A har solicited. H. EBY ef NNELETTE BLANKETS— A It is of a heavy weight and a white with colored borders, WELS—Cal ; pretty an make a very usef MONA We have a ki : aan hg at a real bargain. Reg, ee Boe our window display just Lalogpenes They are very sides our. se 100 pairs of Men's 8 Heavy Socks 7% pairs of Men's Odd Pants, 10 Men’s Rain Coats, 20% off, Boys’ Suits, reg. $8. to $12., now. Have just received our seco xy tH: low. a ee oe 3 Sa? felt a 2s, " of satel pti rit re OF et atte ee i) a) ) eee Se ; : i e « for : Lhe . f 19¢ a Feegeet re A eaten fC gee ae | : ; j Ror ane Cheldimeys Bake we Fruiis, new Peels, new Nuts, etc. best. Kitchener Meat. Phone 7 ANDERSON’S STORE ||! NEWS 1 and see our line of fancy eee present SWEATI aan +7 venters, 1 ti i: S$ SILK AND WOOL HOSE a roceriest A. E. ANDERSON splendid blanket for the. money. large size. We have it in grey or They are very ul mona cloth which we are offer- $5c, no iece 63c of anes dishes -which we have_ pretty and many odd pieces be- at eee: | % off. _ $3.09 to $10.00 ~ - nd shipment of Men's Sporting rees ranging from ...98c to $3. Groceries! Just What You Want Le Lys Soap, 3 for Palmolive Soap, 3-for ....19¢ Valencia’s Raisins, 2 1b for 25c Loose Peanut Butier, lb. ..21c Oranges, reg. 40c. doz, now 29c¢ new the can supply you with all Our quality is guaranteed Get Our Price on Dressed Fowl, Eggs and Butter Atwood Bread, 4 loaves for . .25c Atwood % EVERYBODY'S COLUMN Ten cents a line for first in- sertion, with minimum charge of 50c, Subsequent insertions five cents a line with mini- mum charge of 26c. NOTICE TO CREDITORS ft those indebted to the Red Hardware are requested to kindly call and settle on or before Dec. Ist., and oblige. Thos. Inglis & Son. LOST In the Music Hall, Atwood, on Fri- day evening, Nov. 7th., a ladies’ gold wrist watch with black band. Finder kindly return to Edna Brown, At- wood and receive reward. 11-13 Rev. Byron Snell attended a Dis- trict meeting in Fullarton on Tues- a pone o s 2 The annual W. M. S. Thankoffer- ing meeting of the Presbyterian church ‘was: kald on Wedngiday ev ening. . * a The social dies’ Aid meeting of the Anglican church will be held on Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Houze. . s Mrs. (Rev.) F. W. ap? assisted in the program following the Thanksgiving ecnpet held in Ethel on Monday even ning LADIES' AID TEA Under auspices of the Ladies’ Aid of the Methodist church a lic tea will be held on Thursday, Nov. 20th. from 3 to 5 p.m., - the residence . “Mrs. Albert McBai 11-1 a te AND BAKING SALE 5c Tea and sale of Homemade Baking and Candy, under auspices of the Y. P. S. and W. 8. f the ‘Presbyterian ehureh will be held on Saturday, Nov. 29th., from 3 to 5, in the Forresters’ Hall, Atwood. OPENING OFFICE Dr. J. E. Patterson, chiropractor of Listowel, has opened an office 2 Atwood at the residence of Houze. Office hours from one to ee m, on Tuesday, Thursday and Sat- urday. 11-13 HOE REPAIRS I beg to announce that I am op-; ening a shoe repair shop in Atwood this week, next door to Liersch’ 8) E rness shop. All orders promptly! inest workman-} your sia is! 11-13 pd. } ~| and neatly done. ship, A re of NOTICE TO CREDITORS All parties indebted to Alex. Mor-! tison for twine, small goods and re-} pairs are requested to call and set- tle on or before the 22nd. day of No-| vember, as after that date all ac-| counts will be placed fn court for; eollection. Dated Nov. 11, 1924.! Alex. Morrison, At wood, NOTICE RE “ne CENTRE CEM- | | E diag . AN o have.not Peat their yearly cabestineen for mtenance of Eima Centre Fomat| ery kindly do so at eg as the mon- ey is urgently so .D ETH, . B, HAMILTON, lidren of Preston, spent the yr d % parents, Mr. and M shee 19th. ip + to appoint the officers and "cal: d 1925. The se win be administer- ed in the e Methodist church next Sun- day morning, fi-the evening the pas- tor will ir a a series of services on “The Los s s a Perry, of Wingham, will con Sect ‘the services in the Presbyterian church on Sunday. Rev. Gil mour will have charge vices in Wingham. . s bs ne ser- Rev. Mr. Lynn, of Kitchener, gave ‘an address on the Women’s Mission- ary Thankoffering on Sunday after- noon infthe Moncrieff church. Mr. Lynn spoke in Molesworth in the morning. ~ : s * A meeting of the executive of the Atwood Branch Bible Society will be oe in the Baptist Charch, eg ee fesinws for 182 Jy an o ee MeDowell, Mrs. Paull and Mrs. G. Coghlin assisting in the sing- ing at the concert held in the Meth- odist church, Millbank, on Tuesday evening, under auspices of the Young Peoples’ League. Miss Marj- orfe Ratcliffe acted as accompanist ‘and Miss Easson gave a reatling. in the absence of Rev. B. Snell, the Methodist minister, Rey, F. W. Gilmour, Presbyterian minister, held union services of both congragations in the Presbyterian Church. In the morning to a large audience, he de- paren’ a very excellent address a- ng the lines of Thanksgiving, sav- i that if he had his choice of what nis last service would be he would poe Thanksgiving. ‘Parents’ Night At : S.S. No. 2, Elma _ Secretary. bie eape tar A unique gathering was held-in os §. S. No. 2, Elma, on Thursday ev ob Heche deBadastatestasdiuhestetadacs tutetet, tut..2.%,| ening, Nov. §th. when Mr. . the . Mee eirtem een erat ore: Ral aoe gE eee +’ gohan thi all interested friends : | to see the work of the pu ae It was . 6th, LINE ELMA z known as Parents’ Night ’ fefeelee deleted be ded fed A full attendance of pupils and - Miss Jessie Corry ts visiting wi rents was an evidence Ba the in- her sister, Mrs. I. Bricker, Listowel. | terest shown. Each c taught Mr. and Mrs. H. Ludwig and twc such a manner that Prarr both instructive and « Al W OOD AND ELMA TOWNSHIP | Mrs. Robt. ich goat is Pesrnde Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McCo eS F. Wh cos Teroata 4 spent | mexbato this wi of Maitland, spent Sunday tage the fee yeskcees an ae traps with Mr. Edgar Gray, 19th. concession, motored to London on Tuesday. Mrs. ex. Morrison is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. P. Bell, Toronto. Mrs..Wesley Brandle spent Satur- day with her parents in Wingham. ~ Rev. B. Snell and Mre, Snélr re- turned Monday eveniag from Toron- oO. Miss Isabelle Marshall spent Thanksgiving at her home in Neu- Sta dt. Mrs. L. Longmire left on Saturday to spend a week at Palmerston and Allenford. Mr. Cox spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. ‘Cox in the Stratford General hospital. ~ Eby spent the week-end’ Mr. H. and _ Thanksgiving with friends in List Mr. Richard Bride is spending a week with friends in Palmerston and Harristom. M Miss Marjorie Harrison spent the Thanksgiving holidays at her home in Wingham. Miss Margaret Vipond, of Donegal, spent the week-end and PEN nee yo neaday on a two weeks’ vacation with ing in Galt. Mrs. Acheson; of Milverton, is vis- iting with her son, Mr. George Ach- eson, Donegal. Miss Minnie Pike, of Stratford, is a guest this week of Miss Dorothy Coxon, Maitland. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hammond, of Bluevale, visited with relatives in Elma last week. f Mr. and Mre. Jas. Cleland and ig ti Isabel, ae Thanksgiv- ng Day in London Mr. Wm. Mayburry, of St. Thomas. visited his sister, Mrs. Johnston Peebles, on Sunday. ‘ / Mr. E. H. Swing spent the week- end and puankaaiving holiday with {his parents in Jar “Mr. ane) a ils Brown and yt and Mrs, W. motore Millbank on Sunday: Messrs. J. J. Hymers, Samuel Hy- mers and David McCracken motored to Guelph on Tuesday Mrs. Harvey Dillahey, ot Detroit, is visiting her parents, and Mre, Wm. Mair this week, Miss visiting graves, = Ui Cooks, of Milverton, is hér sister, Mrs. George Har- 4th. concession. Miss Easson, of Startford. spent the week-end and Thanksgiving with _{ her parents in Stratford. Mrs. Stanley Buchanan and Wal- ter have returned from a visit with friends in Mount Forest. Mr.- and “rs. Chas. Lucas spent Sunday '_ the home of — daugh. ter, Mrs. Stanley Purvis Miss Jean Murray spent the week- end and Thanksgiving. with her sis- ter, Mrs. Andrew Stevenson. Mr. Sheldon Henry, of Brussels, was a guest at the home of Mrs. Klin- fieldt on Thanksgiving day. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Kitchen and baby spent Sunday with Mrs. Kit- chen’s parents, at Moncrieff Mrs. Roy Cleland and family are spending this week at the home of Mrs. Lorne Barton, Donega Mr. Eli Atkin eve sister, of Poole, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Atkin, of Denke on Y suridiay. Mr. Robert Smith and Miss Rose, of Stratford, were the guests of Mrs. George Smith’on Sunday. Atwood, Jas. New- this week: Mrs. Chas® Vallance of visiting her sister, Mrs. bigging,—6th.- concession, St. his Merys ster, Mr. Robert Ward, o07 visited last week with Mr. Muray Thompson: 8. P. Toronto, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Thompson, was home over the holi- day. Mr. H. B. Burns, teacher of §. 8. No, 2, Elma, apent the Thankszgiv- ing inners at his home in Luck-| Miss Louise Donald, téacher ot the 8th .concesion school, spent Thanks- giving holidays at her home in Sst. arys. : Mr, and Mrs, Jas Denman and ‘the Misses Kate and Honrietta Den- motored tc Brisséls on Tu apie of Mr. and Mrs. a Gra Donegal. “Mr. Alex. Donely,'teller “In the Bank of Montreal, spent the week- end id holiday with his parents in erich. * Mr, Orville Struthers, of the Bank} of Montreal staff, spent: the week- re-| end neath holiday at his home in Stratfor Mayburry, Britton Mrs. 8. Tuesday, after spending a couple of spent the latter part of last week at the home of their daughter, Mrs. George Harron, Durham. . Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Shera, Irene and Margaret, and Mr. Jake Brandle motored to tratford and spent Thanksgiving with friends. . W. H. Peppler and _ son, Stewart, and baby daughter, spent A./|,concession, and Mary Twamley, were guests of Miss Jane Love, 12th. con- cession, over the week-end. spent ~with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rob- Mrs. Wm. Kitchen, 12th. concession. pee Stratford, visited over Thankagiv-} s., l cherie, shine concession, of their daughter, ¥. family, 8th. tg apres hana gry Mr. Alex. Rae, 2 nd. concession. Sax ALbaet: ciddiua wait’ sia . Harry Eddy, of Toronto, is} Mr. and Mrs. George Quick find ieonntae this week at the home of|hbaby, of Kitchener, visited over|terian minister, presided and con- her mother, Mrs, Jas. Hamilton, 6th.| Thanksgiving at the home of Mr. and| ducted the devotional part of the concession, Mrs. Arthur Hewitt, 2nd. concession. |#ervice. Prayer was followed by ‘ reading the last part of thd bth. Mr. Everitt Haist, of Toronto, Me and Mrs. Jack Leitch an? chapter of Matthew. . Mr. Gilmour spent Friday and Saturday at the} ¢- 3 feGur theeheeres ane en spoke for a few minutes prey- home of his parents, Mr. and Mre. 2 beara : a i oug to the two minute silence, in Wm. Haist Vs Htrce eo . jist hich he made reference to%, the : aplendid record of our Canadian so}- Mr. and Mrs RA SEtINBION Sata "y ‘i beets ene ‘ers and to the Memorial and what daughter, Wills ft Siestiosd 50k meatur to tye gy will mean for years to come. The guests at the host 1 Mt eAS Jae tity Att lea was to have a Memorial there on Sundiy. latinas Pat 9 hold up the ideals of the men iy oo vho died, to succeeding generations Mrs lor, Crp iRee 3 After the two-minute silence had ver the wesk-cnrl apt teaitdtosy ih . heen observed, Mr. Gilmour. uttered her sister. Ws. ne SG Sake sts ‘i ‘ tgs re he prayer, “May They Rest concession. : ro} sity Yeace.” Mr. Jesse Peachey, return- tre ee } ~ ot yeteran, who suffered the ampu- R and Mrr A. Beattey, ot} anes. ation of @ leg as the result of the Princetown: spoaion few. dese fast ‘arnage, then laid a wreath at the week at ths nome of Mr. and Mre,. ; base of the War Memorial. Frank Dennis. : es “ Peay ey, F. H. Paull, Anglican minis- ‘ t- * i er, gave an address. ae said that Misa Nellie Chapinan ictt on Wee isi wk diuy. Mrs. F. _ | the country was forgetting too soon Paull. 7 a te ee 7 what would have happened if the her sister, Miss azel Chapman, Yvictory had been with our enemies, Niagara Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hamilton, Me, and Mrs. Gladstone Perry, of Hamilton, speni the week-end t the home of Mr. her parents, Mr. ad Wherry. a Walter Hamilton, 8th. concession. “Miss Luella Prast~ re weeks with the fo and Mrs. Gibson, Sea Carl motored HOH Detroit on Saturday and called Mrs. a " Wellington Gibson, o Welburn, spent Sunday at the on the former's sister, ormer’s home, Mrs. Jas. Hamllton,| Wilson. - othe concession. ) wae fi Miss Sophy Coleman, of Toronto,|of Listowel, spent Tanksgiving day at the home|.of Mrs. John ouze of her brother, Mr. Robert Coleman, 2nd. concession. ._Mrs. Johnston Peebles -2ind son, Jack, spent a few days last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Miss Ruth Robinson, of Teeswater, spent the Thanksgiving holiday -at the home of her pares, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Rebinson. ‘ Mrs. Howard, of Moncrieff. spent the week-end and Thanksgiving at’ the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Mc- Kay, 8th. concession. Mrs. Margaret Ellacott, th con- cession, visited her sister, Mrs. Janejand Stratford. months and 9 days, was taken. sud- Riasch; in the Memorial hospital, denly ill on Saturday with append- F Listowel, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. A. Gray, Mr.|icit's and rushed to the hospital at and Mrs. W. D. Angus and son, Mel-| Listowel. On Sunday, Dr. Ruther- Mrs. Albert McBain, Mrs. Jessie|/vin, of Stratford, were guests of Mr.| ford of Stratford, operated, but she Pope and Mrs. Agnes Coghlin visited|and Mrs. eorge Lochhead, onjpassed away shortly after the opera- their sister, Mrs. George Coghlin, in Thanksgiving. tion. Besides her parents, a little Millbank on Tuesday. brother two years of age,survives. Miss Margaret Stevenson, grad-} The funeral was held on Tuesday Mr. Grosert and Miss Annie Inglis} uate nurse of spent the} afternoon, service at the house at 2 spent the week-end and Thanksgiv- ing with their parents, Mr. and Mrs.}h Thos. Inglis, Monerieff 4 Mrs. Warren and daughter Bar- bara, of Toronto, were guest; of Miss Agnes Park, 4th. conce , over the week-end and holida Mr. Wm. Mayburry, of St. Thom S$, spent the week-end and Thanks- vatine with his oes hie Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Mayburry, Britton Peter returned home on weeks with her Longmire, at Goder and Mrs. daughter, ich. John Hammond Thanksgiving With her perente, Mr. and Mrs. Prast, Hanove The Misses Eva Galbraith, 6th. Miss Jennie Farrell, * of ~Guelph the Thanksgiving holiday 1% ert..Farrell; 6th. concession The Misses Gladys and Jean Timm & at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Mr. and Mrs. George Roger mot- ored to Fullarton and spent the week-end and holiday at the home Mrs, Clark. and Mrs. Jno, Ballantyne and ho! on Thanksgiving of R W. D. McDonald, Remontviie’ Mr. and Mrs. concession. each week. Miss Jessie Aitcheson, teacher near Durham, spent the Thanksgiving ‘hol- idays at the home Mr. and Mrs. J: P. Aitcheson, 4th. concession. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Peebles and son, Jack, of Linwood, spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Peebles’ parents, W..B. Shearer, ir. and Mrs. Wm. Kitchen, 12th. concession, Mr. ard and son, of Moncrieff, visited last Sunday with friends in Embro er father, th. concession. Mr. an The Misses Clara and Irene Park- er returned to London on Tuesday, after spending a week with parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nolton Park- rer, 8th. concession. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Snyder, of Ben Miller, and Mrs. Truemmer, of Hen- sall, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Parereren 4th. con- cession, on Sunda and Mr. And on of her Mrs. Mas ve fururnwe from: spent a few er’s parents. E. Patterson, chiropractor will be at the residence Tuesday, “Thursday and Saturday afternoons ot Hen Thanksgiving holiday at the home of rew Stevenson, d Mrs. Jas. Denman and the Misses Kate and Henrietta, Denman were guests on Thanksgiving at the home of Mrs. Chas, McDonald, 12th. concession,. Grey. and parents, 4th. nry their ce Merson" plot, By rem membrance | oe we ed six years ago. dren "Onion | = the ion ed down in a ne and choir of the. village opened the vice with a hymn “O God Our Help in ae Past.” Rev. F.- W. Gilmour, the Presby- We being victorious. Germany fs in a fairly prosperous position to-day and we would not have been if they atid Soaresen rabeitative S wudience ' } are ‘Atwood and Elma ieybrache wate rifice-in the Great War, which end-|_ s¢ eben Have been crushed ére tlie prime by Old Father Time, And you know you were mad, eal, 4 For your little old school was a pal~ Where vei, reigned in the land ot outh Where the fields were dew, and the- skies were blue, And ae recked not a whit the And yore “akehed with the rest ad your school days sped, ‘Twas a prison, that yokaar to you, And hii een ot pas load as you the r 4 That world lead io tha pastures new. Oh, but come you again to that coun- try school, And Wiseaves the chain of years, And your laughter shall ring, as you Stand a. kin By me &rave of your vanquished ars; Though your steps may have strayed i from your path of dreams, Yet ene a shall flame once As soar: ‘aad 6lips back o'er the track had won the war. He condemned the pessimism that wants to do a- way with wars, The service was closed by singing the hymn, “Blest. Be the Tie That Binds” and the National Anthem no Thanksgiving service in the churches on Sunday, anu offering In aid of the Children’s Shelter was taken at the Memorial Service. The sum of $25.00 was do- nated, Blanche Stevenson Dies in Listowel Hospital on Sunday The sympathy of the community is ex'ended to Mr. and Mrs. Fre tev- eaatnt; of tte 10th. concession of El- ma, in the death of their little daugh- ter, Blanche Morrison, who passed a- way at the Listowel Memorial Hospi- tal on Sunday, Nov. 4. The little girl, fet 4 years, p.m. and interment ae place in ee cemetery. Rey. F. W. Gilmour ovdueted the porices. Donation Much Appreciated— That the amount contributed at the Mem orial. Service last Tuesday for the Children’s Shelter was great- ly appreciated is evidenced by the following letter from Mr. Hugh Fer- gus n, Superintendent and Secretary. “\\ > wish to thank the friends who wes present at the Memorial Servy- ic at Atwood on November 1ith “9 so Kindly donated the sum of “enty-five Dollars a: cavrying on the work they are doing for neglected and dependent child- ren for the County of Perth. is gift has come at an opportune time, time when it is ne It was ata i Mr. and Mrs. Robert Coutts and/ forwarded to-day by Dr. Kidd of At- Mrs. Joe Mickus and ter Mickus, Mr. and Mr: Miss Renford, —— at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and called on Mr. and Mrs. Hammond and Mr. and R. Hammond on Sunday. of Waterioo, Fred Liersch on Sunday, Messrs. Chas. Mitchell, of Detroit, and Elgin Mitchell, spent the week-end and Thanksgiv- ing day at the home of their father, Mr. Jas. Mitchell, Mr. Harper Kinkead, Misses Sad- fe and Ruby Kinkead, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace McBain re- turned to Port Colborn day, after spending the and holiday with’ the former's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J..A. McBain. Miss Margaret Johnston, a student of the Normal school, Toronto, spen. the pw pea ae Mrs. Bert Miss Janie Rae, teacher of near| Miss Carrie Rae, Linwood, Me pal the Thanksgiving| New York, mo: at the — of her ax fethee, ple of days last week of rne 08. rn Stratford, gravel road. on at Bert Ross, of of Motherwell, and with the form-| wre er’6_parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Rog-/4 Ernest Newbigging, Mr. Wal- Ouse and were +; Temained at her home for -| days Tues- week-end the Tr parents, Mr. and Mrs. . | Thos. bth ag 2nd. concession. . Jas. Coutts, of Walton, | Wood, and it is very much appreciat- KE. | ed. son Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Hermiston, of Mount Forest, were guests this wee at the home of Mr. Hugh Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Evans, Mr. and Mrs, Bert Evans and family and ee Jack Evans, 12th. concession, Grey. were guests at the hom Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Denman on Sun- day. i] 7 (' The Misses Alma and Annie Wynn of Toronto, spent the week-end and holiday with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. yynn. Miss Annie Wynp a ew Mr. John Rowland, baker Monkton, motored to- Windsor on Saturday and spent the holiday. Mrs. Rowland. who has been spending a couple of weeks there, returned ome. ‘ at Rey. and Mrs. F. W. Mr. and Mrs. John Roger atrenaed the anniversary services of the Pres byterian church held in Mitchell on Tuesday evening of last week, Mrs. Gilmour assisted in the program. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gustin and family, of ee Motored and spent. the week-end Sa etapa a ing holiday at the ene of Mr. and os. Johnston, Mr. Alex. Rae 5 ae soley Gustin’s mother, Mrs, Rae, darking ME That returns to the schoolhouse door. Cimeron Kester. Elmira, Ont. . ™ I With Pleurisy— @ many friends of Mr, Hall will regret to learn that he suffering from an attack of slenetaye spite Move Back to Farm— _Mr. John Murray and son. Mr. William Murray, of Atwood, moved back to their farm on the 6th. con- cession, Elma, recentir, Hunting Party— Messre. Nelson Cowan, Lorne Love, Chas. Ruttan, Kenneth Vipona and Frank Carson. made wu" 2 hunt-. RE party and mo sred to } irdine on Thanksgiving way. Transferred to Chesley Mr. _ Orville Birnthées, ledger keeper of the Bank of Commerce, has been transferred to Chesley. Succeeded here by Mr. George Benity of Hamilton and commenced his dut- jes this week. i Decr Plentiful in North Messrs. Wm. Scott, Wm. Holman and Samuel Hiles, of the Atwood Hunt Club, returned home ay. They report that the deer are plentiful this year and when the oth- ers return they will likely have their full quota of deer Card of Thanks—- Mr. and Mrs. Fred i ndaclant 10th. concession, Elma, wish to thank their friends and neighbors for -kind- ness and sympathy extended during the time of their recent sad bereave- eee pisd for floral tributes receiy- e t Gilmour and Moving to Donega Mr. Jos. Gtevetann: of lgary, unloaded a car cons sisting of ten horses and household effects on Sat- urday and is moving to Mr. Thos. Hymier’s house. at Done egal. Myre, Stevenson and i tires children arriy- ed on Monday Given Presentation By Pupils—. Mr. and Mrs. Semuel Corry were guests of honor at an afternoon fea f y Miss Steenson and the pup- ils in the school house at. Britton on | Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. -Orry were each presented with a cup and saucer by the younger pupils cs the a sep with the following lines: “Drink it Hot and Not.” and “When Y¥ cue ene Tea, aie of Me.” Fire From Threshing Machine-— What might have been a serious fire and a great loss at this year ult fer . Ellacott hhpotsae of a barn to s imeniahed Entertain U. FP. ss Oo— The Britton U. F. w. o. entertafr ed the Listowel U. e = - F. w W. O. on Tues-