erecta for the Easter holidays, Mrs tn C, McDonald and Doro- thy are reiting friends in. Ethel. ae ae Mr. Jack Grosch of Stratford spent Easter with friends in town. Miss Jessie Coghlin- spént the Miss Mabel Kineala- ‘Tas week with friends at St. Catharines. Miss’ Mar t Foster-has re ed to Toron University after be home for Easter. eent - charaec- ter of our equip- age appeals .to Bry and V oiles © : Charlie Lionel editor of “Rod and those who -ap- jijh : eect = Peete say? babes ri Dee ie aie ae ae $ Gish Sif « poly og eg § Miss Jean Nichol spent the Eas- cabanrpg lipo T i 1 urs.c.1 Runge is visiting friends at] 4, p. J, Davies of Toronto spent oor saan with friends at back- our knowledge ricolettes ‘ Mr. Leo Campbell was in Stratford Se tea a ee, eat Ee Me, 0nd _. per e wine of cue services. In all the new shades. These are good weights this" week. Master Donald and Bob Azage of peti rah ieee Gia ae Saat e oe -and 40 inches wide. _ If you are looking for some- nday at the home Mrs. Henry Oke of Bt. Thomas is] we: will. tennt thing ‘different froma blouse, dress or skirt you . Mr. S. L. Adolph was in Toronto Palmerston spent of Mrs. A. Aliso visiting her daughter, Mrs, L. k RRewRein Stratford over | re Brackebush of Neustadt: was! Payne. . ni UEeeoillar i ae holiday. ia guest this week at-the home of; . Mr. Melville Bogues of almer-|~ Mr. Simon Squires was in Atwood | Ror i. Schorten. ston spent the week-end at his home; ; on Tuesday Woodstock Review — Clarence| 2 town. ; Jack Scott visited friends at To-| Champ spent the holidays at his} Mr. and Mrs. A. H. siete of ronto this wee i home in Listowel. ~~ ides Lage heh in-town fora Miss Lulu May spent Easter at her) _ Miss. esa Morris_of Mount Forest |. ae “Adelaide Clayton. B. A. at- Romo: ta Atwood, est this week at the home) tended the Teachers’ Convention at David Harron of Newton was in| of Miss Lillian Corrie. Toronto this week. town on Tuesday. Mayor H. B. Elliott of Wingham., The Misses Helen Hay and Alice es, gave The Ban-| Livingstone are homegfrom Toronto $3.50 Foulards ee fod ti navy blue figured with white, good patterns. rice . . - - $2.75 V oiles on Sisgeaat 4 you fairly. will find it among these. Price - Miss Reve Foster is epehding the| editor of The week ve a Z Pacey | ner a call Wednesday. 8a grat once & pies Our stock of Voiles was never so large. We d r. m singer was_in Tavi; Mrs. R. T. Kemp yisited over the rs. li € and family = ’ . stock last week. | week-end with her daughter, Mra. R.| Thomas are the guests of Mrs. Lees’ have win in either dress nate or yardage. The ee hddie Rothweli returned to Ham-' A, Currie of Wingham sister, Mrs, L. W. Payne 29 prices are low. Ilton on. Monday. Fee ind od oe amner ara Mie ie PW. day returnedjf’ Dominion Express Mrs. Geo. Mayburry is visiting | B home_ ‘Friday, after visiting with : usiness College, spent this. week sh : ° © friends at Burns. his home in Hamilton. friends at St. Augustine, Cal. ing ars an Cottons i .Miss Beth Hay was home from} i The Migses Olive Cowan and Forda M ; P Toronto for Easter Miss Una Harris of the high senoo! Lake are home from Stratford. Nor- oney Our range in Ginghams is very complete. The nie is spending the Easter vacation t her home in Hamilton. Mrs. Joseph Large, and Bruce and Mina. of Stratford, visited friends in town over the week-end. The Perfect-Knit Mills ‘Ltd., gave Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Douglas and! .-qance Monday night in ance mal for the Easter vacation. Carl Gray returned Saturday from Wingham, where he has been taking a course with the 9th. Grey Horse. Mr. Milton ‘Adolph of tigers <i in town this week. Mr. Norman Gibson was In Ford-| wich over Sunday. George Schell was home from To- ronto over Sunday. Bob Goldner spent Easter prices aré from 40c up. Cotton at all prices. Orders Phone cheques and travellers’ cheques may be obtained in | the Dominion Ex- 4} press office, We received a shipment: of Aprons in ‘gingham. The style is good and at the price they should interest you. Price - $1.00 Dorothy visited over the week-end} y1), for their employees and others. friends at Stratford. with friends at Owen Sound. vy gest anges eee Miss J, Martin spent ‘Bide with Rev. C. C. J. Maass of Chesley friends at Fordwich.° was a guest Tuesday at the home of). Charlie Pelton was home from| Mf. and Mrs. Henry Smith Toronto po Easter” Miss Shirley Kincaid of Stratford J. W. Savage was home from} “45 2 guest this week at the home with s, M. K. Becker-is at the Lis- towel Memorial Hospital and under- -went an operation Wednesday night. Messrs. Licoyd McLachlan from Toronto, and Clarence McLachlan ea Montreal, were home for Eas- cee Pl Basten All our Silks are at the new prices. of Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Kritzer. Can- Mr. Howsrd McDonald of Ayimer| _ Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Smith of Port) Mr. and Mrs, Fred Zililax. Jr. of : bie : | was in town on Friday, Hope are visiting with = parents. Srpronto spent the week-end with the adian Pacifjc Rail- Mr. J. Spears was home from/Strat-| Mr. and Mrs. R. Geoghega former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. way station. ° OHN D N ™ ford over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Peter’ Ducklow Of! Ziltiax. Sr. of town. Cc indi peso was home from ae Good Friday with! Mr and Mrs. J. -R. Burgess and if beaks Th : jingham over Sunday. Fred Preuter Doroth attended the funeral on ou are lookin ri i = i ' ingham over Sunday. com! ee Gt ae ae “wiltara. St Ps is tt kes soother ; you g e Store with the Reputation. Listowel Tara over the holidays. of Stratford, visited this: week _with | wy ed Thursday in her eighty- or service and cour- . Miss Jean Ridge spent Easter al) "er mother, A. Sch few year tesy, come in and Ea her home in Fullarton. Psi ; Mr. tases Reihm was able to take| : - Miss Marjorie Riggs is home trom| Toronto are the guests of her his class of boys again at the Meth- See me. - A — _ ‘Toronto for the holidays, ts, Mrs. John | odist ‘Sunday School on Sunday. af- , vy Mr. Justice Dierlam ot Alsfeldt| Mr. Hq EA Wanter, a manne OF 161 tap being confined to the house for ) was in town over Eas : , 4 F Miss Hazel Hay is visiting friends G. C. FOTHERGILL, NSehinbein’s Store News ~ at Erie, Penn., this w Miss ©. Gibbs spear “Gasd Friday}: with her mothen in Guelph Mr. ‘Albert Cosens of Palmerstén: wns in town on Saturda Morton Squires was home from Stratford over the holiday, ayor A. E. Malcotm went to To- gern Tuesday Gn business, t - &. M, in isa businert; wgtier in‘Torontd this week. Clarke Moore of Lyman Bras., To- sronto, was home for Easter. Miss Vera Weitzel was home from iKitchener over the holiday. Miss Nettie Howe was home from Kitchener over the holiday. AGENT et i Good Fri - Pe. Mae Dic! turned to : ‘Listowel has aatered both intermed-| cardine this week, oes |Jate and junior teams. 30 Years A Subseriber— | The Banner was ‘glad to renew the { was er aoe this week of Mr. M, | th, an esteemed citizen. in , a. guest over the week-end the eigh i Th B home of Mr. and Mra. G. E. A dee eo Asai sialichead neces th e azaar ae ee ee ee ee established back tn 3865. | had as her guest, Miss Alma Fleming.| Wa teers’ ‘housh. to report that HF. Mrs. E. Gibson and two child g- Smith is not enjoying good health, Fen! put is confined to his bed a good part of Fordwich, are visiting at the home {the time of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cémp-|° '° "MS: House Furnishings of all kinds. Our stock is now complete in all lines. EXTENSION RODS WINDOW Curtain poles, extension rods for bay windows. SHADES We have now a good range to choose from. In plain and Easter Hat ee ee - -_-.-. - aod ester, N. Y., after spending the Miss Winnifred Stevenson fs vis- | bell. iting with relatives in Toronto. as ‘ombinati Window shade: Miss M. Sutherland spent aster! Rev. Hugh Ferguson, Stratford, ee ! Sha d wade ‘S pont awe olde. - Monday with friends at London, j superintendent of the Children’s The young people of Knox church pes an On. CLOTH s “ Mr. Jacob Gottfried was home! Shelter, ¥as in Listowel on Wednes-| #Te. making ssoea guracaedind ise ba for flooring 1 to 2. yards ¢ Som Biichintr 26 Sore: Peer = Wm. Cameron left Tuesday f nao re aohowed reggie ho & Flowers b3 | wide, in all the new pat- ir Ca esday ' i } Rie aE Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Miller spent the’ a Atak oe principal number of which er 4 ni terns. CRETON NES | holiday with friends at Guelph. Dick Paul of the Malcolm firm.| ; winter with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Fil-| be an Wlustrated tecture by Mr. Some of the really | from 40¢ up ¢ Kincardi h singer. Frank Yeigh of Toronto, well known | B tiful blue 1 ardine. was’ home for Easter. 4 1 “iy pretty spring hats are | =e ee eo Mr. and Mrs. Frank Byrnes were Mrs. Geo. Schenk, Mrs. J. Schaus; sg comp! vi as “F ti i CURTAIN SCRIM green ground, rose ground, home from Toronto for the holiday. *"4 Mrs. Cavannag of Ayton are the a at _ sel “ger ot ea HH 4, ade from the the new | in white, ivory and ecru and mauve ground Miss Ada Moore is home from To-. Saari this week at the home of Mrs. ren penal ioroauhaet nel lll Bazaar shapes at 19c | from 25e upwards. ronto and will remain indefinitely. | Wingham tis wa ein world d at h Marquesette Hemstitched “| Mr. St. Clair Good was home trom es-— Miss Lillian s and trimmed ‘with Ba- Curtains, beautiful goods Kitchener over the Easter holidays, | De™der of Listowel spent the week) | ech PF sa ie from 85.00 to $12.00. LINOLEUM Miss Lottie Felkar spent Easter! rise Hint Pa home of her friend, Miss; qos Sher SHY *|| zaar Flowers at -19c | | , , sal Sunday at her home in Molesworth. | ‘** ‘ = . = yds. wide for bath rooms, Miss Margaret Ward ts home trom! Mr. aed Mirae ARs McDonald. | = and covered with Ba- a Je Keane! saree iieifalé for a few weeks" vacation, _— an ee of eshge sage are the i i ‘zgaar Straw Braid at | | FANCY’ MARQt SseTTR [4 4 yas. se linoleum, best ne) Suests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.j * si j { , Ds ality $5.50 a. = BP rucigt oramnpirdpuaiar wang nah tim pong (yA ANKENMAN—On 6th con. Wallace,|f| 10c per yd. | Bs Gt SS cae eae aus yer 5 * “ HE Stratford Beacon—Mr. FE on Sunday. Mar, 19th. to Mr. and; §} A : saan ee eee ieee Sabrent Slight. of Listowel. was an Easter Mrs. Nerd — a daugh- Buckram and Wire PRs erties OS.80 8 08 m sail L CAS" | visitor with Mr. and Afrs. 0. J. Co ter. (Evelyn Jean) | ne : . wT rhe Misses Tene and Marr Oke) Sell, Nile Bt eerste os gage ge ger thy | sii aca E96 | We saa oe stock of + Geena | F > ‘ day, 1 20th, to Mr. and Mrs.j fi . 7 si = home from Toronto orer Eas-' etrentariggo az ati Se alll pret setiiite ease 4 daighter j Try making your own | | all kinds. Brussels tapes- er. be I : | ' ia} VN QUILTS $10.00 try d plush : ee | | Hat—It's che . DOWN Q y sed plus Mr. Clinton Dippel visited with a 2 Set home of Mr. and Mra. aper y/| made up of some extra choice Linoleum Rugs, Gongol- friends at Kincardine over the holi-; "* McKenzie. — f sateens, new patterns. eum Rugs day. ~" | Mrs. Wm. Moore of Brandon, On Sal S d iB} Miss Della Hell attended the| Maa-. is visiting at the’ home of her e tur ay | , teachers’ tonvention at Toronto thts) pee setae Moore, and with All 15c Music : renee other relatives i . Mr. James Reynolds of Stratford Dr. J.-J. Foster and Mr. A. M. | S G D : gpent the holiday with friends in} ‘Sm'th were in Toronto this week} for 10c pecial in rocery epartment town. | attending the ehnual meeting of the} Tr 4 @r. Victor MeNeil of Kitchener gi 82 Pinos sor | { a | S Heute Oak GRE Cieee Pa eo % ue ee ‘spent- the holiday with friends in ne sees innie Oetzel ané} | y D | Lard, factory or home-made lard, pure. at .-"... hc a Ib. town. 4° Adelaide Bchiel of Waterloo were| | Decorate our en | 60c coffee, Saturday, for _ . 80c “— Mr. Oliver Schlegel of Kitche er| guests over Easter at the home of| | i Potatoes. per bas ; 0 c spent the holiday with friends 5 oo wes E. M. Gischler. | New Felt Penants, |]| ee a vim r town. } as Pearl Godwin, organist and) i ene design ; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lockhart visit choir leader of the Methodist church. | th west = 7 | ed over the week-end with friends at! 588 been spending a few days with | | from ” 25c to G5c [if . Millbank. ee and Mrs. R. J, McCormick of) -—-— LJ i r" P ' ‘Mrs. Wm. Stricker and Dorothy vs . Decorate Ye Your Car | visited over the holiday with friends rs. Fred Prewter and Master A i EI at Ayton. enneth went to Milverton Wednes- Gift That LISTOW Misa Ada Kidd Is leaving Saturday) | aay to spend a few days with Mrs li T * to spend the week-end with friends’ Bvewiged. —— Mr. and Mrs Always De ights On able | 4 at London eter Ducklow _ Clean up of China | Miss Gladys Heath has a Miss Pareell's claka of the Metho- a cune ot po ad Se 8 d ce cers a d = = Se aaie — on a _ a anal to Hamilton, after being ome for a dist Sunday school, with a few from this establishment ups an ucer’ n |* | (ow -weeks others, numbering thirty or more. For ia addition "th one Oddments, a fine selec- | ‘HURCH DIRECTORY a “Woodstock Review—Miss Marjor- — — entertained at her cl seasty of pon . sons | tion at 25c. CHURCH D . E F z ome Hestay re ” ’ “psn re i Miss Jeasie Chalmers of Wallen- we handle and the 7 at Deor a IST CHUR RC CH Pains pworth League Mrs. F. Walters-and two children Ste!". accompanied by her friend ee iat there > add. ——— MicrRODIOT 3rd 1921 are visiting thie week with friends’ rg ng Farr of Elmira~spent ed “pride: ts recelving-s W. M.S. Anniversary pres Sees ey ye se - e a8 a { i t = s - P, f * at Kitchener. a Me sige 3 st the home of an teem tate banee, che | Peacock Cromar Din: ‘t aie Jne poater eight o'clock, in the Meth- Mrs. Leo Campbell and baby are rs. Fred Chalmers 5 9 | oa es ; ik oo church spending a few weeks with friends Mr. Jos. Ainley was home from admitted home of depenc- | ner Set, 4 “es 5 | 29 45—Sunday School. Special Miss-| arch, at Melbourne London for Easter and while here -_ jewelry at moderate special at ‘i $12. . ogg a a = j cies ‘Clave Sievensek: seachec.-te oy ss oe - _ one prices 7.00 p.m. se pastor. iret Monday in the month, De- 4 ‘ streets, to | 4 ol —— for the Johacten, as emblaves of the Pech | — $50 For Mtssions— | vollonal, with roll call, + ; jf - | Milling Compan | TRA special missionary offering © - J F Mr. ond Mrs. Wes. McKay of; wr. E G. McDonald, principal of C; ¢. Douglas oe a= \f' $50 is being asked for next Sunday) Second, Missionary. Gueiph are soning at the home of! ¢he Public School, with Miss Edna * aie | in the Methodist Sunday School, Third, social and literary, : Mrs. W. McKay. | MacKenzie, oMficially appointed dele- Saas TONES. , e AZAAYL | marine the close of the church yoar| . Andy Miller al a few days this gate; Miss E. T. Hawkins and Miss Wallace Street. Lidlowel. jand a special effort tg exceed last) Fourth, Citizenship week with his sister, Mrs. F.G. Hae- Isa Austin, attended the teachers’ | veas’s contribution by at least one| tle of Wroxeter. | Comvention at Toronto this week. pa third. a 5 ‘ ; = t *% on . i . al = -~ : = as a go ee SB ee, pia ale =e =" Bye a