Are You taking Advantage hs tee! s clabbing offers? We é you time and trouble, and ; little money, in renewing for your papers and magazines. ee Wstablished 7800. o Druggist A New Assortment Of Artistic Wall Papers A beautiful exterior calls fora beautiful interior. And you folks who are redec- orating your rooms should a- vail yourselves of the exquisite assortment of new Wall Papers we're showing now. the selection is one that every | home owner can appreciate. Wonderful in mahy colors. fy everybody in getting the kind that appeals to their sense of col- ually low priced, too. L i | In fact, grat ys creations Enough to satis- artistic r and attractiveness. And unus- COGHLIN | Phone 10 SAN SP a a Nice Arrived Supply of ° b J . . Ladies’ Slippers The quality of our lines has to be seen to be appreci- ated. Call and be convinced as to both quafity and price. Just A Share of Your Repair- ing will be Promptly At- tended to and Appreciat- ed, R. E. SWITZER Just Arrived a Car of Frost Fence Wire KINDS OF WOVEN BARBED WIRE “ALL AND THOS. INGLIS & SON Atwood Shoe Store | | | ! | { | sertion, with minimum charge | | | EVERYBODY'S COLUMN ] | Ten cents a line for first in- | | 50c. Sabscewent insertions of ith mini- five cents a line mum charge of 25e. WANTED The <7 of $4000 for five years cent. First farm mortgage, at 5% pe first ies security. Box 11, Atwood. WHEN MOVING Move right. Come to the “Garden Niagacta District. of Canada.""—the 4f you want residence, fruit or grain farms, apply to Fred Lay, Beams- ville, 3-12 HOUSE FOR SALE Presentation To Mr. —=— REC ELV E FERN STAND OR PED- Death of Relative and Mrs. F. H. Paull ESTAL FROM THE LADEES' ATD AND CHOIR FOLLOWING = SOC- IAL. MEETING WEDNESDAY AF- ints WG : TO ATWOOD FOR BURIAL IN Le antag ELMA CENTRE CEMETERY, Rey. F, Hi. Paull, re rector of St, Al- ban’s Chiiren, Atwood and 8t. Day- Died in Hook yi, MB et Church, Henfryn, has been peckry Oe aacerk e re Ba saben e D gra e transferred to Bayfield .and will throughout.the country, ated widden- preach his farewei] sermons on Sun- day next. Mr. and Mrs. Paull were given a happy surprise on Wednesday after- noon, March 18th. following the soc- inl meeting of the Ladies’ Aid at the home of Mrs. John Houze. very kind address was read by Mrs, Peachey, after which Mrs. ae Hurst made the presentation f handsome fern stand or pedestal, the gift of the Ladies’ Ald and choir. Mrs. Paull replied a gg them for the ir kind words and g r. Paull has pent ‘aD . teem- ed citizen and beloved rector here; for a litt le over two years, saxtantn ng his duties as rector Alban's in the fall ‘of 1922. Mrs. Paull will also be greatly missed in the con- gregation and village was an accomplished musician and will leave a vacancy not easily to be filled in musical circles. The best wishes of the entire community go with Rev. and Mrs. Paul! to their new field of ia at Bayfield. Mr. Edvvin Wickie Dies In 25th Year WAS A SUFFERER FROM DIABET- ES FOR SEVERAL YEARS— PARENTS AND ONE SISTER SURVIVE. The Bee regrets to report this week the death of Mr. Edwin Wick- jie, son of Mr. and £ Christian Wickie, 17th. concession Elma, which occurred early Friday morning, March 20th., 1925, in his twenty- fifth year. Mr. Wickie nad been . Beko from diabetes for several ars but death came suddenly and ebexpected, as he had been oO chores at the ba Wednesday evening. was undble to be up and the Spetor o was called in pronounced his ill- nap ayo hitis and he passed away| riday morning. ond was born in Mitchell and| moved with his parents to the 17th, } concession of Elma seventeen ane ago, who with one sister, Stahlke, of Mitchell, survive. The funeral service was held on Sunday afternoon from the family residénce. Interment taking place in} the Presbyterian cemetery, Mitchell. | Fine two-storey _ brick residence and lot, King street, Atwo od. All conveniences. House in be st of re pair. Owner selling on n account of ill health. John G. Dicks 1 FARM FOR SALE OR RENT acres, being Con. convenient to church, school y, Must be sold to set- 9 FOR SALE Fifty acres, being Lot 10 Con. 15, Elma, good frame house and , barn; : im- mediate possess | tieulars apply to David Hood, R. 1, West Monkton, Ont. 4 FOR SALE Your pick of the stable of Hol- stein and Durham cows, fresh and il May; also two due from now [{ good Yorkshire sows due April Ist. Methodist Rev. B. Snell, Pastor Sunday, March 29th. Morning: “Mistaken Longings” A Chalk Talk to the Children Evening: “What Is In Man” URCHES Rev. F. H ‘Pa ull will preach his farewell services in St. Alban's Church, Atwood, and_ St. church, Keniryn, next Sunday. The regular monthly meeting of the Ladies’ Aid the Anglican church will be held on. Wednesday, April Ist., in the church The W. M. 8. anniversary thank offering services of the 5th. T.)- Husser, of Sparta, will sohinet the services. . s s Miss Ethel Blackwell, sedatant president, presided at the ¥. 8. meeting of the Habre Si ong b Monday evening in the absence of Mr paith ely read the Journal; a coadng, uy Favorite lati Grosert. David’ 7 rh and h erms to. suit. Apply Lorne -Robert- son, Lot 2, Con. 5, Elma. _ > COMEDY DRAMA “The er,” a medy drama will be presented in the Mus- riday, March Anglican church, Henfryn, t Baechlerville Dramatic Club. Acute. sion 35c, children 15c a Are you fond of ee ng. cm ape vy words on the special vn - est page in next viene Banner. recreation period and the meeting closed with the Christian Endeavor benediction. 7 “ Patrick's: social Young People’s Meth- s A backward St. was given Rs the e basement of the usually in vogue was instance the lunch, which usuall at the close of an evening’s en ts tainment, was served ete the first Among those from a distance who} attended the funeral were: Mr. ana | Mrs. August Wickie, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stahlke, of Mitchell, and Mrs. Saunders and daughter; of Stratford. JOHN CLARK, , OF } ville; 6 March 10th. Of Elma Residents Suns Sahat K, ESDAY, * NS BROUGHT DIED ly on the Abe f March, at his home in Rockville, } sian. H i been confined te his bed for-two-months” but his -condition was not? considered. seridus. Compli- eationg brought on by an attack of _ nina brought his sudden death, lark was married about thir- ears ago to Mary Alice Ham- Township, who is a Thos.. Hamilton, ty- are! iiton of Elma sister o Friese ef St. Donald of Macalester College, St. Paul. The remains were brought to At- weod for buy 4 _in the family plot, ’ the service b d on Saturday from ance. Haniiton’ s, conducted by Rey. W. Gilmour phd y those from a distance who attended the funeral were: Mr. Don- ald and.-Miss Isubell C ville, Joan Hamilton, Mr. and@Mrs. W Ralph Hunter, of Toronto; Mrs. Gibb of Stra The pallbearers re: Messrs. gs “Gordon, Alex. Wilson, John . Thos., Nesbitt and Roy Hamilton, we J. and Ralph Hunter Meeting of Directors of Elma Fire Insurance Company. SP Miss _ Ella Hamilton,| Hislop and Mr. G A meeting of the Directors of the Sima Farmers’ Mutual Fire Insur- ance Company, was held in the Sec- retary’s office on Tuesday, the 17th. of March. 1925. All boon members of the Board were es The president nia ON the chair and signed the minutes of the last meeting. after same had been reaa ma confirmed. A claim for $150. Ou on RK. Faulkner of Maryboro. of $67.00 for printing was paid the Atwood Print Shop. The Board de ;cided to insure private threshing ma- —_ as ordinary cofitents of farm- Applications for insur- | anes were accepted, | amounting presen received on same $1164.30. h eeting adjourned till Tues- ‘da pa 21st: 1925, to meet, again at "ihe usual time. See “The Prairie Rose" in Britton | sion. Hall, on Thursday and Friday, April 2 and 3. ote 25c. aera of the F Bee! Get in on the Easter Hunt. Watch for next | piper and see full-page ad, Move to Grey— Mr. Stanley Kitchen, 12th, conces sion, Elma, has rented the old Greg: farm, 12th. concession, Grey, and -|moved on Thursday of last week. il With Severe Cold— Miss Alice hg clerk in Mr. Johnston Peebles’ grocery store, is home this week ana part of last week with a severe cold. 13\jc Paid for Hogs— Messrs. Fulton of of Ethel, and Chas, Vallance, of Atwood;-+ ship cars of hogs bs Toronto op "oeeaay: The price paid was 13%. cents. ml —'< La Grippe— George McClory, butcher, is ill yiik an attack of la grippe. His mother, Mrs. Wm, McClory, 16th. concession, is attending him Purchased Farm— Mr. W. D. Hurst, 12th. conces- sion, Elma, has purchased Mr. Wm. Blair's farm, lot 8, 13th. concession,| nee and is moving onto it this week. Progressive Euchre Party— Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Shera enter- tained a number of their friends and neighbors to a progressive euchre bere on Wednesday evening of last . , - Home Fro: tal— Mr. Robert May went to Pett tte Tuesday to bring ome from = General Hospital whet she has been a patient for nearly two mon Butcher Shop Open Evenings— Mr. George McClory’s butcher shop will be open Tuesday and Thureday evenings ‘till 9 o'clock and on Satur- day oe. ‘till 10 p.m., commenc- ing this we Taking Nurses’ Training Course— “Miss Hildred Alexander, daughter r. and Mrs. Samuel Alexander, Shy concession, is leaving Satu ta a) rday part of the phy a Be es were enjoyed commuhity singing Irish Songs, x Tate followed including <= old ‘gave the top portion of the-report of the big rip: eos conyention Washingto it rome sang a solo, ‘God: Will Take Ca: a ng, f Thee,” a reading eat “Billy” Banbay'a version of the Bible —, ee David and Goliath,” a hh iss Edna Brown. . athe. Bible 3 8 ne General Hospital, *Galt. Enjoy Social Eveni Mr. —_ Mrs. Nelson sap 12th. concession, Elma, entertaine m- ber of chars friends to & jenki even- ing Monday evening. A pleasant time} ® i}was spent in card playing and dane ing. Eye Making Favorable Progress— Rey. B. Snell, who underwént an operation’ on, February 11th., in the Genera’ a} Hospital, baad es for a cal- aract on his eye returned to that city on Monday to conents the® ee tion an ped two; ° e a nurses’ training course i:/|a ‘ttended Hock: Match— or. MeDowell f Atwood, an isrs. oo Gilchrist and Harry seehaver, of Newry, were in Strat ford on ‘Wednesday of last week and attended the hockey match between Brantford and Listowel. Successful Dance— Messrs. Stanley Wherry, Roy Me- Creight and David Dewar held a successful dance Thursday evening of last week in the Foresters’ Hall. ssrs. Geo. Hamilton and Geo. Por- ter, violinists, furnished the music. Unloaded Car of; Western Horses— Mr. §. Strachin, of Craigmyle, Alta., formerly of Ethel, unloaded a car of fine Western horses in ia te wel last week which were sold auction at ‘the Queen’ 8 hotel stables Saturday. Mr. . J. D eer, received high prices. Miscellaneous Shower— Mr. and Mrs’ John Hird, 12th. com cession, were happily surprised on Thureday evening of last week when @ number of maighbots of Mrs. Hird, nee Mary*Ward), of the 14th. con. cession, Grey, and their neighbors on the 12th. concession, at their home and held a miscellaneous shower. After the shower the even ing was pleasantly spent in dancing. Tuesday evening was ar as the at- rain cern prevented many from eg: » and the program was ig to ;the fact that Ensign Thouipeoh “had motor trouble on the road from Lis- towel. The mumbers canaaeed though Maple Leaf Womien's Institute— lar monthly meeting Institute t the home of Mrs. with be good attendance. The roll cali was nded to by ‘Dishes that band the Spring Appetite.’ The pa- per on the life oe St. Patrick was giv- en by Ege -Russel- Nutt. A present) was t by the members of the In- siltate ¢ to Elwood Hamilton, who is be y was yoted to go toward helping to fix up the Bim Centre Cemetery. Ate Se casts. JOR, and Thos, X. wel on Monday. Mrs. dauvhter at Teeswater. rs. T. Oliver were in Guelph Tuesday. Mrs, J.’ guest of Mrs. J..A: Klump this week. for roroa: Hamilton and Port born —— Mr. Fred Coulter left for Toron. to on Friday morning to spend a few days Dr,..C. ed his mother, Mrs. John Houze,. on Tuesday. i —o— Mr. Wm, Donaldson, 8th. ces | Tuesday # onto this week spent the fore part of this newing old acquaintances. — Miss Merle fy -oy of Gowatstoewn, was a.guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Hi ra on Monday. staat nt the week-end at the home do Mr. and | visited Thursday and Mrs ited Monday at the home of his pa ents, verton, home of Mr. after a wedding trip in “Woronto on Friday, after spending a with Mrs. is a guest at the home of Mr. Mrs. Thos. Hamilton, 8th concession week's | Gre Spoiled Concert— - er The coneert given’ by the Salva- were enjoyed by those who did at- =: of ‘ Mrs. Alex. Morrison ‘was in Listo- —_—o— Wm. Horn is visiting. her —t—5 Mess R,_A. Thomphon and W., —o— Williams, of Union,,is a | | pS EN Mrs. J. A. McBain left on gg so? _o— : A. Houze of Listowel, visit- sion, tai in Brussels on pisine ss on —o— W. Gjlmour was in Tor- Beit vied on committee work re Church Unio. { Stratford, ! 4 week re- j antigens Mrs. R. Marshall, of Mr. Casemore, af London Mrs. George Peebles, Ne of Trowbridge, he home of X 12th. con Ward. att John Hird, Miss Pearl —o— Mr. Vallance Inglis, of Gre Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Inglis. ey, vi a —— and Mrs. Chas. Blair, of Mf) spent the week-end at the Wm. Blair, Atwood. Mr. Mr. and Mrs. John Hird returned home Tuesday evenir 1B et last week a Glen Burke returned _ few days Listowel. Mrs. Maxwell Smith, —fh— Miss Nellie Hamilton, of Toronto. QUALITY STO Live and Le Live : Yd: We have a splendid display “New Dress Goods, Broadcloth, Voiles, Fancy Crepes, Ratine, Ginghams and: - Chambrays. ae BEE. : ¥ Broadcloths are in‘many different ‘shades and reago ~ Prices gee ee from... . BS etapa $1. © $1.50 Fancy figured Voiles: and or tae are very much are vogue - and we 6 have a complete assortme e have a fine piece of dante dimity which is very suit- able hs lingerie. Now {s the time for seakliie house dreunés and aprons. Our stock of Ginghams and Prints is larger than it has ever been. Ladies’ wide and narrow patent belts, fancy ane trim- med with chintz. \ Bobbed hair barettes and bandea SPECIAL—Ladies’ Art Silk Hose with. ela¥tic top ‘Clothing { Woolen clothing has advanced, a in the — of this we- have reduced our eee on all ready made clothing. Suits, regular: $25 now Overcoats, rewniae ply now ; Se ee our samples of made-to-nieasuye clothing and get our yprice. We guarantee every sult satisfactory GROCERIES * ALWAYS FRESH AND UP,TO DATE Corrants, 2 ltt. os ces cen 25c } 1 large can Salmon 20c Pulled Figs, 2 Ibs. .,.... 25e ha 2 Ibs. ...-2...-. 25e Prives. pet i. cece. wced 5 ood Broom ........-.+ 49c per ae isc Oranges, per doz. ....,.. 20c Pork and Beans, tin ...... 15c¢ Peanut butter, per Ib. -25c ’ Buy Now We advise our customers to Be their Tea ~“g a er Fd strong. We are offering a goo ack tea at per Ib. ...... A Car load of REDPATH = GAR due to ie oh about hes ril 6th. We are offering it at a very low price. (Cash off car). Call us for price and leave your order for your summer supply. ECGS! EGGS! EGGS! Cash or Trade and guarantee the highest market prices. A. E. ANDERSON and —o— Mr. Stanley Strachan, of Craig- myle, was a guest at the home; of Mr. and Mrs. Ja®,Denman on Sun- | day. 7 | Mrs. Marvaret Alexander, of — } mins, visited last week with her niece, Mrs. Adam Gray, 1t0h. conces- —O— Miss Elora McDonald. Sth. cgnces- sion, spent the week-end at the home of her mother, Mrs. Chas. McDonald, y. —o— Rev. C. Clarke of Brussels, was a guest ot Rey. and Mrs. B. Snell at the parsonage on Thursday of Jast | kK. i —- } John Peebles spe a home | Satna, after spen a few! with her son, Mr. Arthur Peeb- | les, unewoul | on Ww -o— Mrs. Wm. Mann and past a nt th sor. of Teeswater. sve end ot the home of Mr. and “urs. M. Robinson —_—n— Miss Annie Inglis. left on Tues-| Mrs. Wesley Faulkner, town east of Listowel. | —r—- Mrs. Johnston Peebles and son, Jack, visited the fore part of this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, as. Mayburry, Britto —_o-— Mrs. J. Riasch’ returned home Thursday of last week from Strat- ford where she snent the winter with r niece, Mrs. W. Dahm —_o— Miss Gertrude Brandle returned home on Monday, after spending a a CREAM! CREAM! for our New Creamery HIGHEST PRICES PAID . Special 39¢ No.1 37° No.234¢ f. o. b, your station HIP “DIRECT FROM FARM TO FACTORY” AND RECEIVE MORE MONEY Write for our Shipping Tags Swift Canadian Co, Creamery Dept. Toronto, Cc A.| =]r | day to snend a couple of weeks with |) FOR SALE S. C. W. Leghorn Eggs For Hatching, From Good “Strong Healthy Stock 40c A SETTING Harold Parkhouse R. R. 4, Atwood. Phone 45-r-11 week with her grandparents, Mr. an Mrs, H. Fixter, Wingham. —o— Messrs. Chas. Butterv. 14th. con- cession, Fred Tuck and Garfield pots! n sume? stables, Listowel, on ie —_—o— B. Hamilton, 8th. conces- sion, who is taking treatment for rheumatism in mdon, return Tuesday after spending the week-end t her home and attended the fu ral of Mr. John Clark IN MEMORIAM. ; | a \ : A SHOE’S -LIFE ies Bas Can be coneiderebly lengthened with a little aforethought on the part of its wearer. the time to bring those shoes in for re- pairs before the spring rush starts, when we are not so busy and you are not so busy. The heavy spring rueh is almost commenced.' Be ready for it. § REPAIRING AUTO CURTAINS A- SPECIALTY ’ H. EBY John Houze, In tise: memory 0 o- died. in Atwoo: on March 28, ‘| i “We, oe loved you. sadly miss you Ag A ‘wns another year; Af our Senate pert of thinkin ; Thou gh on are always near." ; Wife and family. fey heart strikas ‘wits, “wie ahee ies my Hamiacnd, = eats 2 went @ were in Fergus-tasi. saturday impr the funeral of the late Mr. tan Z Engine, 5 pga equipped, MIN! 1-2 HP. tee 00 sell for yer Re Sell for .. On 2 Fairbank: Red Engine, Battery cunbaaeel ce ice stia, +++ $100.