on Satur wane Joa Faulkner, ae Mrs. Jack 7 = sunday a at the home of Mr. and son, 3rd. concession. ‘Mr. phe “Lytle, 4th. a4 Crewson of Guelph sister, Mrs. Wolfe, und. Miss Ella Wetzel of Listowel Isaiah Hallman, 3rd. eession sion, was the guest of her sister, " Tuesday. Mr. Miss Roxie Stewart, pg anent* the week-end with friends |— Prag Ae gra. concession, was & business mar Bo to Stratford: week at-the home of Mr. road. Mason. spent concession ; was a guest Friday at the home o Hac and Mrs, Joshua Lytle of Listo- we Mtiss Bertie Greer, 6th. concession; | ding a few weeks with her slater Mine . De of. Owen a guest Monday ‘at the home of Mr. d Mrs. Robert Stinson, 4th. conces- _ J. N. Livingston, 3rd. conceésion, 0 Elvin Schneider, 3rd. conces- ‘gion, is spending this week with rel- atives ona friends in Kincardine and gr ny bed concession. isa , with whom he has pion for ~ yng year. Mrs. Law of Drayton has turnéd-to tong home after spendin some time with her daughter, I. Armstrong, 3rd. concession. Hanna, w Mrs. |/ month, Prabal F caaece home in Mt. For “Mr. H. fihaer a Rip le was Henry Hartung, 4th. concession; a is also spending a few days at home of Mr. B. Miller of Wallace. con- 7. the social’in connection with y guest this week of his n aepnaw, = the There was a quilting Tuesday ev-; - , sth. ¢ : Pirie sie N. Liv- sion, we are p' to is a-|) pening Gen nome . ble to be: again after a very sev- as peek conces- orn: Brae influet r Bowman started eid ftenday be Mr. Ed. Weber. 8rd. con- en- ioe Mre _ Mrs. John who has - been. with her daughter, Mrs. Albert Au- ams, 8rd. concession, for me ee ts) er is a kr. a: Quite a number of the young peo- ple of the 3rd. concession, ae e Young People’s League of the Evan- gelical church, Listowel, on Monday ‘evening, at the home of Mr. Henry} mour from the old and their arrival Sc Methodism of the present day and is wotld-wide elfole’ of spiritual bles- sing. As John“Wesley, Rev. F. Louis Barber, (a prin tmer Listowel pastor). excellently poeseren the famou. * the scene Wesley preaching from his taeaee tombstone after he had been refusod dmission’ to his father’s pulpit: at Epwor “Following the rise of Methodism the romance of its expansion was de- picted from the call from across the sea for preachers from England the departure of Boardman and Pil- in America with the flaming message glish people in the}. chet — of the Be a gg song 4 : *! the good to| odist Sunday sc ie eth whole herit ent generation is heir to ings of th shown, the ly azed ft ual liberty and religious freedom be- fore them. “With the romance of Methodist Sunday schools one of “Methodist missions the pro closed. This included a tibieass of the first, Meth- school in 176 The benediction, pronounced by Rey. Dr. pada brought the program clo > 8. 8S, NO..10, MORNINGTON to ! | | &. Continental Motor. Dome light in top Rain shield Star Sedan, $1038, delivered to your door SPECIAL FEATURES : | Four doors. Ample room fg? five persons (Red Seal) + Three-Speed gear shifts Spicer Universa! joints English Whip-cord upholstery ———— RN e have moved line and accessories. stock. We have seven to have you come in In New Premises Halliday Garage, Wallace street, which has improved by alterations. R. O. the back part for service and will also sell Durant and Star cars the best possible service. large range of Star and Durant parts Durant cars on the floor now, and will be pleased new premises—the been Son have gaso- afford owners of A _in into our Hube & This will . now different models of Star and and inspect them. Listowel od aera eee 4 Trai thro months of March and April. On this train baiags oe and undesirable and marketing. Specially offered hak aie. The of excellent type. . Za For further datatinenta your hgh meta: 0g Hay & McDonald Durant and Star Dealers selected pure bred THEY WILL BE SOLD AT COST. or, particalars ‘ste or ‘write tie Agricultural Rep-- County. "M,C. MePHAIL, Stratford, (RW. WADE, tee en ee Brussels Beiter Live Stock Train The Dominion and Ontario Departments of Agriculture, Railway Companies. will. operate a “Bet- ughout the Province, during the It will be at ¢ Listowel, Tues. Morning, Mar. 13. carried animals illustrating desirable BEEP CATTLE, DAIEY CANT, SHEEP SWINE, ae Demonstrations and lectures with different lines of work, in Live ge pink PSlccihy ralaes raising. bulls, boars, and sows, will be animals are all, exceptionally well bred and " SEE THEM: / || 240. Alma Lorch 308, on trude Salter of the 4th.| Evangelists Kirk and Stone, who}; “pits, Ger ioent the week-end with | not long ago. conducted evangelistic | -. + her friend, Miss Eliza McCracken, | services at ‘the towship hall, Gowan-| | | Wallace roa ; stown, are now holding forth in the | PALMERSTON | Miss Elizabeth —— of Ford-! Foresters’ hall, Wallace. They have} ; - : wich spent a few days this. week at| been conducting a house to house| 4 + the home of J. W. and Mrs. Stewart, | canvass in mt to stimulate inter- On Tuesday, Feb. 20th., this com- 3rd. concession. est is the meetings. sanity was éailad ayou to mourn the loss of one of ifs Bighiy esteemed residents, in the. pers Ma Anne Strong, beloved wits of Andrew Demman jn her 69th. year. She had been in failing health for a length of time, which she bore patiently until she passed peacefully away on Tues- day evening. AH that medical skill and careful nursing could accomplish} was done but to no avail. rs. mman was adaughter of the late Richard Strong, pioneer set- tler of Wallace tp. She was born in the county of Simcoe, April 27th., 1854. When about ae years old she came with her pare o ~Wallace Tp., and resided aan till her mar- riage. Then she move to Howick ‘Tp., and from thence 26 years ago, to the 8th. concession of Wallace, where she remained until the time of her death.’ Besides “her sorrowing husband, six daughters and two sons rem to urn the of kind and loving wife mother. Mrs.*Allan Nelson, Stratford; Mrs. David Honeyford, 8th. con. Wallace: Mrs. Austin Gallagher, Palmergton; ‘Myrtle of Toronto; Sadie of Beaver- ton and Carrie at ‘home, Calvin, G. T. R. foreman of Construction work, and Russel at home. Also two bro- thers and two sisters. The funeral was held on Thursday to Palmerston cemetery. Despite the almost impassable condition of the roads, a very large concourse of ee and neighbors followed. Rev. Shipley church, of which she was 2 life long member, conducted the fgn- eral obsequies. . -+— unbar of Listowel, pastor of |* The agg eg is the report of U. 8. S. No. , Mornington, for the month of Folrtare. Pupils were ex- amined in spelling, oral composition. agriculture, history, géography, ‘writ- ing and art. Pupils whose names are marked with an asterisk oil absent for one-or more examination “4 Sr. IV—Olga McWatters 82%. aang Davidson 71%, George Faulk- 71%, Elmer Faulkner 67% Cec- i O'Grady 65%, Hazel Gibb 60%, bert Querin 61%, Cecil Gibb as. *Willdrd McDonald 18%. Jr. Il1I—Myra Davidson 70%, earet Wood 62%, Ellwood 0’ amdy 7%, Ethel “Cummings 52%, *Ge ald O’Gra 51%, Helen McDonald oat = Ignatius Querin 47%. I—Glady McDonald eNeleon Cummings 42 Sr.. IiI—Marjorie Faulkner Pig ok *Emmaline Querin 62%, h Mc- Watters 48%, *Ruby pie 43%, Frank rr tad 41%, Alvin Cum- wa 38% *Veronica McDonald ‘O- Sr. Il—*Harold O'Grady 69%, Lila Faulkner 60, *Joseph O'Grady 38%, *Laird Cummings 387%, *Cal- vin Cummings 22%. Pr.—Olive McWatters 96%, Jim Davidson 94%, Jospeh Querin 87%, Gerard McDonald 75%. - MacQuarrie, teacher. 67%, DONEGAL =i + _—— + Master Jack Vipond, who has been 80 critically ill with the:flu, we are pl to report, is recovering. Nurse Fisher of Listowel was in at- tendance. re: 8. 8. NO. 6, WALLACE ¢ | | 1 t —— ~ th The following is the report of S. S. No. 6 Wallace for the month of Feb- ruary. Those marked with an asterisk rhea absent for one or more examina- Sr. 1V—Total 400, honors 300, pass 240. Clayton Bender 344, Ralph Krotz 308, Edna Lorch 293, TIlené Robinson 272, *Olene Schneider 234, *Mabel Schneider 214 Jr. IV—Total 400, honors 300, pass 240. Clarence Detweiler 208 - IV—Bessie Schneider *Gordon Schneider 154 Sr. I1]—Total 500, “honors 400, pass 300. Roy Walter 340, *Elsie Sweeney 186, Norman Henry 143, *Gordon Krotz & Jr. IlI--Total 400, honors 300, pass Hazel Schaefer 196, ae 290, George Yungblut 264, Mabe) Bender 252, Marion Ott 245, *Tdona Walter 108. II—Total 300, honors 225, pass 180. Alfred Kennedy 170, Cari Yung-;§ blut 165, *Violet Sweeney 128, Elsie Fischer and Willie Schneider absent. Fischer. Jr. Pr.—Sammy Sweeney, Reat Moore. a Forda Lake, Teacher U. 8. 8. NO. 2, ELMA ; € +—— —¢ * A The following is the result of ex- aminations in compos: spelling, in the third Total 380, Honors 285, Pass 228. Sr. IV—Ge eo Tson Lydia Mann 348, Toke Brisbin 297, — Tompkins 289, Arthur Hewitt Poe aL -miller 250, A Heucheroth 8 in progress in this vicinity for ‘a maninetet for the fal- len soldiers. was no service in the Meth- odist church here last Sunday on ac- count of the state of the roads. Gordon Sanderson has started one hay this week. Truamy cheese was shipped on Pessday from Britton, along with the Elma and Mornington cheese, to 2ige IJéhnstog of Woodstock. Price Gray, 10th. con., has return- ed heoke from Downie after neney, a few weeks with ders there Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hymer, ssr., spent the w week-end with their’ son, Herbert, in Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. “Wilson Little of Monkton, spent a da babe M Little, 10th. con., last we didiccs 8. S. No.'7, Wallace ~—— + ” The following is the report rot &§ s. . No. 7, Wallace, for the month of February. Ose whose names are marked with an asterisk, were absent for. one or more a Pee Sr. IV—Honors 225, 180. Clara Walter 230, Vitdelle ss Schmidt 224, Nellie Wditer 213, ¢ ia _— 160, *Vivian McKnight. Jr. IV—Honours 225, Pass 180. *Percy Greer 160, *Isabel Kroft. Sr. I1l—Honours 225, Pass 180. Myrtle Walter 256, Henrtetta- Hein- Will Heucheroth ° 237, mn Dechert 56, *John -Heucher- Sr. Il—Victor Dechert 73, Floyd Want 65, Victor Heinmiller 56. 1l—Gladys Bender, Alveretta Dechert. Dorothy Bender, Clarence Mehring . a erimer—Clittord Wilson, Eddie ¢hring, vere Dechert, Herb | visit sa Toronto, “e4 | son sacks visited! Mr. and ‘Mrs. Wm Blair’on en rica 7A say London. Mrs. aj George Doug -| man, 2nd. concession, is very ill with on Tuesday. OM The Misses Margaret and on Saturday, ford of . Guelph spent the vt veergg with her ‘mother, Mrs. §. Stoc! Miss Nine MusCutcheds left-on ot urday to-resume her duties as ste 14th. ped cg were in Listowel on business on Elma Soariatlitg council will meet on Saturday, March 12th., at 10-o'clock, in the agricultural hall. Wm. uglas of Paimerston, spent the ask-ont with her son, Mr. las, Main Mrs. C. Lon ‘to stay at the ome of Mr. and Mrs Morton Gray, 2nd. concession Miss Irene Parker left on Wed- -nesday to take a position with Miss Kate Berdux, dressmaker, Listowel. Mr. Melvin Scott, 8th. concession, | entertained a number of young peo-}| ple to a dance on Wednesday even- ng. Mr. Alex. Mann of Montcrief was a guest of Mr. an rs. eorge Graham, 2th. coneession, .on Tues- a i) y. \ Mr. George Roxborough of St. erg is visiting at the home of Mr. d Mrs. Geo. and John Rogers this rT wes : Mrs. Bell and son Jack, left on Wednesday to spend a few days with her I made Mrs, George Harron, Lis- We regret to report that the in- fant son of Mr. and Mrs.-John For- pneumonia Born—-On Thursday, February 22nd., to Mr. and Mrs. os. Cle- land, 4th. concession, a daughter, Georgina Ruth. Mrs. Carnigan, who has been visit- ing at the home of Mr. Wilson, 12th. concession, was called to Brus- sels on Monday Mr. Albert. “Thompson returned to Woodstock on Monday, after brother, spending a week yaa his Mr. R. A. Thompso Mr. and Mrs. Dueklow, 14th. con- cession, and Mrs. enry Duncan, 12th. cocession, visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Blair on Monda Mrs. George Ruttan, 8th. conces- ‘sion, returned Wednesday evening, pene! attending her son Willard, who has been ili with la grippe at Mr. Walter ere te 4th. concession: Mr. J. McBain left on his regu- lar trip es ‘the coast on Tuesday; al- so Mrs. McBain will leave on Thurs- day = spend a month in Hamilton. Arthur Ellacott, 13th. conces- sion, en the house of the late Mrs. Wm. Campbell, John street, last week and moved in on Monday. Miss Mattie Hurst, 12th. conces- sion, visited the Misses Hammond at Lebanon this week. Miss Arnetta Genoa will accompany her home. Mr. Murray Thompson, who is studying for a chemical engineer, in lea ee his parents, Mr. and A. Thompson, over the week- a5 ys We are pleased to report an im- provement In the conditian of Miss Annie Cuthbertson, who was taken to the Listowel memoria! hospital last wi <. E. McGregor, travelling field secretary of the W. M. 8S. ressed a meeting of the W. M. 8. on Wed- nesday afternoon in the basement of the Presbyterian church. from week's Peebles ee ‘er . Holman and son Walter,| of gmire left on Friday lo Guests from Listowel, Milverton. Monkton and Brussels, to the number abont two hundred, were present < at the Oddfellows “At Home,” given in the music hall on Friday evening, March. 2nd The regular services next Sunday in the Methodist church wi be — charge of the pastor, Rev. F. dale, ae eee ts will be’ as fol- ; ws: 11 a.m.— ‘Resolution ;’ * 7 p.m. “Varieties. of Conversion. "Mr. and Mrs. John, Peables and son Jack, who have been visiting -Mr. Peebles’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. drew Peebles, 8th. concession, for the past two months; will return fo their home at Marquis, Sask., on Saturday. The death of Mrs. John Blair, a former resident of Atwood, and sis- ter of Mr. Whitfield McCormick of Astowel, occurred Fridav at Detroit, following a stroke a month prévious. The funeral was held on Monday. Mrs. Blair wasin her 78th. year. The following from West Monk- ton attended the Oddfellows “At Home” on Friday evening: r. Shade, Mr. and Mrs. Frier. Mr. and Mrs. Lois, Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Hol- man, M. Holman, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bannerman and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Little. ane Morton A tend zon. concession, Mr. Wm. n, 6th. conces- so, left on Friday for Detroit, on ac- count of the illness of their father, Mr. Alex Simpson, who is suffering from bloodpoisoning in his arm. Mr. Simpson returned Monday night and as since received word that his fa- ther underwent an operation on Tuesday and that there is an provement in his condition. nston—Barton , A quiet wedding was solemnized at the Presbyterian manse, North Morn- i bons dnesday. . February . F. N. Atkinson united in maura Miss Ellen Pearl Barton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Barton, 9th. concession, Morn- ington, to Mr. Edward Johnston, eld- est son of Mr. and*Mrs. J. W. John ston of Britton. Attendants were Miss Bessie Johnston and Mr. Elgin Bart- of, The happy young couple will re- side on the groom’s farm on the 8th. copcession, Elma. L O. O.F. “At Home” The I. O. O. F. entertained mem- bers from Milverton, Listowel, Monk- ton and cemeeee lodges at their an- nual “At Home,” given’in the mus- ic hall on Friday steding, March 2nd. It was opened in the usual form, with games of euchre, and the short program which followed consisted of an instrumental by Miss Muriel Lit- tle, solos by Mrs. Lloya Vallance and Mr. ck Gadfrey, with Miss A Blackwell, accompanist; and short addresses by Messrs. Wm. Reid, Mi!l-» verton, Lorne and Lloyd Vallance, Wm. Turnbull and Wes. Holman. Lunch was served at twelve. Messrs. Geo. Porter and Geo. Hamilton, vide linists, accompanied by Mr. Walter Peebles on the piano, furnished the music for the dance which followed. ae} - | KURTZVILLE | | Mr. Wellington Fisher, Listowel, spent the week-end with his sister, Mrs. ee McDowell. ‘Mr. T. J. Schaefer spent Sunday with his friend, Mr. Cecil Holmes. 2nd lin Mrs. ‘Otto Mahnk/. visited her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Nuhn, in- Listo- wal last week: Mr. H. Faust, Harriston, spent the week-end with his sister, Mrs. Alex. McCabe. Miss Cora Ruppel, Listowel, is vis- iting her cousin, Miss Edith Ruppel, and other friends this, week. Mr. Adam Kroft is home from the hospital, His hand is improving nice- p——— hr Mrs. Dan Berlett spent me ok ith the ~~ gli mother, who fs ill la gripp ~ Mr. and Vv ctor “Gibson are moving to Listowel this week. . Lorena Bender, teacher. Jr. IV—Hilda Richardson Margaret Walker 282, Hewitt 237. sr, HI— m7) ; yc Pg 350, Wilhelmine by Sanderson 309, tt 306,- _ Florence Tomp- Henderson. 237, r. 111—Lorne Hewitt 300, Maud Thedortf 256, de Mann 241, | Margaret Brisbin 238, Frank 185, Wil- ~f ' BRUSSELS =o &. , co) Brussels, March 1 —Elizabeth Stewart, relict of the late James Men- zies passed quietly away at ge ds night at the of e} dolis George _ kiss in time saves nine. : 8. 8. No. 1, Maryborough B hed ae Following is the report for 8. S. No Maryborough, for the month —Sarah of Mar ch. Sr. IV. = 94, Addie Aylestock $3, Carl 89, Irvin Ellison 83, Claran Ellison 76, Pearl Cressman 70, Viola Kin- cad r. 1V—Pearl if Isabel Ill—Lloyd Aylestock 80, Muriel Wells 86, _ Harv arvey Ham- son 70, Jack Findlay 72, Olive Rid- 65. Pr.—Lil ichardson, Biume-—A. M. MePhersoh, 2, Shirley Cressman 83, Vietor:Fi ‘ 80, Howard Aylestock 75, Alire Wil- LEBANON he. The debate Friday evening, under auspices of the Ladies’ Aid society, on the subject: Resolved ‘That farm worth $7,000, is worth more a a first class certificate,” proved very interesting and the . debaters acquitted themselves creditably. The decision was given in favor of the affirmative side, : oe by Miss Wioselios Wel d Mr. Ba. Riddolls, by a margin of a points. There was other program of merit, reaping ae: recitations, choruses, etc:, a a solo Miss H. MacQuarrie of “Tralee, The sum of $9.75 w the sale of two quilts auctioned. EEE LEE EEE EE EEE EEE + $-— + +‘ DOWD'S SALE LIST * + * ob feofer! So ae ae ae at ho Ww For the ednesday, March 14th.,— executors of the estate of the late John Livingstone, N. % lots 7 and 8, con. 2; gee! i pia stock, im- plements, hay, och —For Rich- ard Johnston, trustee for paige I ors, N pts. lots 15 and 16, i, Grey, farm, stock, implicants. hay, Maryborough, his, farm of 100 acres, good a buildings. “The man who owns a used car nev- wonder :| oF has to picks: where his small Acs ical