* years ago, when le, as a boy of ten, looked about him. He believes that there is improvement, materigliy,, cys and gy 2 “In my boyhood,” he gays, “there were os Sas for the protection of “Mabor; hours of labor were generally ten, and often twelve, foiirteen, or ‘even sixt Proposals to interfere by law were bitterly opposed as a centu The educational facilities of t to-day are incomparably better than those of seventy years ago. The material com- REY, DER. LYMAN ABBOTT: forta of life for the people at large are.very much greater... The general ‘moral tone. of politics, of business, and soctety is imméasura better. Medical science and praétice have made enormaus, advances. There is, too, Qn advance in spirit- uality, according. to this eminent authority. Those who describe the ~ present age as materialistic to the last pact ee _be surprised at this. But t says: “Th - wise widespread notéon that the, church in America was a great power in the days of our fathers and: has lost its. power: in ree a ‘@enerate days puzzles me.. In the ginning of the. twentieth century there was not a. missionary society of ‘any kind—-home or foreign—in the United States. Religion consisted in going to church twice on Sunday. ‘There was no Y:M:C.A: or Y.W.C.A., mo Kins's Daughters, no Salvation Army, F It is fatdvantine to hear such testi- dmony from so capable a witness. He ftakes the sound view that nothing ‘is to be gained by deploring Ahe de- weneracy of the age, and seeking to Testore conditions which have passed ‘away. There is progress on all sides, but along with this. progress there is -meed for the service of earnest men ‘—as there has always been such need —+to preserve the true balance 6f life. Wine and Beer Defended. In insisting that persens subject to too great acidity of the stomach use f & Hittle alcohol with their meals, ‘(never at other times), Dr. John O'Connor, senior. médical officer of the British Hospital, Buenos Aires, writes te the London Lancet: “T ‘am aware that I tread on deli- cate ground in advocating the gen- eral moderate use of alcoholic drink with meals. In response to the baile- Jujah cantations of ascetic mummers ‘ one payc diapason is olely comprised of one hyphenated to—to eradicate an abuse it is imécészary to lop off the use—I have mo coOmipunmction in affirming ‘that the rational dietetic use of the fer- my ,dants carefully im the respective ry zones, the future pie fra cibeciebanae cancer, lunacy, diabetes, resistance to oe addiction to drug habit, eH! e gk" a fie? with what they weére seventy] — well and deeply ploughed so fals are sound to begin with. Although the decay-producing bae- teria, yeasts and molds are always on these they cannot do any ‘nfury }antil the materials are first-damazged in some Way as by bruising, beating or freezing. After such injury hes been done the decay bacteria and molds are able tu feed on the dam- aged tissue and @s a result of this action decay or rot takes place and gradually spreads until all is spoiled. Therefore, in storing roots, tubers, cabbage or celery, itis necessary,— ist. To have only sound, healthy specimens. 2nd: Tae Whlita SALW care noi sa: Nit to bruise or otherwise damage the tuanee f “$rd. Store in a cool, Arell-ventilat- will readily decay as a result of the rapid mauliiplication of bacteria and molds in dead tissue, In the storing’ of such fruits as apples and pears which can be’stored without canning we have to prevent the development of molds and yeasts. These are al preaent on the sur- face of the fruit: Bacteria do not damage. fruits as they do vegetables or meats on account of the sugar and acid nature of the fruits, which is not satisfactory for bacterjal develop- ment, but is just wkat is needed for molds and yeasts. But even molds and. yeasta will not. develop on sound apples and pears that are properly stored. If, -however,. the fruit. is damaged in the picking, handling or packing, then the bruised spots en- able the moid spores or yeast ceils that are on the surface to-gorminate and grow and Jnultiply, and when once they get a’ start they will. con- tinue to spread even through the sound healthy tissue and from fruit to fruit until the whole pack may be led. / Therefore in the storing of such saa as apples. and pears it is essen 3; to ‘have only sound specimens. | 2. To pack carefully without bruising. 3. To store in..a cool, well ven- tilated place where they ‘will neither * be overheated nor. frogen.—Prof. D. H. Jones, 0..A. College, Guelph. t 6 Retain SRST teen + ete Dek Hints for Field Work In the Fall. Watch ‘every opportunity for ploughing. tand-in preparation» for spring crops. See that all crops are: carefully stored’so as to avoid damagé in ¢ase of an-early winter. When ~harvesting potatoes for storage or for market be careful to remove as much of the dirt. and as Any of the small, irregular, bruised r diseased ed ‘land ‘and then‘ place the sdil into ridges about arty, inches apart. by means of a le or. double mould- board plough. ig preserves the fer- tility, improves the stb-soil and leaves the lahd in excellent condition in the spring, especially ed crops. Complete all ploughing which is required. to be gone in the autumn. When practicable, gather and feed or burn all remnants of vegetable pels and other refuse. Select in the field from the grow- the corm for improving the quality of the sili se. \ Fall Work In the Garden. Berrent, the late cabbage, cauli- and celery; much of this can be put away carefully in storage and eid until well on the hh through ter. Slight paths rg and 36 deg; F. for + ary and cool for. onions, seed 72 deg. KF. for. winter wat thld tikes tbe Gandia should be as to Leper ecatiy Ragraeck Site “Ont Of aad. Duro asparagus tops, and clean up the Thubarh ‘bed for next yoar, giving its coatiag of manure. “bage tively chute mattes it the mater- Ee a bE i c it counties, The machinery w™ very latest ahd best description. fel nue 3 EB would have ® bom ues [Children naturally love, Me resence- | d. their natures crave 10° OO Ee in. uniil they se . Some of the boys might OT 4 ‘the inwentaey OOO” omen ae plate mot ave ee I ooo hold effects, ag the dairying to carry of r Better” Days fies. Waiting for eee 3 hest Against _ For a ae secant agains feeble eae avalible, at ea. © wall ew o> othe fare of the for the live stock. "That was Teen luxurious city- deserted the farm: mee Tres od Th chee, The ea home f the Best in protety for their desertion. | They mere One 0 gomforts tor it the cows and horses be- Several Counties not . jealous | comfortable quarters wi ate THE HOME FURNISHINGS Bank of Hamilton Bldg. No furni Ita in Cy hg suitebie furnt: iowa ts hemes er and expensive suites. Fa BUREAU Toronto, Canada te~Bimenn does an ture or goods of any homes. Your local dealer: for . When YouThink of Meat - Think of No. 26 ‘ At the other end of the line is an tstablishment that stands ‘ for quality and service: Pow you want meat satisfaction, get the usbit of calling we The choicest fresh and‘cured meats; sausages, ‘bologna, : head cheese, lard, stc., alwers instock. GA Kennedy ect 2 ROR PS EA RS ~ r <i 4 Take up some paraley plants, put them. in pots or boxes and allow ‘them to grow in the house, “FRESH MEATS | A full supply of ‘Fresh Meats will alwase Erect yqur - eyeeat this store. We take pride in- cutting meats to please our cus. °F. tomers, You are not unged t6 take what you do not want. ik: Fr senope iene cation ate eae i Shee Sot ere foe eee 4 Flower Bulbs We have received a large shipment of 4 Tulips, Hyacinths, Crocus _ and Daffodils for garden and house culture—all colors, single and double. Beautify your lawn or garden by plant- ing Bulbs. Brighten your home. dur- x iag the winter months with a few pote of flowers. eae ee A. CLIMIE Wallace Street We Modern ns ‘DOMM: Ss. oat arte i imals. Pe ies aX fread with ‘wei which one of the boats that had been recently pelpied wee ty the breadth of the coat ‘of paint” e Lever saw,” de- aos Ome in a bee, won quem ore the desing of thewetling ‘on his <r, ee said the Beotcl.” - 4 i Pe Bn ow ee i ce Siena a cha ae — oe ve oe 4 aac Daa ie Nt sh dis ea ai ~ 4 yee hts pe rif veh aie caret re 4 Lk neh a aa PRS, ~ as ME aS Si erven wt Dec reek? e