y? Marek 6th., 1986) 4 ~ c * erene—- 4 5 I Qe Business Direct Patronize These Advertisers Whenever You Need the Services of Reliable Business or Professional Men LEGAL MEDICAL ROBERT G. MacFARLANE H. D. LIVINGSTONE, M. B. Successor to Late J. E, Werhune Ph anal : rae eons = Barrister, Notary Public, Convey- er Main up ngs pat id ‘pho on ancer Office over E. D. Bolton, O.L.8. "Phone 48 . Night prac 113. H. B. MORPHY, K. ©. Barrister, Notary Public, Convey- oe Soxcitor for Ban of Com- Listowel, rb gh Atweod. eas to loan. Off ver J. A. Hacking'’s Drog ame Main St. Lis- towel, J. C. HAMILTON, B, A. Barrister, Conveyancer, Solicitor for the Imperial Bank ana Money to loan. Office on south side of Main street, over Miss Gibbs’ Mill- tmery Parlors Bonds for Sale. ©. MORTON SCOTT, Bi A. Barrister, ae heat Convey- Office over Adslyh's Hardware ore,. Main street. A.G, SHIELL, M. D. Physician and Surgedn Diseases of Women a Surgery. one ’ Office, Inkerman.Street, West. Opposite Presbyterian Church. DR. vlna gen el FISHER Phone’ 997, Stratford. Special ‘attention given to care of fants and Children DR. F. J. R. FORSTER . ye, Ear, Nose and Throat Graduate in medicine, University of Toro — Late assistant New York Opbthal- mic and rer Institute, Moorefield’s Eye and Golden Square Throat Hos- pitals, London, Eng. 53 Waterloo St. Stratford. Phone 267 ~#ylvania, Philadelphia; rental ” W. G,. E. SPENCE Dentist, Graduate of the Dentist Department of University of Penn- also gradu- ate of The Royal College of Dente 1 peice — Office over Schin- bein'’s Bi painless extraction we use nit- us oxide oxygen gas, algo conduct- ive i anincathonia. BR. F. TAYLOR, L.D.S.; D.D.8. ‘Graduate of the Royal college of Dental Surgeons, and of Toronto uni- versity. ‘Nitrous Oxide Gas for Extractions. Oftiie over J.-C. McDonald's store. Phone F, 8T. C. WILSON, L.D.S.; D.D5. Graduate of Royal College of ! Dental Surgeons, Toronto University. Office over Banzley’s new hone 23 for appoin CHIROPRACTIC DR. L. E. RUFHERFORD Chiropractor Office on Main street, Fall Jolin stone's —- ery @bore. H Will be in Listowel the first Monday in the month, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. INSURANCE FIRE INSURANCE In best compan/es; also accident, au- tomobile, burglary, plate glass and a insurance. Automobile ance, 85 cts. 2% 100. Your bastnans, solicited. E. BO N. AUCTIONEER W. J. DOWD, Auctioneer Farms for sale. Get our Require an auc- Uoheer? Phone 246, Listowel, Ont. OPTOMETRIST: W. A. Johnstone DR. H. 5. MALLORY Registered Optometrist Science, Toronto. Office, L. A. ver's Jewéllery. store. 12 noon, 2 to 6 p.m. nvantnes t by ap- pointment. Phone No. 9. » Consultation free. DRS. J. E. and ANNIE PATTERSON 68P. O. Graduates of Toronto College of tae mini Office and residence or east of Blackmore-Hamil- oe meee, <r street. Office hours 9 to ll a.m., 2 to 5 p.m., ahem. Edstowel, Phone No. 54. 4 MUSIC FRANOIS SUTTON A.T.C.M. A. Teacher of pee violin, ‘singing and Listo Pupils “prepared | for mee ‘Con- “a/* Exam Apply eg “Mr, Ppltlp Riekies Peai- dence, PuBae 162 FUNERAL-DIRECTOR W. F. McLAUGHLIN Embelmer funeral] Director neglec Graduate wt ot Geaatien embalming cold se oven. prepare the way for _ a = parlors, Main , one and a half blocks ~ east Bopemee bah Night and day calls promptly attend Phone 227. tor or horse drawn equipment as desired. Couch 696, lle: ae lp enerally available at prices that Minnie. Hamilton 584, Jack Fother- would bring-it within reach as a calf £ , Georgina Fletcher Abel Jack Ebert Feshora 6c Norina Holtzma a 2 568, Py ration that has clven go *o. 3. Agent, Houry Lawrence, Mitchell, S60, ‘Doroth y FoENSEgii 565, Carl| Department of [aig ne ya 531, Winer Bean 686, ‘irene Martin|cF®, 16 parts lingeed ofl meal, 15 pRoutionle as from tubérculosis Year| §28, Carson Mills 624, Dora Holtz- himobe finely fieked tolled, ons, 28 many pie al ch year f man 621 jin Lem 4.| skim milk powder and one-half pert phoeil& Gs from tuberculosis. Yea: | Lloyd Hemaworth 508, Alme Peppler salt. Stir on nd of the meal mi f year the same thing happens.| 506, Jac ss 602, Ke €Tlture in Bg Lear or nn ah, Do not neglect a cold. 4 cold inj 98, Bert Simms 484, leabelie Mol-| intr as, arsdetite ne the ele the head, is not @ simple, trifling an-| rose Gimby 475, Billy] i Gocreased until af 60 duye the calf noyance but a isease with a} Lavery 474, drew Malcolm 466.115 potting only. the ney = this Norine Filsinger 462, Maurics Oliver|'® &&tting only ir e—corza. In addition to the danger that pneumonia may de- ten leads te chronic trouble ending in deafness, to ic bronchitis vey ee yt the cavities of the faca, A serious heart t The first untieenbte symptoms of person suffering from what seems to be an innocent cold may pase on to fatal atteck of one UR policy is to serve our clients. with a high resolve to merit their confi- dence and grati- fied appreciation * ~ ef these diseases. If you or your children are suffering. from colds etay away from other people until you are fectious is decent pre- canteen: will prevent ea bog well ep- idemics and save man A cold is mucous membra rafts and expos to and cold, breathing etale air and street dust—these are direct causes of co following simple heeith rules you are likely to keep well. But if in a. ot er to_négiect a cold. Noah, Fished achool’ recently the eee wpe dee at the appoint me ite Hugh tered an éffusio: When In a public pment were called re tae puzzled. understand wh: insur- | 5 4 Graduate of the Royal voreee. * tty Tony Caruso 448, 439, Roberta Keeso 431, Harco Billy Chapman 420, Stricker 404, Jack “Banzley 371, brigg 621, certain that the “’coldé” is not an in-/ » R tLack ‘of fresh eid and sufficient weakness but a mark of wisdom nev- fa _ cooked over the composition she wan} The Retin is the report for the Public Schoo" bed the a Qe routes ary. The names are in order of merit. Pupils Who were t from one or more - tions have their names merked with a ROOM I Total 1000, honours 750, pass 600 —Verla Slight 928, Vera Pletcher 866, Ruth Dierlam 852, R 784, Dor- rn othy McDonald 783 Oliver Johnstone! son 261, Tee Bertie 31 Roy Thib- 776, Myrtle Melrose Walter 771, 773, Rowan arvey Péppler 770, 6 Margaret v eee tee Gladys atricia Ham-~- ilton 751, Miltera. Martin. 729, George Fritz 713, rank Tho 706 Bernard- Duberges 699, Bert Smith 693, George Hamilton 679, Lloya Hallman 669, Mervin Richards 646, Lloyd Ronald 636, Elva-Curtis 602, Marion Hemsworth 600, Milton Ron- ald 600, Vera Kritzer 600, Elia Ham- thur Dea 558, Eleanor Wind. sor 529. ROOM 2 Total 930, honours 698, pass 558. —Jean Sdvage 851, Helena Snelling 844, Elva Brazier 786, Thelma Gee 771, Jack Fritz 766. Clara Pirie 752, Albert Gilkinson 725. Bertram Hast- tings 720, Mac Pratt 720, Marguerite Gemmer 707, Helen Twamley 706, Helen Johnston 705, Margaret ~~ en eo 689, Eleanor Campbell 684, *Eve Smale 670, Edna Routledge ott, Harry Rogers 661, Clifford Alexand- er 655, *Jim White 633, Pearl Mc. Lean 631, Jack Thompson 615, *Sam Izen 609, Iola Hamilto. 600, Marj. orie McLellan 580, Cecil Jones 561, Bert Tremain *Erminie Richards 468, Mary Anger 459, *Helen Stuart 425. *Cecil Boyne *Waldo *Cyr' il Bamfora 297, bson 252 H. MacQuarrie. ROOM 8 Total 700, honours 625, omh 664, Lorena Fritz 56%, Dor. Registered apteesitei. Over 26)0thy Walter 560, Donald Browne years experien 549, Dorothy Burgesa 639, Jac Main Listowel.| Stewart 639. lass B—Blythe Du- berges 518° Doris Hoad 615, *Isabel 392, *Mary Gib 878, *Margaret Smith 246, “Charlie Wteaiey 244, 4*Roy Riehm "B. l. MacKenzie. Marjorie Pratt 638, Norma Mills ot 610, Edna Smith 609, , Mary Bennett 460, — Ronald va Teonipese. “487 Mabel urt Newstead 423, *Bernice B 415, Mae Helmka 408, Doe thy *Agnes Hamilton het 390, John Upper $3 Wallace Biltoti *Muriel Ward dipathers typhoid fever, m 356, Lyle Youn 863, *Mervyn Bean scarlatina,. whooping congh or) 353. emhallpox May appear as a cold. A F. C. Nicol.- ROOM Vernon Methewman 646, Earl Zur- Lioyd Bean 6 ther- exercise to the skin and body| beiner 283, Pr arshall ° 26 healthy, teak of sleep and rest, over-| Carmen Wakeford ass, Lioyd Upper ; ndalgence in rich Bri i pale food | 247, esexter Whealy 241, Arthur r—these are indirect causes of colds.) Vance 185, Jack White 180, camel bo * (To take cold casts is to advertise Hollinger 101, that yout living habits are wroug..By I. M. Austin. ROOM G Total.400, honours 300, pass 240. r rol ‘Snelling. 7 + FKFREDING yf WHERE WHO SOLD ,|farm where whole milk is sold is a ¥ | decidedly higher than the price that n- By way stimulating = interes: of emplbyées , any they work for, the/| not . | @rs. in Jean 4 941, ath “aught 90; Ruth Dierlam "{85, Millard Marti = ROOM 7 First class, total 409; honours 300, pass 240.—Audrey Bernie 3 Her- man Fritz 336, “pana Belteaass 311, 278, Nelson Travis 275, r 273, .Gertie Smith 270, Olive Smith 264, Peace ar: Arthur Soro 160, *Bobby Binning 15% 158, 7 this we 80, *Georgina Athas, r. Pr. Total 180-_-Biily Bartja 26 e Wil- idea u 224, uth Whealey 214, Dor- othy: fami 211, Gordon Welch 203, Helen Hottman Prim ~~ iS Total 300, honours 225, pass —Hilda . Fisher 27 Lorne Feapbors 274, Clayten Rich- ards 263,> Stanley Frits 263, Bartja 264, Edith Loree 246, Thel- ma Rocker 228, *Mervyn Leslie 219, Viola Hanna 215, Mary Carueo 192, Lloyd Smith 181, Billy Ticlembke: 160, Grace Co 148, Eddie§Anger 138. Grace Sandow 36, Ernie Tomkin 30. ROOM 8 tigre 100, honours 75, pas h Douglas 86, S Oe! , Carl Patterson 55, Norman Vollmershaus- ass—Marie McMillan 97, Mar-| garet Nelson 94, Carl Zurbrigg 91,| Dorothy Gee 90,- Eric Douglas 82 Jones 47, Harold ‘Hollinger 45,;Flor- ence Marshall 40, Grace Helmka 34, Lockie Wakeford 20, Jack Keeto 8 B. McLaughlin “i label alain * oh } * LE MILK I Ps ae oe feodonfoafeateafente + Sate ., beeen How to rear good calyes on the problem of perennial interest. Nat- urally, the farmer who is getting his income through his milk cheque, does not care to skim a part of hie pro- duct in order that the calves may haye skim milk. This is particularly rue when the price of whole milk is can be realized by. coverting it into cr — iti . betats: t were y at ” calves on farms x milk shippers and why, as a rule the _found in sneer el Giatric There ‘is no = food that is a time, one. and one-half to, two pon of the. meal constitu a. day’s teed. The total a ag of milk used is 300 Ibe. If leas the calves are likely to be wathritey. For the iret two weeks the calyes should get whole milk only and then be brok- envgradually to the gruel. For those — do not wish to’ mix their own Is. or are unable to get the in- peadiente — ag there are pre- pared calf meals on the market that have given yi ten of year when there is usually a milk surplus should be given a If-more farmere would skim a- part of their milk through the spring and *|early summer, the sutplus problem would be less of.a worry to distribu- for and co should also commend.the p EMPLOYEES ES BUY SHARES of puaburnstis thrift, and in the Com ~ Telapheoee Compan y has made t easy for telephone workets to be- a8 created—to stimulate thrift and en- able employees to become part own- n the iso wana 3- 100, Garfield Bender 300, poner 225, pass * , a merchant w 53, Billy Sandow| > r B— and high up between the thighs, large well-placed tea: veins running forward on the abdomen. ed by a good heart width through the re heart, a healthy condition of the skin id diéated by the application of the tuberculin test and also the contag- fous abortion agglutination test.— L O. A. College. than 1 extra}. MR. FERGUSON AND HIS PLEDGES 5} ity of Hr baneved that meant oasis *e ij} and unfafr for ue to even hint that he _| kind and Tess to 4 prea A ee a store in the fittle town ‘of Devil's Lake, North Dakota: But fan an the confined which, he draws his | vale, won the m of selling more mMerchand: n is aold in store of equal size in the world. The secret/Oof Mr. Mann's su tied hand and oi foot if "tT failed «to tell the public mm | trough the home: papers what I have to sell. The best time to advertise for that reason is never sold in bulk; Your grocer sells thi: delicious blend. Try SAL y nen y - t prosper without : saverttahie hie ene is foolish.’ Not a Clerical Mission Of a certain bishop, famous as one in an-omnibus, he was amazed by the persistent staring of a fellow-passen- ger, who presently sai “You're a parson, ain't you?” “Yes. “Look ‘ere, parson, would | mind seinen? ome with me to. wife ” bg the wife was you see sick the clergyman went with the mani On Ur! arriving at the house the man call- ed his wife, and pointing to the as tonished parson said: “Loo ‘ere, Sairr Yer said {this morning as I wur ‘the huglest lola Smith 81, Russel Smith 80, Dick at this bloke! SOM, TOM 288 MR Youn 79 Agnes Allison 76 Vera Rich- i . ards 75, Charles Jones 71, Earl Lee! Weexy y Report, . Total 100— 67, Harry eee. 864 Erle Lav- Ella Hamilton 95, Garfield. Ben- ry 63, Elzora Baker der 95, y Bender 92, Evelyn B. Olese—Edna Grose 89, George! Riehm 91, Bert Smith 90. Dorothy ppler 82, Bill Grainger 80, Flor:| ycponald Mervin Richard 89, | ence Poag 78, Dorothy Chamney 70.| Esther Wells 89 Norma Welch 88. amuel Poag 65, Harry Izen 63, Jean; Oijyer j ‘ Davis 62, Russel Oliver 52, Bileen Oliver Johnstone 87, Ruth Dierlam 86, Gladys Howson 86, Marian Hems- worth 83, Elva Curtis 82, Hamilton 81, 7 ard sl ight 74, George Fritz 73, Alexander 70, Millard Martin 68, Margaret Vollmershausen 66, Frank Thompson 66, - Harvey Peppler 6 Eleanor Windsor 63, Liovd 4 60, Rowan Walter 58, Milton on ald 41. What Dairymen Are Dooking For. Dairy farmers producing milk for the city trade depend largely on the half and half type of farmer- —— for their supply cf cows. spe- clalists in milk production pea the rs I offer: ~533,000.00 Town of Listowel, 5 per conte ied Debentures, maturing in from one to twenty years. Bonds © § are in denominations, ranging from $300.00 to $2500.00, Registered as to Principal.. Interest payable Annually. Schedule of amounts on exhibit at my office. Applications accepted until Feb. 28th. Immediate applications should . be made to insure an allotment. Phone orders executed. HUGH McGILLIVRAY Phone 283 McDonalhi Block 5 America's Leading Inclobators and E are now being sold in your own town. THE IDEAL INCUBATORS AND BROODERS have been the loading — in — the United States fo; years. ell year they are ho sold in ‘at a price much low coer makes of similar quality and these machines are built to last a lifetime, gee Boe have a pomtive guarantee with ev ‘the country ‘side roads, this is what they look for:—Cows Feed capacity is egy sever by a long — roomy m jaw, and welt developed sall- wry ts, and large Constitution and vigor are indicat- rt girth and a good gion of the FLOUR, FEED and SEEDS. HIGH GRADE FLOUR Royal Household, Maple Leaf and Snow Drift ~ Purity, Five Ro ‘ cwt ; FEEDS We have a full stock of rg at lowest market prices. No. 1 Fog Sencar a Clover 623.50 bus; No. 1 Alsike $12.58; No.. 1 Home Grown Alfalfa $13.50, also Timothy and White and Yellow Bicesom Sweet Clover. C. H. SMITH "Phone 256 ~ Listewei Freedom from disease is best in- Stevenson, Dept. gt Extens{fon, Dairy Notes. Raw milk as delivered to dairies is vg a to remain sweet longer 2 to 24 hours, whtreas when pasteurized and cooled it will be good and sweet for two or three days. This is a decided advantage for the milk dealer and also for the housewife, who is frequently troubled with sour milk when the produce is handled in araw condition. Facts About’ Optometry DR. H. MALLORY Phone 170 Explain the the duties of the Op- tomotrist and the The Optometrist is a profes- deals. only PRINCESS! , THEATRE Friday and Saturday Yes, practically every Opto- + + SPEER EEEEPEEE EEE EL EES EES (Christian Guardian) We try always to be as fair as we can be to the one with whom we can- and find the effort, if q little taxing at times, ever rewarding and worth while. Just now, ee Act, @ y alt means in his power rind aia it ‘gia That was only a few And the great wat a we are asked ‘to believe But that cB promising the !ntroduction|’ of the w beer throughout the province he not in any ges going » x a his promises. son's frien insist that it t is very reuking ide-open sale of 4%4 per cent. Now we do not liks to be called un- unfair, and we like even 2 e metrist is aleo an Optician, but Richard Dix many Opticians are NOT Opto- : : metrists Temperancé; is| th mm way about: it, and we would not if we could ‘prevent it. But what can we do? When a man says he will do one “My nl ogy does the very opposite, there seems to : e be only one way of judging of . his action, , If Mr. Ferguson and his friends 7 had announced that they had had e genuine change of heart in pe few weeks since the vote was taken some of us might hare been able. to ballevd them. If they ha that they found the task of enforcing the O.T. A. very difficult and that they were’ looking for ways to make {it easier, Theatre open : en every night » Be, : 4 + Hay Growers ment that the free selling of mild- er intoxicant was one way of combat. ing a greater evil, we at least could Attention have met them in inteiligent argu- ment and discussion. But when thelr plea is that in doing the opposite of