R. HAY, IMPERIAL. B. BANK LISTOWEL 7EL BRANCH, _ cies be” ys make de- sent to us eee ur Manager. - — ie : The Afmand Bee _ (Amalgamated Oct., Ist. 1923.) ; E. 8S. HUDSON. _ Editor and Proprietor. Thursday, Dec. 4th., “Imperial Bank 50th. Annual Report} “PROFITS WELL MAINTAINED | THROUGH GENERAL BUSINESS _ DEPRESSION—STRONG LIQUID - POSITION. 1924 ". The 50th. Annual Statement of ne | Imperial Bank: of Canada, which wa | presented to the meeting of shane | holders held at the Head Office - | Toronto on November — was - particularly eto leg In view of the pam lon business | conditions whieh have held during @ past twelve months and the Jow mterest rates which ruled, the state- "ment reflects great credit on the Paaanagement, Profits for the agen ascri deduct- / ing the charges of management an Beene ome ‘neludine. ‘tall provision “tor bad and doubtful debts, total $1,- ae see 99, This amount added a balance carried forward on Oc- .033,833.20— contribute Guarantee tors to , $40,00 ay ad the usfial quarterly dividends 12% per annum p!us $910,000, tax on cir-! veulation and r 150,000 and io carry forward the 3lst of October 1923 Deposits have been well. maintain- ed and now stand at the substantia total ‘of $88,123,000 of which over $76, 000,000 are interest bearing. eae, the year, reduced while the banks’ holdings of Domin jon and Provincial governmen! se- + gurities have increased by $1,400, been nothble for the large percent age of its assets which it holds in cash and quickly convertible secur-. ities and this year's statements pre- sents an a high liquid position. kindred assets are fe) the bank’s liabilities to the oe while 00,000 of the liabilities to the -Cash on hand $27,000,000 or “over 27% quick assets stand at $59,0 public. Non- current loans ment of a year ago stood at $650, 000. The statement now under re- this view shows a reduction under heading to $322,000. IN SUNNY CALIFORNIA In. sunny California pe Histor Banner rve for iticéome tax $1, ae $9,223.19- or slightly over $5,000 more than was brought forward on loans o * i=” e a eS ~ 2 ts) “a. a sate . in the state- this winter Withthe Churches Galvary Evangelical Rev. M. L. Wing, Pastor Sunday, ‘December 7 “Relig- Sunday 10 a.m.—Public Worwship. ious ar rer a Schoo The Pas 11 a. Sunday School sé 7 p.m.—Public bid ley 2g Siiie _— ‘day Address. The Past Monday 8 p.m.— ° ELE. Wed. 8 p.m.—Prayer meeting. Baptist Rev, Harry W. Jackson, Pastor Sunday, December 7 11 a.m.—The pastor. 2.45 p.m.—Sunday School. 7 p.m.—tThe pastor. Methodist Rey. Capt. E. W. ‘Edwards, Pastor Sunday, December 7 “Mysteries and las a.m,—Stbject: \) * Mereies. 2.45 p.m.—Surnday sthool, ~ “PPORFEns and Its , Condition,” By BACHELOR'S BUTTONS + \+ 0 ake Peg The bachelors of Canada use up an average of $1,- 004.50 of bachelor’s buttons + —the patent, detachable, 7% oe eo 1 a * non-sew-onable kind-—every “* year. We are spared the em- * barrassment of a statement * of just how yshingle nail “+ substitutes ¢t sum buys, nd, of course, our authority does not say they are all us- @d by bachelors. It will have to be left to the benedicts to verify this assertion—if they can. Ottawa has just placed at the disposal of a breathlessly waiting country a set of sta- tistics which lead to the fore- going conclusion on button consumption. In addition to this rather unusual informa- tien there is interest in the fact that it took 35,443 yards - of tweeds and serges to make tops for the covered buttons used in this country in two years. An answer to the question, “Button, button sce makes the buttons,” is give in a report recently issued “a the census of industry sec- 5 he + fe ote ’. - *, Dom o ‘." er 5 * 5 S * . *, +, he “ me ete ooh fe oe of Ys ate oe of Ze oye ole He at, bak, Je ot vie ole te ake ole ot whe ole ele ad ty o. te ake ot '* Bs ole fe ee ote 5 oe oe te ate at hh wie ote te be . + hundreds of Canadians will aguin|/., son of the Dominion Bureau . revel in the beauty of the orange). of Statistics, under authority groves, the pepper trees and the]. { the Hon. T. A. Low, M.P % palms in that Iand of perpetual sum-|~ asinister of Trade and Com. Pf mer, ‘ : The attractions of California are e — aie ie ae & manifoll. It is recognized as one of * leader in the button manu- Se the greatest out-of-door playgrounds! facturing business. During + oe ee, wi ee uaeerpassed % 1921 and 1922 it had thirteen + mter climate. ‘+ industries engaged in this + Smountain scenery is A og ++ business. Quebec had three in ‘* Deep-sea fishing, motoring, golf and/.. 1991, which number was in- o ee o out-door recreation may}. creased to four in the follow- «> ndulged + ing year. British Columbi & Canadian Railways offer |. a pecial fares and wide variety of + had three, and Alberta one. : ‘outer. going and returning either through Canada or United States Apply for particulars to your nearest agent. $10,000.00 Cash Prizes This season the Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal are mak- ing a remarkable offer to readers. ; ‘Providing the subscription is receiv- af in time each subscriber will have frée opportunity to enter the big} Blection Contest in which ten thous-{ and dollars will be given. This is a; ‘ Wodnesda ogendeeebebecntedecledeectetecbbecdedeeteceebodeebed \! PEEEEEPEEE EEE TTT OEEE EE OES iS biaeaataea eas REGIS- 4 TI a ae a Sas he ae a Se cr ae ae a at SO ae a ac y, Fair Day, Dee. Sth—At Vandrick’s auction rooms, - large quantity of furniture and house- d goods, sleighs, cutters, ness, robes, etc. Sale at 1.30 o’- clock. Mc- Dec. 10th.—Fo Srecien Bros., on their dairy farm simple contest requiring no special skill or mea work, The first adjoining Listowel, on the Wallace prize is five thousand dollurs. If road, 20 head of choice Holstein that were not enough the Family cows, all epringers and due to Herald is also offering to each sub-! freshen about the time of sale. One arge; of the finest herds of cows ever oe entitled “The Sele ogue of gemeged rewards those ure new Bub 0 sec ions. With such wonderful yal- is no wonder the Family ‘mys Weekly. Pe nid is. the 8 because as an ing Ge Meatfon that has no ere is also ‘available a to. be offered or. sale ie this section of o. F. VANDRICK Office at bei’ Central Furniture Store. Mrs laa) Sunday snrousbout “America. The ‘pvangetidal are holding. their annual entertainment on Tharsday, Dec. 26. Rev. H. W. Jackees facohahiged por pits with Rey. sy McDiarmid of Ontario Street ye eo Church, Stratford, on Geltlay” last rs * - The Listowel Ministerial *Associa~ tion met on Monday and it was decid- ed to observe the first week of Jan- uary as a Week of Prayer. The ser- vice on Monday, Jan. 5th. will be in the Baptist church, Tuesday, in the Evangelical, Wednesday. in the Con- gregational, Thursday in the Metho- dist. at Friday in the Anglican. Miss Effie Raiges gcatided at the E.L.C.E. meeting in the Evangelical church Monday evening. Mr. B. Dietrich gave a Bible Study topic, which was of'a different-nature than other topics and interesting. The monthly business meeting then fol- is. Bible Banthy re Sunday School 4 Christmas eu Seite isi eset pe oe ‘Ladies’ and Misses’ High Shoes, and» ‘Stippers, eH ~ Girl Guide Shoes, sizes 11 to 2, in brown and black, ‘regular ~ price-$3.75 and $3.90. Evéry pair on sale $2.98 Ladies’ Brown Orfords, on sale at ......+.... $2.98 Men's and Boys’ Shoes, aenring lines on ale. at $2.00, $2.75, 2.98 and $3.98. Bverything Goes at a Discount. phe Eni Pumps sizes, on sale at, pal bales detest. teen sacset 9Bc-- they t ‘ Men's blue and white stripe Overalls, all sizes up to 44, regular eas ‘$1.65: : aire uence | Misses’ House Slippers, on sale at per pair Ladies’ Goloshes, Gal bale sau eeewrage de All other Shoes on sale at @ Discount.. ‘price $2.00 and $2.25, on ‘enle at BES be ke te Boys’ Sweaters on ‘sale at prsatis aioe eh nee es Spe tai. 20 per < cent off alll Suits, Odd Pants and Overcoats — i lowed and was in charge of the pres- . a * The regular meeting of Knox Church Guild was held Monday even- ing, and the program included serip- ture reading by Mamie Camp- bell, reading by Miss Margaret Fletcher. Miss Roxie Ellis gave an interesting sketch of the life of George Leslie MacKay, of Formosa. Miss Florence McIntyre was in the chair. «rv © © © » # & ee 7 e bd SINGLES e bd * 7. e¢ 8? © @ @ @ “€ { e saw a recipe the — day for cheese dressing. That uff that’s strong enough to walk Bee should be dressed. It would be unbecoming otherwise. a There has been a strike of match st in Canada. We were wonder- ‘Men’s Shoe Store (West side Wallace street) Now that winter has come it S.a wise man who protects his eaith by keeping liis feet warm and dry our Miner Rubbers, the Long Life Kind. I have a large stock of all the different styles at of Mitts and Gloves, Fur Coats, sheep lined = and ina Coats. You are invited to call and see them. ¢, PREUTER The Place That Saves You : Money. ng why the girls hadn't been mak- ree the progress they should hare, | this leap year, xan? A farmer's wife eloped with the hired man. Both were probably tir- ed of the long hours Wayside gasoline | station is held tat. up by thugs. Tit for Geolefenferteafeelecferferfecfoofectoofooteofeofet osfoafoeferfeofooeefoede + WALLACE + | | Hugh McGillivray Office McDonald Block. —| Dom. Govt. and Municipal Bonds. Industrial and Mining Stocks, bought and sold. “‘Her The Gift That Appeals To All! JEWELRY When making a Gift, you want it to be something the re- cipient will cherish for a long, long time to come. Something that lasts. Something he or she will always look upon as a symbol of your true sentiments and friendship That Gift is--JEWELRY! . And knowing that it appeals to all, we have arranged an extraordinarily attractive dis- play of thoughtful suggestions. You might choose for- - Christmas ‘His’ Christmas ‘| Mrs. C. N. Bin ett. : ie this ad. for a Tull ‘ist next}. & tecfenfentenleolostoctecfooteofentpoloetestoofenfeefenteefesfoode oeleefete 7. Money to loan on Farm Miss Leen Robinson, 6th. conces- Mortgages at 6%. sion ,is spenidng this week with Mré. Wilkins, es Lebanon. Agent for the Dominion Se- Miss Clara. Rothwell, who recently curities Corporated, keke returned from a visit in Regina, is{™ A: L. Hudson & Co., Members visiting at the home of her niece, of Toronto Exchange. ing, 3rd. concession. ; Witkin a Orders executed and quota- Jas. Wilkins of Lebanon, is tions furnished on request. Rev. in Stratford this week, assisting Rev. Mr. Jones, with special services in the Methodist church. ? . Mr. Abraham Cross and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Cross, 3rd. con., motored to Beeton, and are spending this) desfectecfeopefeefecdetelnietetetebertettetetetetetiok week with Mr. Jack Cross, the form-| * * er’s brother BORN ‘+ Mr. and Mrs. Herb Purcell, sk * son, Frank, town line west, Pepbebeebhhiebbb bennett guests Sunday at the home of M ‘| THIBIDEAU—In Listowel, on Tues- day, December 2nd., 1924, to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thibideau, a daugh- ter. (Stillborn). and Mrs. N. N. Binning, 3rd. pict ion — Mabel Hallman and Verna towel, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Mat Selolededelettet Seleteeteebeiedeetets ae: Robert ‘fuse, 4th. conces- aed iil anveer ” sion, an J. Livingstone, 3rd. |», FRO: APERS % concession, returned home Tuesday, > ” OTHER PAP + _ spending a few days at the e of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Liviag- pe Guelph. delebedeletedeloefeteieieieieieiiebitete _| RELIGIOUS INET ERIOTIN IN P-S. (Chesley Enterpris At the regular meeting of “Chesley Public School Board last Friday @ deputation from the Ministeriai As- sociation of this town requested the Board to allow religious instruction once a week for a period of haif an -™ ee ee Se ae es te eee + ; RURTZVILLE + Seedocbon bon aeesfoofoeferfortonfontndnofeetsfentonleodeofecfotesfonfoah Mr. Fred Ruppel returned tome|hour for ~ three months’ course. after spending two weeks on a hunt-/The Board laid the Lage oy over till ing expedition at Lion's —_ the December meeting wilt “be well advised to lay the ‘hatter over indefinitely. There never have been any agitating creed questions to disturb the harmony of onr’ schoo affairs and the old course had bet- Miss Manz spent the eek-end with her friend, Miss Verdelia. Ank- enman Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred. At spent Sunday at Mr. Alex. A Bracelet —— We have them in y shapes and designs in white or green poid a Milled with 7 jeweled high grade movements at $19.00, $12.50, $15.00, $20.- 00 and $25.00 each. French Ivory Toilet Pieces - Files, Cuticle and Hooks, each ...:.. aff Perfumes, each .....------> dc to $1.00 Photo Frames, each .....--+-+ 35c to $2.00 Ivory Brushes, each ...-...-- $2.50 to $7. Ivory Mirrors, each B44. Ivory Manicure Sets in rolis or boxes, f $2.75 to $6.00 Deltah Pearls Considered the finest Pearl Necklace sold oe. We have them from $6.00 to . Each String of Pearis ash ‘solid gold clasp and beautifully boxed. Diamond Rings and Diamond Jewelery. Our stock is most complete with all the latest and modern de- signs in white or green gold, and our prices are more than moderate. Call in and let us show them. We with suitable and lasting Christmas Gifts. Roghrered Optometrist invite you to inspect our stock, which is uow most compiate in Give Our Watch department is showing a special line of men'a Watches in Elgin, Wal- tham, Regina and other makes. All fu ally guaranteed. \ 12 size Elgin, gold filled case... $10. t 16 size Regina, egid § jen case $17.50 to to = 18 size Regina; gold app ‘$30.00 Special for 16 size Nickel case, Swiss, 7 jewels. 16 size, Nickel case, Swiss, 15 jewels . s Boys’ Watches, a special for Gold and Filled Jewelery Cuff Links, = a Tie Pins, gold f “$7.50 $1.50 Watch chains, cold filed .--. $4, $6 Gold Filled Knives ........- .75 to $3.75 10 Kt. Gold Signet Hings Novelities Ebony Military Brushes, leather cased 5 to 87 Leather Belts, silver buckles 00 to $3.50 Solid leather Traveiling Sets. $5.00 to $11.00 Waterman; Parker and Swan Pens &2 to Waterman, Parker and Wahl Pencils $1 to $5 Cigarette Cases, Silver plated . $3.00 every department Gifts That Last W. A. JOHNSTONE Jeweler. - ane be continued. Theve are those fr ur public school whose parents do net believe in the New Testament and others whose-views are not the as Protestants, and w% do not Dierlamm visited with | think it wise - start an innova- parsonage,|tion that might begin an agitatien Separate School. If ths clergy | wisn to give religious inatruction in . our public school, . the school law If you spread a little cream over | gives them privilege after four o*- the top crust of a pie just, before you pebpek without breaking ‘in on . the remove it from the stove it will have teacher” s time. Leave well enough a rich, brown crust. Miss Grace Platton visited. Mies Eva Jacques on Sunday. Miss Audrey Schaefer was the guest of Miss Elvera MeDo ell on * | Sunday. “an . G. H. Barnard at the Forawich, last week. Geo. Orth is on the sick list. | | “consists in fen less. than vou earn. : _ If by careful economy you can save money, you have taken a. ~ long step toward. contentment. ewer interest on Savings. hal- and shall Welconic, your. Co PRINCESS | THEATRE | Get your glasses at the Ticket Office as you go in to see “PLASTIGRAMS” ‘Thor, Fri., cad Sat. =~ ee ee ee Trust the Housewife to Appreciate a Washer For Christmas The more labor saving de- vices in the home the strain on strength. A first-class. elect- ric washer is one of the aids to conserving time and .en- ergy in housework, less a woman’s “White Cap” Electric’