ey / y oe * 2 “MISS PEARL ‘A. GODWIN (Medalist Alma Ladies’ College) . Qrganist and Choir Leader of Lis- fewel Methodist (Church. “Is prepared to receive pupils in and voice. Class or private les- gons. Studio over Kibler’s store. J. E. TERHUNE Barrister, Notary Public and Con- vweyancer. Office on Wallace St. over Bank of Montreal H. B. MORPHY, K. C. Barrister, Notary Public, Con- Weyancer, Solicitor for Bank of ogg Listowel, Milverton, At- Offices Listowel and. Milver- gy Money to Ioan. J. ©. HAMILTON, B. A. Barrister, Cofveyancer, Solicitor for the Imperial Bank of Canada. Money to Ioan. Office on south side ef Main; street, over Miss Gibbs’ Mill- fmery Parlors. Bonds for Sale. C. MORTON SCOTT, B. A. Barrister, Notgry Public, Convey- nee! ‘ \ Office over Koch's Shoe Store, Main iL W. G. E. SPENCE Dentist, Graduate of the Dentist Department of University of Penrn- sylvania, Philadelphia; also gradu- ate of The Royal College of Denta? Surgeons, Toronto. Office over Schin- bein’s Store. R. FP. TAYLOR, L.D.S,; D.D.S8. Graduate of the Royal college of Dental surzeons, and of Toronto uni- versity. All dental X-Ray work done. Out ef town ee promptly filled. Phone 60. Office hours 9 to 5. DR. A. H. NICHOL. qM.B. Toronto; L.R.C.S., Edinburgh) Physician and Surgeon. Office and Residence, Wallace Street, Listowel. ‘Phone 95. fi. D. LIVINGSTONE, M. B. Physician and Surgeon. Office ever Livingstone’s Drug Store, corn- er Main and Wallace streets. Phone SS. Night phone 113- & W. C. PRATT, M. D. (Physician and Surgeon) Office and residence on Main street, two blocks west of postoffice. rr 228. DR. JAMES MOORE (Physician and Surgeon.) Office Main St., Lustowel, up Schin- bein's stairway. Medical representative of Soldiers’ eivil re-establishment, whereby sol- @iers get free treatment for one year after discharge. Phone 17. DR. F. J. R. FORSTER, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Graduate in medicine, University @8 Toronto. Late assistant Yew York Ophthal- gic and Aural Iustitute, Moorefield’s Eye and Golden Square Throat Hos pitals, London, Eng. At the Queens Hotel, Listowel, en Wednesday, Jan. 4th. from 10 a m. to 4 pm. 53 Waterloo St. Stratford. Phone 267 A. G. SHIELL, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Diseases of Women and Surgery. W. P. FREEMAN, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Special attention given to diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Phone 13 Office over the sanieeed office, Main Street Listowel DR. R. F. PARKER Osteopathic Physician and Ophthal- mologist. All diseases treated. Byes testea. Glasses fitted. Hours 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. Office over Johnstone's jewelry store. W. F. McLAUGHLIN Embalmer Director. Graduate of Canadian embalming school. Residence and parlors, Main St., one and a half blocks east of Bap- tist church. Night and day calls promptly attended. Phone 227. Motor or horse drawn equipment as " desire a. FIRE INSURANCE Th best companies; also accident, roc tomobile, burglary, plate glass a bond insurance. Autemobile thay ance, 85 cts. per 100. Your business solicited. E. D. BOLTON. W. J. DOWD, Auctioneer Farms for sale. Get our terms. Want to buy? See our list. Need a house? We have it. Require an auc- tioneer? Phone 246, Listowel, Ont. HIDES WANTED Highest ‘market prices paid for|' hides, furs and fowl. 8. M. Izen, 136, Listowel. day of t Liberal Or- (Issued by National 115 Sparks ganization Committee. St., Ottawa.) The people of Canada have remov- ed all doubt as-to their support of the policies outlined by Hon. William Lyon Mackenzie King, iUlustrious descendent of illustrious Canadians, by their verdict at the poHs on Tues _ eek. They have also left no doubt as to their acceptance of the challenge flung out by Rt. Hon. Arthur Mei- ghen, when he accepted-office, seized the reins and hung on to office des- pite the demands of the peopie for a return to representative government. The people have further emphati- cally declared that they want no fur- ther coalitions and log-rolling, but that they demand rule by a govern. i ment whi¢h has a mind and a policy of its own, and the necessary ability and backbone to make that policy pre- vail, and if the policy is not a success, to stand up and face the country without any camouflage. From three provinces there has come an unanimous voice shouting for Liberalism. A fourth has sent half its members to support the Pre- mier elect ;and a fifth (Ontario) has shown that it loves neither Gov- ernment nor Progressive to such an extent as.,was claimed by both of those parties The West only has failed to give Liberalism its quota of seats, butgon the other hand has declared in favour of the policy of political isolation a- gainst which Hon R warned when he spoke in the western cities. British Columbia, declared some days ago to be solidly in favour of pro- tection, has upset the dope by elect- ing three Liberals and three Progres- sives—and Manitoba defeated Mr. Meighen. The result, 120 seats, or a clear majority over both the other parties, cannot but be heartening to Liberals everywhere. It is one of the greatest government defeats in history. Out of 235 seats the government has only captured 50, or less than one quarter, and the Canadian beaver is doing the very opposite of the Government posters, and not defying the Ameri- ean eagle but*ecoming out of its “high protection home” to meet the Old Bird on good terms. The utter foolishness of the gov- ernment’'s poster campaign is only too apparent. Despite the expenditure of thousands upon thousands of goo Canadian doilars in this and other ; methods of attempting to persuade! Canadians that “Canada needs Mei-, ghen,’’ the people have kicked over, tne traces and announced that ‘what this country really needs is a cabinet | of the wisest and best Canadians who. can be brought together, together with a policy which is in the interest of every class and race and creed in the Dominion. Hon. Mr. King’s victory in North York was a wonderfully heartening one. While the government forces and Mr. Burnaby alike proclaimed to all and sundry that they were going to ‘“‘wipe the floor’ with the Liberal Leader, they have found the positions reversed. There need be no fear as to Hon. Mr. King facing the electors, there again in the necessary by-elec- tion .representative of the The standing of hours after the polis ing 122; Progressives. 62; tives 50 and Labour 2. And thers Sin may be more supporters added to the Lib- eral Party when the Ho opens. Premier Meighen and all of his! French Ministers were defeated as al- so were Hon. J. W. Edwards, Hon. R- J: Manion, Hon J. R. Wilson, Hon, C. C. Ballantyne, Hon. F. B. McCurdy, and Hon. E. K. inney. The defeat of 12 ministers tells the story of the government's debacle. here were disappointments on the Liberal side, of course, but they were more than offset by the landslide which occurred in some of the other constituencies. Taken all in all, it was a wonderful victory and Liberals all oyer Canada are to be pardoned if they feel considerable satisfaction in - c Now the country is looking _ for- ward confidential to Hon. Mackenzie King for wise Leadership. The new the ie iiat ties 24 closed w: erais 120, with a = possibitity of react Premier will not be able in one day or many days to unravel all the tang- les which Conservative management has brought about but Canadians can rest assured that he will be doing his best with the assistance of the best | Liberal minds available, to give equal justice to all classes and special priv- lleges to none. e day of “one- -man Government” in pict is over. The new Premier-elect has told Canada that she may expect a cabinet representative of the best minds available from all provinces of Can- ada. In that cabinet there will be labor classes, returned soldiers, agriculturis business and professional men w ° will be there, not as representing groups but working in harmony and co-operation for the good of all clas- ses in the Dominion and working al- so to bring Canada back to that state of prosperity she enjoyed previously under Liberal rule. The forming of a cabinet is a dif- ficult*task facing Hon fr. Kin here is plenty of material available; in fact there are so many good mea that it will be difficult to choose be- ween them. All the provinces except Alberta are sending firstclass legisla- tors to support Mr. King in Ottawa— and they cannot be all included. But the country-can trust Mr. King to make a sound choice, and to base his appointments on what the country | needs rather than any other consider- ation. Today, the greatest handicap to re- form and progress is the packed Senate, brought about by Mr. Mei- hen’s action in appointing all possi- ble political friends to seats in the Red Chambers. Seeing that defeat in country was inevitable, the Conserva- tive leader took the bull by the horns and sought to defeat the wishes of the people by filling every possible vacancy with one of his friends. Some of the eleventh-hour appointments} and contract awards may be repudiat- ed by the new government. That warning has been giver by Mr. King just before the election day, so those who benefitted by the dsing acts of the — governmen: had fair warnin But that isa i hap compe which the future must take care o } Town of Listowel — BYLAW NO. 802 TAKE NOTICE— The following is the synopsis of a: proposed by-law of The Corporation of the Town of Listowel to exempt the Andrew Malcolm Furniture Com-! pany Limited for a further term of ten years from the first day of Janu-! ary A.D. 1922, from taxes (except} school taxes and local improvement taxes) and to furnish the said Com- pany during said term, water from the Corporation mains for the proper use of the said Company in and about their said business free of charge. The Votes of the Electors within the said Town of Listowel shall be taken on said proposed By-Law at the following times and places that is to say;}On Monday the second day of January A.D. 1922, soacuomemo at the hour of nine o’clock in the fore- noon and continuing until five o'clock in the afternoon of the same day by the following Deputy Returning Of-; cers. 1. Bismark. Polling Place J. As- kew’s shop. smety Returning Officer Geo, Adam 2. Gladatane, Polling Place Fire Hall. Deputy Returning Officer J. QR. McKenzie. 3. Victoria. Polling Place Bean's | Shop. Deputy Returning Officer Wm. Bradley, 4. Dufferin. Polling Place. Chas. Wilkin’s house. Deputy Returning Of- ficer J. D. Philp. 5. Lansdowne. Polling Place Coun- cil Chamber. aaa Re‘urning Of- ficer Geo. Rain TAKE NoTios that the above isa true synopsis of a Proposed By-Law which has been taken into considera- tion and which will be finally passed by the Municipal Council of the Town of Listowel (in the event of the as- sent of the Electors being: obtained thereto) after one month from . the date of the first publication thereof in the Listowel Standard the date of which first publication-was the sia- teenth ‘day of December A.D. 727921 and.in the Listowel Banner the date of which was the Fifteenth day-. of December A.D. 1921 and that polls for taking the votes of the Electors said Osi be held on the day and at the hour aad placés there- in fixed namely at the annual Blec- tion heh the second day of January A. D.1 oct On endagee the Thirty-first 1921, th places, as aforesaid, ana at the final summing up of the voters by the Clerk on behalf of the persons inter- | ested in and promoting ~ opposing the passing of this By- The Clerk of the Connell of said Town of Listowel sirall attend at his Office in the Council Chambers of the said Town of Listowel at ten o’- clock in the foreacon of the third day of January 1922 to sum up the teinee of voters for and against this DATED at Listowel and passed in one Council this day of January A.D. 192 B. L. H. Bamford Clerk of the tows’ of Listowel. 3tnp. artanteatenteatesteslostestestestoatectoctestectect slerlafenfonlenfenfeefonfosfeefentoefeefeeteetee ae ‘. * eoleefolocfoetoe} oo for) oofeefe & ABOUT PAUL Do (London Advertiser) + + Sic a a Sa ea ae a oe a Sunday school lessons for time have been based. upon the periences of Paul. Few will dispute the statement that Paul, apart from the Master Himself, is the outstand- ing figure of the New Testament. He is referred to as the greatest author- ity on theology and on chureh doct- rine, but to the layman studying Paul's Mfe, as recorded by Luke in the Acts, he does not make his strong- est appeal in this light. Paul is intensely human, and peo- ple can respect him for the qualities he exhibits. Paul is a great lesson in self-control. Powerful preacher, spoken apostle, and relentless in his ave against the cant and hypocrisy of his day, he was at all times a to observe the customs of the d Rescued from the hands of “tke mob that sought to kill him, his only request was that he be given an op- lig sad to preach; brought before e Roman governor, and falsely ac- pic all he saw was to preach to Felix and Drusilla. “His schooling is much in evidénce—though a prisoner he at all times dominated the sitg- ation. Facing a charge, false and mal- icious, his answer is based in words that baffle improvement by our best jurists. “‘Forasmuch as I know that thou has been of many years a judge unto this nation, I do the more cheer- full answer for myself.” Brought be- fore Agrippa, and again facing the same false charges, Paul turned the occasion into an opportunity to preach a sermon that brought his royal list- ener to the verge of accepting e message of we 3 stianity. Take a shipload of and sail thd appear | - > - 4 some ex- Pair. Supreme in quality. Perfect in fit. : " ni . CAMISOLES Made in the shaped or strap- ped styles, of heavy habutai the je out- fe aa eons arene Come while the selection is at its best. ia The wis store is just overflowing with sell gifts. i | Do your Shopping early, aud then enjoy Christine. CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS: CHRISTMAS HOSIERY A special stock of Christmas Hoisery. Silk hose in all. new shades. Prices 90c to $4.00 a silk, wash satin, crepe-de-chine trimmed with dainty lace, etc. Assorted colors. CHAMOIS SUEDE GLOVES Made in gauntlet style, 2 domes, in-grey, san beaver brown and black, at $1. 00 and $1.25. me BEADS All kinds of them, put up in funcy Christmas boxes, prices Se to $3.00 a string. GAUNTLET GLOVES Of suede, in grey and mode, Strap wrist. Price, a pair $2.90. MEN'S SCARFS Men‘s brush wool and silk scarfs, in different shades. Spec- jal value. A useful gift for gentleman. GIVE HANDKERCHIEFS They never fail to please. A large assortment to choose from. Prices from 5c to $1.00. Also fancy boxed handker- chiefs at all prices. CHRISTMAS UMBRELLAS Santa says that umbrellas al- ways please the recipient. All kinds. All prices. KNITTED WOOL GOODS ' Scarfs and clouds, scarfs and cap sets, hockey caps and tams, infant caps, infant sets, consist- ing of coat, bonnet and mitts. CHRISTMAS DOES They're here. A wonderful variety. 35¢ and up. RIBBONS Fancy ribbons for Christ-~ mas, in fancy stripes, dresdens and tartans. All widths. , BOUROIR CAPS Made of habutai silk and shadow lace, trimmed with the prettiest laces, tiny flowers and ribbons, different colors. Prices 75c to OUR LINENS Meet every gift requirement. For table, bed, art and embroid- ery. CHILDREN’S CASHMERE HIOSE All sizes, in seek, red, white, sky, pink and brow “A useful gilt. ” HAND BAGS AND PURSES Of real leather, in grain pat- terns, prettily lined, with mir- ror and change purse. Colors brown and black. MEN'S NECKWEAR NeWest shapes and styles, in all shades, floral or stripe pat- ferns. Price 50c, 75c, $1.00 and up. MEN'S KID AND SUEDE GLOVE In fleece, wool and silk lined or unlined, in beaver and grey. A large lot to choose from. EXTRA SPECIAL While they last, Men's Wor- sted Suits, in grey or brown check. You’ve got to see them to see the value at $19. CHRISTMAS BLOUSES Most practical of all lay gifts. See our disp MEN'S SUSPENDERS Men's suspender and garter sets, Boston garters, silk arm bands, half hose, silk, linen, Jawn and excelda handker- chiefs, belts, collars etc TURKISH TOWELS Fancy colored and white Turkish towels, with borders of blue. pink, mauve and gold. Good quality and large size. The Ideal Gift. Special in Grocery Department: Thompson’s Seedless Raisins, clean and fresh, 25c a pound. A full line of Peels, Cocoanut, Icing Sugar, Nuts, etc., for Christmas, in stock. Candy, Oranges, Highest Prices paid for all farm produce. . Robt. Thompson Santa Claus’ Headquarters. A jolly place for young and old. School Teacher’s Life Is Saved teacher — parents on a stretcher. dead. Good School but how fu 80 trighte ned.” confessed the girl. her blue eyes reflecting the erhead, as she lay beneath the ince on there in Muskoka. didn’t now what to do. ° : and, o was so horribly alone. would there was a rin; voice, “I'm getting well. hardly believe it. ust a lonely, motherless girl, but Sweet that life given back to Oh! I can a “Contributtons may be sent to Hon. riton 223 College Street, Toronto. Everybody knows . that in Canada there are more Templeton’ 8 Rheumatic Capsules Sold than all other Rheumatic Remedies combined — miei, matism, euritis, Sciatica, paneer ce doctors prescribe them, most druggists sell them, Write for free trial to Templeton, Toronto, Sold by J. A. Stuart. einai Though ttul Gifts We have a won travelling goods. SUGGESTIONS: A Wardrobe Trunk A Steamer Trunk A Club Bag A Suit Case A School Case A Lunch Box. derful assortment in The Koch Shoe Co. PERSUADED that He IS ABLE to direction for the entire saving of the * lives from the boat, and through it all finds a chdnce te carry out. the one dominating thing that obsessed his every faculty and his every hour, vis. is witness the saving. power of| eset is de of study, not Tipp as an historical character, but source from which men and Seka asgur- KNOW KEEP that which I HAVE COMMIT- ED unto Him against that day.” Paul was not an experimenter. Pau! spoke with certainty born from actual experience. Note the strong words in that verse: “I know,” sig- tying conviction and assurance; “have believed,” tells of his open confession'of an inward change; “persuaded,” brings out that it is} de not the impulse of 2 moment, but the décision of a reasonable man; “*keep,’’ no doubt in Paul's mind, no element of risk in this world. So there we have Paul, one of God's mighty men, called in a spec- tacular way to’ do a wonderful work, always ready to trim his ambition that “He must increase—I must de- crease." Truly there is ee for the layman in the fife of P Even ay ohe of the biggest eu- ee chum pees aap tight is ealousy they’re apt ‘putting oR much ofa Sctap. It takes 65 muscles | eke = frown eee camila @miling..