Listowel Banner, 26 May 1921, p. 8

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+ TaD at Pe Se : Penta }sie Inglis spent the ho — at Clifford. : rs. J. Stinson of Stratford was a1] Reon over the cg at the bi -of the Misses Br’ Fleming is visiting tae Mr. T, H. Kay of. ie News Record, | tae ai eat saci Kitchener, and geo! ra ane } .} been holidaying for a few days j Mr. Harry Fallis visited in Toron r ; to over the holiday. oe parents, Mr. @nd Mrs. agrees , 1 Melvin Rennie was home from De- : ‘ i tot over the botiday oe | : : Brock Windsor was home from) 5.24: of Stratford motored up taunt > 2 ate ; Hamilton this week. spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and, ee uesday, June friends in Herriston. home for the holiday. Mrs. W. J. Stricker ana Sire. Noat | ° Miss Martha Hood of Stratford was; wr H. E. Cavell is home from| Bowman of the 3rd. line .Wallace, i home for the holiday | Eos Ridgetown this week. are delegates from Listowel to the| : Mrs, 8. Gottfreid of Port Elgin {s| 5, and Mrs. A. Krohn motored to] W. M. S. Convention, which ig be- ‘, visiting triends in town. Kitchener on Wednesday. : ing held at Ayton this week. We will put on sale, for that day only, the George Schell bale home Sade Mr. M. K. Becker is a business vis-} Mr. ast. Mrs. vale Greenwood, — ‘Toronto for the holiday. itor im Toronto this week. and baby. June, from Toronto, spen . ; is . « “ Jack Climie was home from Mil-| 414, preien Hay was home from| the holiday with friends in town. Mrs. biggest bargains ever offered in Listowel verton over the holiday. Toronto over the holiday. reenwood is remaining for a few Harold Fritz was home from To-! Rey. H. Schorten is visiting ai ee <A Mis ke hatenle : , Seog ig bates yosveaten: can friangs AR eet ie & home from| left Saturday for Quebec, motoring 1 Bag Potatoes, 3 Ibs. Rice, 1 Ib. Black Tea and 1 lh. Butter for $1.00 Jack Ringler spen e week-en with friends at Stratford. Walkerville for a few days.- as tae ies rotor Li pr a 1 can Salmon, 1 can Pork and Beans, 25c Sugar, 1 Ib. Sodas, Misa Myrtic Davey -was home trom hts Be ean business main for a short while, the guest of| Vanilla, 4 lbs, Oatmeal and 1 Yeast, all tor : - $1.00 > pate Mlaeenta ease ; Miss Margaret Foster was home| Col. Clarke. Crosse & Blackwell’s Jam, 4 Ib. Tins Strawberry and Raspberry Bi: Miss Mae Dick was home trom Kin- from Toronto for the holiday, Mr. and Mrs. §. J. Stevenson have 1 $1.50 f $1.00 : cardine for over the holiday. Miss Kathleen Kemp was home| one to Toronto to attend the Sa Jam, ps dex ar or - . Mr, Fred Goldner was home from) trom Toronto over the holiday. ee ek, cactetee eel 2 dozen pairs of Corsets, sizes 18 to 28, regular $2:00 to $4. 00, for $1.00 Stratford over the week-end. Mrs. J. N- Hay and Mrs. ee ) Fos-| eral hospital, a Cont a 5 ft 3 4 i 4 Pi f <1 00 Miss C, Gibbs spent Victoria Day| ter were in Toronto last w f fa pore meaty ss Lenora yards best Print, 1 spool Cotton, 200 y s, 1 paper ins for : with her mother at Guelph. Miss Velma Hamilton spent the _ . . $7. Mr. Ralph Babb of Mitchell visit- holiday with friends at Stratford. gg Mr.’ and ors. Alvin Stricker r6- 5 yards Curtain Scrim for $1.00 ed in town over the holiday _|__ Miss Jessie Coghlin spent the sfanatal de pcan. Appeal pans! 2 yards Striped Awning Duck, regular 60c yd., for - $1.00 t of T spor ieee i ds in Fordwich. F at Wee Lbais ul Misa. HOTS: re eae Bourtis were! residing at the home of the bride's 41-2 yards Huckaback Towelling, regular 30c ya., for ° $1.00 a Mr. John McLennan spent the| yn Durham and Owen Sound Sunday.| father, Mr. 8. 8. ek ime yar | t 3 1-3 yards Striped Linen Towelling, regular 40c yd., for - 1.00 week-end at his home in Ethel. Mrs. Arkins /Peffers is spending a Mrs. 8. Lougheed, mother o rs.) ‘ : Mr. O. C. Currie visited over the! few days at her home in Woodstock. Spence, Listens ssusghidha ke a pe ped 3 1-3 yards Turkish Towelling, regular 40c yd., for : - 1.00 4 week-end at his home in Detroit. Stratford Beacon — Miss Viola I | Archie Robertson visited] yurr was in Listowel for the ‘holi- another qaugater, _— ht Wetck. All regular $1.50 Dress Goods reduced to - - $1.00 friends in Durham over the holiday. | gay, L ydestte libata eset spatiale oe $25.00 Silk Poplin Dress for $1.00, one navy and one brown to. of- Mrs. E. Askett is spending a few] Miss Molly Stevenson spent the| attending the W. M. S. convention. y days with her daughter at Detroit: | week-end with friends in Owen| Mr- Hodgins, station agent at fer. Buy one Dress for $25.00, and get the other for - $1.00 Charles Tatham of Red and Gary Gaunt: oe sophdeoe Gf had deems eigen egal $2.50 to $4.00 Men’s Stiff Hats, brown and black, all good shapes, $1.00 ; over the holl- li ent F, " 4 eCeee eee the holiday with Mn and Mrs J.|Feturned at three o'clock Monday 50 pairs Ladies’ and Misses’ Shave, 2% to4 size, regular $2.50 to em 4 Miss Smith of London is visiting) pockhart. morning after an unpleasant exper- $5.00, buy one pair for regular price and we will give you an- at the home of her uncle, Mr. H. God- Mr. Wm. Irwin, Public School In- ience in the storm, including a num- other pair for ; _ . 7 : § ‘ dard spector of Stratford, was in town| ber of detours on account of wash: & P ; ; ; Miss Winnifred Oram oe tbe this week. outs. Ties, Braces, Odd Lines of Shirts, Silk Handkerchiefs, Underwear pret: Ee sagt, Mee O80. Dippel_ot Hats and Caps, regular $1.25 to $1.50 lines, for - $1.00 ao Jack a of Hares ee Bun es OW ee Men’s Odd Pants, size 44, made of union tweed, 5 pairs only to day at <. Hewitt’s, secon Wallace Collie of the bank o _ : Kima. Montreal, Welland, was home for offer, pegular $2.50 for $1.00 Mr. R. F. Taylor of Toronto et vis} nominion ne iting with his daughter, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Addison Sittler of en of othe . : Britto, Kitchener astly the! week-end with Hundreds ther Bargains but we have not space to mention them. Mr.*Russel Haydon of London is} friends visiting his mother, Mrs: Henry Mrs. +s Finkbeiner of Stratford is| ; Haydon a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. $ . Lorenzo Thompson is home from{Q Finkbeiner. ; e e . Cassan’s wireless school, Toren for!’ The Misses Jean Johnston and : tr a few days. | Jean Ridge spent the week-end with . ~ Mr. and Mrs, Mervyn Gilkinson’ of! friends at Guelph. 3 e e J Ethel spent Wednesday with his par- Miss Helen Weir of Kitchener was ents in town a guest over the Puuey at the home Mrs. Brock of Wingham is spending oe Mrs. Nelson Hay. é a few days with her sister, Mrs. Miss Wallace of Osgoode was a . George Barber. guest this week at the home of Dr Mr. Charles Secord of Hamilton pie Mrs. J. J. Foster. ‘ - BEFORE AND AFTER — spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs.| Miss Olive Crowley of Toronto THE GAME . Robert Stanley. » tka. luca spent the holiday at the home of Mr.|| an : ay ee $arton rand Mrs, Harton. | @ glass of our famous soda, ] he B , 4 Sun has been holidaying at home Mr. M. Seerioce of Port Elgin went a st Par goa Sait went. e aZzaar : for a few days. ye eeiesed at the home of Mr} & Drank before the game it ; Mr. Frank Gray is home from; and Mrs. Norman Bean. will liven you up wonder- 4 ‘Toronto University after completing; Mr. tn Mrs. Eldon Bean and fam- fully, After the game a : E his second year. ,_| ily motored over and spent Sunday glass will renew your en- ; : Carlyle Hemsworth of Cassan’s} with friends at Clifford. ergy and put you jn good ll é 4 wireless school, Toronto, was home Mrs. Kraft of Kjitchener was a spirits whether you were re) ar 4 for over Sunday guest at the home of her brother, Mr. victorious or defeated. i & Mrs. Richard. “Davis and daughter-} Krohn, over the week-end. Come once and you'll come D ; BS Eleanor, spent the holiday with; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Timmes of often. ay & j friends at Guelph. Toronto are guests at the home of ' ‘ . Mr. and Mrs. Fred ndrick ag Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ferguson. a Kincardine spent the holiday wit Mr. A. Reid of Toronto spent the ‘T sda J 7 ‘i friends in town. fore part of the week at the home of ue y; une 4 Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Benfler and| Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Windsor. et® : family motored up and spent the Mrs. Joseph Walker and Miss ri holiday at Ayton. Shirley Walker, of Hamilton; spent : . and Mrs. Eldon Fisher of| the holiday with friends in town. Butter S$ own 4 Stratford spent the week-end with Allan Windsor of oes Mer al’ : : friends in town. guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ; sa - Mr. and Mrs. Murphy of mene A. BE. Windsor Phas ie RoUinsy: ro oi now until i are visiting at the home of her fath- Mr. and Mr. R ube and son une 7th. we are going er, Mr. Robert Smith. Howard were visitors in Toronto and The home of Home-made z Mrs. Frank Lee of Kincardine, is] St, Catharines over the week-end. Candies and Pure Ice to butter ,our bre ad Ina previous advertisement we gave spending a few days at the home of} Mr.mnd Mrs, A. Krohn and Miss Cream. thick and say! just det the date for Dollar Day as June 4th. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Lee Evelyn and Mrs. McDonald and Mr. Phone 218 us all eat more butter. It h 3 Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Kennedy spent| Watson spent the 24th. at Mitchell. : | t has now been changed to Tuesday, 6 P the 24th. at the home of Mr. John| Mr. and Mrs. Charles Beese of ; Meanwhile, we have a |} June 7th. : Armstrong, Glenallen. Kitchener are guests this week at the big stock of ; a Mr. and Mrs. Bloodsworth and Mrs.; home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Pfeffer. | 7 ’ i A. J. Collins visited at Port Dover Mr. Pearson Holmes of Toronto Many special li . , i from Saturday ‘till Tuesday. was a guest over the ‘holiday at the { Butter Crocks { d Pi I lines have been purchas Mrs. Joseph Gilkinson spent a few| home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe. Lockhart. AM since | ed for this event. It is going to be a Gays last week in Guelph, the guest Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Hay motored of Mrs. Wm. McCullough. to Lucan on. Saturday and ef route | real sale of real merchandise. We are ‘s Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Ott of hid) eg souk in the races Tuesday at Butter Tubs not’ going to sell anything that will were guests Victoria. Day at the; Mitche i | : é of Mr. and Mrs. Levi Good. Rev. J. A. Bloodsworth of Brant- al Hand. Painted _ lower our former reputation for quality. B Mrs. Alex Leme and daughter of} ford is visiting with his son, Mr. B Th . y a Toronto are visiting at the home. of} H. Rleodeets and Mrs. Bloods- | Butter Knives ; | a Mr. and Mrs.,Andrew Kay. wort | , , Mr, and Mrs. Robert Thompson wait Mrs. Alex McLennan of ba Silver Plated D il aT h ; and Mrs. (Dr ) Philp spent the holi- ank were guests over the holi- { M ; a diay with friends at Stratford. day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe r Oliar wi ave a @ ; rs. Fred Jezard of Stratford was! Lockhart. ; @ gwest last Saturday at ad home| Mr. and Mrs. M. Poole and daugh- | Glassware, Crockery, greater amount of buying i of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Gilkinso ter, Gertrude have returned to their , a Mr. Harold Oswald of Kitchener home in Menomonie, Wis., after vis- Cut Glass : -was a guest over the holiday at the} iting friends in town. j . power on : thome of Mr. and Mrs. W. Gabel. Mrs. Harold Oswald was able to : Majolicaware ig Miss Mildred Wolfe of Kitchener} return ta her home on Tuesday. af- ! i . j was a guest at the home of Mr. and| ter being at the Listowet Memorial | Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, |] ¢ 7 Mrs. Louis Fritz over the holiday. Hospital for a few weeks. | Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thompson of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Welker of St. The one food that all the peoplelf| Fancy Dry Goods Kitchener were guests over the holi- phar pet ae and spent the/ want all the time. i day at the home of Mr. S. S. Good. toliday with the former’s parents,) pisin and wholejome—substan-| {| Is and To Oo ar a Mr. ana Mrs. Ed. Filsinger and ae sat Be ae i oyerm Z tial awd nourishing— | Dolls and ys itch spent Sunday at rs. UU. eiaort an rs. arrs | . aegdead bi pgp “Ae J. H. Ben-| Schaefer of Hanover were the guest; ty it the first place on your Stationery and Books ‘ der over the week-end at the home of e Brush & + Ss Rev. and Mrs. H. H. Lethold and we ome Mrs. A. E. Meldort. we other food has the same tood rushes, oaps 5 Igin, tored down r. L. E. Gillingham of the bank, Value. : : ally Alig a friends| Of Montreal staff, is being transferred| Ours is a really delicious loaf. Toiletware, Jewelery in. town + Aha ptecgtn to London, instead of : _ your grocer to send you a loaf | : 4 es . _| Welland as first announced. o-day. . , ‘3 ee we eaitaas vine Mrs. F. W. Hay was in Torontd| Bread is your Best Food—Eatil’ We can promise you a — othy, from Elora, were holiday vis-| sunday and Monday, with Miss Mar-| More of it. en | F a eon home of Mr. and Mra M- Joris Riggs, who left the fore part| Eat great assortment of $1 ° fig of the week on a trip to the West. . | > ES Mrs. Mary Strettgn end two sons.| Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hamilton visit- GOOD BREAD snaps on Tues., June 7 | , : P of Hamilton, spent the week-end) ed over the week-end at the latter's ; . - be with Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Hewitt, sec-| home in Shedden. Mrs. George Drake “The Bread That Builds oO n Cc oO n a ond line Elma, _) returned with them-and jis spending é = Mr. and Mrs. EB. D. Bennett spent} 2 few days here. © ‘ TRADE AT ; : Sunday with his brother at Galt.| Mr. and Mrs. August Steif of Zurbrigg Bros. The Store with the Reputation. They were accompanied by (Mr. andj Monkton. announce the engagement! Mrs. C. ‘A. Zillfat. While motoring} vod their daughter, Elsie Margaret C.,| Phome 85 Listowel e ran yA a ar 5 LISTOWEL home, owing to the severity of t Mr. Hartwell G - Speiran, son of i, , they found it necessary te Mr. and Mrs, Tobe Speiran of Grey, the wedding to take place in June.

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