i. ra is. 3 ie t ‘4 pba Bam biel oe a a oe “tthe ~or any vrs eereon -€ eae ‘ eee March 5th... = ong heey im the County of to" Notice is hereby given pursuant =i Lagowel Horticultural ee nie iadicks Cais pea. Trustee Act, R. 8. GU. 1914, Chap- ME RSM ‘ter 121, that all creditors and oth-| Mr, H. J, Mooro: on “The Beauti- ‘ers having claims B-) of Home basse ton all the Estate or claiming any 1b. March 10th. . . . PLANTS FOR DINING TABLES it one has a garden, available throughout the help to make the dining room bright Jane Terbune —_ the expense of cut At ore wait. | from many homes. u atrix-of. the sald JO98DR ean [betes & dainty Fern dish filled with "Terhune, or to Jane, Bolicitor for tha sald Executrix. their Christian names a an Ment of their accounts and the mat- ‘ure of the security, it any, held’ by ti them. AND TAKE NOTICH that. after such last mentioned date the sal ‘Rrecutrix will proceed to pe staged he assets of th t eaid =} taong the parties entitled Soag hier ant of whom the Executriz ice and claims of wick Mer — then have motice and that will not be Itable tee the said assets thereof to person o whose cate notice shall ve eed paatres hag her at the eo: of 1 — distribu Dated a Listoaer thts Lith. day of Fearasey, A.D., abel Jane Th nial Executrix, by ROBERT G. MacFARLANE, her Solicitor 3-5 8 nkcieatiteaeeeeeercmmnstayeereyh EXECUTORS’ NOTICE TO CRED- [TORS Zn the matter ef the Estate of Alex- ot Ison, deceas’d. Notice ia hereby giycn that ail persons having any cirims oF rit Mands against Alexancer Wilson, “Jate ef the village of Moorefield. in the County of Wellington, retired . who died on or a- Donut the 20tk. day of 1924, at Village ~ Moorefield in the Province a ee neta in gy of their claims sta eir accounts 1nd eS marae * the securities, if any, held by t Ne tice, is further given that e sald Execators will 2 not be table oe = gaid agsetsa or any part thereo any pefson of whose claim they shall pot thea pave recelved 2 Listowel, Ontario, this 16th. February, 1926. J. Cecit Hamilton, Listowel, Gat, Solicitir {GF thé said Executors. £ 2-6 EXECUTORS’ NOTICE TO CREDIT- ORS Im the matter ef the ostate of Ciem- ence Balfiey, Notices is on given that all any claims or de- =~ against. Clemence Bailey, late Town of ee ia the Soanty - Lyn m or about the a1 day| iat femeary, 1925, at List 1, im the Province So tratniio, pieces ranged, deerribtinne, end full f particulars of their claims, a étate- rad only to the aid Executrix oa %! nary garden soil Is not sulted purpose, but if one can go into the i. arlo, are roqulir-| In growing pla If the rent "dish is properly ar- r dure. winter, it is a good pi mnhouse man to gardec them off for a week before they re ne me. Then they will thrive much pet i‘ a mistake to have the recep- nts than the dish in which they are grow, he be sure to use just ‘the right kind of earth; other- wise,it well to pay a few cents for a little prepared potting soil. hgh e ers aro} is summer andj ¢r and cheerful, but when winter comes, by EXECUTORS NOTICE TO CREDIT- ORS the matter of the gg rondo of Mrs. Martha McLaughlin, decr Notice is hereby given that all Saskatoon, in the — ara required send by post prepaid or to deliver to the endsvigued. the Executors of the will of the said MMc- o ©} Laughlin, their names and weareneees and full particulars in writl their gre and statement of thelr accounts the nature of the cnrities, it ‘ny: ee by them AND NOTICE 26, Ex distribute: the assets of the said ‘aoz ong the persona entitled Thos. Bertram Has instrected W. J. Dowd, Anc- tho “er to sell by Public Auction at are ured to Lot 4, com. 10, Mornington, went by post prepaid or uw liver to the andersigned, ‘Henry Johnston, the Executor of the will of endl said Clemence the solicitor for thelr os and foli a pertioaia n writing of their ge Bn and dehtemants of their accounts and the mature of the securities, if any, em. And notice is further given that after the Sth. day C4 March, oe, & proceed, reof to a@ny person of whose claim he shall pot then have receive Dated at Listowel, Ontario, this 20th. February, 1926. J. Cecil Hamiltan, Listowel, /Ont. Solicitor for te said Executor. j 3-6 KOTICE TO OREDITORS ee tae ot Hees eet, Town of Listowel, in the of the County of Perth, Gentieman, de- NOTICE IS cet i oa Trustee 8. 0 others having emands a- gainst the sald HARRY BESCOBY, deceased, who died on or about ed o math fey of of January A.D. 1925, wi at the of Liste the; fe @ statemen nd | ma ths mature of the security, if any, held them. Wed., March 11, at 1 p. m. Black horse, 11 yre.; bey mare, tn horn gre; 12 ; Binder, 6 ft with srucks ‘oa sheaf carrier; . Mower, 6 ft. cat; M. H. y Loader, new; eide delivery rake; ta ; H. spring tooth cultivator and seeder ding plow; ha ; disc waceowr with re carriage hay rake; 2 plows; drilly set sleighs; wagon with =x and two sels ; t rac’ eessy aged with whiffietrees; 60 ft. — ft. morele: crowbare: vas hey; 20 800 busheis oats, fit for vigor 1700 pushes. mixed grain, etc. Terms: All sums of $10 and un- der, cash. Over th amount months time on approved joint er inch Leek a 4 Pr wing forks; if Cc or a. di of & per cent. stra on sums over $10. Land woecenthe security. nate ‘Acre Farm and place we will barn and the hydro line aleo p this farm. barh 88x60, with | rifle shed 88x56, hard on ng from CY ne shate feagine re main: , large concrete sup- ply tank of barn oy eaiens to threshing engine, all 9} Bary. ¢ : a = leur time. 6 inch belting; 20 ft. he — betting; collars; | 4 digging up a few sods and ing off the turfy substance which is found on the botto: _ Drainage is peo Atte end is ob. tained by putting a f ° be clogged by the earth. The c is any case as it as ie the earth sweat. There should nged, the Fern. “dish dana largely upon the care which it receives from the one who has it in charge. It ought to flourish for months, but if ‘.e" ' a window except at meal times, a window being chosen which is reach- ed by the sun only in = morning and late in the afternoo room is he ‘than a hot hog _ - well to take the Fern dish room every day or two a pnlieny the foliage of the plants to the Ferns are a come dry, there will be Tittle Vashon - reviving them, Th4 danger of over- atering is not great if one uses in- talligence, when the drainage ie per- fec m water is not allowed to stand in the dish after running to spray under the leaves. I ves may be sponged off with soap suds and then Lukewarm water should be used. If the matter of seiecting the Ferns for the dining table ie left to the florist, he will choose a number o dainty little = well adapted to b too ree an emortm t. It is not'ad- visable have t dish — filled at i es Netthor ver it well t ve nots which tall, Pa ani en regard only to the they obstruct the sini ‘a the claims of which they shall then have] (able, and prove an sanoyance Hetice. And that the Executora| ther than a delignt. When left to will not Liable for the ald themselves, ee otten errs or any part reof, to person 5 you fernery, it is a simple matter to a vo recel claim they shall not then make a selection m the plants Be Listowel, Ontario, this shown you. Each aoe ie a be deliver Sak day of March, 1026. eS ee ly _M. BMI andled. It is rast a fi to tell the . R. BURGESS, | salesman that you not want the Executors. more delicate vapietios, even though 3-19 ng they ere especially attractive when seen growing in the greenhouse un- der Saditions jast suited to their needs. - MONTBRETIAS Montbretias are again pupserias fn the catalogues, indicating seed that the supply is larger than it has for several years. These Mont- bretias are very ettective us plants, which, when used in umbers, are exceedingly valuable. The colors range through shades % +d . Th iature Gladioll, are thrown up from each bulbe are small anl should be plant- ed about two inches apart unless the few effect is insignificant ne 3 with at least two,o ree dozen, mase of color is aroduesd w which laste When the bulbs are planted in éarly =e the flowers will come in early autumn, at a time ; when they will come ad- for many days when taken into the house. My ‘HYACINTH I have a hyacinth in bloom, = besuty floods sech passing hour: he fragrance of ita sweet perfume Heth in itself a wondrous. power. i pleated it, a naked balb, Leaving the rest to And He hath given to me a flower re sample of His Uving I gaze upon this gift ovine Which glorifies my humble pesehias my thanks “ it on mide, is hyacinth of fragra hristina w. Partridge. PATS REMEDY Irish wit le e@ ha Bate that has n= never been known ~ rup dry. Pat t.| was horribly lacerat {| ed to twist his arm out before it was jury to . definite) i locate in rinsed. | 6 ing y bunch of yeoeee were Campbell, Cul = & home Nol Mrs. J. eS - ross bounda: the —_ area : beauties and apparently t tari a crow! ander the winter's snow.— } advance Tine ARM BORED AT FOUNDRY Yesterday forenoon Wm. Davideon met with'a serious and very painful accident at Erptet. Bros. foundry. | While using the boring machine he is arm under and the forearm ed. He manag- 238 altogether pierced. fae extent of in- that the arm might have to be ampu- .—Mt. Forest Confederate and Representative. NEARING THE HALF CENTURY The Chesley Enterprise has enter- celebrate _ by a special number. Of the 49 yea 8 lished it hae head the same edi for nearly 34 years. We have gro' grey in newspaper work und sickness or accidents, oxpect to wield the editorfal pen for several years yet.—Chesley Enterprise, LUMBER COMPANY WIL REBUILD IN MILDMAY The Schwaim lumber firm, whose mills were destroyed by fire Mildmay recently, have been invited by the Harriston Town Council owever, pected that they will be ready for op- atter part of March or parly in April. INJURED BY FALLING TREE On Saturday last Colin, son of Mr. John Johnston, of the 11th. of Arth- ur wae seriously injured in the bush. Felling a tree, it atrack another a t was torn off the skull + tee 4 five atitches to hold in place. was Ta-\ very weak from loss of chen but is now reported as getting better. — ba Mount re potest Confederate and Rep- own! resenta PALMERSTON MAN HURT ON RAILROAD CROSSING Bride, one of Palmerston's round the head, shou at Main street C. N. R. pe Be ary er, he walked in front of trad allo wea a train. He wed one train to u con: veyed to Paimerston hospital, where 6 is resting as well es conditions of tates will allow FARMER IS FINED FOR FRAUD ON JUDGES AT PALL avo it well- Abraham Milbausen. a eg| Known gg ook residing near Lion's ead, was victed before Magistrate otartaey on a charge of obtaining money undor false pre- tenses. The accused axhib ae * Pee greed animal at the Lion’s Head fall fair lest yee for which he was a- warded a ze. Kaod claimed that he was exhibiting registered animal, but he could Sot. produce the certifi- wo rey the prosecution. Th Polica the ‘tiret case defore the courts fm this district. * SERIOUS OPERATION ON CHILD Evelyn, the four-year-old daugh- Geo. Snowden ter of = en, of the 6th. Bruce, was taken very ill on eee day eight with sevore abdomina pains and - ore ig operation wae deem at- tending puyeician: ‘Dr. Hambley of as there ded bowel. The condition Te- lieved, -— the little patient raving = on — d to reecovery.—Paisley vocate. : -~ AND FURTHER TA stables and ho; McGuire het been misbebaving, and| left last Spring to take a position that after the eaid ee mantioeee floors, driving shed 34x34, henhouse| appeared before his commanding of- | ns — =e ieee the C.N.R. at date, sald Executrix will proceed to{ 14x34,.woodshed 12x14. Besides e| ticer for the = time, charged len heir toa Aistribute the assets of the said de-| Mgbting plant there is a with being sabre : fortune of 1 $6,000 O fert him by a robe . athong the porsons entitled seantaa, th ese together with the kit:| Pat atated side of the case} tive in th ‘Country.- thereto, having regard only to. the| Chen Tange aa which the hot water. with all the po Ao l at his com-|who is a native son of Old Scotia, elaims of which sho ehall then ve boiler is attached aussie on farm.| mand, but the colonel was unmoved-| saw service In both - “nad notice, and that the said eighth mile. to], “Bight - the gusrd-house!”’| cam and ‘the great “World tt not be liable for the saia{ church, 1% mile to school, 1% mille; *@ said. ne iw after com is coun- assets or-any pert thereot any|to Peffers station, rural mail, tele But in writing the “8” on Pat's|try’s foes at $1.10 day, the $6,- m or persons of whose claim or pos is hanes, fik lifted at defaulter sheet, the pen spluttered:| 000 bequest wilh doub loom ‘Taine ete 1 not then bave re-j| TRere existing eotinee oy ge et leaned for-jiarge in his vision. He a wife cetved no ee ae es &% an Naianes DATED at. Listowai the 26th. day are to walt bt ee 925. SARAH ANN joven fis own made t ed on its 49th. year and is - coing |g i will b w the}. bas been pub-| aq tro w in SASKATOON A - TON BY THE VANCOUVER EX- PRESS A greatly improved transcontin- ntal service is provided by the Can- adian Pacific fiway the Van- Sew Express leaving mto e night - ben ft pi. 11) f Hugh oldest citjeens, was badly — a-} co ders when, in ‘a bdiinding spawptors and} be LOST $1000 bps containing. To lose an Eo paca! “and "Tied rit agai ee. t the place it was dropped, waa th auperving axedeiints ofe Heidelberg farmer who went to Waterloo Friday afternoon to deposit the money in the bank. That the Brsagied Was bt — nerve racking, ic belonging & to neigh ‘armer. Th learning that his neighbor was pong too, asked him to deposit the : Waterloo and this ou: RENNIE. 22% Limirep Ger. ADELAIDE end JARVIS Stree TORONTO If you cannat obtain Rennié’s Seeds lecally, ae 27 ge Rennie’s Seed Annual—the most complete Canedian Seed Catalogue—tree oa request. ps. smiled on him, Rowen for on reaching the garage, epied the envelope lying near sidewalk, just ecessary tonsoria! attention. SPLENDID CONNECTIONS MADE FOR Lightning 3 Remedu for COUGHS COLDS BRONCHITIS = rect eoanostions are made Regina for ated and at Calgary for Bamosto' Leave Toate 8. 08 p.m.; ar. Win- na 3 i} S i 11.10 p.m.; Ar. Vancouver 7.00 p.m The equipment . the Vancouver Express te of the highest Ng inotading @iniag caP: Tourt rd Sleepers. t, Stapd- coupe tment netefition Travelting to the West on this ak ee —— the trip a here the yea + rons. yf +: rag hearin ha ae but it takes 4@ goniue to park a’ce After all, in thie church disunion’ Matter, what the public want to know is, which*way will the choir jump? i SPECIALS Fer One Week Only: Now that the sloppy meather is approaching the need of good footwear is more and more es- sential. Safeguard your health, if you are muen out-of-doors, by buying a ae aq our depend- able rubber boo’ « “black . eal Boots Man's wees hare v ae nee Boots, red $8.95 ey 7 Shoat 8 Seman Boots . $2.05 —— “o-e W. 23 KIBLER ANGER Is A POISON--- and wery edten is caused by poisons from your food. If you find yourself angry often for slight cause, look at your ‘food. Milk-Made Bread Is the great Aitecisoicer. Instead of fighting with other foods, it gently soothes and promotes digestion. ie P all food. Zurbrigg Bros. Phone 85. Bakers PALACE ‘Meat Market . oF We have,a Choice Baby Beef this week. Don't fali to try a Roast or Steak of it. We speciailze in Home Made Products such as Pork, Baus- age, * Heal cheese and Rendered Now fa the time to put in a stock of Lard for the summer, as it is advanc- ing in price. We carry a full line of Cured Meats including Swift's Prem. fam Hams and Bacon, sliced in 1 lb. and % Ib. boxes, also Kit- chener Meats of all kinds. Creamery Butter always in stock, also aqme firet ‘clase dairy butter: We have a fresh barrel of Sour Kraut in. Chickens—Woe will have a few good birds for Saturday. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR HIDES AND WOOL. . J. M. SMITH Give-us @ call if you want a cheice cat of Beef, Pork, Veal Lambu: Wercasrg-asfaileline. of the choicest quality. © ....« ates sad stipes of ‘the sun. The uame chosen by