughs. | Mr. NeVille, and the audiences ag well, were also pleased with the fue. work of Frank Osborne, Stafford Pel- ton, Jean McIntyre and Lulu May. Not one of them fell down and the director was struck with the vocal ability shown ty young Pelton, who played one of the heavier parts. ‘He has a marvellous voice—an asset. well. worth cultivating,” remarked Mr. NeVille. who was delighted also with the splendid manner in which Lulu May took the part of Weenah, “She read her lines well, never faltered and every word was distinct,” he re’ marked. 5 The success of Jean Schorten ho attributed to her faithfulness, her willingness to do as told and accapt instruction, combined with a gener— ous portion of natural ability. All the choruses were splendid and if one could be singled out ag better than another, probably that of Frank Osborne and blue eyed Marys, (Continued om page &.) On July lat The Banner's Sub- Catharines, Kitchener and St. Thom- as, and asked them for the ¢urrent retail price of coal in their respective cities. He also communicated with several retail dealers in Toronto, and asked for their prices. Two replied. The Rogers Coal Co stated they were Toronto is North America’s twelfth. city in population. The assessors* pop-/ ulations of Toronto and Montreal compare as follows with this year's weaete populations of American cit- | scription Rate was of Necess- ity, Increased to $2.00 a Year 4 selling anthracite coal this week for Mow York City .......... 6,621,151 +". $16.90 per ton, and the Standard| Chitago.........:....... 2,701,212 in A d Vance Fuel Co. quoted their price as $16.75. eet oe ytd Shskaasans Geld ore ome Rese 796,836 There are a few subscrib- Mr. John James has sold the Sparta | St. Louis ............. 773,000 ers, who probably through restaurant to a fellow Greek from sea agg abit ce CoC Aa Lee } oversight, have got kept eee Sep Spas peegien a ead a -. 706.600 paid up. We will be giad a teburg .............. 688.193 to hear from these sow and Angeles i260 e420 oo f 675,430 in case of those renewing Mr a Oloeee Gray yey, oe this week tq; Buffalf ................ 605,876 promptiy,~will waive the ar- attend the Ontario Agriculturad Col- Milwaukee ....6......., 467,16 £08 lege at Guelph. ashington 0.2... 43414) Teardge rate of $2.00, and MOWAT s6c25wA ber ORS 436.008 a t $1.50 a year for back Has The All Bent femal) oo: 66s ok oc: 401,15 riptions to July ist. | Mr, W. A. Gray, the drayman, rais-; New Orleans ...........- $87,408 soi ; than tall oats on his prop- Minneapolis see ewne . * 286,498 ¥ the 4 through the busi- “i. ou if =n is ategaen, shou, | Mad A ns Pa You Take The Banner @u@'and a balf inches in| at the Rima fall tair at Atwee® on|| + 2. ee FT eddie i be