b Reg. $2.25 f we Sizes’ 34 to 42. clear at .. Sleeveless Vests and . + button style in call us by phone. 25 doz. Kiddies’ Silk Lisle and — Socks, = assorted colored tops. All sizes 4 to Kk 6 CCS. Reg. G0c and 60c. Special clear- ke ing at, per pair .....-- ra 10 doz. large White Bath Towels, good . heavy quality. Size 21 x 40. Worth reg- Fe ular 65c, Special, each .......++- 48c¢ 10 doz. Corsets, low and medium bust, pink or white coutil, good heavy qual- ity web, elastic top and hips, four sus- penders. Sizes 18 to 29. Special to Clear, “Pair ...ccccccencacnnsecs 8c - than the popular we have them! A SAS e ree Afternoon Street Costume Voile Blouse, Sleeveless Sweater and. all : Wool Pleated Skirt. Ladies’ Blouses ' 5 doz. assorted styles and patterns in Ladies’ Long sieeve Dimity Blouses. Just the thing to wear rag that ray vest or jacket. Sizes 34 to doz. Ladies’ Crepe-de-chene, Georgette, Habutal and Voile Blouses. Assorted colors and white. Worth up to $8.00. Priced to all wool, patterned fibre silk and dozens of. pretty new shades to choose from. No two sweaters alike. A range of sizes from 34 Silk and Wool Jacquets and Over Blouses 6 only, Silk and Woo! Jacquets and over Blouses, with Jong sleeve and side ties in cream, orchid, crab sorte and nen Sizes 36 to 40. _ Regular $6.00 fOr .cweveasies $4.25 no two skirts alike. ee ee . rene pleated all wool Cream Serge stripe Prunella Cloth Skirts. waist band. Light and dark colors. Worth up . 84.50 > . tee eee eee eee eee . 50c and 95c - ably that Take dé prettiest frocks possib away with you on your vacation— they mean half the fun. You will find no better chance to buy them reason- in these special clearing groups. Every freck the newest'in sum- mer styles, trimmed with lace, pleat- ing, tucks or frills; in sizes 16 to 42. Sleeveless Vests and Sweaters Sweaters with one and four silk and wool and to 44. Come early or Priced to clear $4.69 colors of ‘Group 4. Separate Pleated Skirts ' For this season's wear nothing is more in vogue separate pleated Skirts. Yes limited number though? and Made of extra quality all wool armour crepe, knife pleated, colors of navy, sand, cocoa and cream. Priced to clear and fancy Sizes 25 to Group 1. Special to clear Group 2. Group 3. Group 5. worth up to neatly trifmmed, up to- $9. sie Special to clear .. navy, black and white, CICA vce ayec igs ou nenenegers ine Crepes, smartest of styles. Ratine Crepes, Canton Crepe Dresses ........ $17 50 Crepe Back Satin Blouses $23.50 All Wool Crepe Dresses .... Printed Voiles, assorted colors, Bedora Voile Frocks. Assorted colors, lace and tuck trimmings. pn Beadora Volles and Crepes, in mauve and beach. Worth up to $12.00, Special to $8.85 French Sponge Cloths and Rat- Worth up to $15.50. Special to clear at $9.95 Chenile Voiles and Sponge Cloths, all our best sum mer dresses. Porth up to $18.00. oe fal 2.50 $15.00 Ladies end Mises Cool Summery Fiocks for” a Good Time Vacation $8.8 5 1 10 Men’s: aceon Suits, 34 to 8%,” ‘ear Beak 12 young Men's summer Tweeds, to clear $18.00 — Herring Bones to clear . ios Riek pares abn Ea Sb sales sane BLO DO 10 Men’ ‘s English Worsteds, 38 to 42, To clear $29. 75 Work Shirts, khaki, blue or grey, to clear $1.19 25 Boys’ assorted Work Shirts, 13% to 14%, 79 s iv 50 pair Men's Blue Stripe Overalts, to clear $1.75 50 pair Heavy Stripe Duc) Sic sale, ..$1.905 3» eos cotton, Work ks, e. race : es eee weer oda se pvibved dose ees Gap es assorted, Men's Everyday Straw Hats; all kinds o8 20ad o SBC Men's Harvest Gloves, one finger and cuff, ...69¢ Men's Balbriggan Underwear, 34 to 46 for 75c, 85c Men's Check mavale Combinations: wrnicn, | to | Geer a: sere enee . weee a 1 lot odd Drawers, Penman make, 32, 34, 38, © Co (a ic Men’s Genuine Okinawa Panama and Dress § Sailor Straw Hats uu... B50 F Trey 3 & ’ 4 Men’s Extra.Fine Quality Gabardine Top Coats, 36 to 42, reg. up to $22 for $17.25 re Tre = 200 Men’s Fine Dress Shirts } $1.39" &£ A special purchase of manufacturers clearing lines CHAPMAN BROS. & GRAY Listowel Phone or Mail Orders Promptly in sizes 14 to 18. Fast guaranteed. = Large roomy Shirts, worth up to $2.75 for $1.39 «= Boys’ Striped Blouses, all sizes ......50c Print and Chambray Wash Suits 75¢ fg cotton Jerseys, navy, khaki, 25 to 50c Boys’ Boys’ Attended To Boys’ Straw Hats; P.O. Box 269} ~ - .| 25 doz. Ladies’ Cotton Vests, extra quality Bi ' with short sleeve or opra top. Sizes 36, Ri $8, 40. Special .....-.--e eee oe BRC tee eee eee B 15 doz. Ladies’ fancy sport stripe lisle Hose zz in grey, biege or black. ele rad kN to clear, per pair ..........+> . ilies to $8.00, to clear FE} 10 doz. Children’s Cotton Hose, 5 ta 9% RY Per paler cc cccvecssccccccesecs 25c Ei 25 doz. Ladies’ Cotto Hose, black or Re brown, palr ... eer e wee eeeeee 25c Ai 200 yds. Gingham Check and Stripes, Press S 26c. Per yard ....cccceseecs 61g Quality s 1000 yds. Pure Linen Towle: ese - a borders. 6 yards for ............ 98c Service M 100 yds. Pure Linen Towelling, 24 inch Satisfaction os heavy quality. Special per yd. ....82¢ “ Phong, 71 Quality Js Real Economy is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Dundalk, spent homes in town. Miss Edna McKenzie friends in Guelph Lorne Champ, of Sunday at their —o— Mrs. James Athas and Peter, are —o—. visiting at Leamington. Mr. Clarence Rolls, of Toronto, are visiting his mother, Mrs. John Koch. and Mrs. --O— Mr. Joseph Caruso was in Toron- to this week on business. —— B. Robertson, of Monkton, Is suiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. John Inglis. —_—o— Mrs. W. Gabel . — her hen daughters at = Oo Miss Fanny Nicol of Innerkip vis- ited —— at — home of Mr. and rs. R. M. Cow Mrs. J. G. Abel. ot Toronto, is a guest of Mrs. Frank Byrne. irs. H. Bord « was in Hamilton —o— on Tovslay, visiting friends. Miss Vera Haase, milliner with the —o— Misses lIoeger, a Menday for her Miss Jean Fritz is spending a week] home in Fordw with friends at Point Clarke. mono Mr. Jack Watson, of Detroit, a guest this week at the Mrs. Olive MacDonald. was Miss Beulah Bruce, of iat is home of a guest of Miss W. Bradle —o— Mr. and Mrs. F. C. ve spent Sunday with friends at Gorr Mrs. Archie Robertson and daugh- ter Tillie, are spending a week’s hol- —o— iday at Point Clarke. Miss Aleda Irwin fs spending her —o— tholidays with friends at Ripley. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Dierlam and family, have left for their summer cottage near Kincardine. —_—o— Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Kibler and family, holidayed at. a9 cottage at Grand Bend this we —o0— Dr. and Mrs. Kirby, of Toron ‘were guests te of Miss Brediey. arl Gray. and —.Miss ants are “holidaying at Point Clarke. —o— The Misses Goll’and Master Harry, Miss Evelyn Krohn spent last week vot Wingham, are genins. friends_ in at the home of Mr. and ‘Mrs. Wm. town. Johnston, Elma township. Mr. J. L. Gamble and son, , Ailes, Mr. George Fritz and son, Mr. Ar- ‘spent Sunday with his parents at|thur Fritz, of Kincardine, spent Sun- Paris. day at their home in town. —o— Miss Clement, milliner with — Gibbs, left Wednesday morning on visit with her sister, in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs, F. Deburges and ‘tamily, “spent Sunday with friends at *F eston. —o— J. Milner, of Peterboro, “Dr. R. Mr. Fred Lemmex, of Detroit, vis- Visited this week at the home of Mrs. A. Gabel. ited over the week-end with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lemmex. —o— Miss Thelma Fallis, town line east, spent a few days last week with her grandmother, Mrs. Ellen Fallis. —*o— Mrs. T. J. Tilley, of Lanasey, spent the week-end with her Mr. Geo Tilley, of the Bank of "ieonsreat tate, —o—- 4 Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Seama: leaving for Bala on Friday, where they will acct the summer months. | —o— Miss Essft Martin, of Calgary, is expected shortly on a visit with Mrs. Roulston. L —o—- Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Zurbrigg and family, of St. Marys, spent Sunday in Listowel. ' Miss Emma Godfrey, of Port aor ~ ‘ster, is nee her sister, Mrs. Holm . o— ‘Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cow wing, of Miss Evelyn Bridge, of Guelph, is Innerkip, visited friends in Listowel! spending the summer months at the on Sunday. home of Mr. and nae R. A. Seaman. _— a Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Ruppel and|_ Mr. John Bright an and Mr. Shree family, spent Sunday with friends at Joon f 8 BSebringville. | a Me Fe Ms a ~ fend Mrs. RUM, Cowing last week negli : soc and PERSONAE | Messrs. Eldon Hallman and Arnol| week-end with) Hallman spent the friends in Toronto. | —_—o— Miss Eva Hamilton, who is attend-/ ing Shaw's business college, Toron- to, is home for a summer holidays. Mr. and Mrs. “pa. Rothwell and | two children, of Detroit, are visiting | with the former's mother in town.| —o— Miss Mary Oke returned Saturday | to Toronto, after spending a week! bona her parents, Mr. and Mrs. * | ke j — The Misses Laura and Ethel Blake-| ley, of Fergus, visited this week at es home of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Mel-| | pun Mr. and Mrs. J. —a left Mon-| day to spend a week with Mrs. Em- ped mother, Mr. J. Dougherty, Mit- chell. —~o— Mr. E. S, Hudson spent the week- end in Bea ile, preparing to move his ——— effects to Listowel next week. ‘ —o— Messrs. Archie and Andrew Clem- ents and Mr. Brown, of Toronto, ae F = at the home of Mrs. J A c a Mr. and Mrs. iz we Bayne, Mrs. and Miss Edna Roulston and Mr. Wil- fred Cumbefland, spent Sunday in Belmore. —n— — Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Johnstone and family, motored to Grand Bend on. Snasey and holidayed at the lake on on — oO Mr. John Jupp and Miss E. Devitt, of West Montrose, Visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Peppler. —_—o— Mr. James Fenton, of the Imperial Bank staff, ay: spending his holidays at his hom omas, an at Port Stanley. —o— Mrs. Sam Donegan and Hazel, left Saturday to spend a few days with the former’s sister, Mrs. Herb Hall man, Hanover. —_—o— Mrs. Ernie Denny and daughter, of the town line, Wallace, are visit- ing at the pare of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Henders —o—. Mrs. Martin left Wednesday sont Toronto, after spending the - ‘| three mon th Mrs. Rouliton, Wallace street. ee Mr. and. Mrs, fyb tnd Rear spending 8 | geet orontor a: i Soe es. falo and Pulte Ny Mr. en wee wd W. A. Britton end) ie to oer eee Mr. Bert Prueter motored from Toronto, and;spent a few days last week at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Prueter. —_oO— Bert Hulbert left Nosaay for his home in Tgronto, after remaining in | Listowel until he had tried his en- trance examinations. —o-- Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Doman and mily, of Stratford, visited on Sun- ies with Mrs. Domn’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. — = Mr. and Mrs. " aibett Peachey and Mr. and Mrs. William Dougherty, of Stratford, were guests on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. W. Bell. —o— . R. Powley, of Galt Water andl Galt, is gg with his pin and uncle, Mr. Mrs. James Rogers, for a few day —o Mr. and Mrs. Herb Cunningham and family, and Miss Brooks, of Pal- merston, were — earee of Mr. and ‘Mrs, A. W. 2 Gos Mr. and Mrs. A A. _ B. George, Mr. Morton George and the Misses Edith George and Alice Livingstone, motor- ed to Kincardine on Sunday. —_—o— Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Nickel, Albert Wahl, and Rev. and Geelhaar spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Litt, Hanover. Mrs. M —o0— Mr. and ee Andrew Kay and Mr. and Mrs. ay and little son, Frank, sickened to Stratford on Tuesday and visited friends. —o— Miss Elva Sanderson, nurse, arriv- ed from Cleveland Tuesday, and will spend.a few weeks’ holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Sanderson. —1— - Miss Alice Shearer has returned ome, after spending two weeks’ hol- idays with her sister at Linwood me friends at Milverton and Kitchener. —o— Miss A. Clayton left ‘to-day to spend a month with Mrs. D. W. 8. Urquhart, of Sarnia, at her summer home at Killarney, in the Muskoka district —_—o-— Mr d Mrs. D. Small and daugh- ter, Miss Frances Small, motored to Brantford for over the week-end and were guests at the home of Mrs. Colombo —o— a Mrs. Zilliax, Miss Viola aiittax. ‘Mr. Herb Zilliax and Mr. L. W. Payne, motored to Walkerton on ronygen eg visi at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Zilliax. — ve D, W. 8. Urquhart and daugh- ter Mary, of Sarni ft chee ev- ening for their ottage in Killarney, after spen Mee Wee a few days atrthe-homerot Mri “Clayton. ~ fee ' Ce me AE OR Rabnaler-end daughter, } Eleanor, of Moorefield, spent the wask-ted. wtih ber molar, Mra Eleanor a ee Mr. and Mrs: Thomas Baker and family, of Teeswater, and Mr. and Mrs. Finlay, of Jingham, guests on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Graviston. — Mr. and ““ J. A. Watson, Mr. and Mrs. C. Krohn and Miss Ev- elyn Krohn ian Mr. Frank Donnel- ley, spent Sunday at Newbridge, at the home of Mr Ben Fallis. (River-|, side Farm.) —o— Mr. Henry Fisher,..Miss Verna Fisher and’ Mr. Kurtzville, Spout Sunday with friends at Kitchen Mr. and Mrs. ‘Eelaaed Phillips and! family, of Toronto, Mr. nd Mrs.!' James Turner and Miss Beatrice], Turner, of Burgessville, were guests}. on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Welsh. Mr. and Mrs.’Noah Blackmore spent the week-end with friends at Kitchener. They were accompanied by Miss M. Runstettler, of Preston, who spent a few weeks in Listowel. —o— { Mrs, George Melrose d family, have left for their summer cottage at Point Clarke. Mr. Graydon Mel- rose, of the Bank of Co erce staff, is spending two weeks’ the lake now. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hé Gee and fam- ily, motored to Point,Clark on Sun- day, where they have erected a sum- r cottage. They expect to leave the end of this week to spend a few months at their cottage —o— Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lemmex and sons, Fred, Wilbert and — mot- ored to Stratford on Sunday where Fred took the.train for ‘Detroit. Th others visited at the home of Mr. an Mrs. Maurice yoo a at Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. ¢ Clittord Shular, of | Detroit, spent Sunday with her par- ents in Listowel and his parents in Southampton. Mr. Shular has re- turned to Detroit™and Mrs. Shular is remaining to spend a few weeks. ———e Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Bean and fam- ily motored to Tiverton on Sunday, P os visited “ee Their two sons, Imer and Mer remained to spend their holtdave "and Ethel Gott- shalk accompanied them to visit in Listowel —o— = Clark Moore returned to Tor- onto to-day, after spending a few Mave with his parents, Mr. and .Mrs. M. H. Mo e@ was anoompenied by his rah and Greta e, who will visit in the city. ‘Miss Edna Liebold, w recentl¥ graduated from the Sinewar i Meme! ert’ has: course in training, and left Sunday cg’ sister, Mrs. on @ visit wi Doad' She will later re- furn to her home in Port Elgin. were i4 —t-— oJ and Mrs. Oscar Rapp and Mr. ~ Mid- Summer. Sale There's a wide varitey to choose from in our showing of hats for midsummer. New shapes that are light, cool and gay in color, Modish hats for the miss Or matron and smart little éhapes for bobbed hair. And you'll be surprised at the pricings. ALL HATS REDUCED $9.00 hats reduced to 86. $8. hats reduced to $5. $6 hats reduced to $4, A fine assortment to go at $3. Untrimmed shapes at a very low figure. MRS. CHISLITT Milliner Main Street and Mrs. Wellington Donagan, Mr. and family, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas, of Detroit, motored over and spent the week-end with Mrs. Wm. Donegan. ——O—— | To appease vaca- Mr. and Mrs. C. Raszman, second | tion tplea and concession, Elma, accompanied by Mrs. W. J. Stricker and Dorothy, oth P leasure-tir- ed ! es. motored to Kitchener on Saturday! and returned Monday. —0— Mr. and Mrs. James Rogers re- turned home Friday, after ua three months’ visit with their “daughter, | Mrs. F. F. Wilson, Windsor, a son, | Mr. Staniey Rogers, Detroit, another daughter, Mrs. Moore = Kansas City, | and two brothers of Mrs. Rogers at, Chicago. They were accompanied to} Listowel by motor on or by Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, of Windso —_—§— Falisten' S Klean-Made d Mrs. J. S. Gamble and ‘Bread Mr. Leslie, Mrs. James McCrone and Mr. euben Wenzel, of Woodstock, were guests over Sunday at the homes of; the Misses Anderson and Mr. oy George Mayburry. Mrs. Gamble Leslie are rémaining fora week virlting friends. ~» J = —_—oO— Mr. George Kehl motored to El- mira on Sunday and visited with Mr. and Mrs. George Ernst. He was ac- companied home by Mrs. Kehl and Robert, who ager a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernst. Dor- othy Kehl is raeaniaine at Elmira, where she will spend her holidays. —o— Havpit © A Diver to Your Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Preston and i “oo son, os of Fergus, and Mr. and rs. . Melvin, of Guelph, were { guests sean the week-end at the — «Mr. an L. A. Oliver. Mr. Preston and Mr. Melvin return- ed Sunday to thelr homes, but -femafning for “o a few weeks’ visit. : /