# PARTY, SOLICIT FOURTH BOYS Parliam s hag * campaign will be a has ‘Trust will be held on Monday even- * est in the Memorial Hospi ae Their Platforms . - ERIC EDWARDS, INDEPENDUNT; AND RICHARD KIDD, ADVANCE | BOWS! PARLIAMEN®. | “The election for! th for/ the Older Boys’ |: nning to reese up. “School Room and both the candi- dates will be present to address the électors. The second regtorres RT of og y of next ach it is ‘pected that both candidates will she on hand that night 2 The election takes pikow on Satur-1 aay, Nov. 29th. and the pomne Vea Will be announced mext one hundred ete Pak ‘town and district wit be eligible. to pS There yt two helapen nan boys’ and a Tuxis Square in Knox Church. two ames in ibe ‘Methodist, ares give one in the Evangelical, one in the their utmost. su A pport or those try- glican and val ech at Moet in ng to secure suitable Ait Bea ‘Pleasant-and Le e Banner ey eieneuie in pub- lishing the platforms of bs candi- dates. Eric Edwards will run on the Independent ticket, while Dick Kidd pledged his support to the’ Ad - EVERYBODY'S COLUMN Ten cents a line for first in- sertion, with minimum charge of 50c. Subsequent insertions five cents a line with mini- mum charge of 25c. : FOR SALE Frame building, 20 x 60. ¢ Apply John Watson. tfnp. TO RENT One first class office facing Dodd street, over Palace Meat Market. Ap- ply J. H. McDonald. BAKING SALE The Ladies’ Aid of the Baptist ¢hureh are holding their annual bak- ing sale and bazaar on Friday, Dec- e h. - FOR SALE f Residence on Division street, of C. ¥V. Blatchford. Well located. All con- veniences. Price reasonable. Owner leaving Listowe STRAYED About eight days ago, from lot 10, con. 1, Maryboro, red heifer. Finder ', kindly notify C. Linseman, R. R. No. 3, Listowel. BAKING SALE AND TEA The Ladies’ Aid of Trowbridge! Methodist Church, are holding a sale of homemade baking and tea on Friday, Nov. 28th. in George's rest- aurant. -20 np. - HOLDING TEA The Chancel Guild of Christ church are holding a tea from three ato six o'clock, on Bi prein Nov. 26th., af the hom J. Kemp. Silver "Eollestion. ANNUAL MEETING a The annual meeting of the Hospital ing, Noy. 24th- at 8 p.m. in the Coun- cil Chamber. Kindly show your Inter- 1 and tend this meetin 11-20 n SALE OF BAKING The Loyal True Btue Lodge bp? hold a/sale of phergog making i their lodge rooms over . Bender's} Store, Wallace St., on Fr iday,- Dec. Gth. (Fair Day). Tea will also be se RIBBONS rbon Paper and writer Ri Sebi ie Reside mudge are guaranteed to give twlee ba hexth of service. Sg ely ribb: Sa carbon paper at the Banner Of ce. 3 ne TYP Beaver Brand C < ed to hold a social event al, mora! and spiritual development. ing teams such ‘ag for backer ball and overcome the c curing a suitable building. If we do with only one pair of hands and with of Mrs. Stanley t more the ery goes out—co-operation. Lor * we do not ait work together, expen: ~e) T ‘eleve, and it has-been proy- se discuss their studies along spiritual and physica! lines. ea they will get J: Rae enthusiasm is crea D. what kind of mutt, a? I my stuff, Pete vance’ SE RIC Party KIDD, Supporting Frank Paty "(Lander of; ) Advance Par That the Senior Tuxis Biance pak their support the loca | thee People’s aise maintaining their group identity. 2. That a@ Practnctat C.S.E. or, Sum- mer Camp be promoted for - Trail Ranger at boys. oo That an additional Field Sec- in the or C.8.E.T. Guia tary be secured to bene ganization of new 5. Provincial Sunday _ observed. “ 6. B a Bureau m established in“each con- t local groups be encourag-} at least Once a year with the C.G.1.T. groups. 8. That the Tuxis Squares hold themsélves in readiness to aid any |organization in their ennreh 9. where the Young People of the T and Vicinity can meet, this building to be run along the lines of a SY 3. That a local Boys’ Work Board to be organized to be a governing body of the Tuxis a and to ald all boys’ classes and organizations. promote athletics more strongly in the churches and that a field meet- be held year in which members of Sunday Schools. on'y could compete, Dick Kidd, supporte? of Frank Ad- ams, who is leader of the Advance GALT ON MONDAY. yer’ a long illness of nearly a Mr. D. Warden Suen pas- Ss Say, the 14th. gr in his 57th. year. t 6 late Mr: erland was born at Bothwell, Ont., and came wiih his parents, th te E. B. Suther- towel when quite ucated in the public and high schools here and was employed in John Liy- ingstone’s drug store for a time, go- ng from there to Guélph, where he took a position in the drug store of the late Dr. Herod; later areca ne Ae the College of Pharmacy in 889. He then went to London as as- e late W. T. Strong, ears. He don to Miss Maud MacGregor of Galt, who pre-deceas him over twenty years ago. In order to enter the bus- iness of the MacGregor Gourlay Co. in Galt, he sold out his business in London and moved to Galt, and was *{in connection with that company un- til they sold out some years ago, }since that time he has been hand- lling real estate. The late Mr. Sutherland was a n of most genial ane kindly dis- pneltion and had a host of regain throughout the Province very active and it a@ great trial to him to be laid aside 80 long dur- ing his last illness. He was a Eeeety cates and a Libera. Party and candidate for Premier at the Fourth Ontario Older Boys’ Par- Hiament. = am a member of Knox Presby- teria: hureh and have served et rk for five of in rpms eo a ing the office of President for fas years. For the past feur years f have been in Tuxis work, serving as Praetor for one year and Mentor for the remaining three and at the same time teaching a class of boys. If I am elected to represent North Perth at the Fourth Older Boys* Parliament, I will do all in my pow- er to further the cause of Better Boyhood in this constituency. ERIC EDW. . Independent I beg as candi@@te for the Provin-|” cial Boys’ Parliament to set before the electors in North Perth the plat- formgwhich I think will be for the best interests of’the young men of the commun B (a) I believe that the best in- terests of all boys and young men will be served by such a scheme as co-operation. This will gather thém/| ‘together into a’single group, for the purpose of obtaining physical, ment- (b) Co-operation weeded in group games will and in again be choos- h (c) Co-operation is necessary to ost of erecting or. se- not gather together and have : The cost of Mis ol ment will not be raised, one a very brilliant mind cannot under- ake to put it over alone. Hence once (d) Again baat _cdst of an instruct- not be employed if an raise senwiee funds to cover his Beer that it is far more beneficial for a group of boys to gather together to more out of them than. by working alone. Once a abies is properly and thoreughly discussed, that subject *is|- clear to all. Thus b ration with each other, he gains more than by trying to learn by himself. More -1s now being done through the week for the boys and young men. Every night boys are oasiulge about page streets with noth-;. ing to do and no where to go. If we stand together in this scheme of se- curing a place of amusement and in- struction, we can induce other peo- ple to see our claims and give us the ¢| Support we nee 3. Co-opera’ ion is also a big tao} os tor in get know ting . ®ach other &} hetter. toes unity into ‘one mare, e| Playing. to er Pages even studying ©! to ther, pba to- ow t our chum has 4. The country Boa boys get together tor thee have interes: town “or et AEF Sh eee ye ape SEP EY oF = dnd "country seneon, : a ae Pee om be the ; Refried en of to-morrow. bore es! ; t aia bes Don- the He ived -by one son, res oe Suthetiand. who is in Passenger Department of the Canad- jan Pacific Ratlway, Toronto, his sis- ter, Margaret A. Sutherland, of Lis- towel, and one brother, W. EB. Suth- erland, a Winnipe The funeral was held from the rcudeser of his sister on Monday, November 17th., and was. conducted by Rev>-J. M. Nicol, B.D., and taken to the C. P. R. station and thence bs train to Galt, the interment taking place in Mount ane a sage or; the He of the 5.20 n. @ pallbearers we bere William Fulton, Toronto, Mr.~Chas: Baily, Toronto. Mr. Fred’ Shurly, St. Cath- irae Mr. Oscar Vogt, Elmira, Mr. _ Hamilton, Listowel and Mr. Booth of Galt. ose who attended the funeral from outside points were Mrs. Moore and Miss Catharine Moore, Mr. R. B. peecGresene Miss EB. MacGreggor, MacGreggor, Col. Oliver, Hi Mr. Blackman, . and Mr. Chas. Baily from Toronto; Mrs. Robert McTavish, from Wood- stock, Mrs. W. C. Orr from Stratford, Mr. and Mrs side, a . Sutherland, Miss These Sutherland, “Mr. Robert Suth- erland and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Suth- erland from Embro. Post-Nuptial Reception Held Friday Afternoon . F. St. Clair Wilson held her post-nuptial reception Fri after- noon at her home on Bay street. The rawing room and tea room were beautifully decorated with snapdrag- roses, mauye and pink mums, a) was os ts — R ics candles. mother, Mrs. D. Ww. Henry, of Springfield, received with her. Mrs. P. Walter introduced the callers, ‘Mrs. R.'T. Kemp poured “tea, and Mrs. D. H: Conner, of Aylmer, 4 sis- “ter, served the ices. Other Se ie ee were Mrs. M. R. . Chapman, Mrs. Wace! milley, ls ‘B. W. Edwa eal epas cio om garet Wanzer; Miss. Margaret ter, and Miss Isabel \Campbell, Toronto. wm Ce }- io Organization, which we believe will} ery further the interests of the boys at large throughout the Province. ae ‘That Tuxis Squares and Trail Pa we Camps be more closely relat- =e That Older Boys assume more responsibility for the leaderehip of. Trail Rangers. That we Marten recomnitnd embershi Rh = Caecbell are both the same a. een the aoe will never be told.” opportunity. te order as possible could take. in the course many} , one from very afternoon and in the oe from ee: 30 to 8.30... he held ed Coun cil Chamber an d the accom dation is not sufficient for alt ‘desis= ing to attend. after- noon and evening, will Beetle 75 or over, and it is difficult to crowd them into that room. It bets a pity that as th co a8 quarters could not be obtained, oo Ula 3 more could reap the benefits < of such fh- struction. The dasenintiba lessons of the corrse. are as WSs - ares Thursday, Nov. munic- care as easton scarlet Teves ‘iphtheria snd u 1 the Sick. On Fri- subject some onday, Nov. 24—Pren tal Hy- giene, What it is. ‘What it means. Tuesday—Care of children of all be given this same night of next week. . ages. Wednesday—Hot and Cold Appli- cations. ursday—First Aid and Emerg- ency in the Home, Friday—Review. There are eighteen nurses on the Staff of the Provincial Board of Health. Sixteen = district nurses, one is a supe Miss Os- berne, who does enactal demonstra- tion work throughout the province For the past nine weeks she has been lecturing in thirteen different places in the Kenora district. The course is most practical and always of interest. Two Listowel Ladies Hold Birthday.Party On Thursday evening, November} © 13th., a very pleasant time was spent at the home of Mrs. Alfretta Moffat. Inkerman street, ast, her daughter, Geraldine, entertained a number of her girl friends. The oc- casion was a birthday party in ton Pret of Miss Reta Campbell, of Archy- , Sask., as Miss: Moffat aes Tg The table baler prettily “decorated in pink and w Which held the birthday ate which had on it pink c : “One, for each year that heures old, we pro- e Misses Annie Leslie and Mar- tone “Griffith pee. ue filled their places as waitresses. er the din- ner was served, weriaae. ne were e- | indulged in until a late hour, when =H retired to their respective homes, hing’the te ah many happy me urns of the da. Football Players To Be Entertained MR. W. P. RENNIE beloceretigs aoe NIGHT A EN. EXT THE Farlier in “he season Mr. W. P. Rennie promised the boys of the Junior W. F. A. and the High School team “‘a big night” if they were suc- cessful-in winning the championship this year. As both teams succeeded Patan ing home the silverware in t me Lior ot lines, age Rentile, Tike: ‘the apeict t he is, is Sod his promise. He is 1 Paaitae for a big dance in ‘the Armour' on Wednesda seins next, Noy. 26th., a be known as a Football Recepti ‘All: members of the Junior W. F. eam and the Hough Cup Team, with their tay 1 Sones 1 aré invited. Tickets. have a been sent he ey- oft the Listowel tenia on they, win with their lady friends, will Any others desiring to. be Srirent at this big event may secure tickets at $1.00 a couple. | A first — orchestra has been secured by Mr. Rennie and lunch will be served. The medals Pog cup won by Bering ane 3. that candidates Tuxis Rey ane os ed to serve = temas before in- Parliament give. its Junior W. _ effort ie bated ech Cap AGA madalemere f ae to- bo! on: church on the third concession ‘the Li being fledged member-| night so.that these’ ssead be presented both teams. with pneumon e 8th. who in oh year chong tore i athe city of ‘amilton. ears she re- sided in the “township sb f Bima, but for the past th been a oeemtent. of Wherry has Christian +worker in the Methodist church. § te ot unexpected: er fe n accident boats ae b ing | ; pica Of this district for the seriously ill which cul- for the 8, Ww alysis, ending minated a partial Pp in his death on-Satu The deceased was born near Cam d, on March 26th., Canada in 1890, residing near Listowel during those thirty-four years. In 1897 he was united in marriage to Hannah John- She has been £ ‘worker ry Hat orgar tin of ent being president net the sate ‘Bible Class. She was a past president of the W. be 4 wih OF and sl about thirty years t} treasurer . 8. One ineoehiar, William, the; on sw The 4 funeral wih be held on Fri- day, Nov. 2ist. Service in the Meth- odist church at 2 p.m. Internient will take place in Fairview cem- etery. Pioneer of Maryborough Township Passes MR. WM. LONG TOOK ACTIVE PART IN TOWNSHIP POLITICS FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS— DIED IN MOOREFIELD ON SUN- DAY. | e anaes at his home in Moorefield, Mr. William Long, in his 93rd. year, after a short illness of a week's dur- atio Mr. Long was born in the Town. ship of West Guliinsbury, in the County of Simcoe, July 6,:1832. In $67 he came to the B hide a al Hs ot 3, that time. Here he lived after the de- cease of his wife in Sd leaving six sons and four daughte In 1873 h ictal member of the council of the Township of Marybqrough and in 1877 was elect- ed Deputy-Reeve, in which position he was a reyresentative at the Coun- ty Council. He was Reeve from 1885 a 1895 when he resigned to accept e treasureshi of ‘the township which he held for twenty years, re- signing in 1915. For 52 years in suc- cession he was present when the dec- laration of office was administered to the Municipal Council, either to take the oath himself as an official, or as a Jystice of the Peace to ad- minister it to succeeding officials. On several occasions he was se- lected as a member of a deputation to interview the Ontario and Domin- ion Governments on matters of legis- lation affecting the County of Wel- lington. About 1889, with the late John McMillan of the County of Hur- inted to valuate the During his municipal oe he fought many met defeat at the ee He was an active Conservative and for many was a strong factor in directing ing of Wellington in Legisiat- ure against the sitting fe Mr. A. S. Allan, now iar peht of the Coun- = of Wellin At ripe age of 92 years he could recite with clearness and ac- curacy many of, the municipal con- tracts let In pioneer days. in many eases giving te name of the con- tractor and thq price p In religion ha was a Methodist, for many years atténding the old Jog st Maryborough, and after its dilapi- dation, making it unfit for purposes of worship: he was instrumental in arranging for the erection of the present church ~ Sa away While on the farm ome was always a place of weleome oe the minister in his ‘travels, -? About twenty years ago ‘he ried ag gong who with his re- three so) maini and two daughters "aurvive him. rt service held in Bion Methodist oxavel conducted . Fothergill of Moorefield, fret ment ng place in the family at at Your’ Hate or Uivenseat sieuld be leuenshte to the new plan of recognizing, ive . achieye- on on the part of ‘Trail Rangers — Boys. i = Camps decide upon their dates earlier in the ci'boys stay ow sale to Roe Vacation’ ce a bet- That ‘ai $0 bought NOW at Simms, on sale at $16.50. WALTER'S. Don't fail to see “Al Martin's fall to eer pena homestead, 10th. con. Elma, |- e passed peacefully away on} Re . but never preset years 23 path eressaaa of the party in his ficers resu ity. aaron 1891 he contested the rid-| actor he paid for them.|- peg igre gang $s “MeDonsld'y Halt/ 93 em who still survives him. Four sons and one daughter also str- vive, Lyle, R, R. 2, Listowel, Harold, 3rd. concession, Wallace, an yin, Earl and Lillian at home ow the second concession of Elma. deceased was a man of mark- ed ability and has succeeded above the average.as a farmer. Coming to Canada as a boy, beginning as a hir- ed man, possession ber of the pide Sa, ‘Official, Boek He took an active part in the work of the Board.and often represented the church at the District Meetings. As a neighbor, the ie ot is oe loser. He was a friend to ny, as father and Sania his ger will Ooms * ow neral was conducted at the howe: of ‘tis deceased, Lot 3, Con. 2, Elma, on Tuesday, Noy. 18th., r. Brown of Trowbridge. In- terment took pints in. Bima Centre cemet ei Amongst pes attending itefead a o) “ teenie were Mrs. Thos. Whitehead of Trout Creek, Ont., and Rev. G. Bradford, of Ashton, Ont., ther of the deceased. Mr. Bradford could not be’ present rer the ss The caters were Messrs: jekaeon: Thomas nston, Smith, Thomas Hamilton, Armstrong and W. H. Medd. “Al Martin's Country Store" McDonalt's purr on Dec, 4 and s Amos Henry in Sth. + some Sweater Coats to clear at ‘aoe. Boys’ 28 to 32, on sale at 49c. WALTERS. Simms is a good place to that Suit or Overcoat. . mr * “Al Martin’s Cousty Store” McDonald's Hall on Dec. 4 ang 5, ee Farmers Hold Meeting at Milverton The annual meeting of the United Farmers of North Perth was held in in the Assembly_room o e Milverton Nov. gabrary on T y afternoon, ‘ov. A fa representation from the municipalities of the riding were ent. The chair was occupied by the president, Phineas McDonald, to B. Struthers of Mil- Verton, Sec. -Treas. A number of discussions affecting the routine work-of the organization and presenting of reports from ferent clubs was heard and acnalaecs Mr, J. J. Morrison, who was pres- ent, was then called and gave, in his usual effective manner, an ad- dress which impressed those from organization and co-operation for the purpose of gevatieg and im- proving farm ing a Seg dea! for one of the most f Willis}. upon kee the benefits -to be derived| In k conditions and secur-/ ro The program was introduced by. an address or paper by President R- C. Capper of Milverton, who discus- ged = book of Daniel. The eed very thoroughly into the q ton he its pathorenty. and the ‘aaa “of the writing and came to the concin- blon that those who would place date of the book in-the second cen- tury~B. C. were wrong. He showed the weakness of the argument and the strength sor e jepias hn 2 takes the commonly a ed pe sathdcsbts. This alecenaice ane ood and the . statements made — challenged. Rev. E, Thompson of, Monkton, ” gave a aed ew of a rece ook on Phychology. and Religion. "te Lear by stating that psycholo science was in its infancy and that this book differed very. much from scence was, of that taught in col- es a short time ago. He clearly brongat out te hapa ed s ideas about working e human mind and the relation a he religion of the Christ to. the mind and to life. The gathering was treated to two and one by Ray. Butt. A sup- per was served by the egies of the i ai Church an thanks was Soret) ~ Nicol and M, L. Wing to the Alliance for their program and to the ladies for the. splendid supper which provided. pris a and Rev. A. E. vote of thanks to otis Listowel As-~ sociation for hospitality and to the ladies for the supper. Edwards responded on behalf of tite ladies and the gathering broke up with the sing- ing of the Doxol ORY. ' Special prices on Suits and Over- coats, Saturday, at Simms, Will Attend Banquet To si Lieut. Gov. Cockshutt To-day, Mr. M. R. Hay, president. of the ds tathat Chamber om~ merce and Mr. Hudson, the Secretary, leave for Toronto to at- tend the banquet to Lieut.-Gov. Cock- shutt, in the K i ate to the work carried out by ‘te Heutenant-governor in commerce and friendly valationshiny og the various parts of the p yin All iS attending this banquet are invited the Toronto Board of Seiwa to ‘vs use of th b rooms n Toronto at Sunnyside Thursday at 1 p.m. and also to the dinner given by the Toronto Board of Trade on Friday, Nov. 21st. You ayn oe find the best yel- Suits Overcoats [ues in jimms. You will find i val Foot- wear at WALTER'S. sg 3 Mr. and Mrs. H. Halliday - Celebrate Silver Wedding and Mrs. Hugh’ Halliday Saives their'friends at their home en erman street on tu even- ing, to celebrate their renter wedding: anniversary. ving decorated with BA and white mums and the din ming table was eal eh Sweetheart roses &} important industries _. Mr. Morris®: gave some tim consideration™ Ey the work of the} Mar-} Un er’s Co-operative, which | he Was glad to report, had a very successful season’s work. t Simms on Saturday. - . Don't fall to see “Al Martin's Country Store” in McDonald's Hall on Dec, 4 and 5,— @ to aland ‘and Mrs. hage, at 2nd Mrs. J. M. Nicol assisted in ‘he & recep wa Mrs. Halliday. wore a handsome. ae Pak with corsage bpteheice of Ophelia roses and ferns. Miss-Jessia Yule wiiccens the numerous callers. Mrs. Wm. Moore, of Cart tién reom. Mrs. J ald poured tea and ardson cut the were served Mrs. George. Fisher,” Mrs. Harv J. C. MeDon- Mrs. Peter Rich-~ ices. Refreshments & the ev-—_ Nicol gave several the form,_or conception of what the. solos, one by Rey. G. N. pert 3- 01 fa advent: | past ae years, —_— a to reward on Saturday, Nov. 15, 1924, The Listowel Ministe at kuscoled : cam e shock th hor Many friends in the peteen ° ur. Richard Hon as Roperet he by the viet of the the ' in Lis erry - e-| Bradford, of the township of Elma, Milverto — — * centl near Molesworth for}in his fifty-fourth year. Monday ‘aft The ¢ meeting ame a visit her-sister-in-law, Mrs.| The news of his death was a shock’ held in the ‘Metmoaist Church and Bennett, fat the home of Mr. David; to saatiees and his many friends} Presided over epee Edwards, Vogan, and there she was taken in - this vicinity sage his sia soo ieee of the Listowel Aseocin~ the resu : ae ooeekine Overa make of Sra ars qualities. : Special $1.95 at J. aa é alf of their friends, Mr. ; read an appreciative . George Fish