: : You can see Santa Claus in our store. : children and let them see a real Santa Claus.. Choice Practical Gifts In Every Department Bargains in Dolls Smoking Jackets ams. 35c to — We have some wonderful + | . Men's Smoking Jackets and House Coats. We ful bargains in Dolls, See ours Bring in your >. # — en have a fine range to choose fro’ Sat buy. ° 7 sn TOYS Men’s Ties Dishes, Drums, Blocks, Balls, Carts, TOY enke, ‘Tope,’ Music Boxes, Drawing | en's beautifel Silk Knitted =" 75e to $2.50, lates, ks, Toy Brooms. A Jot of Silk Ties 50c to $3.00 other fancy toys. Childrens’ Wool Sets Mufflers CHILDREN’S WOOL SETS, $2.25 to $3.50. Alla *| Me's Brushed Wool Mufflers from $2.00 to bargain. _ Ladies’ Kid Gl — g wa : es oves Braces, Armlets, Collar Buttons, Caft White Chamois Gloves $2.00. attons.» Grey Cape, Emily Bock, extra choice, $3.50. — Tan Cape $2.00. Natural with cuff and draw band at wrist. Spec- Hose i ial soft make, $3.50. a Many other lines. : Wool Hose from 75e, to $1.25. -/Silk Hose from ~ 1.00 to $3.00. . . 9 Real Chamoisette Cloves Men’s Mocha Gloves . Real Chamoisette Glove, in all the new shades, , Kayscr make, from $1.00 to $1.50. Z Men's Mocha Gloves, wool lined, beautifal soft inish, a regular $2.50 glove, for $1.50. Ideal Gifts For All LACE COLLARS AND CUFFS, also VESTEES HANDKERCHIEF, in a wonderfal range, boxed © and single. FANCY COMBS and PINS PARASOLS INDIA LACE WORK. VANITY CASES. LINGERIE CLASPS. CLUNY LACE CENTRES and MADERIA EM- JEWEL CASES. ee BLOUSES. BROIDERED AND STENCILLED.LUNCH- ., EON SETS. : HEATHER HOSE in silk, also wool, ~ PURSES and HAND BAGS. BEAUTIFUL SILK AND JERSEY~ UNDER- SKIRTS, BLOOMERS and KNICKERBOCK- ERS. HOLEPROOK HOISERY and GLOVE SILK PRETTY CHOKERS in grey equirrel, light and HQBE dark FITCH CHOKERS. FANCY TEA APRONS. IDEAL GIFTS FOR THE GIRLS. red | J, M. Schinbein - & Son Per ee oe ee ‘Listowel on aT. Parker is suffering from rhéumatism Mrs. Will. McCutcheon is on the = list this Miss Lily ity Hall visited friends at ator ee with ggg at Stratford. “Miss Evelyn” Turnbu 7 a Listowel to-day. We -are sorry to report that Mrs. Cw. Stockford is in poor hea Messrs. Kidd spent visitea ge were in Listowel on Thursday. * Mir. J. A. Porter spent a few days this week with friends in Grey town- ship. é Mr. Ashton Curtis of London is vis- iting at his home on the 8th. conces- sion. Mrs. George Harron of Listowel ps {Wednesday at Jher home in ioe Oliver of London is Visiting at the homie of her son, Mr. W. Oliver. Mrs. D. E. Hodge and Mary visited this week with friends at Mitchell and Stratford. Miss M. A: Sandford of Palmerston Wes last week at the home of Mrs. Morriso: M Raich is visiting at Mrs. the lacott, rs. home of her eal ae cancession and Mrs. William Bell are vis- cour the home of their son, af yon jthe 12th. concessjon. rs Hally Hammond and Rus- sel geriteer spent Saturday with Mr. Mrs. George Harron of Listowel. Mrs. JCharles Hancock of Palmer- ston spent Wednesday visiting her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. S. Pe- ters. Rev. W. D. McDonala and M. Lit- tle were in Stratford this week, at- tending a meeting of the Stratford Presbytery. There was a splendid meeting of the Mission band at the Methodist church on Saturday and a good at- monthly meeting -Wednesday after- noon at the home of Mrs. Will Mc- — We are pleased to report imurove- nent ro "the condition of Mrs. J, A. McBain. Nurse Ynez Ballantyne, who has been attending her, returned home this week. Rev. W. D. McDonald, Presbyterian minister, gave a helpful address on w ppb Bible Reading’ at the Ep- League meeting Sunday night e Methodist church. "The me of holding their Christmas’ entertainment, Methodists will have a annual Atwood social on Monyay R Ith. Bob Nickel and Alvin Mc- eetings being conducted in the Me- M m thodist church, Listowel, by essrs. Hanley and Fisher, and are quite im- pee agg with the forceful messages of Dr. Hanley, who is ,a brilliant speaker. Mr. Hugh McTavish, farmer of the; 12th. concession, Elma, died Thurs-; day, Dec. 8th., from apopiey. in his 63rd. year. He da sufferer for over six years. Besides his wife, he is survived by three sons. he funeral took place Saturday to Elma Centre cemetery. Miss L. Jamieson, assistant igen er on the public school staff, is T have @ good supply of trees ready for delivery. All sizes ‘at reasonable Prices. ~ Thos. Rothwell Known to Rveiyboay. Find me Anywhere. signing, and after Christmas goes to Fort Francis, ‘where she has accepted a position. Miss Jamieson made.many irinas during the year and a. half she has been in Atwood, and these are, sorry to know of intended deporte re. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Eliacott were returning home from the (west-.ang arrived as far as Toronto when. Mr. Ellacott was taken seriously ill and had to go to a hospital. On account of his iliness, his mother and brother George, of the 12th. concession, went to Toronto on Friday. Mr>Arthur El- lacott had so improved that he was able to return home with them on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ella- cott will spend the winter at his home in i . The annual meeting of the School Trustees’ and tepayers’ association of Elma ernie will be held in the data s hall, Atwood, on a Dec. 20th., at two o’clock p.m. Mr. Segsworth, Field Secretary of the Provincial Trustees’ and Ratepa Association, Mr. Wm. Irwin, school inspector, and Mr. MacBeth of Milverton, president of the county association, will be pres- ent. Those who had the pleasure of hearing Mr. Segsworth at the county meeting will be fired with a desire to hear him again. A meeting will be hdéid in Monkton on the same evening and will be addressed by the same speakers. aa A 2, *' ; | 1. 3..\ PALMERSTON ' i} NX . | | aime rston, Dec. 13th, ~-Municipa! etections here are going to prove very interesting. Both Councillors J. S. Cowan and N. Wilford, have definite- ly announced they will be in the field for ‘mayor. Councillor Wilbur Welsh is also a very prebable candidate. Niuimerous citizens are willing to qualify for councillor and are certain to receive nomination. <i Oa ee) | 1 » * TRALEE — & be ‘tal le. Quite a number of our young men assisted in celebrating the return to power of.the old political party at vafious burgs throughout the couui- try, and judging from reports, the boys were certainly not lacking in en- thusiasm and all agree to having spemt_a record breaking We are sorry to hear that our ef- ficient young teacher, Miss Hood, has sent in her resignation. Messrs. S. Burnett and F. Lauder paid a business trip to Milverton on The Jewelry Store Of the Christmas Spirit What to give when you have just so much to spend is a question which bothers not a few —his Season. These suggestions may help you to a happy solution of that problem.— Give Gifts That Last - $1.00 Protect Your Car From Cold and Fire Gent’s Cuff Buttons ... Gent's R Gent’s Gold Filled Chains $3.00 Ivory Manicure Ivory Clocks Silk Mesh Bags Gent’s Gold Filled Knife $2.50 | 10kt. Necklaces OU know the results of a Safety Razors Pearl Set Brooches cold garage—radiater fro. Gent's Pocket Watches .. Bracelet Watches ‘zen eatmel cracked pres Boys*.Watches Diamond Rings “You can quickly and citea 3 by lintas remedy pene vour garage PROC A Permeseet Wal Without Pilesmr At the same tim ¢ Silverydie; t glass and numerous other useful and - appreciated Gifts. ll and look them over whether you- wish to purchasé or not. W. A. Johnstone Reliable Jeweler and Eyesight Specialist poeees a your car Now is the time. Ask your dealer to a few shects Gyproc E Pe any of the sthool beard jittle nonsense now and then ‘ pass a\fourth class exam wit esoe ato the spetiben of all eet Robert Oliv er any honors? \ J men cn Cea wall LAD Ptitidiote LPAI EITANY Saturday. Mrs. gh Wright -iaieel ae week- end with “friends in ‘Drayton. Tuesday with its nttie. "Cale of snow was an ideal election day and brogght out a ae eons of a We were pleased t the ladies taking advantag\ of ‘the franchise. Mr. Norwood Gibb was chosen delegate to attend the conference Toronto_in the interests of the U. oO. “as in F. Mr. Frank Hanley attended the fat stock show in Guelph last wee - MOLESWORTH " Gordon Campbell and Earl Cum- ming attended the Fat Stock show in Guelph last week and Mr. Lorne Campbell attended the Winter Fair in Toronto. Bert Heibein. who went West on the Harvesters’ Excursion last fall, is home again. Mr. John Allen, late of Ethel, has taken over the blacksmith shop in the Village. Mr. Allen comes well rec- ommended. It is pleasant to hear the ring of the anvil again and we be- speak for Mr. Allen the patronage of The annual meeting of the man’s Missionary Society was Bela i the sManse last Thursday afternoon. Encouraging reports were received from-the treasurer and different sec- retariés. Mrs. Howe and Miss Scott gave Interesting and helpful reports af the Maer held in Wingham. ed ae © M Gertrude Sangster entice m much appreciated. At the chook ofthe meeting refreshments were served. Mrs. Thos. Cumming 5 bo elected. president, Mrs. J, Alexan- er rer —~ Pye Margaret fa secretary, for the coming year. } Mission Band is pre a the neighborhood. ‘ ° | TROWBRIDGE : 5 * fe ——. The Loyal Orange lodge held thelr annual meeting, for election of of- ficers and other business, Tuesday night, after Which a very enjoyable program was given, consisting of readings, duets, violin selections and numbers by the Bowes Orchestra. There were also speeches and some step dancing. Luncheon was served at the close. As usual, Mr. C. W. Cos- ens was in the chair. Mr Jack Vine of London has been spending a few days with friends in this vicinity. Miss Martha Collins of Buffalo, N. Y., is spending a couple of weeks at her home. Miss Ida Collins left Thursday for London, accompanied by Mr. Jack Vine. Mrs. S. Byres of Edgerton, Alta., left Friday for her home, after spend- ing a couple of months with her gis- ter, Miss Mary Duke. We are sorry to hear of the death of Mr. A, McIntyre of Trenton, Mrs. McIntyre is a daughter of the late m. Freer, for long years a resident of Trowbridge. ‘ The Sunday School executive held a meeting Monday evening and made full arrangements for the Christmas tree and entertainment. Practice is in full swing for both the public school and Christmas entertainments. While Messrs. Lloyd Ausman and Peter Reddon were sawing. through a big maple last week, they eut into}: - a hive of bees, which swarmed about‘ them but didn’t use their. stingers. The cold was too much for the | and they dropped to the ground an died. Mr. Ausman took -~hemre ~:thes comb and secured over a quart of honey. The Trowbridge church is benefit- ting considerably from the special services being conducted in the Me- thodist church, Listowel, by the e- vangelists, Hanley and Fisher, be- tween twenty and thirty from here having gone forward. There is some talk of withdrawing the Sunday ev- ening service for the closing meet- ings on Sunday next. . Reid’s RESTAURANT Hot Meals, Lunches, Give us a trial for Oyster Stews, etc. All home cooking. Meats and pastry second to none. Neilson’s Ice Cream Milk, Buttermilk and whip- ping cream always on hand. Fresh oysters just arrived. The Young People of the Methodist Church are reminded of the Epworth League meeting Monday night at eight o'clock. Better Come! KURTZVILLE in wen er = & CHURCH DIRECTORY METHODIST CHURCH Rev. G. N. Hazen, B.A.D.D., Pastor. Evangelistic Campaign. Sunday, Dec. 18th., 1921. Closing Day Evangelistic Campaign. 10 a.m.—Prayer Meeting. 10.30—(Notice change of hour.) Rey. Dr. ee “The Lord's Need.” 2. a School. 3.30—Dr. Hanley. Lecture—‘Anar- chy pot ae and cure.""—For men and w 7. 00—Dr. Outside, Hanley. —Subject: “Just Fisher will sing. Large chorus choir. CHRIST CHURCH = Rev. “— Dunbar, Rector. .* ; and t wt Rural Dean of Perth Sunday, Dec. 18th., a 4th. Sunday in Adven “ki a.m.—Morning prayer ang. sermon: x Subject: "Life" s Burdens. 3 p.m.—Sunday Schoo 7 p.m.—Evening prayer. “Lite’s Story.”’ COME TO CHURCH, Subject: : Ney EVANGELICAL CHURCH Cor. Wallace and Penelope sts. Rev: M. L. Wing, Pastor. Sunday, Dec. 18th., 1921. 10 a.m.—Sunday School session. 10.30 a. me —Rehearsal Christisu¢ Progra 7 p.m. — Public Worship. Sermon by Rev. F. er. EVERY BODY WELCOME Miss Bertha Schindt, is spending a few weeks in Kitchener with her sis- ter. Mrs. Barnett spent the week-end ‘ hie daughter, Mrs. Wm. Bell. d Faust spent several nie tok with his aunt, Mrs. McCabe. Miss Dunnage of Galt spent the past week with herfriend, Miss Haz- el Schaefer Mr. and Mrs. Louis Berlett spent ee days last week in Waterloo. . Ed. Fry took a business trip to Londen on Saturday The annual Missionasy meeting will be conducted in the Methodist church, Mayne next Sunday morning at 10.30 o'clock by Rev. Sparling, a returned missionary. days Alex nary , Which they ‘giving on evening, . They extend an invitation ep pee a aaeeNaaS foe ate DOWD's SALE LIST * Tuesday, Dec. 20th.—For Roy J. Wil- son, Lots 1 and 2, concession 6, Wallace, stock, implements, -grain Monday, Dec: 19th.—For Walter For- man, lot 3, concession 13, Elma, farm, farm stock, implements, grain and hay. ? VANDRICK'S SALB LIST * Friday, Dec, 16th.—For Duncan Pretswell, Britton, opposite store; all the contents of nd home, in- cluding furniture, stoves, beds and bed clothing. A lot of poten goods. Sale at one-thirty o’clock. conceal an buggies, _ Ste. You can get almost peat you want at this consiqauseen sale, ;