THE STRATFORD EXAMINER. Poems of Burns, "Twas late that evening ere I renvem- dered part of the night in bed, I read on and on, with a still increasing astonishment and light, sanghich and crying by turn I was quite in a new , all was fresh, Thad sestiee = polished compositions | p of Po and Collins, though Te ald ‘al Boba Th help teelin that ciples, I could have wished the ingenuity which had been tasked to erect it had been exerted a little further in taking it down, producti arti Hesement cP tie votflding remaine so much asa mark w Low the respect reminded me o Ke I gy is the perfeet and fall realization’ of what “Swift and gia wee hardy enough 10 attempted but enius to accomplis! s—bona side dogs—endowed, in ed, with more than human sense an rue to character as the most honest and attached of quadrupeds, in every line. And then those exqusite touches which the poor man, inured to a life of toil and poverty, can alone rightly uaderstand | and those deeply based m charaeter, which only the philo- eepiaiatn justly appreciate This is the true catholic poetry which addresses itself not to any little circle, walled in from the rest of the species by some peculiarity of n, but to thought, prejudice or conditi the whole “Tho Kespeare posed above r of instant however sachet are ever distinct and sepae tate; the oil and the wate, hon oon= tained in the same vess na) Here, however, for the first | Het vthey mix and incorperate, and yet each retains its whole nature and fu | effect. I necd hards ly remind the seadee ee He aint has been repeated, and w pleteness in tho ataitel Tam. ‘O'Shan, Treadon. ‘The C Shaded Night’ filled my whole soul: my heart throbbed, and my eyes mo teed and never before did | feel ha’ so proud ‘of my country, or know haif’ so wel lea Shs 8 ore It Ww est in feeling proud Tha patina CES etal volume, from beginning to end, I rememvered’ that I bad not taken supper, and that it was moe than time to go to be Wouaers OT Mhe-AL Sphere. The atmospere rises above us, with its cathedral ne probing, g towards heaven — of which it is the most perfect synonyme and ee It floats around us like that grand object which the Apostle John saw in cr his vision, ‘A sea of g'ass like unto L?) So massive is it, that when it e st tosses about great » ips like playthings, and sweep city and fo est like snow flakes to destruction befo e it, And yet is so mobile that we have lived for years in it before we can be pu suaded that it exists at all, and the great bulk of mankind never realize the truth that they are bathed in an ocean of air, Its meat yeta soap buble sails th cont it with impunity, and the tiniest inseet waves it aside with its wing. ters lavishly to all our senses. it not, but it touches Its warm south wad brings back otgh ‘0 tha pale foes hs tl nvalid; its cool west ¢ fevered brow and Ebe is Sead title fo He che eeks; even its horthe n blasts braces into new vigor the ha dened be of our rugged clime. is indebted to it for all the maj co of sunrise, the brightness of midday. ‘the chkd(dped ralflomec at shu: ing, and the clouds that cradle near the setting sun, But for it, the rainbow w want its triumphant Sipe “te wind reat ngers om errand n8 5 ‘the cold ether wpahi ers on the earth, nor would drops of dew gather on the flowers The kindly rain ee ney ver fall, no : the ‘ae storm or fog dev ae face of the our naked at Me Woeld tusacite facta tad tnshadowed forehead to the sun, and one dreary monotonous blaze of i tand heat dazzle and bu nop all thio 8 ‘ere there no atmosphere, the evening sun would in a moment set, and without warning, plunge the earth into da kness. But the air keeps in her hand a shield of rays, and lets theta slip but slow y through i fore roth t tho shadows of even- are gathered by degrees, and tho ants iy time to bow their Ub and each creature space to find » place and to nestle to repose. In the the garish sun would at one oth burst Hott the booker eF night, and blaze above e air watches for ray to announce his approach, and then a handful; and so gently draws aside the cur ain of night, and slowly lets the light fallon the sleoping earth, and like man he goes forth again to labour until even ing, * Ovrrovs sword has been found in the pated n of o'd Greck monk, which, according to alie'fasctintive on the blade, must have belonged to Absolom the son of David On ae wns is writen in Herbraic charact ers % of Gessur to “Mie son ss of the Wade, we read, "Titus took it with him fii Jerusi Tne handle ir a pure gold, and rapresn's adragon below and a rs head shoe both united bya ati ‘the monk to whom this curious sword belongs, »: that he obtained it from a Jantin in Constantinople, who had old sheath,which Faprosgntad a sepa, to some erson. ‘T a at ans lig mack show 1 « Simmvtio Sryant Ayan ee First Perusal of that it is eet to spend at least whole sola re ‘SaXalstian, and in ths structures of ‘ead the inimitable Here t, ra dinwrfniled lion doff ten years from her 6 | stantly, fea, ‘add Bl, ee Social Life in England, It isa marked feature of social, life in 'Wngland, and certainl. one ot its speci sharma, that mothers and daughters are so ia seen together at their on home. Not only is the mother the first b dy to pho ne a:c introduced at the first house where you visit, but mistress of the cere= monies pica ananty not only. does she pre- side at the dinner-table, but in he evening party she Leal as ie aeen, —\\ hatever may a mFOUR first 1 n.of such an arrange nt, ~ if it rl ae that your sympathies are with the younger Iudies, you will very oon Jearn to think that che mother’s ab- sence would be very sincerely regretted by the daughte:s. As « picture, all must admit the arrangements to be perfect The portly form and watronly dignity of the mother ae an Uxquisite foil to the youthful beauty and i hes Cie ie the daughters. And you will find tie, to wit, waite m the most chiarming fe 01 between parents and their children. cannot visit an English family in a fami- liar way without discovering what will possibly sur ou, that a deep dislike of ceremony and state is a very marked and ma the ‘rae of Sih Queen bosify iB her girlhood. Now that idow, ey fr children are growing to the sta ‘ure of manhood at womanhood, and Ieatfow their home forever, how delightful to recall the sweet pictures of her early married life, when she much. loved to saunter with her noble husband, over the besel near their beautiful house in the le of Wight, and to watch those then little children as they amused themse ves shape, their tiry »ooden spad: wi a great deal Pavitt anid thoes am when su rounded with glittering nobility. on hag pie state oo casions ?—Boston Review. Whass isthe Hardest Mode te Die? To be shot dead an one of the easiest modes of terminating ‘i the body adherents of ~pain, to assassinate Will'am, Prinee of O.ange, who took the lead i ian revolt of the Netherlands, Faea: ~ In the instant pre ceding stupefaction, he was able to frame a notion that the ceiling of the room had fa len and ¢ ushed him piece shot which plunged into the brain of Charles ° [, did not prevent him om seizing bis cae by the hilt. The idea of an attack, ‘and the necessity for defence, was pressed upon him by a blow which we should have ery d too tremendous to leave an in- feruabof thonadtnmbbitg or titut vioreice is followed by a pang. From what ow! the first effect of gunshot less death be tmmediate the pain is as asied as the natu the past counting up. Bur ‘there i is. thing singular in the dying sens: the Lord Byron remarked the phiyaior logieal peculiarity that the expression is invariably that of langour, while in death Xe om a stab the countenance seflects the f natural character, of gentleness or nf ocity to ae, breath. Some of th gu cof interest, to sald teibinhan slight llsteehaneed ema on under a mortal wound, till. it finally comes to a audden stop. footsso dier at Waterloo, piesed by a musket ball in 2. he h p, begged wate of a trooper, who chanced to possess a canteen of beer. The wounded man drank, returned his hearti est thanks, mentioned sol id regdinont s nea ly ex erminated, soi a dozen yards on bs £ yond ve mowenee Ins limbs, doueluted his oaree . is voice,” says the trooper, Sas: the story, * gave scarcely the smalest sign of weakness.” Capt. Basil Hall who in early youth was at the batt @ of Corunna, has singled out, from the confusion which consigns to. ob— a the woes and gallantry of war, other leeraes extremely tinailar which oem cured on that oceasion, «ld officer, who was i in the head, arrived pale the temporary hospital, and look at his + wound, Teal T Maen tient Ae impa: axial T should like ve ° re possib e@ laid his sword upon a stone, at his gide, ‘ as gently,” says Hal “as if’ its steel had been turned to gla: Le “ulmost immediately sunk dead on the Love Dow a Well. Do you see thé Indy ov the other side of the, fire pian with s ft brown hairand mild blue eyes, whose fair complexion and age, and = whose 1g voice and gentle manners tell trul; ture hat's A proud ofher, avd don’t I love her? Hav- en’t Lan insane desire to run to the roof and shout out, for the benefit o! the world at large, that Mary She man” Lee is my wife? You would never suspect her bast a hers tas; Vl tell you the story, and tl judge ‘thie 8 ago this summer, when my hair was brown a d my Mie foarh and active, heigho! I was sent by the firm, to whote service | had been devoted by ne er, to collect bills in s the S iges. I was new iM the coun but [had fall di ections given me, ini i ataeeal offon a ae month's trip to make the Yankees pay for. tho calicoes, ine and notions they had puchased of 2 e& ad fared pretty well on ay errand, 40d, was putting us at the Thn, when one of our customers invited me of | Orange. Lodge, fo cone to a gathering of young folks at bis house, ond T necepted the offer. There t met Mary 1 ee, and lost my. heart in- was returning home from the | ctieda good cheer, when “T met with the doataeoentde colored wy whole ‘uture life | ae me its greatest row. © oss | | lb | 1, in the dark ok which titt- down, loving ones Maden vpon a pl be sciousness long before T_ reached the a my subterranean descent. How Tay insensible, ao Ons Pe in bitter agony, telling that I was fearfully injured, I calle darkness about me wi hee! dawied: dnding ane st sensible, suer . Ag the streaks of light, broke above me, TI saw that I -had fallen down a be dried well, half filled with rubbish, and covered with loose boards at the top. Pdneuee under the pressure of my foot. | learned ater, was on farmer Lee's furm' and was being gradual ye filled up with any Le, iy i wonld have been dtuetwiie on pet had given way cate The customary stone wall rouud } io eat had been long ago re- moved for the convenience of backing up the carts. How, inthe dark, i had stray ed fiom the road, in the large, open fie'd, cau only be explaitied by my ignorance o the localities and my castle building, in— lying al , When I heard a ae frantic in my agony, Fresh voice singing above we, I eal- ‘Wuere?’ The si the question came in a startled to * Here! He ve fallen down the well!" he ‘boa! ushed’) aside, and the da ight, farther advauoed than I tad peresived in my darkeued postion, poured in. ‘Down here! Oh! you must be er hurt! ean! ! John! Come quic! { Buiping fects caine above me ios one go at mid the first voiee + Have you a'r mre { the old rope sae but it ai over md above strom, ! ain't Tt ‘won's bear @ eT fa it! He has fainted.’ 0 much exhausted te ‘an- ewer my of the a atiops to me. fhe reaction of was (00 great scutes Hi as Th passed: Before T seme; the-purport a the last pole I wb; n mouth that some low she gave w words of cheer and Hees t; she sided me, when ae area was at last lowered, in rising painful pos ure, and al most ne meinto the vehlcle. After reach ig the upper air, and’ when the long faloting fit thut followed my arrival above, was succeeded by days of deliv, sh she 0 known that my left side, arm, ar. cr ripple, and u eless for ever, then 1 t ied scue ay love, and Tea ned hers, Mary he pet of the village, the idol of tauee bean regtaie y loving hearts, lett all to° fo low her ofipplet husband te his city home. If, by the exer cite of the talents God gave me, I = pes OF” mo: y than o by the love a a s igtime J have b Sarna! —t bly Drausvotediete iikaihas happy, did abe not eara all this, and more, ay, more than her ? 1 can ever give _ May and Hay-Making. ¢ Ohio a Prem crumkes; the following | eai five leant remark As the season es making hay is approa- ching, we will give » few words of caution in advance: .“Dontdry your hay'too much. —Hny may be dried till it is worthless as straw. Asa good coffeemaker would say, “Dont burn your ooffee; but brown it,’, 80 we way ‘dont diy your hay, bu cure it Our good uld mothers, who relied on herb tea instead of ‘poteoa y medicine,’ gather ed the herba mhen in blossom, and eured them inthe shade ‘This is the pp of waking he hay. Cutis im the blos mand cure it in the shade The sugar he plant, when it is in bloom, is in the cck ready to form the seeds. Tf the psn is cutearlier, the sugar is not there ; the sree “has become converted hiss a sete. ter. Hay should te ve ie in the sun butoured n the cock e 8 little green than too ary: Tf on putting it into the Sarn there. is, ia of beatin. in the mow put on some salt. Cattle will ike it none th at, light aaa y,inds, will soon take the stareh and sugar, whioh constitute the enodness of ayjkout of it; and with the addtion of showers render it Simos worthless. x posuer tothe di ett: ing sunshine, is more. nutritious longer ¢xposed however good the weather way be. If over cured, it contains more foaily fibre and leds nutritive matter. The true at of hay making,, then von- sists in cutting the grass when the starch and sugar are most. fully developed and before they are converted, into seed and woodly fibres; and) curing it up to the point when it will answer to ue it into barn without heating, and no more. The Quebeo Mercury, mors honest than NO. 1, place = Cockburaniong {he Opposition adie So far from there being Syutly in the constitution of genius naturally xindred to either vice or misery, it is framed of Hightnessieosts aus happiness. At the annual weetihe of the Grand , held in Belville yesterday, Mr John Hilly ‘ard, Cameron;was re elected Grand Master by acclamation, Axorner ConreveRATE PRIVATEER —The brig Arabella, from Aspinwall, arrived at New York on Monday evening and reports that she ded. by the privateer Zocony, on the twelfth taken as a prie and released on a bound of 40, bess The captain said he intended to stroy all’ vesscls, Itis reported that ae had destroyed two vessels on. the mor ning of the 12th, “in sent their crews to Philadelphia. wep. Nearly al the women down So:ith use tobacco... An officer of the National troops, while ridin th ough Waterl.o; Ala stopped to make some inqmtie. One o the women, ed for some tobacco. Be gave her some suioaking, tobaceo( Danie"s ine fsa suatord Nor hein Gravel RpnlCons bese)but she said she wanted a “chaw.” He efered her friend who chawed | g y's passed his plug around. The whole fain ily used it, from the mother to a little child six yeors old. 8 By-Law Chap- 91, 10 ENABLE the (prporation of tle! County of Perth \o purchase the atford Northern Te Road and to rant certain moneys © certain other Roads in the Con Whereas provision has been made by the Corporatinn of the Canty of Perth of te purchase from theSMatford Nor~ fern Gravel Road Compmy of the Road known ea the Stratford Nothera Gravel Road, extending from the ‘wa of Surat. ford to the Seventh Conassion of; the Sus Lomaslip of Motsington ff the prading ther ada d Twenty sixth day Ot March, fr the year of our Lord Ove Theusand Hight Hundred and Siaty Thiee:— oils rm peysty the Townsbie of Bla d Wisco for the 2 iis bt et Bg + p of Elmn fromgtte ‘Bigh' Coveonen tt {4 Township io the Town ne of Wailace, and into sad Town. sip of Wwli oe on the vidi ling between ity 20m the turmpiking on said lim ‘he Townline. of the. Pownehip of Minto in in sheConoty of Well ngion—For graating riait other-medce tothe ‘ompship. of Loge’ qrareiling evr tain oath in that Township, ciso to the Township of South Katbope tor vravelliog theTow pling between bouth Easthope and Gere of Downie—to tbe Toon of Stratford for gravelling th por- tion of seid Town liné between Soutn sathope aud Gore of Downie, wheb hee wihin the limie of the Town of Stim fondo, he village of ptt IL for cerimin i pro Be it treo enacted by the On pbs tion of the County of Perth that the sum: f four jieeere dollars be paid to the Sustford Northe 4 vel Road Company Ft a purehase of said Northern Gravel and that the 2 Warde ee Bek of ane be at liberty to m the a COL Vey ance a ay a a ‘i odsny of Pert sesigne of the sad the Naatiard! Non fre se Road im’ accordance with the ot forth im @ report rdopted by this eel besring date the. ‘Twenty-Sixiti y of March, A D 1863, and that the re HBA arse vunty of Perth have the power and jurisdiotion for the’ evllec- cy osiof rates or tolla ow the said Gravel Bon oh be it further enacied. that.all-sine tutes aud By Laws of the Corporation of County of Perth Tob thé protection or 1) gularion of County Roads, aud for t cole nof rates or-tolly shell apply be entoreed.on snid road, And be it further enacted that she follow- rafited jtgvthe fol- be Sarah ee sul tana to Tagiacuaie i Mornings, 9,50 nah ito pe d dollars of Pen ai Mets wiih Of one theusaza “delta to the lown bip ol the sum of six hundred poi the i ‘Stratford, and .the #0 undred dollars to the Villoge of Wirchell, ‘est os to be expended in the manner set forth i the: presmble to. abi byelaw the - purpove afore— nineterp thousand will fe required to be of th O ount yO ot the tebe ite nded to bi by-law raise b; the said ccrporationiof the Conmty.of Perth dod amherese i will be necessary to raise Or e tanared and 0 pavand be ee eer pans iilerest hereon: 3rd. And whereas according to the last ree he ne bun- ality was ($6 usand Ooe hundred dr ed und iv siti tho thirteen doila at And pbinseanite ml reauteas Ue apie one hundred and obe,two hundredths of a full in.the 9.a8. oy ual special rate for paying the est ind. Creating “an equal pee bidethg Fuha-tct Ate purpobet Of te ¥ btinet aed by the [said core Jounty of Perth a follows, wu) for the to stue deb: nturés not exceeding in wee ole Jha starsestd dace’ ot 3} payable ig Kite yeurs from the SMe ot hereof, hearing interest igs rate of a per cent. pet an.ivin, ity the Bak of Upper Canida in Totosto:en the This eth 31st day of Den tea ted that tor the pays m ne of the paid debentures, @n ithe interest thereon, there shall be assessed raised \evied and eolleered_ in each year upon all the rate able preperty in the seit County of Perth an equal special rate of 101-200 ofa mill in er und above and in 1 the said debe shall ste the procee said Tat wai rae aaa an atofeaaid shall Se apoliadipulelrar argu nna ike faction of said debentures and th : ee oss as uforesai ‘Ana be it further enneted. that ‘Bylaw chap, 90-08 abe Corporati iotity ot Perth; ber aad tel Rie is hereby repesied "And be it further enacted that this, By- lew shall takeeffect and come into ropertion the day of the fiual pratage NOoTICH The above i et, cock of a proposed bs law to be tsken into consideration by the unicipality of ae ora Stentor} in the) said Coy ‘i feast 1 ny A fa da the hour of two o clock in the alternoon at wij sh time and pltcliesd members of the Council are here Dy reclea 10 attend for’ the purpose aloresai STEWART CAMPBELL nity Clerk. Stratford, C. W. 6th April A.D. 1863. CANADIAN Commission House, 163 Seneca’ St., St. Buffelo, WY, 0 N ENTS; soFciteg atd privat tle ma arte Tain, Blourdeed, But er, Kga ‘d, Pork, Poultry, Wool Hides, Sheep in, Fors and Raga, sea Fish, pele and aan Fis Fruits ae tables, “ALE Bofalo, July 20, 1962, a pat REMOVAL. THE “ EXAMINER” eorriron HAG BLLY REMCVED From its old quertore to longer and more Tom Nromuedions poualoes in the JARVIS BLOCK, MONTREAL ASSURANCE COMPANY, Extablished 1840. : SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL }200,000 TS _caeoasy sei continues te «fect in ces aguinst Fire and ia Na exon ‘Risks ‘on a6 favoral 18 a5 offer- ed by auy responsible Head Office:—No 9 ad St James St For farther information, rates, Ac, «pply to R WILLIAMS, ce nt. Division Oourt Office, B' Ontario St., Stratford, 1663 ‘ 552 tf SPECIAL~ ADVANTAGES GRANTED BY THR ROYAL INSURANCE CO CAPITAL. .£2,000,000 overned in e: tion of 000. poved. Fire Premium, 1830, Life Branch. Large: Bouus declared 2 rceilt per annum the sum ‘assured, the largest amount ever qedtlaaonsly: declared by any compan; Division of Profts every Five Year ‘te Polieien then in existence e _ THE “*ROVAL’? ed for the Brothel and ity of ite settlement of les, eourity for bet) branches Two Milliowy *cerling. and lorge Resorvé Funds. Futther information may be had on appli cation to HOMAS MACKIB, Mas. Steaiord, Feb. 24, 1862, 491.50: etroit G.T, R. West. 7.25 P Greeks m. STRATFORD POST OFFICE . R. West Accommopation. Closed 2 10 pm, Due t, Mary‘ Sarnia, B & L. H.R. R Closed i 3u a.m, Bravtford, Hamilton, Paris, "Due 11,504. m. Simeoe, St Catherines, Buffalo, Eas ERED ‘ Closed 1,20 p.m. Due 2.00 p,. m. Berlin, “ alt, Guelph, 5 Toronto. GL. R. R., East Acoommon. Amor Closed cx ta ate “800-0, Toronto; Ki 2sto Montreal, Quebec and ail plises @asi or west Toronto, B. & H, ROR, Weer. Due 4.50 p. m ebringville and Dependencies, eit Mar. for MulBank, G da- bill, T vping, Poote, &*, cloved on Tues dxy h Suutedey| and Saturday at 2 p.m, ‘AISV/ aW—Empn0—Brooxsp. Oloxed — Tuesdays, and ‘Sotubaays’ at 30 PLM. dav 12008 aati ie LB. Guan Lene—oloped every TT! urs- day at 1. 10p. ‘unard ine clun every Monday | ™ at 11.00 Stra fo 5 Dee, 1862, Provincial Jusnrance Company OF CANADA. INCORPORATED IN 1849. Subseribed Capia,- srifi3, 520 Praideat—Hon. J. i. Halyara Cameron. Vico-Prosident—J. * Moward, Esq. Se taatoaat ’ Hor 3 Mily « Fak, Men George Gra Sica, How M an M. y, Leomis vee aie faq M PP, WL ee a Ra: ry 1 mit yaney Cres Asilitant eaisharyead doneph Woodhouse Kegs BANKERS: BANK OF TORONTC. a aMesiie, Dagganis Borns, _Weav oFrice, TORONTO SVs ORONTO| MBE and Maile 1 a basta wansactud by this py at i ous Agencion, as\ wre!) oat ‘othe prep wettle allowed « commission of ten cont, aa Vinee bul rene a brought to the Head Office, where ing forms 0 application may be G. W “LAWRENCE, Agent, 421.72 Corner of Omtarfe and Erie Streets OPPOSIVE THE “Albion Hote wa Botranes from Erie steed P. the corner of Mr Watson's store,—isp st ALL BOW FANCY AND ORWAMENTAL |: PRINTING @an now be furnished ia the BEST STYLE And at very medorate rates. Imost meals to: point ont the crite Hi Ki BXAMINEQ es an adver Gore District Fire Insura: Batablished 1833. ( FFICE, on the corner of Col A. kis berre and King streets, GiwporHan’s Block. Compan 5 Abraham Cook, Esq, EeeeitB tbtahem Shade, Esq, man Hamilton, Esq, Paris wiles cO'Re uA Kon, i Hh aliheg James @Slenian| Esq, Diindas A. Higinbotham, Esq, eith, Haq, foun W. Downs; Esq, ‘Brantford Willian Walker, Esq, John Wye,,Esq., ALLEN GOOD, Secretary | THOS.RIGH, Travelling Agent. August, 1852. THE PHOENIX Fire & Life AavuTAnse Co OF LONDON—ENGLA PETER WA’ Ta ON, Agoutnt for Stratford agate THE “SHA MILTON SPECTATOR’? AND JOURNAL OF COMMERCE, 8 peel ora t the The Daily Spectator tiulisied .e very. moru epmbes nent $0 for three monshs, $2.60 fo $5 for 12 months, parable mont}, an: eateniv ie wtanee LATEST path By Mailand ‘Telegraph up to the hour going to press appears every Orme in a ily issee. Dail, THE MORNING DESPATCHES, enain the very latont tows from Europe the Recolor tee pee a in Parliament will also appear regul The Semi-Weekly Spectator In published on Wednesdays and Saturdays Tera ast, by mail, $2 per onnum payable Theo Weekly Spectato, For Country Girculatiou. Is published ev’ ry Thursday morning. Terme One dollar Be Sieg in advance, orcering five or more copies will Teceiye one copy free. pactator is the best and most widely heileeat jourual published west of Toronto, enjoying the patronage of the community of Western Canada of all shades ofpolitic, Its established character reliable newspaper has secured for it he ons ti ott of all Panel and ite beolltls ob- he latest news aud the earliest de= toatch, by, the mails to the worth an we at of mh on, render ita moet deaitable’ payer for the residents of thee Ioealtion Y. GILLESPY, Beso 18th Feb 1808. mercantile) Publisher | ate DEAD. SHOT. WORM CANDY [a andy’ to do wore ood tage «ther rors, Mies combit ha siond the tes whtalrd hundred \ ears dni ola Vatbpin cul" jouffSe.- I borne the name o! od DM eit Wo m (Candy ag als les ie bol all cope dion. ulty of corfund, ma w Stick, Asit resembles a nity stick iy taste ant appealance, and a cating itis) whol’y unconse cereale Mdtisdve. at whee worm xia, the results are beyond desenp> tio: ld of ten years of age of Rev ME DoDR, Detits ated over 500 wotiie whieh he je testifies that, he by ered y lessing it saved the hint" lite. Thousands VE ajenlog (eatin Opis ar given (without solicitation) to cre present roprictor sGauere ‘al Symptoms oi Worms stleseness, udden Be ne ing a teeth is sleep en Ray, igs Apatite utes ange Ree. Fret nea Eniacialione Flesh » Dry Goagh Sour Bberen reas will Hut exist ey using this ein it always ce ‘eh: 8 exist. 1b is baste harm 0 tende: infan ible PURFLY VEGETABLE COMBINATION, Full ' Directions ) with each Package a ae Rade Ty iy all rogégists undMeat e Delers in Rarope and Anierien at 74 penge sterling (15 cents) per p-ckage or 2 shillings (50 Seats) for tour Drekeiges sure me etch pon as the sions of LY M.D. Glasgow on the pists Call for Dr. McKenszie's Dead Shot Worm Candy ae aor: wn Nt: kta & Lyman, a akensth, aa a, nea, Kerry ny Co. a HAMttrok, Mui & Co, tere we a an, Eis ‘ die Foronto, i DONALD & Tenorio Nar “he Cin ie OKVIFE Bie a, To whom A Bee shi fois ve Addre seed), EATHFILL«, London. 498 549 DR. Huns Liquid Aromatic Physic-| i. An impotant amily wetiein ts cates where an opening gentle ‘physic required This Medicine contains no Mereury or any other Deleverious Drug, BEI\G VERY PALATABLE, i) answer for delicate temrles, or child y pleasant to ery rSpalan wit wai th t bee those ined “atcha th eh cals astor Oil Aloes. ita! cae xe jerever ity buy er introduced ithas met withrent ene es8, und ig hkely to supersede all «ther iénsht phy ic vresicies ae goin And ton; Gihowaee aad eho: prada peor eel G. ali 2 ou Vid ening ef qaionel we Uji = we wD Buffalo, ay nenece ay a ain pie -Y, Oi Weahingtin ste! ghicago, corner Olark ornentth eid Vine streets r tthe eet or address ax BRYANT & TRATTON. GENERAL INFORMATION, Ourst oorinn.* rd of Penmanship ix thefamous 'Spen- nd vacations, EMPLOYMENT. in of Coll Ke cit frther Pon oN: Y anitery try. Sorte ~ otk fina thut ld lk siikivg ‘8t wal ee Sef enessitY for medici form yet'the ay et deseritnk Becky i Determined to’ put cine of i preps remedy toh ihe disevaes! Of some nimilies inte which hemaw a malaiies ure divides; to stamp it aE the, sockety’® own oh thet the people knowhow to disting i: maln, [see pre J id ie made “ohne knowing Ratt uy a) use and recomend ii ito the a7) poor for Nctting. 0 inviting the dint fie ce of the good and ad itable agen bear, the Hh bein Ve will. b a "4 thing to Sr ‘out of tall those Ross | troms w ffered th ls of the, pree pwration which ‘they have ate the PEOPLES € hs x The Soc’ ty wake it P arent Lk 1nLE REMEDY, e lesion’ BLO known to hs rere ta Te the best comedy for ity. RHEUM 4 ae Bye ren A ag SROFULA AX SAL? RHE Wins been yet dimer ands a jae ly expect to derive « denen fron nse, mended for . fer Blotches, Pb famedeyer Brysipelas. P Dyspeptia and tee allot which are the outwerd igh cratic et oinorden d or Veop ot (er prey Tor Syphili In —The to py Barsaparilie, fee owe. ny in any quem | Hpieedly picasso the pele | “OL! AR PER Sor Ges To prevent imporicion, whe quires wil ap earch for wrat ite ato be ut to the Vi io aa ts be thre ae nha Physician oF Pas Henetier Such | application Shae contain short eye stump te pay for return vtey which wil eontain an order on pear, vat wholesale avert, For sale vy all he p Jc H0%dy NEW TREATMENT? °° BUFFALO t i edical | ., Dispensary! ' SSTAM . Cul Ne tnd yo Re Sore tht ia t, &y *ROURY WS BY De AMOS & SON 48, Hast Genesee Street, Ihrer doors week. of Hilicott street, Buffalo, N. ¥. Dp, Astos © Son are the the on ciensin Royal Golleve of 3 “geo tes of on of the ost eminent colleges im the United states inkoalidbareln eanpal cing that they have devote: Abin attgntion excl laste) to this peculiar class of mala and ther ve ty nity onabiled t cre 18 0 fully ee Ate rd and oe Uleers wn from all pitts 8 fou the express parpose only of ar cout RD, GRATIS, ICAL 8, Tay MaDI ADVISER, on 1 Nervous Debility und thy Various torms © decay, both yental and physical tio marae iors Nhat t aA jongyh any part of thew yf dhove AMOS & SON, see street bree doors Buff Office 48 Kast aime of — Ellicott treet west rhe 10 440 38 “A SLIGHT COLD,” or SLignT coup in its first © begi ning wouldy Mf vol attepded tc. ly, Phe sfiiewey of Brow a's Br eit Lad F AaSDUnIFa TEA be Weel ee P. ywouns,/ Say Hie! W Ineu men whererpe it a ne They were firet intr aed i Lehow beam proved bat thy y wc i i! re the ey ve tor O ough br eB, ay Heal ane sare fee! ons of thi, of, nd reat erika eo a PUBLIC -PEAKERS GND BINGRRS Wi “ubenetf ctual for clewring Wad diret Voenn gt wore From Rev Henry) ilkes D._D,, Pastor ot Zou Guile: M Wetant: “ When someshat onto from-eold ory ovine on i pubic >pesking, TL have nilorily lound Brown ‘Tyoches aftord rehiet, “A Dave heen much sfilieted with Broje im) Affection produce ho reeneas wd ough, ‘Trovhes ste abe vonly. CHeoiwal remedy, viang power aud clear. nove to. the vole, Rey Gro St Biber hareh Englan Milton P tsonege, Cali Two or three tines I have ben wttack= ed Ly Brovehitis so 98 to myke we. fear that L should be compelled to desiat from sinister Iavor, through dinaeder af, the throat, — ut from x moderate use of the Tr ebvs 1 vow find myrelf prenely nightly lor weeks together, without the slightert inconvenience. I recominend their : to pant ae *p ore, Soldby 1. per Rox wee Pa edicne at sou 26,