+ Dr, Lucy of Guelph Was in town @n Monday. - Mr. Louis Pfeffer was in’ Stratford on Tuesday Roy Cellins is home from Toronto for a few days. Mr. 8. G. Zurbrigg of Ingersoll waa in town th's week. Mrs. Thos. Hay or visiting friends in tow “Scotty Crawford rae was in town on Sunday. Mr. C. M. Scott was riser from ’ Toronto over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs: Ezra Prakbenier| were in Toronto on Tuesday. Mr. H. McLaughlin is home from the Dental College. Torqnto. Dr. Forester of Stratford was in Listowel Wednesday on business. Mrs. F.-McConkey of Stratford _ called on friends tn town this week. Mr. H. B. Morphy, M. P., and fam- ily, returned Tuesday from Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs, C. C. Douglas were Kitchener is Wingham - Mr. Harry Sargent of Listowel and Miss Cara Lanxon were happily wedded Friaay. April. 29th, at St. Simons’ Anglican church,. Montreal, by Rey. F. ©. Ireland, B. A. They arrivea in Listowel the same week~ end and will make their home here. -—)— Rev. Percy G. Sutton, Methodist Missionary among the European For- eigners at Smoky Lake, Alta., spent a few days visiting rien in this vicinity. He preac the Metho- dist church Ba cura piers and ce a very sting and instruct- ive address upon his work. With Bank of Hamilton— Miss Edna Schell has joined oe bank of Hamilton staff. Meet At Avonton— The Women's Missionary Society of the Stratford Presbyterial meets, at Avonton on June 18th. To Train For Nurse— Miss Edna Leibold of Stratford has started a nurses’ training course at the Listowel Memorlal Hospital. Annual Meeting— The annual meeting of the Lis- ‘towel Dairymen’s Exchange, for the veactiains pby-| Rev. G. N. Hazen, B.A.D.D., Pastor. if ' + sician at Glenalien fifteen years ago, M.. Or- Li 78 in| ee Peer A. ‘Godwin, A.A.C. Or died recently at New his sixty-second year. Making Himscif a Nuisance— Milverton Sun—Practically firm in Ontario which collects sales tax has received a letter tHe Excise Department at Ottawa jacking it up for not mak month- ly returns and for being p Some Jack-anapes at Ottawa. trying to hold down an official position, has been getting too big for his boots and should be taught a salutary less- on. Young People Have Social Time— Members of the A. Y. P. A. and Knox church Guild had an enjoy- able social time together Monday ev- ening in the basement of Christ church. A splendid program, con- sisting of instrumental numbers, solos, and readings. also addresses by Rev. J. M. Nicol and Mr. E. G. McDonald, was given by the Guild, and tea, coffee, satidwiches er cake were served by the A, Y. P. he from ganist and Choir Leader. Sunday, May Sth, 1921. Mother's Day Service — pastor. Subject: “The; ola Fashioned Christian Home.” ll a 2.45 p.m.—Sunday School. 7 p.m.—The pastor. for Listowel Evening offering Memorial Hospital. Quarterly Official Board meeting Friday evening. mend m CHRIST CHURCH Rey. W. H. Dunbar, Rector and fi Rural Dean of Perth Sunday, May Sth, 1921. Sunday After Ascension Day To be observed as Mothers’ Day. 11 a.m.—The Ascension, 8.00 p.m.—Sunday School and Bible Classes. .00 p.m.—‘“Mother's Love Evening offering for the “wien Memorial Hospital. PECIAL showing in Coats for Misses and Ladies. E are receiving in stock New Suits every week. -at a dance in Durham Tuesday even-} election of officers and other busi- SPORT COATS from $17 Our stock of Ladies’ and W edding Gifts ing. ness, will be held in the council upwards. Misses’ Suits for this season Mrs. (Rev.) Wm. Cox of Frome is! chamber at one o'clock, on Friday of are wonderful bargains. the gucst this week of Mrs. Arnold| this week. LADIES’ SPORT COATS Ladies’ Suits made of good made of beautiful sport all wool serge and gabar- Hallman. | Mr. Linton Yule is) home from Queen’s University, Toronto, for a few days. i j Mrs. ©. W. Karges jof ‘Toronto ied visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Karges. } dine. Northway's shape- keeping garments from 830 to $70. We have some spec- ial values around $40 and S50. Annual Meeting of Ladies’ Aid— : Mrs. Purcell was again elected ‘THs Jewelery Store president of the Ladies’ Aid society of the Methodist church, at the an- Aims at Widest Service nual meeting held on Tuesday. Other “ officers are Miss Wherry. vice-presi- cloth in all the new shades, at $22.00 upwards. Ladies’ and Misses’ Coats in beau- tiful cloth in a herron bone gabardine $22 and $25. SEE OURS. Mr. M. Neil Hay is home from! dent; ‘Mrs. Fair, secretary and Mrs. j * i ‘i Queen's University, Toronto, for a! R. A. Climie. treasurer. A success- There are beautiful articles for a trifle and Tew days. : ful year was reported. - - : nt ee Wabes Ot Sane: fell costly objects of rare beauty and wonderful Special V alues .. Visited last week with his aunt, - workmanship. Mrs. Levi Good. : Ls Mr. and Mrs. Blatchford visited over Sunday with the former's Dar- ents in Lambeth. Miss Burgess of Bluevale is a guest at the hone of her brother, Mr. We have received some beautiful shades in Tricolette. Just what you would like for a nice Spring Dress or Monkey Blouse. For the Summer Sport Skirt we have Wash Sateens. e But whatever the price paid, patrons are as- sured of full value for their outlay.. Epworth eague J. R. Burges - meets every Monday evening at : : ; Mr. G. M. eciceunin: editor of the “eight o'clock, in the Meth- : Jersey Cloth and Figured Corded Silk at very moderate Paisley Advocate, gave The Banner odist reise Our various stocks are open for your exam- prices. a call on Tuesday. . 4 ; Mr. and Mrs. J. Mewhinney of/] irst Monday in h * ination. We beg you to call and see them. ‘ Dorking spent.a day last week with| nday in the month, De- Me Special Values in Awning Cloth at 58c 3 Mrs. F. Strangway. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ashton of Gorrie were the guests on Tuesday Be Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Riehm. ~ Miss Mary Oetzel of Waterloo is! a guest at the home “of her sister, | Mrs. (Rev.) E. M. Gischler. - 1 Miss Donald of Moosemin, Sask.,! votional, with roll call. Second, Missionary. ‘Third, social and literary, — Fourth, Citizership. . . Qur range includes-Beautiful Cut Glass, ~ Finest Clocks, High Grade China, R : 1847, Be Pte, Sterlingware, Hol. J ° M. SCHINBEIN & SON loware, Flatware and Jewelery. LISTOWEL was a guest last week at the home| i ; =z z ya ieee \e ‘ of Mr. and |{Mrs. J. R. ‘Burgess. ~ 2 7 : i ig Mrs. Charles B. Howard of Detroit, f= f The store with the stock to choose from. _— a a e “was a php this week at the home, of Mr..and-Mrs. John C. McDonald. Miss Bea rice Hood has. ret Ce f dy | “| The Bazaar | torch Tite pede o - W. A. Johnstone | / a ea of oronto i oe : z : . a iene Leading Jewel r ee of Marriage Licenses. © | Saturday Sale, May 7th. ® 9 Ladies Sweaters on G. Hodgkinson, -who is critically! ‘ ; ct | i. ° | Try This On | | | j ° — Your Piano |; . —— | | | | P | We are slightly overstocked in Ladies’ Sweaters, both | | Pullovers and the Coat Style. We are cutting the price | Mrs. B. Walker and daughter Bet- inne || MEN’S SUITS in half in many of these lines. | “T Never Knew” at $27.75 and $37.50 the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rennie. “Nobody’s Rose” é“ 9? | Absence Unbeatable Values Offered at . These Two Prices. ; Friday to visit a few ‘days with her daughter, Mrs. S: P, Byles of New- market. Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Hube and fam- ily were in St. Catharines for the! week-end, owing to the illness of Mr. (Hube’s father. Mrs. M. Conde has returned to her: home in Hamilton after spending a; few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. | A. K. Hewitt, of Elma township. Carlvle Hemsworth. until recently, clerk in the store of Mr. Robert, , Thompson, left Monday for Toronto, | These are not a bunch of junk we are trying to pass on to you. There are only two of these that are out and Mrs. J. R. Code of Trowbridge left All the late ; ‘ ; p St songs we are offering you these at a price, $2.75. They sold for to axe a cee They'll be regular ones | $9.00 and $10.00. Talk about reductions. raphy in a month. For t tho w , | Mr. and Mrs, 8, Greenslade and, " of She-coans won veants fo pay S079 Jee 8 This Sale is for One Day Only, so Saturday morn- ? this: suit there are plain grey tweeds, -grey checks, family are leaving Friday of | ing at 8 o'clock is the opportune time for you to buy a | b were biog ek Pri eh i! Beat brown checks and fancy wool mixtures. The cnneithn Another Lot of Balls coats are two and three button styles ; some are Spring Sweater. Mrs. S. J. Johnston is in Toronto owing to the illness of a sister. Dur- ing her abgence the beginners’ class at ‘the public school is in charge a _/ Hard and Soft at 10c, 15c and 25c ci form fitting. You'll be surprised when you see these values at this price. i in this assortment - 22 suits | $9.00 to $10.00—Two coats sizes 40 and 42, * BA $27.75 | made inthe style with the long sash. Saturday price $2.75 | } | They are in all the new shades and good styles, a | Miss Ellis. } ‘ ‘ . a , . Mr. S. S. Good visited over the] §}| ‘ . . Up to $&50—There are 12 in this assortment ranging from > week-end with friends at Kitchener-| §) On Sale Again---Hand For the man who wants the best quality, the | size 36 up. Mrs, Garbutt Kidd nad aly , ann | Painted PENCIL suits we are showing at $37.50 cannot be eéqual- | couple of them just in from Ballantynes, Satirday $3. 90 Mise Lydia Good are VISIGRE SHeNOE EL | ..:7- ea aNRe SEG led anywhere for this money. Beautiful al] wool fF DIGE cree eee ee cede tea dee ee sete ened eee tiees in ‘Kitchener. Mr. Emerson .McLaugblin left Wednesday for Detroit, where he has accepted a position, after spending | a few days with his mother, Mrs, Ed. McLaughlin. Mrs. J. H. Taylor and‘ family. of Hamilton, are guests this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Arch- ibald. Mr. Taylor is joining them for the week-end, Mr. R. A. Ferguson of Kirkland . Lake, New Ontario, visited from Sat-, Cabinet urday ‘till Tuesday with his sister,, Mrs. T. L. Hamilton. Mr. Fergus — Phonographs is identified with a gold mining con-|| | , cern in the Kirkland Lake district|}| at $39.50 and $59.50 and is enthusiastic over prospects. Mr. Oldham of Lambeth was in'f#} Records at Half Price All Next Week. tweeds and worsteds. and fine navy blue serges in the new form fitting styles for young men and plain styles for older men. Come $3 750 in and get your size on Saturday Every Man Should Have His New Suit for May 24th. We also make Suits to Order. On all or- ders taken’ up to May |4th. we will give guaran- teed delivery for May 24th. Let us have your order now. To $12.00—Only eight of these. T hey. are exc eptionally good quality, either Monarch or Ballantynes mike. Also some made by our local Knitting mill. These are all choice styles and the | best of shades. We are overloaded, All sizes in Butter Crocks and Flower Pots at specially low prices. wie tions. Saturday price Store Closes Wednesdays at 12 o'clock. | John McDonald The Store with the Reputation. . | ! LISTOWEL | ee Listowel Monday and Tuesday, with] ~ the view of purchasing a-farm in| this “locality for a relative. He was very favorably impressed with the! town and adjoining farm territory. | Mr. and Mrs. John M. SmitH of Lockport,.New York, have been Sole Agents for Carhartts’ and Brotherhoods’ | — oe Overalls and Smocks oo aie Underwent Operation— Novelties in Hand- Painted China and | Dinner Sets at reason- | ed over on its ‘side, and on striking Spending a few days the guests of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs.| ‘8S. M. Smith. Mr. Smith is an old) Listowel bey and holds an import-; ant position as linotype operator with) ‘a Lockport publishing house. It is) -able prices. | TRADE AT SIMMS, The Clothier 'derwent an operation ' citis at the Listowel Memorial Hos- pital on Monday. Ed. Gabel, son of Mr. and Mrs.! John Gabel, third line. Wallace, un-| for appendi- ' | i ' | one of the telephone posts, allowed the horse to break away with the shafts and front wheels still attach- ed to it. It raced. down Wallace | street and {n attempting to make the fifty-five years since he left town and) ; it pleases him to note the smart and’ ff} so ; ap eae re , ae ® \ reel . —— drug store, of Listowel, _ . = On Sunday afternoon as Mr. Percy slipped on the pavement, fell, and with ite beautiful homes, it's lively | he Bazaar | MAIN STREET LISTOWEL ; Davidson of the boundry east, was) was caught. Mr. Davidson escaped business section and concrete pave-| Phone 150 ‘driving in over McCracken’s hill on) injury. but bis horse, which was one ments where once within memory) j Wallace street, N.. the reach of the) that secured several prizes at the fall were stumps. y - buggy broke and the buggy was ture- fair in 1920, was badly lacerated. é \ s = 5 2 ‘ 20