The Attwood sBee. aid - aubscription Rate $2.00 » Year in Advance. Otherwise $2.50 LISTOWEL, |Fhureday, Aprit 10th... 1925, Listowel High School Report For Term Ending At Easter THE FOLLOWING 18 THE REPORT) switzer 6 OF LISTOWEL HIGH spe _-FOR TERM ENDING 1925. MARKS INDICATE vi: AGE OF MARKS OBTAINED IN ALL SUBJEOTS.—SCHOOL WILL RE-OPEN MONDAY, APRIL. 20. Switzer 63, A. paeg 62, W. McIn- tyre 62, H. Nickel 61,’ W. Wagnes 60, M. Roe 60, ae. Schade 59, A. Richter 58; W. as 52, R. Simpson §2; T. witacenite “St, Cc. es homipso 41, E. Ferguson 40, °C. Heath 40; A. Ries 39. Winners of Easter Hunt Contest Announced ALL CONTESTANTS. FAILED TO FIND ALL MISPLACED WORDS —OTHERS FOUND SOME THA? WERE NOT MISPLACED. Not one of the many,.cortestants The Banner.on April 2nd. were suc- cessful in finding all the misplaced words. On the other hand; some co ie R Cantata “THE OF ¥ GLORY" RENDER. | ED BY. ODIST CHOIR EN-< JOYED BY GATHERING GOOD FRIDAY. EVENING. stect’ “The K cadet Gk Glory. given by the augmented choir of the Methodist Church pi Good 2) as prepared un- In Capable wat , Sung wi seas. tansical irit.and| Mrs. Jam ee Ret Pace the “dutingulshed arte , “HE GUEST OF DR. AND MRS, sag. ‘MOORE. For a ior, days this week Dr, and| 8 Moore ae Ka guest, M M. A.R.B.A., & student oF John aes ie onor of her guest, Mrs, Moors tertained a number of her friends i: Wis ie is oo Attending Trustees' Convention— -} Miss Eleanot bes Mr. W.E. Binning, secretcry of the ich, ae ‘Eduéation is in ver the a : at the; Board. o! this: war getea ae the Trus' Association conven Scag ae Toronto-— Miss Roxie Ellis :was in Toronto last week, attending the grag’ be a Lean wedding. Mr. Bradley. is cousin of Miss wus. [pra & of Mrs. A. G. Sa Miss fo ag sister, oo —oO— in Mrs. I. J. Moyer, ot Toronto, is sa an Mary, spending the Paster an ‘with their brother in Walker- ol spending a few-months at.the home ~~ J 6 FORM 1A : FO 1B estants found ds that rs fr the le wore rhe is 8 at the tea hour on Tu after. | Ate H.° Richardson 80, M. Elliott 77, a ound words that were no r the ership of Franc utton, .t tr ended Funeral vid Milverton— \ R. Atkinson 74, EB. Davidson 73, W. oss 84, M. Stewart 82, 2.) misplaced at a ahd the pleasing way in waient th noon. Mrs. J, Cecil Hamilton ‘pour Mrs. A. W. Hedrich was in Mil- Stricker Mr. an 33 Fohnetone 72,- L. Allison 71, . Stewery 31. %- Love - % gai In the twelve advertisements that|cantat was sung reflected much cred- Some rege omar iegteas verton last week, araeding the fun- Pre ak Blackwell 71, M. Sangster 70, H. » mt. «, v. «| appeared on the page there were 25) it on his w gues ng. room ®reral of Mrs. Blunck, who Mr. and M Biacee eeeey ge. Re| To cge, Newhlecing G8, . iida 48.| wordy mlapiaced. Te pont st eul-|, The camer pened with an eather] Alia oc Wanaat; bes Moore, ene|"™res "ty Me Tie i at ee ie Slee . 68, M. pate : cick hg Mig Ro Gime, 7 w Po D-| winner was Mr. Frank Thompkins,| followed by a male chorus. Mias|re ang ro asad Moore, Lola Fair| Moves to Penclope S agg a oe ee ee © "63, eM nn Ge ra am-/ R. 1, Listowel. The winner of the] Scott sang “Phe Angel’s Serenade’ and Ivy. Ki Mrs. Desel tapred poral week into as ney eCrae 60, . -tcheson | second prize was Mrs. J. Wright, Lis-|in fine voice, and ae selections on Warren leaves ListoWel this| Mr. WwW a house on Penel- : ® TERY 59, M. Shearer 57, C. Kinkead 53.| towel, who words correet,| the violin by Mr. S afternoon for Kitchener where she Miss Joan Forman and little~ sic j EVERYBODY'S COLUMN x ° y Mr. Sutton were great- ope atraat. across . from the Public! ter Ruth, are spending | ee F. McIntyre 53, C. Wenzel 52, L.| Mervin Richards found 15 words and) ly enjoye r. BE, n sang| Will give a lecture to-night. She is) School. X ida ith Fo yi the Easter | ‘Ten cents line for first in-. | | Helmka 62, W. Ronald 52, B. Schne!-| secured the third prize offered. It|the solo, ‘(fhe Wayside Cross,” with|©" ® short lecture tour at present, nd Goderic! sends in Stratford der 52, M. Dickson 49, R. Dierlam/the winners will call at the Banner|a hidden Male choir singing the and has among her subjects, London | serious | sertion, with minimum charge 48. E. Pirie 48, R. Gibson 47. M ging H d Hom ly oka | of 50c. Subsequent insertions ‘Anger 47, EB; Gibson 47, N Ament Office they ae secure their re-| chorus’ part. Bradley ac Sake oe sak 0 Pei of Great Men, Friends, of Listowel will be sorry r.and Mrs. James Black, of Kit- | five cents a line with minl- | | {S80 oot. 40, D. Fritz 38, D. Wat spective prize companied Mr. Sutton on the piano,|John Ruskin and Cathedra to learn that Miss Sarah d6,|chener, spent Easter at the home ot | mum charge of 25c. ritz ritz at- e words misblanet in the differ-}and Mr. Hudson on the organ. Be- arren kindly showed the) Penelope street, is sartousty ill, ana! thecJatter'’a parents, Mr. and i son .u A ent savertineinazits were as follows:| fore the program proper commenced} Euests & gee of her smaller paint-| her sister, Mrs. Aitcheson, of Toron-|Gustave Nickel. . ss r J. Savase 80, F. Hon 75, arrat en hide. several sel he pbs meee oye er Coon ri amber “oe piers to, is'attending: her, oO ~ LOT KOR SALE Smyth*™, D. Yo 73, A McClus-| Zurhrigg Bros.—Cross, ao style at eee Seer usual fine) Veee ot London, and the Can- Legislature Prorogued— “| ectntr ane core oe “ee Lot for sale. Apply 0. H. Fink- ag dee a ER orange A - Diana Sweets—Rabbit, Egee,! / The cantata the followed, taking adian Roc : ae a raat The second session of the sixteenth! paster- boldays with 4 clonde: rm beiner, Wallace street. 4-30 n.p. a. Gs. My Harta 63, shel Chicks. a little over dur to complete let woo ss arren’s best known | jegisiative assembly of Ontario came; Washington, C. 94 i,t. 4 i ae es ; L. A. Oliver—Happy. The solo parts in this were taken by)? me Poy anging in bg | parlia-| to a close on Tuesday afternoon when tigen ] EGGS FOR HATCHING Eat ag ~. gh RB - ae E. M. Creighton—Gitt. Misses A. Livingston, D. Lavery, L. ae uildings at Ottawa. In these/the house was formally proroguea| Mr. Griffith McDonald, of Toron- - — Pure barred Rocks, bred to lay Hureis 40. = = ee Grocery—Greet, Tips, Soot, Weber, E. Ome. we x se ee Tes conaine mae dition, |?” Sis honor the eutenant-governor. | to Normal, is spending the holidays . . Messrs. C. Blackmore, 8. train. Good agen ier eo FORM II B “Mrs Chislitt—Exclusive. Poag, A an. W. Karges, A.j&Ty Force is shown standing beter Attended Wedding in Stratford— .. the 4 Some oe his serene Mr. and 15 eggs. R. .M. Cow np Sangster ae H. i ee Cc. imms—“ Dress-up.” zurbrigg, E. S. Hudson, F. Sutton,| General Wolfe's: monument iss Olga Sanderson was in Strat- = tt 72, S. Elli 71, R. By coach . Bs ve om opi AL o son LE Death —_ z A, Hacking & Son—Party L. Loree and BE. ‘Edwards. Two very elgg ay ey the ceremon) ford on Wednesday, attending the Miss, Mildred ‘Thompson and bro- APARTMENTS TO RENT edocs ct. b. Gowine €4 pman Bros. & Gray—Bros.,| fine duets were sung by Miss Living- a rer M eG wedding of Miss Lloy A. Barber, 4| ther, Mr. Thompson, ar Apartment to rent on ground floor, n : = +. 3 ng Geras, Give, Can; For, Have, Phone,| ston and Miss Clark a by Miss Liv- aroun ¢ monument, Miss War | cousin, to Mr. Frank V. Deamudée,| spending me “Easter holidays at their + all conveniences, four room bath, | Peachey 6-2. anderso : _ A. Britton—Spring, Delightful. ingejon and Miss ren ‘spared no time, money or labor! of Owen Sound home in Grand Valley. cellar, garage. Apply at this .office,| Porter 61, C. Roe 60, J Brisbin 59 mbers of the choty were in| tO have these pictures correct in ew gr egg tor R . an te — eviaaur form and gave a thoroughly| °Y detail. At some period, while on} entertained Friends— R. G. Scanper and:Dr. Stanley ANTE ton’ BE R me “grat oP a 6S Wall ce R id t satisfactory account of ‘themselves |!e’ve, each general gave her oft) Miss Lydia Good entertained” aj Mc ely of Toronto, are spending ; on 55, ac ammond 63, a esiden and the effect was one of delight to} his time. if it were onJy ten minutes/ number of young people at her home| thi i Wanted to borrow on first mort- Hay 51, R. McDonald 51, BE. Hast- the audience. In all. the antat: © that she might obthin exact like- Frid ine f this week at the nome of their mothe . gage, $1300, 7% interest. Enquire at! ings 60, I. Wilson 43 ° cantata MA); | eses. Then she secured phot ,) on, Fday orcas ast, in honour of er, Mrs, W. H. Mciac achlan this office. 3. Died on Wednesda be summed. up a pomplete success : e secured photos Of! Miss Louise Bender, who is leaving | és nig FORM II Y | and a credit 10 all participating. each one and by hiring models was|for Kitchener shortly. « Go - than six subjects—Mary _ While the attendance was not as|4ble to complet@jher work. d Mrs. R.Br Brown, of APARTMENTS TO RENT ures ek "36, A. Nichol 72, M. Smith 71./MRS. WESLEY SALTER PASSES|large as the entertainment merited,| Many amusing ficidents are recall-| Return From T Leese iy Fg a he or me Apartments to rent with all con-]M. Wanzer 68, B. Cummings 67, IN 40th. YEAR—FUNERAL ON| Still. the choir was pleased at the|@d by Miss’ Warren. One model who/ Mr. and Mrs. ar M. Schinbein re-|and Mrs. S. J. Stevenson. " venlences. Apply Grand Central ed Fr tz 61. M. Fletcher 61, J ith 62 FRIDAY. financial returns which amounted to| Wore 4 pair of borrowed military}turned home Tuesday, after spending ney niture store. tfn 4 ig ae oo A oie se over iia big Anger oe get Hgg tery vocn nearly three months with Mrs. Schin A. C. Cooper and Mr. Albert far 5 I N. The death of a Wallace _@ownship ———e faite suites aid temetne that hid bein’s brother, Mr. S. Velle, Lake | Gosens motored to Stratford on Mon- FARM HAND WANTED More than five’ subjects—M. VI- Pesident occurred dnesday, was released. Miss Warren then bor~ end, Plane. y and visited friends. They were Experienced farm hand wanted.| pond $8, W. Hawke 86, M. Twamley | APril 15, 1926, in the person of Mrs. Mornin on T Res- oak knot tec a. Mematie accompanied by Mr. Russel. Knipe. Apply to Jno. Binning, R. R. No. 3.173, M. McConoghy 72, W. Zoeger 71.) Wesley Salter, of the 4th. conces wp. (now of London, Ont.) but the mode: bee pie, Baer: = ne ; —— Listowel, "Phone 613-14. " Davidson 68. B. Twamley 68, M. | S102. in her 40th. year. Death was refused to fat them on owing to his| py pi a nf eer, D srinays, Mr. and Mrs. W. H.. Sproule and . Preuter 67, A. Shearer 66, M. Wan-/ Mrs, aro whee maiden name ‘ident Dies at Millbank: previous experience, so the boots car, Pure wpililtge Demmerling, of pen Magen Regen A “paige Mra, TO ENT zer 64, G. Mitchell 60, a. Cleland as ar Be were placed rg him and then! Pp “d ich. h hased s id wi “yet i y oe y Jane McCombe,——wag tho ‘ ordwich, has purchased « Stude~| Sproule’s mother, Mrs, E. Bassett Donegpr, ate roaring, an [StS Siar itp hire Hit |e Ques of wean nooo | SAS aonb PHS AMIESSS Saori em NOT TA rhe : onvenf@nces and hardwood | Peciinen 56 Eh. McFarlane 56; M, B. McCombe of Palmerston, former} AT SON'S HOME ON WEDNES-| great John fraakin. a pup urate Mr. Clarke ~Moore, of aa Apply A. Murton. — 63, M hompson 52, J. Stevenson ly of the 8th.’of Wallace. DAY. years of age she painted a wngath “ol spent Easter with his parents, M P — — ‘ 52. L. ié 5 C. ‘Nichol 51, Her husband and three small child- <—— crimson bell heather and sent it to a et ge om apron om Ti—/and Mrs. M. H.~Moore, and ha FOR SALE Fe ote BIR. Johnson 49, W. Thomp.|Te® survive, a girl ten years of age.| Last week we recorded the death | Ruskin. for eriticlam. Miss W. Mr. J, H. McDonald arrived‘ home| his guest, Mr. Percy Phillips, also or 4 . rs , . s arren Wednesday noon from Winnipeg, ow- a ter also > . |a boy of six years, and a baby son M peg. Toronto. wares fer atte. 9s Oe ee son 46. E, Irwin 46, J. Walter 46.) Q1jy 4 few days old. Besides h eS Se ee ee his|treasures the kindly answer she re | jing to the serious illness of his fa- apartment to rent. Appiy"s: Wi) B. Spence 45. e ts th Iso survives we hea per. | Salty Kante telly te te tae week,/ ceived to this letter. It was dated| ther, Mr. J. H.’ McDonald, who con- “Taaa . FORM IV nts there also survives two brothers) Sarah Wilson, relict of the late Jas. from Brtantwood, Coniston, Lanca-/ tj i itical diti d lit Mr. and _ Lioyd F. Smith and = G. Gemmer 80, E. Scott 77, K. Nic-} 224 four sisters: Albert of the 8th.! Hawthorne, having passed away at|cashire, Easter Monday and was as ans oe eee family, and Mr. G. W- Fisher, of In- «BOARDERS WANTED ol 70, M. George 68, F. Small 67,/0f Wallace. Reuben i the West.| the home of her son, Thomas, of Mill-| follows: . tle hope isgheld for his rétovery. | gersoil, spent ‘Gaster at the howe Ge é 4 Fast 5 ee " tle thea ’ ow OT rs. P. Carnahan of Owen —_ y » : . . : “ Mrs. Sharpe, and Mr. and Mrs. ‘ Boaters Wee ee uy BL us ee eeamer a Pa 61, Mrs. isartes: an Cousins, Mrs. nau thorae Ga tom the Darling Emme: You, really have) Woe at Linweed Horee Show— Zilliax. _—— ee men or High School girls. Apply at a Oras fj dal ogi Me Campbell and Mrs. Frank Bridge, cunnty- of Mayo Ireland, about nin e . ry meet nse — pure — McCracken Bros. Listowel, - were —isthew ‘ this office , Gray of, erry 54. a Palmerston. say heed seas 7 colo ever w, and lam great-} successful in securing three first Mr. Jack’C pe . Edw: A : . ety-two years ago and came to Can. Mr. Jack" Climie and Miss’ Marie _——___—— ree B. eewards of Ft C. Davidson| “The funeral service at her late res | ada when twenty-four pews of piper Bae: ip RVORE you Sow, nd will) prizes and the So for the|Maybee, motored from Tillsonburg, SHINGLES AND LATH ene hORM 4 idence at 1.30 p.m. on Friday will be| residing for a brief time near Brant- take al the pains T can with “draw Se eet eee Wednesday ee (eet tents Ce Se or firet class lumber, shingles; Less than six subjects: C. Hunt]! charge of Rev. Mr Lahman, Men-| ford, afterwards coming to Millbank|stafks properly not all shaken, bu PR PARS OR ren eNee of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. and lath, apply to Cosens or/44, J. Moore 62, P. Morgan 62, fr, | Bonite pastor of Maryborough. Inter-| where she met her late husband,/ better a deal,—but please write at County Gives Gra |W. &Qhsste * ae ee Baker's coal office. 4-30 p-| Grant 60, M Gibson 52, 8. Pugh 52. ment will take place in Fairview} James Hawthorne, and married over} once to Miss Lilias Trotter, 40 Mon- ai Gon Sep _ Duncan 50, L. McKay 45, ‘cemetery, Listowel. fty-two or fifty-three years ago0.| tague Sq., and ask leave to come an pe aay 4 be re oor ed “Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Bean and f§m- =— More than five subjects: M. Mc. | iMr. Hawthorne kept hotel south of|show her your drawings and that I net depeche gag dale council, ily, motoréd to Port Elgin and spenv In Listowel, Thursday morning, ou! Nair 86, B. McKenzie 84. J. Gallop! the creek until the time of his death! want her to teach you to draw stalks vt gemlaged Rete! el $500 for Sunday. They -were accompanied a» Main “Wallace or Division streets,/81. W. Fisher 79. F. ononals 78.| about forty-three years ago. In those}to begin with: Ever,lovingly.. J. R. the X-ray he 4 Sg an Mildiiay Gy Mrs. geoph Ko, black auto robe. Finder kindly re. B. Moore 78. D. Jack 75. L. ie Ly i days Miflbank could boast of at leam his encouragement, has always!asked for $1000 maintenance ‘and| micitions turn to Mr. W. P. Rennie. M. Walter 74, E Johnson 68, J. Nich. | 7 agg toe ee eelgrass been a great incentive, to Miss War-| $500 towards ‘the X-ra Mrs. J. D. Morton and daughiers i aad: 8c 2 : ris. rong’s, n Russell's ee ia i R. ‘Twarley 64. E.. Hammond Bs Re L. Wing left Tuesday | #24 the Rob Roy. She is survived by st tier seacherte juowe b trey ; qua Phylise sand Wanday tee ee eo - FOR SALE L. Halliday 59, , D. ’ ery 56, G. thorn aoe id “sites be rd one son, Thomas, William having|her first lesson in perspective = vp ie Coat of Mrs. A. _ Bridgeman) fur iS Quantity of Seen et = Turaball 55, G. Ric ddell 55, W. Jack} attending the annual conference of —. a ig Nok _ and oné| kin so clearly impressed upon her the| Gq. Savage, Listowel, left Monday for ee hiews. of Mr. and Mrs. Early Ohio Lea gene 4 7 ay pp ampbell 52, D. Davidson 52.) the Evangelical church gh we = Pre br . ‘ ei necessity for accuracy and detail that! fljonis, where he has joined up wit 3 Pag 3 Lae sah oh Rural ai oee 505 7 . ° The qunerat took "inte bu Batuntar le she never Se it, and cannot be) the Redpath Chautauqua Co-,.as pr Mrs. C. Shular and little daugh- 3, Co , Gre a . Pastor and Mrs. Rayner, and Mr ¥|satisfied to finish a picture unless} perty manager, and he will leave the ter, Helen, of Sou t Brussels. 4-23 np. B lin CI Ben Couch were at loomingdale to the Millbank Presbyterian cem-|ghe knows that thesé qualities are} following week for Georgia. or, ' ampton, are aaa owllng u lduring this week, atetnding the] ctery. the funeral being conducted in| included in it. fg hod weeks Ee Frat dow ™ | meetings of the Western Association ee tae Ss The foll me att - Card of Thanks— Mrs. ‘Robert So eee ne All kinds of nursery atocik, includ- Elect Officers of Congregational churches ed an pallbearers; Charies Donley: Mr. Wm. Morse and family and Mr. : bi ing shrubs, over thirty varieties of __ George Wilson, Charles McNichol, 7 . and’ Mrs. Wm. empson and fam- Miss Lillian Orr, of San Pedro. roses, also Dablias, Gialiniin, TH) ceevar, uameig OF BowseNd | une ee Wing gave a very| George Withorne, Thomes Mayburry | iris Need Spanking ily wish to thank their many friends! Cal, formerly of Listowel, is spén erous Berou other garden| ANNUAL MEETING I interesting topic at the E. L. C. E. P : and neighbors for the kindness and/jng the East vB eg ; 2 7 and Archie Everitt. Among relatives Says C A g aster holidays in Listowel plants. H. Goddard, ‘phone 80-2. tf CLUB HELD AT LIBRARY—| meeting in the Evangelical church| 00. 2 distance were Mrs. EB. MeNich- A gor rown Attorney | sympathy shown them in their rec-ja guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs | SCOTCH DOUBLES TO BE HELD meno gl evening. — aera Bender| 31 "atwood: Mr cwthoris, De nt ker vement, also for the| John C. McDona ‘ JUNE 24th presided, and the scripture was reaa|++4it. Mr. ‘and Mrs. C. Donley and! That some girls need a spankin beautiful floral tributes. : by Miss Viola Bender. Rey. Wing Bee : ey D & ers is eee Mr. and Mrs. J. Donley, Kitchener; {by their parents was the statement ‘ Miss. Frances > Mill illyard, of Por oaltar ee a Sos onpers Town} A splendid meeting of the Listo- also continued bis talk on, China. Mrs. R. Middleton, Honiton: Miss as by crown Attorney Minstrels : Visit Listowel— Huron, Mich., and Miss Mabel Rieh of Listowel which prohibits dogs run- | wel Lawn Bowling Club was held on|' ’ Lila Donley, London; Mr. George | Smith, K.C., in Chatham Police Court Mr. W. Harrison and Mr. Fred of Toronto, were guests over t i 1 Thi by-law will :be! Tuesday evening in the Public Lib- The Baptist Young. People's Union) Witson, st. Thomas; Mr. and Mrs. J.| Monday morning during the trial ot Mack, the former manager of the Do-/ week-end at the home of Mr. ant ning at large. wake rary met Monday evening at the homeo Kerr and Miss mma and Me: srs.|Charles Seaton and ° Herbert ~ Salt, pinks Store, of St. Marys, were sre Mrs. E.-H. Dierlam. strictly enforced. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Greenslade. M> asre. own on Wednesday arrangin 2 It was decided to hold the annuel Thomas and George Kerr, Sthel;|two Chatham young men, on charges 4 ene 7 Cal gests Doutibs on Wednebdas, June| Crerasnds save che topic. and Mie. Mr. A. Wilson, Mr. and Mre « lof violating the O.T.A. and givin; the visit of the Verdun minstrels ot| Mr. and Mra. T, Cameron, of Walk . FOR SALE. 24, and vacinuk Clubs in the Tt cteet Greenslade sang a solo. Mr. Triax Mr. C) MeNichol, -Mr. Tame liquor to minors. "Saturday night at town to Listowel on Thursday}, | erton, were guests Good Friday a 7 pe tenes rising Lapel here will be notified. The membership fee Jackson was in the — hair. MeNichol and Mrs. T. McFarlane,| they went.,on a joy-ride in a motor May 7th. td cag as i. Mrs. gcd d due to freshen in May, will ain the sam a'¢ ood; Mts . ‘ a , Water, enroute o Preston, wher and gander, with eggs included. AD-| members and $6 for new, $7 for olf) Listowel churches of all denoinin. | Wcxane aritegitoe. hung a Sener {ed éand'is. Me sectively: The thine: Double Honse on Division St-— they spent Easter. ply Mahl ’ owanstown, The officers elected for the com- tions ‘held services a special) friends were present from Milverton} icated condition in which the gir Mr. John MeTavish, ‘who recently ‘ . ‘phone 626 r 2 ing season are as fo chatacter on Easter Sunday, when) 1 5.tower and Moorefield.—Milverton| arrived at their homes resulted in purchased =Hailiday's REP Mr. and Mra. Thomas. Blackmor Hon: at Ww, om almost thé outstanding feature, a- * ; police inquiry, and the subsequent! rented part of Mrs. Mitchell's. danble returned home Tuesday, after spend FOR SALE “Hon. Vice-Pres.— - part from the splendid sermons and ee isc apprehension of the two young. men. house on Division street, and Inoved, jing the week-end at the home, . Comfortable brick residence on| President—A. Busbfield. - ere hentia wiaue "% laces. ~ cs Fines of $200 and costs were impos- prs abe Re at _ Pang em thelr danehier. Mrs. W. J. Howe ’ Wallace carer Good locality. All Vice-Pres.—D. hapman. feature.of the services ae the floral - ggg at Hospita ed on each for the O.T.A. offense and taraiturg to Stratford on Tues as. ¥ convenien' Garden and _ stable. ocmstary—s Lockhart decorations were beau ei = Thompson underwent an pb each for giving liquor to the Violet eteciarh faner tl P ~ Terms Seamaanhle for quick sale. Ap- reasurer——Wm operation to his le and on Mon-/j girls. ‘ . . ply Miss Bradley, Wallace street.| | Grounds Committee—A. Yule, W.| raster serviees in Christ Charch|4&¥ Morning at the Memorial Hospi-| | Salt’s mother, who paid her son's ee ee ich betray 0nd Mies Blaneke, Dierlas tfnp.| A. Johnstone, J. P. tal. fines created a sensation in court imie and|teacher of Copetown, are spendin Geman Committee. Kokh, 8: 3.) 2008 Vey Wall aireaees Sun ee hen from the auditori he de-| Mary, motored to Kitchener on Sun-|the Easter holidays at the home 0 K E. J ” ferings were large. The music was St pad ts pdcbanaeed ad! Caicmp Paes da "end Were accompanied on re-| thelr parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. ING EGGS oe eee very bright aud joyous and well ren-| S7onecr Beer im Two Weeks? — clared that ee gute shonlé, D8.¥e an lin I Be a7 HATCH S 6.4: ORDO 50 HEE PS EN pik ar a S yn sang in the ae Ontario perarn nent may have|ished as well a urn by Miss Maud Climie, who-re- am. a Barred Rocks; Cocks are 0. /). LEE LEELA AS EEE ETF | morning, ““O Hap "snd in| t2e regulations governing} Her ailegiations that girls nowa- cently underwent “an operation 13 are ; birds end oné is a 226-0n8 strain} + ts a the sole of 4.4 beer completely draft-|days have not to be asked Kitchener-Waterloo. hospital, and| Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Hoss and twi “ qd #8 test: the evening Open. the ates ie the plerely Ora ¥ twice to daugh ; sek g00 ean al? BIG DANCE +\ Temple.” Mre. A. Oke vine [ed within two weeks, according to | take a drink aroused the ire of the who will spend several months at her bts ters, of St. Thomas, arriv veraged fat nd re Ps dain 3 +1 sweetly nag of tea x | an intimation in, the Mail and Em-j mother of one of the girls in court, home ep ‘ Frida A ad and spent of during February. “on = 1 ‘ b y. tho. Cooke's anthem * “Why Seek ye the pire, thpiece of the government, a with jef McLachlin a ki x aha ie with Mrs. reer parents, Leaye orders at office, 4-16} 2 Listowel Armouries #1 Vine” was ‘rendered in. tel aven-| esday. Whether or not, ng the argument was not finished. | Attended ba . A, Meeting— poner ih J Mr. Ross r ca Bes Hokess Dance + ig, the solo ee were taken by Dr.| Proclamation beer Messrs. "i H. Bamford, © Herb Sat . Thomas, an = P THE DATE OP >| ray 4 ties Py aor:| into. force will then be issued im | Attended Linwood Hors Show |Zilllax and F. yonZuben motored to i two Ross and daughters, ere spon + fished po ghee Britton ana;mediately is not known thus far. those who attended ” the Kitchener on Good Friday, and at- vee beers Anderson, Bunnett’s “Ni : at Linwood o tended: the anneal meoting pf tee . : be ba Wodage Ween: Football hes ¢ Wenzel, of Quely : ‘ ee also’: the evening was as follows:, jas iy by Mine day were: Messrs.” Jack “hithhesen: | e ak’ aptly at the home ‘ reed ins axl Adenoids # eae talk Ch Huch Ry accompanied by Mr. J. és ae pad his gah ' i on China by Miss ‘ugh- » Jack McCracken,’ ton and Ms. Carlyle. Hemewort Mrs. Low ed ee eet ca the Wit oit. opti i @ talk on J; by ve McCracken, Wm. anes. apis ny ao As ae wm wi nok cg ie aie Position as Barber— nt i = i = = * iF ‘ ES A Gs once " wv a Af St ee a, os bea Yone17 a. fb 7 " UR &, W- APeedes: i i iad nade iares. ¢ eo gad #