el Fe RS ‘Thr raday, Jan, 22nd., 1925. M. R. HAY, The Ficatets! Banner The 2 Atinood Bee (Amalgamated Oct., ist., 1923.) E. 8. HUDSON. Editor and Proprietor. Member ne Weekly Newspa- Association Jan. 22nd., 1925 Editorial There is no law on the statutes of Ontario to preyént a man thinking what he pleases about his neighbor who refuses to shovel snow from the sidewalk Thursday, a The citizens of Milverton need not worry over the eclipse of the sun on Saturday for their own Sun will con- ‘tinue on the job as ereal. spreading sunshine to its reade “= Radio is bound to play an import- ‘ant part in the political life of the country. This was evidenced at the Liberal convention in Toronto recent- ly when Premier Mackenzie Kins spoke in Massey Hall. He had an audience spread over a ge pe a : : are ee aa Sate eee pa ae having dealings with : Foceign foreign ‘countries will find mos it advantageous to negotiate | their drafts and procure comsiile rates of exchange. |. IMPERIAL BAN K 2 Ras LISTOWEL BRAN BRANCH, Vv a lot of th | people in Listowel ahi ee afraid DU: ie 'the same thing might happen to This Bank can ; them the closest | The cloud‘s inves. lining oeent |shows when the blamed thing has | gone past. shirts being A burglar. gang ‘stole silk Nothin like ell dressed while on the jo * A-woman lestver sees a Woman as esident of the United States © ir 1950. Why all the delay? Summary of Reidlotons at Convention of Municipal Association Manager. | a ee J. W. SANGSTER REPORTS UPON | rules and provisions conso} ponted in-| ni to that is known to us as t ul- pal Act of the Revised Statutes of the Province of Ontario. This Act is be- ing constantly changed, as experience shows defective functioning in one ing more and more a complicated and cig Pond to meet the requirements cf “complexicated”’ affair By this is | another. Meant the instances where two or more established systems, themselves nd tie Lee a eet ston complicated to a greater or lesser; duce *f > are all involved together. As | {al legislatyré, are there discussed, an instance may be cited a case at |®Mended further if necessary or ad- ater- | Visable and finally enacted into law. 5, sewerage ¢ lighting SYs- Of course they affect each munict tems and a pavement, are all in | bality in a different way according put down together, all under Wiffer-|t® Jocal and contemporary conditions, erent legal provisions and enactments | Of course it is easy to imagine that all under the control of different|in many cases and places these a- bodies and committees, and where | mendments will prove to be satisfac- the ee must he legal under | tory, while in others they may not. proper by-laws. | 1ere they are not satisfactory, re- Munic pal. —— are _ in; lief will be sought for, and one mun- HIS VISIT TOGETHER WITH MAYOR J. C. HAY AS DELE- GATES TO THE CONVENTION. Municipal administration is becom in their efforts. There is so much of on | 80¢ renin, a regularly organized body Miles and his voice reached more than could crowd into Vines Hall. = Funny world, fsn't it weekly papers are boosting week aftes and preaching “Buy at Home.’ The local merchant in many of these the editor on the back e has the right idea and at it. Then that same mer- chant refuses to support that same paper with his advertising and calm- ly sends to some out-of-town print shop for a supply of stationery. ~ °” Many edit- 4 The editor of the Brussels Post last week handed out some suggest- jons to yocalists when arranging their programs, Evidently the editor prefers the old songs to some of the high- falutin ones for he says: “If fou are a vocalist don’t neglect to ‘frequently put one of the “Old. Fav- orites’’ on your program. Many an audience Would much prefer that this Should be done than the major shar: of your renditions be made up of tra: la-las, or a mixture of Italian or Rus- sian. Simplicity of form, clearness of! enunciation and being at home with —your audience are three pointers that | weigh well. The encore fiend is nu dead yet.’ . Fathers need to study their own and other boys. There is no lad that grows into manhood without bear. ing something of the father's habits, whether they be good or bad. ey daddy, therefore has an important place in the home outside of beine | merely a provider.. Many men excuses themselves from the task of helping children to form habits, on the grounds that this is the mother's work, but the fact is oulanding that F. Meyers, and a vocal solo by Miss the average boy can more easily be trained by the father. The adolescent period is the hard. est to control, yet it is in this period that habits are form The good example of a father be- most couregs when it comes to ephias their boys over the rough p Study the boys. PELE EEE EEL EEE PEE EEE EEE SEED oa + * DOWD'S SALE LIST + & + Sete bleebeete etedeobeeted | Jan, 24—For M Saturday, rs. Sitler, Union St., Listowel, Estate, household effects. M. A. Real EEEEEEEE ELE ESET EEEEEET ESE * 4 VANDRICK'S SALE REGIS- + BS TER + * Soe ealoctordnehorfocteeforiocdoeoefoodorhe | ‘Tuesday, Feb, 3—For A. T. Thomp- son, at lot 12, con. 6, Elma, farm,} farm stock and implements, hay, grain, etc. Sale at one o’cloc Lee ae ie ae ‘Wednesday, Feb. Georse Eisley, near Dorking station, bhai large sale of farm stock and p-| «. lements. See bills fon partieula:s, Friday, Fair Day, Feb. drick’s auction rooms and ee ates ble, Listowel, furniture, ouse- hold goods, harness. cutters sleighs, horses, cattle. etc. Sale; ' at one o’clco Tuesday, Feb. 10—For Aaron fin} miller, at_lot 18, “con. 2, How farm stock, pic Stee hay, grain ale at one o’cloc wey Feb, 12—For a Hail, Elma, farm stok, etc. Ses bills ie particulars. C. B. VANDBICK A man of heart faflure wiien “el won $100 00 ick./at this aint by Office at Grand Central ure i ee make! mei are their administrative activitie by licipality desiring changes in the on. is apt to seek the support and a Wallace Sunday | this kind of thing that the situation nized as being practically continuous, and has resulted in the SLD AT ALL: » ALE HELI . AT ? WALLAC LAC EVILLE whose members are the municipal | MONDAY—SPLENDID ADDRES-? councils, and whose business and | SES ON SUNDAY SCHOOL WORK. | any it is to take up all such cases, sistance of others similarly situathd School Convention | « ation of the Municipal As- | sive them careful consideration, and The annual Sunday School Con-'then to ask for such legislation as! vention, Wallace township branch of; Vill be considered most generally! the Ontario Religious Educationa) | beneficial. . Council was held jin the Methodist This body holds conventions per- church, Wallace. on Jan.-19th jodically. Delegates from all mur-} The opening devetional exercises|icipal councils are solicited, andl | of the afternoon session was led b; | these when they meet, are presented | Rev. Jas, Wilkins. the a made by | The president, Mr. Ben Greer then|#/,_ municipal councils regarding took thé chafr. ‘In his opening aa.| thelr own particular problems | ress he spoke of his gratitude to.| “ich are then and there discussed | ward hig parents for bieging him up by all delegates, motions and a- to attend the Sabbath Scho mentments are brought forward and} voted upon to the final end that all] resolutions are! taken by a special! committee and presented to the ern | per representatives of the Govern | ment. They are presented in the ‘aii of a petition that legislation in| accordance with the findings of ths} ee Association be eee to r each case. This is the ge ri which the municipal pone the Province of Ontario are suhiae. oring to obtain for the people of a 1 tario, fair, adequate, and benefic A shovt talk was given by Miss] laws. McPhérson, Stratford, on the Stan. wie the convention heid in the City! ard program of the C. G. I. T. all, Toronto, on date of Jan. 15. Rey, W. J. Christie, representative ot Listowel municipal council was of boys’ work, gave-an inspiring ad-| represented for the first time. By dress. Speaking on the “ Meth-| resolution, the Mayor and the Chair- ods to be used in Boys’ Work”, ne! Man of the Finance Committee were pointed out that the best method Jey.| appointed delegates to the convention} us used to influence those aboutjand had the opportunity of listening Him was ‘‘friendship.”” He also spoke; to the suggestions from other mun- on the necessity of the four-fold de-|icipalities as to changes such yelopment. This session was brougn!! Might be deemed beneficial in the to a close with praver by Rev. F. J.| management of municipal affairs. Lehman dita that at least a brief sum- The evening session was opened|™ary of these recommendations with devotional service led by Rev. might be of interest to the ratepay- ers of own as well as those of adjoining townships, I will so far as memory serves, endeavor to give th teports were given by eat, me m \ ber of the executive n the year's work. An open conference was con ducted by Rex. W. J. Christie, Tor- onto, in which great and valuable information was given for the sticcess of the different departments .of the work. Delegates from the different Sun. day Schools gave their report, show- ing that the work ‘s going on suc. cessfully. V. Ankenman, Kurtzville. The report of the nominating committee was giv- en and adopted aten te ; twin : - e first one read by the secretary, The following officers weré elect @uait’ with the ward’ aystein. sought for relief from the arrange- ment which allows a resident in one ward to be elected to represent an- ot s ne Carson Henderson. Vice Pres.—Mr. Ben Greer. ond. vice Pres.-—Mr. J. a Peres 8rd. vice Pres Cc. nes. e second resolution asked that legislation be granted for ‘the taxa- S 228.— - Welker. Chairman of Pinanai—<ae. C, Ank- en t Children’ 8 Division—Mrs. Eldoo indications of approval asked that Ankenman. —_ ane girls division—-Mrs. C,| many enactments of municipal coun- W. Wel cils, now only legal when enacted as ped ase boys Division—Mr. -W.|a by-law, be made lega) when enact. 8. Elli ed by resolution.of the council. vomay People’s Division—Mr. W. From municipal councils whoss Gedcke. municipalities are bisected by ty 4 motor highways came petitions legislation granting them the power to more fully cope with = contro} dance halls, road houses hat 18 months be ‘the ‘Mmit by Aduit division—Mr. C. Ankenman. or Dept.—Miss V. Anken- ww iioats Dept.—Mrs. C. Henderson. nigga Dept —Mr. E. L. Rob- inso: time during which taxes may Poachers’ Training Dept.—Miss M.| main unpaid, was the gist of ennthes Mahz. petition. That ali tax notices must be stamp- ed with the total amount of taxes un- paid was embodied in another re- quest. Exemption of students from road work or poll or other tax was the subject of another suggestion. Power to levy income tax upon in. comes derived by rate payers or oth- ers from sources outside of the mur icipality was the prayer one nfun- icipal council, while stili another sug- gested that legislation empowering municipalities to levy. income and business taxes upon incomes as shown \by Dom, e tax réturns, would be a satisfactory basis of op eration. For the earlier collection of taxes there were several outspoken champ- ions, and from this we turn to the matter of assessments to find that a recommendation that assessments be The next convention to be held in the 6th. Church A duet. by Miss Walter and Miss by was much enjoyed by all. An ddress was given by Miss McPher- eon, Stratford, on the “Ideals m Girls’ Work,” also what the qualifi- crit of a leader should be, name!y friendship, being a friend with boys a girls, willing to saerifice, and willing to help, need of enthusiasm, ‘should be properly balanced, (speak- ‘ing of the four fold development) must have inner spiritual conviction, stly but not least, must have ¢o operation. Another duet $ giver Miss Walter anc Miss we “Rev. <¥, Christie gave an ad. dress a \eathie Growth-of Character = Boys and Girls’’ showing that it is “Galvary Evangelical ville. concession, left Friday to spend « Mr. Geo. Cosens,*Mortlach, Sask, Barnet tae i a few days with her parents, Mr. and Rev. Harry W. Jackson, Pastor were authorized to attend a meeting| Mrs. Adam Quanz, of Carlsruhe. Mr. ‘ Pe bebhebebrsdeiebbetrte¢e [of the Ontario Municipal ocia- ba returned bome Fang an Me hoe Mrs. Sunday, January 25th ” %) tion in the City Hall, Toronto, -at| Walter intends remaining for t WALLACE COUNCIL +/10 a.m. of Thursday, February 15, weeks visit and will also visit with 10 a.m.—Sunday school. rs +} 1925. On tendas onal ‘ 18th 11 a.m.—The pastor. EERE CEEEEEEETEEEETET EE ETD The following accounts were ord. 4 “hd 2 ered paid on motion of Messrs. Grosa| ‘he E.).C.E: of the 6th. line Wal- Rey. Capt. E. W. Edwards, Pastor Might, the shell in courte of erection. neath weet the construction werk is, going on. teau Lake Louise, as it will appear -apon comple A retest and builders all over America are much interested in the progress of the re-building of the Canadian Pacific hotel at Lake Louise, a. The site of this building is over a mile above sea level, and the thermometer frequently takes a sensational drop, there being winine berts when 56 below zero is on record. It was imperative that the new wing, which is being built to replace that burned down eh sum- mer, should be finished and open for the coming season t work on it shouid,.therefore, not. be interrupted by winter weath everal architecés and contractors from United States cities, who have visited the ‘site, ea mel doubts as to whether the “job could be done during the cold weather, particularly in view of the fact that so much of the work cons isted in uring cement. This had to be safe- guarded from freezin it Pp tes foaty decided to build a huge wooden, tar- “paper lined, shell pooled 9 the entire ‘space to be occupied bythe new wing of the hotel. e this shell were hung thousands of feet of temporary steam coils, kept hot by 380 horse-power steam - boilers, the effect of w hich was to provide a safe, summer-like atmosphere for the carrying on of the work \ The erection of so important a building in a positio on so cdmparatively difficult of access, as is the Li ake Louis se Chat eau, is a matter call- Left, the ‘cover be- Below, Cha- ing for unusual engineering skill, the task of getting the —_ to the site being by no means an casy one. With a night an day service, in spite of ice and snow, over 26,000 tons of material and coal are being zy delivered by the winding narrow-ga ¢ tramway on a four per cent grade for a distance of 3% 2 miles from Lake Louise depot to the Chatea Canadian Pacific forces are supervising the work, supplying steam “and elects: icity and delivering material to the site. is extension will enable the Chateau to accommodate seven hundred zues‘s in a fireproof building, with every modern convenience and one of its features will be the magnificent view of the lake and the group of mountains surrou . ding it from the ball room, rotunda lowtige and dining room through enormous plate glass windows which feature the ¥: hole length of the.building. The extension was desi ign essrs. Barott and Blackader, of Montreal, who have done rnd important work in connection with Canadian Pacific hotels and the contract was undertaken: by Messrs. Carter-Halls and Aldinger, of Winn of the 6th. concession, and Mrs. Fred gg of the 3rd. Pid csc also r. and we Wm a John henge 3rd. ronlession. » members of ‘the Ladies’ Aid of pete: Methodist Church enter. tained their husbands, sisters ani brothers to an Wednesday sreesmian kindly _— | Lorch the time for the return of the . collector's roll was extended till Feb. . a 13. 1928. Witbibe Gharches { Thank You ; Moved by Wm. H. Lorch and sec: ! onded by Joseph S. Grosz that the epo ort ef the engineer on Municipal me Drain No. 3, (Mehring) be read at =a “a neon Hall at 2.30 p.m., ot Fet . 1925, and the report of the hd on Mun. Drain No. 8, (Rup- “ina be read at 3.30 p.m. of Feb. 13, receipts requires | Instead of sending mail, which in each case three cents postage, The nner| takes this more convenient method of pag < oe receipt of the fol- loaned her hom > Rev. M. L. Wing, Pastor lowing néwW~subscriptions or renew-/ 1925. Carried . or the evening Sunday, January 25th als, received during the past few/ Moved by Wm. H. korch, secon: r, Ryerson. ‘Chamney- was ‘calle. alays,-and for which Syd pai ed by James McEwan. that this! t? “Schomberg on Saturday of las: 10 a.m.—Public worship. will please accept our t jcouncil authorize the reeve to sign| *eek, owing to the serious illness i 11 a.m.—Sunday school. Thursday, Jan, 22 ond. 1925 the petition of Clarence Bender ana one tg Mrs. Sar! ee label we a 7 p.m.—Public worship, others, asking for the—construetion+ ry: POPP; Passe! yve iy Le BoD. Mrs, A: McCort, Orlieepwonts of a Municipal Drain. Carried. aor day morning. ; It is intended that the revival; Rev. T. W. Cosens, a gual Moved by James McEwan, second-|_. iP Mrs. Donald Menzies, of Mr. M. Moffat, Toron Montreal, attended the funeral of th» late Richard Chamney held on, Sat- urday last, and this week are visit. ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Hunter and other relatives. d Mrs. Gordon Walter, 6th. ed by Wm. H. Lorch, that we accept the petition of Clarence Bender and others asking for the construction of a Municipal Drain and this council engage a competent engineer to make a report thereon. Cafried. meetings will be continued during k. th ing wee ‘ e coming or Walkerville. ._H. Fritz, Kirkland Lake. Mr. H. A. Peebles, Portreeve, Sask. Rev. W. D. McDonald, Edgmond- Baptist 7 p.m.—The pastor. Gowanstown, Jan. 12, 1925—The Council met at the absve place and time, the following took the neces- sary “Declaration of Office’—Reeve, | Samuel E. Smith and Councillors, I J and Lorch. John Lohr, ditching $10.00; Gord- on Henderson, shovelling gravel, etc. $11.00; Treas wn of Palmerston, Wallace portion engineer's fees and construction of use Award Drain RiP electe President—Miss Vera Bender. Vice-President—Mr. Irw Methodist an . Treasurer—M $4.60; Harvey Coghlin, wood Organist—Miss Vera Q Librarians—Messrs. Wesley Wal- ter and Frank Schneider. ose from the 6th somnrnes, who attended the Sunday School vention of the Ontario Religious Ba. ucation Council which was held ix Mt. Pieasant Church, Wallace, ‘om 08) gravel, were read and with a slight excep-| 5, Joka Bailey R. ne Alvin Ken. tion, adopted on motion of Messrs. nedy, W ) , Adam ag Grosz and Lorch. The following ap- Walker Long Robert ‘North, Wm. H. pointments were made: Clerk, David McLennan, , . O's. Municipal Bice: Greer; Treasurer, . ta $5.00 tacks Egerton Chamney, Nelson; Auditors, Wr sse] Mason, George H. Doersa and John F. Koch; Collector of rates, John Biliott, , Wallace Hunt and Chas. Daniel W. Walter; Caretaker Twp. Nelson each, poll clerk Mun- Sunday, January 25th Sunday, January 26th, 19265 11 a.m.—Subject: “The acl Aim of Being Well — 2.45 p.m.—Sunday 7 p. m.—Subject. “Jeane, the a of Man.’ Hall, Samuel Honeyford; Sanitary Monday both afternoon and ‘evening, yInspector, Joseph S. Grosz; Member og "blpetions. Lage Se Made included the | following Measr::. to cover the point ot Board of Health, Wm. H. Lorch; | 7 fe heathen. {| Ralph and Wesley Krots Alex, Wolfe, Harvey Quanz, Fran xk Schnei- der, Irwin Quanz, Bert Bender, Gord- on Bender, E. Schneider and Hermasz Bender and the Misses Vera Bender, of ealth, David Attendance Officer, ; Printin 8. 11; polling heoths, Manicipa) Elections $6 each. Daxid Greer, re- turning officer, $10.00, sfohn Gabel, ng Cons! Jr. gravelling $43.05; David Geiger, spreading gravel $4. 00; John M Cutcheon, rep. culvert $2.00: Frank Manning, putting in tile on road,.$5.; The Mu World supplies. $17. met a ae eaprege etc.,, On sup ord Fred Quanz were also down for pile: fte Council then adjourned on motion |‘ SUEEROUH REBRD of ga Lorch and Grosz. to meet} fiat 10a on Feb. 13, 1925, to hear; % 1 the eutittar's report an to transact! set at $80 per an- { business in connection with the Mun: os cipal Drains as stated aforesaid and} * KURTZVILLE to transact ee fa ae clerk.! | deebetecdeetacteticfes re Secretary Board School This appeal elicited some evidences of amusement from the assembled delegates, as did also the appeal of a clerk who felt that the duty of mak- Vera Quanz, all to delicate, too difficult, and-pos- der and Rev sibly also too dangerous an order for} a humble clerk, a servant of the pub-! c, and “his sympathy wae extended ! to all other pr in this respect. Apparently Listowel is not the! only municipality on the map where nominees fail to qualify nowadays, for a resolution ordaining that each nomination Lid be seconded by not less than 30 names and accompanied by the delaration: that the nominec will ‘undertake to qualify met with follows: 08 an; No. 5 Ea Rates, which was num, — By-law No. 511 was then read | ¢ three times, passed, signed and sea}- ed on motion of Messrs. Grosz and| McEwan. Ms Tosleslonteetaotecteafedeabeufentestesfests vid Greer, is nursing a some approval. Nor was the case less Moved by James McEwan, second. | 4efe-fet- ond this wane in the matter of market ecales, in re-| ed by Joseph 8S. Grosz, that we hold/ + f : Mrs. Geo. Ott visifed at gard to which imperative and pow-|the Court of Revision on By-law No,| * WALLACE ?; fhe home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Rungs erful legislation was recommended. | 509 re Man. D: No. 2, CNembits) rs ~|on Sun That the present system of audits;on Feb. 13, at 2 p.m. Carr sdefeeeest Si ae ae a ae a ee a Sa fleet | CMe fiise Vines spent several Was worthless“and less than useless, On motion of Messrs. soe and Mrs. ". K. Rapp 3rd. concession, days this week at the note of her that municipal councils ald bs : aren last week with her daughter,! brother, Mr. Alex. MeCabhe. Mitchell. | . Miss Pearl Bell spent the week- salty a6 well as physically. Love is}made only once in three years, soj entitled to a deputy >the in Fhnas Mrs. Melvin Herbert, the seed of the Spirit. tt we sow ths) far ve estate was concerned, a: nty re of in ng? minds of Pei § 6 onesie pres-'| . Mrs. W. L. Manning, 3rd. conces- end = the home of Mr. Jacques. seed and tend he plant, God -wili| pealed the ais a of at least’ one ors ‘should hola ent in regard to pparent In- sion, left this morning to spend a, Yundt and son of Clifford, is pany we do our part ed municipal council in a favorable way. | office for three yeara ation to the munici with her son, Mr..R. L. Men. spending this week with relatives will do His. If we want the seed t As exist tepayers of of pre if y i m or: Hiram Mabnke spent Inst thrive well, we we must tel it in eoet should be surround Possib' “ae in pu eet i week with Kurtzville friends.