( iy ‘ $ 4 Regular $2.75 and $3.00 a Pair WHY WE CAN SELL CHEAPER igh grade a staple line cheaper than others. It does seem natural for people to suspect that some- It does seem likely when our enemy tells you they are old shop worn goods with whngkers on— - shall state the facts as follows: Fie It does seem strange that we can sell where, somehow there must be a flaw in the thing maybe fall to pieces when you pick them up. So abody Overall ‘Company made an assign nt in fall of 1923. The batine stock on hand was sold. to one of keenest jobbers of Ontario. This jobber * paid about ‘ea 00 a dozen less than the regular price. We ecured ours from this jobber at about $9.00 a dozen Jess than the regular price. The machinery of the i | Peabody factory of Walkerville was bought and oat tO. Brantford..Another company has the right to manufacture them. And there is now no cut in prices. So a _ you see these overalls were never before in any othe ey are the genuine Peabody. They are brand new, fresh, clean, spic and span. piotelng wrong with as them in any particular, No more can be had at the ptize. This is your Jast chance for a cut price on Peabody ‘Overalls for many a long day to come. . _ BLUE DENIM OVERALLS BLUE DENIM SMOCKS BLUE STRIPE OVERALLS ‘BLUE STRIPE SMOCKS COTTON- BS : ADE OVERALLS: COTTONADE SMOCKS BLACK DENIM PANTS COTTONADE PANTS COTTON 2 WORSTED WORK PANTS AND KHAKI DUCK PANTS WITH CUFFS AND BELT LOOpsS Se arabe ; Shirt sizes 34 to 44. Drawers 34 to 42. / DRAWERS as good a bargain. This is not a a broken line to clear. It is a regular line of firsts in all sizes. -*I MENS BALBRIGGAN UNDERWEAR SHIRTS Mens Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers. This was a very fortunate purchase, not seconds, good weight, strong thread, natural 'color, nicely finished: Shirts are good length. We know of no Store in Canada with \ < 20 A fanaa Table $1.00 Balance all ladies’ Oxfords and Pumps, mostly smaller ° sizes. A few voile waists. Children’s Pantie Dresses and a Ma few Gingham and Organdy, values $1.75. All our firsts in Silk Hose, we sold at $1.25 and 1 }. A bunch of Ladies’ new House Dresses, blue chambray with yellow chambray trim. Line of $1.40 Ladies’ Coms, Fine Silk Hose 65c de by a wonderfully pong Canadian mill, Made 38 threads of pure silk to 1 of art silk. Fine lsle feet and tops. Colors black, grey and caw. Our fastest seller in silk. You will be ee with such wonderfully fine Hose at such a low price Fine Lisle Hose | 35c Mill Jot. Regular 75c pair. One of best mills of Canada. [t is the season when mills like to clear up summer stock on hand. Hence this wonderful saving in price. Made on latest type of machines. Some have new patent “anti” run feature. Black, blue, white, brown, grey and suede Work Shirts $1.00 ng with our énormous purchase of Peabody Over- alls hm Y pacved a line of wonderful work shirts to sell at $1.00. Not skimpy, starch filled, frightful looking shirts. But made of good quality ‘ieee shirting, sane in size. Al- 1 ANY SUIT mw REGULAR TO $30 GTH IN ig - Balance of entire Bailey Stock (formerf¥iJ wool English goods. Includes Holdfast” chance like this doesn’t often occur. ‘THIS. STORE oger's. Tailor Stock.) We bought this stock at 47 Cents on Dollar. No trash. "No inferior goods. All high grade all lagyeSerges and many fine English Worsteds. You can get a Suit length when made will look like afd be. worth $60. so in khaki and dark blue 40c Hosiery for 25c £3 Children’s fancy pure lise Sox. Not trash, made in U.S. A. Real pretty little Socks, with pink and blue stripes and other shades. Sizes 4% to 8%. Worth 40c everywhere. Children’s black ribbed Hosiery of excellent weight and wearing quality. Sizes to 10. This is a bargain this year. Men's Union Work Socks. Medium weight with a little wool in them to make them comfortable for men who work. A snap at 25c a pa Pure Silk Hose at 90c Substandards of $2.50 quality, 12 thread pure silk, popular ribbed tops. In black, navy, grey, brown Beg white. You'll seldom meet finer looking hose. We ecommend them a any lady. as wonderful value, giving eabenrantas you des English Fancy Cashmere 90c A clearing lot of $1.25 lines. We bought heavily. Ex- pect to clear them to men who appreciate the best. Come in wanted shades with embroidered clox. A fine article at a saving price Children’s Lisle Rib Hose 45c Famous Sister Sue White Hose. Wide ribbed, strongly made, wear like iron. This style is all the rage for child- Flannelette Prints, Linen Towelling 20c ren in the cities. (Note, large sizes are 60c.) We also made a purchase from a Bankrupt manufacturer, one one-rib fine weight, cumfy cut style and short sleeves. The 50c lines Excellent are much finer.-In same styles and include oversizes up to quality, 28 inches wide. Prints in 10 yard ends, 2 t- Wonderful value.” Mary Jane brand, in alses 7 to 9% only, 44. You wouldn’t get them short of 75c and may be a dol- terns, good quality, 30 inches wide. Genuine Pure Linen lar. Towelling, imported, heavy, 16 inches hg with red stripe “ border. Any of these lines are worth 25c to 35c a yard. We Boys’ “Rough Rider” Hose 35c Would be cheap at 60c. Part of a mill clearing lot. Ladies’ Vests at 25c and 50c The 25c lines are white ribbed cotton, good summer Fliannelettes in plain white and tripes. cut in any length required’ (36 inch wide Flanndlette at 25c a yard.) Knit Bloomers 40c, 50c; Satinette 95c All’ Men’s Shoes $4.00 Balance of Bankrupt Stock we brought from Sturgeon Falls. All are first class goodyear welts, many with rubber heels. In brown and-black. The assortment is small but we wish to clear them to make room. Worth $7.00 and $8.00 a pair.“Not old stock. First class in every particular. Look them over. If we can fit you there is a good saving for you. Fine Silk Hose at 50c Art Silk, first quality In the new “‘Skyn"’ nude shade. Come in all sizes. Very attractive, you'll admit. Also grey art silk, substandards of ah excellent grade of hosiery, Fortunate to have ‘an outsize, viz. 11. These are specially strong made to wear like pi Sizes 9, 9% and 11. Men’s Silk Socks at 40c t a record on these Hose. Part of a big mill clearing lot. Now have brown, blue and black only. Heavy art silk with fancy diagonal self stripe. Lisle tops, soles. toes and heels. (Also have a few pairs pure silk from Sturgeon Falls stock at 90c.) English Cashmere Socks 50c Famous red toe and heel, guaranteed pure wool. This is a bargain price. Men who wear Cashmere are advised to stock aip. . Knit bloomers of excellent make and quality. Ladies’ at 50c and. Misses’ 40c. Colors = pink and blue. Satin- ette Bloomer in pretty colors at 9 Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers 65c A better make worth 90c a garment. sides to 46. A gar- ment 65c. Odds and Ends Half ne Boys’ size 26. Balbriggan Coms., knee length 50c. Boys’ Balbriggan Drawers, all sizes 25c. White Pants for boys $1. DUCK DRESSES—Brown, red trim, blouse, bloomers, Skirt an Tab ise Ss Sees bes dew dcnetbacten $6.00 CUCVRE TESU ECs RI Cad i cae 00084 bos 00 exrfiats 3 hite Georgette, pink silk and jersey, MOG. SHES LP abe Woe bls dans bene nes: | BABY BONNETTS—Pretty silk,. great BORD. ocak ace ae 60c¢ CHILDREN’S SHOES—aAny pair in the store ...... $1.50 KIMONAS—Your choice ........... $2.2 4.2dbs tere SOC TIES—Men's Knitted Silk, BOS, TUS ce vertdcoi cats 50c SHIRTS—Latest colorings. Men's fine shirts ..... $1.50 BROOMS—New, good weight, Reg. 75c for. .cwecewevs 50c OVERCOATINGS—To make $45.00 Overcoats for . - $8.00 nee © Anabaena Overcoat Timgthy English, Reg. PAO i's cy 06 056 p 44 49 0's vende eee en $11.00 CAPS—Silk lined, value to $2.50. Choice for ...... $1.00 BOYS' SUITS—Navy and black serge. Size 33, reg $15. $10. SWEATERS—AlIl wool, checked, Men's ........... $5.00 COLLAR BUTTONS—Fine, 10c kind ....., 3 for 10c CUFF BUTTONS—The $1.00 kind ............... -50c INFANT HOSE—Cream Cashmere .............0... B5c RIBBONS—Pure Silk, wanted shades, TRE, BOG, « «5-1 < 15c ~ TON HOSE --- MEN’S AND LADIES’ Men’s. “Mechanic” Brand Socks, Firsts, in Colors, Black, Brown’ and Blue, Sizes‘ 10. 10%, and 11. May be they'd sell faster at 25c. Few White left but all sizes in the Black:. ~ These constitute — REGULAR 25c PAIR worth 25 cents a pair. If not suspicious grab this opportunity. one of the BARGAINS that have made the store famous for hose. thread, A fine strong cotton seamless hose. The Ladies’ are seconds ‘in Black and -plain White. Easily = Lc .S r E Yu. ‘ So Shi pote