Friday Evening Till 9 P.M. Store Open = Ue, ih x of § he ring cg FRIDAY and SATURDAY. MARCH 13th and 14th You are cordially invited to visit our store on the above days and attend our first Spring Opening which we purpose making an ial Friday Evening Till 9 P.M. anual event. During these two days it will be to your advantage to see and a pleasure for us to show you the very newest in Coats,*Suits, Ensembles, and Dresses for spring and summer for nineteen hundred and twenty-five. Spring Coats from the smart utility models of plaid and novelty fabrics to the more elaborate adaptions of the Paris models. meens, Tricotine and Twills lead in materials. Suits easen'sled Tailored and styles featured and can ra re boast of their many versions, both in styles and colorings. The Frocks of Spring The Different Styles! Each one distinctive in itse:f but of a variety which makes it possible to choose for every require- ment. £ Musical Program rendered during the Afternoon and Evening Special Display of Ladies, Misses,’ Char- . Spring in Our Yard Goods Department @ BROADCLOTH—That well known fabric, both striped and plain $1.35, $1.20, $1.00 FOULARD, SILK and COTTON CREPES—All the new shades $2.25 VOILES—Plain and patterned, also Beodora and hemstitch- 35c to $1.50 Dress Accessories brocaded $2.75 ¢ aS form Braasiere, espond The new Elastic irdle io $3.25 to cor- $1.00 Realong Brocaded ees with elastic insets .. $2. ie! knit Slips and Bloomers, the new colorings. 83.95 Bloomers .~ $1.75 to $2.95 Silk Hosiery, airdale at the new blonde, and peach shades, 75c to $2.00 Belts, suede, patent and Kid in nd, red grey, 20c blue and to $1.25 LADIES’ TEA SERVED Afternoon and Evening by the PATRIOPC and Stout Women’s Coats, Suits and Dresses J. M. SCHINBEIN & SON Listowel’s Largest Store SOCIAL and PERSONAL Paynes was in Toronto sWedmecday on business. —~o— C. B. Simms waa in Toronto, Sueniag on business comsiifjpnin Hay was {pn Toronto Mr. J. C Ww ednesday on Guiness Mrs. Bert Stitt parents tn Toronto is visiting ber odin "Mr. Hugh McGillivray was in Tor- @nto this week on business. —?— H. Rutherford, of Galt, is vigiting her son, Dr. L. E. Ruther- for jas Gertrade “Routledge epent the wuek-end in Wingham, the guest of Miss M. Hill . D. M. Weston, of Detroit, is visiting at the — of her mother, Mra. Louis Sny ie aul Jessie Schwalm, of Toronto. 43 ‘visiting at the home of her broth- er, Mr. Andrew Kay. —o— Mrs. D. Lennox is visiting in Pal- meraton at the Rome ae her daugh- vr, Mrs. Stewart Sto pottery Mr. C. F. Vandrick spent the Baler < Dundalk, at oe Bitoni of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Che OO er, Mrs. A. G. Miss ‘Mary Halliday, of Toronto, pent the week-end with her parents, Mre. Wm: Ward re ese hace Wednes- i day to her home nu Excter, after oar. and Mrs. Hugh Halilday. os Mr, Seaman, of London mt Pag week-end Benes = parente. spe —— "Mr. and Mrs. R. SS 3 i rs. J. z Terhune rome: a Brand aughter, n Smale, re home Guelph, | Saturday 3 “ater | a two Mr. Lawrence Wenz, Ce ad Mes, Louis outs Wenzel . ae ous parents, Mount Forest, ter’s sister, Mrs. ter, are visiting was if Listowel Monday on and visited at ne home of Mr. and} 5° Bruce and Grant, n Wallace, is visiting this week at the tte Pred Crapper. and son, bert Terbune, i une, In Foreat. Ther oe Mrs. George Brown left Saturday o spend a few weeks with her daugh- ter, Mrs. J. C. Kennedy, Morriston. Wm. Glanville, of “age visiting the lat- ndrew Mr. and Mrs. o_o Mrs. H. Elsey, of Mount Bryd arrived on Wednesday evening and is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. James Roger, —O-- Mrs. Howard Gee and baby daugh- in Newton at the ome of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Stegner —— Mise C. Gibbs was in Toronto this week on business, and was accomp- anied by her sister, Mrs. F. M. Hall, Mr. Andrew Filsinger, of Ayton, business, Mrs. J. H. Ben Miss J. Will tone, of the Gener- a! Hospital, Stratford, and Miss E Drayton, spent the week- vell, Grose, o end with Miss Ca Emerson Willis aed two sons, 3rd. concession, home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A Lytle. oO. = Mr. Robert Savage returned Mon. day to Toronto Normal, after spénd- ing.a.week at the home of his moth- spending a few > Pian at ol home of 2 Mr, and Mrs. 8. J. Stevenso: ad -jilton, after visiting for a few days t Mr. Al- Were} of Mr. Charles Routledge Spent Sun-{ day with friends in Palmerston. — Mrs. (Rev.) M. L. Wing is in Wa- a terloo where ehe Is visiting friends. =G—. 8 “-Mre. A. J. Hamliton has returned after a visit with her parents in Shedden oie Mr. Arthur Vandrick, of Toronto, pent a few days this weck with his Mr. J. A. Sckinbein was in Tor-} ‘ther in town. onto aaa and Thursday *| business a | Mrs. Lorne Dougiae, of Palmer-; ston, was a guest last week at the home of Mr. and —_ G. W. Douglas. nd Mrs. “Robert Hawke visit- ed oy week in Stratford, and with their sons, John and Gerdin in Lon- n. —o-— Mrs. Fitzsimmons, of Elmwood, who recently underwent an operation at the Memorial Hospital, = Satur- day for her home in Elmw ~~ Miss Rebecca Stevenson and Mrs. M. F. Lamont returned Tuesday to Toronto, after spending the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. 8. J. Steven- n. ———s \ J. N. Appleton and son, Joe, have returned to their home in Ham- at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl her. —_—— Miss Vera Patterson, who has Wallace. Later she ex- pects to.leave for New Yor —ae Mr. John Blair, of Detroit, return- ed home to-day, age Soap here for the lege ¢ of the Wm. Atwood. He visited _ Mre, Kay and brother-in-law, ~ Whit- field McCormick. Mr. id Min: Wm. ceoamatia ce urned S oe Mr. Stafford Pelton, of Toronto spent the week-end at the home a Dr. and Mrs. J. mm ag Mr. Graham Walter, of Toronto Apion spent the week-end with his arents, Mr. and Mrs. J. alter, Her had as his guest, Mr. P. Mont- gomery. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Coghun and little son, Murrey, and Mr. Wm. D. Coghlin, are returning Saturday to their home in Marney, Man., after spending three months at the home of Mrs. Coghlin's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Robertso as Litany service in Christ ere on Friday afternoon at. five "clock. Holy Communion will be cdutilater: ed in Christ Churgh on h Sunday next t : . a The result of the. voting on yer by th }ecclation summary gives pposed rch union as "506. . The Young P to's Society of the Lutheran chutch hald their monthly meeting Monday evenias at of Mr. and Mrs..J. H, Ruppel. Fol- lovel business the meet 9 time, was ghana on Last Sunday was missionary Sun- day at the Methodist Sunday school, and quite a number of the classes brought in the money they had rais- ed for missions. Many of the classes have still to complete their objective but this will be done within the next se a s The E. L. C. E. of the Evangelical church held their weektan Sunday ev- ening following the church service. There was a good attendanee. Miss Hazel Rassman presided, the scripture lesson was read by Mr. C. B. Dietrich. The topic on “The Cost of Friendlinesa,"" was given by Mr. Louis Pfeffer and wae very interest- ing. The i thea fev Meee his talk on Chin oO The Baptist Young l'eople's Union held their meeting Monday’ evening at the home of Mrs. Selby. Mr. Brian Jackson was in the chair. and the ay ta lesson was read by Miss Mildred Greenslade. Miss Sarah Franks and Miss Olive Jennings. The topic on “God's Part and Our Part in Perfecting Our Characters,” was nm son. Other pro- allace Ross and ‘Tsabel. Rake recited very nicely Hydro electric is to be operated in Ireland .It. won’t be necessary to use the shillalah to make @hose fel- lows see light, in that case. \ The gate receipts of the Listowel e| at Durham game were $430, the larg- est ever in Durham rink ® . . - Cully Rocher referee} a sudden- dea ame It looks like Listowel and either Dunnville or Brantford for the Nor- thern League title. We hope Rocker| and Co. can Airing full — up for) and gra some; giiverwatee fast sort of t ‘A keep Pem! Rennie from feeling blue. —Chesley Enterprise. i eee | There will no doubt la ; number of h ey fans at the rink | } a ygivaete j nobyg| and cin out to victory. The retusno game will be played in Brantford on Monday e ¢ ¢6 LISTOWEL TOOE FIRST ¥ROM ee In the semi-final N. H. Goderich last Friday, ‘sight, Etstowel defeatod the sailors by ° In the inet § _" Listowel gained wang fre with chase of and Globe given each 0c pur. Tooth Paste Nyal's Face Cream M Face Powder a3 to 1 adva The . seco: < pr showed more life. Goderich bad the edgé. tut were only able to hold Listowel to an ev- en break of three goals each Goderich opened a strong offensive that netted ree rapid goals, tying and taking‘ the d, only to have “Cavell tie the score. Goderich again forged into Rocker tied it up again on a combin- ation attack with Kelly. Cavell got the winning goal a few minutes acta For Listowel, Kelly and played a fine game, both detemateats and otiansiveiy. Cavell meer showed well, as did Johnso For Goderich: Elliott prs Fox rush- prs nicely and Chase on the forward line was the prickiog, player on the (Ro The line-up: Listowel—Goal, : defence, awe and ini poten, Creighton; ings, r; Kemp and J. Pe eric rt; defence, hen | Plliott and F wears, Chase, the lead on Elliott’s fine rush, but)” ing the ‘owner af such Stowe Govenlock + ten re, ‘ Brough; a bs. Robins | r all th ofall the years of If Your Tuas. OF Any Value ou should Think how 1iake care 0 of 1 es have wor vers ked for pre- cntods & GOOD “wateh. He’ ‘shonin now the correct time all time. And’ he aad pepe © MAY these _ money into aga Sige he ‘ for—the “time for alas him second ‘ ear fas ite ite. tin be- — AN