Mr. John Watson: ‘was in London on fuesday. Miss Lulu May spent the week-end ‘at her home in Atwood, Mr. John .Livingstons was in Tor- onto this waek on lusiness. eee Semel Mr. P, Livingstone left this, week for North Battleford, Sask. —o— Mrs. W. G. EB. Spence pees friends in Toronto this: wee Miss Alma Fieming visited this week with friends: in Toronto. —oO-— Mr. A. Schinbein was in Toron- to Monday and Tuesday on business. —o— Postmaster and Mrs. Jon Scott visited friends in Drayton on Tues- day. —o— Mr. and Mrs. J: HW. Boyd, of Guelph, spent Tuesday with ‘riends in town —o— Measrs. L. W. Payne and G. A. McDonald were in Kitchener on Tuesday. ——o—— Youn and Mrs. T. C. Mrs. Henry Stratford Jones visited friends in on Wednesday. — Mrs. John A. Bamiord is visiting hey daughter, Mra. Harry Moore, ‘Toronto. = —o— rs. W. A. Gray wes in Toronto chin week visiting her daughter, Miss Vera . —o— Mr. John Dietz, of Clifford, visited this week at the home of his daugh- ter, Mrs. Fred Wells —_—9o— Mrs. Walter McMichael of Guelph, is a guest for a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Peteh ~ Messrs. Haroi'l. Karges and Al- bert Cosens motored to Kitchener on Sunday and bir i friends. Reeve Aaron “Riagier attended the Decemebdr session of the county coun- ef] in Stratford this week. — » Miss Sophy an, of Toronco. spent the »eek- aad at the home of Mr. end ¥ . R. Vernon. = pe Miss L{ Fulton, cf Monkton, aad Mr. Herlf Clarke. of Listowel, spent Sunday th friends in Brussels —o-— i Mr. and Mrs. George Hamilton spent the week-end with their daugh-|! ter, Mrs. J. Geoghegan, Monkton. einai Mr. Joseph Caruso was in Toron- to Wednesday on business, purchas- ing scme of his Christmas fruits. —_—O-— Mrs. A. M. Howsgn of Arthur, was a’ @ puest this week at the homé Dr. and Mrs. W. G. E. Spence. —0— ev. J. E. Lynn, and Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Bender, were guests Monday at Mrs. M. L the home of Rev. and Wing. —o—- Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Gabel motor- ed to Kitchener on Sunday, and spent the day visiting with members of their family. —9— Mr. John Totulos, of Liudsay, is visiting Mrs. Totulos, who ig visit- ing at the home of her sister. Mrs. James Athas. — <-- Mr. George Tatham of Oakville. spent the weck-end at the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs, Sidford Tatham Mr. G. G. Smith, of the Perfect Knit Mills, Ltd., returned Tuesday. after a business trip to Toronto and Montreal. — Mrs. Irwin Graff and little daugh- ter, of Stratford, spent the week-end with Mrs. Graff's mother, Mrs. Adam Schinbein. oj —_—o— Miss Eva Hamilton of Toronto. spent the week-end at the home of her perenta, Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Hamilto —, a F. Knipe is able to bé ont ents, sane being confined to his home for a week on account of iLl- ness. ee _ Mr. Isaiah Elbert, of Salem, Ore- “gon. was a guest this week at t home of his aunt, Mrs. H. Wallace street. Mr. Andrew ry returned ott Tuesday, after spending the past three weeks with other relatives in Detroit. Fisher, -_— > Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Bender of Kit- aver. spen$ the week-end at the mes of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Fritz ane Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Filsinger. ee Mrs W.. Thompson has ‘turned eek after spending a few days at the home of her daughter, ‘ James Stewart, Hampstead. ‘Mrs. R. R, Hay left Tuesday ith After ‘Christinss _ Hay — leave to soem e winter months in Los Angeles —— Mr. Ben somiion,. of Listowel, i Ace toe Boothe, of London, attended the a ailver edding of Mr urd courenes of Britton, or Friday, hefand who has been employed in Strat- his daughter aa a }Ga ardens, Weston, Ont. The marvinge |General Ho usin, Miss Al-}tate J. Time chasing at your heels. - SHOP EARLY AND. Don't leave your iotidisicas belie ‘il the fait § mimute scat newChristmas goods. | Keep in: touch from day to day with the new wget on Ribbons Flatter To The Aid Of Nimble Fingers A few gleaming yards of dancing Ribbon, fingers and in the flash of a needle a Dainty Gift is ready for the crackling tissae and cherry red Christmas seals. dainty and practical gifts can be made of Glittering parcel ribbon, spool ribbon. Be to $1.50 yd. Give Handkerchiefs, All Sorts and Thousands to Choose at 35c, each, 3 for at 20c each, 6 for av 12%4c each, 9 for Boxed Hankies, 2 ' - gad 3 in a box, 25c; Many i5e. a Christmasy thought and nimble - "s 7 Grocery Specials for the Thrifty Housewife Buy the Choicest df New Frult for - Your Christmas Cake cane? and nan Chr tetas shopping a real — when you areenot “SHOP EARLY” ‘od initic morning. ib poesible® Odr busy ues store ib full t hurried and IN THE MORNING IF POSSIBLE = Gay Colored Silk Scarfs and Warm C Wool Scarfs As This Year’s Gift Bright and gay are the pretty color combinatins selected for Milady’s Scart = ot rn tn se pdb ag pcs ri this year. Some in wide wrappy style with long soft fringe. Others narrower with 2 8s. chole $3 i r. shorter fringe. Some in solid colors, some in solid colors with heather ge F rom, White and Colored . on aes Pesos tin oat etions. Others in gay colorful stripes. Prices. .....6.--.e-seneeeees $1.50 to $5.01 Aas nee has $1.00 at 26c each, 5 for ..........91.00 « . sd : : at 15¢ each, 1 for ws... eee $1.00 2 lbs. choice large Prunes . .25¢ " 2-1lb. pkgs. Seeded Raising . .28¢ aaeistaceyede 1.00 nd 10c¢ h. : . — © oo ene 2 Ibs, choice vesieniee Ot En li h W | Scarfs 75 35c, 50c and 76c fancy Christmas Boxes. PREIS aviegetedenosess 36 Large g 1S oo] Ocaris ef 2 lbs. cholece ates. Gow ‘ . P LTAIG). «ceenapcestey Large shawl like Scarf which forms {tself into sleeves, ready to be worn over Gloves As Gifts 7 2 ibs. choles large Fics | .BBe tailored frock. A favorite, too, for indoor wear when the house is chilly. It is of 1 lb. Almonds or Walnuts (shel- thick brnsh wool in colors of turquois and .sand, brown and buff, and buff and U oo eee vit, BOC brown check. All wool, at ............0.-- nyie: My Uie Be ete i:cluve; S-aldle ld d wis Rata $4.75 Ladies’ French Cape Gloves $2.75 tra quality French Cape, tan and dark brown single dome wrist and loug wrist with pearl dome straps. Per pair # $2.75 Ladies’ Chamo-Suede Gloves 75c Fancy point English Chamo- Suede = two dome wrist. beaver, grey and black. All .sizes, Per pa English Wool Gauntlet Gloves 75c Per pa i qearaaaie = 2 Ibs. fresh smooth Icing Sager 2 Ibs. pure cocoa .......-.- oo brown, mastic 2 Ibs. pure white Lard ...... 42¢ sees CHOICE POULTRY ALWAYS — make, which guarantees the sited of, wuolen goods. Assorted shades. T5e, S5c and 95c 1 Ib. long Shredded Cocounut 35e ON HAND. CHICKENS AND DUCKS. HENS AND GEESE Bi-Tex Silk Hose $2.48 A newly patented double Silk Hose, which many fate. This is a heavy quality Silk Hose with wide stretchy hem top and. lined an extra soft quality cotton Hose, making a doubly warm Hose bulky on the foot. Priced, per pair women will greatly apprec- with at all $2.48 and not HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID FOR ALL KINDS OF FARM PRODUCE . | Phone 71, Listowel CHAPMAN BROS. & GRAY The Store That Sells For Less Doing Nicely— « Lioyd Bean, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elton Bean, is improving nicely, Lol- iowing a serious attack ‘of pneu- monia. Makes Official Visit— Mr. R. B. Scott, of Goderich, as- sistant SiearintesSs of Dominion! mores, Ltd., made his official visit to the local store on Wednesday. | Assisting During Christmas feeaone| The Misses Winnie Hawke and | Mildred Greenslade are assisting in! the Listowel Bazaar during tre Christmas season. = for Season— e Misses Vera Haase and Cla walle. of the millinery staff of the Misses loerger, have completed their season, and are now on holidays. Able to Be Out— Doris Hoad, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Hoad, was able to be down street on Wednesday. after be- ing confined to her home for several weeks with p!leure-pneumonin. Confined to Bed— Mr. isunac Matthews has been ser- iously {ll and confined to bed for the past week. We are glad to re- port this week that he is improving] slowly. New Clerks During Christanas— Miss Jean Hammond, of Lebanon, Wy I FOR SALE |] R. SNELL BARGAIN STORE The Live Wire Listowel Store Owner Going into Wholesale Business in January Any Bright Young Man Can Clear Best of $5, 1926 $10, W927 eee eee $15, Long old fashioned experience not essential. young man with vim, vigor and vitality will find this his opportunity. Easy to finance. Think it over-Come in and’ investigate. _R. SNELL Listowel Goods at the Low Prices 00 000 - 000 Any DRESS SILK In all the new shades. Brocaded, regular $2.75, 4 yards for .......... $6.75 KIMONA CLOTH nametateiaeien + Pa at TL SE ford, is assisting in the store _ of Chapman ‘Bros.. & Gray, during the Christmas season. Alvin Weber is helping out in the grocery depart- ment. ngagement— Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Corry, Listo- wel, announce the engagement of their daughter, rhe. Saget to Mr. Cecil Ivor Delwor of Mr. and mas Delworth 1 take place early in December. ation in Stratford Hospitat— a —, ENJOY THE HAPPINESS OF PERFECT SIGHT Conserve your sight, if at all impaired, by wearing of glas- ses best suited to your particular needs. r dependable examination will determine the exact con- 25 Years Practical Experience. . A. JOHNSTONE Ou dition of your eyes. Over Registered Optometrist fends of Mrs. James Stewart, of], tead, will be glad to hear {hat she is improving nicely, following an ursday ,jnst at the spital, § ‘ord. Mrs. Stewart is a Geeoter of a L. W. Thompson, Listow' Card of ‘Thanks— Mrs. h gpcred ana “ciathy of thé E. wish to express thelr sincere enks te the many friends and nels a igetse also the mem- bers of.the I. 0. O F. tor their kind- pathy beautiful flo dog sinates I in sal recent: “Agora el om n iediaeai, B.A., of} charge ofthe An Awful - The successful candidate from Listowel for the Older Boys’ Parlia- ment is in a terrible fix. He can’t get a eilk bat to fit him and how can he ever to Queen's. k and sit one. Something must be don done right away... go s Par in the seats of “he mighty wisiony 78 pene Mutterings— Mr. 5 C. tntentény to wel in the tions. Mr. Hay has perience in m 72 inches wide. Heavy. | Brushed wool ...... 25 Big box, fine linen . .50c Special at ......... $3.00 Fawn trimmed with brown, very special ........ S4 TOYS BATH TOWELS Ladies at .......... $5.00 | Toy Watches ......,... Ie Doll Beds cies i 25e Big assortment, prices vs 9) Mine Fancy Needle Cases ... Sc _ from «+. +05. 50c to $1.50 VESTS Accordion ..2%e, 880, 0c. : Silk drop stitch, dainty | Dolls ....... +++ B50 up. SILK JERSEY SLIPS ribbon strap over shoulder. | Balls ...... oo ts oe BO Up ‘ With shadow proof hem. | In mauve, pink and white. | Mouth Organs,..... 10¢ up Havr. sand and whirlpool, | Special .. $1.25 and $1.50 | Hundreds of Tays we can avery dlacoraiete ore - $4.75 not mention. ° ; BLOOMERS RUBBER APRONS COSY BATH ROBES Silk jersey, in delicate 60c, 75c and Kimonas in pretty col- | ;:nd darker shades. "A new 4 and $1.25 or combinations. Just new: | cut with special wearing NECK BEADS . Priced at ........-. $5.98 | qualities. Special .... $2.50 | 25c¢ and up. Pearls at 250¢ ‘ ; ‘ * 6 . Coats d S uit S° 75 Spots on our racks. We will give from 10 diated. an * to per cent discount on all our Coats and suits, Now is the timc to buy. Men and Boys’ Overcoats: See our young Men's overcoats $10, $12, $13. 50 Hay hes announced ‘his run as mayor of Listo- coming municipal ei had six or seven nnicipal affairs r and - well tet : SCHINBEIN’S |“: STORE NEWS _ Every department is filled with the choicest of Christmas Gifts suitable for everybody. LINGERIE CREPE Peach, blue and ie Per yard GIRL'S SWEATERS BIG BARGAINS IN ia GROCERIES, TRY US ee M. Schinbein& Son and white. Special .. \ Christmas Gifts OVERBLOUS ES Tailored broadcloth. Sand $2.95 WRITING PAPER Be igh rar |