PERSONALS ||, Dr. A: O. Hover spent Sunday with friends in Galt, —o— Mr. James Fenton spent the week- end in Wingham. —_—o— Miss Clara Wells spent Sunday with Miss Florence Buhlman, Waterloo. ! I . Mr. R. B. White was in Preston Wednesday on business. _—O— Arthur Wright spent the week- end with friends in Kincardine. —_—o-— Miss Ethel Thompson = this week with friends in Toron —_—oO— Mr. James Inglis spent Friday and Saturday with friends in Toronto. i Mr. Henry Johnston, of Kincardine spent the week-end with his family in town —o— Mrs. J. W. Bundy of Toronto, spent a few mo this week with Mrs. L. W. Thompso TWO BIG DAYS Tuesday and Wednesday October 14th. and 15th. mun hat Ma Extraordinary Values In Every Department---Be Sure and Visit Our Store TWO BIG DAYS- Tuesday and Wednesday October 14th. and 15th. - i M E. C. 8t 2 t tT 1 LADIES' BRASSIERES WOOLEN GLOVES 7 COATING rs, E. C. Stewart spent Tuesday SILKS % price on $ Day 39c ; $1.00 to $1.50 $2.50, $ Day for $1.50 > in Moorefield, visiting her father, Mr. = . W William Long. a Save $1.00 on every yard. Extra Heavy Duchess Ladies’, ego and Men's, Se pat gt Mt Men Ss and Boys ‘ ear Pal |. Silk, Satin finish, in navy, black and the $1.98 UNDERSKIRTS a pair. and brown. dor per ya-81.50 rz ‘ a and 7 - We taser and ES leading shades. Reg. $3. for $ Day, yd. $2.00 ae _— reg. aan BLANK See Our $15.00 Tweed Suits . home. Dorking. cane & B USrery a CANTON CREPE, all colors ............-. $2.69 we Nn es _ PRENCESS SLIPS Big bargains in Flannel- A BIG SAVING ON MEN'S SUITS F ES RAW SILKS SAFETY PINS 25 fancy slips, all colors. —_ette and Woolen Blankets. Regular $35.00 Suits on sale .........- $29.7 :: Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Schinbein spent | /E% $1.00 Day Sale, for ........ cee secrcenenes 69c 50 on catd, 200 $ ° LADIES’ SILK GLOVES Regular $30.00 Suits, on sale .......--- $24.7! A a few days this week with friends at| |B oy < nd nec Bd EF Ses Sis Gis Sint a i i a be . Reg. $1.00, on pale 75e Regular $25.00 Suits, on sale .......-.+ $19.75 x3 itby B -. BY BAIS ore vie ese oie oie nace wie wie bee wie 81. . CAMISOLES LADIES’ FURS AND FUR Reg. $1.50, on sale . oy 7. 20% off Boys’ Suits. eH Mr. and Mrs. Fr. Brown and fum- Ey Fancy er Tricolette, for ; eecrerens, Reg. % Price. SHTS, 3g price, Reg. $2.00, on sale ..$1.59 Men's Rubber Belts, $ Day .......-2--ee0e- 21¢ fai! ily, of Neustadt, spent Sunday at the Ee $1.50 for ... ce bec ec eee ee eee eens $1.00 , . RE home of Mr. ard Mrs Louis. Frits. -s . Men’s Flannelette Pyjamas, per suit ...-.... $2.00 fe . E) FLANNELS - 10 PER CENT. OFF ALL UNDERWEAR ‘3 . and Mrs. Garbuté Kidd and |/F All wool Sport Flannels, 54 inches wide, all . Men's Heavy all wool and Cashmere Hose, pr. 49¢ | ky & two children, spent a few days this || olors. Reg. $2.50, Dollar Day, yd. ....$1.69 LADIES' SWEATERS FLANNELETTE 25 Men's Rain Coats on sale $5.98, $7.50, $8.50 is week in Toronto. E) sroanc . a to $2.50 32-33 inches wide, Light and $10.98. is —O—— Es LOT Sleeveless and Pullover. : and dark colors, yd. 25c . "s Mr. and Mrs. Alex McLennan, of || Silk finish, plain and striped. Reg. $1.25 a $ Day for $1.00 Swe § On Hosiery 27 inch. wide, light and 100; Men’s Caps. reg. up to $2.50, on $ Day for 95c ‘5 ee ee ee Sen ee aes POOR ESE x99 6x on nes meen Ha Him a Hm YH CORSETS Holeproof Silk Hosiery, all _ Gark qotore, 94. ..2t0 Men's Silk Ties, reg. 75c, on sale ...... 2torsi.o0| & —0—~ Ey FANCY SATEEN $2.50 to $5.00. Clearing colors, on sale, pr....$1.89 TOWELLING — vices Gest t30 iE Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gabel spent the || 5} 100 yards down line. Bias filled % price ; 16-18 inches, all linen en's Braces, President style, pr. ......- aie Sie fe : ; EY proof Sateen, yard wide. Reg. 50 Hoz. Ladies’ Silk and 4 weak and mie members of their fam- | | 8be, for per yd. ....... .cceceeeseceey TICKIN wool Hose. Black only. — 7 °7° 7707" 20c and. 25¢ Men’ . Leng d all meat ? and 1 Ribbed Under- Me ily in Bitehener, * A. ©. A. heavy weight. Sub standards, pr. .... 7 SHEETINGS 5 DOF GATMONE 66 ce vc ve seen eres $1.48 4 _— 20% off Curtai . re ec yd. for ..49¢ § 2 BR eee eee Oc 3 Vv on iaieliig y aura Orith her S oS 7 'MBRELLAS 25 doz. Ladies’ Cashmere 9-4 bleached ....... ene Men's Balbriggan Underwear, garment 50c and 75c a alley, spen e week-end w er | |By _ I : : 5 mother in town. i OOTTONS Extra special .... $1.00 mair oF Seen tome ‘$1 00 PILLO N Men's Fleece-lined Combination Underwear, 3 —o— ef Bleached and aa ora wide. Reg. 10% off Congoleum, Nesuiar 146 ~ te . / All width, Stroma. - 45c up Large sizes, reg. $3.00. $ Day, on sale $2. suit. = Mr. George Spotton and daughter ||5 et 22e, for per ¥a. Fis cw vesws acs Linoleum and Tapest gular -25 Hose, for 00 —_ ) Glenna, of Wingham, spent Monday {|B a Rupe pestry DOWN “a Men's eae eae Reg. $1.25 for --. A” & with friends in town Ei LADIES’ SU $1.00. Sizes 34 to 36 26... cece ee ee 75c iB —_o— EI 20 Ladies’ Suits, reg. up to $40., in navy M N ‘e Mrs. Harry Garland of Guelph, s | 1B ser ogg _ tricotine. Dollar Day for $10.1 98 to Men's All Wool Sweater Coats V Children’s Plush and Tweed Hat« onl ance ier BOER neste: eee 7 50 2 spending the week-end at the wise By $14 ner few $2 50 HALF R 2.00, FOP occes oe 0a 46 oe KEES ; 's spending the week-end 5 ae =. 2 (een 2. PRICE 20% ott Men's tine Shirts : —o--— S LADIES' AND MISSES’ COATS @ ‘ - peg x en igo = Ei 25 sy I and Fall Coats, tweed and velours. Men's Blue Striped Overalls, on sale from $1.39 up ie aughcer, resen, spe he week~- B BN, BERGB oi ce: ce wie eee are te oo $5. upwards. © , - Ne with friends in Stratford. j Children’s Coats on sale.......... $2.50 upwards New Coats A ARES SOUR SEON SPREE Se = eiaiaiamea 2 te. ana iis. Sam ae ; heprn prices on Ladies’, Misses’, Men's and Boys’ Now Fait and Winter Coats. Men’s Natural Wool Combinations, garment $2.75 is q s : 2 jes’ Coats, plain or fur-trimmid. on sale at $2¢ i family, of Walkerton, spent Sunday Tea Sets, regular 75c, 2 sets for $1.00 ~ Ye with Mr. Joseph Caruso. $1.00 fancy Pitchers fey “= ft Se wales Bc = HATS! pag ha DOLLAR! i eee F y 8 Ove oe oe we ws wan wee si _ ; King Hats, Reg. $4.50, for ...........005 50 ‘ Mrs. Wm. Matheson, of Goderich, Glass Tumblers at .........00eee0 eee, 6c ea. BCAAIOD, CRESS aoe eS Ee ce oe Senet. Mee White Star Goa, per tine Borsalinos, Reg. $7.50 Fg $0.50 | is stesing at the home Gf her bro), Matches, 3 boxes for 23c¢ 3 donc: cl loth s Pins f . Be 8 eal ne Raising for ‘or 250 eainapneidanrmaniciansaesiasnetig INF ther, Mr. T. L. McCauley. ” Matches, . .-28¢ othes Pins ar : eedless Raisins for ...25c - ° —_—O— > « Miss Janet Bright returged home | \{gqiiaRiARAMTRIAGARAR AR ARARAn GAT AiAmn nein ci mini nica ee eke se ANT Q\ETOCRT@CE ANE T@\EIONNIINA TMT avh ORT QNEI ONE TWX TR ETONTTOXE (WCE TOCETO\ATAXEYRXRIONE BTW DIOR OOS Es! Tuesday, after spending a few days with friends in Toronto. com e . Mrs. C. Rocher returned home Sat- urday, after spending a few days with friends in Hamilton _—Oo— John and Mrs. Robertson, of Laura Runge and Bessie Inglis, and Mr. James Inglis, spent Sunday with friends at Kitchener The Missés Vera Haase, Hazel and Miss Luella Scott spent the week- end with friends in Toronto. —o— Miss Reve Foster, of Bra . Rey. me he ee chener, sepnt Tuesday at the home of+ Mrs. (Rev) HW Ww. 7. Jackson will re- Miss Mary Schwalm, of Hamilton, | MT 894 Mrs. J. K. Bricker ceive for the first time since comin was a guest this week at the home of —o— to Listowel on Tuesday afternoc - Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hemsworthj Oct. 14th ton, | Hpi the week-end at the home of, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Schell. : —o spending a few days at the home of and family, were in London on Sun day, owing to serious illness of Mr. Elsie and Rober —o— The Misses Cora Ruppel, Evelyn Gee Messrs. Miss Olive McLaughlin returned after spending a few home Monday, days with friends ip Drayton. Hemsworth’s mother Goldner and Harold Zilliax, spent iis maG—s Sunday at Point Clarke. Mrs. J. G. Fleming, of Simcoe, i Miss } ii : 2 eming, of Simcoe, is Miss Martha Geeihaar hae return Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Schell and ed to her home in Kitchener, after sepnding a few days at the home of R. B. Geelhaar. — j— spending 2 few days at the home of her son, Mr. L. A. Fleming. Miss Edna Schell spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Kaufman, 8th. con- her brother, Rev. cession, Wallace. —_—— Miss Violet Dierlam, teacher of El- mira, spent the week<end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs E. H. Dierlam. Mr. and Mrs. G@. £. Hudson and family, of Hespeler, were guests over the week-end at the ome of the former's brother, Mr. E. S. Hudson. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Heath and family, and Miss Mabel Hallman, motored to Galt on Sunday, and vis- ited at the home of Mr. Coverdale Heath. —o— Mr. and Mrs. Morley Hamilton and daughter, of Stratford, spent the —o = week-end at their homes in town. « ‘The Misses Hilda and Rilla Cor- —o— ‘bett, Mr. B. Henderson, and Mr. Ciar- ence Perkins, of Drayton, were guests —o— Mrs. Harry Dixon was in Toronto Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hardman and this week, visiting her daughter, Miss} Monday at the home of Mrs. Ed. Mc- Laughlin. Mabel Dixon, who has been ill. é, —o— Miss M. T. Zurbrigg. of New Ham- burg, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M, F. Zurbrigg. the week-end with their daughter, Mrs. Ezra Lanz, New Hambur —o— Mr. and Mrs. ae the fore part of t son, Mr. Jack Chimie, Tillsonburg. third concession, Wallace, and Miss Loretta Long, oh Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Filsinger spent | Long, Moorefield. daughter, Peggy, J. Climie spent} Miss Briggs of Galt; were guests Sun- s week with their|day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Brown. a a yh Mr. and Mrs. LaMerchant Long, Listowel, spent Mr. Wm. of Mi and, of and es r. and Mrs. C. Alexander ler, of Hespeler BI mother, been in poor health. Cal., the home of Mr. family, motored from Arthur on Sun- d and visited with the former's Mrs. A. Hardman, who hag y. Mrs. S. S. Rosenberger, of Hyena Mich., Mrs. T. Hutchison, of Clar ch., Mrs. S. Douglas, of Seal haach. and Mr. Gordon Rosenberger, Detroit, were guests this week at and Mrs. Noah ackmore. — SCHWEIGERT—ROLLS A quiet wedding was solemnized at the Lutheran parsonage Wednes- day evening. October 8th., when Miss Lillian May Rolls, of Listowel, daugh- ° Oo —o— " Mreand Mrs. C. V. Blatchford and Mr. Gordon Bender, of Toronto, Yamily, spent a few with Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Magee, Paisley. —_—o— ‘ aes and Mrs. Joseph Faulkner re- home Tuesday, after a visit days this week| spent the week-end with his parents, in town. y Bertie Hulbert, friends in town e was accompanie who visited his boy un — The Misses Lulu May and Gertrude ter of Mrs. n Schweigert, of Kitchener. Regt Geelhaar officiated. The couple were unattended. Schw John Koch, Listowel, was ited in marriage to Mr. Edward rs their daughter, Mrs. J. J. Crew-| McLaughlin, of Listowel, Mr. Alf. son, Guelph. . Watchorn, of Palmerston, and Mr.|@rt will reside ‘in Kitchener, —o— Harry McMillan, oEimira, spent’, , wg eeesv ee ee Mr. and Mrs. George Cobean and| Sunday with friends in Stratford. ‘ a daughter Eleanor, of Elmira, spent —~o— Sanday at the home of Mrs. c-| Mrs. James Holmes and Miss Maud | * ENGAGEMENTS : Laughli Holmes, of Trafalgar, ‘Mr. Pearson —n Holmes and son, James, of Toronto,;* *« * #® * «© #® © # © # ® Mr: and Mrs. George Magee, of| were guests a few days this week at Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Thompson ‘Toronto, were guests over the week-|the rome of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph wish to announce the engagement of Lockhart. their daughter, Agnes Helen, to se son of the sot ot at Foss home of Mr. and Mrs. Dav- id San A —o— Mr. Olin Clarke, ¢ roneete. spent is pare James Randolp late Isaac Askin and Mrs. Askin, Lis- h_ Askin, —o— Mr. and Mrs. James Stewart, Dun-|the week-e r.} towel, Ont. The marriage will take can a ued Jean, of Ha tiand Mrs. Oo paren: He was ac-/ place the latter part of ober . mstead, the week-end oils the home of Mrs. L. W. Thom compere to Toronto Monday morn- re in the city. ng by his mother, who spent a few The Toronto Globe of Eriday last had the ot ee C notice: ie . and _ W. C. Tracey and —_—o- r. an , Listowel, Pe of tchener, were guests Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. Gamble and:announce the cacaent of their Sunday at me home of Mr. nd i Mrs.| Leslie, and Mrs. James McCrone, of | youngest daughter, Beth Adelaide W. A. Johnstone. . Woodstock, returned Tuesday, after; Robinson, to Frank Harold ¢ —o— sap a few days at the homes.of| Toronto, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Currie, of Wingham,|Mr. and Mrs. George Mayburry and| Mrs. James Terry, Monkton, r a ys this week visiting | the Misses An marriage to take piace October 2 Mr. John amor isan ak Port Huron, it Sects In Hontay’s | pms i the Toronto Globe appeared the gsr tee notice: Mr. and Mrs. Thos. M od Fordwich, iy dane the engagement} Lae their only > when naiteengir against ‘the cClement, of Mrs. D. F. res a ogee to Cameron C. $ B.| meeting will be held on Monday ev- | | Items of Local Interest |County Council Next Week— Perth County Council meets in Stratford on Tuesday of next week, Oct. 14th. Hota Wiener Roast— A jolly time was spent Friday ev- ¢| ening, when a parly of young people t) held eld a wiener roast in McDowell's Returns from Niagara Falls — Mr. Eldridge McKinnon returned home Saturday from Niagara Falis, where he has been employed in a garage. Display ‘of Flowers— The Horticultural Society will have a display of dahlias af? mee i other late flowers in andric window on Friday and Saturday. Attended Executive Meeting— Rev. Capt. E. W. Edwards and Mr. C. V. Blatchford were in Mitchell Friday evening attending a meeting e executive of the Perth County - | Temperance Alliance oe perty Changes— A. E. Murton oo the "Testdence of Mr. mes Ross on Union street, and Mrs. m. one has purchased the eneay of Mrs. Eich on Main street, eas -_—o— purchased North Mornington Anniversary— Anniversary services will be held at North Mornington Church on Sun- day, October 19th. Rev. A. Stew- art, of Acton, will preach at both morning and evening services. A tea © | ening, the 20th Make Out Y The news “this Gack is of money- saving opportunities. Be wise. Read every advertisement and make out a list of the articles you are going to buy on Dollar Days. Then ao your shopping early. . “Yes” or “No” Will Spoil Ballot—— Mr. Dymond, chief Election Offic- er for Ontario, has made the woe placed in a sp 1 envelope to be considered in case of a recount. Change of Office— ; On and after Thursday, ce ae the Canadian National Express occu- pz y the eastern half of the fis office or erected by Mr. Robt. Oliver on Main street, next to Blackmore- Hamilton Furniture Co. Phone 124. ‘A. L. Fleming, Agent. On reeasay morning Jame Bar- dismissed th e appeal | days Big Edition This Weeck— The Banner is publishing a six- teen page issue this week to take care of the “Dollar Day’’ advertise- ments. The paper is in two sections, so make sure you receive both sec- tions. It has been one grand rush to get out this edition and the news is necessarily curtailed. Heads South Perth Liberals— Mr. Michael Hagarty, of Logan township, Warden of Perth County, was chosen as president of the South Perth Reform Association which met in St. Marys on Tuesday. Hon. Dun- can Marsall, Dominton Liberal Org anizer, was the chief speaker at the convention Will Visit London Schools— The seven assistant teachers on the Public School staff i —_ the London schools on Thu and Friday, Oct. 16 and 17, castend of at- tending the Teachers’ Convention at Stratford. They have the Inspector's approval and have been assured of a welcome at the London schools. she _ ector and teachers of the Leun- schools will do all in their power td make the visjt a profitable one, as pe object is to observe means and ods of the city schools. Princl- oad BE. G. McDonald will attend the Convention at Stratford. Receives Large Number of Prizes— r. 8. J. Miller exhibited his horses at the Drayton fair last week and was successful in carrying off four firsts and four seconds. This ends the ex- hibiting for this‘season which was a very satisfactory one. He received 84 prizes in all, 48 of which were firsts and sweepstakes. He has sold his entire string with the exception = , Sebeneene Woolwich, the Hackney he purchased at the London Fair, Brookfield Princess and Gertie ene going to J. W. McCracken, Listowel; Doctor Blake to, Ben Mecormick of Listowel, and Laddie C. McCready, of Dresden.— siitortea Sun. Legal Action Holds up Arena— Walkerton’s proposed w arena, for the erection of which the rate- payers on July 26th. passed a by-law granting a loan of $24,/000, has for the time being and possibly for all time gone by the board and the pros- pects of a rink being built in Walk- erton are now remote. Lawyer O. E. Klein, who has been acting for the arena’ objectors, has announced that (according to a new can which is ee the Bonus Limitation Act,’’ t is unlawful for any scnelpelife to etc. Takes Position in Store— Mr. Frank Elligson, of Newton, has acecpted a position in the store of Chapman Bros. ay. Leave for Owen Sound— Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Bamford left Listowel Thursday morning for Owen Sound, where Mr. Bamford has accepted a position as organist of the Methodist church. FOR Dollar Day 12 Boxes Matches 1,00 10 Pkgs. Kellog’s Corn Flakés ‘Resigns Position— Mr. J. Tuesday evening, a trip to Moosejaw, Buys Residence— Miss Mary Anderson, who has been employed at Diana Sweets, Returns from Trip to West— P. Walter returned a “aad other Satate in the western provinces. He reports the crops in fair shape. Mrs.°L. Snyder has purchased the has re- signed her position and has returned oo to her home in Gowanstown. Miss 8 May Dick is supplying in Diana Sweets. 10 Cans Mustard $1.00 10 Cans Cocoa $1 00 12 Cans Sardines $1.00 20 Bars Soap a mon 10 Cans Condensed Milk residence on Inkerman street, of the John Brisbin estate, and gets pos-! session November ist. The house has been occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Walter) Cartlidge. Attended Shriners’ Fair— Messrs. Herb Zilliax, L. W. Payne, F. vonZuben, Cecil Vandrick and J. $1.00 7 Bottles Pickles $1.00 5 tbs. Choice Cakes & Biscuits 9 tb. Pails Lytle’s Jams A. Watson motored to Kitchener oo Monday and attended the Shriners’ . Country Fair, held in the Auditorium, % dozen Clover Leaf Cups and —, Kithcener Saucers Returns From Holida $1.00 Mr. James “Inglis has resumed his duties at the C. N. tation, after 20 Pkgs. Pearline being on two weeks’ vacation. Mr. $1 .00 ~% Ambrose Zettler, operator, is on his holidays at present, and Mr. ingils is relieving him. A. J. VANDRICK, Building New Front— k was commenced on Monday going -to- — expense and will have a most modern front, which will greatly improve his property. Your Remittance ber of subscription accounts in and around Listowel during the past two wee hus far only a very few or lars have been p We need th money and must-urge that all thoes having received accounts call or send their subscription to us within the next few days. We really must col- lect this money before Oct. 31st. Please be good enough to settle now. Fall Fairs— Among those from Listowel hgh asiinded the fall fair at Brussels o rs. Hugh Halliday, George F r, Richardson, Fred Bender, John Scott, James Wil- gon, Hugh Darroch and _ Gottfried Wo morning for the erection of a = + new front in George's restaur- Transferred to London — ant, Main street. Mr. George is G . Parker, who has Manager at the Dominion Btore “— a few months, has received an ad- vinseapeat in his position, and left Tuesday to take charge of new Appreciated— , The Banner pent out a large num- ae Pages rik mpeees in London. Mr. Cc t. Marys, will be in charge ae the. foe store. Teave for New York— Mre. Walter Greenwood and two children, and Mrs. W. Graham left Wednesday morning for Wayland, N. Y., where Greenwood and Mr Graham ag purchased a theatre. An auction sale was held on Monday of the furniture of Mr. Graham, and was largely attended. a Pavement Completed— The W, C. Brennan Compa ny, Hamilton, who had the contract for laying the new pavement in Listo- wel, completed the contract at that the by-law invalid and the} Stricker. Viens attending the Ford-| on ¥. The new pavem rena cannot fair on Saturday were Mr. and/| will be 4 great improvement to the ceeded with. The objection, howev-| M Wim. Finlay. ghee Henry God-! ap , and will as- ‘er may be ov ie by b g the} dard, H ee E.G. McDonald | sist in lessening th pemattic on Wal- rink as a mem : 8 ueiem ldpe-and Main ¢ Ti rn oh ad