*Phone 71 Post Office Box 269 Listowel Ul When We Say REDUCED: PRICES We Mean a Direct Saving . Dollars and Cents on Quality Goods, with the SATIFAC : We Handle No Seconds---Follow the Crowd. It — to Shop Here, resses, elbow sleeve, ass 5 doze Best quality Print, Percale and Gingham House patterns. Sizes 34 to 44. Special ... « orted colors an} $1.49 6. dozen ‘ares roomy, Thety quality print Overall and. Bungalow, Aprons. Light and dark Sizes 32 to 44. Reg. up tp $125 for... colors, 89c F dane age ae rage _ he he _ "mat s 8 dozen, the smart newTailored. igen ber Dimity, with long sleeve and ea 8G Se ea Shs oy Biaes Si ie ct oe on sinig? 39 : , x, oe We i 250 yards Ivory Curtain Nets, 4 lace-edge. Filet mesh. All worth up to 85c. Extra-special for . 0 to 44 inch with plain or brand new eee "59e owe 200 yards Dress Voilé, 38 to 40 inch, in colors of na brown, black and white, mauve, copen rose. In stripe check and ‘floral To clear totes ee ra nile aad 34 to 36. inch Extra good quality, stock lasts. 6 yards for... 2... ete seeees tile even thread grey. cotton. Special while our Sms “Just 85 yarde-of this a heavy quality All Linen Hand or Tea Towelling. Full 23 inches wide.- ‘Reg- ular $36 yd. while it lasts 3 srarda for. ms ~ 19¢ _ aa : eh i shite The. Above Bargains for Friday and Saturday Only © "Highest Market Wace Paid for Farm Pras | 3-100 bars Lucerene Toilet Soap for .......... . 2c Friday and Saturda Grocery Speciale 10 Yb. Redpath Sagar” Ser ae . 08e 6 cakes Castile Toilet Soap ........... s0 OS PE ess 25c y canatlackseuet éic S Th: Ostman 6. Pea ee sha ila ? 25c 3 Ib. Cholce Frésh Prunes ..........0cc00eeues c ek fea OF ....-. 4 Wels ee eee see : 6 bars Laundry Soap for ....... Deters eeeeses SBC 4 lb. Choice Cooking Figs ............ ini Fae = 2 pkgs. Kelloggs’: Corn Flakes . ensna ens +n MAES 2 Ib. Choice Seedless Raising .....6...0..65.05. 250 1 large bar Castile Soap fer ........ccc00ceeas 17c 3-Ibs. Choice Large Eating Figs .......... se . 25e 1 Ib. 50 fresh Ground Coffee .. Stites S20 4 bw eg «+ £8c 2 Tb. Icing Sugar for ....... oe ee oe wt tae ae d - : : ri 2 i li SOCIAL and PERSONAL | Dr. Moyer spent the holiday at his home in Galt. —fj— Mrs. M. 3X: Bamford is visiting in ondon this week. —o— Mr. and Mrs. R. Snell spent the holiday at Toronto. —o— Mr. Arthur Sarvis, of Hanover, ‘was in town on Wednesday. few Mrs. Staddon is spending a weeks visiting In Toronto. —)— Mr. Max Linke was +o Kitchener and Waterloo on the 2 —o0— Mr. W. Climie is on a business trip to Toronto and Montreal. | —o— | Mr. Noah Blackmre was in Tor- | onto Tuesday on business. Sr | Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Boyd and Row- ena, were in Kitchener on Friday. | —ifjene Mr. Joseph Caruso, Jr., spent the | 24th. with his brother at Walkerton | - | Mr. 8. G. Zurbrigg, of Ingersoll, | eeeconsce —o— d Mrs. George friends Mr. Spent the hollday with’ Os Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ringler spent! Sunday with thelr daughter at Don-! | Geo 1 Mr. J, L. Gamble ahd son, Allan, | visited over the holiday with the former's parents in Paris. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Caruso and | family, of Walkerton, spent Sanday at the former's home in tow —j— | Mesers. Cecil and Bert Angus, of | Detrolt, spent the holiday at the | home of Mr. George McCallum. | — — Mr. and Mrs. Cc. A. Krohn and tor Evelyn, and Mr. J. A. Watson, event the 24th. with friends at Mitch <i | Miss Lola Fair spent the pega d in Stratford, a guest at the home of Mrs. W. urston, John street. | — j— Miss Annie Thompson, of Toron-, to, spent the holiday with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. A, Thompson. | d —t— Mr. and Mrs. Henry Eby, and Mrs. orge Franks, of Hespeler, spent’ the week-end with friends in town. motored | —I— Mr. Warren Birthman from Stratford, and spent the week=7 ‘at the home of his mother, Mrs. teats Listg@vel Monday and Tues-| end with his sau rs. Ellen Fallis., H. McLachlan. ‘ Mr. R was in Listowel Tuesday evening fo the Holstein-Listowel footba!! match. —i Mr. Kirkpatrick, district plant manager of the Bell Telephone Com- | pany, Visited the local office on Wed-/ neybrook. | Resday. | Mr. and Mrs. L. Chapman spent the WiGekun a with relatives in| Fergus. Mr. and Mrs. Si Bert, spent the 24th. with trienits at) Stratford. —}— Mr. James Fenton, of the Imper- fal Bank staff, spent the holiday at St. Thomas. —th—- Mr. Ben McCormick returned Sat- urday from a trip to Saskatoon and other points. ‘Mr. and N .~ 12. Saaiereen Spent the Prtha with friends Brotherston, Harry Giffard, of Toronto, .. ited Eiih Weck an the home of Mrs. | ——— Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Wanzer family, motored to Hamilton spent the BONER: and and Mr. J. H. Agitnecn, of Streets- ville, is birrhete g at the home of Mr. Henry God —i—. ‘Mrs. A. M. Howson, of Arthur, is Hinting at the come of Dr. and Mrs W. G. E. Spe é nd! —=={}— Miss Reve Foster is spending week in Toronto, prior to leaving. for Brampton, to resume her duties! of Mr. Henry —_ Victoria street. | Mr. and Mrs. 4s teacher. Mr. and Mra. W. oT. Johnstone and two boys, Oliver and Wilbur, visited ver the week-end with friends at! Steer and fam fe) | St. Marys. hag | trip to Jacksonville, Florida. He wili ale visit his brother at Daytona, | Florida. Wm. Bell and Miss Mabet| MeCormic Mra. 4 Bell were in Atwood on Friday, at- | tending the unvelling of the Ehna ds Memorial, ley, was A guest over the weel- mF friends “or relatives ‘at other points at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Ernest| in the U. S. A. Velsh. | rake Miss Betty Nickel, of Detroit, ar- bi ed Tuesday evening, and is visit- {Ing her parents, Nickel. —— Rev. E. W. Edwards leaves Mon- day morning to attend the London Conference held in Windsor next —h- = ‘Miss Jean Fritz has returned bome Mrs. Darcy, of ot Fort Willlam, is|after spending a ‘few days with her visiting her gronddangter, Mrs.' sister, Mrs. Harris Williams, Lon- Frank Deburges ( oak 5 Mr. and Mrs. Mi. ‘M. W.” Lavery and family, motored to Blora on Sunday, ; M _and visited friends, Miss Ma _in visiting at Mrs. A, H. bx —({re— Whe Howard Gottchalk, of Tiver- n, “is Message d at ig home of Mr. pose Mrs. N. t Foster, of Toronto, he home of Dr. and ol. Mr. G. P. Pugkton, of Ow wen Sound, is visititig at- ed home of his son, Mr. E. M. Creighton —{p—— ‘Miss Marguerite Stewart is visit- fing at the eo of her Tees Mrs. C. 1. Wilson, . ‘Mr. James “Ghiin a few weeks wi a Hai ji Torenhe et —— fomgh Howes, ot Hiei -spent Py Mr. and Mrs. =F. < Mr. and Mrs. _W. 2, Lloyd, of ‘Bemis Miss Gertrads Lave Lavery and Mz. and rs. M. D, Lavery, visited over the helaay: at the Lavery home in Dork- — i and Mrs. Arthur Vandr! ck and wee son, of Guelph, spent the af Fe Se the former's father, Mr. A: —— 7 Mr, Albert Cosens was in Toronto for the holiday visiting — his sister, and on Sunday visited his brother In bert Palmerston. Miss Doris Wensel, er of the sixth concession Minto, sneak | the hol- iday with her parents, and Mrs rs. Lo als Wenzel. anaes and rae week-end at the home of nbigricoc se Mr. Enoch Soran, of” ‘Oshawa returned W, ‘ | Spent the week-end with friends. Hore in Waterloo this afternoon, to i Ee —O-- Hamifton, of martbaa |p Mi Helen Hay, Alice Liv- —— ; Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Fisher —)— ! F. Parker left Friday on a 8 winited at be Bote: of. the former's iy. io Mr.-and Mrs.®R. A.- Currie and tnoatty, | of Wingham, spent the ps end with Mts. Currie’s parenta, M or and Mrs. R. T. Kemp. #” Mr. and Mrs. Noah Blackmore’ and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Blackmore and family, motored to Kitchener, and —pj— Mrs. E. W. Kidd and daughter, Nancy, of Owen, Wisconsin, . arrived Wednesday, and will spend some time at the home of Mrs. W. C. Kidd. Miss Jennie Schorten went to her tend a banquet giyen by the third form students of the Lutheran Col- lege, —}-— s. Dr. Young, Miss Young, Miss| , M Nellie Gregory, of Toronto, Mr. and rs. Bailey, of Monkton, were ‘the holiday geese of Mr. and Mrs. Alex , Fer, The Banner asks its readers to make these columns their own, to the extent of contribut- |: ‘mg social and personal Items ‘|; ‘which are of interest. If you have friends visiting you, there || is no nicer compliment you can }) pay your guests than to take the trouble to see that their names are mentioned local newspaper. Call’ phone The Banner.Off number js 61—or send item by mail. rguso Mr. and rs. A. Doubt and daughter, Marjorie, of Hanover, ere guests over the week-end of he Mrs, Johnf Doubt's mother, ford. ot Mr. W. C. McLachlan, traveller, re- turned Thursday of 1 week to Montreal, after pan diae a few days Ww. ingston and Edith George, Messrs. rehlie McDonald, George Tilley and De F.~C. llson, were in. Mitchell for the holiday.; and | family, Miss Valera Fisher and Mr. | Mahlon Fisher, of Stratford, were guests over the holiday atthe home a B. Elliott and Miss Grace Greer, of Wingham, ac- companied by Mr, and- Mrs. Ernest ily, of Listowel, mot- ed to Stratford for the holiday. alain Dr. Harry McCormick, of Detroit, who had been visifing his brother, Capt. Wesley McCormick, M. Ot. s Toronto, for a week, epefit the h Iday with his father, Mr. Whitfield }.| OnFY W Mr. Erskine Riggs, of Toronto, {s| visiting hia mother, Mrs. John Riggs.! — ft ™ Mrs. (Dr.)) McNaughton, of Brus-| sels, was a guest to-day of Mra. (Dr.) | James Moore Mrs. (Dr. “Bavouibauanane). of, Toronto; is visiting her sister, Mrs. | J. P. Walter, for-a few days. =—-0— Mr. perenne etapa met Misa Mar-| lon Kidd, ounston an Mrs. atee lin the wuekaae with | friends at Kitchener. . —_— ‘Miss Jean Ridge, of Wolverton. Was o guest,over the hetiay at the homes of Mr. a rs. Squires and aud Mrs. S. 8. Soantage. —g— Mr. and Mrs. M.,E. Neguent, and Mr. and Mrs. Leon Jackson, of Lon- don, were guests over the week-end at the héme of Mr. J. H, McDonald. A. and G. Clements and Ga. THoratby. of. Toronto, and Mr. Al- vin Kelly, of Palmerston, spent the week-end at the home of Mrs. Kelly. —_j}— alloway, of Guel- Mr, Alexander ph, attended, the funeral of the late Mrs. William Wood uesdar. which took place from the home of her son, cenieiaies. 12, Mornington. and Mrs. I Louts Fritz, Mr.| wiltia Fritz and Miss Mary Bright motoréd to Kincardine on Monday, | where ver ‘aaa fs engaged In mas- —— Mr. and Mrs, G. E. Harron, Mrs. J. C. Hamilton and daughter, Pat-| —f-— Mrs. I. Filsinger returned ‘home esday, after spending several Mr. d Mrs. Paul Colombo and Mr. Charlie Colombo, of Brantford, Mr. and-Mrs. Harry Colombo, of Mr. and Mrs. G. P.| Mimico, were guests over the wesk- 8. end at the home of Mr. and Harry Maloney. Mr. Olin Clarke returned to Tor- weneaiar on two conan in, 3abe and nto on Tuesday, ener spending the; May, and Mr. an week-end with-his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. 0. Clarke. He Was accomp- anied to Toronto mA his mother, who will visit in the city. . —o— “Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Wakeford, alt, were see Sumday at home of Mrs. W. Donegan. They were accompanied home by Mr. Steven’ ‘urrant, who had been visiting in and around Listowel. of the Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Rapp and ‘Mins Laura Smith, motored to Stratford, and spent the week-end with frien ey were accompanied as far a sei by Mr. Melvin. Rapp, eho visited hia sister, Mrs. Melvin Her- —o— Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Gray; Mr. Carl Gray and Mr. Glen Blackmore, mot- ored to Stratford on Sunday, and son, Mr. Wesley Gray..Mr. Car! Gray Mr “glen ‘Blackeaiore motored on ndon’ from nie ae ane. vis- ited friends. oes Mr. — aie N. L. Bean and fam-j} wel, visited ih ret orher relatives. They se eicetee Bean's aera Re erndt and sis-|- Victoria Berndt, of Port) 4° Mr,.and Mrs. C. O. Tatham; ricla, motored to. algh.on_ the. eed and visited at-the ¢home of Rev. and Mrs. Hardie. We are sorry to cecert the serious illness of Mrs, Hardie, oS : of Make that Bridal Gift Gifts of | Bivecwaiesgieibieg that every bride truly appreciates... Not only because it ‘reflects the: thoughtfulness of the giver but it’s a Gift she can cherish for many years to come. | For a choice assortment that includes many artistic suggestions, we invite you to see our display. It includes -+ » . + 1847 Rogers’ Flatware Community Flatware Meriden Brittannia Hollow Ware WE HAVE A VERY SELECT STOCK TO CHOOSE FROM P Look for the Watch Sign % L. At OLIVER Woodstock, spent the week-end. with! the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jeweller Chomometrist Sidford Tatham. Mrs. Tatham [5 re- malning here for a week while Mr. Tatham is away on a business rip 7 to Montreal.’ ' 3 i Mrs. Milton Linden- vr; - z ty to Tasepwete. : - A. Luten, f 4 The ord Beacon-Herald of motored fram Grand Rapids, toh Items Of Local Interest Juseday bas the following rersrd and are visiting “this week with oe . . bata 2 F. Geraint w ho takes over the Ar- atives in Listowel. and Gowanstown br : n Hotel here on June 1st. “Dp oO Posi Picture in Dail J. Gardiner, proprietor of the Em- Mary and Vance Gibson and Dor-|) -ywr fF. Vollmershausen, for fr oth a ret| Dire. ‘past three years 24th. at erett Lynn -motor Sunday, and visited with she form-| signed his position, and purposes se-| Daily Star,. in eounaction Mr. Gardin er's pape. ‘ep E. Gibso curing a larger position with anoth-| Empire's baby contest, te to elty from er Insurance Comp pany. ct a? ord has made many friends Mr. Che Leaving. Listowel— Who will regret to learn of his de i En % . County Council To Meet— at Bort Coates mctecee tout ap: parture. His. qualiti as 9 hotel ments The. P Cc Council IT} Plegate, ch., and spent the week-| *eeper : the trav- ‘ mgagen meet nex pt Sart pes The principal} end at the home of me and Mrs, | Sing. a egies someige of ny ad andeM ,| business will. be. the striking of: the u Listow ‘ater. under Manage- witht Siowiey the Meee UNeoD: | tue rete ToReee SUR, Ee Me ebtice | eas Naa. boan meaking Lis hometith amet ie — Assured; The Empr- of their ¢ ter. lice Cora, ted that the rate “will be tly Mr. and. Mrs. vonZuben f r the past ated une : ‘will again be ope r to Mr. L. Mann ia son of Mr. Seeker: in view of the large amount year, returned home thy him on by) l the owner.’ and MraeW, LL, Manning. son of Mr.| due on the pampectsh pichwers of} Wednesday. Goverament. and Mra. W. L. Manning, ieee | Capra some $64, Cara of Thanks— to Selt Tax Tickets the a x a place in J) ing. iy .é as eae method of collection | Mrs. w. W. Karges, delegate from} 3; oy te "a BiB ecdley Se Ly one plans 1» Te ‘Toronto Gione. of “Wednesday| ‘s Mission: ry Society, and deat A fe a =. re id becrvagste of the Tax productiv« has the fallowing engagement notice, ap delegate from thelr sratetat Danis Soe teen ot Bee’pin ih He “oat Bree nee pee ese eI rts at of} : Sharh, a the Themct| tion for the kindness of friends atid adopt is ind feeds 45 tax is. ¢ . pete sia daughter, Agnes Eletts, ae - Aygndon | cavament ae Hime’ of fat Mor suing. y existe! & A. @ branch meeting of: the tributes ie peauiital 1 and to have WwW. OM 7% of the “Methodist church. managers sad subers re to Stewart ie a Jame oe F evén y Pradential Insurance Company, and/ for the past year in Listowel, has re- Mr. and Mrs. Irwin f f the) H ale saad th aoe representative o eath, a ree years, aughter of Mr and Mrs. Jack Heath, | day’ aud after a few Toronto Werth are both let ioe mae the house be-; terest to | severed Nig eannestiomn there yester ya the proprietorship of the Ar- da rest wil! & An witn of their little son, ee eee pe rs, a, Mrs. Ed Soni “a sie pie thow do fie et tae Heaven if you Specs life and