4 ’ [air cS ata A Da FS sree Mr. Jack Heath in in St. Marys this Blake aad was home from Detroit es a ; ia Bartley spent the Sateane in Hamilton, —o— Dick Paul was home from Kincard- ine this weekr , —— Migs Myrfle Adams~bas returnei from _the west, = —_—j}- Mr, Cecil Fallis spent a few days, in London last week. : —_—j}— Mrs. J. G. Bender of Kitchener is visiting friends in town. ‘}— Mr. James Malcolm of Kincardine was in Listowe! on Tuesday. --o— Mr. Wm. Irwin, public school in- spector of Stratford, was in town this week. . : os Mr, M. C. Burns of Palmerstou spent Thursday with Mr. J. A, Wat, son, —j— Mrs. G. V. Poole of Palmerston “tin of Listowel, and Mr. visited her sister, mn BH. Fallis, this week. sien Miss Katherine McLeod of Mount Forest is visiting with Miss Jean Johnston. —}— Mr. J. ‘A. McDonald of St. Cathar- ines spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Olive McDonald. —(y— Miss C..M. Cawsey of the high school staff, spent the week-end at “her home in Stratford. —j}— Wingham Times—Miss Adeline Good of Listowel spent the week end with friends in town. 0 Dr. Sproule-Manson of Toronto, is spending the week-end with her sis- ter. Mrs. J. P. Walter. ; 0 Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Dierlam have re- turned home after spending a few days with friends at London. —j—— ‘Mr, and Mrs. Fred Wright of To-| * ronto are visitiig this week with Mr. and mira. Joseph Vandrick. —{}— Mrs. 2 R. Miller and. Miss Heth Miller left on Tuesday for two weeks’ vacation with friends at Toronto. —y— : Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Lantz and fam- ily from New Hamburg visited Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. J. Filsinger. ——o-— Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Seegmiller from Peterburg motored up and spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. ©. Schell. —}— Miss McKay of Linwood has re- turned home after @pending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Dier- iam. ==) — Mr. and Mrs. H. Hemsworth and Mr. Grills were in Blora on Monday attending the funeral of the late Mrs. James Grills. —Ij— Mr. Stuart McDonald has been home from Toronto and is spending a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald. —)}— Mr. John James, Mr. A. Krohn, Mr. J. A. Watson and Mr. Attris mot- ored to Stratford, Kitchener and Guelph over Sunday. —}— Mr. and Mrs Alfred W. Kress of Lethbridge, Alta., arrived last week on a visit to the latter's parents, Mr and Mrs. C. B. Dietrich, ; -—— Rev. and Mrs. T. W Blatchford re- turned Wednesday to Lambeth after spending a few days with their son in Listowel and at Ripley and Bruce Beach. —)— Miss B, Tindale of Fergus and Mr. George Hosson of Toronto have re- turned home after visiting at the home of Dr. and- Mrs. W. G. E. Spence. ' —j— Mr. and Mrs. Robert Murphy of Mansfield, Alta., accompanied by her sistérs,"Mrs. James McCrae and Mrs. John Allison of Trowbridge, have re- turned to the west. — Mrs. Schaefer and family tom Winhipeg, Mr. Wesley Fallis of De- troit and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Fallis of ae visited with their cousin, Mrs. J. A. Watson, last week. —3— Mr. and Mrs. W. C, Wells and fam- ily from. Toronto, accompanied by Mrs. Wm. Squires and Migs Jessie Lynn of town, who had been visit- ing in Tofonto, ee the week end with Mr. atid Mrs. 8 = eee foreman with whet Bieg eee ‘turned Wed ding a few days in iaesed Resineville. “Mrs. Riggins and isin are remain- 3 for a Tew: fars at*her home in ‘Hamilton. = Susana Bad 4 Sunday Me sie at the pt onc of Mr. and B. Dietrich Mrs. ¥. Kress, ay ‘and Mrs. Wt P. Brae bad aeeatior, Minsea Pau et Mr, sek Havilie. was a home sroat Kitchener over Sunday. ‘ VY aa oO Miss Margaret Snyder~ left Weda- nestay to visit friends in Detroit.” —— - Mf. and Mrs. Charles Wilson oie family. of: Allandale, visited a si days with friends in stoma - Mr, W..R, Matthews spent ‘the weekend with his brother, E. G. Matt- héws, manager.of the Sterling ‘bank at Monkton. ae W. Purcell, engineer with 5. tise” ‘Hydro Electric Power commis-} sian, Toronto, visited for a few days last week at his home in Listowel. . é eae “inal : ~ Mrs, Margaret ‘Bailey, route three, Listowel, announcés-the engagement of her daughter, Florence Hilda, to Mr. T. Melburn Griffith of Toronto, youngest son of the late G. A. Griffith and -Mrs. ,Griffith, of that city. The marriage is to take place in- October. —o— Among those attending Stratford Normal are the following who have registered as coming from Listowel: —Violet C. Dierlam, Forda Lake, Francis L. Twamley, Nellie Sander- son and John H. Rennie. Others from this locality are Carrie L. Ben- der, Gowanstown, Blanche Petrie and Marion Robb of Atwood. —t}— LEASK—AUSTIN On Thursday afternoon, September 16th., at 2 o'clock, Misa-Grace Aus- Thomas Leask of Uxbridge, were united in marriage at the home of the Misses Climie, aunts of the bride. The cere- mony Was performed by Rev. Ira Pierce, cousin of the bride, assisted by Rev. J. M. Nicol, of Knox church. Little Miss’ Mary Climie acted as flower girl, and Mrs. Russell Climie played the wedding music, while Mr. Russell Climie gave the bride away. The wedding gown was of hand- some white satin, and the going-away suit of burgundy® broadcloth, with ermine scarf and beaver hat. After a trip down the St. Lawrence and up the Saguenay, Mr. and Mrs. Leask will make their home in Uxbridge. —f}—— " HAY—STANLEY At Lucan, on September 21st, there was solemnized in the English church, the marriage of Fredrica, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. Stanley, to,.Mervyn R. Hay, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hay, Listowel. The Rev. A. McGowan officiated. The bride attended by her sister, Miss Alice Stanley, as maid of honour and Miss Hazel Hay, sister of the groom as bridesmaid. The groom’8man was Mr. Blake Hay. Mr. Chester Ryan and Mr. Alfred Stanley acted as ush- ers. Miss Zeda Black of Hespeler sang during the signing of the regis- ter. After the wedding luncheon at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hay left for Montreal and Quebec, and will return in a month's time to take up their resi- dence in Listowel. Among the out- of-town guests were Mr. and Mrs. J. Cc. Hay, Listowel; Miss Beth Hay, Toronto; Miss Dorothy Hodgins, Stratford; Miss W. Rutherford, Mit- chell; Mr. and Mrs. N. Stanley, To- ronto and Miss Mary Elliott, Toronto. Clothes Prices To Drop— Globe—Toronto tailors and cloth: iers admit that clothing prices are likely to take a drop, but think thaf this will not happen until the spring. To Butter Makers— The Banner has on hand a supply of the best parchment butter wrap- pers printed “Choice Dairy Butter’ which we will sell at $2.50 per ream while they last. Lay in a supply now] | as they will be snatched up quickly at this price. Wins Watson Trophy— Mr. James Bayne gets permanent| possession of the Watgon trophy, his driver winning first in the single roadster class for three consecutive years at the Listowel fair. also took first prize at the Atwood falr Tuesday and on Friday he is ana: ing at Milverton. Editor Of London Free Press— Mr. Arthur R. Ford, B. A., son of Rev. J. E. Ford, Methodist minister at Goderich, and one time on the Stratford Herald, has been made managing editor of the London Free Pregs. Aside from Stratford, he has had considerable newspaper expar- fence at Winnipeg, New York and Ot- tawa, and is reported to be well quall- fied for the important position. Mr. Morrison Is Principal— Mr. John Elliott, B. A. of Bowman- ville calls our attention to an error in an article taken frem a Goferich paper, appearing in a recent issué of The Banner, stating that he had been appointed principal of the Bowman- ville ‘high school. ‘The principal is Mr. W. J. Morrison, B. ‘formerly | science. master of the Listowel high school, and Mr. Elliott is the mathe- matical : * Laid Off Over 4060 Men— r who lead the chorek ae Sait Kya leader or the overall chorus, a very | popular number; Stafford Pelton and}: | in Salt d Pe Mre-Hamien: Cruets and Con: = tbe Sevens : tte one, two, four or eggs. Some have hot water ve hot - But the success would have*been impossible but for us, whose names ap — the [ program as ae baled Lula -May, - Margaret Hall, oun genie Beth Climie, Grace Kidd, Elizabeth | Thompson, ‘Della Hall,’ Stella Bam- ford, Nel! Vandrick, Ivy Kidd,-Ruby Marks, Luella Scott, Marjorie: Riggs, | Velma Hamilton, Pearl Goddard, Erie Hawkins, Jessie’ Climie, Roxie Ellis, Bertha Reynolds, Isa Austin, Ida Bassett, Cora Gabel, Ruth Gisch- ler, Emma Schorten, Lillian Bender, Margaret Foster, Molly Stevenson, Annie McDonald, Jean McIntyre, Win- nifred Oram, Lou Nickel, Jean John-| son, Frank Kelly Kate Nickel, Edith}: George, Louise Windsor,-Mary Mc- Gillivray, Marion Thompson, Ruby Nickel. ~ A tableau at the close“ was fri: ingly -fine andthe different parts of the Empire were splendidly repre- sented as follows: England, Bertha Reytiolds; Ireland, Ada Kidd? Scot- land, Mary McGillivray :? Canada, Cora Gabel; Australia, Eva Hamilton; Wales, Ida Bassett, and the I. O. D. E. by Nell Vandrick. _ Miss-Thelma Rennie was — directress and ably presided at the piano. There was also an orchestra under the capable direction of Band- master Dempsey. A pleasing feature of the third ev- ening’s entertainment, was the pre- sentation of flowers to the members| of the caste and those who lead the choruses. Mr. NeVille, who was popular with the young people as an instructor, has been engaged to return next geas- on. , He left town Thursday and from here goes next to Peterboro. The prize, five dollars in gold, for selling the greatest number of tickets. was won by Miss Margaret Hall, who disposed of 162. Cut In Two By Train— The Daily Saskatoon Star of Sept. 15th., contains an account of the ac- cidental death of Merrill Kennedy, grandson of Mr. John Birthman, now living at Palmerston, but at present visiting in Listowel and well known here. The young man was a son of Mr. John F, Kennedy, well known horse trainer of Nutana, Sask., and had been-awarded the military: re “Just. IN of the: umdactek ing Y the splendid effort of the-entire chor- |. Thompson, Eva Ha fiton, Ada Kidd, *] to serve hot ‘Curious and rare ex- ses ox of the potter's SALAD wichis NUT BOWLS BON BON DISHES CELERY TRAYS Beautiful Fern Pots ina variety of tasteful designs ‘Salt Dips spades and clubs for whist cluh prizes. The tub and thimble shapes are quite new. All sizes in Flower Pots at Sc, 8c, 10c, 15c, 25c Pat diamonds, aa ag pe ET DoT em eh ra You hear a lot about the price of clothes. We say just this, that price for quality and. quality for _price, 20th Century Brand Clothes are the best buy on the market today. Put this statement to the test, SOLD EXCLUSIVELY BY JOHN McDONALD The store with the reputation. Listewel. ne er pace TRADE AT | The Bazaar for bravery: at Passchenaele, *~ W. A. BRITTON Embalmerand Funeral — Director Graduate Canadian Embalming School Phones: Store 96. Residence 224. H-E. Jermyn ; Phone 226. Motor or horse drawn equip- ment. No extra charge for motors. Day and Night Calle Promptly Attended to. a tiais Gifts That Last Pocket to Pocket T he Latest in Men's Chains ' A solid 10 kt Gold Chain, a swivel to hold watch, a spring ring for match bor, knife or key. Recommended for its use- fulness, beauty and value, Walters’ Shoe Bargains Spec ‘als ! Men's $°.50 medium light weight, on sale at $5.35. Men's heavy weight shoes, on sale at $4.76, $6.00 and Men's brown Hartt shoes, on sale at $13.50. Men's black Hartt shoes, on sale at $12.50. $6.00 pumps, on Ladies’ high top gun metal shoes, medium and low heel, on sale at $6.48, Girls’ school shoes, on sale school shoes, size 11 to 13, on sale at $2.08. One table of women's, ‘and children's shoes to clear at $1.94, Men's long. rubber boots , on sale at $5.75. Walters’ ‘ Sohinbein’s Store News UNDERWEAR for Men, Boys, Ladies, Girls and Babies The cold snap made you shiver, Now i is the time to buy yourself warm underwear. We have in stock a big seléc- tion of all the best makes. Stanfield’s in the best makes. Turnbul ’s make for children and ladies’ Penman’s make, ."FPheabove makes come in combinations. and single §. > C SANTA, Every garment closely priced. b Wonderful Bargains in. Fur Sets Ladies’ Fur Coats. Fur Sets from $20.00 upwards 7 _ Ladies’ Coats . Northway Makes. a - We are showing a big range of all the newest makes. Call and see cay he AN et sie eo So ei : i tite LISTOWEL’S LEADING JEWELRY STORE — + “The Jeweler Kress and Mr. Herb Rrareer, ail of * Fail af ey Price $11.00 May be had im good quality Gold filled, at ..... . $6.00 Gold filled, at ....... $4.00 pe Gold filled) at ...... . $2.50 33 Surgical Cases— month of August, 34 itted adm towel Men Re yheee wars and cases and only a médical. W.A. Johnstone ee tat Lis- ad 38 were were 33 ‘surgi - | : 3 Men's and Boys’ Overcoats : You eannot afford to pass ours. 4 J. M. SCHINBEIN & SON. LISTOWEL . a 4 : Sweet Clover | © ) ig So soon as the season opens, I willbe in ie thé market to handle Sweet Clover Seed, Me will buy direct or sell on commission, er Can hull and-grade seed for market ‘and 4 q will make reservations for those applying” first, up to the limit of the season’s capa- - 4 city. 5 fe ee ee i. ’ | SY + J. W..Sangster — Phone 14, Listowel :