in Towing 1 Listowel. = orn, 1; “Listowel. - gubscription Rate $2.00 a Year in Advance. Otherwise $2.50. Z Day of Election Draws Near For Boys’ Parliament : UES- IN PUBLIC MEETING HELD EVENING—ANOT: MT. PLEASANT ON VOTING ON SATURDAY, FRIDAY—| C. A. ; 10, That : a local Boys’ ‘Work Board to be organized to be a governing body of the Tuxis Squares and to aid all‘ boys’ classes ‘and organizations. 41 at "Portes In District FRANK E. ELLIOTT NAMED 0. TE A, INSPECTOR FOR WESTERN ONTARIO. Plans for the better enforcement of the Ontario Bacon paskser act, were x y As the date of election draws near- er, the interest inereases and each eandidate running for the Older Boys’ ParNament is busy electioneer- ing-and rounding up possible votes. The first big public meeting for the electors was held in the school- room of Knox Church on Tuesday evening with a good attendance of voters’ present. Mr. E.G. McDonald ‘was in the chair. Both candidates were on hand and each presented the platform of the different parties and explained them thoroughly. Eric Edwards, Independent can- didate was ably ae! cushy by Jack Walter and. Elgin Leppard, while Forbest Bricker and John Savage were standard bearers for Dick Kidd of the Advance party. All the speak- ers distinguished themselves and showed talent in the art of public speaking. Speakers on both sides ad- vised the voters to consider the mer- its of the platforms presented and not to vote according to the church} th they attended. “For he’s a jolly good , fellow’’ greeted each of the candi- dates as he rose to deliver his ad- dress. The meeting was a most in- tareating and enthusiastic one. k Kidd, candidate for the Ad- vance Party, outlined and enlarged upon his platform. The platform as ge last week is ag-follows: at the Senior Tuxis Square <h. t o the local Yo ople's ria maintaining tifeir "cca ident 2. That a Provinclat C.S.E.T. Sum- er Camp be = for Trail nger and Tuxis boys. 3. That an additional Field Sec- ry be secured to help in the or- ~ ganization of new groups. big Tt a Provincial C. 8. EB. T. ay be observed. 6. That a Vocaticnal Guidance Bureau be established in each con- stituency. 7. That local groups be encourag- ed to hold a social event at least hat the Tuxis Squares their) utmost support to th try- ng.’ to secure suitable quarters where the Young People of the Town and Vicinity can meet, this Ga 4 to be run along the lines of a Y. give + .|He expressed himsel strongly in the windnee “and that a field meet be held each ‘year Ps Ti which anembers of Sunday Schools, only could com compe To the boys of the town and vicin- ity interested n fheniaelves and the welfare of o It is my alpbition ‘to benefit the boys of Listowel —, vicinity as 4™much as ponte To do this I have studied the various platforms of the boys aspiring for premiership for the Fourth Ontario Boys’ Parliament and find that Frank Adaims, leader of the Advance Party, has the penta, which can do eer beck ug boys. have added se Pp which I am sure will t be bene ielal not only to Listowel, but all of North Perth. The platform I am supporting has been constructed after "bt work, ) study ae deep thou fia a anpported ‘chi the boys of North Perth it will be my sole wh tion of going to Toronto to represent them, secure as much as possible for mand come back with new ideas, formed by finding out what boys are doing, and so “make life more interesting for the boyhood of this constituency. am supporting the Advance party. What does ADVANCE mean? Forward, doesn't it? Are you. inter- ested in forwardness and progress or in staying in’the same old rut, lead- Ing on to stagnation. Be truthful with yourself and act as your gocd judgment directs you at the polls on Saturday, but kindly bear in mind, Dick Kidd—Advance. John Savage opened with ai few words in favour of Frank Adams, Ad- ‘vance Leader, and Dick Kidd. He expressed his opinion in favour of closer co-operation between the Tux- is Squares and the Young People's Leagues, which will bring the boys into closer relation with the church, whicl is the supreme effort of is. very community Summer Camp, nso asset in training the boys. in favour of hold a swimming and skating mee#each year with the neighboring owns. This to be held in connection with the local gymnasium w ad be opened soon. That a Sunday e Tuxis Work, the ag to take full charge of all service: The Tuxis Boys aid Church organ- ization in every way possible. Ath- letics be encouraged wherever pos- sible and that the ae aid in all ways EVERYBODY'S OOLUME Ten cents a line for first in- sertion, with minimum charge ,« of 50c. Subsequent Insertions five cents a line wi mini- Mum charge of 25c possible to secur a@ gymnasinom. 41 Boys! If you are intereated in your- Belyes you will vote for Dick. Forbes Bricker stated in brief as follows: Frank Adams, leader of the Advance Party, Med been one of the leaders of the -C, + work In London for some ol . He is an act- ive member of the Central Methodist PIGS FOR SALE 9 young pigs for sale, six weeks eld. O. R. Richards. FOR SALB. Frame building, 30 x 6@. Apply John Watson tfnp. FOR SALE A number of good rock Pulleis also spy aves Apply W. J. Finlay, produce deale TO RENT One first class office facing Dodd ag over Palace Meat Market. Ap- - H. MeDonal BAKING KE The Ladies’ Aid the Baptist ehurch are holding their annual bak- ing sale and bazaar on Friday, Dec- ember 12th. Rat a WOME oe Sadds On 4th. line of Wallace, between Gowanstown and Wallaceville, anto jack. Finder please ve at Banner office and receive reward. FOR SALE Residence on Division street, of C. Vv. Vilage gear Well located. ‘Ail con- ce reasonable. Owner FOR SALE Fifty acre farm on 3rd. of Wal- "tees ar miles from Listowel. Good. Apply Robert Terie. = Church. He is Grand Pretor of the Nikator Tuxis Square and Mentor of Trail Ranger Camp. He was also e- lected Mentor this year of the Pro- vincial C.8.B.T. Leadership Training Camp, Beausoleil Island, A r of Parliament last year and prominee Oo put every ounce of energy and every second ve Fg she for the advancement of Dick Kidd has tekén an active part im boys’ work for the last tive years, having been Mentor of Knox Church Tuxis Square for the last three years..He was leader of the bond selling cammaite last. year, hav- ing won a medal for selling these. He takes a very active part in cy sports. He teaches a class of boys in Knox Church Sunday School, areca: ing 13 years. -If Dick is elected he ir do his best to represerit this con- stituency and will do all coms aid in the local Y. M. C. A. . ring address in support of his lead- er and the aaa of the party he is kh ge 2 eat planks, nobody else than the indeoni dent Party. T Square can put it over without these three ‘pillars. If we persua at Gordon have co-operation = e fellows, aj Lapp of the Independent peels is the ttl leader can easily be found. If. we| man sy Rog syed vec premier of ha ; Boys’ Pariia- bir one strong body from sec ig| Must haye this money in order to ob- set aside each year encouraging} C- A vote] 8@ fe eB. merits of oe of Miss hasnt Ye} m co-op: ge pres let working together nothing will pre-| with Mr forcement attinere with General Vics A. very. successful ba banquet of | those ‘ HON: G. 8. HENRY, MINISTER OF HIGHWAYS WILL BE GUEST ON ry, tor Williams, commissioner of the} The annive services in - Ontario provincial police, in his of-| vary Evangelical church, Listowel, ger: at Toronto on Monday on Sunday last, followed by a-tJecture outlined Med by Sitereeys on “Jou ngs ugh the Ho General Nic the province has! Land” on fees vening, ware been divided tate three districts— | featured by large co gations, able gages and vicinity, Western Ontar- fo and Eastern Ontario. J. A. Ayearst is chief inspector for the Toronto district, Frank EB. Eliott -of Strat- ford, a former resident of Listowel, for Western Ontario, and William Bain for Bastern Ontario. Frank B, Elliott, while at Windsor and other points, has also been a terror to bootleggers. For ane past few months he has been doing duty brin Strat in Toronto. He was torineeis Oe 7: A. enforcement officer for Perth County. * “Banner” advertising gets results. to camp with the rest of his chums. Special camps are being formed for the training of mentors. Literatura. serv: can be had describing the work of the mentor. If a leader es Rev work to heart he can easily, with} Rev. all this heip, become very efficient. The result will be one of the most flourishing squares in the district. Tuxis work will help to provide lead- ers who are thoroughly equipped to carry on such work for boys as is being planned in Listowel. last puzzle, te “finance. The Independent party/ solves‘the puzzle, by the sale of fonds. Every lively Tuxis Square can‘sell bonds, Som towns smaller than our own ideal town have raised as much as $200. So this should be enough to show us that we can at least, sell $300 worth of bonds. Each bond costs a $1.00. Who in»Listowel will refuse to buy a bond? Who will refuse to poney out a dollar for such a cause? Another way for raising money is by putting on a play. The L. H successfully put one on and raised over $100. Thus if we have co-op- eration of the Tuxtis,-a play can ens- ily be put over and a hundred dollars given over to a worthy cause. We tor, A 2:3, Geil, day a anc! envi Hill, Le has -— another secretary to assist Mr, Plewman and to Amines the cove ‘Parliament. oys when you make your: ‘decision ‘do not vote for me just because I'm a Methodist or for Dick because he’s a Presbyterian, vote for the best plat- form,. the one you think will for- ward = Tuxis and Trail Rangers the m of Mr. vote The Pixtiicm of a Lapp, In- dependent, is as follows: a 1. That Tuxis Beuaten and Tra oeagere Camps be more closely Eire That Older .Tuxis Boys assume cutee ot my Heme for the feadersnip|C of i il Range h we a recommend dens candidates for meme Sq arate be asked violi as a e fm) gville, preaidtnge wider. of Liowet at the morning church was d since that time fifteen ministers P. Hauch, Wo F. Chislitt, ais. H. 0 E. | Pinkbeiner and Mr. C. B: Diet = On M & very interesting and description of his travels during past summer in Europe, particularly in the Holy Land. In a viv he described observations of present sermons and is tides ea «WwW. SoS of tford district, preached two able sermons on Sunday. His text in the morales was taken from jm 27:23. choir, .of upwards of. twen is furnished So i music and | at the morning service cluded ‘an anthem “Blessed be the rd,” and duet “My Jes Thee’’ by Messrs. A. W. Zurbrigg and Be F. Finkhbeiner. © ss Rap L. e music in us I Love Wing gave a brief his- the Byangelical church service. The in 1886 and had ed as minister. They fre Rev. J. Rey. Ass agg to Rev. edicated Domn, Rey. J. H. Grenzebach, Rey. H. H. Leibold, Rev. W. Dreier, Rev. E. M. Gischler and ag present pas- M. L in Rey. M. L. t the evening nateioe, Rev. Zim- merman took for his text Colossians and music by the choir included M1 the World’ ‘Shall * and quartet by Mrs. pher, Mr. E onday evening. Rev. M. G. A., B.D., of Kitchener, « gave fascinating the MLA id manner conditions. His description of Damascus, Tiberias tno oon of Galilee with the ruins along its shores of ent cities, Nazareth, Mt, Carmel with its monastery, Jerusalem and its ronment®, Garden of Geth- samena, Bethiemen, and many other places, were very took his audience to Athens.and Mass| Hay interesting. He to. Egypt, Francey’ Belgium, land and Scotland. “The Bible become a living book to me since I have seen these places of ancient historic events,” the speaker stated. A large audience listened attent- ively ote an aed and upon motion. 2 De sO, and seconded “by Me F. Zarbrics, the lecturer was d thanks of appreciation.¢ Music on Monday evening was an utton gave a much appreciated n solo, Mrs. E. D. Bennett acting ccompanist. term robation before being in- itlated saan full-fledged gp age : the Parliament give its best leadership to the new plan of recognizing progressive achlevement In h also Li is business es ging his work is recognize r he is secretary Assoc- id, of the Midland “banter Press fation and he was‘of the greatest as- a yee part of Trail Rangers and|sistance to the boys of East Nor- — 3 humberland {i isi That yen Camps. be asked. to/ cont P bese tare ere dsciae upon caer dates earlier in the season, in order that more employ- ed boys may be "able to arrange their bee acoostinely, That every Member of Parlia- e- be expected to attend the Pro- eg Leadership Training Camp, T secure a é6ubstitute from’ his con- Palitneuey. Selli led him ies as hat Parliament accept res: sibiblity for raising. money for pd ger pi boys’ work through the of bonds and that each Member | ho rg aig for the success of the campaign in his constituency. Elgin Leppard ote in behalf of Eric Edwards as follow: “I dm sure that it witirds me the greatest pleasure in being able to ad-| dress this mag gD tonight. When “eh = speak, emia, knowing the Tathaw's-pap: whom I pha a 8 In Oral pnpewrieon gn. Thus his lengthy Wallaceville ” last guns of the ca ribubtion of $229 to’ the Bond ng Campa! ¥y experience, coup- with natural ability will enable to efficiently discharge his dut- as Premier and I ee recom- mend him for election paign will tired in Wallaceritie 2 Friday evening, when the tf Wallace- ville and Lesanon will, fo addressed by both candidates. 8 Hours For Voting The Giattion will be held on Sat- b mara Noy. 29th. The polling place be the Council Chamber at the Public Library and the hours for es _ will, be a 10.30 mn and from a, -m. to me Polis will nea na open at Wallace- ville and Lebanon and the polls at Speed places will remain open until the ee the P Prenident cnt al distr: : and towns oy North erth was held in the ~ ent of the Methodist ghee ie on day ev- ening, the 21st. inst, ‘The banquet was provided by the- ladies of the omen’s Chr Temperance Un- ion of Listowel and was very much enjoyed by all present, 6upper pad been athe the ir was taken M loca’ eens jation. An address of welcome was given by the pastor of the church, f the evening was Dr: \Alfred 5 Lavell the officer and secretary of 0 bee Parole Board. it is aoe “often tha a Liste- wel audience has listen og io an ad- dress of such interest and of the character of the one give Dr. Lavell He spoke on the “Cure of injthe C. minal.” ‘He referréd to the law a generation ago when for triv- ial offences harsh malities were given and as the results had not been satisfactory in stopping’.crime, new methods and new treatment’ had been studied, with the Sete that to- .j day in Ontario we have perlraps the best syetem in the world. "The Parole Board of which Dr: Lavell is ‘the chief officer, is made up of men ‘of the highest standing in the Province who, without remuneration, meet and consider the history and standing of each individual coming before it and if the case is thought to be worthy, ervision. Dr. Lavell stated that less than 10% of those granted parole F.} had failed to make good which bh a very es showing and a step far in advance. in dealing with criminals. He pointed ont very clear- ly however, that e Board always considered carefull dation of the Judges and Magis- trates and in every way upheld the decision of the Court, the function of the Board being for the purpose of studying the welfare’ of the one convicted and ih worthy cases where parole was in the interests of the in- dividual and. the community it was grante A motion of ee of Dr. Lavell’s address was moved by J. C. and seconded by R. B, Hamliton of Millbank. A motion commending the Premier and Attorney General on their recent stand in law enforce- ment was carried by stamens vote, being move Mr. amilton, Mornington, and Wm. Bell, Elma. ton, the orchestra lead by Mr. Demp- sey and the Baptist male quartette nai much to the enjoyment of the ening. wrt was unanimously agresd that in municipality the com- sisting in every way the officers in the enforcement of the Ontario Tem- perance Capt. and Mrs. Mercer. The many friends of Capt. and Mrs. Mercer, of the Salvation Army, will regret to hear of their removal |) from Listowel. Marching or were received last week, ordering | M their removai to Shelburne, Nov: Scotia. Capt. and Mrs. Mercer have been stationed in Listowel = b= past fourteen months, from Mount epi and during that time cl ™m fri The work of the Salvation Army has prospered under their charge, and it is with regret that members of the Order will bid the Captain and his wife good-bye. Farewell services were held attend Dp to have left for the east on Tuesday, ut owing to the illness of their babe, wee unable to leave, but ex- pect to get away the fore part o he week. Ensign and Mrs. Thomp- son, of Toronto headquarters, will inow be se eharge of the local corps. att Martin's Comater: eg ode Donald's Hall on Dec. — parole is granted under strict sup-: the recommen-} Community singing lead by Mr. Sut-| -} day, Dec. Transferred to Nova Scotia for Martin 2} Country Store,” in McDonald's Hall, and 9. f| Further notice later. n save of the f Commerce | was held in the office “of the Pfeffer Milling Co. on Tuesday evening er considerable business was the movement. for a community cen- tre for the young people of the town LISTOWEL, important meeting of the ex-|. Cham “A deputation of men interested in| g waited upon the meeting and asked ment, Different committees of ose | interested haye beén working ae gH ported that the premises of ge Per-' fect Knit Mills on Wallace eet could be secured ata ren natal of $1200, It was estimated that an ad- ditional $1800 would be necessary to equip, make nece altera- tions, provide janitor etc. The second year the expense would not be near- ly so heavy. The Executive thought that this heme was impossible for a town of this size, that the necessary funds could not be raised to carry through the project. They were quite In sym- pathy with the movement. however, and wotld get behind it. A committee compose essrs. Walters, Climie, Britton and Bamford, were appoint- ed to act with the committee of the churches to promote the community ¢ ; has but, Forssometime past Listowel beer fighting fo the Mitchell gravel road taken over as a Provinc- jal Highway. Mr. Henry promised to go over the road and on Friday, Dec. 5th. .will be in Listowel. The Cham- ber of Commerce will tender _ a banquet-that evening at 6.80 p In the Qu@gn's Hotel. Tickets ar ‘3. 35 will be for sale by members of the Execntive Invitations sent to the reeves of other. munici- palities, such as Mitchell, Milverton, Palmerston, and Elma, Logan Wallace townships, to be present at; this banquet if they are interested fn having this road Page over by the Government. able speakers wll a the os tae Listowel and the Hon. G. 8. the speaker of the Bacon ta As this is a live. question in Listowel it is ex- pected that the tickets will be quickly taken. Arrangements: were made for the reception of Santa Claus who ° sent word to the Executive that he would visit Listowel if 13th. news for the kiddies of town townships as they will remember the good time they had last year on the day Santa arrived. Messrs. E. F. Finkbeiner and RA. Climie will look after this panties - aercnae Oe Santa’s reception was, named as Messrs. W. A. Britton, J. P; fas E, D. Bennett, Rev, T. ewer ehila in Listowel and Elma and Wallace township is invited to meet Santa in pews on that Sat- urday afternoon Don't fail to see “Al 's on Dec. 8 Reserve the date, Dec. 17th. for the Wallaceville Christmas concert. 11-27 np. Mr. W. P. Rennie Entertains ‘Football Boys To Dance very successful dance* was held knew would be prese oe LS I vill ‘do pat best I can us. heauiia acquainted pp. He is a member of o News for the Kiddies 3 ta Claus will be : rae 13th.! Isn't Phat mighty good news, ‘boys vat Mi has suireaay. ae agit Mgr Spo re and girls, rand’ tind ¢ out what Sure! he'll be q y in Listowel on ‘Saturday, the Ren og for . back ‘agai Eve eae woe Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Reni tertained the boys of tho Junior W. F. iy and the High Sehool Hough Cup team, in honour of es winning chanipibaakipe this Not many of the owes that had opposed Ecgiiten the vario’ games w Gretel, 4 although an vitation had haga ext extended to all of these, but a large number of 1 Zi e the ade an of.medals onal aay wim bests Junior W. F. A. team. The m for the Hough Cap boys oa not ready in time to be present- question for some weeks. It was re-" hous deen!? and|E | laa Listowel Resi- a “Prepare your Christmas advertis-| Aged Resident of Listowel Dies on Su reps gs Warren, reNct of ander Rob ison, at her h but bigs always able to be around She wan confined to bed pet en than a we e late Mr. ‘Robinson Was bora. : in ey Ireland, and came to” Canada when sixteen years h her parents and brother: and settled in Peel county. At the age of ~ twenty-three, she was united in mar- — riage to Mr. Robinson, who prede- ceased her on'Sept. 18th., 1916. Ser- en years following their marriage they left Peel county, and moved to Mornington township, where they farmed for forty-five years, on lot 1, concession 11. In March of 1909 they moved to Listowel, and in : tember of 6 Mr. Robinson pas- sed away. Six sons and five daughters sur-' vive, William, of Owen Sound; Alex- sso Set A Charles, of Britton; Albert E., New- fane, N.Y., Evan J., Alden, eG Mrs. H. Taylor, “Listowel; Miss A -| bie, at home; Mrs. eid, and are 5 urst, ication Seung An- 4 other daughter, Miss Olive Edith, | passed away ten years ago in ito- a wel. Twenty-six grandchildren, and sl gréat grandchildren, also sur- The funeral was held from her late-residence on Victoria street on Wednesday. afternoon, Novy. 26th,, at ‘one-thirty o’clock, si | charge of Rev. J. M.’ Nicol, of Knox church, who was assisted by Rey. T. Ps B. Howard, of Christ church, and ad ste urch, — uk Pallbearers were four sons: Mes- = srs. Alexander, Charles, Albert and van Robinson; Mr. David ee hao gall and. Mr. Warren Reid, grands. n. Floral tributes Included a pillow from the family, wreath from the x grandchildren, sprays from Mr. ad ‘ Mrs. 8 r. and Mrs, j Karges, Mr. and Mrs. Oke, Mr: Mrs, Audley ‘oral and Mr, Mrs. Cecil Blackm mong those tone out of town at+ tending the funeral were M Geo. Cooke and _— Wn. Pitt, of George- and town; Mrs. - R, Kerr, of Milver- ton; Mr. an Lan of Fernbank; Mr. Albert Robinson, of i. Newfane, N. Y. 2 and Mr. Eva Son, of Alden, oe Don't fall to’see “AL o re tie Store,” in McDonald's Hall for | Country [0m Dec. 8 and 9. dent Dies in Calgary RESIDED IN LISTOWEL FOR NUMBER OF YEARS—FAMILY WELL KNOWN HERE. Fe Word was received in Listowel this week of the death at on Tuesday, Noy. 11th., 1924. of Mrs. Mary A; Norton, 726 Fifteenth Ave., West, after “a month’s illness. Mrs. Ni Norton was a widow of th late W. J. Norton, a resident of Lis- - towel for a number » and who predeceased her about two years ayo, It is seventeen years since they left Listowel for Calga @ late Mrs. Norton was born in Pavan, Treland, and came to Canada when quite young. urviving _mem- bers of the family are Miss Jean E. Norton, principal of the Vic aeceelow School, Calgary; . Lowe, Calgary, and Mr. T. © 7 Ww. , Warten ‘of Toronto, formerly of Calgary At the time the family resided in Listowel, the late Mr. Norton was an employee of the soy! and Miss Jean Norton a Robert Pearson, Se macthee Listowel old boy ae had charge of