Listowel Banner, 19 Apr 1923, p. 5

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* } ee i, ) -. mn ry » 8rd, con 2. : Messrs. Kirk and ‘Stone, evar Miss Emma’ M 4th. conces-}"elists, who quité recen “hok sion, left Monday for Listowel wheré| ing services in Hall at = gy orig ted a —_ Welker’ ) es y at the home of Mr. ele "Welker of Wallace. Ts. where —~ has accepted a geen Miss Thelma eCracken road, spent Sunday with her Riot, ales Janet livingston, sion. Miss Thelma Wolfe of Listowel Was a guest over the week-end at the home of Mr. Charles Welker of Wal- c. H. Greer and Miss Irma, Sth. Geantebeion, spent Tuesday Palmer- ce. Mr. an with Mrs. D. Chalmers of ston. Mr. David Park of Elma ~_ a of his friend, Mr. W. A. Livingston. 3rd. guest over Sunday at the hom concession. rs. Mary Snyder of Attica, N. Y., is spending a few days at the homes of her tea Mr. Charles Welker of Wallac Mr. Geo. Ferguson of London, son. of Mr. Wm. Ferguson, 3rd. conces- sion, was home for the funeral of his oe Kitchener C@65-} guests for gion, went to Guelph Wednesday 3rd. conces- Wi hi ee he lding _ ines sr age ave tc) mee in the line school hours. Teport a fall house every night. : Mrs. k Bailey of Vonda, Sask., ‘end two Sohg ast who have been spendi @ winter with her: ara Mr. Kaght gn ieee were a few vornged is week at the home of hee sister, M B. 6th. concession, and iaten ds leaving ” * est. “The following, taken from the Guelph Herald, sth reterbaoh to the cash campaign which paper has been conducting. for the past six wéeks will be of- local interest. “Mrs. Alex. Livingston proved to be the winner of the first prize of $1900.00 in cash, a truly: handsome prize. Mrs Livingston and her friends who 50 nobly rallied to her assistance, are to be congratulated on the success of their work. It speaks volumes for the respect and affection in which the public holds the cause for which they work so hard, as Mrs. Livingston is turning over the prize money to Aster City Lodge of the True Blues for the proposed orphanage that the True ae are building in the near fut Livingston is a son of Mrs. J. aunt, Mrs. C. Timm, which was helAN. his Living of the 3rd. concession. * + + WVANDRICK'S SALE REGIS- + ~ TER + + + Hebei eb eer Ph ht rd.—Unreserved Monday, April 23rd auction sale of farm stock, imple- ments, hay, goods, for William Wood, at lot 2, concession 138, Mornington. Sale at one o'clock. See bills for particu- lars A for William Graham, William u date goods. See bills for particu- lars. Also a number of houses and farms 1 for private sale Jesereorersreresetreee ¢ : DOWD'S SALE LIST + SHEeEEEEEEEEEEEEEETEETEEH Wednesday, April 25.—Mr, M. Moore, Mill street, ; Letiee, entire livery equipment. Thursday, April 26—For ‘Choa. Smith, lot ¢. con. 2, Elma, stock, tmplements, ‘grain. 28.—For executors Saturday, April of Chas. A. Welker, Victoria st., Listowel, household goods. grain, and household Wednesday, April 25th--Auction sale » of furniture and household goods , 2% blocks south 2 bt 8. 8. NO. 2, WALLACE | — + Sr. IV—Total 800, Honours 600, race Coultes 661, lorencg Keeso 612, Clarence Tay- lor 609, Bileen Waser 605, Roy Rapp 593, Jean Campbell 579, Edwin Keeso 550, Almer Bowman ‘474. Sr. Il1I—Total 825, Honours 618. Pass 495. Kathleen Reid 695, Earl Ferguson 665, Edna Bender 639, Anita Walter 632, Alice McIntosh 549, Robert Ash 531, *Claren¢e Zinn 411. Jr. I1]—Total 825, Honours 618, Pass. 495. Vietta Mason 682, Annie Keeso 666, Eva Perrin 656, Harold Good 576, Cora Good 552, *Marguer- ite Reid 398, *Lester Bowman 356. Second class—Total 600, ‘Honoare 450, Pass 360. Harold Reid 569, Roy Ludwig 512, Norma Johnston 473, ae ae Armstrong 434, Earl Hall- 482, Lenora Reid, 403, Merle McIntosh 337, Tommy Ash 309, 6. H. Franklin Bowman 25 First class—Total 100, Honours} 75, Pass 60. Marion Keeso 90, Helen Reid 83, Charlie McIntosh a Grace ellen Greta Bowman Pri —Ruth Perrin, bebwih, "Herria Ash. Jean McIntyre, teacher, Harold in a week’s time for her home in the’ | ‘Tuesday from the home of Mr. Jameg| president, Miss Margaret Thompson; reco , Miss "th eae corresponding-secretary, Hamil ey Stewardship, Mrs. superintendent of Hterature © ap Miss Eda Clyde; . mine — of mite boxes, Miss Lyla,Hall; Prantst Miss Eva Thompson; a to branch convention, Miss Ida Col-} 6 ~ iss Mildred Hetherington and home of Mr. and 6th. line elisa: The y friends of Mrs. Thomas McWatters vill be sorry to hear of her serious illness. A speedy recovery fs hoped for. © ma, is taking a month's vacation near ma is a a month’s vacation near Mon M "Fraseié W. Smith and son Mirwood, returned home Sunday af- m8 spending a few days with her arents, Mr. hw nd Wm. Ward, bth, line Gre Mr. Paul McDowell of Toronto was the guest of Mr. an Mrs. John Wright, Soundary west, for a—few days last week. atte + | Mr. and Mrs. George Lines were ae visitors with friends in Strat- ford Mys. John Harron of Guelph spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. ‘Chas. err. + CARTHAGE Mr. John McCutcheon of Toronto spent — with, Mr. and Mrs. H. Moor Mrs. "Ba. Lines spent a few days last week with friends in Monkton. Mr. Albert Simpson of Millbank spent the week-end with friends/here. Mr. L. Meyers was a business vis- itor in Toronto last week. Mr. and Mrs. F. Chutér apent the inaskml with Mr. and Mrs. A. Mc Laughlin, Tralee Miss F. ‘Twamley of Listowel, was a guest of Miss Susie Moore for a few days last week. Mrs. J. Seehaver of Toronto is visiting at the home of her son, Mr. H. Seehaver. Mr. Sam Johnston of Listowel was a recent visitor = friends here. Mr. W. was a business bo aid in Toconte” ptr ee week- en ts A rich man lying on his death bed called his chauffeur who had been in his service for years, and said:— “Ah, Sykes I am going on a long and rugged journey worse than you ev- er drove me. " “Well, sir,’’ consoled the chauffeur, ‘“‘there’s one comfort. It’s all down hill.” >. ‘ORD, ONT. GOv TF. T. 'GHT ING Liang ae ON = Thel yd Has Passed Them Ak | ae the ne omy the locomotive as a means of tr ortation. The Ford has given the public trans with none of vantages. real competit cross-country tr buy Ford cars price of Ford cars. McINTYRE & MELROSE. | Listowel, Ont. fn ten are the Ford Car the street car, and buggy and rtation which combines all the advan which other methods offer anspo It has gusted the street car in ready-conveniencé and low mileage costs. It has pushed the/ horse and buggy comipletely into the discard in low-fi and low maintenancé costs. The number of people who es their disad- It is giving the railroads ion in fast rtation. t cost will set the ee a aaeoe ahies Yaa Collins,; vice-| egate| road, $1.50; Alberta Adams, do. Hugh Darroch, Mies pear! Ward spent Sunday at the! exten: Mrs: Wm. Ward,|-in work on winter $3,+} On. poy $3.00. blag fgg his 00; Geo t, Pathmasters— R. Johnston, C. Coghlin, W. Landerkin, W. Holmes, Geo. Ash, -F. Schade, wn; D: - Binning, R. Chamney, <a Kennedy. A. Kennedy, G. .McBow A. Ad- ams, J. Bender, 'W. 2 dela 'c. aul ny §. Ludwig, Henry Zinn, N. Bowman, Ed. Weber, W: Johnston, J: MAO. erling, Henry rso Henry Boehlor, EB. Charles, H. Gaus. - ae nny, = a ghraw, B. Miller, J. 3 . Hv» Holmes, W. Caldwell, ; “Griffith, A. Lynn, Quantz, W..E. Willis, W. Anderson, 0. Nickel, J. Orth, J. Habermehl, J. Ankerman, J. McCabe, V. Schinbein, W. McDow- ell, M. Jacques, J. Denny, J. Schaefer, R. Traviss, J. G. Wilkin, E. Schneid- ar, TF. Sweeney, Cc. Be nder, Krotz, S. Walter, Krotz, W. Klein, Schmidt, Henry Bender, B. Greer, C. ren -| H. Greer, 8. ‘Beswitherick, R. Nickel, J. Hood, W. Loggins, W. H. McLen- nan, I. Kirschbamn, A. Broadhagen, W. Long, 8. J. Henderson, R. Sween- ey, W.~ Moffatt, A. Bender, T. J. Bramhill, Geo. McFarlane, J. A. R. Rayson, Geo. Harp, J. Lyons, J. H. Armstrong, A. Broadhagen, J. Kells, A. Speers, T. H. Brown, A. Acker- man, J. McEwan, A. Johnston, L. Ross, J. Grahgm, R. Smith, D. Dul- mage. Poundkeepers— R. Barnett, R. Chamney, J. Mcintosh, Ed. Weber, Henry Karges, A. Lyn Perkins, J. Melville, T. Biliott, "R. North, Cc. Wilson, R. Nickel. Fenceviewers — H. Coghlin, L. Hunter, D: F. Stewart, A. Lynn, M. Jacques, O. Nickel, sr., E. L. Robin- son, W. Long," Elliott, J. McEwan, A, De Sheep vathators—cA: Kenedy, 2X: sound from elson, Scott Nelson, J. H. Warren,| Park, were in Mrs. Dick. Ward of + a her mother, Mrs. Mrs. I. R. Hammond lett for Brus- sels on Wednesday to visit Mrs. Mc- Millan. Miss Erma Hiles TOE her uis- Ss) Sore tae Roger, in Mitchel on me of _Palmersto: mh spent Thursday W with her mother, Mrs. Geo. rr Mr. W. Gray, 10th, concession, left on Tuesday for Alaska, to stay with an unc Mrs. E, Swing and son Raymond ~~ Sides bate on a two weeks’ visit ” are. nae . McBain returned Mon- day, after yee Ae a few weeks in aera . Marshall returned on wnarekay, after spending the Winter _} in Stratford. Mr. Robt. Buchanan’ of "Hatlagal spent Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Blair. Born-——on Monday, April 16th., Mr. and-Mrs: Wm. Gilmore, hen. concession, a son. Miss Margaret Harvey of Monkton is Rag ny at me home of Mr. ‘and . Geo. Doug We are ee to report that Miss Lillian Hall, who has been ill with a is recovering. J. mmond hs is doing : oikpiote? work tor Mr. Jas. Newbig- "| ging, 6th. concession, this week. Mr r. . merson of Kincardine are ‘visiting Mr. and Mrs. id R. Alexander; 5th. concession, this eek. weer. John Griffith, returned mis- Honan, China, will speak in the Presbyterian church on Sunday Mise “Hildred Alexander returned Thursday, after spending a few days with her aunt, Mrs. Wilson, 8th. con- cession... Mrs. Robinson and daughter Ruth, returned on Monday, after spending’ couple of we@ks with friends in — E. T. Geensides is still crit- ically i. Nurse Harron of Listowel arrived on Tuesday andis now in attendance. We are ‘pleased to report a slight improvement in the condition of Mr. Benjamin House, who is seriously ill with pneumonia. r. Chas. Wynn, teacher of the 8th. line school, is il] and Miss Eva Danbrook of Donegal is relieving for a —a of weeks. Wm. Mayburry of Britton’ has pufchased the barber shop at Ethel, from Mr. Nicholson, and will get pos- session on Monday. Mr. Jack Rutherford purchased a Mrs. McDowell is at present spend- ing some time with her daughter, Mrs. Fry. Mr. and Mrs. A. McCabe Lae Sun- day at the home of Mr. 8. A Mrs. Dan Lohr. a line, spent, Tuesday with the former’s par- ents, Mr. and Mrs} hr. some time in Listowel. FEEL LIKE MY OLD SELF Hamilton ‘Saleaman gains five pounds and feels stronger in ev- ery way since taking Dreco— Friends comment on his improved appearance —Speaks highly of Dreco's benefits, No occupation calls for a greater degree of_physical well-being than that of a salesman. Above all others, he must feel well and look well if he is to impress his customers favorably and make a success of his business. aetna much, therefore, does his wel- fare depend on the proper | function- ing of ig digestive organs? Mr. A. Bourn, of 93 Charles Street, ‘Hamilion was ina gen ne run down —— until Dreco’cur- ed -him of stom . kidney and in- testinal Ghochens "eat ol Leicsind impairing earning — “For some time,”” says M “T had rong in feeling Snip weak gnd run down. I completely lost’ my appetite and whatever I did eat would form gas, causing me to belch wa -and bloat =. ad My kidneys were so bad that ‘. Be hardly Bening what with the pains across my back and I re 4 constantly tak have en me.” There is no need for any man or to suffer the eae Hen of constipation, Miss Elvira McDowell is spending Ss lighted (with te Ronetite it has giv-} ure Ferguson, O. Nickel, sr., E. L. McKie rubber tire buggy, made in — fe OR OE Ee camp- Plattsville, from the local degler, Mr. Wm. Shera, this week, + . . . Rev. Royal K. Gonder will give a | 1, lecture on “China and ~~ Miss ow ary,” in the Baptist church, on Mon- | KURTZVILLE | | day evening, at 8 o'clock. J | We are pleased to report an im- ; ~ ° t in the condition of Mar- Mrs. Victor Gibson, Listowel, is garet Smith, daughter of Mr. and visiting this week — her parents,| Mrs. Ivy Smith, Sth. concession Mr. and Mrs. Jacqu Mr. co Mrs.- Chas. Blair and daughter Nora, returned to Milver- ton on Tuesday, spending K week with Mr. and Mrs. Wm.‘Bla! Mrs. Percy Greensides and enild: ren returned the latter part of the week from Brantford, where she has been attending her mother, Mrs. Young. r. Wm. G. Inglis returned to M tratford on Monday, after spending a few days with his daughter, Mrs. Chester Little, and brother, Mr. Wal- ter _———" . and Mrs. ris. Ersman and son Clifford, of Listowel, returned on Tuesday, after spending a few days with friends on the 8th. and 10th. ee. Mr. and Wes. Brandle and daughter a lh left on Saturday to: visit Mrs. Brandle’s pe Mrs. Fixture at Wingham. Mr. randie tson returned from the-Listowél memorial hospital on Saturday and, accompan Mrs. Frank Riach, left for Milverton to convalesce at the home of an aunt, Miss Margaret Cuthbertson. The regular services in the Meth- odist church on Sunday 9) be in charge-of the pastor, Rev. F. E. Clys- dale, whose subjects will be as fol- lows: ll a.m., “The Dimensions of the en" 7 p.m., “Following a Mirag “To jonument - The subscribers to the Elma Mem- orial Fund met in the Music hall, Atwood, on Monday afternoon, and decided to erect a monument. The subscription lists are still open for any who wish to subscribe before the eacris ‘ Brae e y| Monkton, of Mr. and 4 concession, EB daughter, Pear er meee to Mr. Ed pol a , Grey, Rey. Gordon “Butt, Methodist ‘mifiletay” of Monkton, ficiating. The happy young coup left on ursday for Flint, Michigan, ry ering, in their honour, “ was held Friday evening of last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Inglis, 14th. concession, eet when lagers oe gen ae to the num- ber o eight, assembled. and spent a whalign tts evening. The pros pective bride and groom were each nted with a club bag and silver soup ladle. The accompanying ad- dresswas. -Miss-May-— Inglis; and the presen tation made by Mes- srs Blyton Ferg and Forest McKay. Council room, April 14th., 1923.— The Municipal council of the town- ship of Bima met in the Agricultur- al Hall, Atwood, on Saturday, April 14th:, 1923. Members all present. Minutes of last meeting were read, approved and signed by the reeve and clerk. Communication were read from the department of lands .and forests, the Northern Ontario Fire Relief community and file Moved by Coates and Shearer, that Mr. Geo, Arbuckle be paid the sum of $2400.00 as part payment of the con- tract of the Boyle drain and South Maitland River Improvement as per éngineer’s certificate. Carried. Moved by Coates and Willoughby, that by-law no. 777, appointing path- masters, poundkeepers and fence viewers for 1923 as now read a third time be finally passed and that the a and clerk sign the same. Car- rie Moved by Coates and Shearer, that the council do now adjourn to meet asa Court of —_—— on the Part- ridge Drain By-law. Carried. The Court of Revision on the Part- ridge drain, No. By-law, having closed the council met for general usinéss. “Moved by Shearer and Ballantyne, that by-law No. 775, estimating the amounts for expenditure for con- struction, repair and maintenance on the roads in the township of Elma during the year 1923 as now read‘a third time be finally passed. Carried. Moved by Willoughby and Bal- lantyne, that by-law no. 776, appoint- ing Geo ead as road superina- tendent for the township of under 4 yy Highways Act as now read a third time be final} sed. Carried. f — The reeve and clerk were instruct- ed to secure further information re- eras the title to the iands of the Robert Hamilton estate, also that the ting receive tenders for struction of new bridge bridge aD | till May 65, ie28, oe L 30 o’cloc Moved sn Coates and ag that the reeve and clerk make plica- tion on behalf of the Muricipal = cil of Eima to the Railway Commis- sion of Canada for the approval of the work on the Canadian Pacific Railway lands as specified by the en- gineer in his report on the proposed Partride drain, No. 2. Carried. Moved by Willoughby and Ballan- tyne, that the reeve and clerk issue orders for the following, Viz: Robt. Oliver Ltd., coal for Arthur Nelson, $15.00; Atwood Bee, printing by- law re Partridge drain, No 2, $25.- Geo. A. Hamilton, ploughing snow, a i to 15, concession 2, $9.75; Thompson, sleeper for bridge, ry Ry \25 to 26, concession 16, $13.00; Thos. Smith, wood for Ar- thur Nelson, $10.00; Albert auippe 203 yards gravelling lots, 16 to 18, concession 16, $223.30; Ed. Brough- ton inspecting gravelling lot 16 to 18, concession 16. $13. Peter Duck- low, 203 yards gravel, lot 16 to 18, concession 16, $40.60; John Holman, statut labour returned ‘$13.50; Geo. Lochhead, clerk’s fees re Boyle drain and South Maitland River Improvement, $187.- 50; H. Raszman, ploughing and disk- ing snow, lots 13 to 15. concession 16, $5.00; Chas. McKenzie, shovel- ling snow, lots 13 to 15, concession 16, $1.50; E. D. Bolton, O.L.S. plans and specifications of bridge, Trow- ae $25.00; Wm. Scott, expenses — en township business, Sores by Ballantyne and Willough- by, that the council do now adjourn o meet again in the Agricultural hall, Atwood, on Saturday, May 5th., 1923, at ten o’clock a.m. for general township business. Carried. — | pox cases are reported ip Palmerston, and the placards are y medical sathorition, who are woletus diligently in order. that eed, | no epidemic may také place. All cases are reported to be very mild in nat- ha : oe Mata coarsest i oe , wath ae. > na i | PALMERSTON TRALEE 4 | & 4 Palmerston, April 17.—Severa}; The order of the day is keep the new kettle aboiling. A number from here ae the dance in Britton Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Wright and daughters; bon! and Loraine, spent the 9 week-end h Mr. and wh A c. Linseman spent eet Sue ev with Mr. J. Linseman, Mr. ‘cn Mrs. Ed. Scott, daughter spent eS Benge Dorking. of Drayton cnet ‘geeanen ie auie here. was very ance shocked to hear of Sobre destk 4 aid it tt happen?” scpoor patie. he Was 60 usted to au When he’ t! was up about ten thousand feet his oe and he got out to ue of-. where they will make their home. A -

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