Listowel Banner, 27 Jan 1927, p. 7

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IF you're a telephone subscriber, simply lift the hook, ask for 6] and state your request. It's a service that makes it comparatively easy for you to insert your advertisement. And Want-ads offer the solution to many a problem. There's always some- one eager to buy, sell or trade; someone who has a service to offer. Results are certain and the cost is quite mederate. Call not later than Wednesday For Thursday’s Insertion 1. Long Distance — at Work. 2. nip fume in Telephone Exchange. Miss Martha J, Carso Until ae in charge of a staff of over os guided Wousknds of Canad young woma , suc u lomewhere behind’ overy cms ‘im nism in modern industry, you will find Peper perhaps the wi we and.the intricate apparatus | careers of sterling public service, which constitute Teac | Yong _— - ete ns ee i m— all|sphere of activity was y i via the ron ge i nei *here|her appointment to a new Position Council ..of Wor men, the Toronto has stood for over 33 years the gras jinvol rsonne) .work of’ still| Women’s Canadian Club, Y.W.C *~ Indtstrial -Committee, and Regent tthe Princess Blisabeth Chapter ttha J. Carson, | broader scope Bmong employees: of the Bell Telephone Compatt Sores is a member of t cious figure of Miss Mart one of the isk pall 8 finest examp les h man in business. e o Kational| aatheatil Ts The World’s Speediest Cable Abore ltt Fialing the shore end of the cle of the ship Cyrus Field and Cyrus oh took. “Below left Mr. se es et taf Heart's Contwet, New! aa theati exbte init 7 tine Goan Masters Saet Sey Rapist wlio of tno ¢gomfng out of the tank on the Cyres Field which submarine cable just laid from Penzknce, England, to Bay Roberts, Newfout Bests Hines seg cee emets ee aad ces Pemeoy in alloy of nickel and iron, was deve! ¥us work lovingly together. Now, do -| might say a million or more equare m | beginning of this article I said I fel: Possibly one of the ‘greatest eteps| th towards. ae q = Senee= = mount of tetters Ir on the above important subject. As I was born in the dear, dear old State of eves the very name Ohio age of thirteen I was brought over the Une and was liberated here in “i but we Sone ae see them any more.” ence end © gro up with ‘the country. In other words, f was born oc gybelanns nae Usroeee of the Po jin Ohio, and made in Canada. There- North America? Wake up, or in leas fore, every one. of me and ®very than twenty-five yeare.t game breath I dra North American be asked about our and God forbid that I should ho one word that would cause ven a thought of friction between the peo- ple of these two countries ee are so near and dear to my hea: only purpose of writing thie article | is to create a deeper consideration among the shooters Now, without the vast grounds of Canada for ou and geese or without their winter home in the southern all thinking humanity beautiful birds would soon follow the passenger pigeon. Therefore, it is compulsory that w work heart and hand together. ; E “ us say lovingly together, God's eake and forthe sake of tke rising and upaern generations, | you know, dear brother Yankee, that you have as’ many shooters as we have population? Have you ever stopped to coneider the vastness of the Dominion of Canada and that we Ontario ‘bo State to fhe east and, coming weet, it borders Pennsylvania, Ohio, Mich- igan, Wiscongin and Minnesota, yet Ontario is only one out of our nine/ada. That is, ws page eight where vast' provinces, saying nothing about! he says: “In nada however, a the hundreds of thousands, yes, ljing has been vectviolen as- much jmiles of unsurveyed territory — stil} ! farther north. This fact will surely givé.you & warmer etatea during the winter months Just recently = of my highly-ést eemed Yankee ds and fT _ discussing his carats bird q tion. When I told shim that, taking North America...a~g. a whole, “ wild geese were fast decreasing he looked me in the face and said, “Jack who has been talking to you along this line?’ Now, on't know as.I took it as a compliment, for it. sounder as though I had no t I was saying influenced. You will note that in the justified, and qualified to express my views. I feel justified because of m) birthright and qualified by personai knowledge and experience. It is now nearly twenty years since I first started catching and tagging wild ‘which must be in the weiebvernood lof three thousand miles from my homie where it was tagged. Since 1915 I have caught, tagged and liberated over fifteen hundred wild geese and, as far 26 [ know, T am the only maf’on earth that is cathing and tagging wild geese for} ou educational purposes. I have thefr tags returned from many states tn the gout f m h as seven- ty-eight from o y ’ c where théy are killed by the Esk take the tags to the Hud- son,Bay fur trading agents for an In- terpretation. In addition to my post office address, thié . agent ~noticas that I-have also’s select Verse of Scviptuie” on Sane tag and several. cases these agenté have: dir- ected the Eskimo to the missionar-| ies for a further explanation. There- fore, I don’t hesitate to say that. ( have the most accurate and with my fall ae tae }than just a namber on. a tag, es! ially in the Arctic Girele? So woe bave to refer 'to- almanac history to find out .where our ducks nd geesé are being ki A In addition: to ihe above facts, let me-eay I have been privileged »to three uring ‘in our p provinces, the greatest “wheat f in . America, During .that time F visited oo one towns sacr to. m ‘or ae “Wh: jove the land of my birth. At mes qnaatring. “Wh stood pearly five .teet high. nese » wild the — "2 ERA Pi LIMIT ree! SOTS;" tNo. 6 Societies, York ¢ breeding} to r ducks!o gustingly surprised such a highly respected association €jas our Audubon Society would issue a builetin that has a tone holding state lawa privileging any res nd i. Peaks end eight hundred wild or this? bulletin apparently wants us to beHeve that it is base state, but to the whole United Sta- tie 1913 as to ‘astonish the coun- e}records a find that grandfather lawfully eliot Over eix tons of ret and geese in ome year. I say to all } classes of uanematiy . law like that 4 4s all, in | showtd’ a tha ER cross .our, oie ta four times dur-|-cann time: ousanis ing the Test three years, on one pe-j but by milifona—millione.of ducker casion going te ‘Alsalea, and the last-jon thousands of actes. “But, when ctobers have found me lect-}* © of ill crane os large bird. that They me here by the hundreds, ph a ago I received through book} ss eae led “FED- UCK BAG a é cease bulletin, » issued by National Association 1974 Broadway St., New y society, . Up- indiviwal to shoot over two ous- The writer of on careful study part, but not the broad views. For illus- tration, on page three he gays. “Ducks are not natives to any ons tes,"’ In reply to this .selfish state- Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Neuralgia Neuritis Headache Toothache Colds Lumbago Pain Rheumatism DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART. ~ WARNING! Beware of Counterfeits"} ~ muin a tab- There is only one “ASPIRIN” tablet. I let is offered as “ASPIRIN” and is not stamped with the “Bayer Cross’”’=-refuse it contempt-itisnot“A SPIRIN” at all! Don’t take chances! be be etamped with the ry we Lottio at of 24 ‘k (registered in Canada) of eaves Manufacture of Mon: Barer Acuert Salicylic eyes wi fk. A."). Toe thag Aspirin means manufacture,to aasist the pu’ tie ns against tm! ‘ons, t Se Baoer Company rourk, the “Bayer Accept only ‘‘Bayer” package hich pang proven directions. boxes of 19 tablets and 100—Druggists, joacetice While it is bing known he Tablets sir gencral Cross," bulletin only briefly mentions Cas: number of fowls have sp increas NOT: INCREASENG in CANADA and the average duck. hunter of Ontario doesn't kiJl twenty-five. ducks a year and not one out of five gets a wild goose. Now in reply to that Detemnat that Canada has also re- strieted killing, let me ask you Aud- Ebon people this question. Ié a state that. permits each twenty-five. ducks geese a day for one in «season. restricting the killing? Now I am convinced that bag. lim- it as a law ie w faflure, as it cannot be enforced. Ite only motive and ad- VYantages are to educate the people that slaughter ‘{s unsportsmanlike, but what kind of education is this— a lawful privilege for any individ- ual to shoot ap a aly hundred pia and eight hund a4 season. What will of our children’s children think when they search our wore than: no know that no ianetaeseed will ill sense do: we leave that privilege op- en td those that wil? It is now thir- ty-eight years sitice our Ontario gov- ernment wisely prohibited the ehoot- rselves to, and today our bag Hmit is twenty-five ducks per day. for teight days, two-hundred per season, and right ere ig me. kindly ask e considerate of the/ other fallow'e North, American rights and privileges . and. want. to Shoot moré. than two hundred ducks per year? If in one state ducks are so scarce that the game protective officals only eee fit to allow a shoot- er-one hundred season, why bordering ‘state where the ducks scukrepsts the countless oe for the winter, allow théir ooters a privilege of slaughtering twentectind hundr n the: same Y BROTH- LIKE TO ee THE Bake! or BEING. ON E HUNDRED .PE NORTH ’ AMERICAN. BUT, MEMBER NO: MAN IS ENT TO LESS HE FY Lg TO PRACTISE THE GOLD- TLS, ec, we know that when these }| ducks’ are foreed to pile up for four months in their winter aparirters they ducks on milHons’ of square miles. Five hundred house flies ina Httle a, egg: wild geen SuuBbee: 192%, anon cities, és, hg He Seg Py rap. ~ ev Mo ‘often motoring over tty lan 2 Sk with dies across che rairies . un en travelling (sighted enoush, we Se rill: think "tes by rail, I siwage od in "observa jon.] are increasing by, leaps Roun éouch and try to keep both topon But; tiberate* thing a big barn and of old, I want (5 sed w and far be- 4-and ‘Detober 4926. andpthat the ey ee Aut Hing tram, aoe Aind them. | Another trigner. tases éxouse a ¥anted. by the thoughtless: spptt is ad- mare 6d: and th e* ducks’ food: supply in the United States: The result, the re ed This is another * misleading | et and seer barons and to me it mysterious founda- fmm, tir DUCKS and GEESE are I cannot believe so, Who hasn’t been seen thousands of acres of green marsh with more guns than. ducks? Now, I am not complaining for tha sake of doing eo, nor have I any ersonal motive in view. No one is ed or even knows I am writing this. Moreover, there gre no government! n my life to conservation: and I ¢ome carefully thought out and i few tested.out plana o to offer. Before I go further, how- ever, I want to apologize for my lack of scholarship, for neglected red hair, freckles and the fragrance of a young skunk catcher and mother — kicked me out of school, The ri t is, 1 was educated for ditching, slitting rails and market hunting, but, though not being able. to I was compelled to go to ‘the forest, field and marshes and iet these so called wild creatuves.teach me their ways and ft was they. that melted the heart that controlled my trig- ee ty nie sto ile 1 -don't- want | = to be one of cranks that ger finger and and think and, réligious Di wouldn't boil the tea /kettle on Sun ha day, yet I t* " to km evéryone of His bl “3 editoen L have been able to mt I ave ,.in connection with this ‘article, I the foHowing three discoveries: First—If man will take God.-at} His word and work in harmony Letra Him, that man can change ti rating route of the fowls of the aie humanity for-self preservation that bird will fly clear across the Sa ent back and forth to us for and protection. ‘Third— Civilization does not. necessarily prevent front having them and they can be know our volce anduwilll come down out of the air “whbu we call and, with ‘a little patience on our part, they will aptually eat fro; our hands. “Let man ‘have dominion over all.” Knowing these tacts: we. must no longer treat non wild, but as migratory chickens and let eath county ie arate @ ‘small Pganctuary~ of no five nor more tha one ie centre of the county. local conditions, do as I did—make. all around the outeide.. Now erect a @mall observation towpr B sanctuary fence where» all classes tan £0 Up. sith field “— you will find your @ ary my 3 place for Thousetial of our mige ens;"with ‘nirany apecied Minking their‘home in the -ev- érgree “a In seedfigg trees I plant- ed twWeivo years ago, loans eres hundred socupied mourn- ing dove” nests at smimer . S sancuaries will spread more. evenly distrib pits throughout the nation. Brathe shodter “and bird lover, the: plan is not ia Soke. If he ed. out ard ae oppor- seg iq tg younding: atthe doo Tivera or even 8 have them: with us for at least © months twice, dick hunting the last ten years and/ u paying me to do go or even suggest-} 5 have}. all..combined their. forces e- Pov want to quote} OM white angelic birds-——our federal Tess than twenty<?their termining factor and, if you have no them. Pianta forest border of ev- érgreens from four to ten rods wide beside the ublic highway, but Just outside the “other there were: at artificial aiid holes Gras wesunla mile high. This 18.left ontirely with 6 2 7 Now, ten years ago our beautiful result is that in ten years estimated to be over twenty thouge t}and and. I have reagons’to helievé this estimate. Four years ago I visited Niagara oaks and rig it- was true. that were being caught ig this: “death t trap by the hundreds, Niagara River for. ten or fifteen miles above the falls is the first ope. e iigs ane go to eleep thé night and gradually drift into the swift water which carries then ad )over the falls where ta -five per tht after I was 4 gray hatred man, {co? this re kilfed two huandred foot ooleht arog: ‘The bal- Were walt, their déom. ] evsation with Mr. William Bul, Better down’ as Red Hill- the river e- sat down und discussed the eithntion: Finally” He Yooked me in the face and said: *‘There used to be @iite a 'tot-of Wild geese get killed here, but I haven't seen a wi sinte told me something. If the wild go0ee Gah? be’ taken away from’ Here, the eWans can.” And, Inst April,’ 1926, Mr Henry Ford and I stood on the north* bank. of. beautiful Dake Erie just tliree miles south .of my home and . twenty-six miles s east mae and nae ‘about “one-haif raider, gad one ered upon eanvas back duc near the shore in the calitidst of the water, by actual count were r three thousand. of these beautiful whistling éwWans. Someé had their. necks curv- 64. and their heads lying (on backs resting, others were «tipping up leaving their black feet... out+of the water. They were feeding. Some were hovering’ and making “love to é@weethearts. Thelr cooing has been heard four miles inland. Mr. Ford pushed his hand ky ge hong hair and turning to me “Jack,.I never saw a more beautiful sight in all my life.’’ (Continued next week.) j ONLY 3,648 FARMERS INCOME TAX OUT OF 215,077 Proportion of + Cattadiqn-- Farmers Higher Thea in in Unked States In the fi: coat year. it 1925-26 ~ peome tax to the Tal governm was paid by 7 Canadians . ant 6. kodak and en} But.jthe amorat ct $5 of romamber. the -pubite mut this -totaly ft wea ‘al wa ae "a gures ouicide cf this feact bs ma ide public, 3.648 farmers ” paid few pair of, winge? “epped pinion dieome. tax and of -this: number 3,- wild docks and»geese in there. and) 77 were located in the three prair- feet “and proect. *h's heven ie provinces, Saskatchewan leading and watch restlts. “Ina few vosrs}with 1,687 income-taxed farmers. 2,548 manufacturers. The proportion of farmers_paying -income tax ‘se higher in Canada than in the United States, it was stated. “Bill “Buingler got a letter with a *} black border and ‘thought his father are{ county and soon ottr bird life will be Wag dead because it looked like his hand writing on the envelope. Tt {¢ said that whiskérs are com- ing ‘back. habft of doing it. That's what made rager manufacturers rich: If fathers only knew as much af forty aa. they thought. they fia at. Sol to they. would not make® ma: The blamed -things have a .=

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