Sy ee hare eitlcraegs } era siraiordciltens, witnae-| i cn the rank ofthe may tity housewives It you've. got any friehda about to got hitched for | Yesterday frien 8 deaf mute wan or : Yi the he pgp eee incr eR aig free feed for the minister, | dained In: Ministry.) 7 ee who shop here daily for all their Table Needs. ou'll Soe thin cole ne eheat= MELE. | MetmeeeP eae tle a tue teeth a de et always be greeted witha fresh supply of Select WEDS! (Twentieth Century Species). ay dnd: Stig Ce anreeee ane Se tAe MEE ied = ‘Vegetables and fruits, and shelf after shelf ofreas- You know, along about this time of the yenr, there | | Theperson in question was Ragas : Goods. are a lot of young fet ea a kd anxious pe ents _ | Stavitz and the ceremony eg oe onably priced Package, Bottled and Canned . Feuding the newspaper n“How to-turnish a home _| in the.Benton street Baptist Church, : Wh Id k? hy _on’$10 down an Pst without one meal a aan It’s «| Kitchener, which is in Gueiph at more cou hee lh ves easy—tor*the furpiture dealer, For the groom—not so -- | Association. Upwards of 50 deaf ; Leeg ee ! the tee ipinter’s: Anclarstiow of “The pineapple season will soon be over. = re as dae tug theta aaa s that every. old faith and other essentials. of odin. need 20c each --- Specia maid or confirmed bachelor preaches much of the ation were written ont and several) cure your 5 e now, to 30c "eld Hne—‘two can exist as cheaply. as ane.” Whaever _| RESORT questions were asked i * the ‘bird was who coined that line must have roug! nterpreter. The new oak by the dozen. ‘ -fingers crossed when he gaid it. Probably was holding -| minister wi not be given a charge, ; ” . his breath too, at the time. Two can exist all right— . | but will do work in communities (packard the gradual de but that's Ps all, The air is free. And that’s the only : where there-are a number of deaf) — ; > thing they're not charging us fory—YET. pastes, la ‘i ‘ Ree = Gian nal ceny epee Doce ; . . : ————— ose attending from ‘or it 5 But—getting back to those &mbryo. newlyweds. lwere Rey. R. K. Gonder, Ald, G. H:| - Inthe Bank’s westward advance to the Pacific Conse, one of thei i Having chosen the furnishings for that prospective kit- ‘Lightfoot and A. J. Chambers of the Lirls Enn ied of Beanies was formed in 2 5 chenette love (777) cell and building air castles in the 4 Memorial Church and Frank Heard ot transcontinental chain r . hope some rich uncle will gratefully turn up his toes of the Ontario Street Church. : eo that the butcher, grocer and landlord won't bother + ‘ ; Wallace Street : ’Phone72 them—the prospective Mr. and Mrs. patiently @wait the ‘Monkton Circuit Reports 2 imerry—ha, ha—month of June. ics ; “xcellent Year The wedding. Uncles, “dutch” uncles, old maid aunts, —— ee cousins, brothers, sisters, the dog, the cat and the can- The Monkton Methodist Church ee ‘ ary assemble in the parlor to help start the young cou- has completed one of the moat suc- re. ple on the road _to bills, collectors and garnisheed wages. cessful years in its history, general 4 = ‘What a ares ong sae aye oes his lejntia progress being noted in all lines: = = the bride piping up “I do” and “I will” “in a -false the year 59 were received in- __ re | voice while the mervoubiEroom nearly cranies his Adam’s eee shane inéiberadlp, dua “a “S a ONE AR I Vinnip _* pe | . - . e apple trying to tell the world the same thing. great deal to special services, when ae “and 280 in the Prairie Wires” * x zi ; | the pastor was assisted by Rev..Capt. - Provinces, induding 5 , d _.. The young tady’s Dad stands there beaming on the Edwards, of Listowel, chairman of P proceedings with a silly pretended grin on hie face but the Stratford district, and Rev. A. b. “ awfully hot riage Be collar preemie ee bl page Murray Stuart, B. A., of Petrolia. An : . costs knocked the bottom out of his bank account. So te ease | missiona’ offerings of} - . You will always find a complete a ms toa organ Mg far as he is concerned—he's thankful that such activ- sree wan made, the total amount sais i me, Le ious to walsh, uovera) qualition, Writing Pads with envel- ities don’t happem every month. raised by W. M. 8. and subscriptions} "4.2" ‘Established Over 100 years 2 hee ll the other connex- Be, | opes to match, is nama aie Stationery, ranging in price Ma sits there “ysiine tibakine? hee Ginanter ment... yews si.0s4. 41 ceustantany ee \ Betal Assets: in excess of #650, ©60;000 | : from 25c to $5. sexe done better by merreies the age eon a Blankville's tained. A total amount for all pur- . } . . . Denni- leading shoe horn mak ere daughter's gone and es of $6,030 was raised by ~the oa TABLE, NAPKINS sain and fancy Geege Sees ee Queered Ma's chances of getting up in high society by create, The pastor,-Rey. Gordon W. i. marrying this brass works Romeo. No wonder Ma‘sobs, Butt, has received a unanimous invi- FOUNTAIN PENS—Parker's Popular Dufold and -regular = es tation to remain for the third year ? Parker; also Waterman's Ideal. * After the wedding feast, the couple set inet on and he has. also been granted a =i be ~ : their honeymoon. ,.Everybody stands at the oor to month's holidays, during which time’ = & ae hy —= TE, We are here to serve you and our years of experience will speed them on via the customary bombardment of break- union services will be conducted with : - ensure you good service. fast food and old shoes, An . Big is so happy the agony Knox Presbyterian Church, of Monk- | d ; is all over—he forgets to e his foot out of one of ton, of which Rev. B. A. Thompson, rs ; his shoes in wishing the cebisican a fond farewell. B. A., is pastor ‘ 5 Magazines and Newspapers wi The stewards who were — elected . } br Ho steno ae ns ba dollar, gone. Back to the for the ensuing year are: Messrs. We tak bscriptions for any magazine or newspaper, by ass works for Mr. Newlywe n ck in-the kitchen- Edward Bettger, George Rennick and the vent or ‘sisnter ieee = delivery hroscth our store or the ette love nest, toils the bride. First night’s dinner— Frank Osborne, of Monkton, and post office. Magazines and newspapers on sale by single copies. cement biscuits, burnt steak and spineless ‘coffee. And Benson Leake and James Parrott, of * Over thirty years’ stable in this line and we can give you so their married life continues. Happy sometimes, but Bethesda; John Lander and James satisfaction. —with a lot of rough spots too. Ray, of Willow Grove. Norman W. . Stacey was. elected delegate to the Your trade will be appreciated by Guess we've said our part. If your wife ever reads conference in Windsor, the forepart this, you'll be buying a new rolling pin. _|9 . ELLIOTT & GREER Ge te eee eo 8s { ee te what dees health men call] e ° . 5 “Type No, 1,” the pneumonia serum| « VHAT ABOU HE BOY? * Quality and Service is ured and ‘almost Tavariably "with | « WHAT ABOUT T : good results. When the serum Is a-!* ; * ** Gabel’Old Stand ‘Phone 138, Wallace St. vallable throughout -Western On| _ eur eh mgm as -peen| tP!0 through” te London Institute| What shall we do with the boy, Reh atthy og 4 a icolm | Of Public Health it is believed that| ou ask; how shall we solve the — * sige, rew eines the death rate will be lowered ma-} Problem? It is alarming when we Furniture Company, left Saturday terjally, step to think that over eighty per for his home in Forest. , cent of criminals are less than twen- ty-five years of age. The vast major- Hospital Auxiliary Mceting— ity of all the youthful offenders The regular Monthly Meeting OL | steatfeefeeseofoafeatecteaterls aafefeefealeefesfeafecttectutatstafete | Commit crimes because they had bad Be. Woteea's tomate rhage wali? | associates and were not under the Pa or be held On Monday, June Sa0., in P SIGNS OF THE TIMES *| proper influences in the years when Twin Shin les the council chamber at three-thirty| + +| their boyhood was turning into man- 1g . : o'clock. ; 5 Sr en oe va Town- +/ hood—between the ages of twelve | ae . p end, & ounty, Many ‘*/ and eighteen. In those years every ’ : Cadets to Attend Servicc— farms purchased at high “| boy necds to be under the influcnes Bird’s Canadian Twin Shingle is an attractive The church parade of the High) prices during the war are re- +|of the right kind of a man. He long wearing shingle with an even slate rarace = School Cadets scheduled for las!|-+ ported by the April bulletin +) needs such a man's life to supply of natur ; green or blue-black. ; Sunday evening was postponed until + of the Department of Agri- +/| his ideala and such a man to be- 1. Size 20” x 10" making, w . . this coming Sunday. They will at-)-> culture as returning to their +! come his hero. Every boy is a hero 1 tid, three la tend service In the Methodist church. * original owners. In Sher- -? worshipper. Many become criminals property ngs Gets Sea News— : phtog Beene oouesy the . because they follow the wrong lead- Ww ich lise, té'the 7 ; a authority reports that ‘»| ers. Many boys are nightly on the 2. e t 209 1 ee square. Are you seeking the opportunity to meet just the sad ges a Jennings sane tie chase . many farmers are quitting | streets looking for amusement, hein tial Foor. t wr Mrs. Henry Linhart, had sudideniy| the land for other occupa- | yearning for companionship. Of . right individual whose assistance you need to ac- a * tions. In St. Vincent, Grey ‘| course, some of them have no fath- 3. Sparketoet and wa a passed away on Friday, May 23rd. at + County, nine auction eal ee ’ . complish what youmost desire? her home, Courtland, N. Y., in her| < _ hela ales +/ers, and the parents of others givé With a smooth and ed che re _ Pp il . seventy-third year. The funeral took| = ere held last winter with +l little heed to the laces their boys even surface, 7. . place on Monday at Seneca Fails, .N.| 5, °,72‘ius of six miles. All bat +! visit or the companions they choose. “ ” 2 It is essential that you meet any of these needg: ¥. * one of those who held the “! Father, you owe a duty not only to 4. The cut-out is arched atthe ~ _ . . sales and all under.35 years + your son, but to the fatherless boy; top which gives a distinctive - Mother Never Gets a Vacation— Hi of are. 1 ote ‘Owns or B preg an interest in him. We can appearance. Roo i Room. A man’s work ia from sun to sun, | “ Ss. in Mariposa a num- essen crime by giving our attention 7 * ne Gee Tae ™ but a woman's work Is never done.|‘* ber of farms, or parts of {to youths: They need a real man’s Limited (Ea 1755) Ce radieent et ter Mi eon Rell A Boarder or Two fer the Home Table. So runs the old saying. New Hamp-|* farms, which were formerly +/ guiding hand and helpful personality. Paroid Roo Black . p and shire checks up and discovers that|‘* roan are now being left +/Do you wonder that scores of boys Combigation Wall B a ae ae pena | sig Capable Workers for Home or Business. the average Woman on its farms 4 in grass ‘ bechase ree withthe when they are aout ied $ produc orny - morks 4,000 hours a year. That is|";,. . 7 eft to drift with the current?—Cal- Customers for What You Have to Stil. about eleven hours-a day, Sundays) PTO hertebttttteeped-+4 | loway (Ky.) Tim We Tien fe Et ions = A Tenant to Whom You Wish to Rent, included, Mother nev@r gets a real iding board. vacation. Did it every occur to you, Accidents are almost- unavoidable; Discretion isn’t an inborn quality. An Employer Who Needs Your Services. what would happen if she struck for| With cars ag thick as they are and|.[t generally about the ROBERT OLIVER Listowel an eight-hour day? heads as thick us they are. time of the second blister. ’ The Return of a Lost Article. Z JOHN ROGER, Atwood The Merchant— . \ $2 Opportunities to vary aly Sell, Rent or Ex- Rag h ¥ i \ : change to Advantagc © home merchant is your neigh- bor and your friend. He is in touch with your affairs and concerned a- bout ure success, He bears his part ~ “ ” in building the community and the You can reach Just the Right Individual advantage it offers. He pays taxes to = through keep going schools, government. and ; provide Improvements,- He contribu- | tes liberally to churches and a hun- ® e e - dred activities of one kind and an- “a other that help to make the com- ec ric rin h B W t d munity a better place in which to I e€ panner an $ live. faa Saez Vendors of Soft Drinks— —3 e Vendors of such soft drinks as an epalrs ss omens’ or orangeade, sold from Gi me arge containers, will be governed by i-ri-Pt-4-| potatoes and sliced carrots and on-! regulations concerning. the contents +| ions may be added. When ready to| of the heverages; The name of the THE CHEAPER CUTS OF 4) serve, the roast should be removed drink must'be printed on a label -on . BEEF to a hot platter and the gravy thick-| the container, warns the department ened and seasoned. If the meat is| of health, and if coloring Matter is ae it og advisable to remove the; used’ the word.'colored” must ap- : t from the top of the gravy be-| pear on the label. Saccharine is bar- The pot roast which is frequently] fore thickening. The pamphlet con- yaa except in the case of medicated used by the thrifty housewife in the/ tains many other recipes for utiliz-| foods. The. above regulations, just is- Might as well have the lighting facilities of your home right up to the minute. Expert-work and the highest grade of materials is what we give you at a moderate cost. And you'll be delighted with the results. ' See toe effort keep down her butcher) ing the ch f. td eg stilt pvovide=eonk. te ng the cheaper cute of bee sued, apply to all vendors of soft ra may be made a the cick en ; i ; * ; é P s ‘ a “cheaper cuts, suc a e chuck, o ts A Pneumonia Antitoxin—. Fr as eee, Son, ear os Os anit zou grigh to make a mame— [A Preamonia Antitoxin— | WINNER OF THE ¢6TH RUNNING OF THE KING'S PLATE Hot-Point Electric Water Heater with a damp cloth it. is plated | in a] Fe you hanker after tame— a ! covered bake pan or casserole, with Have one installed on your range boiler for summer two cups or more of hot water. It Wes should be covered tightly and baked Zell the public what you think. | date of Public, Hanlth. Fees ay or om top of the Soe by es ive remedy was discovered ome time | "stove, ping the heat” just ow ago. Dean H. W. Hill, M.)D., head of boiling point.’ Pamphlet Case put tars «Bg yD. he ro disease Saag Pe of ite cach ;