Che Stratford Examiner, AND PRNIR Covirry SMBWS, 18 PUBLIsnED BYERY THURSDAY MORNING ar ue OFFICE - ONTARIO STREET STRATFORD ay 8. L. ROBARTS, And despatched to the gvsntry by. the Earliest Mais Advertisements to 10 secure attention, must be in by Two o’ovoce at Jutest, dnesday Che Stratfor $2 PER ANNUM, S- L. ROBARTS PUBLISHER AND PROPRIETOR. — IN ADVANCE. NO. 560 gaci ¢ss8 Directory. P.R. Shaver, M.D, L..P. & SLC, RADUATE of the University of Mc+ i “ie oliege, Montreal, Licentiae a Puysi tee Orn Gorwuer Perth —stratl NJ for the Couny at 542ur es D, Waugh, AY be it uisresiden tal street.décattord.saCarmerty’ "earth Edward A. Paget, _ieearny Surgeomand. Accoucher F for Co. Perth Kspecial at- ‘entiou Pai tn diseases of women td ebils dre! ton Of urgicul opera tious Pathe met sea e _ Su atford, Pts tr, F. Owens, hynician, Surgeon and Accoucheur, for meriy. et Dun ndas and bor! ot Guelph Biret Flat, Room No Steatiord, April 28: t 1863 5521 Piss te Seren Accoucheur. &e, @uturio atree ford. — Uulls nigh day pane sian d to. Otfico— Pi tia Ouro e wth wide, neve th aill Resides etn Se bluck, opposice eminer 566 & moma PA \PATHY. MIOMPSUN 3 < ft Hon ‘@opatbic Phys da ol ie i New You kM 509 ty seated Ja'y 1a 1962, Ubarlis Kaba URGHON De vai. Ne wiles 5, Ontices Lt GLAS’ SB ith ke “q Wulstlorss Jun 12 b i963 d HOBO, Se eth, 1 ey vi ppt € tice. Mier ary ‘ost Augasr ) 186 nd MacFar: rian 134 errr Attornie: a Liars, Home ee aaa _Stessford. Dee, Ist 185 270-1 Egerton F. Byers ARRISTER, Attorney-at-Law, Con- Wy seransee ee Sat Cornish and Macdonald. Ce Lica, Lay opian eb oe ayia Not Office. iat bic, 's store, A J.B, Macnonauy. See Seratiora roa Fr’ Evans Cornish, J. P. WuoDds, TTORNEY-~A' Mis onl voce in Chancer: my yan ke, Stratiord, U. Oiler on Beit} Boor aext door to Cine Bia ore. 71 George W. fowienan be OLICITOR and Attorney-at- tan Com veyancer, Notargin public, des el Sie eilich eevih Robert Smith, LL B. ne pk Solicitor soa ior, nacer, de Strationy, J Wy John “bone WTOUNEYs Law, jor in Chan Acer ts. tiBioeerdasiie Bloch tee Mord teil util ob Myint PROVINCIA Surveyor, Civi agineet aud eialiedyancee? “Soni iets sin Qavents Beach, Millbank town slip ot Mo tou, county ot L 298 rr D Merryfisla, UENSED Alistionect orth eadinye Hu tou hove! POs ded i yeuntry jamoderate terme. 483 w-dD, Harrison LONKKR Appraiser, Gener iuuiwsion Agent Ofice g rth Vala reton hotel 3356 5 [itsreaueyt Auct dade With Mr Gmomes Gomer Uity tei, will be attended to a7 John J. & Linton, MUNVEVANUEI an or Qe bi ldtdey! Misutie pide La Neweher of Vis ios of UIE Cider, pian ‘or particuiurs i w Mr Wat itd Palwermouttotel, 539 GB. Juokion, AA ALE wold Cie Dowlor, at J Hevesi adic h* Janes 3 Hamilton, UUSh aad sign ssustery ilusier ait der, Paper danger Work at reasonable rates. *apatjooing Moore Hotel, on Huron street. 337L —_— A. Engels, \ ATOMAKHRJewellet,&6. Clocks, hours. Wissireto Spuctacles, &e., always ou hand. ‘Stor next 10 JAScott's Krig street | Gattis and Saloons, Business Dicectory, Poetry, WooDs”’ ALBION ‘HOTELS lommission Merchants, Forwarding and| yy ea, wasnisaron o 0 ; x ouNnson 42" AnOmoibustoandtromthe cars General | Agenty, 26,8t Nicholas.atreet fa! Montreal, Agents for sale of wheat, flour, The musio in the rnoning brook es butte:, pork and scneral produce— srennd the mountain THE KINGS HOTEL, also ae oe purchase of groceries. ficial uae e's music in the water-fall,..” farket square Stratford. First clase ac hardware ‘and general Adva May eesubolee eae eee fon travellors: at reason | made or cuslgnmeste. 5 sol ratey. The stabling is the best in. th tow -. $38 _ & WILLIaMs, Union Hotel, Stratford . ENERA\ Agent Accountan ‘ae in gaiden Rove OUN FORBES begs to make known to G “Merk of the Fir Court fo oJ hisnumervns trends t has again | the County of Perth, Ouse ati iio the rising tore ORs tale taken possession of the above ve ape agent ior British aod American Life and ‘And wusic in the ‘mem'ry-tones hotel, a igh to obtain! a re! ol ire Ins: panies, have ‘That sing past peagures over. their © “Aaa paid the necessary deposit of $50, the ee anadian Government. Merchants’ Books| There's sausic in the i sic ing winds JOHNSON'S HOTEL, ma ae up snd adjusted ; Notesand accounts And jin the poplar’s ‘ae at collected on the ost reasonable terms, and There's mbt in the sw np 3 wild note Onranto SteeeT, SrratrorD. without delay. Ovrice—Opposite Johnson s Adown the rapid rive HE «hove hotelis now open. ‘Its ap-| Hotel _poiutinents are such as to afford every] 2 ‘There musi inthe ising gle ' ‘avellit Hf WHotepatrodagitafivplettull ROBERT JO DHNSON ee Beste — etna AND NEWLY FUR- A Voog livery iu con- vt Meais at all pours. nection, SEAFORTH HOTEL, SEAFORTH, 0. W, tentiye host! r4 in waiting 550f community, solicited. Ate J, FISHLEIGH, > Repprigpars Sennett’s Ho! wd salerater ae, aay alma. MIE above hotel afford gneeto the travelling community, at roderate char, OSEPH BEN qc Westmonckton, seat +1859 Ticks’ Pommercin ‘ote, t dogg he, Lote hi puddin is every conveni NETT. KING 3 G17 EkY pariera Osh untry can unremitting atcaton wil Bo all ‘dito 8 beta e Horel is ‘of tue shortest wore a rhe tet tat will <qaipped Hou: in the Kina: ices, i ie a i iy ji wie he THE FARMER eR” HOTEL H JO oor his jis \ that William Nivin & Co, JAMES TROW, in the Queen's Bench, &e., SHARSPEHEAEH, friends tor the liberal bestowod on bim, and wanner as formerly, success heretotore, oft all Provesty entiusted ee i 0 the best advai Deeds, Bor ade other Lezal Documents drawn wi aud Mlexpareh, on mob rms, tae in ant reasonal “Note: purchased and Loans ne Alle: ications addres ™ 61, tiated, L, Pel Oy attention. Snakopere, lat May, 1800. A WEBBER, BUSINESS AGE NI, AND NEGOTI TOR FOR PARTNERSHIP Baok at British No ty parties 4 pee onto, C. Weihugton St, Toro por), acai ‘Tradesmen, Hotel oi \ HROGAN © nthe arene. iri urkul ep ss aph 6b i towns, desirous of oA Roa of their uisivess to ether with t' e good will, stoc , and Purchasers found Biles eficcchd, “ 5 a Ku pie friend, nd Hick arel sei it he i i tratto sel the fur pail 'o.alk who allen wioaty liquor, &e— Gurdatanlicg ecti hey Bite George Hay, Le ida ‘)s Te ote, notic: ) Street, stratford, furu‘shed on the shortest ‘zoll AN) UNDERTAKER, learse of means, also for those having No ca their disposal but ean cor hess connectio April 16th, 1862. FRED. TAYLOR, Parliamentay, Laud & General Agent 2a ia for Crown Lands fie Claims before ae Eee of Crow: Lands proaceated, P; ts of Tovention a Genera! itusiness with the ic Offives ne = tended to, Titles egtuineds and Legal A i ky ang Free of charge. Reegrexces —Hon. Geo § Boulton, Co bearg, TB Merrit, ane St Uatherine How L Renaud, Montreal, Hun D MeDon. sid, Toronto, Hon G Alexander, d brody i» J Hamilton, Ha keabir ry, Hor iris, Brantford, Hon R Matheson, Pont in G J Gooahue, reece Hon A itzkownkis St Obatles Cider-Vinegar Factory, Sebringville, EAR Stratford. obtained has id is sold at « very low ra KIRK & TULLY, RCOHITECTS, ‘The above vinegar a firsts oihg reputation. Drders may ve Fe left with Mr Wit Mitehel Stratford. auf BLL, ME ee Civil Bogitleers, and Provincial Surverote ieewtfordy WW. 2ar Plius td epee na, and dotsila of bul with ecmginnes: eau eon "realy superiutended on jon ss¢ JOHN TULLY R.S. SERVICE, mf | JENS 4 Merch KD Auctioned and Ace vLurker Square, Sules acantteg in way vot't i. i 1 Ma collected 1 Perth, the most reason! texttod,! 9th wiureh! 186 Commission 4, Ancticn He county THOMAS. MILLER, cr oteags: Ha ts} Rottaty of Acensed #erth, VEbRLOO > kin is we to take Accou General a = Stewart's « MACDONALD, Builder, (ar pente mt ape s ORL, +3 10 igtunalegiat he, ati en ontriy te of Builuings, Stor ks Tape venitons aud ve tate poi wit reasonable \e ve at tia Ape 0 et June 20th, 186i. “County of Perth, pee Warden will dein attendance att. clerk's of Work-sbuy 200 yards: vast of ‘the cc ou the first Wedneg day th. Nhe Clerk suffice willbe openeyery Tues- day and Wedaesday | ‘su ito 3; ollice y vfeach month due the same 8. CAMPBELL, County Cler, Treasure Wedaesda: on the firs Stratford, Jan.28th 1857, andthe t- and third he 226-4f ef Buade and Fath, gre Quetee Established in 1859. QUEBEC ACENCY, For the transaction of Uasinesawigh, the ‘ament Deparcuie H. J. CIBBS, PARLIAMENTARY AGENT |f AG opened an office in Quebec, for ie Faaaction of ‘business of patties siding 19 Upper Canada, or else ay, a the Governmet cop ‘Depart co musiatonsnddese ec, will receiv Ne with L pre paid c ny 36 Sac jam atte Queb Pee Peraoas desiroiis of securing rer fees; or having Claims of an; ai atendaisbt, Cea 0 Lay he may bave their business diligent y aie bya Resident Agent, without the expense and inconvenience of a jourvey © Quebec, Patents of Invention taken out. Quebec, Oct 11,1862. 526-y HOME INSURANCE CuMPANY OF m NEW YORK. CAPITALTOOK (all paid in). .$1,000,900 SURPLUS, over, ++» 400,000 ‘Dies Sampacis| continues fe roeure inst amuge. b; and | ¢ dangerso a land x “uvigation or Sire pe ution, Ou terms vuture of the eal security of «ub Tatared “aig io! ile anna will war- | eto: Agent.t 4395 “Btvattord, Feb. Sin rage Fire and Life Insurance Associ | ations of ENGLAND. CAPITaL, boc t e Sterl ng Capital in hand. Fir £78,202 12 oe ol . 65,128 010 do! 20561 2 340/68 e + 26,340 19 1 ‘te Lile Assurance Fund... o6; 731.10 Every deseription of F Life Insurs ance business transacted at ber rates charged by other Ku, het compan WILLIAMS, 8; Agen, | tratford, Feu, 21,1861, ak Auctionver, Conveyancer, Commissioner I EGS to return thanks to his numerous Waterloo “# Oxon in the same prompe and liberal | with the following félventare ta his ‘ble | From Houston he set out on horsebac gu reve, Au make his way to a paeeg on nthe Bra- id | whic! acctracy ble akeper will pays fnatédiney 401 Above the roaring acean. There's music in the loving words mother's > at mever ea: be UNWRIITEN MUSIC. | else we gave vie saree fool Eee a= staan ate au IT mean is the don’t pas you stupid !’— —doa kilitng ™ 5 bury nga He Boneh Theard a yoice. ew vould have o— the “id where it is nx men nif came wer toward our frien ie oft carry ho oflet dageis g the body of the mur wh hey stopped at a'sofi; moist; eda cn pihin ten fect/of the tree in, which | e w8 concealed, and within such plain jewdhat more than once . he cou ee distinctly as the brig. t rays Little didthey sid that a human eye was it ¢ de lantera rested upon them, loofag down upon them, and well fo pur friend that they had no suspicio A Wayside Murder. be| xos, and a large portion of his jow ney lay numerou: fome of which soil he fo of fh ich e had t was thus lett a-foot and alone in rf | t! wildern, afar from human Iitatig To persue the animal with t] overtaking him was out of ry pi and as the day was far declined, he feai BS it would be impossible for him to fi | shelter for ie pigs and the i passing it in the. forest—wet, ee rae Oh no bed but earth, and liable to be ee o ay moment by wild beasts—was by no ne apleasant oné. There was nothing to cone, BOE but mm the ma fe ie b = Ee put the best face ‘mined to w: tation, even if he is feet till morning. So long as lly Ae ict he suceeded passably well in,his 6 1et resolve ; ut when darkness set ja found it no easy nen to peep. thy narrow horse-p: even for an hour, and by the end of Tha time he found he “yd Tost it eta course to regain/ft. As there was dan— so lose, himse’f/as not to be able to find the path on to pass the night whe e he was, which was er ustay agnost disagreeable -alternative ; and as he,had no means of lighting a fire and drying hisclothes, he at once sought for a tee into whose brances he could paiah and rest securely fiom the wild asts that we e known fab prow! ne A that lonely region. lid not take him. long to find a tree my answer his nae and dispose himself in its upper a portion, and then he looked gloomily {or- 3 S watching that must intervere between the present and the light. of another diy— hours ia Mich every moment would be noted on of the total absence of sleep, in HHA his chilled body and p: carious position pial, him to aan painful and disagreeable situation something like an hour had pass- ed away, when to his surprise and joy he eard the dista _ tramp of horses, which graduall y.drew.nearer_and more near, till » then,’ said he to himself, ‘ by hailing them shall not on! have lost, but mes, ied set @. He next dwelling or sett still, ‘drawing nearer eycry pated bit prong «that he had gone but a few rom the, horse path, “he resolved to only be able to find the road 1 sounds they were about. to. pass him — Bet while thus waiting iv a most anxious report o: a pistol followei by a heavy groan anu the sound e at somebody f ea: the ‘antern—be' live slight rustling of the ne se . light. and the firat.sp ly, ‘Ah! here it is, a ay “fall at that. We have made a good ‘nau! this time,’ ; ‘And his) wateh, too’ Aine pe other | for there Misco) to be but ty Then our friend could s ada fig ldledessions ally catch the shen? movements of the two murderers, ag they seeured their, horses and hyena in, tones too low for him to | distinguish what they said. As may supposed, he was already terribly ex ae Bee knew not what to do~. whether to remain where he was or attempt to steal burial.’ ‘Ay, ay,’ said. the other, ‘ us put him under ground so deep that h ody can’t be scented by man or eat, | Twenty. years ago a friend of ours ae Bras shook the limbs against w’ Tex @ i) go with the horse. The man, was espar: walk till he same t fone habis! or up in and knew not whith way, to. shape his | ga ais ger, should i cfatinue.on, kth he might the following day, he resolved | j ward to, the long, tedious hours of so itary | Te-| inn and. went, to bed, saying mot! nest 84) i ilo lho Lnow eitbeshoeridoraar “| but judge of his sutprise, consterna| | steps] that inthe me’ ving vot all this? voice, too t It was the same he had ind | against thi fi ‘Tb al thom when he should judge from the| jy. seve woul ae ihe nal ‘Now that, we've an “ gotail wommanp cunpese waierooeed “i William Goodwi al be anj that for the time they were too ager ese to hear es. as his’ chilled body and. ners — | W reset ted, and to which he clung for sup-| hey now said little and worked | = |B each using the spade by turns. Io} mi cavation ‘sufficient for the e an was thro: ity he Spent shovelled back upon it stamped | here {said one h of glass followed, a stream eas, could | of air enteed, an nd the light w as extingw aa ve 8 puipeut,'was the ey, and . be off. | the tiene was commenced Do you take the horse ov agley's, seer an voice of fh master re- him he may | called the intended ranaways Lt have half- what he gets for hinydown at procured. the eae searc! at i xan ‘And the saddle and ea “Oh, they he Bay. enquired the other: ger in Texas, and it is uot likely they vil ever be :renghized Get back as soon a: ou cal ake) the money along, ve e it a counted and diveded apt i‘ Ae d | th me you. ‘ou won't’ take hen more than half ‘Bill? ‘What! ido yo take me for a——theif, Joo?’ Ohy I was only joking, Bill?‘ Bosanse. your na is Joe Kin f Beynon sunke hese ar wind | 1 on'y | you avoid meeting my body, turn off into | 8 | the bushes fir: WO, mea now hastended, back, to - aha d; in tes minutes the were sah hea ing This ; ied 0 as a most welcome sight had not been rendered. suspici us by the awful, crime he had just witnessed, As it was he resolved to pass the ial in the open air, and cyen shun) strai mm on en morrow until he cou fl reach suiliciently large to disclose his ter: peat rs this onslay re he an) animal uictly feeding a few rods to his left, and thpkiog ibly it might be his own run-i} eas, te appro dhed cautionslyy his Fei horse. and finding his ps our den that th rand ‘ather are atour own ete with the ee Hthits. frenit_reg sees bullion | house was Sally a-ha hauatod on i Tipe in our hands. «In the quict of onr i ~ ts wooliste a’ chee: courage to-push boldiy forward tothemext | chosen seats wo listen’ to the! choer: Hagen, where he put only wt what he The next mor enquived for a majist-ate und'was diveet ed to the office of Squive Goodwin, ei his, landlord assured him, was as. honest 1 man as ever lived, Ow nd.|went to} ire, with ‘he inten ion, of ecognizing in the | dererghe had sec zing the graye of his ees ae baty turned pale; st threw Bs his. bands, S| sir, Said the magi 2 with a dark win, ‘That vied, ‘suddenly sion, 1 acted pardon,’ said ia his.sell’ pos silence, he was suddenly startled by the| fur ihe moment L had geen. you belo, Pre no more of it! aan you tel 2 one: Henry. whi id to have settled were. = know zo Do su lan mal suspiciously cerning aman he had never ee of iims| 7, | sll appeared to satisfy. our, friend that ©: aie him ie iy and took his lea his way back to the ion she suis other murderer, walking quietly along with a mnost innocent air, W ho is man? he nquited of the innkeeper, ate ing out the individual in aquestaa. Tha Deputy 5 Sherift: |Our tend was within ten —niiles of his destination where he thought of purchasing some lands and sett ing for life. . But he weat nofu:ther is that direction... When bh mounted his horse again it: was toride back in the direction ot nat ep which di read a brief’ account of the breaking up of: band of Sout eer robbe s and murs of «the: saders, een hung by order of Judge Lynch. Aud ever since then, said our friend, I have been happier i in the belief that crime soon = & long in double apet time: of claimed Joe, in a low, cautious If any ee iy > ed ha, pen to come ssi way and pe oy 8 Wi ‘a giave | pies xi Hy i at lead on quick, ana “Dong ah eded.’ a spade and lantern, and | the rustling of the | sfew mineies they had: made jin the soft | over a ats flat, swampy country, tli es ath a s streams and. crecks, ise rde ane some ‘Dhts wonld here, | ror in dealt paneled, one of the very inure} that: gentle. | ays | P ay. di ann ph King having | does Yon, wonder I di and give evidence against the murdere:s stranger. But; would. my story, a stranger myself, Hive been bap ate pe all se things set aside, do iuk: after what I had seen, £ thought it. better ‘Doat we have got, Joe, | to Koop my seeet aud leave Texas, and I ot for did A Good Ghost Story. — 2 Peon of the Times write:— e } was invited to pass, a welthy ‘Ma fewd h bethaw style where schosts deli ight to lov cate. ri manifold chambe: sages, and clonots, place tion with a wild: te, np; fod ay ita mysterious solemnity well | ca! » bieed the mind ae th pat prone to sup: | qibton Lieletiel ieee week, ald see] when, one nig!.t, aout the witehen when Py delizht, to walk, the whole housebold’ was alarmed) by the most hides ops § noise proce dig from the kitehen. Sun i] rawn acioss the floor Oe ever | Heai| anon a sii amas appe: to ar P progress—a_ pro rhiculoge | renewed sno'e loudly than before, Armed with his blunderbuss, my, host, Jed the the fhe, servants followed. with ble som be: hen Hi was, a aod j Enron wide open. A lantern was intro: é in every jait, no whatey ald fo issbverea te aie such, effect as we’ saw bofore, us. a a prom’ cuous heap were _ batters kit utensils of foes kind, broken ba saucers hes, &¢; in fuet the locale was’ a per feet wreck To complete the destruction & portion of windows was broken Peiges'anid several pains of glas demolished was A week ot two passed, . ‘The circumstance had beooine notor ous to all: ‘The house, was haunted. ‘The old legend was warm. ed up, the’ ‘servants are notice ,to quit and all was doubt and terror. The farm- ers wife determined to live there no long- er, and it is more than probable that my fen me have been compelled to break Lad W'iot happened toreen ther: solv tat chance) that’ the mystery was solved to {9 ia the most simple ranger nd solved—by me’ Some half mile from the house wy a thicket aces whi si there was,a path, | Ast walked by ona subsequent, visit to ad treet) ‘areeigd 1 | led mejto wander into. the mazes. At the | foot ofa tree, I perceived a eat, whose | head’ was thrust i a saucepan, and i Ont there thenSis our ghost! The. poor wreteh pad forced . its head . into | on the butter whi ch its eon’ the saucepan to fea: emains of | the ined, an from val‘s head, ‘it had Withdraw it! In it ing: all in its reputation ‘of ‘being {) haited, dia the children's children. of would have eoavitie | Self Déniarn i “Ohitanood. The fault of halanoed! the sin of youth wee the crime of maahood—in on , ri lsia good resolut.on, baffles every ‘zood vour and prompts animates half the bad neti au he whole code of ntanity: hry 8 aimed siinst this facal and univers] evil, 10, | do‘us we woud be done’ by, to Tove ou } neighbours as our selves and to, forgive at thie ioot of this in of sins; his great’ destroyes love, and social laws." And. it is 5 Meas ear'y educat— tonshould” direct i ngest efforts 5 | touch the child to think se ‘others, to feel | for'them to pity thei; and” to yield to them ;teach im wy Had pleisuye in share- Pes ms with his brothers ye too strong a desire a met for himself. alone, to sions or Snjoy ment peptove ta: itt Aiw Gites when hoarded hsGnte and y things how-they a#é only valuable when ¢ teulat | ed'and made to contribute -to lcs comfort and welfare of others’ Do not do ony the rights of oa explain te force of are tts law of wn thine, t make a | | istivedon einai n possesting ie hoard. pe him to bo not Hold’ a large share—that even affection and love muy be e the result as) much of seltishness as of devotion: Begin therefore early to teach child en to make'a sac ifice for eee) love; to show that you ex- Peet it, and do not imagine a bs any ie child after mere infancy, ing to leita to dotiy” atself for the sake of ansth erand to find pleasure in doing $0. For insta ee ae are romcdonth pe the childs turds | yoo you may desire him |.to et ou, orto ait ie quiet this course you elaim the obedience which you have a right to expect. But on. the vie hand, youzmay explain to the child that what” that momenta. ; leasure to him is an annoyance to you, you may seer te him that by giving it up he kinda teach ine to benefit oth by. denying himself and inculeaate! vthe first principles of self denial er or later meets with its just reward, — 4 did not remain in al | tralised one of the evils of Senos acy as it Appearances Deccitfal. harles Disk: ought to be a gond } ‘judge a aid. ay he soys of a prison in Muni “The nunmber of feisale prisoners is very small in comparison with the men, At one p partionls ar Vi na shing- tu stood fiw wo- nduel to one of th, this, Bag the signal for us to no ice them, Two looked up and fairly assed with smiles. One, a tall, and very tintin young gu], continued ie wash a weneast eyes, T fat cor of deh Ibis ie uring a her, het fie ere So modest,” A fourt! a fat, i l-look- ing, ‘i iwoman, alsa, eee aad at ~ who smiled had rey the and aa ah’ with a certain sad, anx the eyes and mouth. | were we to | Of which of these four women hear a fearful history relat _the only one who teeta évil, was the fat,” old wo- we were in the court} soon our pS ats said — “Now, »niat do you say about these wo- 5 EE . th ce out of the Hen * are the only ayroeal t fe haye seen in the peat and, jud; his mo mentary y an ‘ al thei countenances, we we pda ahve’ Could not be gu lty Bf bel Seber ie iaps'the fut od wo- man tm: only i 4) y be so, tat tall, young girl is not dsome but » gentle ooking z all young girl,é re) lied the aide was one who, a year or two ago, murdeed her fellow servant, nd. cutting. her up, buried her in the gard ‘The tittle wo. man next to her, tain ‘0 Yeas since mur- dered her husband ; and the handsome, next f seven years old. The fat old wowan iy only in for a slight offence, So much for judging from phyisoguomy, ee ‘The pat is not exactly true, rep esents, or’ /profsse: Do rtrenatn, a} the th ee estat ts i the state is a fact either not ALAR selidged at ail, 0 acknowledged as an evil to be held in obeck by stringent lays and safeguards, Its place of power s not iqlefined by any written’ constitution, and its acts are in our day controlled, "for the most part, no written but only by its own ype a. law which has. no autho:ity f taste. There is not w greater power under the - constitution indeed the soure o! itself. What male pa! lic meet ngs se witht he press? Within the present ce ury the method of ints eneing public o| y ameans. of ¢ gatherings of people, ie ioe TE of leagues and associationsihas. been per fected. It isa wei wh erives its momentum froin the suleplifidtion of 16 ports It’is a mitter of indifference to orator who or where’ is his audience, provided through report: alee can address all England, ‘Phe. pre neu- ical in the o den tix assembly meant a” rs nb moultivad of noisy citizens \nto ‘whol mre ate and though id not dare to vent crativ a pee al demo- the tfdl ¢lass of people nthe demo @ haye good seats, 46 thé hedr, hear, aud the'laughter which the speech of the e@ orator evokes, and we cat calmly méa‘ate the words of the dema: gogue. “Upon'the very minnér “of publio eaking, toowe imaging jthat the system of newspaper reporting has had some. ef: fect. If wo'nay, judge by’ the very im periect reports which ye have of speeches delivered in the last cei ors were thet miofb inated! abd ta aitoty in their style than they are now, impression which they-o anything we can now conediv jwence i8'to be,judged: fromrts immedi ct they wee groater masters of the art than any We can now ‘boast oft If De: among as Meord Dar 1) Mr Beight, and Mr Disrael us aiken r the other side of the questionslet us take into account that our contemporary: first speak with the full tomledie that incold ood their speeches will be a road ta word on the morrow. » ‘hey know right well that much of Meats ast t ars a high such orators Glad, < and heated audience will expose thon only y ridicule when it 18 reduced to print, Carbie a miore sober standard of ora- tory 18 thus established, to che great gain of our deliberative assemblies, and acting as some upon hetorieal demar- gogues. Fs 2S &F£ Slight Cireum ACES. Sir Walter Soott, walking one day alona the banks of the Yarrow, whee Mungo ark was born, saw the riven throwing stones into the'water, and anxiously wa ate ching the bubbles that succeeded. “ Scott inquited the object of his ogeupation, 1 was thinking answered Park, ‘how often I had thus atl to sound the ‘rivers i in Aftiea, by caleulati long a time how had Bien ifr the babbies rose to the spring for mall portion of the work: bat it itupsa "and goveriis the whole. So it isin a inachine yo of human life, a ce is permitted by the ¢ oF to alertit; a a gitl at the door 0) ture Of an emp se. Uf tue nose of C eopatra had been shorter, the | young farmer in the town 6! hon this replied sharply. 2 said 1 Pasea, his epigrammatic and brilii manner, the peadihte of the world wi | have been ferent. The Mahometais have a tratition, that when their prophet coneéa ed himself to Mount Shur, his pu suers were deceived by : spider s web which | covered the aon of fart ; S id had wanted hi her stern Ree, i he a poal of the p:eacher had n him in the Chapel of St. Andre ;and if Mr Grenville ag not carried, in 1764, bi memorable tion as to the expediency of ‘er in stamp duties’on the plan atic the western world ii or ae to the British apis tight never have been a poct if he had not found the Fairy Que nin his wot her's parlour ale ight have perishor Nn abe. obec rhe it not looked ver thé sHuldars of his Youn : ompanion Mark O Otrs, w: ile he owas dra terfly ; Giotto, one of the ca iy Morente painters, migh has e continued a radeshep herd boy, if n by him upon a stone had not alia ua iyi of Cimabue as he went that way ee Rough seit rk - the Honey: On last Friday’ inc morning an athletic ynesbitrg took a fair virly ral bathed i in "ploshes," i the ony could be married, where performed without a license. 1 He happy pair were accompanied by a of the girl—a tall, gaunt, and “ap “ale of, some thirty seven sum: The pair crossed the ine, were marr ad, and ie ed to Wellsville to pass the night People at the hotel where the wedding party stopped observed that they conducted themselves in a rather singular manner. ter-in-law d, ito one corner 8 ps sl, and talk onl gestic ildly. the gat Han the tall female vas set as foot down” and talk to him in an excited manner. Then the hod wouid take: his fair young bride int could no soover commence ti the gaunt sister would rush in betweew them and ang) nly, join the conversation, f oO a The noble at the hotel ascer all this meantabout nine o’elo t oven: ing. There was an uproar in the room been assigned fo the newly ale $] The gaunt female was pressing and kick- ing the door of tke room, and ay newly married mag, mostly undressed, wa . ing her out with all his might. hier asion aly she would kick the door of the rovir far enough open to disclose the stalwart Hiaoa nd i his gentleman Grek Slay tay scoot red angie oceu aA aa with the new y watded ri that her ter was favorably ‘0 the arrange ment, and that thal ieebat had agreed | tor it before the wedding took p'ace, and was now indignantly repudi ti the contract. ‘Won't you go away, n, peace fully 2” said the ely pet man, sof tening He voice, Ne she, ¢ s0 Don yon bud, inch!” mari within the room, 1 said the age We D there!” eried the ital mance iesritetnateesaaiey dont?” cut up's much as I wanter!” roared the de"pérate Sane the door wide open a out among the crowd, ‘well j Wimmin put on your duds t straight home he old ms» and woman yor grantiber who ix nigh on toa hundred ; bing em all here and Pll marry the whole *m, anc lL Tre man, disings hoodle ally i Thusto by & room alone 2 itself over the set ress. the ta Wellsville yin tion —Detroit Free The Polish Revolution. cow, this th Joata ant, dled ya? Cc @ details of the previously, The first defe on h body of 250 men, portion of Micros pear Fh hu Mo ; Italian copany, near ¢ kuza, As the ba a left Gracoe it in thy mabe dt ata gibt ner the 2 were of course prepare: haul wi felinlpa mata rs to bear tnontTamentab hog in thy "battle of OF lar was, it Jone ef Colonel Nullo, the ew eae ribal His horse bh ben shen my Ma “fallen with him, and h was being raised by Bt men et be hiw struck in the by a ble “ : let “died calling anon the Tralia Posh tard anil they ote the ardent a ed him io the n manner- aac rites ng themselves, bat as kiting aniv me pamber of Russ KR eligi Rie by Nu lo in enid 10 have been most heart-ren ng, and it attradted univ a attention i the midst of the, battle. Th alled a. is name, sohbad, ehtie ed, and iy > aes Impose rushed ry mt when t mot ‘ny wait viata as ine abaod of thi wy twentys b A forthe most pa end Dar of were left on the repulse at Sio “five m trom Three compre, cc) posed otataests ome Of proprietors, a? gentlemen of many kinds, with th: servents, kept a Nory unequal contest wey hres har be re they retreated, the contest in ne ve took, p Soaitibiwan obt of all N proportion with t tustained by the gre of gents. About a bund Be Chwthabnier andegrfenderod to thn AG weet ae were wating for them and who ed the combat from the bontos ning. Telogtaphic advices report turther dicen Tere 4 re Polea, and Hoan ate th wt corps oranski and Ozechowsk hax rhe Naha dispersed, Arrennrion t0 Dre pearence should not be,wholly beneath. gi consi man. Nature does 1 m nite skill, and with the i ida m ifest object of plossing exterior The man therefore who plays ‘the phi pher the:n t ength of'ne.teo ing’ who hopes that the world ‘will he supe inrit, his inte leo ratio with the inferiority of no philosopher at all, the ‘x wise man thinks from nature diag {ie Vreeves in dir af hat. 23 bak