- Ready * meeds EE PE ET ~ M. R. HAY,” ’ The pou: of a certain amount of Money You can soon sufficient money for unexpected — by opening a Savings cggas and add- ioeit at this : to it regularly. IMPERIAL. BANK | . LISTOWEL BRANCH, — Manager. The Listowel Banner The Atimaad Bee 3923.) (Amalgamated Oct., ist., Thursday, July” oon ? 4, mae & wee ett rabinee Thursday of each ZL wey _ Bight pages, seven col- ; umns to the page. All home-print. Can u se mats. Subscription rite $2.00 a year, strictly in advance: otherwise $2. cae To subscribers in the United Sta 60c additional for postage. The Banner and Bee has the eir-| .™ culation—several hundreds more } than its pei '= 9" gag excels as an A yg mediu e do job tating of all kinds. Newspa Any eenoe who takes a vaper reg ularly from the post office, whether addressed in his name or “another’s or whether he has subscribed or not, ponsible for payment. If a person orders his paper discon- tinued he must pay all arrears, or the publisher may continue to send it un- yment is mede, aad then collect the whole amount whether the paper * is taken or not. The courts have decided that re- fusing to take newspapers or period- icals from the post office, or remov- ing and leaving them unpaid, prima facie evidence of intention of fra Editorial 8 is a good time to pins for an exhitte at the rere Fall Fair on September 1° and 19. The big and ttle ‘airs t.. ‘onannat the province are advertising the coming events and calling attention‘to the prize lists. Everybody lend a hand and make this years fair rat — one of the best ever held b nw “= Antotbte who broke the Motor Ve- hicle Act used to be summoned to court by post, but the Attorney Gen- era! has intimated that the summons will now have to be delivered. Whe- po this ogy cost will deter speed is not yet known. But \ it will cortainty add to the costs they will have to pay. 7 Just how the ballot will read in the liquor plebescite to be submitted = October 23rd. is not known. Som say that if the O.T.A. Is vepeated that hose municipalities vot- ing against it will have some form of liquor service, and that local option will prevail in the places that voted in favor of it. Whatever the form chosen in October, it is almost cer- tain that the open bar will not come back. Newspapers across the line express indignation over the execution under. ies Canadian law of a young man from the States who committed murder in this country. Murderers are not dealt with so harshly in Yankeeland: in- deed, it is only occasionally they are punished «at all. If United Statesers desire immunity for their killers they would better keep them at home, for the Canadian authorities have a nasty habit of hanging them. — Goderich —_" Everybody needs a change of work “and routine once im a while. Indoor ‘people especially need to get away from the daily grind for a few weeks - in summer. And it won't do a bit of harm for outdoor workers to tack- Je the housework for a few days and ‘wash the dishes, sweep house, do the woman's work and let. Molly and the baby go away Se a rest ann change of scene. Try it it will oll up the domestic mabhies ery for the rest of the year. And pod boys and girls, yowwho cannot, arrange to have mother take.a:few days off away from home; get up’ early some mortfing and tell her > “‘go way back and sit down,” and se that she does that Ta nothing diem which may be in any way connected with running the damenie menage, or menagerie, for a po Mage. If dad kicks, fire zim, too, and let him go fithing eeeneee been non A*man ‘named Bae has brought back to Toron support. ial mena na Mookad it. 5000 haiidale sth sie ‘fees have heen ; n cream cones. The cor oal we get taste. ee ca like paper God made the great open spaces, but man put up {hg advertising signs. We're not up to date here, No gas- oline war has pen oi declared. cient Greek tomb. And the girls of to-day think that only the “hve ones use ‘em. {a “It is safd inst a : million Boy a erter of mo Worn away an- cits in the hehdiing of it We've me-to the conclusion that mean} rou- bution to the loss isn't very’ gre ‘e don't — enough of it, nor 7 METHODIST CHURCH Sunday, August Srd., 1924 Union services Rev W. Gilmour weil Sunins, will ak at both serv BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday, August 3rd., 1924 Rev. Harry W. Jackson, pastor. 10 a.m.—Sunday school. 11 a.m.—The pastor. 7 p.m.—The -pastor. CALVARY EVANGELICAL CHURCH Rey. Sunday, August $rd., 0 a.m.—Public worship. 11 a.m.—Sunday school. 7.30 p.m.+—Public worship. Wednesday 8 p.m.—Prayer meeting. M. L. Wing, Pastor. 1924 v. E. W. Edwards is attending a ; Missionary Finance District meeting |'" Mitchell to-day. s . s Rev. T. B. Howard had charge of the services in Trinity church, Mif- chell on Sunday last. » Rev. Capt. ‘Bawards, a Seafo old boy, is preaching in = _ p it pit in that town on Sun s In consequence sf the holiday sea- son the public recognition of the Rev. Harry W. Jackson, in the Bap- tist church, has been postponed for a montb or two, e s The evening. service in the Evan- gelical church was cancelled last Sun- day as many of the members desired to take in the special services in the church on the Sixth line of Wallace. . e Wallace Cireuit—The régwar ser- vices will be held of Sunday, August rd..and the pastor will occupy the pulpit. On Sunday, Aug. 10th. Quart- erly Service will be held at Mount Pleasant Church at 10.30. Sunday school will meet at 10 o'clock. ° * s The union services of the Presby- terian and Methodist churches will be held in the Methodist church on Sunday and during the month of August. J. M. Nicol will be in charge of the services, but for the coming Sun@ay, Rev. F. W. Gilmour, of Atwood, will preach. | Hereand There | Comparative figures on the hydro installed in the United States show that the latter is -purday. They found a ib ee ej an an- ‘/day at the home of Mrs. Louis Syn- for three -phome of Mrs. Fisher, from fincardine, er sister, Mrs. eieay Miss Eileen ‘Btirling’ of Sorings, is visiting at Mr. Cedar Reid Moo i ‘ Miss | a guest of Mies Eliza Gordon on Sat- —o— |, ; Miss Della Lavery left last.week to spend a couple-of weeks’ vacation) in Toronto. —o— Mr. Chas. Cavell, visiting his penne; H: E. Cave of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. <a. : Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Miller of Flint, Mich., visited over Sunday with Rev. M. L. and Mrs. Wing. —o— Miss Lydia Moore has returned t town after nursing in Elora for the past two months. —o— Miss Irene Hunter, of Essex, is spending a couple of weeks with her aunt, Mrs. (Dr.) Moore. —o— “ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bender, Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Zurbrigg and Mrs. Chis litt motored to London to-day. —o— Mrs. Oliver Karges, of Toronto, is visiting her sister, Mrs. John Ken- nedy, 3rd. concession, Wallace. — Miss Ella Creighton, of Toronto, is a guest at the home of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Ellison —o— Mr. Jacob Kaufman and daughter, Annie, of St. ee visited on Tues- day at the-totie t Mrs. Louis Syn- der. Rey. and Mrs. W. Johnson and son, Howard, of Harrow, visited this week with Mr. and Mrs. John McDon- ald. : —o— Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kaufman and family, of Bamberg, spent Sun- der. ac- companied by Jack Williams, who will spend a week here --—o— Mr. and Mrs. Edward Barker and daughter, Evelyn, of Toronto. are - Sagar en a few daye at the home of r Mrs. John H. Ruppel ; oe Miss Maggie Huggins, of Monkton, visited her aunt, Mrs. A Fether- stone, and her nephew, Jas. Terry, who is ill in the hospital. —o— r. John Adams, principal of the continuation school at Keewatin. Spent the week-end at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ad- ams, eG pemve Mr. and Mrs. Meicklejohn, of Hamilton, and Mrs. Elliott and fam- ily, of Hamilton, called on Mr. and — A. W. Fetherstone on Wednes- ay. —, Miss Minnie Schnittker will return to her home at Underwood on Mon- day, after spending a couple of weeks t the home of Mr. and Mrs. red Schnittker. mn Mr. and Mrs. Louis Krotz, Roches- ter, N. Y., will return on Saturday a ter spending this week with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Krotz, Cth. concession. Oo Mrs. MacPhers6n, who has been spending three weeks with her fath- er, Mr. Alex. Ferguson, returned to Detroit by motor with Mr. MacPher- son on Sunda R. Clayton | and the Misses Adelaide and Vivian Clayton are leaving on Friday for Point Clarke where they have rented Dr. Pratt’s cottage for a couple of weeks. _—- oO— . B. George, Morton and Ed- ten aan ‘guest, Dick Mothersill, of Toronto, motored to Kitchener on Tuesday. Messrs. Morton George and regs Mothersfll remained to spend this —}— Mrs. A. E. Pelton and sons, Char- lie and Reid will arrive on Saturday to spend a week at the homes of her brothers, Dr. James Moore, Mr. M H. Moore and Mr. Reid Moore, Trowbridge. . at —o-— Miss Lillian Bender, of the Ban« ner staff, and ker brother, Eldon, of St. Thomas, are spending the week in Kitchener and Toronto. At Toron- to they bby assed Mr. and Mrs. Ger- don Ben Mr. peg Zilliax, Viola Zilliax and M . ayme will motor to Faint, " Michigan, on Sunday where they will spend a week's vaca- tion. Miss Pr Ziliax will remain Miss —9— Mr. John Bright, of Yale, Mich® gan, motored te Arthur where he spent the week-end. He was accomp- ahied' on his return to Listowel by Mrs. S. ee and daughter Doris, and Mrs: Mord Merce and Mrs. Rudisite snd Messre. ‘Brerett Mills and Earl Braner mot- cored from Buffalo and visited - the forepart of py week atthe homes of “id and J. Mills and Mr. and - Louis Frits ne Miss Purcell accomapnied by Dr Daisy Macklim of Stratford motorad to Buffalo last Tuesday where they. spent a few days. Miss Nina Purcell returned with them and is spending’ a week at her home here. Mrs. Boyd, ot f Strattord, : visiting d —o— Lottie Code, of Stratford, was is is-|and daughter Mildred, _o— M «|. Mr. Arthur Fritz returned Sunday by motor from London and was and Mr. and “Mrs. eae. —o— Mrs. Crawford and Miss A. crawford returned to St. Marys af A. ‘ig. 3 Johnstone motored them maleiral on ‘Wedues: Mr. Litt, Mrs. a keretger Meg arg A, Weppler, of venxer: motor- ed and spent Thursday in Listowel. Mrs. Weppler was accompanied home by her sister, Miss Dorothy Fritz, who will spend i vacation there. Mr. and Mrs. "Rot. Stevenson and children, of Harriston, and Mr. and Mrs. Hallman, of Fordwich, spent) +, Sunday with Mr. Mrs. Fred Wells. The two children, “Margaret and Harvey, remained ‘for the week. bane . J. 8. Hawke of the firm of Price & Hawke, London, accompan- ied by Mrs. Hawke and son ee e week-end at the home of Mr. Hawke's ‘| parents, Mr. plas Mrs. Robt. Hawke. Mr. Emerson Knipe and Miss Lydia Fisher and Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Kar- ges motored to Drew on Sunday and visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs E. Cochrane. They were accomp- anied onfreturn py Miss Emily Og- ram, who visited for a week at the home of her sister. ies —o— Mr. an Chas. Welker and family, of Wallaceville, visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stricker. Their daughter Flor- enee, return with them, after spending a Scliiny with- Dororthy Stricker, who accompanied them for a week's vacation. d Mrs, —o— Mr. John Bright, of Yale, Mich., who has been visiting for the past Mrs. 8. Andrews and oDris, of Arth- ur, and Miss Mary Bright, who will spend a couple of weeks there. —o— Miss L. McCormick and _ niece, Marian McCormick of London, _re- turned Tuesday from Toronto, where they have been spending a couple of weeks with her brother, Capt. Wes- ley McCormick, M. ey were ac- companied by Rev. and Mrs. J. McCormick and family, of London, who are visiting at. the. home of Mr. owWhittield McCormick’s father, Mr. McCormick. oi ¥ ee ee The ronto Globe of Saturday last had “tee wedding notice of a wedding that took’ place in Palmer- ston on Wednesday, July 23rd. 1923, which will be of interest to Listowel readers as the young lady, Miss Don- aldson, is a Listowel girl and will be remembered by many. The notice is as follows: At “Westview,” Pelwatsion” Ont., Wednesday July 23, 1924, by Rey. C. Y. McLean, A., Annie Erland Donaldson, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mgs. G. Y. Donald- “ to Thomas G. Cosens, son of Mrs. I. @psens and the Jate Isaac Cosens of Medicine Hat, Alberta, o a YULE—ROSS The Edmonton Journal of July 17th., has the following oo of the wedding of a Listowel m “A wedding of Seamer’ took place on Wednesday July 16, at 8.30°o'’clock in Trinity church, when the Rev. Canon Carruthers united in holy matrimony Bessie Raven Ross, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. W Linton Blair Yule, B.A., River, son of Mr. an Yule, of Listowel, Ont. The bridegroom was for several years principal of King Edward pub- lic school. He went overseas early in the war as lieutenant in the 56th battalion, organized in Calgary, and performed valiant service at front, for which he was decorated. After his return he was appointed a government inspector of schools an is acting in that capacity in Peace River. The bride was a mem pity Edmonton public schoo! teaching — evening, =) — < Andrew “The bride, who entered the church French crepe, long flowing bridal veil arranged with Venetian lace in o a 4 ® =] = 2] om az = LJ o ® 2. = 4 2 —~ 4 a ® ° orange blossoms and with pearls. was a shower of Ophelia roses. She! wus attended by two bridesmaids and two flower girls, the former being the Misses Esther Albrecht and her gis- ter Helen Ross, who wore charming frocks in hooped ‘effect of ocean reen French voile over taffeta, poke hats of taffeta in the same ried shower bouquets of! p pi carnations. Mer two 7 eee _Isabel and Constanee, e dainty flower girls in frilly rocks of pale pink organdie over, taffeta with their og of sweet peas rs. 8S wore a handsome gown of black: broladed crepe, a biack hat and sureone aeeee of red roses. e@ bridgroom supported by Mr. A. Behe to cr Me while — Aogg “ were Mr, Stanley Ra’ r. Mi, La Zerte,. E. The church was ig ei Ponting ed with ¢arnations, ferns and palm the guest pews being marked bows of. white satin and tulle wits — of Tn oes flowe pet eg 2 sremes at the Guests over, the week-end at the Wallace s oo and hapiakes sie es or ae s. a two week's visit ba their M binin = the arm of a mother, was a, pic- t 4 ore of winsomeniess in her bridal ee mares ote he Missis- arepe of white. -chenille embroidered ppl his arises f fact ¢| being a crest with strong slopes on Her- bouquet i Department on Sept, Ist. to Goes Into Diteh— —_ - Stanley Darling of the Hlora road, met with a serious motor accident while ‘motoring to Listowel in co pany mith a lady frien@ from Moun Forest. He upset in thejditch while making a sharp turn west of Harris- ton. Mr. Darling was unconscious for a time, but revived sufficently to be taken to his home during the night. His lady friend escaped with a bad shaking up. Engagement Announced— The Toronto Globe of July 24th. contains the following engagement notice of a former Listowel girl: — Pa and Mrs. George M. \ Yates, Guelph, announce the engagment of their daughter, Madeleine (Madge) E a Cleland ate Mr..and Mrs. Kee wa Chelland Clegg,-Manchester, England, the marriage to take place the middle of Auwgust.’’ Extended Visit in West— Mr. W. E. Binning left Wednesday morning on a three months’ trip to Western Canada. He will visit his son, W. J. Binning, of Moosejaw, Bert C. Binning, of Calgary, and = 8S. Binning, of Vancouver. when it "WE LEAD, WE LEAD ARE YOU requir PAYNE’S SERVICE STATION PHONE 207 when the Ultimate in Service is ed availing yourself of our Qualifications To Serve You? Soplicn at) at Popular Prices LISTOWEL ning is making the trip — Ga account of his health. Mr. t Bin- ning, of Calgary, is at pr beni at- tending. the exhibition and visiting in France turn by September first. The Fullarton U. F. O. Baseball nine again won the South Perth championsHip this year when they pulled a 3 to 0 win from the Mother- wel team in the final play-off game on Saturday. + * . A local tournament was held by the Listowel bowlers on Monday ev- ening when six rinks participated and an enjoyable evening was spent. Mr. Sam Alberts won first place and Mr. R. A. Climie came a close second. Another similar tournament will be held on Friday evening of this week. * Four rinks of Listowel bowlers motored to Palmerston on Wednes- day to take part in the big tourna- ment in that own. ip nae ete rinks were.on hand. The fou Listowel rinks were skipped by Messrs. Koch Lockhart, Walters and Kibler. The locals made good showing but Mr. Koch was the only one to get in on the prize Fireflies. The statement that the light of fireflies and other phosphorescent Insects is produced without any sens- ible degree of heat has often been repeated, without any information as to the quantity of heat that would be required to produce a similar amount of Mght by artificial methods. This information is supplied by Prof. Mac- Intosh. He says that a temperature approaching 2,000 a Fahren- heit would be necessary t light equivalent to that emitted by an ordinary firefly. The enormous wasth of energy in all industrial methods of producing light is a mat- ter of common knowledge, and the example of the firefly remains un- imitated by man. The very simplicity of the mechanism employed by na- ture in phosphorescent insects is baffling. . Effect of Water Shed. A curious result of a study/of. the Blue Ridge mountain region in No ow | Carolina end Virginia is the showi that the Atlantte is slowly the ” aatend of each side, is an esearpment separat- ng a mountaimonsy upland on the southeast; and the high-level head- reams that flow,-to- t, uneones the > an retro escarpme sive ’ erosion low-level rend waters of “tue Atlantic-seeking streams. From a practical ag t of is very view, of cousse, the change a1Sse. a Supper served at little tables cen- t red with sweet peas. The larger bride’s table which was decorated with the bride's cake ‘on rror a base, little silver vases with pale pink carnations marking the corners. hese same flowers .were also used nh the’ general decoration of the rooms. Those assisting.in serving were Mrs. Stinson, " regor and the Misses Jean Stinson, Edith ‘Willson, Bessie Campbell, Helen, Gwen and Catherine Ross. any handsome presents were aug payee and admired by the guests The bridegroom's gee » the bride was a beautifal thee save eu phere et vt + WALLACE COUNCIL + + i a ee ee Se ee July session.—Council met in the Twp. hall, all the members being present. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted on motion of Messrs. Grosz and Lorch. By-law No. 507 re the Henry Bolton Municipal Drain of Twp. of Howick was provisionally adopted.. The Court of Revision on said by-law ae be held at Gowanstown on Frid Aug. 8, 1924 at 3 Dp. m. The folowing accounts were pa Justice Shater, gravelling T. L. W. & M. by. div. 1, $40.50; John er balance digging ditch, div. 4, $2.0 Russel Sweeney, gravelling div. a $10.63, gravelling div. 5, $10.62; Thomas Moffatt, contract gravel, ‘iv. a gasoline for pairs to tractor rf 0; um, gasoline for asian rity 00; tn pera gravelling T. L. & H. 3, $104.00; Gordon Melville, spovelling gravel, div. 4 W. E. Henderson, shovelling gravel, "div. 4, $1. 00: Nor- man McDowell, gravelling aly. 3, $32.50; Marshal Jacques, do. $21.70; Wm. Zurbrigg, shovelling gravel, div. $ x Geo. Ash, shov- elling and spreading gravel, div. 2, $8.00; Wesley Gilmore, op. tractor, div. 4, $21.18; Donald, ir oles op. grader, div. 4, $21.18; Arthu Krotz, gravelling div. 4, $20.00 Wm, Stricker & Son, wheel, rep., gas etc. $70.43; John Mahnke, shovelling gravel, div. 3, $14.00; Wesley Gil- more, op. tractor, div. 1, $11.20; Donald McTaggart, op. grader, div. 1 $11,20; Arthur Krotz, gravelling div. 4, $20. 00; John G. Schne rm shovel- ling gravel, div. 4, $1.0 White, grease ac for a $1 25; White's garage, Palmerston, gas for tractor, $9.60 niel ae farm bridge Municipal Drain No. " soit John A. Nelson, do. $25.00 3K. Campbell, erie $30. 00; Edmund son, val. sheep killed by dogs, $1. rt Roy Bell, gravelling div. 1, $63.4 R. Barnett, tram on grader ,div. ry $1.50; Harry Fallis, shovelling grav- el, div 1, $2.00; Gordon Cherry, shov- elling gravel, div. 5, 2.00; John Kelis, shovelling gravel, div. 4, $8.; Geo. Be es shovelling gravel, div. 4, $4.00; Demm —_ shovel- ling gravel, div. 2, $2.0 R. Kemp, tile, $18.00; Geor, : ‘Nubn, on making concrete tile 50.00; d. Schneider, clean out ditch , $9. 00; David Greer, drawing by- léws etc se Henry Bolton Mun. Drain $22.00; Welker, = _ Seuplinn, for beat, $5.30; J. M. Meade, re D. & W. courses and selaeentis: $4.65. ree ge ie adjourned to meet on Auguét 8th. at 1 o'clock to transact general business. David Greer, clerk 1 ‘sheep iilled See Se eee eee eee eee eee + + BORN, BS + 4 CEPPEEEEEEE EEE EEE TOE E OTE ALLAN—In a. Memorial hospital, Listowel, on pumeny, July 29th., to Mr. an rs. R. G. Allen, of Molesworth, a son. THOMPSON—Town line east of Lis- wel, on Sunday, July 27th., to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thompson, a daughter. “This fellow is not suffering from en the effects ot alcohol. He has be — The policeman was greatly distur- bed and ncke falteringly: “I'm thinkin’ yé're right, sor. I orexgee. him fer. way ‘to the sta- tio: ‘An ideal parent is” one who does- its, n't see more than halt of what takes ce. rtunity knocks Aut donee. It “Oppo — se # weighty. t ane ‘political | en gt eer wand | the in ts hot—but! "Strike get it hot first. L. Robin-} y PRINCESS THEATRE Friday ‘and Saturday “Buck” Jones HELL’S HOLE feeb bode aide KUnrzv1 LL : + Leslee dbedeeteedeebecbectedeotoadeodDefecfecbetecteateadestecdesbeahs a ee Geo. Porteous, mother and sis- 1, Mr. ter Hattie, of Palmerston, visited on Sunday at the home of Mr.- Smith cc 7. A car load of peal motored from Waterloo on Sunday and spent = day at = home of Mr. and Mrs. W. McDow A ee number from around here attended the services held on the — line Sunday afternoon and ev- en ine. nd Mrs. Alex. McCabe spent Sunday” with the tog per: 8 sister, Mrs. Ellie sy toad of friends from Kit- oe spent yvag © ae Ane home of rs. ” ‘Mr -and Mrs. aoe Schantoc at- tended the fastest of a felative in Seaforth on y. Mr. orm Orth of Palmerston spent some. time on Sunday; at the ae ya saree Ott. Eldon Ankerman 2 : and M Sent ‘Sunday in in Seaforth. spessvevisieabbiatgiiieese : GOTHAM % + Peelerdebeede be ertesdecdondereodetotbeeefoebieecloecdenteefesfente Most of the farmers in our ricin- ity have es haying, which was an ge ag p. . Hardie fs having - a ew Verandah, erected to his house which will Sreatly improve its appearance. r. an ts. John McLaughlin, Charlie McLaugh- spent Sunday with rnochan. also’ Mr. and Mrs. a of Palmerston, ne . Jas. Ca rgaret rire - ing ooenoe in Carth eee ie ; Aieinaoe is awa ps holidays ‘at Present and there will @ no services orth Mo on igen ig > tg t 3rd. oo and her father, Mr. ‘William Barat spent T: Tycsda sd with friends at North Pen The police physician way called to examine an Beiecner. who Deen arrested and to the be time for paths a pry e +p d the athe Dhy- kad made the arrest, abe.