With Prosperity pathway and its to you. Druggist piness always shining upon) you-- that’s our sincere New Year's wish E. G. C®GHLIN strewn along its sunshine of Hap- Atwood eres Hoping GEORGE BUTCHER _ brings ‘Twice “Prosperity, aperityar! Happiness as You ever dreamed of / K Coe i ee the New Year as much oorby bp ——| o— QS ‘ ] wo McCLORY ATWOOD t— = $e EVERYBODY'S COLUMN Ten cents a line for first‘in- sertion, with minimum charge of 60c. Subsequent insertions five cents a li mini- mum charge of 25c. i od HOUSE FOR SALE rame house in Atwood,in. good OTICE ’ ‘The annual meeting of the Trow- bridge Cheese and Butter. Company, will be held in the Orange Hail, Trowbridge, ‘on: Saturday, ... Janna eee at two p.m. AH shareholders urged to attend. M.. JOHN- ‘STON, N, Secretary. 1-8 np, ANNUAL MEETING "The Annual Pang of the pplicy holders of the Elma Farmers’ Mutual 2 _ .o’clock:.p-m., for =the purpose of recejyi g the reports of tors and auditors amd any — bu — tha come before John ey . R. Hammond as Pesident. Secretary 1-8 ANNUAL MEETING The annwal meeting of -the share- for the purpose of receiving andi*- Ors. financial statement, election of officers and any other business thet may cpme before the meeting. Inter- ) est on shares paid at meeting: 8. J. Love, as. M. Dickson, 74 President. Sec.-Treas. 1-6: = 4 " ANNUAL MEETING nary | Dlectoral Division of t TOWNSHIP OF ELMA Municipal Elections The Municipal Electors are here- by matified: lst—That the meeting for nom- ination of candidates for the office Elma for the year 1926, will be held in the MUSIC HALL, ATWOOD MONDAY, DECEMBER 29th., 1924 at One o'cl p-m. ond—That should more than the n y number of candidatcs be nominatai oe proceedings will be adjourned unti Monday, January Sth., 1925 when polls will be as agg in each at the hour of nine e'stods in the pone and shall continue open un- ee ve owlock in the afternoon end a Jeaget. a ere the polling places and puty Returning Officers and: Poll Cerks in €ach Electoral division are - . Polling Bub Div. No. ‘The Orange Hall, Trowbridge D.R. O. .Reid soors: P.C. Ed. eT No. Hoyee, No. 2 Lot Con. 3, D.R.O. James Mitchell; Wm. M. Turnbu “4 3—O! Hall, Britton, DR ah hos. J. Goro ; P.O., Samuel Johnston, No. 4— Hu wa. mphrey’s waggon Newry, a Rtg Mam Wherry, P. re. Ww. range; am Sonat DE . John 8. Cow-{ P.C., David F. r. No. —| Geo. A. irre Implement: shop, ; M 0., Geo. Ellacott; C., Geo., mT: “Golight No. 7—Lam- bert’s School House, 32, con 1 ¥¢, D:R:O., Joseph J: Lambert Gernhe No. &—Township. . Alex. Ae i mmond. Geo. Lochhead, Bakers officer. | At wood, Dex 16, 1924 1-1, Methodist Rev. Byron Snell, Pastor Ider Clerk’s office, Atwood, gt ae ge eB ' ‘his appreciation —Place, om shop.) n } Dankful. An interesting. presentation took ‘place in Atwood Wed Yast week when Mr. Thomas a BE. Ham mond, was the recipient wre many ex- abeaays of esteem and appreciation from the “Memorial Committee” for his tadth {ul moctheg in connection with the Mem Mr. pears "stevenson, in a few well chosen words, made known the object of their visit ana express- ed ‘his sincere thanks on behalf of the committee’ for his untiring ef- forts to make -the mem moria], a suc- ess In, the absence of Ree. F. H: Paull, the task of making the presentation said that it was thro orial Committee” he had got to know Mr. Hammond personally, and for anything he had been able to do, he had been fully. repaid by coming In contact with a man £0 faithfully served such a noble cause. In handing a solid oak chair to Mr. Hammond, the speaker said bee + while the on was from the’ Com Mr. _— Peachey also. spoke and said he felt duty ea to express to Hammond for the great work he had undertak en on behalf of his late comrades. who unfortunately could never re- turn. While the committee had not, in some cases, been able to see eyn to eye, they a always allowed plenty of time to consider different had eventually t stich good results, and -he had not the slightest hesitation in saying that the “E emorial” compared very favourably with any in Western Ontario for the amount of money spent, and as time went on he felt more convinced than ever far more so than a Building or Post Office, which could not be erected without draggting heroes through Municipal or political af- fairs. He looked upon a Memorial as being far too sacred to quarre bout. or revenue to be even thought of. He was very pleased to able to say the council had granted the sum of .00 to help defray th» cost of os fence and the Literary Society had kindly promised the pro- ceeds of their’ next concert to help beautify the plot with more lights. seats, », ete. He earnestly ap- pealed to the citizens of Elma to re- 8 was abso- a@ lit- ‘gave their lives When we contrast condi- sions here with that of most foreign communities. Elma appears like little ship resting In a sheltered har- bour; she is happy and at peace. This fact makes everyone a debtor to the unreturned and he hoped the next Literary on January 16th., would be a red letter night. Hammond in returning thanka was visibly affected and a- had been a great pleasure for him, but it amounted to little when conm- pared with the great sacrifices the unreturned and returned had made him and al] those dear to him. He never thought he possessed so many good qualities as had been mention- ed that afternoon but would take pa word for it and add it to the emory of the many an times|s he had spent amongst them Remains of Hugh McKay Brought to Brussels for Buria! The death of Mr. Hugh W. Me- Kay, occurred at Siften, Man., seventy-seventh year. The wi from the undertaker's parlors, Brus- sels. interment was made in Brus- bella Campbell, of Hullet Township, een him about eight years e | There survive two sons and two daughters: Messrs. Walter, of North -, Bay, oars Ay and Annie, of Siz- ton, and A. McLean, of Cray- en, Sask. < | eeeebasbeenteereitetedete sabe taledtesdfedtete od + 4 ETHEL «| + + * Pana ecaie Heed. ets erage continues te be very, er. seco Toe stork left a fine yore { the home of. Mr and ‘M ra. Coeit i! Inteman a ring the week. urely a istmas present tor} vhich the proud parents are very, There a@ good attendan he. Methodist church: whieh sect bly. the minister | 2 kl lalla e Music Hall, ia, Atrood, was fill- aad by “the ratepayers of Elma on Mon-, follows: : Reeve—Wm. Scott Ballantyne. Deputy ese Coates, Hugh E. Shearer aud oud John I. Councillors—-W. Angus. Dickson, John 8. Ellacott, ow Stevenson and Adam Willoug Each ‘eandidate to addréss the meeting. Messrs. Scott and Ballantyne explained fully the work of the council and stated that the county. and township was in ar excellent financial All other candidates -briefly. addressed/ the meeting, giving and expressing their views regarding abolishing statute labor. A standing vote was taken a* the m hich was al- most unanimous in favor-of abolish- ing statute labor in the township of ~ 2 ealled upon The meeting was one of the best nomination meetings held for many yeare and closed with singing of the National Anthem. Resident of Mornington Dies On Friday THREE GAMBLE HIS) Sith. tee only, he felt sure it carried with it the. g ood-will of the entire com-|©!ma munity. AFTER AN ILLNESS OF BE ios AWAY IN YEA Following , an illness extending through a period of three years, from 3. Decem- Oa eee een et future [ber 26th., 1924, in his fitty-seventh generations and serve its purpose| 7°32: The deceased has resided on the 12th. conctssion_pf Mornington’ and has resided in that district practicai- ly all his life Besides his surviving wife, he leaves to mourn his loss, one son :and one Guughter, Lorne and aze Gamble, at home. There also sur- vive three brothers and one sister, and two half-brothers and a halt- sister, who are; Samuel, of Proton; James of the West; Arthur of Lang- don, North Dakota; Miss Bella Gam- ble of Toronto, Chas. of Brantford; John, of Woodstock and irs. Pef- fers, of North Morniagton. The funeral on Monday was in charge of Rev. G. F, N. Atkinson, of North Mornington. The Forresters| lodge, of which the deceased was a member, marched in a body to the Fal Fs ve. The pallbearers who were cous- sins of the deceased, were: Messrs. Jobn Johnston, Aibert Jehnston, John Thdmpson, Wm. R. Dowd, Sam- uel A. Johnston and Samuel John- sto dove tocol TOWN LINE EAST Se ee a a a a ak ee Mr.. and Mrs. James’ Gordon and son, Richard, and Mr. Thomas Mar- Se try Wing Miss Gladys Hamilton, of Dray- ton, is spending the holidays at the home of her par r. and Mrs. John Gordon and ang and Miss Annie Hamiltun,; t Christmas with friends in Fer- ae Miss Olfve Cowan, of Guelph, is epencting the holidays with her par- Mr. Witliam Heard spent Christ- mas with friends in Stratford. is visiting Kitely. . return: home Saturday evening. after spend- ing a few months in. Detroit. Mrs. .Frank Curtis, of Nashville, Mich., is fig at the a of her r. an 1h Abel Tindall is "apenaing a ya with ‘iaceco in Ham- uelph. one, of flton and Young Peeplc's League Mecting— The Young People’s League of the Methodist church was well attended Monday evening and a fine program was given. The membership has been chosen into two sides, the Larks and the Nightingales, who will put on alternate programs ‘throughout the winter nm = will provide the pro; for Monday night The Bible Tak will be a review of the Sunday school les- sons for laat quarter, and 100 cred- its will be irae te to the side whict. wins in the tes “ eee eee R ETS eee eee eee + 2 ‘ TRALEE ; taperariteeeennes ts Edna Querin of Kitchener, o nolidaying at we: home of her piste i Mrs. me ye Hazel O'Grady and brother Mr. F rady, Mr. Kivokener, tin, spent Christmas with friends in]; _Nieesnenien =< = wake up for ** | ust ated of ee nloading Comi— A car of soft coal was unloaded | the t of this wont’ tor: Don- deo cheese factory. . ay for the a omination of candidates for the office of recoye, deputy-reeve| tt With and councillors. Clerk Lochhead pre-} Mr. Alex. Gray, of Marine city,’ sided, Nominations were made as)-Mich,, is Til with pneumonia at the. home of his grandmother, Mrs. W.o1- Gray, 10th. concession. Bot ¢ Purebred 8t Stock— Mr. Arthur Sitapson, R. R.- At wood, purchased four pure red. Jer- Sat at the Breeders’ Sale at, Wood- ere three of them prize-winners at e Royal Fair, 1924. Misceliancous Shower— A miscellaneous shower in honor of_ Miss Isabelle. Inglis was held by the friends and neighbors Friday ev- ening at the home of Mf. and Mrs. Martin Ferg, )4th. concession. 4 Seriously Til— The many friends of Mrs. Crooks will regret to learn that she is verv ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. E. H. ng. Mrs, Crooks had ana tack of the flu a fe eeks ago from which ehe has allied. t- Attend hina Bigg = ling— Mr. and Mrs. Albert McBain. Mrs. Cog hlin,. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Merriaen” and Mrs. Pope, 10th. cor- a attended the china wedding nniversary of H. Ww Milverton, on Monday: Havaitton, Death of Mrs. E. Martin— The | death Jane Len beloved wife of the late Mr. Bzekiel Martin, in her eighty-fourth pear occurred on Sunday, December 28tb., 24, ut her residence, 4th. conces- sion, Elma. The funeral on Wednes- day afternoon to Greenwood cem- etery, Milverton, was in-charge of Rev v. Atkinson, of North G. Mornington. Died = roucene a Day Mrs lentine Schade d dhed at her home ay Monkton, on Christmas Day, after an illness of 12 years, at the age of 62 years. The deceased wo- who were acquainted with her, bore her sufferings with Christian forti- tude. Before going to Monkton to reside, she and her husband lived on a farm in Elma township for many years. The funeral took place the family home on Sunday, to the German cemetery, east of that vil lage. Ministerial Jubilee — russels Post—A’‘ jubilee service to celebrate the completion by Rev D. Rogers of fifty vears in the min- instry. will be held in First Metho dist Church, St omas, on Janu- ary 1 ogers has had a suc- London Conference in 1906, In the enjoyment of good health still. Brussels was one of his early charges when ere in and kept well in touch with his form- er parishioneers in the passing years. Many of the friends of former days ds of labor the r Rev a Rogers and will join heartily in, the good wishes accorded as he enjoys this Jubilee. HOLMAN—INGLIS A pretty wedding took place very quietly Tuesday afternoon, a ber 30th., at the manse, Walto when Isabelle E., daughter of Mr and Thos. Inglis. Monerteff. became the bride of Walter W. Hol- man, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm.. Hol- ™man. Monkton, Rev. E. F. Chandler, officiated. The bride, who was attended by her eister, Miss Mae Inglis, wore «a smart travelling suit of navy trico- tine. Mr.. Edwin Holman supported the groom. reception was held in the even- and white streamers and white bells from Pm chandeiler to the corners of the The trie was the recipient many beautiful and costly gifts 5 ad Mrs. Holman will reside the groom's farm, 14th. conces- oon, Elma. of . PEELE EEE OE EETEL SEE | | GREY ~ » aa oedeeteeenlendestettbaledoctecbeebenfeclonteodesteedndestetesdeebeeleet The art of the Ethe! Circuit. Sey H. Whit . D,, wishes he ‘samntienaty. a’ happy and prosper- ‘us New Year. It is regretted that ‘ere has been no service at Roes ‘or the last three Sundays owing tc he storms. Mr. White succeeded in vetting as far as Raynard’s corner ‘vith Mr. John Pearson, when thev vere “informed that it was useless o go further’as the road was unbrok- m. It is to be hoped that there will be i full attendance mee lost time. The ee will be ow We Got ‘Our Bible" ik with 50 vi ews, @ was a good attendance at maton “Methodist Church last. Sun- a ing the cold. wind and{o The Christmas a man, who was well thought of by all] ect) baby son, of B Mr. ani ining he her. sister, ‘Mrs, 5 Mr. and ‘Mrs: Albert Coghiin at Christmas: at the home of Mr. Robt.| mM McMane, Milvert rton. .Mias Iona McKay, of Moncrieff, is a guest of Mrs. J. Rutherford this week. - Mr. Arthur Peachey, of London, is} visiting his Pareets; Mr. and Mrs Jesse Peachey W. Wilson, of Chatham, spent Christmas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W..W .Wilso Kenneth Blair, of Milverton, vis- ited his cousin, Blair Ducklow, 14th. concession, last. week Mr. John Hird was a guest at the home of Mr. Harry Ward, 14th. con- cession, on Christmas. Mr. H. Eby returned Monday, af- ter spending a-week with Mrs: Evy and family, at Hanover. former cheesemaker at Donegal, is renewing old acquaintances here. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Coghlin and oon visited Mrs. Coghlin's sister, s. Wm. Donaldson, on Sunday. Dr. Wallace McBain, vf Port Col- borne, spent Christmas with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McBain. John and Robert Campbell, of Tor- }onto, spent Christmas with their par- {ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Campbell Miss Marjorie Harrison 46 sperd- ng the Christmas an New Year holidays at her home in Wingham. Mr. Wm. McCutcheon and daugh- ter, Miss Nina, were guests of. Mrs Johnston, at Listowel, on Christmas. The Misses Clara and Irene Park- er, of London, are spending the wee at their_-home on the 8th. conces- sion : Mr. Borden McClory spent Christ- mas at the home of his parents, Mr. acd Mrs. Wm. MecClory, 16th. con- cec3sion, tr. and Mrs. Chas. Vallance epent Christmas at the home of the latter's sig ster, rs, Jas. Newbigging, 6th. concession. Mr. Uria McFarlane, of Toronto, speit the Christmas holidays at the home of his brother, Mr. Thos c- Furlane Messrs. Don Love and David pod were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ing Robb, 12th. concession; on Su Miss Annie McNeill of Toronto. arrived on Wednesday to spend the New Year holidays the guest of Mrs. Jes. Duncan Mr. J. A. Porter and Mise Alice Porter were guests on Christmas of Mr. and of Moncrieff. ya - Mrs. Brown and daughter, Edna, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hinks, 14th. concession. 1 Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Muxworthy. week-end of Mr. and Mrs. itt Pe 6th. concession. rs. Duncan McIntyre, of Ok- oka. Alta., and John, of High Riv- er, are visiting their mother, Mrs. John McIntyre. Miss Janie Rae of Linwood, ° is spending the Christmas and New 2 concession. a “Miss Sophy ie ge a of Toronto, spent the week-end at the home of er brother, Mr. Hobert Coleman, 2nd. concession i Mr. Albert Chapman, Niaga Falls, is spending the Christmas ‘ol- idays with his = Mr. and George Cha apme aa. v. and Mrs. F. H. Paull return- ed Saturday, after spending the Christmas: holidays with.Mr. Pauli’s mother, in Londo: Mr.-and Mrs. James Emm, of por pera were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Inglis, Mon- erjeff, on Christmas Mr. and Mrs. John Johnston, Carp, are spending an ‘nm Britton and vicinity. Mr. and’ Mrs, Ernie Cardiff and russels, were guests at the home of aise and Mrs. Alex. Wilson, on Christm to ‘Tuesday. nley Ford speit) — aan RR ; of Foronta, tee te vie-| era Mrs. Donald McTaggart; of St. Thomas, were guests over the] y, Year holidays at her home on the} Mr. 2] 2hd N the Christmas; 95 r holidays with friends ed Mr. Mrs. Christmas and the week-end, - iss. Alice Richmond, nurse of — ae spent Christmas at ithe home er . and “Mre, Hugh Richmond, 12th, concession. — * spe A air, who .was home tor weay funeral of her father, Mr. Andrew Peebles, Sth. concession, returned to Mount Pleasant on Tuesday. rs. Alex. Donely and George of the Bank of Montrea¥ » spent Christmas. at their homes’ in Goderich and Hamiiton. Mr. and Mrs. A. R ane family, were guests on Christmas at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Terry, Monktor. Miss Spence, of Fordwich, return- ed home on Tuesday, after, spending the- week-end at t home of Mr. and: Mrs. Russel Bell, 12th. conces- Mr. and Mrs. C. Harris, Sask., a; ston The Misses Gladys Purcell. and Olive Robb, of Listowel, were guesta over the week-end at the home of, . and Mrs, Jas. Robb, 12th. con- cession. Mr. end bog Dackiow, ‘14th. con- cession, Mr. nd Mrs. Chas. Blatr, ot Sinenten, visited at the home df Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Blair on Monday Miss Annie Wynn returned Toronto on Monday. afie* spending Christmas and the week-end at the home of her parents, Mr. and‘ Mrs. Cc. J. Wynn. Mrs. Robert Smart ‘and canghis Edna. returned Monday, after ing Christmas and‘the week-en a her brother, Mr. William May, N ara Falls, N. Miss Gladys Love returned to onto Monday, after spending mas and the week-end at the of her parents, Mr. and Mrs Love, 10th. concassion. Miss Zelda and Mr. Robert: ‘Iton and Mrs. George Smith a Walter, were guests on Chr “f the former’s. mother, Mra Hamilton, ‘6th. concession. ve or and Mrs. Wm. and aughter, Ella, have returned, ft epenaints Christmas and the won end at the home of their d Mrs. McT@vish, at Teeswate a nd Mrs. D. BE. e 7 mt rn M, Hodge EB. Hoag SB Gene Wit, who at— tendlag th Alex. Ducklow Seeres Wednesday, Christmas. with sister, Vyles, in London, and a few days sg his mother, Mra. Annie Duck- returned to : after spending 8 Miss Bcho Dickson, public school etaff in Tene = Pm Dick~ Miss Ethel McKay, ited her aunt, Mrs. pak P pee d, the eee 2 sly ad this week ae is ew Years and the week-end the home of Mr. a Kay, 8th. cone — me kee Be dna were rests at the Sons Mrs. John — on Christm Miss Juan Rarities, ait of New York a3 € ae FM: Hantilton, Mr. ang Mr.-and is wi oe optrattord, r. and ard, 6th. concession, 1SOX_—sure 9 ‘ondace, eee Smith, dauzhte & Samuel Smith, of Montecg ee Mrs Taig Wilson ber ~ EB. Thompson officiai~ REA—MURRAY A quiet bat solemnized at the we a Maggie Hall returned to Tor: noon, after spending rnd eta at the home oe her parents, } Tay, 3rd. ot| Mr. and Mrs. John Hall. - >, | United in