Stratford Examiner, 25 Jun 1863, p. 3

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ST Ss ea Tr ORD BXAMTN ER Tur 3: with w copy of the Statutes for the present TaTurE.—We have been favored gear. It comnts es bU a few pi show tor Souaeel wehich our legis’stion has cost, Os (OF Tig, #4d0N Miles ie o 0! Korat Cirouss will exhivit at Ss ‘The Shorwood Family. wh » rd to-morrow. bare gained fi circus: cng vdhet wlth} ip cee fe ister, Mt Fier lanl ‘Phe tow doubtle: jd 10 see the sig! the !AVouue or Porus- Moutrenl, who tiaa vonthibuiea eataeat healed tifal lyrics (under the name of “Isidore’ ) % tip me JO poetry with «ibe tite of VFeicre. rr the Hesrnh.”. We can hive po doubt that the w rk will meet, with ae Je prospectus at ph ao pbonnd cloih, price wil: ODAWAT account, ubuiit me itis beatath lw th nie, iy tsbdid' a alrect' voldion ur peocence Wi) Partun gut’ a 4 tae ne Nal 1b She THE MONSTER |PROVINGIAL SHOW Is COMING: AT STRATFORD On Friday, June the 26th First Season in America. OF THE CIRCUS ROY4i th 18 magvificert stud nense trouL~ Of wrists trappings, aie outht, & k VILES. & Prop ieto s Cuas EB. ae EY o Bgueszian Director O Dona «2,440, aster, of; the Circle. duet iy get i be Schyols thy Py ‘I advorasy, at, wela ju x Bards At Stratford 0. & zdot wots the wie of Re ter, Watson, Heq, ol a.son ‘AvGrrditord on whe (9b they che witt of Mr Sninuel Dausuote of a At Sebr ee ou the 1Bilh Hes, Ah wate ore) BdWard F ¥ro'\.tuhiagelr o M,RRIcD. Sih, inst, inst. James ob et diptio i thts Shs B4 Paltaseone Me as, sq. Barrgter, LL, * 10 eof, Read sueer aty judge of the County. of one a Anni, Burcitt E-q NEW CADVERTISEMEN TS. wie W- H. GUuAHAM, Allopathy, Elect seb. ae of Mew he ne. ja, late ets erly sebeysth, aliasani suidton, will visit Stratford on the or A M Ko ip Ome minal 6 > He will also treat home characier. Covsu — icy secret Le at Me 7 Per gen eek Ma Win touses. CABINET MAK EK e PU RNITURE: DEALER, HGS \o, intimare tht he, bas removed rout his old stauddy, Maron street «0 ‘ONTARIO STREET, Pos, Of, e and To.the pred ha bai > thy Forte's | ie he is all vi HOUSEHOLD FURNITUS JAL the low. remuverative prices Brrat ord2srd Hie 1363 5594 ADOTIO» M NW, AND ELEGANT FURNITURE. CQ the. eo 5 thon re Ube Ate ord 19. Cis ong OS. SEAVICR TO THE AFrLic ED. DR. WALDREN, The Ockebraved MEDI CAL BO LANES 7, - Will beat \hé Zz “aipion EXotel, ” S2RAT FORD, May 25th to May 31st, June 15th to June S0se. July 6th us b duly: 12uh, July! 27 Aug 3rd, Aug Aug Bi, sep 14th to Sip 20ehy sei loaen vit Pat tes of maivelous Cures 1863 660 BBP Bye corti “st werd XK UB ‘ A EN . RParmM for sale. Jd Nu Loe, 22 Von. 3,in,the ‘Lo wnship, Urey Couuty of Huroa, coucmuing dy Piauing: Bru By i380 of tho furan ‘ogether with all other fiscensaPh convenieu* Hor parictiarg ay (0 (etins ae appyy 1 suid to Henry, Savage Lut 15,, Cow be oe JOHN SAVAGE Piopuetor. Jane 24th 1863 20 SPRATFORD GRAMMAR SCHOOL, FPywisemi Avaual’ Lxudisation of the Grammiur Schod! will Wke plage | Lomioe row ay av LU aa CJ «0G REGOR, MA. das as U dutlc Loos. ba G00 be ver: | be ox ed 8, e 50° cont, Chi idceu to, Reserved . Seats | 5 efi and herve: hie Art Pro minent i line ? ond 'at pigthe uiifol diss aes wud Pong es, ‘the trance of the componed of twelve Insteawenty ied Prot W. croel late of H. M aioe Band, will pass through the Pate ipal “ah Bien, tae oe iy fit Henna wn Cunnda, ish cortege of New Begeage Vans winieand in Goncord, © Heavily meant- dayd.clegenily eroughy & thany Haaees rhe whole outfic ent at a cost 0 = & se. $2 32 . 2 g ie “The fol! Hos w tacbcd to thiy Ma ienmenit— Miss Ida Sherwood Mine? Virginia Sherwtool Mr./Athton Mr. Beniie : ; Mi. J. Bobiiayn : Go'axy of Stars is'al- moth: Equestri a Wstab- © lowns & -Mr John Lowiow t Sun PGeh, ddd Foihous Tick ‘tae Als AD. MISSION. 8 25 Jents, Reseiv d i lpabld Wiltiliee Fxhibit at Situaday June 27 Monday.‘ 29 Tuesday, 0% 30 dhe Sua 6.\ PHLNG. "ee ui JoUuNEY iwetmets white owns ud frow g} die Groen. Trunk i Por! AND RIVIERE D bu LOUP. FARE S: From Stratford to Portland and’back’ $24 Do Do Riviere, ou du Loup “23 Hickets ydod to 0 November ist, aap stots) ou On and afer Sune er two through express trains will be run. bet Montreal, -/or bam (the White Mountald station) Portluad Sleeping carson Night Trains, and no lay ing over at hotels vnless destr €.J.BR GES, moet Hg GU nclon _ Sue 221863 REM evan. Hy Hyde, M- uysidlay, Auigoon aid Abeoughear has ‘nad 24 years, experienee in big, profas;ion, hag. removed bs ellice to, bie new Tek jee aon supa iaagee Jonasou's bo Sate ath un Mag Aa 1869 554 uh TEACHER M WANTE D. nd class certis i ‘fp ol Downie apply agper-9 10 ‘Vr NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, FIRST AN} UAL TOUR oF THE NEW MONSTER EQUESCU RRICULUM! L.B.LENT - »« -— MANAGER. A’ E.tablishmea: entirely: vovel and driv ome in construction, superior in +y Speciality, and inetuding the following uuiobs gud Coparaliled..Conibhaade IL. TERR SEEN CIRCUS, JOE <TLANDS CIRCUS,” * From th io) of \-usic, Bust. n, aod immed es isRage cic Go a LENTS NATIONAL Gee Yor! From Nibiu's Garden, vew Wallace's Troupe: of Acting “Bears from C lif nia, Decr's Rduicawel $ier@ Ball fromHindostan VL Wonderfal Leaping Buffaives from the Prair rigs of the’ Far West. Vil. Prof Langworthy’s -Gorps of Performing Dogs ana tonkeys,from all arid of the world COMPRISING SEVEN DISTINCT WSs. All under one Gigantic Pavilion for one diture of money, that only the vost liberal pai fonts Gt render itremunerative Management will fet = i es Py o = a bities an infiditely greaser de= arev of Novelty, Variety ‘and Féect within itself, than: can efotud an any other voce of amu em. nt ia the ‘world, but ‘alo a nearer; Ce to erection ine alt he ve.itable and Tuite ult offviate, cas Glowa:to the Heyueatreap Serves. Th Praia tee erdtad By. the Goze AS. Be ki filave about aurbporshe Ma eOe Bathe Admi‘sion to the Uombined Pxhibitions, ¥ ona Twenty-Five Cents. No Half 2rice- No» Charge for Reserv~ ed Seats: Dootg hip: Ar 2 did Z,Commence »t 24 S73. Will Kahibit At Stratford, on Tuecday, July the 7th St. Mary THE DIVISION COURTS vor Tit COUNTY 6 POP ERTH will be held as follows— Division No. 1, Couirt House, Strittor 25th June and “24th ‘August, at o'clock! AJ Ms ay Diriioa Ng 2, Court Room, Mitchell 29%h 27th Augt, at 10 o'clock h ae Diyjsion No.,3, Court Room)St.., Marys art 8 and 26th” August,’ at 10 A Division No, 4, Court Room OTN 26th June and 25th August, at 10 Divisicn NO. 5, Court'Room Pootéiteth August at 10 am (and Ist June, 10 m) RUSS! i L ALLEN, } Trustees T.STEELE £603 , Downie Juue 23.1863 a Were ewe RY LOW PRICE: Fam ily G oceries,Cro: Kery, EG; e “GROCERY AND LIQUOR STORE NEW GOODS: SPRING GOODS: “suMMER GooDs! FASHIONABLE GOODS! —— 0 oh M. J. MeCLELLAN, EG es 2 intimate to his numerous nd the public zeueraily that he has just roared a sities and choice stock FANCY AND STAPLE Bay: GOODS t Which he is prepared and determined to offer at prices which will insure QUICHE SALES! Hig took Goieit« jo patt of LADIES’ DRESS GOODS In Muslins, Bareges, Balzarines, Tissues, Foulards, amas, Fane, Cheeks Lustres LALIES' GENTS’ AND CHILDREN’S Straw Goods in Great Variety Ribbons Flowers Veils Lace: Braids Nets Parasols Boilery Glov. &e ke Mantles, Shawl’, BGbeakie 18, Bleacheu Fac tory and Striped Cottons, Denims colton and woolen cloths &c.. A large lot of READY-MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS AND S HOES, Also a fine assortment st Groceries, Crockery and Glassware, Wines and liquors in all the leading Brands, A cull is respectfully solicited and will suffice to convince of the fact that he seils cteaper than any other house in town. member the sign of the New war tore, 2 doors west of ths Post Oiice. M.J.M’CLELLAN. Stratford May 7 1863 553 3 N.B—A light single Buggy for sale cheap SPRING & SUMMER GOODS. DAVID SCOTT, ‘AS now received u complete assor> ment of SPRING & SUMMER GOODS CONSISTING IN PART OF Prints, Muslins elaines Challies Mohairs hawls ype Ribhons. , "Hosiery Gloves &e oO. a beni stock of! READY-MADE CLOTHING DRUGS! DRUGS! DRUGS! | GEORGE J. WAUGEH, | __. (Successor to W Strowger) ; ] oH E-ME Sf AN DD eGo TS (Graduate of thePollege of i ae, New York city, and) member of the Avicrican Vharmaceutical Associ n Ontario strvet, next Door to the Palmerston Ho el, Stratford, D'aLER IN RUGS. MEDICINES, GALE ME Bile ree Ainedy ee ne dicines, Fl. vori Ouls Pomades, Dyes and ie Hor are Petetn Nii and Shaving Brushes, Fancy Toler S: ans, and Indi iat Goods, Colo ne Bay Rum,Lavn ter Water &e, ‘Trusse- Supporters ond Shoulde Brac © Ufs and Dye woods, Par Genvine Wes and Brandizs tor Ledicins parvoses, opens rast ptio!’s aud family reel caretally ev aia led. gar \iedi ines warrantes genuine and ov tht best qua ity. W having received the Dipions ot The Uollege of Phar macy,' perties "quiring mecicine prepared can rely upon having it. properly done Wenenber ie slore—Strew ger’s ld stand, next door io the Pulmerstou Hotel, A ioe stieet, Sle ea OW NEW DRY GOODS STORE. £1 SUBSORIBER begs to intimate to the inhabitants of Stratford and Surrounding 4 CouulfY that be bas opened a new Dry Goous Store tH‘ DOORS WEST OF THE POST OFFICE, COMPRISING THE FOLLOWING GvODS : 2 Fi. . rew Bonnets Dress Goods Furniture te) es aia aw Hats in Great Variety Table Cov 4 Ribbons | Bonet Fi onts Prints ble oth aragols Goods Shawls i othe Mantles) Dress sitks Muslins op skirts Damasks Gatpet Bags CHEAP FACTORY coTrTrons!: CHEAP WHITE COTTONY, CHEAP STRIPED JEANS, CANADIAN, ENGLISH, AND SCOTCH TWEEDS In Great Variety. Partied rere him with a call will find it to their advantage, as he is determined, to sell Cheup tor Cash. HN CKENZIE. Stattord April 21 (863 JOHN M i BASSOON’ 8S STEAM SAW AND PLANING FACTORY. | Stee of all descriptions for sale. He has by far the largest and best assortment in the county ae cu furnish any material required for bui nie on the shortest pow fe has ov hand a large quantity of pla FLOORING AND SIDING, oirenes! and Plaping done Fromptly—slso turning. Tn the manu jh tofurnish Sasbes, Doors, Mouidings, Bedsteads & Having peat purchased the patent right of two uselalinventions, Lath, Shingles &e &e. facturing dep -rtwent in, great variety. HEMPHILL’S Cheese Press & MODELING’s Washing Machive. ‘They are both highly’ reeowmended WILLIAM EASSON. o5ltt ‘These can now be obtained at a moverate price, by farmers and others who have tried them, Stratford April 22, 1863. SPRING AND SUMMER DRY GOODS MARSHALL, BROS., taeir New Goods. Th Stock is large, ‘Their stock of AVE RECEIVED the buk of FT ‘vet setocted and complete in all its Aepartinents BUILDING FRON AGES FOR sane, <9: 4 FEET west of the Palmerston, On- tario Street. Eightysven feet west of Baxter's Bakery, Ontario wtroet front of mill The abows are. among: she best: building alten! int __ Also iot ‘98, William St, MeCalloch sus» a Saar apply to JOHN McOULLOCH. Stratford Jau 21st 1862 588 dt LAND FO SALE. LOTS 8 and 9 on Duke Street M'CARTHY § SURVEY, Containing seven eighths ofan acreeach situativn ueaithy,—-a look at the child ren in the immediate locality,willeonvine any person of that; would not sell bu want t» pay soue of my wean friend For terms apply atm: office Stratfod. A TAVERN STAND ND 20 acted of land, being part of Io 6, 7th con, Mornington. Good bui ids ngs attached. is the best stand in the township or particulars apply tc OSEPH MONTGOMERY, Hdgecumbe P.O 5 0Ttf Aprilg th , 163 LANDS FOR SALE. ACRES of improved: «nd wil Land in the Counties of Nori Wellington, Grey, Perms : Pee aid lngis many, ba geo HRes ee paored lait ithe, TRHnte ot Cacti ‘Apply to the pr prietor, AS. NUEUANDS. | “Bir attord’ Oct! gin 62 FOR SALE “OWNSHIP OF ELMA rirst-tate Lots of uncleared Land Apply: to B. WINSTANLEY, Mitehel For Sale we Lith Gonves p* sT of Lot No.46, in 1h sion, Towasbip of Hibbe oft ae site One Acre, with good, Hovse end wild Logt nal adapted for a Couutry, ie an or ‘Terms. liberal, *Rppiy (it by letter post paid CORNISH & MACDONALD, Swratiprd, Strattord Noy. 5, 1862, 527, FOR SALE 500,000 feet PINE, 100.000 “. HEMLOCK,| WESTMONCKTON STEAM MILL Bk ele hori credit, NEW. GRUCERY. STORE! Groceries, ONTARIO Stratford, Jan 28th 1863 beni boatee! ALEX. CAVEN. E/AL BR IN’ FANCY AND Staple Liquors, Crockery and Glassware. STREET, STRATFORD, «3 Terms=Oash or Trade Only 2 539t JUST RECEIVED. SPRING GOOvS! IN GREAT VARIETY P. WATSON “is TAVERNKEEPERS: Just Received. A’Wery heavy stock of WINES AND LIQUORS, \ HIOM willbe sold to tavernkeepe ana others by wholesale, at unusaally Lov PRICES. P. WATSON, DB Y i GoOODs AND SUMMER CLOTHING; In great variety; for sale cheap by P. WATSON, THAS TEAS! PORE & UNADULTERATED, Imported Direct from CHINA N'the spring the subserizer will be res ceiving a LARGE CARGO of TEAS, - From his coftespondent in “China, whist We will be able to offer WHOLESALE, at rates Very luverable to Country Buyers. P, WATSON Stratfor 1, April 28 1862, VANSTONE’S Waggon, Blacksmith CARRIAGE SHOP always on han Goods Sold for Cash or Trade only. DAViD Scort, Daly's. Block. Stratford, April 22, 1863, 55ltf NEW 00: BuyY vounR PANO YD Whee Ore Loy ide Usual very attractive, consisting in part of dan PSs babe Ss cy E ‘Sines irish Poplin ards, Chalies, & iA soa age vaiety of S.LK TISSUES, cLOiH MANTLES, SHAWLS, STRAW & HAIK BONNETS, He FLOWERS, RIBBONS, mivaseser HOSIERY, BLOM: &e,, and a fa | assortment of gene ai M ailors aie duviled leotispeel Me wW7oollens and Trimmings, ‘And Country: Dealers wil! find it to.their aivantazy te give them « eall before purebasing tsewiue's Phoir SILLINERY DEP AR My 1 ie inidet ib Superiniendence of au experienced person, = wil give promp: and eet fol apy to ull orde y art Clothing and H: Ups, i vod Luck vb tres Rertcrrer Tet biwa. MARSHALL BROS. large variety: A: : \\\ a) : MOOR RR hse. SIGN OF THE “large Cask,” NEXT DOOR ro THE POST OFFICE Stratford June 10, 1863 558if THE GLASGOW WAREHOUS! ERIE STREET, STRAT FORD, \2 ha Just received a Splendid Asserts ment bal 8 Dress Goods pe En. ana Laces ert New, Prints ie pea bur Nr elaeibs antl Repos sous A large Stock of BLACK BRO: AD one and FANCY TWEED. Alto a soleil Assortment of F calf a epesiet ailesomare | bugH, whcynere | BR COUNTY OF PERTH. od NoOoTICE. Ts, THE Moi bers ofthe Board of Palsi¢ Instroctidn and to pphitaie for cbr= Three Doors West of faaibrens ro P.S.—\gents for Singer's fand Combination SEWLN MAUCHIN TOWN LOTS FOR ,SALE IN STRATFORD The Prono? J. Webster, Esq. Hens p Girddge'ssurvey,lying be twe eta and Douro streets,—also tie lots ov Shakspere street. suitable for Warehouse ig on the Buffalo and Lake Huron Railw The Property of John Galt, Esq. Thoselotsin McKenzie'ssurvey, lying be~ tween, St David and Cambria street and Ayon street and. Victoria Road.—Also se- verallots.on Shakspere street, suitable to Warehouse lots on the Grand Trunk Rail « ay, Forterms &e,, apply t TTIZARS, ae ise Stratford, June 23, 1857 247. 1a “BXKAMINER” ~@a|CiANDT UNK RAILWAY. JOB PRINTIN 3 ESTABLISHMENT. ALTE RELONS OF PRALNS, bee oe Dhigelotitiek stratrora’| NOME A* A RaANE —o— 00: TRAINS LEAVE STRATFORD JUNCTION AS UNDER; GOING WEST wah Eapress.. Plain and Ornamental Printing, ie Express. HE PROPRIETOR HAVING eer rey an exteniv. supply ty ww prepared to execute in Ree cicraigiapen pon val Iu « superior style. He can furnish LARGE POSTERS in’an attractive form, at reasonable rates. Night Express Mail Vay Express . By Order— ¥ ©. J. BRYDGES, aging Director. S524 Having aiso receiyd a fresh supply of , Man Stratford April 27th 1863. Ree Inks be can execute PRIWTING IN COLORS “himsuit the most fastidious taste, PANCT ROVLE CARDS, BILL HEAD'S, &C- —o Duttons’ Drug Store. els Di PORT Hor Medicinal use, | Warranted pure. au unadulterated English Condition : Powder’ All kinds of Law, Conveyancing, Muni ENE vr| Roane + 3.10 Aum 8.18 P.M 2.35 paw. WINE jotel Keepers, at caeeaa te prices, with | | Py To Cabinet-Makers and ide FOR SALE. N the VILLAGE of ST, MARYS. moe of ferth, the Workshop, Steam, Machinery of the Establi-bment Fo WERE PaaS RONZ sift pe a ‘ely carried on the busine Pher B pili ahd othet Ba Grooving Machine complete, Fra e@ with ireulat Saws, an up an’ do all ordinary eis ot Gabi vet Makin n carrying op the nbour four yeurs of the lease of the work= atop ubbxpireds ‘This is a desirable opportunity for a party with a moderate, capital to enters in the usiness. Terms ane other Fai le may be apolication Maya or t known and the premises to Robert Coulson, Esq, lon Darttel, Wag. phi Svicivol £ by k ther. pr pad +. Mareh, 13, 186 CRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. enol gaienl, pas other BLANK FORMS printed | Por Horses, Caitle, &e hh best in town NOTICE ale at this office. Tr 2 £ I DUTTON, O* N AND, ARCEU thin) date a (Night Pharmaceutical Chemists. press Train will connec: ‘orouto 4 2 Stratford, Oet. 1, 1862 5225-6: press from Detroit, “Surat “ HORSE BILLS }) sewos.o« ater sia on oe Desh ni Can now be furnished at the 1863. WELCOME. 1863 \ © J. ERYDGRS. 0 1 aoa Stratford 11th May 1863 554 2t EXAMINER FICE’? OF Ece JOSEPH WATSON, IN A AS! opened saya) Wootessle nn AGENTS WANTED. Retail Stove, ini Eerie Cheap Neat and Attractive Style | Oi. (in wly cs pi by eM Daly, 25 Sy AUBATS ios Toei ail be And on the Shortest Notice. inn in lov)" winere Ne ent) apply | 21" nay ae a as vanes fificates as Common School {eac 5 i MY «bes 1 Seat. pict [Dixivan tie hs Cont Bape: Hetromilsicy | The laltyeariy. mee ingot the Boaed. in| PRaeeraLeoeL Dab, SG68. Rocce SAMUBL PIKE, asia fy postponed until RUM, BRANDIE, CIN, ‘ 1 Hp Aateg Masonic, Buiidingy; May oth, 1863 TUESDAY, 30th June, Inst. : moet ‘i i i ue 16th, 4 URE AND SULRKY WLNES: (Signed . '|To Carpenters & J ners. Pe el a bass R, BURR At 10 o'clock a. ma. sath usual pli Nd Rye Whiskey ip, barrels, a! Sand Geury sha ete bow Whiskey » hist pe vias.» wniskey WANTED : " a 4 vial Wantrte > ever uffied in ths m-rket- Abo. Corn Lured Copied from the original 'fyled: in ay By order of the Chairman, iM uota't bgt fie he an of B} 10 jar, hare a well) ured geiding oF rts , i ne ‘i MME aX, two bod” steady | Sdn key by, th burrs] at very tow , prtees bisck 0. bay eoh red preferred —suitanl sap STEWART CAMPBELL, workitiel- Apply a nd a choice 10) gi Havanya Cigars ia box= id baruess Boquire of Di jerk of Reace Office, Y J.J.E.L. . retary MeDONALD, [e+ ot 100. | Paget Oniaso street Strattord * 10 Pax duane tly ‘7th; 1863, C.P:* | stratiogd: ape Asty 1863. - 65 art tratford, June hat ees DOT | Cuil aud, see. Apu 2b 1963 boxtl ar celine 4" . is N = ee paid aa y pes UNDE OD would beg qouty ah ‘abt, that) they “te prepared to! manufacture all kinds Waggons, Carriages, Cutters Sleighs, n the most improved. principles, mate jal, and as cheap as nby ty 5am Aled on. her extabe will warrant Blacksmithing done in all its Branches ! Repairing Gone eheaplyy and with heatnew LS despatch, Remember: the shop’ on Honan arrebia oypasite. jee dhotel, Blrats ford. VANSTONE. Stra: aa Ashe it ieee 432-Ly a De aes 28S © sSiiops >be 22S . 2 & 22 . 8 id ry STRATFORD FOUNDRY MACHINE SHOP. pod Sate, "Pat pupae boas to inform the put that he has commenced busin A tablishment (hiving tools at Bas uurchased. 1] machinery conu tH business) where he ivedik utib 4 Sroves Horse Rakes Straw Gutters Plonghs Gultivators Road Scrap Reaping & Mowing Machines Phrashing Machines So rators and, Ceanors Wood Sawing Muchinesidte ALSO Waggon Boxes Sleigh Shoes, Mi 1 Gear ing & Cast ngs of every Description BUILT STBAM: ENGINES {ND REPAIRED TO ORDER. ‘Te ail trade sapptied with Ph au aKaR Orin With their. ord relf’ ou hat Hom promptly and : uted ns we intend using Nothin bes of mat lal step i none rkmeo 8 for Thrashing Maehiues and Separators. (with. Pitts’ improved Horse Power,) Ouly w limited number is to be made this seasen JOSEPH SHARMAN, Strattord, April 28, 1863; a Eee 1M fish NOTICE.

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