g DOMIN ION S gmc Will and counters of stuils — but our prices are light. DOMINION STORE and prove it. dace, Posen Your hein ‘Where’ It} Go The Farthest We sell the fat Be the land at mighty lean prices. The shelves our with quality food- Shop at your nearest stores are filled ‘ Our Own Bake it | WRAPPED BREAD c fall 1%-Ib. loaf) VALENCIA CAKE 21 c a! ELLY ROLLS. ry is equipped to produce Bd eae c bakery products in Canada, Our Cak particularly delightful. “Grorth Se Ib.) = tee 29c ; 25¢€ SOCKEYE SOVEREIGN BRAND $ 36 SALMON, 1-Ib. tin - JOC SOVEREIGN BRAND SALMON, %-lb. tin WALRUS BRA COHOE SALMON, 4-lb. tin, 2 for - CROSSED FISH ARDL (in olive oil or tomato sauce), 2 for 20c 25 37c | © SHIRRIFF’S URE -ORA MARMALADE” } 4-lb. tin - SHIRRIFF’S RURE ORAN MARMALADE 1 - SHIRRIFF’S JELLY POWDERS (All flavors), 3 pkts. Ree ¢ STRAWB JAM, 4-Ib, ates Jar . 0c .27¢ 29c 79¢ 15-Oz. SEEDED -| and SEEDLESS RAISINS, 2 pkts. 29¢ FRESH MILLE 1 Gilbs. - - # TOY PAIL | / | but meaty), 2 ! WATER GLASS ROLLED Oats sal pores 25c EVAPORA APRICOTS Comal, RE QUEBE -25¢ oe SUGAR -25¢ 14c RICHMELLO TEA, Ib. = PU ggg SYRUP . $1 99 Hi MBACON Ihe 29 | i The ee ioe are ad articularly appropriate for ii} Spring Housecleaning. iH] SOAP CHIPS 25 GRIP-RITE i Zins + C “CLOTHES PINS 10c i| alk STICKS - = om, cnins “ee REO OOMS, a-string 55c 10 bars - - -04¢ CLOTHES LINES LUX (For fine 50 ft. - - = .29¢ laundering) - -lle Times rup wid the froight, an The Car That Tackles Every Job Timothy Hay writes as follows to the Editor of the Wingham Advance- Deer Sur,— Wan day lasht wake I wus og me -_ paitere 1 Balin AA} (that’s are wurrud. to shpell) which = ie wus walkin oars shtrate biddin the toime av pro gh Ltablge: I met, an watchin me frind, Mishite Dolan back at his ould jawb wid the broom, an indade he semed_ to about the only man in town doin an- ny wurruk. ‘Twas a foine day an not manny farrumers wus in town, s0 that I didn’t ixpict to mate anny- body I knew from the counthry, but to me surproise I saw me old nay- bers, Sandy Banks an Pete Boggs, shtandin’ furninsht the Quane’s Ho- tel an goin shtrong in an argymint about someting. Not wishin to inter- fere in a proivate~ matther, shpoke to thim an-wus going to ass on down the shtrate whin they ealled me back an tould me they wus discussion Church Union an wanted me to give thim me own opinion on the subject. Now I nivir loike to in- terfere in family affairs but bein as they had asked fer me advoice I had to say someting. “’Tis a harrud quistion ye hev asked me, ‘byes,”’ sez I, “an wan that wud take woiser heads than ours to solve’ I sez, “Tis loike.whin the missus does be visiting wid her nay- berg over. the garden fince on a foine summer marnin—there is a good deal to be said on both soides as me ould frind Josh Billings used to say mebby nayther way be roight. Ye are both betther min in mosht ways than I ivir wus an hev attind- ed aitch wan av. ye his own Church, awl yer loives, an so far as I can see, nayther wan av was ivir the wurse ay it whether ye belaved John! Knox arr Jawn Wesley wus the greater man. Ye wus both good nay- bers an always ready to lind a hand 4 a fellah in thrubble. Shure, don’t I mojnd Jack Pott’s house burned down how ye, bein the fursht min on the scene, rushed into the house at the risk av yer loives an carried the childer out in their noighties, an how Banks tuk Mrs, Pott home wid her an nursed her back to health fer . month in the busy sayson, she bein awl bruk how Boggs tuk care ay the sivin childer as hardy’a lot av young deer as ivir ran woild in the Township. I re- mimber too how the two av shpint a wake going arround a- mong the naybers collectin enough money to build a new house fer Jack, an headin the lisht wid twinty folve dollars aitch, an nivir a wurrud out av yer heads about the carelessness av him not havin his house insur- ed. I bet ye nivir tought fer the whole wake that wan av ye wus a -— an the other a Tory, and wan v ye a Presbyterian an the other a Mathody.. It made some av us oul indenties who had lasht the chureh goin habit tink that theer musht be someting, In Cristianity afther awl. This is a sayrious quistion an it wud in pollyticks it is diffrunt fer whin in doubt ye kin awlways vote Tory an save yersilf the thrubble av doin anny thinkin. Two sinsible min loike yersilves had betther just fergit it and go home an put in _ yer sade whoile the foine weather lashts, an let the big min in the denomina- shuns settle the matther fer thim- gone to barrun raisins, an trashins, n plowin matches, an corn cuttins an silo fillins togther awl yer loives ther on the same on Sundays.” “Its @ grand heid ye hev Tim,” sex Sandy, " and its a peety ye nev- j|er joined the Kirk. I would hauld an hey often gone in the same bug- gy to the pollin glace to vote dif- Church ynion comes it will not hur- rut ayther av ye to drop yer quar- ffunt ways on elickshun days, an if Miu Advise on n Church Union 7 ve baith hands fer Union if I thocht t wud bring a lot — “wanderin as in, Naas I dinna Wid that we aarrad os ope the byes wilt “bern no bbe Mer fel little talk I wus afther n thim. B ia oboe | I ake jist say that I “tink mebby that investigashun at Toronto is aw! roight if thim lads Soar go back too far wid it. As m frind Jawn Stayvenson sez thim UF F. O’s wus afther the price an\thin Mis- ter Price got afther thim. The’ Globe is hintin that mebby theer wus some- fing. not jist polen wid tings befoor : i t-into power, but in the fursht plaen: i don't belave it, an in the sicond place I wuddent belave it if theer wus, annyway it wus the dooty av the Droory lads to ee it , = out, Yours till nixt wake, Timothy Hay. : | : Josfecenteebeetoebntoefoofocelselocfetoefoetoenfoetoefocele + + LNITIATIVE—DO YOU POS- + % SESS IT? - + ——— % cod The world bestows its big + + prizes,.both in. money..and. + + honors, for but one thing. + + And that is Initiative. % + What is Initiative? I'll tell (+ = ou; t is doing the right + % thing without being told. But + ‘ next to doing the thing with- .+ * out being told is to -doit + * when you are told at once. + * That is to say, carr the. * message to Garcia; those who can carry a message get high- er honors, but their pay is not always in proportion. Next, there are those who 2 bed ofp oho ade oho he ofp ole of ofp of os * * > *, Oa * never do a thing until they + are told twice; such get no ‘*+ honors and small pay. Next, ‘ there are those who do the ~ right thing only when Ne- cessity kicks them from be- hind, and these get indiffer- ence instead of honors, and a pittance for pay, This kind spends most of its time pol- *, * f. be fe ofe +) +. % PEPE EE EET + ishing a bench with a hard- + luck story. ~ Ba Then, stillYower down in + the scale than this, we have + + the fellow who will hot do + * the right thing even when + * someone goes a long way to + * show him how, and stays to + + see that he does it; he.is al- + ~ ways out of a job, and re- + * ceives the contempt he de- + + serves, unless he happens to + + havea rich Pa, in which case + “ Destiny patiently awaits a- + + round the corner with a stuf- + fed club, * + To which class do you be- + 4. long?—Elbert Hubbard. % Sa ae a a se a Sa oS oe oh ae ae ca ans Pe No Increase to “Bobbed" Teachers Newcastle Pa..school trustees have notified the teachers on the staff that only those who have not bobbed air will receive $100 lary in- crease. The board will receive con- siderable action, but it won't be be- cause of the common sense.they dis- ayed. For bobbed hair doesn’t vias any difference in a teacher's ability, and because of hdir bobbing a teacher should not be penalized, if she earned the raise through her ability. Doubtless there are some lady teachers on the staff, who would have had their hair bobbed, if they hadn’t been afraid that they’d look worse than they do with it long, and their“timidty is placed ata _ pre- m. It’s about time a school board of that kind had a little new blood infused into it. os = Sa a out to luneh—and came They've got a-fellow down in a Los Angeles »pital who is shy just santa _ of “skin after— SMOKING “A GIGARETTE IN B —_—o— Lucky chap at that. There have been wtteads who tried that stunt—when “el Lage mental faculties were hos- lished a splendid in fact, that a util- 7 reputation for ity car is called e and de- upon to da. Pan. And it does them But its useful- all quickly, eco- ness does not end Ford Predaminanee DOMically and there. You will matterwhere you 6a ily A find the Ford the nearest service sta: real car for work touring doing NOM jervice sation ord and recreation. When a man needs a car every job that cars have ~ for many jobs he turns _ ever been used for—mak- instinctively to Ford ing the quick run to town _ touring car. on urgent taking Primarily, the Ford tour- produce to market and ing is a family car'and as supplies back home— such has estab- i i pe tamper yl ‘Taxes extra. and lighting equieaent $85 extra. See Any Authorized Ford Dealer , and 1,860,000 ‘attend primary and secondary day schools. Of ae latter 590, 000 a are nile one lar know—identified by belt cncida or tie pin. —o— In that same7tlass of so-called “humans” you can put the bird. who drives his car over the railroad track with the fast express coming ground the bend. He «beats the train by an inch and then chuckles about his judgment. No brains. No brains. Eas be it’ll just be —Bang! Kindling wood. Junk. Harp —o— Then there’s the wise (?).gazabo who—after im- bibing a couple of bottles of “liquid dynamite’ moon- shine—insists upon “drivin' my—hic—own car—hie— home.” Give him room, boys, give him room. Another candidate for the “Ain't I the Duke?” ward. —_—o— yes, some of the feminine gender can be in- 18) cluded in this ¢ategory. Take the so-called society wo- man. who fondles,_pets and ‘“‘slo bbers’”’ over a Mexican hair-léess pup and calls him ‘Tootsie-Wootsie;” etc. of- ficer, show the lady to Cell No. .—o And, we can't forget this one. we’ ve séen his kind quite em lately. He’s that flag-waving, ‘I’m for you, boys” patridt on the soldier bonus, and—-he’s the same fellow who sat up many nights before 7 Misi: 30, trying to figure new ‘ways of beating the ernment out of ra of his ingome tax. Not talent; a ermiver: but watch him —oe There’s the fellow who'll yell himself die an: “ tie if he thinks he’s being over-charged’ dime buying a pair of but who—in a poker, eis aca lows himself to be bluffed out of, say, twenty iron men, and tomes away a smile. He's a mild torm-—but there's something — missing. Something missing.” leks” . one ew kitchen eae ee How about the youthful, asnleing sees hanging afound Se net it with thelr hair'slicked down, . stove, and’ cut only every six of it beyond repair. You goes on. Old, uman. knowledge AND so the World . as far as h oes, yet ever changing, ever new. e clippe s which years ago farciel the ilisea from the sea, and « the great four-masted ques that are now seen only in island trade on igre nee but these eo ae the pri d few, Exce a few tchoaners eiag mn ply npr of fishing banks, ssels “ye — the way of an ings, and in place we see the s' aden von: sels, cig gee palatial and so dif- ferent almost al their aspects from the wind pro alle vadasla as to ‘almost belie ee yids ae There pest coal. Coal a lutionized the shipping industry. As. the marine engine was improved upon and de- .veloped, this commodity became more and more in demand until it came a necessity. Larger ships wére designed and operated than ever before; they became _ spa- cious commodious and faster than ever before. Cabins were “iny roved upon, the seeping bunks c be so arra’ ensute Loved. for the occupant; de state room was evolved. And so the shipping world goes on. Oil is now coming into its own. The navies of the world are con- verting their older war ships into oil burning vessels and designing many of the additions to fleets for ~ use of oil; and for’ some years- ast the steamship companies of all vations have been turnmg their at- tention to as —s a plies an The Canadian : Pacific gg a Company early appreciated.the ad- vantages offered by oil, and the latest conversion to be announced: bey to coal sup- ca TOP LEFT—A COSY privaTE ‘SITTING: ROOM ON THE THE ROYAL the Company is that aa the Empre of France. This great st has for some time a B . record “for the that are equip fastest voya: n the St. Law rence and be Britain and it is berth which anticipated that the time Rinse on the record trip will be bea ten by the Empress after her recondition-| the famil ' his ship Another ceageetee ome 3 Seek chose replacement of all sleeping 4a. a the ship by regular teads and and the conversion of the formerly four-berth’ were ‘with two iw the lceabins are now equi pe brass bedsteads, w: cabins that RN SUITE ABOARD THE WgSsEL, WH “WHICH 15, SEN ABOVE BEING ASSISTED INTO BER BERTH AT RIGHT—A CONVERTED oer ad two berths are now rooms a bitete bed. Many of the rooms th the have also an ingeniously arranged Soe into concealment on the wall, thus affording accom- modation for an extra party when ‘so “the Empress of France cruise around- with bedsteads member of desired. e | has the-world: in 1925 under the Cana- dian Pacific orm ig ye It wilt York on. January 27th and ducing its five months itinerary will be the only object in many an ancient port to ast word in modern- Firé Did Little Damage— Last Thursday afternoon about 5 o'clock the firemen were called out Smith is the owner of the ‘building. The firé was put out with a garden hose before the arrival of the ~ reel. Very little damage was done and a few shingles fixed things up again. New P. O, Savings Rale— Ki Boge roe Post Office Depart- ‘ment has issued an order providing that sums not exceeding $25 mey be withdrawn from a post office savings to popularize the post-office and put me on a level with other sav- ings Open Continuation School— Milverton’s fine new continuation; school was formally declared open on | Monday. The pong ed started at 1. “| 30 o'clock when M. Morris, B.A., | Secretary of the Prorinatal Trustees’ | and Ratepayers’ Association, declar-| ed the bailding open. Addresses were; given by Dr. J. .D. Monteith, M.L.A.., ! of Stratford: William. Irwin and J. H, Smith, school inspectors of ear ford. A musical program was a provided. Malcolm McBeth was the chairman. Trout Season May ist— The trout fishing.season is. to func- tion unchanged this season after al, and May ist. will be “opening . ¥ day” as in the past, and.no change will -be. made In the closing date in the season at tlie. end. gaye Citizens to Vote— "Gad Health Biscuits one who eats them: Our customers will vouch for taste. Only highest quality of ingredients used sanitary methods of manufacture and er te sure of. sanitary brea The Bakers They are good—but don’t ae our word for it. Ask any- _ Ask for our Marguerites—a dainty pastry confection. “ont bread is now being w Sennen in waxed paper. ZURBRIGG y BROS. "Phone 85 their modera, Buy it ia [ * when the voting day arrives that the by-law will be carried as unanimous- ly as with the Council. To Pave or Not.to Pave— The most serious question before the Mount Forest Council at the present time, says the local newspa- per, is the advisability’ of paving}. some of the leading thoroughfares. Some -town’ and viilages, such as Palmerston, Walkerton, Atwood, Lis- towel, Elora, have carried out oigee: of paving, adding greatly to the appearance and convenience of these ‘municipalities. The ale isa says Join onl procession © “and keep up with i. : Soarclively of ieee places had 5 ve limi: ad the