, ubbing offers? n SaYe you time and trouble, uf @ money, in renewing for papers and magazines. SVL FOAY ; s ATWOOD, ‘Thursday, April 16, 1925. UALITY STORE HOSE We have a splendid fice of Hole- proof Hose in the newest shades. FANCY VOILES The warm weather is near,so come in and: pick your Voile, Crepe = Stripe Broadcloth dresses while the as- sortment is g CANTON CREPE In Blue, Black and Brown at $3.00 per, yd. CLOTHING Just received a shipment of Spring and Summer Suits, Smart Snappy Styles. Call and see them. See baa ae Boys’ Caps and Felt Hats. The latest Styles and Colors. GROCERIES CLEAN AND FRESH | Terry and Geo Local T Lawn Bowlers Prepare For Summer’s Sport lg MEETING TUESDAY EVENING—WILL oe TOURNAMENT ON WED: NESDAY, JULY Ist. “We'll fear nae foe,’’-will be the motto of the Atwood lawn bowlers this coming summer; and they are iene to live up to-this motto. A lar and are annual meating was held in Mr. Geo ch- head's agi on Tusstay evening of this w Mr. T. 6. Ratcliffe was appointed chairman and Mr. Geo. Lochhead, secretary of the meeting. The min- utes of last annual meeting and the treasurers and auditors report were adopted, ecrins of officers result- ed es follow Hon, Presidents—Rev. F. W. mour and Rey. B. Snell. Hon. Vice-Presidents—Wm Gilmer and Donald Murray. President—Wm. B. Coulter. Vice-President—Bert Forrest. Secy. and Treasurer—Geo. Loch~ head. Auditors—E. Greensides Grounds Committee—John Roger, i! ‘E. Hodge, “Alex. Membership Committee---E. H. Swing P. rGeensides, Chas. Va: | lance and Grosart Inglis. | Skips—T. G. Ratcliffe, John Rog: | J. P. Greensides, W. Blackwell, H. Swing, Lioyd oe aaa A. R. a Git. H. H. Swing and J. P. D. er, E. nit tee—J. ‘Robinson anil P. Greensides, A. M. T. G. Ratcliffe Membership fee was fixed at $4 ~~ Try Our TEA at 69c per Ib. It Suits Everyone. Honey, 10 Ibs. .....--- $1.00 | Salmom reg. 45c, for 200 anges, per doz, ....++- 29c } Dates, 2 Bi eae Gna soaye a ae nage ag. 20¢, now Good Tea, per Ib. .....--- 690 Pork and Beans, reg Cr Dutch Set Onions ....... 15¢ LOT! « oisis s Wisin k MAS Set 5c] Grape Fruit. 3 for .....-. 25e Sd. Raisins, 2 pks. ......- 25c | Garden Seeds. SUGAR .oooocccececcecceecee ceeseeeeteseeneeeneeees $7.50 cwt Cash EGGS ! EGGS EGGS ! Leave your eggs with us and be sure of the highest price. A. E. ANDERSON ffait-Order. Prices At Home Plus Our eadiale Delivery and Service Compare The Cash Price ENDURANCE CORDS, $7.25 NOBBY CORDS, $9.00 ROYALCORDS, $11.00 VALLANCE BROS. GARAGE ° — Park and Play Ground | Atwood Shoe Store | Nearly Completed | H Last week considerable improve t ments were made to the field = For Spring weather you ver you'll need a pair of our LONG Rubber Boots —Best Quality. Men's Long Rubber Boots, §) $3.97 Gilmour's resf- in fixing this prapaecy for a (suitable park and playgrou e at leiges early in | the week, ploughing and levelling the | field, and the greater part has been | seeded with grass. Four hundred |trees will be secured from the “‘De- | partment of Agriculture, and plant- ed on the property. They ‘will com. prise maple, nut, cedar, spruce and pine. A cinder tennis court will be con. | structed and a diamond laid out for ithe playing of soft ball. When com- pleted this property will present au attractive appearance, and will a a great boon to the young people of the community in having a suitable placé to carry on their sports. teams wer Boys’ Long Rubber Boots, $2.97 We have a good selection of Men's Heavy Shoes, in re- liable makes like Williams. Grebb’s, Sterling's, and the prices are reasonable. R. E. SWITZER, 2 5 — ” EVERYBODY'S COLUMN Ten cents a line for first in- mum charge of 25c. Fe as ge | curing village the country, be contested for those living in the ($3. for those living in |The Silver trophy is to for in the game manner as last a Messrs. Geo. Lochhead and A. | Robinson were appointed to ga Ma particulars as to the oe jof the Atwood Bowling C It inanimously |hold the wae’ public tournament on Wednesday. agreed to one day rink —— HELD/| ATWOOD CHURCHES OBSERVE | Mrs. |gave a § andj morning on July let. : Fine Services Mark Easter Sunday JOYOUS SEASON IN APPROPRI. ATE WAY. : The large and expectant congre- Pres. byterian church morning, gave ready and sympathet- fe response to the simple, but weli arranged service of devotion which marked the observance of the great Christian festival. text, ‘‘Restore- Salvation,” the Rev. developed an attractive theme the Christian’s mercy-seat with the Angel of Spring st@nding at one ena of the altar and thejAngel of Haste: of Resurrection, standing at the oth- e Deliverance from Winter is the Joy of Spring; Deliverance from Sin, and the wages of sin, ie the Joy of the Easter Season. At the morning service Dr. Me Dowell, who was in splendid voice, sang most effectively “Open the Gates of thes Temple” and the choir, under. the leadership of Miss Ether ne hae gave a dignified render- of the anthem “‘Awake thou that vaseee M B. Coghlin, organist for the service, gave full proof of her gen ius by transforming the capacity of a reed organ almost ae that of the pipe organ class evening, Lloyd Vallaneg de igh ted the congregatfon by her interpretationeo: “The Home Land.’ The Easter services a the apse The pastor tirring “the “Resurrection Triumph.” In the evening the choir exceHed themselves in the rendering of the j beautiful cantata “Easter Angels.” 4.|Their interpretation showed skilful j and thorough training. The congre- gations were Next Sunday night the service is “Clean Up” The: Walls WwW ith : New Wall Paper! .. The Changitig Temperatures of the winter months se heating conditions in your home — especially around stove and-furnac usually soil the wall paper, tore or less,» And whatever cleaning you doy can not restore that wall paper to its original newness and color. 4 ‘et ” _z To make a complete job of Spring house-cleaning — get new Wall Paper! We'll put it up for you in a faultless manner at a very low cost. Ask to see our latest pattern books. PHONE 10 ‘withdrawn. Plans are being oa to attend the after-lenten servic Donegal. | | ~ ———— => | Anes ' / Tess Of Local interest Mrs. Chas. Bonnett, of Mr. and irs. E. Harron, of Sanu, ene Sunday at the home of| Stratford, spent the week-end at the PERSONALS | Painted— Bell is having painted Having House Mr. William house on Main street .| his Buys Touring Car— | Mr Dennis | Ford touring has purchased a} car from Golightly, Bros. Monkton. Uniloads Car of S. | Mr J. P Greensides, the grocer, | unloaded a ear load of salt on Wed- | nesday. | Leaves For Detre | Mr, Lawson Deekiow left Tuesday j for Detroit, where he purposes se- employment | Hay ing House Ere Mr. John Reid, | having a new house erected farm east of Atwood ed— pe Milverton, on hie | | Recovering From ligt onia— | Vernon, son of and Mrs. Wm. Speiran. 10 th sn ‘Ores. is recover- ing from an attack of pneumonia ~| Buys Hundred-Acre Farm— Mr James B. Shearer, 4th. con. vhas purchased the hundred acre farm Mr. James Mitchell, on the Mit | | Onell gravel. | Buys Farm— Mr. Wm. Turnbull has purhcased the hundred acre farm on the fourth | concession. opposite his farm, from | Zurbrigg & Bender, of Listowel. Municipal Council Meets Saturday— The Municipal Council of Elma will meet at the usual place on Sat- aig 4 April 18th. at 10 o'clock a. . nders will be let fer the con- aection of the McCourt Drain. Buys Farm Near List Mr. Maitland Fisher, "sh. con., has purchased the fifty-acre farm, stock and implements Mr H. town line east, Listowel, possession in August. 1 in Millba Mr. Thomas Mayburry, 2nd. con., was in Millbank on Saturday, at- tendihg the funeral mg a palates. the late Mrs. Hawthorn ‘and gers! Attended Funera Kept The farmers have been kept excep- MISSION BAND PLAY Friday evening. ~~ Methodist Sunday, April. 19,-1925 & tne "Mission Band of the Methodis Rev. B. Snell, pastor. pea He will sive a Ses at the church, ‘ tled “Tired of Missions,” at Morning: eight o'clock. Silver collection oy . . * ue ”) hy is Sin Contin ‘ DRESSMAKER WANTED Evening: Rooms will be furnished free of charge over my 3tore ° will start..a, dressmaking pafior. Kindly communica e. with A. EB. An- derson, Atwoo Service withdrawn. After-lenten ser- ven es at passes 2.30 and ce cod Dp. Each Hear Rev. eg. week night at 8 p. H. H. Gilbort of What Car-- ‘ Missed Footing When. Entering : ¥} On Tuesday MOT eee, Mr. , Smith, 8th. con., escape: serious; injury when he attedopted to tionally busy during the recent fine seeding weather, and quite a number April 17th., ey finished up —_ of the. cereal Pancake Social Successful— The M.-S. of the Presbyterian church held @ successful pancake soc- jal Saturday afterrioon in the For- resters’ hall. The ‘proceeds, approxi mately $30, will go towards the p)., ano fund eanee Date for Fall Fair— At meeting on Thursday. even- ing of "ie Board of Directors of the Elma Agricultura} Society, it .was de- cided to change the date of the fall fair to Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept. 22nd. and 23rd. . * * Nl With La Grippe— i H ard a moying auto. It was his in- Mrs: Whitfield; 12th. con.,- Mrs, ' DORs ee ! |tention\to accompany Mr. James W.| John Hanna and Miss Jean. Hamii- + ; ; ic . of the 8th. con., ton, 8th. con. oe Mrs. Jane Riach, ‘ attend a horse show in St. Clements,/of Atwoo confined. to a the car arrived at his pla OLMAN—Oo 14 on. Elma ms 4 jumped on to save Tuesday. April’ 7th. 49865, $0" at, Snr Oe aca and Mrs. Rus. Holman, a daughte CLELAND—On 4th. ag sontey. April 6th. met TTS an. homas ‘Cleland, . ‘Wonala: Richmond.) = isse footing, fell to the ground, and bruis- ed his, hand and knee, However. ce} their Sores jon the past week -with | occ’ ja grippe . {tion Hospital, Detroit, gfter an at- |tack of scarlet fever. Their two }children have also been ag via ta |} the hospital with the same disease, | but latest reports received by rela- tives here, state that the family are ; all mae as well as can be expected | , Atwood U. PF, W. O.— The Atwood U. "7 W. O. met in ithe Forrester’s Hall on Wednesday ; afternoon, April 15th. The question inire on the ge Government was jtaken up. Mrs. H. Danbrook gave. | very in taewet tne and instructive talk jon eiensninen nursing. Mrs, Wil! Pet~ ‘onvenor for Public Health, read jan exosilent paper which was thoy- }oughly discussed. Mra, Petrie also A the prize in the salad contest. | Celebrated goth. Birthday— Congratulations were extended by | eke family and many friends to Mr». | J urnbu o celebrated her |eightieth birthday on Thursday, Ap- rfl 9th. Mrs. Turnbull stil enjoyggfair- [iy good health. Bouquets of flowers {were received from a number of | triends and congratulations and best | wishes received from friends and rel atives at Vancouver, of Rockville, -| Minn; California, Beamsville, Tor i onto, Hamilton, London, Stratford Shelbourne Arrive Home from Trip to Coast— Mr. and Mrs. George Lochhead ar- ‘rived home Friday evening of laet | week, after having spent about two ‘months in a most enjoyable trip, go- | ing nea way of the States and return- fing by way of the Canadian West, ‘and stopping over at the following | places: Chicago, Omaha, Ontario and Portland, Oregon; South Bend, Ind.; eattle, Wash.; Victoria, Vancouver, Field, -Bantg, Medicine Hat, Maple Creek, Brandon and Win- nipeg. They met many of "Elma s old | Doys and girls and viewed many of ay, | the sights of the cities and the great a gn the ve Seeding opera- s had begun in some parts of,the parang Although “— cities and parts i the country ked. -prosperous, many ny eine “tit and —- aging and Mr. and think that Elma is good enough ‘tor them. Rev, J. McKee McLehnan, of Beav- erton, is at present on a visit to his McLennan, an of Milver. ton, and will also visit before return ing his sisters, on, and Mrs. 8S. R.. McCon key of Stratford. Mr. McLennan is an old Elma boy and was ordained into the Anglican ministry after’at- tending Trinity College in 18 H preached for twelve years and health failing him returned to farming. For the past eighteen years he has been residing near Beaverton where he operates three hundred. ana specializes in Shorthorn cattle and Oxford Down sheep an as supplying farmers throughout th province with their foundation Sook. Mr ¢Lennan does not Bo data wintering stock on “ma ance ra tions” as he always likes 6: ioe them k and well conditioned and rs a run. His old friends’ in. this locality are gled 20 free’ that his outdoor agreed with him aaa that is eniitee Yigorous health. —Milverton Sun. oa eee ree | ¢ one New York brewery. oat comes evidently ways of of eling out Of aiftiealty. Former Elma Boy Visits Relatives—, + ej) ed to Patra for ee be- lieves that it pays as well in the long} rath | at i ouise Brown. home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Norval Hall, sr., returned} Mrs. Hammond W. A. MeDowell was in Lon- - F riday, after spending the win- | Mrs. Bert Roger returned Tuesday ter months in Chesley » her home in Toronto, after spend- Dr. don last week Mr. C. Ersman spent Good Friday; with friends in Winkham of Otterville, is| me Easter at the home of her par- ith bg parents,/ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. | N Chas. Riach, | spe nding a few days wi Mr. and Mrs. Albert Coghlin spent | Mr. and Mrs. John Riac Mrs. Thos. Maxwell returned Mon- Sunday with friends in Mi Ivert Ruby Eby, of Hanov a is $s spending | day to her home in Toronto, after . % iis week “4 ths home of her father | spending the week-end iat the home , Miss Margaret Johnston hind 7 | A jonto, is spending the seater Sriaess AM Herb Et { her sister, N Greensides. lat her home on the 4th. com. Mr. and Mrs Walter Blackwell are| Mr. and Mrs. Henry ph ils ana } ert Forrest spent the week4 / visiting their son, Mr. Lorne Black- | Mr. Roy Raszman, of West Monkton, end: visiting friends in Woodstock. well, Niagara Falls, N. visited Sunday at thé home of Mr. Harold Hammond was a busi- Mr. Ed. Packard. of “Kite — and Mrs. George Ruttan, 8th. con. ness isitor in Wingham last week.! Spent the week-end with his -; Rev. and Mrs. Husser and family, Mr. 3 ents on the 14th. con. “To Sparta, are returning Friday, -. } and Mrs. Robinson | ts | Miss Ruth Robinson, of Teeswa-} spent the week-end with friends i: Teeswater ter spending the aig week at t Easter holidays/ home of Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Co gblin. Miss Aldona Dickson, leather, of . left! Toronto, is spending the Easter hol- ter. is spending the wita her parents in Atwood. Mr. K. Hewitt, 2nd. A. con sday for Hi amilton, where he will! idays with her _parents, Mr. and Mrs iJames W. Dickson, 8th. con. ceTavish, of Tees Mr. and ‘ire. A. R. Terry and sts this week at the} family, spent Sunday with Miss Hug- nd Mrs. Wm. Hume. jgins, glonkton. Mrs. Terry remained, W. T. Thompson andj and is spending this week with her Rev. Hendrie, of Owen = C- | Mieg ‘Jeu “Thompson, spent Sunday! sister cupjed the pulpit at. St. Alban's| © h friends in Goderich. | Thelma McLaughlin, , a Listowel, church on Sunday last, and will al:| _ate,-Charles—Halet,—of— Stratford, -is spending this wee eek a e homeo so have charge of the services 0) cpont tbe week-end at the home ot! Mr. and Mrs. E. H. wii oe. “and with Sunday next. = |his father, Mr. Wm. Haist. | Ruby Eby, at the home of her father, . . p . | irs. Gray, of Woodstock, is visit-! Mr. Herb Eby. Exgmondville Presbyterian Church ing a the home of her daughter, Mre. | Mr. and Mra: John Prast, of Hat- ong the vote on church union | Andrew Preston, —e- eet Spent the Easter holidays at on Monday last. Rev. W. D. MecDon- A. Porter is spending a/the home of their Geagbier, Mrs. W. ald, a former Atwood pastor, is min. | re- days with his Tiyheare Mr. Lloyd 1 Peppler, 2nd moon of Egmondville church. The re |». -:er, 10th. con. Grey. The Misses Sosy Francis and Ger- 328: ton s ge ows 18: tor U vote! 'rs. \Twamley, of near Listowel, {fs} aldine Hewitt, of Bright, visited over 118: oo ve 161 g hhh 4 Tnion |v tings in Atwood with her sister,; the week-end at the home of the Jat- ae Fa nst ajority for Un. {®t a. Wm. srotuhepeen ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs, A..K: . Ur. and Mrs. ‘Mec Dowell and} Hewitt, 2nd. line. 6 . - t..o boys, spent Banter with friends Mrs. Arthur Blair and sons, Kew. wm After Lenten services are being) jp 3tratfor 2 ; eth and Beverley, and q — in the Doneeat Methodist church Mrs. M. Pye, of Thamesville, is Blair, spent Sunday at the home of and commenced on Tuesday, April| yiciting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. = Mrs. Chas. Ducklow, 14th. 14th. The special speaker is Rev. H. H. Gilbart, of Winnipeg, and hi — are instructive amd inspir- The evening services dre held at! mr o'clock, oa on Sunday at 2.30 D. E. Hodge. Miss Stella Turvey, of London, was a guest on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Rutherford. Miss Evelyn Bailey of Toronto, is a. and Mrs. J. Leitch and two children, Ivan and Bessie, motored from Dorchester, and spent Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and p.m. and 7.30 & Rae 6h tise | home of Mr ene Mrs.| Mrs. A. Leitch. orne Va for 7 Mr. and. Mrs. W. Swa ae - “7 ‘obi and Mrs. Miss Orvilla Stockford, of Guelph, son, Fred, of Guelph, and Mr. et (Rev.) Sne ad charge of the!is spending the holidays with friends| Mrs. Thomas Burnett, of Listowel, Young People’s League meeting of the Methodist church on Monday ev- ening. The meeting was opened with recreation and community einging, Rev. Snell was in charge of the Bible quizz. Rev. usser, of parta, gave a few remar Atwood. Mr. James Hance’ has returned st Ro after a visit with friends in am Mr. William Hone, of Detroit, spent Easter with Mr. William Saemgees. and at his home in Listo- wel. * Mr. and Mrs. Russel Fixter, of Walkerville, were guests Saturday atthe home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Brandle. r. and Mrs. Alex. Morrison and in spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Don- ald Murray Miss Clara Parker, returned home Thursday from + and will spend the summer months at the home of her tage Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Parker, 8th. Miss Annie eens, of Toronto. spent the week-end at the home of her parents«= Mr. and Cc. ynn, anc. Miss Alma Wynn is vis- pap this*week with her parents, | Mrs. Switzer, Sr., spent Sunday with and. Mrs. Harold Hammond Mrs. Morrison's mother, Mrs. Rolph,| #24 ‘son, Vernon, and Mr. and Mitchell. H. McCatchey, of Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Cardiff, of, =asterT at the home of Mr. George Brussels, are epending this week at Hiles, » eA Ve also called on the ‘home of Mr, wi Mrs. Norval] friends In Atwoo all. Mr.. William Mahi of. St. Thomas, spent Easter at the hame of his parents, Mr, nd Mrs. James ecg tgp Britton, and at the home of my sister, Mrs. Johnston Peebles. George Beattie, of the Canad- Ba nk of Commerce taff, Ce ae ei a a es a se a a MOLESWORTH + 9 ae ae ate a Dae Mr. Fred gen ig of Linwood, Mr. and Mrs. ° oe and Mrs. ‘William Love,, of At- wend, spent aay with Mr. and Mrs..W: Lam Mr. an@ See, Alien aga motor Miss Edith Lucas, of Stratford, {spending the holidays at the hom of her ree an and Mrs. ame ate and Mr, Alea, | Lucas, 10th. McAllister, ‘ uelph, motored’ Miss Lot on Good Friday and were the guests | | Witeatley, is spending the Easter of Mrs. James Elliott. week at the home of her parents, Mr. Mr. and R. Onions, of Tor, }and Mrs. 7. R. Hammond onto, were the guests of Mr *Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Purvis, Mrs. W. Lamont, on Easter concession, Grey, spent suntey with The High Behou! pupils are putting the latter's parents, Mr: and’ Mrs. Ss. ste - Mise ce Hammond ‘of Stratford, is sntiag friends this week. Mr. © te “Balawond, teacher .& Mr. ex. Donnely spent gh holiday at his home” in Goder ich, Mrs. Thomas Miller, of B is spending this week raged n the program for the Young Peo-| Chas. igitin les on Tuesda aren in the form the home of mee of debate “Resolved that riches| Miss Roxie Smith. 14th. con., has| Wilson, and Foe mare Nove Hall, thek thin poverty. tends to develo, | Cured home, after spending -al Atwood, and with another sister, Mrs. few days ped he sister, Mrs. Fr pets Lond ed aarti Ellacott, 10th. character. M iss Blanche Snell, iss Jean Bmith end Mr.. Smith, “ot Victoria of Toronto, spent ek-end with r. and Mrs, R. Hi, Gray and son,} Covete, their parents, Rev,.and Mrs. Smith, Edgar, motored to Aymion Sunday, | the eke, Torgeto, the heme tok he The congregation were favored on| 224 visited with Mrs. Edgar, a sister aia cid a. ok parents, Rev. an d was accompani Richardson, of “ ~~ ‘Mine Helen szman and Misa Eunice Ty yh, at Faginn. parsonage. Sunday by br a solo-by Miss Jean Smith,|°f Mr. Gray, who is \griously. ill, Me William mies of. Gorrie cal. sour ‘tod on one of his last week,