Listowel Banner, 10 Nov 1921, p. 2

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ie ‘elaim upon all its citizens and its Shes hould be regarde@ by every Fair This claim is mot met by | merely ‘paying one’s taxes in full; aud it is not met merely by keeping ‘with- Vin ‘the law. The claims of the state ‘may be paramount long before they yare embodied in an Act of Parlia- ‘ ment, as young men felt when the war was on. The state has passed no law forbidding foolish and useless expenditures, and it ig not likely that it will. But it is not necessary to pass such a law. We all recoghize’ thai Canada is face ‘ts face with a ‘very serious financial situation, and the only way ‘out Hes in hard toil and wisely curtailed expenditure, ani sch citizen must be brought to revi- ze, if possible, that without any lew in the matter, it is his bounden duty, articles a. The Bammer doesn’t necessarily agree ith views . expre: (All notice, as it were, and both: eave you alone as a rule. When ‘| learning to ride a bicycle, what was town lamen.s the fact that there wn) it you ran into? Was it not the very no ‘longer a place iin the village | thing you feared? And when you got where a farmer who drives in wit | the bicvele poise you cast fear aside a load of wheat or other farm pro-}and rah into nothing. Fear is “‘cross- duce can put up his horses. There) ing of*bridges‘before you come to are plenty of r@staurants where the! them,” Fear is nursing the very evil farmer himself ¢an eat and rest, but| dreaded. The thing you fear, and «there is no livery stable left in town | fearing suffer in anticipation of may |never come.But if it comes the per: withour NO LIVERY STABLES. (Youth's Companion.) An editor In a Kansas seas : The came thing has happened or fs as a‘true patriot, to labor and save, bappening everywhere. Those hos-| jods of fear have weakened .you a- not for his own sake, but for his 4 pitable establishments that once! gainst the moments of unfortunate ' country’s : furnished “@ntertainment for man! experiences. A chronic disposition 10) "Bur the Christian fos yet anothe and beast’ have heen driven cut of; fear is the thing to ener against. It! olaim upon him; for his: money, pe business by the garage. is a moe id, 5 UE, bi = egal property, ‘for’all, are not his own, must be exore ere as! even if they are in his name and he ON BROAD ROAD TO DESTRUC- phi iosophy in the saying that et bas legal title to them; his money, TION? | fect Iyve casteth out fear.” Indeed) nis property, his all, belong to his (Farmers’ Sun.) fear takes so strong « hold on some) yyacter and he is but’ that Master's “When is this country going that it takes the strongest of passion: ‘steward, holding every dollar of that it. to eviet | property in trust for Him. To many of us, possibly, this claim is so startlin: end so preposterous that we do not} for one moment admit it; and yet it! to learn that it can make its way by one road and one road only . Ser ERS SNES —and that is by tariff made by WATERED STOCKS (Christian Guardian.) Canada for the Canadian peo- ple,’ declaerd the Hon. Arthur| Gn the first page pf the Farmers’) js the clear and unmistakable teach eterboro| Sun last week there was a list ofmer-| jng of our Lord. And some of us. Meighen when speaking at P r gers Which had been formed in Can-; while admitting the claim theoretic: | Neatness and Comfort in. Guaranteed Overshoes ‘System _a few eveninsg ago. Perhaps, as a; aap good Presbyterian, he is familiar ‘ada‘between 1905 and 1912. The lis!) ally, have utterly failed to realize th ‘ with his Bible, and “1as read of the; Shows the capital of the smaller cod wide-sweeping character its de! ~ : “broad road that leadeth to des- | panies before a merger was complet) mands. If it were the money of % Ames Holden Overshoes not only assu a treution.” That is the road Can .| ed, and the capital of the larger com-, cjjent which had been entrusted to] snow and cold ev fit neatl pach mafia sbly a from ada ‘is taking. *Over-crowded cities, oe which spec the ‘ore lus, we should never dream of spend-| they y comfortab with bread-lines, soup kitchens,| ones. In every case ‘the capitalization! ing it so recklessly nor so selfishly-| | af the merger was larger than the; And yet the money. we are spehdiny | Ames Holden Overshoes are made from materials specially selected for warmth, be ye when fu factories closed, disorganized trade, stagnation in. business‘and low prices} and ex individual! so freely upon our luxuries | combi ned capital of the the travagant and needless pleasures, companies, and the difference, " for farm products, are the things) i Canada is reaping from its forty- Sun declares. represents she amount every dollar of it ‘trust funds,” com: | three years of sowing to the protec-| Of “water” added to the stock, The! mitted to us, not by men, it is truc,; tionist winds. ‘totals are surprising. The actual cap-; but by the living God. In view of the | . | italization of the various companies present stringency, in view of the! THE WEEKLY PAPER | merged was $115,442,000, a id the’ World-wide need, in view of the des-! - (London Advertiser) | capital stock issued was $227,197.- titution all about us, and in view of | : 000; which means that there ‘Were) the thousand projects for betterment | The Walkerton Telescope comes to | 1$111,755.000 worth of ‘water’ " add-| that are waiting for money to cart the resc ue of the wepkly paper in this, ca tq the stock upon which the peo-! them out, it is certainly up to rues fashion: “City dailies find | joy in| ple of Canada will be supposed to pay! p&itriot and every Christian to revise! holding: up ‘to ridic ule the Mi Adple it- | Giyidends. Not only so, out those} his own personal and family exper. | ies found in the columns oO: the nuk: companies have authority from the: ditures and in Canada’s name and in al weeklies such as ‘Bill Jones has’ Government to increase their issues| the name of our Lord to cut out ev- treated his barn to a fresh coat Of) of stock to $330,000,000. If this wa-! ery expenditure which can fairly be paint.’ Next time one of these clever jo+4q capital represented progress| looked upon ‘as either pxicavagent or parographers is ont of copy we would) oy q enterprise it might be excusable, useless. It is our Lord’s money } > , ‘ won ey poe Be tee ” Te dais. but ‘it represents simply the desire H He will find plenty of food for inn for increased dividends without any NO RURAL DECAY. ment, for instanee in the custom of! increase in efficiency. This pee (Mail and Empire) : . i not be. It would prebably be better J . 5 = devoting space wholesale to the | uggling with tigures to show ru: : . seth] *| for the country it we nad a committee! 2) qe lat f ae names of the Toronto nobility who) of our ablest and most re'able finan- | ‘ tie the ation ie 8 mvorsie: pustiuic with the FP -.O.\ campaigners, and) voccupy seats in Massey Hall concerts ; : P | ciers to pass upon any merger before the Farmers’ Sun is the showiest oi .Bilt Jones’ real contribution to com: | » > > it would be allowed to secure incor’ them all. It how!s Out statistics to munity betterment requires only two — poration, and no stock should be sold t as , lines for its telling. It takes half a he Canadi blic ‘whicl ioe show that the “rural” population of column or so to tell the world the i ati sem pun t wit as ve $' Ontario has fallen from 1,103,000 in important news that the Toronto not honestly represent sold asset 1890 to 998,000 in 1919. In the sume: ‘smart set, have climbed into their AQ > eT ‘PRrIVNG® period; Ontario cities and towns have; WAS MR. BIGGS BLUFFING” grown greatly, and therefore the Sun; boiled shirts, and gone to a show.’ nhastwe la te (Christian Guardian.) id J. J. Morrison try to make it ap , Some ee ago the Hon. eine ae . food that there is oe ee wrens made pub ie certain piaures a ©) with our protective tari i had secured in regard to the selling U.F.O. leaders take ie preposter SSSFUL TEACHER Alberta, Times.) THE succ (High River, A fact which many teachers in ths: prices of cement in the United States! ous position that large aud prospe: | country appear to forget is that as ¢ are vith the ices j ‘an- : ; | . their pupils are Huwen beled whoa momyate a wee ee conan a s sad ous cities and towns are inimical to| pul : in ‘ ada, and he gave it to be understood! aericulture. They would expand | deserve courtesy tnd kindness and’ that the Farmers’ Government was a-j| farming production by reducing 1: j should be able to look for and expert’ pout to establish its own cemen ban production and therefore con-! in their teacher these qualities, Iu Plant at’a cost of zhout $1,000,000 ciomption. Their logic is curious when | their homes children are taught to in order to enable the Government (0) they attack city and town people--- | emulate their parents and when they) secure its supply of cement at a | who are mostly ex-ruralites. Granted | But in business, ¢ the Cement Company go to schoolt cement is still eelt- to find in the price. ul that during the war, and over u long stil | + etitate expect theu period, the citles and towns huve 1 instructors examples ve! " pos gic hes li hk sai ing et shont $2.4% e barrel of 37 5 cruited population from the countrys nrongaout thers ies; WOM e- pounds in the T nited States and $3.-' side, has not the wealth of the coun w@ll for teachers to remember thal. 5% for the same quantity in Canada, try peen increased thereby? How mere lessons are not everything jin aid the Hon. Mr. Biggs ‘publicly as- many farmers’ sons go in foe teadi-n | . “un he j or * spree scoeme Americ $ erate thick . Se. nee | 8¢ hool and that in the long run, mor sures scme American interests w hich’ ana professions for which only cities, would be accomplished, even along propose establishing a cement plant ang towns afford an opening? What! educational lines, it yupils were jn Owen Sound that so,long as ceM- anout the movement of farmers tc| handled gently and reasoned with 2s, ent manufacturers supply the cement the cities and towns when they have human heings, thereby inculeating at a reasonable price the Govern-! g¢c¢ymulated enough to retire on?| respeet and affection for those over ment will not go into busimess, and if The Sun comments on tue number them. Teachers, like other business, ever it should happen that the man-, yy : . hat ; men or women, may have their own’ ufactnrers boost the price a little too pelt le Mh ape hat ehpat the genes) worrle . Bul thon SI ould : . be hizt C § T il, iL b exodus of farmers’ sons and dz sie li- fes Teese “ar- tf 2 y , a ' ri : . buy 1 d not be car- high the Government will call them ters to the West in the last thirts | red into the school roo for pupils j ‘onterenc pt i starts t i cae red thre } m for pay into conference before it Starts i years? Whole communities of West cannot do satisfactory work when, own plant. If this means anything, it ern Canada are made up vf Ontari mede nervous and irritable by a ner-, surely means that the Hon. Mr. Biggs! people. Premier Meighen, who cat-! vous and irritable teacher and the Government are fully satis-, pied on his profession in Partake Iii vis is 1 ria’ factor which: 2d tha se rice ‘eme , Tal ia au in por "I s eta whic h Fie d that the prese nt price of cement) prairie came of a farming family | should always be kept in mind. The in Canada is a fair one, although the near st. Mary’s, Ont. Mr. Crerur; successful teacher to-day is the one: price is about 70 per cent higher (ac-. ebame of Ontario farm people. Very who has considered and acted upon chet to the Farmers’ Sun) -than, many Ontario rural people drifted tu these facts n the United States. But if this be so i ' ; ' as why the event farore fe the West. Why make it appear that p . red ore ¢ 2 | ; . Ontario cities and towns robbed the ! I00D ME COMING 3; ag i fad 1 A GOOD TIME COMING eer olan? ee feo wae cr rural districts of the Province of u!! i ‘ : 2 3 ¢ rs + Tod (Montrenl Witness.) ther that Mr. Biggs said too much = le Wit Creeees Kree Oniere Tam going to close Monday," said i eel , and: i t 24 BY. j then or he is saving too little now. e cai Fi wy | a Montreal business man, referring) What does the Premier think about Yet, despite this outward = move | >the Quebee Thanksezl “ A ment of the younger generation that, to the Quebec tankssiving. “nol this matter? Of course it be hat I feel “+h to be tha: 1 fo wants to get its own feet planted on! that ff much Mar kin OY.| purely a matter of canilifinae wens to 7 i of he | hut I'm thankful that) I'm alive!" | venture upon any ig project just! prosperity, instead of staying in the | Canad» js not enjoying the boundless! now. but it will be very unfortunate family home, rural Ontario hgs not) lost population, Despite the officia'} figures quoted by the Sun and U.F.O | campaigners, the real farming busi i ness of Ontario has not lost ground Which she did a few years The deflation of val- The problem of prosperity before the war. ues is distressing if the idea gets abroad amongst the supporters of the Farmers’ Govern- ment that the Government is more in- flack business and of consequent un) opine ‘talk § ac : employment is a very real one. The have said Medan Uist tha grees of In 1920. two million acres more were sweetest of the uses of adversity is! ¢ement than to defy the Mer and, U2der crop than 1890. The value o! ane * , [on ; Pa ger ane’ the crop was nearly five times as that it sets men helping one another.’ then back down. Canadians do not; ..., nearly i The harder one’s own lot the more) jjke a quitter. great. In the 30 years, 100,000 of the one can sympathize. It is the time to population listed as “rural” in 1896 hasten with help through whatever } have become urhan through the crea channels are open. Adversity does not | tion of A eg sola ae palgl preclude thanksgiving. “Although the] gungqeqeeepep " eoededofedeted.gear.n | COWNS. Which are classed as urban {ig tree shall not DiewaOnA neither! ) Salalah See eT ee es "@ Others have ny ri in by the ex shall fruit be in the vines, the labor’ ac “03 te | pansion of cities and towns. These of the olive shall fail, and the fields ~ WASTING, OCR LORD'S “| people were never “farmers,” and 1! shall-yield no meat, ** * yet I will « was the system of classification that rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the: ; oe eee . ‘put them in as “rural” population a of my salvation.”” But That has) CPR Ree eee tr ettis Rural” is‘by no means synonymon:. not been our lot. Our harvest has! 4 few days ago, in Toronto, C hiet with “farmer.” Those who howl 2 been unexpectedly abundant, and its Justice Sir William Mulock,:address- bout farming retrocression in Ontar- | returns are beginning to roll in on us. ing the Grand Jury, took occasion to, fo, and the “vampire” citles and} Few countries have prospered in| refer to the fact that in Ontario there towns, know that progress qnd mut |} these uneasy daps as Canada has.(,were 200,000 autos, of which 150.-, ual support are actually greater ila, Back of any present‘trouble is a coun- 000 were used solely for pleasure, ever as between rural and urban com try of boundless natural wealth, af and it is costing the people ‘of the, munities. brave people rich in strength, moral} | province “$60,000,000 yearly for the, and physical. We have infinite faculty! Maintenance of these machines. His MASTER SOMETHING. for hope, boundless capacity for work) lordship argued that under present) (london Advertiser. ) end full assurance in our coun-, conditions it would be vastly better if/ Now that we are in the season try’s future. If we do our part Can-| these milifons were laid up for «| when the evenings are long there Is ee day.’ But this expenditure oun automobiles is but one account, and|to improve his or her stock of infer , by no means the most serious one, vu mation j the indictment against us for extrav- Reading will do this. provided agant, unwise, and unchristian ex-| is the right kind. One would be bet penditure. We do not mean that it 0. ter off to sit and gaze into space than and if| an unchristian thing to own an auto.! to pore over a lot of the printed ma their} and: we do rot think the expenditure | terial that is now offered for sule ada’s greatest day of good fortune is a splendid chance for the individual just ahead. CASTING OUT FEAR. {; (Montreal Witness.) Fear is always unnerving, the nerves do n maintain | t ‘ poise they cannot function as tbe) upon autos. even for the plecsure a-| Then there is the mistake of PP Pee a automatic friends, advisers, and ad-{ lone-is half as blameworthy as some: general reading. One may go throu::h our involuntary! other expenditures, but as Chr’stiau’ a number of excellent Therefore frar) citizens we need to learn quickly the| various matters, is “an enemy within the gates.” In-! lesson of a wise economy. { — of information abont deed it is an ally of, aud openg the | hgh "s a feeling ehroad that so} many thing ut a thorough fates to the enemy most feared, Am; long as a man is snerding his own] ec lla with nothing {In partic: I afraid of “catching cold?” L shail; money gt has a right ta piease him-| lar. _ be sure to catch cold--or it me, For) self as to how he will oper it. And; ‘Did you ever notice a group of f the germs that produce colds have| even if he ‘ye a Christian man the] men in conversation? It is not long similar instincts to the dog which} only limitations upon his expendi-| before the drift of talk has narrowed bites those who fear it. Don’t defy; tures is that they be not essentially] down to one or two: The rest of the the cold germs any more than you} unchristian and hurtful. But this idea| group tagged along as best they couid would defy a strange dog. ‘Pass both is not a defensible one. The state has! in a general way, but the trend of books abou and in this way gain ministrators of organs and functions. Pc same idea holds good. The fiuctua-| know he is in business. tions.of markets, the effect of world tariffs on live stock, the ment of new breeds, etc. appearance, are the ideal Fall and Winter footwear for farm, coast protection and light weight are desired. We stand behind all Ames Holden Rubber Footwear. We support the guarantee and are responsible to ta for each pair sold. Read the guarantee and when making your next selection, KIBLER South Side Majn St. or town, FOR SALE BY AMES HOLDEN - w. A. = ; 7 The Way : \ to Judge Value | , OU don’t know how much a Suit of : ae. Clothes costs you when you pay for i : it. You won’t know until after a few 1 months. That is when you learn that A | | 0 Society Brand " Clothes . y really are better values. The price may i be slightly higher because it costs more ¢ to make cur kind of Clothes. But they | —— look so much better and last so much longer, that in the end they cost less. i SOCIETY BRAND CLOTHES Limited. Makers—Montreal / 6 ALFRED DECKER ¢: COHN 4H}. Chicago - - New York 0 Sold by. [ | . Lp J. M. Schinbein & Son | bl . M. Schinbein on jj os. * 0 Leading Merchants Listowel. i] o7) UNO conversation has become sgenitic and, eral of them, and then go ahead and real, and requires a thorough rather | get all the smattering on things in, ae a superticial knowledge of ee os You will find it a pleasure; RAZMAE subject. an assistance, and if persistent-; re tollowsd up it will not be long be-: $0 Smoking —Ro ape ng Likewise, did you ever notice how | tore you find yourself able to engage; . » Just Swallow a Capsule easy it Is for a man who is master Of] jn conversation in a way that will be, RAZ- iAH I G eed a few topics to turn conversation in'a q ‘light and a benefit to thase with | N Mi sep aca their channel? whom yuu come in contact. to restore ng, therin: Me in the bronchiat tn nights of quiet sleep; contains habit-forming arug. $1.00 at your drug- t's. Trial free at ouragencies or write this during the Canadian h.story the recording atl Do not overlook winter. It y be English history, | Which Kind Are You?— There are two Kinds of business bus'ness conditions in certain ines; men—one, by fiis advertis‘ng. asks 1 142 King W TT 2 , . oronto, and the eouces and effects of the! you to call and see his goods and) ent diet n6 , markets. Gr, if your Hue is ugricul-| treats you courteously. The other, by} Soid by J. A. Stuart. ture there are many things where the; failing to advertise, never lets you Supplying at Station— Clarence Miller of Newton ha beer supplying at the Grand station for the past week. i runk In Dominion Storé— Miss Cora McLachlan has taken a develop- Aim to master some line, or sev- position in the Dominion Store.

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