. aha u siness Directory | 1 TPctronize These Advertisers Whenever You Need the “Services of Reliable Business or Pgofessional Men _ |! + ‘Hes ee There | recent survey of prospective ex- pantlon among ‘the mines of North-. iD is shows that many = s@ burs : e kitchen his cod. pat ‘pumped 4 u a in ey p25 5 gee . father ae you 1 a : eS aneee Asties to mills and mi supplien in 1926 Ac. | 86 breaktaat, genre jally. “Not quite’a country mo yet, LEGAL MEDICAL o cording to this survey, mill expen-}00, yon, Joe? There "s plenty of we- d . itures totalling gee eons are con-/ter in the well, but the viene hg dry. H. B. MORPHY, K. ©, 2H D. Livinasrows, m. .| Splat wate dow io get water up. Ti 5 Public, Con- yeician jurgeon. ce 4 -_ |show "He took a di rful from Minors Ratettor for Bank of| over Livingstone's Drug Store, corn-| Hunters patronizing territories | ¢ the pail ty che-sink hon want our}! Hamilton, Listowel, Uinweten” At-| er Main and Wallace streets. Phone! in the Algoma district of the Cana- m wood. Offices Listowel and Milver- ton. Money to loan. J. C, HAMILTON, B. A. 69. Night phone 113. ¢ Joe returned with a dian Pacific. Railway had a -very bese saatly brimming pail of fr water. “What DR. JAMES MOORE (Physician and Surgeon) Office second residence north of successful season in 1924, accord- ing to a*report recently issued. Moose numbering 173, deer number- else ante I got to do?” he asked Ag- nes 6 ‘There test preacher magazine. which goes to nearly at) 000 clerey- through a de j re’s the woodbox,” ste an- men each moota. ing 2,183 and approximately 7,050 if , Solicitor swered [n. the sense curt tone. numerous, and = three pa tstanaiane} tostthe Tnpiria Bank “ot Canada. — partridge .were secure Che at dear Stor atten png mux| ministers were the judges. Fifteen Money to loan. Office on south side number of hunters ran into several a ade aheat = On hat Soahething cash prizes were offered, and the of Main street, over Miss Gibbs’ Mill- A. G. SHIELL, M. D. thousand. The figures quoted in-}eige. It's nothing but jobs all day check for the first prize reached Rev. imery Parlors clude those for Kipawa, Temis-j long.’ He stamped out to the shed: Bonds for Sale. ©. MORTON SCOTT, B. A. Barrister, Notary Public, ancer, Office over Adolph’s Hardware Store, Main street. Convey- Physician and Surgeon Diseases.of Women and Surgery. 13 ore . Office, Inkerman Street, West. Opposite Presbyterian Church. DR. ALEXANDER a © 907, Stra DENTAL WwW. G. E. SPENCE Dentist, Graduate of the Dentist Department of University of Penn- sylvania, Philadelphia; ate of The Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Office over. Schin- , dein’s Stor For painiess extraction we use nit- rous oxide oxygen gas, also conduct- ive anaesthesia. R. F. TAYLOR, L.D.S.; D.D.S. Graduate of the Roya! college of} Dental Surgeons, and of Toronto uni- _ versity. fants _and Children DR. F. J, R. FORSTER Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Graduate in medicine, of Toronto Late assistant New York Ophthal- mic and Aural Institute, Moorefield's Eye and Golden Square Throat Hos- pitals, London, Eng, 53 Waterloo St. Stratford. Phone 267 | Will be in Listowel the first Monday} in the month, fgom 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. | | * UNDERTAKER W. F. McLAUGHLIN Embalmer and funeral Directo Graduate of Canadian embalming — og a Gas for ay school. Residence and : , : parlors, Main | Ott ver C. MeDonald’s store.| gt one a half’ blocks east of} Phone ‘0 | Baptist church. Night and day cails | promptly attended. Phone 22 é. ST. C. WILSON, L.D.S.; D.D.S. Graduate of Royal College of | Dental! Surgeons, Toronto University. Office over Banzley’s new store Phone 23 for appointments. CHIROPRACTIC DR. L. E, RUTHERFORD Chiropractor over John- Hours. 9 Office on Main street, stone's Jewellery -tore 12 noon, 2 to § pointment, Phone Consultation free. ta “DRS. Graduates of Toronto College vl Chiropractic. Office and residence | pan. Evenings by ap-. No. 9. | ' Motor or horse Ses equipment as desired. __INSURANCE ——= ee er ; : some strawberries for breakfa ful participants with trophies of Foe oftered and went off, whistling very Kind old man whose name was | PIRE INSURANCE various kinds and attractive gold,|to do | Santa: Claus. This gentleman, ; ; | { at | in best companies: also accident, an-| Silver and bronze medals. } incl Len, who had heard it all, | ery Chri eared iy age or ag “ane | tomobile, burglary, plate glass and} -—— ‘nédded his wise old head. He knew | S0'e hee 4 became ‘very “popular ‘bond insurance, Automobile insur-| T} a good deal both about pumps ama; Way 28 soon beca y “popul t 1e names of the winners of the! and was loved by all who knew him ance, 85 cts. per 100. Your business about people, ' a | solicited. E. D, BOLTON _ AUCTIONEER W. J. DOWD, Auctioneer ir. Kea Ain P ATTERSON | wise Myf OE SB aes our list. Near’ a hey We have it. Require an auc- tioneer? Phone 246,-Listowel, Ont. first door east of Blackmore-Hamil- . ton factory, Main street. Office hours | OPTOMETRIST to ll a.m., 2 to 5 p.m., 7 to 9 p.m = —- Listowel, Phone No. 54. | W. A. Johnstone * «| I Registered Optometrist. Over ai MUSIC years experience. 4 Main St Listowel. | “ = = = SS TRS hUs BET LON DR. H. 8, MALLORY A.T.C M.ARLCM Tescher of piano, violin, singing and: Regi 1 Of i theory, Listowel | , Pupils prepared for Toronto Con-; _ Graduate of the Royal College of servatory Examinations Science, Toronto. Office A. Oli- Apply at Mr. Philip Nickles resi-| Yer’s Jewellery store. dence, Phone 159 aaa ¢ UR con- O duct is de corous and po- lite. Our services are efficient and ~ satisfactory. Our business is well known. .BRITT | FUNERAL DIRECTOR |pROMe. 30 4.E. JERMYN ab ISS OWE — To Our Many | Hugh ! McGillivray Office McDonald Bloek. Phone Special attention B iy ‘ care of University _ ularly good month, the ships hav- men of;the award, and delightful Christmas sur The “T should think Joe might see,” cae one aid Agnes to herself, ‘that this new tite is harder for me than. for him | work — stopping for him and Uncle Len J kaming, Mattawa, Sturgeon Falls, Pakesley, Sault Ste. Marie, Chap- lean, Sudbury, Schr@iber and Nipi- gon, all exceptionally good game areas, 15 prize-winning Seuss are entitled “The Premium ook,” and a copy of the volume as soon as Tmo. it is More Christmas trees were ship- received a request from the company pea from Nova Scotia for the 1924 festive season than ever before, ac-; bered Uncle Len’s words, “There's hyo sill ga of sermons in thu aiid : . 3 il plenty of water in the well, but the : . fr cording to figures just compiled. pump’s dry. You have to pour water The sermon which won the firet Twenty-two car-loads from terri-|qown to get water up prize was entitled P ering Little tory bordering the Dominion Atlan- With the pitcher in her han Ships,” and was delivered in nes stood gazing across the a ford church on rally day, September the hills beyond. Was that the trou-|*S_ at Se ei” one ble, a dry pump? Perhaps the well ; Watford f han fiv was full of brotherly affection, and| Pastor in Watford for more than five tic Railway alone were shipped to outside points and approximately 150 car-loads left"the province gen- 5 s and one-half years, previously held erally. nership eed to bring up 0 brimming pastorates in the cities of Hamilton | . . pail. Could it be t and Kingston. He is also young peo- |i; A ‘splendid season of winter ple’s editor of The Canadian Congrc- Joe came back with his arms piled | sports is expected at Quebec this with wood, whic he dropped into gationalist. ! year, as more and more people are|the wood becoming interested in these’ heal- Agnes put down her pitcher, 0 . thy recreations in Canada and the|CUrved her mouth into a genuine 0. T.A. fficers - smile at the thought of her experi- United States. In connection with sage ment and crossed to her brother. She , the activities of the Chateau Fron- put an arm round his neck and kiss- Cannot Catch Santa tenfc, thé Canadian Pacific’s great} ed him. “Joe,” she said, “you're gi ae |hotel in the Ancient Capital, a num-|5Uch,@.comfort and” heip «I don't: so SAYS PUBLIC SCHOOL STUD- ; kpow what I'd do without you!” ber of new features will add to. the Joe wriggled freé, but the flusirt ENT IN COMPOSITION ON “THE jattractions Quebec has to offer.}on his cheek was not all embarsans- SPURT SANTA CLAUS.” ‘These include inter-club, inter-col-; ment at the unusual caress. “That ice antl _— lexinte und bitarnational 6 nothing,” he said; “you do tots mor The following original oral com- Slate a) COPE an T do, Agnes. You're all to the position was given by Patricia Ham- tions in all winter.sports, to be held good.’ jilton at the Christmas program 0 he Entrance class, the Friday be- for Christmas. The Spirit Santa Claus Many years ago in Burope lived «a under the auspices of the recently formed Frontenac Winter Sports Club, which wiil award the rien) I love youwtots,"”” Agnes said with - d-soft little laugh. “Give me a dish and I'll pick sou | One day -he had “been up he | mountain and his attention = heer | Sitaatasteste | ; David prizes for literature, award-| _-—— | ed to the writers of the best French | «jun. ee One bbb : mai i “ee | attracted by some reindeer. As be and English books entered in the | Ss. 5S. NO. 4, WALLACE : thought they were very niece, he de | competition for these prizes, have | - —— ~ * | gilded to try and catch some. Abont | just been announced by the cam- Seefosfeoteecheslootesfeehootnetedecleabelebefafetetefectefey | & week later he went up into ~ | mittee of judges. In the French The following is the report of,S.; Satta ty a ee on fine - = F | secciom the. first prize, $1,500, went | 5. No. allace. Those marked! ao. On the way down a voice ffo with an asterisk have missed one or| | th Ne . | to Abbe Camille Roy for his book more OxAHIS: clouds spoke to ‘Because you have been a very kinu | “A” "Hombre des Erables,” while in| sr. IV— Honors 75%, Pass 60% é ; pa | the English section Marjorie Grant | Clayton Karges 81%, Ruby Baile y mentioman oi) fore eel basket lily | Cook won first prize with her book | 7 79%, Vera Koch 75%. Mervyn Kar-/ Shall Bive forever. Because you wavs. 2s 74% a i 69% gay and cheerful you shall always, {“Another Way of Love.” ~~ a ar tied —_—. 834 Sam! Wear red, also because of your spot- i were aGert Orth 46%. | less purity, you shall have glistenin,: a ; Anderson 64% Tke most successful year enjoyed | Jefferson Gottfried 43%. | weeks later the old Edna! “white hair and bear Abo eatianad aie by the Canadian Pacific Great! m . oe ee ate: Edna | and his spirit tried to enter Onta Lakes Steamship Service in freight| SGishein 60% Walter Bartman| DUt because the O. T A prohibited | rf shipments since 1913 is reported by|54q,. ec the importation of spfr he was Mr. Duff, manager of that service, Jr. IlIl-—-Nora Orth 83%, Roy: See ie. aa Oe to Greenland Ai for the season lately closed. The/ Hartman 79%. Ruby Miller = 78 %.| aives, apend most of their time mak- whole fleet of package freighters rag My Good 69% Laure aad ve ee for good littie boys and for the first time since the out- break of the Great War, has been constantly employed during the seven months in which the lakes are open. A feature was the very large increase in the export flour busi- ness, some 75 per cent of the 300,- 000 tans of flour carried eastward by the service having been destined for export. October was a partic- ir} First--Ruth Bartman, Elsie Miller, | gir . on every Christmas Eve he visits ae Nuhn, Roy Koch, Aileen Bart-; jour homes with his little Primary—Russel Karges, atbert | 8Pirits and if we are good he lea Orth, Melda Orth, Gladys Gottfried, Harvey Orth, —— Miller, Laur-| ence Koch, Carl Knip | A. ~ E Spence, te teacher. | Officers can never catch these strange ; spirits which always enter Ontario on Christmas Eve to deliver their toys meny. and candies. y people received hand- kerchiefs that they have begun to feel ashamed of their nose. —_—_——oOoOoOoe Billboard people have as eense of The Devil lived in Heaven until he| beauty or they couldn't pick out the started knocking. Now look where oe — to obstguct.—Frenso Re- he 7 ublica ing transported in that month 58,- 000 tons of eastward bound milled atnffe snd grain | Agent for: The Dominion Seturities Cor- poration, Ltd.. Toronto. Govt. and Municipal Bonds. A. L. Hudson & Co., Bank- ers and Brokers Stocks, Bonds, Grain, Cotton and Provisions. Great West Life Assur- 25,817, in6. insur- 2 The Agricultural Development Board, ‘onto. e The Province-is prepared to loan you money on Farm mortgages at 6%. Why pa more Call or write for full in- formation TO INVESTORS I can assist you in the in- vestment of your funds to yield the highest returns with due regard to the safety of your Principa No investment will. be recom- mendéd which will jeopardize your future income or imperil your se*¥ings Your Patronage Solicited Customers aliens whose liberal patronage con- to the splendid suc- cers of our husiness~ during 1924, we wish a very New which is taken from the Mibraukeg Journal: A Good Advertisenient Story Here's a good advertisement story n editor and a merchant L. A. OLIVER: | were discussing the virtue of bitl- The merchant ewspapers., Af a lengthy conversation in- which * +s meén would = in, the men week the if. you don’ “t believe =u the Ca | ra THEY BASK IN MID-WINTER SUNSHINE or a Spam, Irmidasa ow. Ligon, wach afte dip fo the " mir niamine pon on the ic ch of ‘be | “Blontroyal.” tuset. “You go Way Com ties! @ direct. you over the fine road that cocin a net- work ‘over. the island, and in the other he-w:!l j converse with his kind. This language souncs i 1s foreign as any you will meet with in your tour of | ally your ear will be able to distinguish all the words i and you bh wondér that you could not understand your ther shin {And -%o after ai! the native life of the “Isles of the Blest” worth a little study, is it not? Take Bg little ae Fhat is 4They ai are intespacing: these. people.. Watch, them as they swarm your cruising vessel” docked in Kingston saybore te their tub-like ndherage and dive maician for-instance. If you took away his shi ows broom Seep in into’ the. water for yofr co ey are a and his handle. you would not a him much other than s ink tummy, — ot a. seas sel a BS BUC. an nity of -becoming—well— of I tor himeelt SEL eee at a est es ¥) doing tty well. Canadian Pacific enough Sr this prone eepertgte ~ na in Jan wary hd i eae reiannseae eseecee eare 2 Ebon saeco ear eA £ Rayner, together with the oon | } { being published in a special volume, | uy } Mr. Rayner will receive } published in January. He has also} for another sermon, to be publishet ' Wat-| if) who has been|} | Thank You ut three; To E cet ybod ly | Business has. been fine—better than we ever ex- || pected—and we want to thank the goed~ people of — Listowel and vicinity for their kind and very generous - patronage. In big type, please Mr. Printer, allow us to re- Thank You! peat seen MEAT MARKET SCHELL, Proprietor | Happy New Y ear and oO tals ue At tomers “Beason our we lik®-.> think of our tus? friends. We like to feel that In a + broad sense our customirs are our patrons—that Gur success is but a refection of their success. And so on the eve of a New Year, we extend to you our hearty good wieies with the sincere hops that the coming year will bring still greater Prosperity and happiness as R. A. CLIMIE Phone 72 Listowel ZURBRIGG BROS. | The .Bakers Have the Kindtiest- Wishes fur your Happiness and Presperity during the year 1925 Ne j If you're not-alreadv our customer, start he: New Year right. Resolve toea ZURBRIGG ‘SLREAD. ~ ' We invite your ‘patronage and promise good Guaiity and service. cont Shia wok ..gupaty widow and .. 00s: "me oot O° gn@ Mm tay Moreover, : she. was Scotch. She your name sintyre. ; mourned ed ata aa Reanlge ioe ai xe see, phe = c a a4 feck ‘she ‘snow ore hones Me i hon 6 for 1 - i