Listowel Banner, 13 Dec 1923, p. 7

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advertise- twood Bee gets good results, Just try it. GIFTS THAT LAST should top your list of most appropriate and timely Christmas Gifts. Approp- riate because it produces that lasting remembrance you hope for. cause there is no better occasion during the year to give Jewelry than at Christ- Jewelry mas time. We cordially invite you to visit our store and see these attractive offerings at prices which will save you many dollars. imely be- Ladies’ Wrist Watches Rings Superb Pearls ' avy i Bluebird and Deltah, the Our Leader green gold Men's heavy, 10 kt, solid filled case, ribbon strap, gold signet and stone two finest makes, Po fully guaranteed. ...$10.00 sét’ rings, .....-. $4.50 up fPOM wwe esse send ! up ; -k Onyx and Same as above but gold ton op yt All Others at $10.00, $20.00 to stes expansion brace- fF joa .....: a $4.00 up $35.00 each. uu cael Baby rings, _ signet and Ask to see our display of real Boy's Watch, full lumin- stone set. Each ..... $1.00 Deltah pearls. They are ab- ous dialsand hands Birthday nelion all kinds, solutely the best pearl. on real watch. ......... 2.75 By " va «+. $2.00 the. barket piccay. Prices 14 kt. White Gold filled salihat ‘ b~— .Ampraxed case. high _ grade, 15- jeweted move- ar ri. ae “ ment, special ...... $15.08 B0.00 a s 850.00 and up. ae ae sas = 14 kt. solid gold green Oo -~ 4 o¥f ve 4 ‘French Ivor y es, ? 3% or white, rectangular gi be "at aie amie is Hooks, and pusher. ‘Boll shape, very special green gold or plgtin, handles, eaeh 1. . +s “850 movement, ut ..... $30.00 um, real vahie $150.00 Ask to see em. ; , ; W. A. JOHNSTONE Jeweller : Listowel **Gold that we put to use more Shakespeare gold begets. NE of the American banks Ox: a story of a sailor who, after depositing $200 in his Savings Account, forgot it, travelled the seas for 33 years fore he came home again. hé happened to find his old pass book in an old ‘trunk, and went to the bank to ask for his two hundred dollars. To 5 serene ment he received $14 Compound interest works won- ders! BANK OF HAMILTON ‘A’M. ROBINSON, Lecal Manager "Listowel High School, Winners — $e . «By Dovester in. Stratford Beacon- PE dog 1a) Credited with victory in the ser- eonclh Wi REc.-| *eainst them: an Woodstock .College. ‘ednesday with a ee have won the cup year after against.2ll-comers. ational, Ciion. and Seaton of Hough Cup, Have Great Record wi HAVE WON SEVENTEEN CHAMP. sroup without having a goal scored JONSHIPS, EQUALLING dé th ORD OF SEARORTH ya YEARS AGO. en defeated | Hough Cup records =. victories Pena tier competition nearly years ago, practically complete Aye show poe wore fine records of schools which year Canadians at that. lp | aan for the past 39 years: SPRING AUTUMN | 1884—No ea tion Galt Cc. L 1885—Galt 1. erlin C. L i 1886—Berlin C. I. Berlin . 887—Berlin C. I. Berlin . 1888 -Berlin C. I Aylmer > 1889—Aylmer C Aylmer : 1890—Ayimer C. I. Woodstock Hl 1891—-Seaforth C. I s 1892—Galt C. I. Galt * 1893 aforth H.S.- Seaforth A 1894 eaforth H.S. Seaforth ‘ 1895—Seaforth H.S. Seaforth ‘ 1896—Seafor H.S. Seaforth 4 1897—-Seaforth H.S. Seaforth ; 1898—-Seaforth H.S. Seaforth q 1899—Seaforth H.S. Seaforth : 1800—No Record Goderich * 1 Go c ; 1909 stock Bore College two. | qatibations- im-.the conmpenition produced many star senior men and Champions “ee here is the record, as com- ete as available, of the Hough of Many Years + ) 191 Voodst'k s Listowel Roe mm Os mmm PO NP ONAAC EER ROAgAAAAS , ’ 1914——Wingham H.S. Listowel Olt. 8. 1915—-Listowel H.S... Listowel H.£ oefeetnnlesleclenlesterts ye bebe « CON. ELMA Be ate whe ole Por |< + 12th. aleelen [acon losl enter leclecfeelonioeton!. Tontee’, oolesl Teofeeloefonlectenloeloofonloatenleaten ts The Union Methodist page 12th. con., Grey, are holding their an- nual Christmas tree jin the basement of the church, Friday evening, Dec. 21st. A first class program is being prepared. p Silver Corners ehees factory shipped their November cheese, to- talling 238 boxés, to Cc. W. Riley, Ingersoll, the price paid being 18- Mrs W. McKay and son are vis- iting “with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Boyd. Miss Kate Denman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. ‘Denman of Grey, has returned home after an enjoy- able Tageine: months’ a in the west. and Mrs. H. Speiran, Mr. and Mrs. ~~ Brown, Ruth and i Os Spent Sunday with Mr. an Mrs Frank Boyd. Miss Grace Cowan of the 10th. con., spent Sunday with Mr. and ts. Wm. Speiran y. The editor will be pleased to hear from the correspondent of this line regularly, and if postal address - is given with next week's budget, will be pleased to- forward writing pad and stamped envelopes. Sehnert > BORN HENRY-~At, Listowel gees ont hos- mrber | Mr. be ont be bgt spent the week- end in Milverto Jolly visited Sunday week to’ his position at ae Angeles. Mr. and WwW t and son Nelson, spent the week-end in Brus- Miss Grace Cowan of ~ Donegal, Spent the week-end wih friends at Ripley Mise Zelda Hamilton Bob Hamilton, 6th, spent Sunday at Mitchell. Mrs. John Roger visited a couple of days last week with a cousin, Dr. J. A. Rothwell, in Stratford. Mrs. J. Hammond spent Tues- day at the home of Mr. and Mrs George Harron, Listowel. rn—Iin Atwood, on Saturday, Deécantion 8th., to Mr. and Mrs. Aus- tin Martin, a son Mre arti: 2nd. concession,’ is spending a few weeks at the home of her son, Mr. Austin’ Martin Bo Saturday, December . "Lorne Barton, r and = Mr. concession, Mr. George gla ative of the United. Credito: rs sociation, is nome this week. . Purvis of Grey, is spending reprosent- As- Mrs. George Brown, who has been fll. for the past couple of weeks, is now recovering. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Switzer. and Mrs. M: Switzer were guests Sunday at the home of Mrs. Pelton, Listo- t Mr. John Roger attended the) winter .ceremohy of Mocha Temple,! Woinseday and Thursday, in md don | many friends of Mrs. j Blair ° will be pleased to know bi ti she has so improved as to be able | to be out again. on Mrs. Jack Buchanan, 16th. cession, was taken to the Stratford General hospital the latter part of | last week. Mr, Ernest Wherry, who has been | regard only to the claims of which’ 1916—Listowel H.S. Listowel H.S. pital, on 1917—No Comp’tion. ‘ 12th., to ped She Mrs. Gerace E. 1918—-No Comp'tion Henry 1919—Listowel H.8. Milverton C.S. Ce Ane 8 ms competed for the bags In .§.| the Spring there-were but fou 1922—Listowel- HS. §,|: Surely such a venerable competi- | 1923—Stratford C. I.:Listowel: H. 8. Listowel High School and ) tien ‘is deserving of greater capacity ere are # 7 te a "9 Miss eae MacFages mie Miss | MeNairn of Brussels, pupils. of the, | a sa from 3 to ney ‘clock. in a hospital in London for the past! be a | two. snonths, perareed hOB SET much Mrs. Robert Buchanan of Milver- ton is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Roy McMane, 10th. concession. The Christmas enté ent rtainm: of band Anglican church, which is to ct : a-social nature, will be held o} Thuredey, December tg at the no. po Se Mr. and Mrs. Smith Houze, of Meyronne, Sask., arri Friday to spend a few months he home of his grandparents, Mr. ona Mrs. John Mrs. Cardiff and Mrs. Jas lie, 14th. concession, and Mrs. Buchanan, of uvday at the home of Mr- and Mrs. We. Bi ir. rs. G. G. id, formerly Miss Myrtie Hiles, and daughter of Mrs Hiles, of Toronto, yagi ie an operation Friday general hospital, for ippandiaitia Communion will be observed in the Anglican church, Henfryn, at 11 a.m., the third unday of iy c month, commencing next The morning service in Atuoed will be wit The monthly meeting of the U. F. 0. will be held in the Forresters’ Walnecaay: December 19th., at 0 p.m. Roll call “A ro overb.” Ranoite of Toronto and Milyerton conventions. will be given. James Newbigging, 6th. con- cession, Mrs. Henry Duncan, 12th. concession, and Mrs. Chas. Vallance left Monday to attend the U. convention, held in Toronto this k ” oe 2 ek. We have been having remarkable weather for this time of the year, and up ‘till Thursday, Decemb | 43th., it has been exceptionally mild with lots of rain--Mrs.- Chas. ¥al- lance nicked some daisies Sunday her law On Sa te next, Dec. ogo the Mission Band = the Atwood Meth- odist church wi le of Bak lag in _ school room ere will also which caeay and smaljl articles will ig ussels ost - ae - Congratulations i M lofa al, on } proud J. Houze, iy oF Mr. Bd. SS ved 8\ Donegat, visited ere M Toronto} , How Hogs Graded— District Representative McPhail reports the fiumrber of hogs from Atwood ‘to. Kitchener October as 265, and Lm selects, 152 thic Ps smooths, 8 ‘elas ies, 15 shop hogs, two lights cand feeders and 2- sows. : Young People's saaitlasee + Monday evening was missfo night at the Young People's in the Methodjst church. Mrs. Donaldson, onary. dent, presided. The attendance was the largest of the season. The-col- jection amounted to §$1.02.° . ~~=-= In Hospital Again— Much sympathy is felt- for- Jesse Peachey, war veteran, w again suffering from. verve ble, and was taken to Mr. trou- while serving in France ue the. 4th, con. Elina to maiden days. , in her Mr. and Mrs. ‘Marray Happily Surprised PRESENTED WITH LOVELY GIFTS ON THEIR 25th. WED- DING ANNIVERSARY. The central Women's Missionary Society of the Presbyterian church, staged a happy surprise at thé home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Murray Thursday evening, the occasion be- 25th. anniversary of their Mrs. Jolly had tea with Mrs. Mur- ray, and Mrs. ‘G.. Ballantyne cal- led, and on sonre pretext, had Mrs. Murray accompany her to the manse, while the crowd was gathering. On her return, the light was turned on, . large size silver casserole, with pyrex lining, and a wedding cake in the centre, decorted in sil- ver, and earin the numerals, twenty-five. The gift of a pair of kid gloves was also made to Mr. Murra Mrs. ‘Lorne Vallance read the leg- end of the Willoware, and Mrs. Gil- mour gave a couple of readings. A social time was enjoyed, after which a dainty lunch was served. NOTICE {TO CREDITORS In the matter of the tage of Arch- ibald Simpson, lat f the village of Atwood, in the Gouna of Perth, gentleman, deceased. Notice is hereby .given that all Creditors and others having claims against the estate of Archibald Simp- son, late of the village of Atwood, in the County of Perth, gentleman, who died on or about the 18th. day of October, 1928, are to send on or before the 2nd. January now yd x the undersign- ed, Jennie M. Gra N wood, Ont., the sentele of the will of the dontnentt their names and full particulars of their claims and that after such last mentioned date, the Executrix will proceed to distribute the assets of the said estate. ong the parties entitled thereto having‘ she has oe a notice. nie M. Gray, Executrix. Dated at Atwood, this 5th. day of. De- cember, 1 np PEEP ESET EEE OE TET : ’ * MONKTON Hereneerbieretetetet Pee # | tne ‘“‘Pioneer Night’ At Literary | Meeting The first literary’ « concert of tne | season was held Friday evening in! the music hall, which was packed | to capacity, with a large number not able to gain entrance. It was “Pion- eer Night” and many of the selet-| tions were ‘‘old time” Hugh Richmond was ch the lengthy program consisted of an | instrumental duet by Blackwell; quartet by the Union! church girls: fife selection b¥ Mr Hugh McCourt, sr.; chorus y the! Anglican church quartet; Union or-| chestra; address by Mr. Samuel Corry; songs by Mr. Fred Hood; reading by Dr. Kidd; songs of pion-: ecr days by Mr. Wm. Hamilton, and a — quartet, by Mrs. Snell, Mrs., A. McBain, Mrs. A. M. Robinson} and Miss Evelyn Turnbull. gram closed with Pioneer Shanty,” an interesting play, | featured by Scottish songs dancing, local talent being | bya party from Stratford. The p ceeds are in abd of the Street Light. ing Association. - } eis Se ah Se ae as SS a oe ee tee + ? + GOTHAM + . > debebeletedodefetePebeledeetetehgtedetedespedeteaten | Mr. and Mrs. Ludwig of Preston visited her ag hime Lae and Mrs. J. Chapman, on Sunday. Mrs. orry "entertained the Women’s Club last Mr. and Mrs. Mr. J, Carnochan’s on ar 8. girs entertained the . 8. last Fri farmers: are cutting winter's supply of wood. e editor will ony pleased to hear rom “the correspondent of this line regularly, and if postal address is P, ‘Gurnsti visited at day. W. their givén with next week's budget, will} be pleased to forward writing pad and stamped envelopes. Successful Bazaar— _ In spite of the unfavorable wea- ther on Saturday afternoon, the sale of home-made baking and can- dy, fancy work snd plain sewing in the Forrester’s hall, under auspices of is ladies of - ss church, well -patro <a watttactineay. dncotated with ev- orange! Coulter, where orangés were sold for 10 ts; A. fifteen cent and twenty- tables. The re are plete but so tar welt over ‘Fto0 has | been realized. * ‘was upset, with the result ge tea ee ketch od ae gael com | w Elma Tp. Barn ce Destroyed By Fire — BLAZE ORIGINATED FROM THE OVERTURNING OF A LANT. — ERN, <a Milverton Sun—On Friday morn- Elma, was completely duatrosed ni fire. Mr. Rowland«had set out o his morning chores about six o clock, with lantern in — In nt- tempting to open door tt. — stuck, but through being toon a suddenly opened, causing Mr. Row- ; land to fall with-the iantene which the oil ran out and caused the fire to i make such headway that Mr. var land was unable t extt | on's crop, - hay loader and some yo er implements. ral small pigs were sg "Seatroyed.t Mr. Rowland was operating under the Soldiers’ | Re-Establishment Board, and - no*doubt be assisted to siclarne. | barn and carry on as The tllowing . the report hi 8. Elma, pr for the Duseunen, ‘chooe whose marked With an. asterisk = sent for one or toes : Hamatttents George Thornton, Meria Sr. Pr.-<Leslie ‘Kerr, “arehis Simpson, John Kerr, Greig Hamil ton, Tom Thornton. Jr. Pr.—Frank - Crowe, outer » Thornton. FOR New residence in. modern conveniences, able. ee leaving town. farm in Bima, of? cott propertyz of Pippa de wi bulid tt poesia Newry, known as.

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