b- 5 |ISATURDAY _ ~% * in as Store on * SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Miss Lulu May ee Thanksgiving at her home in Atw Mrs. Alex. Alien, oop Toronto, is @ Sguest of Mrs. D. C. Graham. Miss Ruby McBride spent Thanks- giving at her home in Owen Sound. Mr. H. E. Cavell of Elmira, spent Thanksgiving at his home in town Mrs. Bissett, of rigs Gasper is visiting her daughter, Mr. A. E. Mal- Miss Gladys Youn, Chesley, ‘spent the week-end with relatives in wh. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lockhart spent the week-end in Toronto visiting r+l- atives. Miss Ada Hamilton is visiting her sister, Mrs. Jack Geoghegan, Monk- ton. ; Mr. Kurt Wahl and bride, return- ed home Tuesday from their honey- moon. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Schell visited over Thanksgiving with friends ~in ‘Chesley r. and Mrs. N,. L. Scott are li this rank with friends in falo ies M. A. Bamford is visiting in Markdale with her daughter, Mrs. G. 8. i Mr. and Mrs. George Melrose and family, spent Monday at Point Clarke Dr. R. F. Taylor and Mr. W. A. Britton spent the week-end at Oli- phant. Miss Maud Climie of Kitchener. is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs W. J. Climie. Miss Bella Deans, of Galt, was a wuest over Thanksgiving of Mr. and “Mrs. S. 1. Adolph. eee Mr. and~-Mrs. Steven Durant of Galt, spent Thanksgiving with friends in town. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hiltz, of Han- over, spent Thanksgiving with friends in town Mr. Olin Clarke, of Toronto. spent ~ the week-end with his mother, Mrs. Mrs. Roulston and Miss Roulston sepnt Thanksgiving with friends at Milverton Miss Jean McIntyre, of London Normal, spent Thanksgiving at her street home in town Mrs. J. N. Middleton of Toronto, was the guest of Mrs. A. Climie, over the week-end. Postmaster John Scott was Guelph on Wednesday attending the Winter Fair. Mrs. A. E. Pelton and Mr. Stafford Pelton, of Toronto, visited in Listo- wel this week. Mr. John Totulos, of Lindsay, is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs, James Athas. Mr. and Mrs. Monkton, spent their homes in tow Mr. Robert Savage, of Toronto Normal, spent the holiday with his mother in town. Dr: and Mrs. W. G. E. Spence and family, spent the week-end — with friends at Arthur. Mr. Carl Gabel, of Paris, Spent the Frank Osborne, of Thanksgiving at n SS at the pee of Mr. and . P. Renn sot hau al pets and Mr. Clifford Dempsey spent the week-end with friends in Toront Mrs. Stanley Kemp rétuvied home Tuesday after a week's visit with her sister in Hanover. Mrs. J. 8. Gee, of Toronto, visited this week at the home Mrs. Howard Gee. Dr. A. G. Shiell returned home Friday, after two weeks’ moose hunt- os fg Northern Ontario. a Mrs. William West of Tiil- waite spent the week-end and the holiday at the Rectory. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Wipfler, of Lon- don, were guests ind ae RAB RAEI TIRE of the former's mo Miss Kathleen Matatere. of Vic- toria hospital, London, spent- Sunday at her home in town. an and Mrs: oat Winters, of Southampton, spent Thanksgiving at ithe home of Mrs. B. Bonnett. ‘Mise da Heard, of ‘Stratford, “was 4 guest over i week-end of Mr. gard ees + he . and Mrs. atu Squires, of ag ho sae Thanksgiving with! ron, Mr. and Squires. ter, Mrs. Stewart Stone, Palmerston. Edna Cl of Mr. and/ « Mr. Andrew Kay left Wednesday on a ¥isit with friends and relatives In Detroit. Miss Crish of Toronto, was a guest over Thanksgiving of Rev. and Mrs. c. W. Edw Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sergison spent the week-end with their _son, Mr. Harry Sergison; Mount Forest. Mr. Wellington Horne, of Toron- to, spent the holiday with his par- ents, “Mr. and Mrs. Henry Horne. Miss Baker and Mise*Chamney, of Harriston, are visiting at the home of Miss Chamney, Victoria streat. Miss Winnifred Bradley is visiting her brother, Mr. George Bradley, at Windsor and with friends in Detroit. The Misses Hazel and Cora Lennox spent Thanksgiving with their sis- The Misses Violet Bean and Char- lotte Schwass of Kitchener, spent Thanksgiving at their homes’in town. Mrs. Robert Wakeford of Hamil- ton, spent the week-end wit r par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Tremain, Misses Gladys and Margaret Hall! of Kitchener, spent Thanksgiving with their mother, Mrs. R. K .Bal. The- Misses Blsie. Evelyn a Thelma Gee, and Mr. Harold Zilliax motored to Point Clarke on Monday. Mr. Leslie Brownson, of Chatham, is spending this week with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Brownson.- Miss Lillian Vandrick, of Hamil- ton, spent Thanksgiving with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Vandrick. Mr. and Mrs. William Owens, of Toronto, were guests over Thanks- giving of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Kar- ges: Mr. and Mrs. Roland Barber and family of Stratford, sp onday at om home of his brot#@r, Mr. J. A Barber. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Hallman, Mr. Geech and®Beatrice Wakeford, spent Thanksgiving Day with friends at Walkerton. Mr. John Glenn returned Wednes- day to Richmond Hill, after spending a days at the home of Mrs. A. Pi Mrs. Robert Kerr left for hér home in Stratford to-day. after spending a week With Mrs. Wm. Spence, Wallace Miss Rae Ward spent the week- end at the home of Mr. and Mrs Fred Stevenson, 10th. concession, Bl. ma Mr. and Mrs. John Koch Thanksgiving with the daughter, Mrs. Ed. Schweigert, chener. Mrs. George Franks and Leonard, of Hespeler, spent the week-end at the iam of Mrs, Franks, Inkerman stre spent latter's Kit- oe Har rrison Seaman, of Western iversity, London, spent Thanks- giving with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Seaman. Miss Annie Thompson, of Toronto, spent Thanksgiving at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thompson. Messrs. Griffith McDonald and raham Walter, of Toronto Norma) spent the week-end with their par- ents in town Mr. and Mrs. Buckley of Paris, pent the week-end with Mr. and + i Gardiner, at the home of Mr. J. H. McDonald. Miss Ora Hall, teacher of Grand Valley, spent the week-end and fore part of this week with her mother, Mee. R Miss Ruby Heath returned home aturday, after spending a few months with her sister, Mrs. Russe! Wray, betes: Mr. and A. 8, Rennie, and son, Mac, of Tillsonburg, were guests over Thanksgiving the Rennie homes in Listowel. Mr. Harold Edwards; of Toronto School of Medicine, spent Thanka- ering with his parents, Rev. ani . E. W. Edwards. ue. and Mrs. Harold Wilkin and little son, Gordon, of near Harriston, spent Thanksgiving with a meroety: Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Long. Mrs. Rin eae and Fred Eyres, of ‘Bay City, Mr. and M Cecil Cavell, a Lopes by Me and Mrs. George f Durham, motored to Buttalo re post Thanksgiving. eareens ane pesteiyer® Galt, and Mrs. Hugh Daviegh” aad ‘Mrs. 8. A. McDonald. spent Mr. and ter, The Misses Lejla and Vera Welsh and Messrs. Bert and Clifford Welsh, of Toronto, were guests over anks- giving of Mr. and Mrs. C. Y. Blatehe H Mr. Carl Smith. Mrs. C. Selb, Miss| Estelle Seib' and Miss Nina “Hone motored from Detroit and spent the with Mrs. W. Hone, Listo- Ww Ivan Brothers and Mrs. Ours and son, Vernon, of Toronto, spent the week-end at the home of the former's mother, Mrs. W. Bro- thers. Miss Mamie Clark and Miss Anne Russell of Toronto, were Thanksgiy- ing visitors at the home of Mr. and dial - D. Leslie Chapman, Main St. as Master Archie Grewar of Brussels, who is attending college at Wood- stock, spent'a few days this week at thé home of his sister, Mrs. Schinbein. Mr. and Mrs. Hance McDonald, of Carthage, accompanied by Miss Mar- ion Kidd and Mr. Clarénce Johnston, of Listowel, visited this week with friends in Toront 2 Mr. and Mrs. Louis Fritz and fam- fly, spent the week-end with their daughter, Mrs. Ed. Weppler, Han- over, and friends at Neustadt and Clifford. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Oliver and Melvin spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. | Oliver's parents in Guelph. Mrs. Gli- ver and Melvin remained and re spending this week Miss Valeria Fisher of Stratford. and Mr. and Mrs. Abner Fisher and Mrs. Norman McDowell, of Kurtz- ville, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Henry Fisher. Miss Beth Climie, of Victoria Hos- pital, London, and Mr. Jack Climie, of Tillsonburg, spent Thanksgiving with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.} J. Glimie. Mr. Harold ‘Bartley, of Toronto, and Miss Alberta Bartley, of Brant- ford, spent Thanksgiving at the ois of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. . Barley, Argyle street. nina Mildred Thompson, B.A., of the Listowel high school teaching staff, spent Thanksgiving at her home in Grand Valley, and Miss Ma- bel Weir at her home in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Heath and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Heath ai two bircsiat hyst spent Thanksg!ir-/ ng day the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lioyd Tonnaten; ith. COnceagRn, El- ee r. and Mrs. George Fritz and Arthur, accompanied by Mr. . Harold Fritz, of Toronto,- motored to Lon- don on Sunday and visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harris Wil- Mr. and Mrs. T. H.-Kay and fam- ily, of ‘Kitchener, and Mr. and Mrs. F. M. y and daughter June. of Toronto, were guests over’ Thanks- giving at the home of-Mr. and Mrs. Andre ¥. Mr. Su Mrs. Alonzo Heath and Big Savings for Men and Young ’ Men for Saturday and the Following Week e . Young Young Men's Suits, Tweeds and Worsteds, regular $20 to $22 for $1 Young Men's Suits, better stock of Tweeds, Fancy Worsteds and Pin Stripes in blue, lovat and new grey mixtures. Regular $32 to $35 for $23.00 Men’s Suits Men's Suits, in Twecds and Fancy Worsteds, regular $29 to $35, for $2 Complete Stock of Overcoats All this year’s models, j Greatest Clothing Values in Listowel Men’s Suits 9.00 9.00 blue, brown, lovat and darker mixtures, leather and quilted linings, 3 piece belts, from $16 to $28 - T he Store’ with the Rbpistation JOHN C. McDONALD Violet, and Mr. family, Mabel Hallman, 3rd. concession, Wallacé, a Sunday at the home of Mr. and h. and Mrs. 8. G.-Zurbrigg and of Ingersoll, and Mr. and H. Zurbrigg and family, of St. iavee were guests over Thanks- giving at ae homes‘ of Mr. . Ad- olph and Mri A. H. Zu urbrigg. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Rapp and Mr. Melvin Rapp, accompanied by Mr, and Mrs. G. K. Rapp, 3rd. rosaries Wallace, motored to Mitchell . Monday and visited at the home oe Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Herbert. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Chapman and nughtees, Dorothy and Laura, of Kitchener, were visitors ee of Mr. Chapman's sis- » Mrs. David Upper. They also vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. Valentine Kritzer: Miss M. M. Raines and Miss Har- ris of Watford, spent oa 2 Be in Listowel, as the guests of the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Raines. Miss Harris’ father was the proprietor of *the Watford “Guide- Advocate’ for a —— of years. Mr. family, M KAUFMAN--BRITTON Triage of Miss Florence M Britton, daugh' f Mr.-and Mrs. Wm. Britton, of Pa , to Mr. Henry Kaufman, son of Mr. and Mre. a Philip comet get Listowel, took place figs ngs ursday, Nov. 6th. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Ha’ 7 a home to their friends ; No Lea — —_——o 7 SINDALL—ZURBRIGG Bonds. Stocks, bought and sold. Mortgages at curities Corporated, A. » of Toronto Exchange A quiet wedding was solemnized Hugh McGillivray Offic@ McDonald Block. . Govt. and Municipal industrial and Mining mey to loan on Farm 6%. Agent for the Dominion Se- Toronto. L. Hudson & Co., Members Ordens executed and quota- tions furnished on request. LUDWIG—-HARTMAN performed the cer- ead Wahl. —= | Business is Good And Getting Better. WHY? Because every day more people are realizing the real values we are offering in Footwear HERE ARE A FEW sad aediarts WELL TO REMEMBER eee $2.35 Men's Dongola Blucher Cushion Sole, Misses’ mt Boots, Soe rubber heels, our special Si zes 11 to 2. Our * $5.65 Men's Heavy Plow Boots, Greb’s Yel- oe low Label. Our price $3.65 Womens’ Cushion Sole Bluchers or Bals. McKay or Turn soles. our price$3.60 Women’s Spats, regular price up to $3.0 ‘ QO. Our special ........0.44. $1.75 Watch Our Window: for New Lines