Just' ‘Eight Mord Days - of the HALE OF A SAL Come With the Crowd and Get Your Share of the Bargains Thursday;-Fed: 19th 19852! 4 Many Lines Have Been Entirely Sold Out and Many New Lines are Being Added Every Day for the Last 8 Days 3 EVERY DAY A SPECIAL FRIDAY, 20t Only Lasts 8 Days More a Mid-Winter s _Friday, Saturday and_ the F ‘ollowing “Week” a eS MELE Re. Still Further Reduction on All Winter Goods ~-Economize by Taking ° Advantage of These Prices Ladies’ and Misses’ Coats on Sale at 1-2 the Regular Price Marvellas, Dovetynes, Velours, Plain and Fancy, with or without Fur Collars Only 50 Left ia * , h All Silks and Dress Goods ¢ : - : Skirt SATURDAY ONLY Dress 4 SATURDAY, 21st Sugar Special s -% — resecy a . Plain Serge and fancy 7a aig a 10 Ladies and Misses ne nee Fabri:, all sizes up to 44, . FICO, seccesuce 5 ; e : MONDAY, 23rd Curtain Nets, Draperies and House = a ’ ‘ess A . Furnishings. .. Ki onas $10.95 to $14.95 m Serge, Ficnnel, ee Sizes 16, 18, 20. =“ ° . F Reg up to $25.00. Saturday ....85.00 3 TUESDAY, 24th _Alll Kinds Cotton Staples Ladiee’ widesdown, an iniie $1.3 ie = . + : WEDNESDAY, 25th ‘Ladies’ Ready-To-W : Hosiery — Reabl Slate BE ; ES ? t 1es ea y- 0- ear SUR Samos, reg.up to Linnean Satur- 14 95 20'; off all Woollen Hese PF cee wees aes gan oe bw ee oe ag . to 4.95 : HURSDAY ’s W : T , 26th Men’s Wear Sweaters a , y ne - ve acer nip 20% OFF ELASTIC. | CHAM FRIDAY, 27th Table Linens and Towellings 23,00 sale, 1-3 off. Children’s fgwa A” shades, double cuff, ys $1.49 C, | Canon ; Wool Sweaters, on sale . $2.38 ALL RIB TOF GLOVES ; WOOLLEN | coRSETS oN be S ATURDAY 28th Sugar Specials and Big Clean-Up Bargains 50 Pair of Co Blouses cxner. | perp san: wl b - ’ All Odds and Ends. 0 Pair o rsets Pater pa ever blouses, voile ....., $1.30 WEAR | on sale 98c | All Colors 4 * . 3 ~ D. & A and Bias filled Corsets, % price. Midds. ou sale at 89e a a * : ° B I Our Department | CHAPMAN BROS.& GRA f argains In en’ s Wear epartmen ° 6 , Phone 71, Listowel “The Store that Sells for Less ~* — —= Sree tenet e | a. —— ? P . BORSALINO BATS | KING HATS, $2.98 ‘Ove . : ES 250 Men’: s § ts FORSALINO vercoa Elizabeth Galloway of De- . SILK AND .WOOL F 7 L. d PF] 2 ON L troit, was home to (‘arthege, attend- The Finest Range In North Perth FINE SHIRTS TIES, 98c 175 Men’s and Boys’ Overcoats A ing the funeral o” her mother, Mrs. 1 7. BO . ‘ i an _- Reg. $45.00 onsaie ...... $33.50 " Mary Faulkner $8 7 _ F a from $15.00 Upwards ars orr CASHMERE BOSE 40.00, on sale 2... oe $30.00 Ei Mrs. Harvey Brown ard Miss Al- CAPS, ° 36. on Bose eee k Mr. A. E. Ma'colm its spending ay Mr. Clarence Stricker, of Kitchen-{jca Brown, of Palmerstdn, were 30. on Sale 4... cedes fow days in Torcnto er, spent the week-cnd a’ tne home of| guests last week at the hoine of Mr. 20 Per Cent MEN'S CETEE $25.00, on sale ........ $15.00 ~o— | his parents in town ss. Reuben Brow 2 P. C t Off er Vent. COMBINATIONS. $20.00, on sale ........ $1425 Mr. Dick Oke apcut the week-end 7 er Lent. Off TURNBULL'S $15.00, on sale......... $10.50 with {riends in Palmertion | Mrs. Ed. Wain w and Mra. Her. Mr. David L. “Scott. of Pasadena, Und BEST. Reg. $8.50, $10.00, on sale wc... eee $7.26 oid Winslow spent Friday last with Cal. ee in I.vtowel on Wednes- : ’ ‘ nderwear for $5.50 — ’ -2o0 Nared Coats, reg $30.00 Dg : M J H. Pic kerin ng is in Sarnia | sesends in Stratterd | Gay wing to the ‘luess ot his moth- oa cee co ; ve wedy He, Bicker’ | tere day, owing ty the | |f| All Men’s and Boys’ Suits ~ - = _—— —o— } Mr. ¥ Finlay wes io Toronto | af det Gpeodine aul reinrue ae j Mr. Delmar Malictt ened bride, of 4 Tuesday on bustners bree with her son “Me Hey Paul Kingsville. were guests over he ‘ o— i . ~ | wWeek-end at the home of Mr and} ‘ Miss Hs far Lenn ox vesited friends. “ a . | Mrs. T. L. McCauley } ’ ‘ ra es “Mex. J Finn, of Owen Hound, spent | a WASH GOODS’ DEPARTMENT SPECIALS k ae ya eke el nd ip Ltstaxe el. i guest at The Misses Marion -orris and Mr Hoy G Atlin. of Ford. spent; ‘2e some of Mrs. A G. Savage Thelma Kilgore spent the week-end . Tuesdays with friends in town ; —o— Palmerston. gnestea st the hon, . , ° <= 4)— i Mr. Archie MeDonall cf Kingston {of Mr. and Mrs ae Woichorn Do Your Spring Sewing Now Miss Jean Han mond spent Sun- sent the week-end with his parents, | * day x rhome jn Lebanon Mr. and Mrs. J.C MecDouald | Miss T. Whit: tan, at Hairiston, and; Pe —i—— ~ Oe = Harry Tate, of Orangeville, spent , . , - , I x . Mr he wep Watkrr of Hamilton Miss Babe Miile:, of Elmira. and! week- end at tre home of the; 2000 Yards of 5000 Yards of 300 Y ards of CRETONNES RAW SILK ‘ visite aistowe. cn Thursday. Miss Ha Dechert, of 1 rood, spent | ad mer's mother, Mrs. T. Whitten. | 36 insh 32 Fine quality, good weight i ~- the week-end with friends in town —- | . . : . . per Yd. os... 85e Mrs the —o— Mr. and Mrs. Edward Schwelgert | Tricoline Ginghams Curtain Nets DAMASK , , home of Mrs. | Oo Hammo: of Palmerston, ioe Kitchener, were gues the later aa a a “cas est over ibe week-end at the} part of last week at tne icme of the | leg. 5c, o7 fs rd. 2he ! HOTT mae Mr Robert Cali i oat Monday and | ome a ‘Mr and ats Fred Karstens.' latter's mother, Mrs Jolin Koch ' Th Fi t lit Reg. 60c. for ..30e = Oc, om sale ye " Union, 1 9c COT TON CREPES avi : e ines ualily Py rir Tuesday iu Durham visiting frie — ‘, - -9-- j “ie 7 a F . sia ' Mrs W. J Dow ‘! evd grenddaugh- Mra. W. J. Climte is Jeaving on! > P . dhe, for, 30c . " . : } ang 4 pine pir pattern, ners Frank at mad Joe c GTUsO are ter. Myrna. spent eat wauk =o. Mr.) Friday to visit far a fe days with | English Byoadcloth dee for Se B SAY oe CURTA = PILLOW COTTON @ Fare? fi ve ‘ Visiting tlelr brother in Walkerton, pend Mrs. WON. D Koss Thomas.;her: daughter, Mis ime, ! 20c, for - 156 POL25 co EP Oteentar Ipch ..40c a ta | as London, and with ber sen. Mr. Jack | ; : - 2 420 ine cn kaccines 45c H Harry Mout von, of Elmira.t Mr. David Stark ef Point Edward, * Glimie, Tillsonburg. | Silk finish, guaranteed GREEN BLINDS . .$1.00 as Woo 1 » Spent Friday = fr-euds in town |attended the funeral of his sister, fast coiors in all the new New ifr Cal: or and Cuff 8-4 Sheeting. on sale 69e L DELAINE {Mrs Mary Faulkner of Carthage Dr, and Mrs. wo Ray cf! Toronto, - a . ‘ x , -8 of nl! CURTAINS Good quality. Fane t ‘ Miss Marjorie “MeKrever, of Ham-| —- were guests Monday st ihe home of | stripes and plain, $1.35 Sets. to ma 1-8 07) all CURT : ¥ patterns, yd. $1.29 ilton, visited at her bome last weak Wingham Advance en arte E.) Mr. and Mrs. J. K ‘pr icker. They at- 7 'G. Code and daughter betty, of Listo-| tended the funeral ar Newton on ; ‘ . Postmaster Joka x Scott Feng Tues! wel, are visiting Mrs Dr.) Stewart. |] Saturday of the f‘ormer’s mother. Q y $ ? Saye ea et Ot speat Tass) we g Mra. aturday of th BLANKETS.-- 12-4 Ibex Flannelette, Finest Quality, Firsts, $2.69. —o-— | Mr. Calvin Schel} is pble to be out Mr. Jacob Kaufman and Miss An- ; : Mrs. Stewart McLrald is visiting! again, after beine ccnfined to his na Kaufman, of St Jucobs, returned her later Mrs. Dickenren FPietcher,| bome for a few weeks tbrough fll-}home Wednesday, after spending a |. fGalt ness. few days at the hiome of i , ameiser Fisher, Wallace Srreot. . : an McDonald spent Monday Mr. and Mrs. Henry Zilliax and —o— 6 e ‘ an uesday visiting friends in Tor-j| daughter, Marjorie. of Walkerton, Mr. Fred W'ison, of Windsor, PF V. ’ ent . visited this week at athe home bf Mr.'spent Monday at the home of Mr. and G ery D p tment--- oney aving ues. : and Mrs. C. Zilli Mrs. James Rogers. Mr Wilson was roc epar 5 ir. peg Wades, or — _— { russels on Saturday, eceadas ‘ called on en in town on Satur- Miss Isabel Nichol of Toronto Gen-| the funeral of bis-sister, Miss Inman. Pi am - . . fs ay, : eral Hospital, spent Tuesday at the if ; 12% pounds 1 cwt. RED- GooD BLACK GREEN — TEA 17 DRINKING o7 piece SHAMROCK : home of Ser-parents, Dr. and Mrs. A. Mr. B. C. Binning, cf Calgary, al D PATH SUGAR TEA GOc, T5c » GLASSES DINNER SET SMOKING ar Mr. W. P. Mc Bride, ef Winnipeg, | H: Nicho Alta., spent the week-end with his SUGAR 73: and 80c GOOD COFFEE TOBACCO he spent the week-end with his parents father, Mr. W. E.- binning. Mr. Bin- tor $1.00 $7.85 MIXED TEA 45c pound $1.00 $26.75 bea plug. : in town Mr. Gordon C. . Bender, of. Poeonte, ning was on a business trip to Tor- OF ae 70c po e Bi and Mr. Eldon Bender, of -}onto, Montreal ana New York © and. - : ha Mr. Gordon Phi:p. cf Stratford, ee, ppent the week-end at thale bouee was glad toispend a few jays in the o_o Es Spent the week-end at his home injin tow old town. ‘ ae : n. ‘ —o— —o - - . : : i es pie , —o— K. Mayburry. of Caithayé.| Mr, William ‘Young cnd- Miss Min- Highest Price Paid for Produce ® Good Dairy Butter Always on Hand sf . Miss Eva Hamilton, of Toronto, | is spenitian a few days this week at/nie Young, of nesr Me Ifort, Sask., a2 ; j arent the week-end at her home inj the home of her sister, Miss K. Be: rd-jspent Friday ‘last at the home of Mr. ‘ tow ux. nd Mrs. D. &. cones, Wallace amateurs: road. They were guests last week at Mrs. Porterfield. of MM. pes is 1. Bricker, . of Espanola, is the home of Mr. aud Mrs, §.~ E. visiting at an hon 8h Mr. an Mrs. spending the week-cud at the home} Smith, boundary west. W. A. Gra of his parents; Mr.. and Mrs. J. K. —o— Bricker. Mr. and° Mrs. B,.H. Biostewar ‘Miss Katie fare. of places of, Neustadt, spent the “week. ¢ ee ae bk Stanners: ot. Porwich, is towel, visiting th ; in town. in week = the nome. of wine Mr. and Me. dnthas ie, athasden: doen See with oe Prod, Wella.